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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 4, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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have had their homes swatted. capitol hill lawmakers demanding stiffer penalty, federal penalties for people who conduct the swatting attacks. >> i think people need to understand there are real consequences to actions, even such as calling in a fake bomb threat or a swatting incident. they need to be held accountable. i think they need to be deterred with real stiff penalties. >> while this debate is just now getting underway on the federal level. there is some legislation for schools we've seen at least two states, virginia and ohio already increase penalties for these swatting attacks. it is getting more brazen by the day. >> bill: watch and see where it goes from here. nice to see you. >> dana: fox news alert. a high school in iowa on lockdown as we speak. officers are responding to active shooter calls at perry high school. multiple deaths are being reported. we're following this story and
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we'll bring you updates as soon as they come in. we have someone on the ground there and we're getting information. plus we have breaking news out of baghdad. a u.s. air strike targeting the headquarters of an iran-backed militia killing a high ranking commander. iranian proxies are targeting troops for months. more on the developing story. let's get you to this first. >> 312 suspects on the terrorist watch list that have been apprehended. we have no idea how many terrorists have come into the country and set up terrorism cells across the nation. >> dana: the homeland as a hafsh he en for terrorists. mike johnson leading one of the largest delegations coming to the border and exposing how the chaos is endangering americans on u.s. soil. welcome to "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. good morning. >> bill: the morning is busy. bill hemmer. president biden under increasing pressure to get a handle on this
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matter. instead of pivoting on their policies the administration is passing the buck onto republicans. >> we have house republicans that literally blocking the president's effort to do something. that's what they are doing. they are playing political games. they are doing political stunts. house republicans themselves voted to decrease the amount of border patrol agents by 2,000. >> zbl meanwhile the ongoing mess at the border is turning into a political albatross for the president. a large majority disapprove of his handling of the disaster there >> dana: greg abbott is standing by and madisonal worth. first aishah hosni on the hill with a new push to impeach secretary mayorkas. hi, aishah. >> that's right. the headline on capitol hill is that house homeland security
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republicans just announced they will be beginning impeachment proceedings against mayorkas starting next week. what does that mean? over the last year we've been watching these homeland security republicans really investigate mayorkas's job on the border. that work is now finished, dana. those interim reports are out and now republicans will lay out the evidence they've collected for why mayorkas should be impeached. committee chairman mark green saying our investigation made clear this crisis finds its foundation in secretary mayorkas's decision making and refusal to enforce the laws passed by congress. okay. the first of multiple impeachment proceedings. they begin next wednesday, january 10th. eventually that will culminate in the mark-up of articles of impeachment in the coming weeks. dhs spokesperson responding saying the house is simply wasting its time. wasting taxpayer dollars. remember, this is very important here, the senate is currently negotiating a border deal and
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secretary mayorkas has been a huge part of this. heavily involved in the talks. this impeachment push could really complicate those talks. congressman chip roy just told me yesterday that mayorkas simply cannot be in the room negotiating a bill if the senate plans on having the house support whatever they put out. here is mayorkas on whether the impeachment is going to undercut a potential deal. >> i hope not. we have a broken immigration system. the one fact that everyone agrees. our administration is focused on solutions and we're really pleased to join a bipartisan group of senators who are similarly focused on solutions. >> dana, we don't have a date yet for this mark-up. mark-up would be the last and final step before they would send this to a house floor for a vote. >> dana: lots to cover on capitol hill as the year kicks off. >> bill: the cover of today's "new york post" making a play on
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new jersey's nickname with the title garden state, get it? this is new jersey works overtime to make sure that migrants arriving there don't stick around. madison alworth is live at a train and bus station in new jersey, we watched 12 migrant buses arrive over recent days and you saw one just last hour. where did they come from and what are you seeing today? >> yes, we were here. a bus arrived just before 9:00 a.m. this morning. the bus itself from virginia, the migrants on board were from the southern border. they got off here and made their way to new york city. we were here for the arrival of that bus. it arrived 8:55 a.m. police got on board to count the number of folks there. 36 my grants on board. they got off and headed to the train platform. i chatted with some migrants as they made their way.
