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tv   Fox News at Night  FOX News  January 4, 2024 8:00pm-9:00pm PST

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>> ♪ ♪ >> [applauding]. >> greg: out of time. >> [cheers and applause]. >> [cheering]. >> we did it. >> i am trace gallagher. 11 p.m. on the east coast. 8 o'clock this los angeles.
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this is america's late news fox news at night. breaking news capital buildings and courthouses evacuated for a second day after bomb threats across the country. bomb teams were deployed to numerous government buildings but no signs of explosives. investigators believe these threats are phone but they are targeting red and blue states. the public needs to remain vigilant. here is the latest. >> we will begin with mississippi where the department of public safety evacuated the state supreme court and capitol building. second day in a row for the mississippi state capitol. a hoax hit multiple states with bomb threats that were emailed
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in. you can see the places here. new york representative said congress needs to act. >> i think we need to crackdown on it. people need to understand there are real consequences to actions. even such as calling in a fake bomb threat or a swatting incident. they need to be deterred with real stiff penalties. >> adding to the chaos, the homes of 11 elected officials from across the country have been swatted. where law enforcement is called to report a fake incident. marjorie taylor green from georgia said her home has been hit 8 times. >> i had to go to the door in the middle of the night. the swat team showed up with gun in hand. they were told i murdered
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someone and i was ready to commit suicide and willing to shoot police officers. it's extremely serious. >> the fbi told fox we urge the public to remain vigilant and support individuals to law enforcement. some fake calls are coming from ove overseas. >> trace: thanks. nicole, you look at these calls. all hands on deck circumstances. you have people flocking to courthouses and capitol buildings. what a massive waste of resources when they are phoney calls. >> that's correct. it's a waste of resources. when violent crime is off the roof in every major city this is not the time for law enforcement to be diverted to incidents that
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are know real. the individuals need to be held accountable. if you think you are going to get away with it and it's fun, you will be held accountable. i worked investigations and we hold individuals accountable. as a former fbi agent this is something i had done. this is not funny. they are diverting resources probably laugh seeing what havoc they are causing. there needs to be accountability. >> trace: the fbi said stay vigilant. is it the cry wolf theory. it's fake and then it's not and when it's not the resources don't show up. before the oklahoma city bombing there were a bunch of phoney calls across the country. who knows? >> right. that's the danger in it.
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in law enforcement you have to take threat seriously especially now. it goes back to the fact this will not be tolerated. these people must be held accountable. it's a massive waste of resources. swatting is dangerous for law enforcement and for the alleged victims. it puts everybody at risk. those doing these things they think it's funny. it is not. >> trace: your take on this. a school shooting in perry, iowa, a 6th grader killed. the shooter 17 years old took his own life. some say the shooter was bullied. listen to this. >> he was bullied since elementary school. i was going it to that school my entire life and the kids did horrible things to him. >> trace: we see this a lot. you covered school shootings
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this florida. your final thoughts. >> it is. many times these individuals think i will carry out my grievance. i was a victim. i will seek revenge on the people that bullied me. i saw the same thing in the parkland school shooting. he killed 17 individuals. they use violence and it is not okay. >> trace: thank you. america's crime crisis include a troubling trend. criminals banding together. in washington, d.c. there is a call for shoplifters to unite and in los angeles they included a mob of more than 100 people. jackie is live in new york city. >> shoplifters stealing carts full of laundry detergent is
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a regular occurrence less than a mile from the u.s. capital. empty shelves with out of control theft. last month 5 suspects were spotted making off with $250,000 worth of merchandise after they discharged a fire extinguisher during a smash and grab. braise know retail crime in the nation's capitol reached a new level with this poster calling for shoplifters to unite. take everything that is not nailed down and bust windows in the safe way grocery score. the d.c. police say if you see something, say something. customers say thieves are not stopped with stolen items. >> they can't keep anything in stock because it's stolen off the shelves. >> the crush of retail theft is
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felt in california. there was a break in at a compton bakery. this white car backed into the building and made its way in. residents are frustrated over a lack of action. compton's mayor is calling for the city council to increase penalties for these take overseas. hard to believe we are even here. >> trace: it is. the frustration runs so deep. let's bring in carl and vick. you have these mobs, vick, they are targeting certain stories so they can ruin these stores. it's a trend we are going through. >> it is a trend. it's the same law enforceed in
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different ways. san diego county is conservative and you can't pull this. northern california is the opposite. i see the potential for serious violence. let's assume the bakery owner says i won't let this happen again. if the group goes back, the way it happens all over, the store owner will say you are not ruining my livelihood. let's say there is a shooting. some d.a.'s even in santa cruz on a big case is saying we can't identify the victims but we are charging you with attempted murder for protecting your property. >> trace: that's a great point. it's a soft dog crime problem. the d.a.'s across the country. >> there are two drivers.