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>> ecuador. asked him where he is from. from ecuador. he is going to new york city, which is what we've been seeing. so, bill, like i just said it is what we've been seeing here in new jersey. they have had 12 buses. across new jersey there have been over 24 buses. this all happening because new york city has a new executive order which limits when charter buses can drop off those migrants from the southern border. that restriction essentially being ignored. it is being ignored, instead these buses are now stopping in new jersey towns. the migrants get off here and almost all of them continue on to new york city, a sanctuary city. what we're hearing from local leaders, mayors of these various new jersey towns is that they don't have the capacity for these migrants if they stay in the garden state. the mayor writing on his facebook page after the first buses arrived in his town. i want to be clear, if any bus, train or plane of illegal
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migrants come here i've instructed law enforcement and emergency management departments to charter a bus to transport the illegal migrants back to the southern texas/mexican border. the mayor of trenton saying they have been surprised by the buses and don't know what they'll do if migrants decide to stay in the garden state. >> we aren't given advanced warning. thankfully the majority of them have boarded trains bound for new york but there is no indication of whether they will be continued buses and whether that they will be given the train fare up into the city which would then become our problem. >> so what we have been seeing, as i mentioned, is once they get off the bus they make their way to the train. you asked where they are from. they originate from the southern border, the folks on the bus were from ecuador and venezuela.
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that's what the majority said. the issue with this setup they claim they don't have anywhere to put the migrants. as long as there continues to be an issue at the southern border it will continue to be an issue where to house them. send it back to you. >> bill: madisonal worth in new jersey. >> dana: from the suburb and the border crisis, let's bring in governor greg abbott. many texas buses to blue cities and i understand why. but when you listen to some of these mayors of these towns who are now fighting amongst themselves and not going to the biden administration and saying you have a responsibility here, help governor abbott to help us out, what do you think about their strategy? i understand yours. i don't understand theirs. >> well, dana, something has been revealed during this entire episode and that is that the very real hostility that
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democrats have against illegal immigrants. they profess to be sanctuary cities and states. they want to welcome them in until they actually do come in and then when they come in they say no, we don't want them here. we want to send them back to texas. they are for illegal immigration as long as it's texas and the border states that have to deal with illegal immigration. it is absurd to think they don't have the room. they think eagle pass and del rio, texas has room for it? we have more people coming across the border every day more than new york gets in a week or a month. the last point, dana, is the fact that there is only one reason why this is happening. that's because joe biden has eliminated all of the four policies that donald trump put in place that led to the lowest illegal border crossings in 40
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years. the remain in mexico policy, the title 42 policy, the end of catch and release and building a border wall. if the biden administration was enforcing the immigration laws passed by congress, the mayors of new york, the leaders of new jersey and chicago, etc. , they would not be having these problems. >> bill: governor, there is a lot going on here. in summary house republicans may not fund the government on this. that may come to pass. what do you think changed after the new year when we saw so many news networks there yesterday where frankly they had not been there for some time at a minimum? >> well, so you point out one thing that's changed. that is that members of congress and others are just now seeing for the first time how drastic this is. they are seeing the incredible record-breaking number of people coming across the border from more than 150 countries.
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in the past three years under the biden administration there has been the same number of people coming across the border as there is in the entire population of new york. and as a result of that, americans have grown incredibly frustrated and angry against the leadership in washington, d.c. the house republicans recognize something has to be done and they are working to make sure they will pass a bill that will put a halt to this illegal immigration. the biden administration right now is unwilling to go along with that. but the republicans have the democrats in washington, d.c. in a very tough place as long as the republicans stick together. there is a chance of getting meaningful immigration reform legislation passed that will stop all the illegal immigration coming across the border. >> dana: one last quick question. secretary mayorkas blamed december's record border crossings on climate change. has that been your experience from what you've heard? >> dana, listen, the only change
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in climate has been the climate of enforcing immigration laws. once again trump enforced the immigration laws that led to a record low number of people coming across the border. when joe biden came into office and when mayorkas came into office, they eliminated enforcement of immigration laws. that change in climate is what led to the all-time record breaking number of people crossing the border illegally. >> bill: governor, thank you for your time. to viewers if it sounds like a broken record, in a lot of ways it is. day after day we're doing it. governor, thank you for that. >> dana: one thing we didn't have to chance to ask him how the biden administration is suing texas to cut and remove the razor wire the state of texas put in to help protect illegal immigrants from coming across the border. as i mentioned, i understand the governor's strategy. i don't understand the white
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house's. >> bill: seems like there is a plan. >> dana: we want to get you to this as well. the first major retaliation from the biden administration against the iraqi militia group behind more than 100 attacks on u.s. forces in the middle east. how will that move impact growing tensions overseas. jack keane is here. >> bill: trevor bauer has been quiet for two years. today he is talking for one of the few times about the sexual allegations against him that cost him his job and cost him millions of dollars. he will sit down with us live coming up next. >> dana: we're following the breaking news out of iowa. police responding to a school shooting there this morning. a news conference is scheduled for 11:00 a.m. eastern just a few minutes from now. in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan.
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>> dana: welcome back to the fox news alert. an update from iowa. a school shooting at a high school in perry, iowa. new video that came in a few minutes ago. the extent of injuries is unclear right now. police will hold a news conference at 11:00 a.m. eastern so we'll keep you posted on that. >> bill: watching for that for sure. in the meantime, three years ago he was the best pitcher in baseball. within months, though, he had a contract for more than $100 million and that's when his life changed. the la dodgers gave trevor bauer a huge contract in february of 2021. within five months, he was out of baseball entirely, placed on administrative leave after explosive allegations of sexual assault against him. baseball gave him the harshest suspension ever. eventually he was released by the dodgers and is now, he says, fighting for his reputation and his career. trevor bauer is here to tell his story for the first time on
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television. good morning to you. thanks for being here. why have you been quiet for two years? >> there has been a lot of stuff going on. legal process playing out. a lot of stuff playing out. hasn't been the right time. but finally able to talk about things now and happy to be able to do so. >> bill: a couple of things i want to get into. some of these allegations are brutal. they're graphic and i would like your explanation. this goes back to april of 2021 and may of 2021. that same year. lindsey hill is your accuser. you sued her and gained access to her phone. >> yes. >> bill: and in may of 2021, this is the video that we can show our viewers that she took in your bedroom in pasadena, california. tell me about this. >> yeah. i have spoken about it on youtube video i put out. we had to sue her to get access to it. it was originally withheld from us in the original court
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proceedings. it speaks for itself. everyone can watch it and drawn their own conclusions on what that is. it's taken a couple minutes before she left house. >> bill: her lawyers later released a photo and it shows scratches on the side of her face, it shows both of her eyes bruised. and we can show our viewers that photo now. it's tough to see. >> yeah. >> bill: can you explain this picture? >> i know what she looked like when she left my house and her demeanor was like. it is something you would have to ask her. but i this i the video speaks for itself what she looked like when i last saw her. >> you are not denying that you were with her. >> i was with her clearly. i was -- right there in the video sleeping. that's me. >> we spoke and you told me the sex was consensual. >> yes. >> you believe that. >> 100%. i never sexually assaulted
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anyone. not who i am as a person. it's been excruciating the last two years being seen that way. that's not my character. i've never sexually assaulted anyone. >> bill: there are allegations from other women. i think there are three. are they lying, too? >> well, some of those things are still playing out. we will prevail in all of those. there is one outstanding lawsuit. we are going to win that. we won everything else. >> bill: you were given in a manner of speaking a death sentence from baseball. you had a huge contract. >> yep. >> bill: you had a hell of a hugh if you recall in front of you and then it was gone. you went to japan to play for a year. >> yep. >> bill: and now you are back. is there a team in baseball that is interested in having trevor bauer pitch for them? >> well, my agents are having those conversations. we've spoken with a lot of different teams. free agency is a weird process. it plays out differently every single year. timing is different every year.