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first the soft on crime. coddle the criminal. these people know if they are caught they won't be prosecuted. we are sending the message it's okay to do it. the second thing is we created a culture of victim hood. these individuals don't think when they are doing is wrong. they were told by left leaning politicians they are victims and they deserve. people who have things are predators. you should go take. the culture of victimhood is something we have to start pushing back against. the claudine gay scandal is an example. did everything wrong but she is the victim of racism and all sorts of conspiracy theories. >> trace: about the bakery the "new york post" wrote the following. before they flooded in and ransacked the store." they did this on purpose.
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they crashed the car in. a through technique, crashing a car in so everybody is flood in. >> it's new to see it on the news but not new in real life. it's happened for decade when a tow truck pulls out an atm machine or take the register. now there is a clash between store owners and the petty thieves who respond to social media requests. what will happen when throughout this state there is a conflict of people defending their property who are finding themselves as criminal defenders. >> trace: shut down in sacramento. here is one protestor and watch.
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>> california is one of the most progressive states in america. we are asking our politicians to stand on the side of justice. stand for peace instead of war. we will interrupt this as long as the israeli military continues to wage genocide funded by the united states government. >> trace: don't call it an insurrection. >> this writes itself. the national media. the democrats all in a lather about january 6th and the insurrection. shutting down an institution of government. going into the capital. here you have a democrat controlled state. what do the politicians do? they sit silently. there is no press conference today by the governor or the speaker of the assembly. what you have is enabelling
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messages sent. what you are doing is part of democracy. this is normal to shut down the legislature and trespass. they took over that building for hours. they shutout all of the lights. i thought they were going to play music from 1989. these people did not leave for hours. they shut down the entire legislature. it just takes a militant group of leftists to take over the government but it's not insurrection. >> trace: president biden will highlight an extremist movement from maga republicans marking the third anniversary of the attack on the capital. >> ahead of the launch of
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biden's reelection campaign this is a new ad aiming to paint former president trump as a threat to democracy. >> all of us are being asked right now: what will we do to maintain our democracy? history is watching. the world is watching. most importantly our children and grandchildren will hold us responsible. >> biden has a big speech friday in pennsylvania. an opportunity to continue to shape that narrative. however, that comes as he continues to battle sagging national approval ratings which have him only in the upper 30s. the trump camp is responded to the biden ad telling fox it's clear joe biden is trying to con the public by refusing to talk about how he devastated the american economy and the surging
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border crisis under his watch and explain why america is less safe on the world stage. the countdown to the iowa caucuses continues, it's the race for second that could set the tone for new hampshire and beyond. government ron desantis was near 30% settled in around 18% if the polls are believed. nikki haley is 16% in the latest surveys. >> trace: wondering if nikki haley takes a hit from a comment she made. thank you. the fox news at night common sense support finds it interesting that president biden will begin his campaign push near valley forge, pennsylvania. biden is not going there to talk
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about his record or george washington. the presidencies valley forge as a good place to bring up the 2017 violence in virginia and the riot at the u.s. capital or the insurrection. a key theme for the biden campaign is trump supporters assaulting democracy saying america is worried about the rise in political violence. common sense thinks the biden's campaign of political violence is violence that did not involve the left. just yesterday at the california state capitol an anti-semitic rally took over the building and pushed out lawmakers. don't you dare say insurrection. it's a demonstration, don't you know? like the 2020 riots that attacked government buildings. they were mostly peaceful
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protests. common sense knows that politics has always been dishonest but hard to imagine george washington blaming the cherry tree debacle on maga republicans. denise and lauren. i will play more of this biden ad and we will get your response. watch. >> something dangerous is happening in america. an extremist movement that doesn't share the basic belief in our democracy. all of us are being asked: what will we do to maintain our democracy? history is watching. the world is watching. most importantly, our children and grandchildren will hold us responsible. . >> trace: they are framing this as good versus evil in the lightning and format. >> that's what happens when you