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so we'll see. >> bill: you told me that in the past you've ticked a lot of people off because you are pretty free with your words. >> yep. >> bill: is that the reason why baseball did what it did? or do you think major league baseball knew something else? >> i'm not sure exactly why they did what they did. i know i've made mistakes. i'm trying to focus on that. how do i get better from the experiences that i've had? i made mistakes in my personal life. i'm really detail oriented when it comes to baseball and training. i didn't allow the same scrutiny to my personal life. i agreed to do things i shouldn't have done. it was reckless and it hurt a lot of people along the way. made things very difficult for major league baseball for the dodgers, my teammates, friends, family, people close to me. i have done a lot of reflecting on that and made a lot of changes in my life to address
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that. not having casual sexual relationships anymore, for example. i made a lot of people in the media mad. i was im mature when people wrote things about me i didn't agree with. i should have had a private adult conversation with someone. at the time i viewed my responses on social media as stand up for myself and having a voice. i think it was im mature. >> bill: you were bullied as a kid >> a lot. i'm 32,y. >> bill: you think you are a new person? >> i've grown up a lot. for sure. my viewpoints are different than they were five or ten years ago. different things are important to me. >> bill: do you think in a way that you have been a victim here or are you -- are you making excuses >> i want to reflect how i can be better what caused me to do the things i do to address those in my life and handle of a way i'm more proud of in the future.
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>> bill: if a team today said sign with us, play baseball with us, what would you do? >> i would love to play baseball. that's my goal is to play baseball in the united states. one of the best pitchers in the world and pluck to compete at the highest level and passionate about helping people and being good for the game. i've done a lot of damage unfortunately in the first half of my career. i would like the second half to do things better. >> bill: you aren't apologizing for anything? >> i'm certainly taking accountability for my role in this. i put myself in a lot of positions that made things very hard for people and i'm trying to be better. >> bill: made it hard for yourself. >> myself, but yes, myself, but a lot of people around me i think are more important than how hard it is on me personally. >> bill: good luck to you. it is a tenuous time in your life. whether or not another team goes for you on their team, you
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wanted to make sure you took advantage of telling your side of the story. >> i want to be heard. i think it's important and i just want an opportunity to do things better. i've made a lot of changes. i want to be better. i'm constantly looking to improve and i'm looking for an opportunity to be able to do that. >> bill: we'll see if you get a second chance. >> i hope i do. >> bill: thank you for your time. good luck to you and we'll see what major league baseball decides. >> thank you. >> bill: thank you for being here. 25 past now. >> dana: disgraced former harvard president claudine gay claiming there was a coordinated campaign to oust her because of her race and new york city mayor eric adams bragging the big apple is doing better than los angeles on crime and homelessness. do the stats back that up? our panel will discuss all of this next. >> there are those who say i'm harsh. do you your children to see this? do you want this in front of your house?