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have people deciding the definition of democracy for their own political gain. that's the most dangerous use of the term democracy. once we decide that you are bad and only my definition is good, we divide america further. that's the greatest threat to our nation that division. >> trace: lauren, the president would rather run on trump being hitler than on biden being the best thing for america. >> well, look, that's what is going on here. i don't understand a lot of the biden campaign message. i don't understand where kamala harris is in the ad 10 times. this i do understand. january 6th is one of the only issues democrats have that is a losing issue for republicans. the clear majority of americans think it was an attack on democracy. they think trump was responsible and they think what trump did
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was a crime. that's not the same for other issues where republicans have the advantage. of course democrats are going to run on january 6th, trump and abortion because they can't run on crime or on the economy or any of the other issues you have been talking about. >> trace: you run on what you can. this is what some are calling nikki haley's dis-iowa. >> you know iowa starts it and you correct it. >> trace: the governor of iowa could we don't need correcting. your thoughts? >> this is one of the perils of modern campaigning. you might forget where you are. nikki haley is doing
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a phenomenal job. i think she is in strong play. this is ron desantis to lose. if he loses he is out. he put all of his eggses in the basket. he said he will win. nikki haley can afford to make mistakes. >> trace: mayorkas with bret baier on "special report." >> you don't take as head of this department any blame for what we are seeing on the border currently? >> right. the numbers are historic and extraordinarily large. this is something that is not specific to the united states's southern border. >> trace: that's no longer a crisis. it's a challenge and irregular i haveigration. -- migration. >> it's tough to understand
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democrats on this issue. they argue all the time look at what we have done. we addressed the root causes and did a 180 from trump policy which is not true. politics 101, don't look at a crisis and say we have nothing to do with it. he needs a better than answer. >> trace: he does. thank you. coming up a new unsealed batch of court documents if the jeffrey epstein investigation just dropped and there are brand new accusations against a former president. later in the night cap. 38% of americans believe if they were asked to throw the first pitch in a baseball game they could throw a strike. could you? if so, what is your strategy? warming up. let us know on social media.
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we will read the best responses in the night cap. it's 8:21 on the west coast. fox news at night trip across america. phoenix, arizona, you can see the foot print center home to the phoenix suns. next over to iowa. the des moines river. and a live look at prove dennis rader -- providence, rhode island. watch us any time. but we are better live. a little more energy. we will come back with the second batch of of the jeffrey epstein documents. world the vikg way from the quiet comfort of elegant small ships with no children and no casinos. we actually have reinvented ocean voyages, designing all-inclusive experiences for the thinking person. viking - voted world's best
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here's why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> ♪ ♪ >> trace: breaking a second
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batch of jeffrey epstein documents unsealed. much of the new information resolves around the relationship between jeffrey epstein and the clinton family. in one document lawyers for accuser virginia and ghislaine talk about pictures of maxwell at chelsea clinton's wedding. and bill clinton was mentioned in an email we wrote about vanity fair. we are quoting. it concerns me what they want to write about them. he said he threatened them. a representative for "vanity fair"'s editor said this did not
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happen. let's bring back a quick legal question. i don't know. they are denying this. if bill clinton pressured "vanity fair" to not run a sex trafficking article on jeffrey epstein any legal ramifications? >> i don't see anything viable. we are not dealing with a government entity. if there is property taken that's actionable. "vanity fair" is a paid for publication. it discloses the elephant of the room of the this 2 tiered system of living life. favors are done for others and people suffer and there is no cause of action to get redress. >> trace: thanks for the double duty. growing concerns about wider wars in the middle east
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following another houthi attack in the red sea and a drone strike in bagdhad that killed a high ranking commander. kevin cork is back live. >> the strike in baghdad was the first known targeted killing an an iranian militia leader by the biden administration. he and another associate were traveling in a vehicle east of baghdad when they were killed by the drone strike. strikes in the red sea continue. there have been 25 attacks on commercial vessels in the red sea since the houthis began attacks back in november. the latest strike this morning from an unmanned surface vessel
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that detonated in the red sea in an international shipping lane. it was miles away from any u.s. navy ships. no reports of damage. but the shipping liance are very dangerous. >> trace: the host of the watch man middle east analyst and a former editor and chief. eric, we sent a message to iran. general jack keane thinks this message should be boulder and louder. >> i think it's about time is the big statement here. the biden administration keeps saying it wants to avoid a wider war in the region. it's held back from striking iranian back militias and the houthis in yemen but war is upon
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us. the iranian regime is attacking u.s. interests in the region on a daily basis. the iranian regime only understands the language of force. today was a welcome development. the strike in baghdad but more is needed. >> trace: that's a well made point. the houthis keep firing at since in the red sea. hurting the economy in that area. it's a problem. >> it is a problem. deterrences start at the white house. they have not gotten the message. they continue to provoke and bring the biden administration into another war and bring the united states into another war. there has to be a cleary message. for 3 years there has been a message of coddling. taking the houthis off the terrorists list when they are
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a terrorist organization. iran is enriching uranium. here we are. >> trace: john kirby was asked about the houthis and said this. >> we don't telegraph our punches, but we take these attacks very, very seriously. the impact they are having on international commerce. and free shipping. we will keep doing what we need to do to protect our interests. >> trace: critics say they are not throwing enough punches. >> trace, exactly. the biden administration keeps saying this is purely a defensive operation in the red sea. we won't go on the offensive against the houthis. that's the wrong message. that emboldens them and the iranian regime.
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i am astounded it's gone this farm. major companies are saying we will avoid the red sea and that will have a ripple effect on the global economy and the united states. >> trace: a major explosion in iran that killed more than 100. isis is claiming responsibility. you think, really? are you buying this? ? >> should we believe isis or hamas or iran's regime. no. take it with a grain of salt. there have been times where isis claimed responsibility where they had no participation and where iran's regime has thrown down false flag to get world sympathy and blame it on other people. always question. >> trace: they said maybe this is isis. give them 5 minutes. isis, oh, yeah, it was.
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>> thanks to social media they can put it out there and the media jumps on top of it. >> trace: very true. thanks for coming on. california getting called out by a famous residents for providing a vital service to illegal immigrants for free. a small dog takes on a trio of bears. would you try this at home? today's best viral videos are next. ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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biovanta is the only number one physician-recommended product chosen over all others, including tylenol, mucinex, zicam, and nyquil / dayquil. the combat symptoms and boosts immunity. biovanta really works. what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> trace: california's move to provide free healthcare for hill toppers has gotten push back including from rapper 50 cent. >> 50 cent hit social media on a change in california law that
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went into effect on new year's day. it provides health coverage to more than 700,000 illegal immigrants living in the state. on instagram 50 cent said they don't even give veterans health insurance. the price is what it will soft state taxpayerers next year. this is a push to extend medi-cal. it started in 2017 for children. medi-cal provides coverage for some veterans. 50 cent's frustration reflects that of other critics.
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this program began when california had a budget surplus. now they face a short fall. >> trace: let's bring in a former white house attorney and a delegate. thanks for coming on. giving illegal immigrants health insurance the "new york post" wrote the following: california's healthcare system is strained with long emergency room wait times and a dire nursing shortage. most veterans are waiting months to see a doctor. it's been that way for a long time because the resources are down this won't help. >> california never had a spur plus. it was a pretend surplus. legal citizens we get penalized for not carrying enough coverage.