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>> bill: here is the update from perry, iowa. a press conference in 29 minutes. 11:00 a.m. eastern time. it is not considered an active scene. what that means we're not clear. let's get to mike tobin near the area now for an update on what's happening from our midwest bureau. what do you have for us? >> sad to report they are looking at the investigation of a mass shooting in perry, iowa, which is 25 minutes to the northwest of des moines, iowa. shots rang out reportedly at 7:45 a.m. dallas county, iowa sheriff's department confirms to garrett tenney they're investigating a mass shooting. a person said there was a mass shooting but didn't provide any additional information. as you look at the scene dozens of police and emergency vehicles at the high school there itself. this is only 10 miles away from where vivek ramaswamy had a
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campaign event planned today. you have the upcoming iowa caucuses. you have a lot of politicians in the immediate area out with the retail politicking so famous in iowa right now. this was also to be the first day back at school after the holiday break. we know that the school district, not the high school itself but the school district has 1785 people in the school district. the iowa department of criminal investigation is taking over the investigation and so what we're dealing with what right is a fluid situation. not a lot of confirmation as far as the number of casualties. social media traffic that the gunman turned the gun on himself and the gunman has been neutralized. none of that has been confirmed to this point. we are awaiting the briefing at the top of the hour with law enforcement. and we'll try to give you more concrete information after that. >> bill: mike, thanks. we'll stay on it. mike tobin. updates from perry, iowa when
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they come in here. thank you. >> dana: former harvard president claudine gay claiming in a "new york times" op-ed her resignation was the result of a coordinated campaign against her and warns of a broader war against universities. podcast host kennedy and fox business host cheryl casone are here with us. read from the op-ed that went round the world yesterday saying never did i imagine needing to defend decades-old and broadly respected research. the past weeks laid waste to truth. those who relentlessly campaigned to oust me since fall trafficed in lies and insults, not reasoned argument. they recycled tired racial stereotypes about black talent and temperament and false narrative of indifference and incompetence. i read about the plagiarism attacks dispassionately. interested. they laid it out in black and white. here is what you wrote, here is what this other person wrote and look at all of the similarities.
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to me that was just clear. >> it was identical. anyone who has ever written or published anything, you know that that's a no no especially in academia. the problem for her wasn't just that she lifted these passages word for word. it was that other professors and academics came forward and some of them said yes, she may have used my verbiage but it doesn't amount to plagiarism. others were like she absolutely stole from me. it is plagiarism. i don't know how she is in the position she's in right now. this has been known to people in her research circles for a long, long time. and harvard turned a blind eye to it especially during the investigation they did that took about a month. >> bill: i thought the key line from the piece i walked into a well-thread trap. >> dana: by congress, yeah. >> this was all racially motivated and you walked into a trap. you were overlawyered when you went to the committee hearing.
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stefanik called her out. she gave her multiple opportunities and the attacks against student students and threats against their life and refused to do it. she was overly lawyered. big ackman, harvard alum vocal about what he said has gone wrong at harvard and was never corrected was the dei initiative that got claudine gay her job. what he says is this is not about dei that we've seen in corporations or believe dei was going to be. this is about the oppressed/oppressor type of theme that we're seeing at college campuses and this has nothing to do with -- >> bill: ackman is worth 4 billion and hugely successful. big supporter of harvard. he isn't done at harvard. >> she is on the board. >> dana: billionaire against billionaire. >> i was reading the op-ed and
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so beautifully written. i wonder who wrote it? >> dana: where did she get this? want to ask you about this as well. you know los angeles well and you live in new york. mayor adams is basically saying hey look, this city is not so bad. look at los angeles. here is what he said yesterday. >> this is another city in american. this is what you threw up your hands, fires burning on the street, children out here, there are no toilets. go look at other cities. look at what we inherited when i put in place our homeless encampment task force. you don't see this in new york. >> dana: effective? >> it was very effective. that photo was taken about 11 months ago in l.a.'s skid row that last nitty been cleaned up. the efforts in l.a. have been futile. the homeless encampments have spread in places you used to love they no longer exist in that way. it has almost gotten past the
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point of no return. karen bass, the mayor has her hands full. it is like saying, you know, we've got cancer, they have alzheimer's. yay for us. both pretty sick. >> bill: the mayor should have been at my subway staff last night at 6:30. west fourth street was a mess. vagrants everywhere. >> by the way, i hate to break it to you i saw a tent in central park yesterday with someone living in it with 35 degrees. it is what happens when you are a sanctuary city. now cam planing about the migrants coming in because they have to right them. right to shelter in new york city. i have to give it to adams he is making his best efforts to fight back. going to court to get the right to shelter laws tamped down. >> bill: a long way from where we were. agreed? >> i agree. someone who stuck it out in the city sadly still to this day. >> bill: thank you both. >> dana: good to see you both. >> bill: the first direct
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response from the biden team against the iraqi militia group behind more than 100 attacks in the middle east. general jack keane will answer that issue next.
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>> bill: just want to let you know waiting for police to brief. 17 minutes now on perry, iowa. paul mauro is on the phone with us. it's hard to piece it together. we're hoping for the best. hasn't been a lot of information coming out of that school of 17 hundred 50 kids. >> right now the responding police first order of business obviously will be to assist any victims. we've seen this in the past in
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other situations. the hope is the protocols are in place. the police responding have considered the situation like this. no guarantee this is a student. when we see a high-school level shooting we think that but don't know that. so they don't know what they're dealing with. first assist the victims, any victims that there are, secondly, get everybody out of there and then you can start worrying about who you've got, where he is and you want to isolate and contain. two steps, the victims, and isolate and get the perp. generally it will be the local cops who will be first on the scene. they are walking around responding to 911 calls. they will to know the local terrain. f.b.i. agents in a rural area, f.b.i. offices may cover a large area and not familiar with conditions on the ground. fastest way to get there. in a situation like this they
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will be in an advisement role and provide any material hard or human assets if it comes to that. >> bill: first day of school since the holiday, too. paul, thanks, we hope for the best at the top of the hour. thank you. >> dana: u.s. official confirms to fox news the military launch i had an air strike in baghdad this morning targeting a militia leader responsible for 118 strikes on american forces in the region since mid october. general jack keane joins me now. what do you know about this individual or this group that was targeting americans and why do we take the opportunity now? was it just presented to us? >> well, this is part of the population mobilization front that's a key organization that's iranian-backed militia group that has been leading much of the attacks against our bases in iraq and syria. they were really focusing on the senior leader who is one of the
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six people in a vehicle. i think four were killed. x number wounded. likely we've been tracking this individual for some time making we know of his whereabouts and used a drone to sur veil him and also to issue the strike. high time we started taking down some of these leaders in my mind. i think this should be an initial first step and continue to be aggressive in dealing with these things because as we have been reporting for weeks now, they are going to keep coming until we force them to stop. that's the reality of the situation we're facing. >> dana: what do you say to people who worry? i know everyone should be concerned about a wider war but the tensions are there. our forces were being attacked and so the biden administration took this action today. you do have some saying well, will this possibly lead to iran trying to do even more? >> well, over 100 attacks on our bases seems to me that the war
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has been expanded. shutting down the suez canall with only half of the shipping getting through because of the houthis conducting attacks and disrupting commercial shipping which required a multi-national escort force to do that. that seems like a pretty significant expansion of the war. i think we have to face the facts on the ground is what they really are. our timidity and reluctance to be aggressive in confronting them, i think, is leading to more aggression on their part. this is common sense, i think, in dealing with it. certainly iran is a player here, dana. we should be taking them on and not be reluctant about it. the fear is if we hit a capacity that iran owns, then people in the administration are concerned that would lead to a direct confrontation with iran and a war with them. history doesn't support that. iran uses their proxies to avoid direct conflict with the united states. why? because they know full well they would lose their regime if they had direct conflict with the
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united states. >> dana: general jack keane, thank you for getting on with us today. we appreciate it. >> yeah, great talking to you guys, thank you. >> bill: former president trump now asking the u.s. supreme court to intervene in a decision to ban him from the ballot in the state of colorado. what will the justices do, we wonder? and we wait.
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>> bill: after visiting the disaster at the border, house republicans are saying it out loud. accountability is coming. they now have set date for the first hearing on impeachment of homeland secretary mayorkas. plus the eye-popping high profile names who were paling around with child sex trafficker jeffrey epstein. congressman and he biggs of arizona, kellyanne conway, jason rantz, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> dana: police say there has
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been the shooting at the high school in perry, iowa. extent of the injuries are unclear. a press conference at 11:00. reports of one person dead. we don't know if that's the chart. we'll get this information at 11:00 a.m. in iowa there are lots of activities happening and vivek ramaswamy had an i event scheduled ten miles from the high school. >> bill: a lot of reporters in the state. the caucus is 11 days away. if you live in iowa, you know if you are watching us right now we'll get you the press conference coming up. you are seeing ads for this. the darker the green, the more money they spent up to $1 hundred million dollars in iowa. new hampshire hit next. right now that's where iowa is. who is spending the money? the tv ad reservations still out there now 11 days away. look how much time nikki haley has reserved and spent more than $5 million with 11 days to go.