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doing this big giveaway to people breaking the law is bad. >> trace: illegal immigrants are already allowed food assistance, cash assistance. housing assistance. school lunches. the list goes 11 to 12 deep. one more thing with the budget deficit when your own people can't get these things is where critics say it's too much. >> we can learn from new york. eric adams cut funding to police and to education and even to garbage cans to pay for migrants. there is a federal law meant to deal with this. it's public charge. if you are an immigrant illegal or legal and you take more than you should, far more than you put into the system, then you are not allowed into our
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country. people lost their minds about this law. and so it doesn't exist. president biden refused to continue to enforce it. >> trace: and they are breaking the law by coming into the country. dei is under attack. barry wrote this. it's time to end this. no more forced declarations you will prioritize identity over excellent. no more going along with little lies for the sake of being polite. now dei is dei-justice. maybe people back off. that's what is going on with critical race and on and on. >> they are slippery. where is the shell?
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crt was bad and dei-j is wronger. watch out for social emotional learning. it's marxism and based on racial grieveiances. you believe in white supremacy and you believe in black inferiority. >> your final thoughts? . the dei-reframing campaign. >> the j for justice is offensive because justice is supposed to be blind. they are rearranged the letters to call it jedi. it's not funny. it's harmful. you bless terrorism if the
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terrorist is the right race. >> trace: thank you. first up in tonight's viral videos. this north dakota man is having a heck of a time trying to open a car door after an ice storm. not only was the handle frozen, he could barely get to the door because the ground is slippery. there is a wave crashing on to the sydney shore lines. the neon blue is natural that happens when the ocean is calm and warm. sometimes they call it red tide. >> to lift material. >> trace: a woman in virginia documenting her renovation project digging a tunnel beneath her home.
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hitting 500,000 followers on tiktok. fans dubbed her tunnel girl sharing the blocks used for the 30 foot entrance. the chamber is 22 feet beneath the ground. pretty cool, right? three black bears in north carolina until a feisty fido scares them. a 22 pound dog that forces them up the fence and out of the yard. black bears tend to be shy but become bold if they are dependant on human food take your trash out and lock it up. here's the deal. you were given the chance to throw the ceremonial first pitch in a baseball game. do you think you could throw it in the area of home plate? get this. 4 out of 10 americans believe
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they could throw a strike! still time to weigh in. you are next with your stories about your baseball pitching prowess.
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to duckduckgo on all your devie duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi
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and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> trace: back with the night cap. kevin cork, and jackie. you are on the mound. 38% of americans believe they can throw a strike to the catcher throwing out the ceremonial first pitch at a baseball game. do you think you could throw a strike in denver throwing out the rockie's first pitch? >> in this dress? no way. i could not handle the pressure. i don't like to parallel park. my son plays baseball and he would be mortified. >> trace: that's funny. last year bill hemmer threw out the first pitch of the angels game. if he was late it was going to be me. i was warming up. jackie? >> do i think i could get it close?
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yes. throw a strike? absolutely not but i would try. >> trace: kevin? >> maybe not a strike. but i guarantee i could get it there and get it close because you don't have to throw it like a pitcher. just throw like you would throw a ball to your friend. >> trace: vick? >> i think do it. it would be a change-up. i would swing out of my shoes on the golf course and it goes 150 yards. i would do the same thing on the mound and throw a change-up. >> i am stuck on the 38% number. no way. i would probably embarrass myself. probably not. >> trace: everybody thinks i could do it. roxanne? >> men think they can do it. i know what a woman is and i can't do it. >> trace: i would definitely doing. could you throw a strike to the catcher during the first pitch.
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about the poll. adam young says i may be rusty but i was a pitcher so no problem. bob lyons if i got to warm up for 30 machines. -- minutes. they say you have to warm up. in the mound was moved up 45 feet maybe. 15 feet away a strike. it's a lot of pressure. maybe i could if i had a few practice throws. they don't give you any extra throws. it's the big time. you are in front of the big crowd and a lot of presidents have thrown dirt calls over the years. thanks for joining us and for watching fox news at night. i am trace gallagher in los angeles. we will see you right back here again for a friday night fox news at night. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best with non-habit forming zzzquil.
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