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right now she is at 16% according to the fox business poll. donald trump at 52% according to the latest poll. i'll head over here and ask you some trivia. are you ready? has any candidate ever gotten 50% of the caucus vote there in iowa? >> i believe the answer is no. >> bill: you are right. very good. >> dana: you know who told me that? i read it this morning. >> bill: another one for you. what was the largest margin of victory in any iowa caucus? republican or democrat? >> dana: democrat. >> bill: sorry, who was the candidate? >> dana: oh, jimmy carter? >> bill: good guest. bob dole, 1988. when we're in iowa, one of the big stories whether or not can trump get to 50%? what's his margin of victory if indeed it turns out. >> dana: if he makes history it would be remarkable. the former president is asking the supreme court to overturn a decision in colorado that booted him off the state's primary ballot.
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now we wait for the high court to decide on its next step. david spunt is live in washington. do we have any indication if the court is ready to do this? >> we don't yet. we're waiting to see what the court does and says. three of the justices that donald trump appointed are pondering this morning do we even get involved? he hopes they do. he hopes they overturn this controversial ruling from the colorado state supreme court. the justices, though, have quite a decision to make, dana and bill. will they directly get involved in this case? it is a political hot potato. the supreme court traditionally likes to stay away from politics. though one could argue they failed at that spectacularly over the past few years. in addition to the supreme court, the former president has a court calendar and a campaign calendar that are on a collision course. the iowa caucuses coming up january 15th. donald trump's defamation trial involving carroll begins one day
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later. jack smith wants to begin trial on march 4th in washington, d.c. where the president is charged with trying to overturn the 2020 election results. that could be delayed because an appeals court is now involved. the classified document case in florida set to begin may 20th. although that could be delayed. now donald trump has many legal remedies such as appeals and delays which would really turn the art of the deal author embracing the idea of the art of delay. right now we're waiting to see what the supreme court says, whether or not they will take this case. many suspect they will because critics say it is outrageous that colorado could take the frontrunner in the republican party and take him off the ballot as we saw in maine as well. >> dana: the most bipartisan agreement we have in the country right now is that the supreme court should take this up and decide. they might want different decisions but the agreement is about the supreme court getting to it. thank you so much, david. >> you're welcome. >> dana: make sure you know
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about this. fox news is hosting town halls in iowa. nikki haley's event is monday at 6:00 p.m. eastern. tuesday night we'll hear from florida governor ron desantis. former president trump is set for wednesday at 9:00 p.m. eastern. martha maccallum and bret baier will monitor all three events. they're headed to iowa. >> bill: questions from the caucus goers. what is on their minds and what's on our mind at the moment is this scene in perry, iowa, a couple minutes away from the press conference from police. this is what we understand. a shooting early thursday at the city's high school at 7:45 local time when school begins after they come back from the holiday break. first day of the second semester. there is an a.p. report saying that zander shelly, age 15, was in a hallway waiting for her first day of school after the break when he heard gunshots and
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dashed into a classroom. apparently that's what his father is telling the associated press. >> dana: f.b.i. is on the scene and told they have let the local officials there take the lead, of course. they're there in a supporting role. you might hear from the f.b.i. as well on this. 40 miles from des moines. people getting back to work, getting back to school and not a good way to start the year. hopefully the police will have more information that is positive coming up in just a few minutes. >> bill: it was the most scared i've been in my entire life, end quote. i'm certain that's the case. big high school, 1700, 1800 kids. >> dana: that was the whole school district. not just that school. >> bill: well north of des moines. we're hoping for the best right now as the press conference gets underway. >> dana: harris faulkner is next with "the faulkner focus." here she is. >> harris: we begin with breaking news. school shooting in i


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