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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 4, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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is welcoming a small but mighty addition. dit's the 201st recognize breed is called the lancashire heeler. it's a little guy. thank you. you also there's a new installment of short questions with dana perino. great. you're going to like this. one with emily company. >> so those will never be shorlt . >> so unless based on the date . >> all rightmore, so i don't haa one more thing. oh, in lieu, would you like to promote your book? why not? let's just go get it together. available now. preorder it. itarriven ma will arrive in mare way, tonight. >> jesse watters, prime time inside epstein island. inside, inside, inside. until you get there, weren't you? isn't it on women inside? >> it's inside that are a lot. >> we have an insider who filmed inside. inside the island behind i think inside the island, inside that on the actual.
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>> welcome to jesse watters prime time tonight. i don't know who'sters pri there what security measures they're taking. >> there's probably government watching and there mightw what on t be personal security on the island. >> more epstein documents releasedhe as prime time goesdocume inside island. >> you've heard of smash and grabs now crash and doomsday bunkers for billionaires. what do they know that we don't ? plus, you know what jesse >>tters does every weekend...? 59 years ago today, jrs president lyndon b johnsoned a w declared a war on poverty. >> his plaarn and racial discrimination. >> dubbed it the great societyen party.
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>> the great society asked notae how much, but how good, not only how to create wealth, but how to use it. not only how fast we're going, but where we are headed, but the greare headet society dt end poverty. it kept poverty at the exactoves same level. the first year of the great socisat, the poverty rate wa at 15%. today the poverty rates at 13%. >> how many trillions of dollars have we wasted? >> how many families have been destroyed? >> how much dependance on government have we created? t the only thing the great society has createocietyd is the hustle. >> all this talk about qualification, what thequl blacks know about foreign policy. we know foreign do thwhen you buy 100 toyota, thats foreign policy. that's know fo right. russian vodka. that's foreign policy.
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china silicon summit. that's foreign policy. n poli it is business. foreign policy. r of >> as a matter of fact, we can f make all the foreign policy. >> jesse jackson challenged the democratic party until he gained a foothold where he could lobby and solicit. jackson's success launched a new breed of black leaders. o >> god was a god of justice. only yesterday. , is s and god does not change.ti there's still a god of justiceeo today. currently unable to say god does not changeighbor e whee governments lie. god does not lie. >> no, no, no. not god bless america. god. america. the united bless states governmh has failed the vast majoritye un of our citizenits of african descent from the churches to the streets to the executive suites. >> a new hustle was born.tle sometimes behind the hustle, there was a threat.
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shut up or pay up. that economic model of social successful. it generated some of the fattest patronage millsusfus we've ever witnessed. racism soon became mainstreaess >> say we are raising you driven us crazy. >> 400 years of abuse0 ye and violencear. violenc i'll tell you whatg is necessary. but it was necessarywhat w in gs plan. >> sharpton cut his teeth lyingt through them. >> sharpton knew how to use the mob, and he'd turnw how to,t against any politician or corporation he could to shake them down. and as the shakedowns continued ,sharpton's power and influence expanded like a tight tracksuis continsharptof but as mobs left mayhem in hista wake, he got richer. but america more divided. and sharpton's mob became so volatile. obama cuarpton's mobt a deal wir and nbc commercialized them, put them on the payrol
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l, and algo got leaner and a little less meat. but harvard's firing of courting, threatening sharpton's gravy train diesgrav on the chopping block, not just at harvard, but everywhere. indinoa is the lifeblood of the hustle. >> today, the reverend duste lda off his bullhorn and picketed outside the office of one ous, e game's biggest criticnd wall street manager and harvard alum bill ackman. and the boisterous brooklyn hotshot declared war. they use as a scapegoat to fight the act. we would not have to have died if we didn't have been in what we were denied.. i want to come to his office o and lehit him know that we will fight him. he's declared war against all of us. >> firing a dea hire for plagiarism and anti-semitism is a declaration of war on al's world. >> therefore, he is anointing worl thurs. ea
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did he plagiarize tg i fridays ? >> i'm not sure. of coursi'm noe, prime time woud never miss the first dui thursday, so we sent johnny. >>v >> reverend, is plagiarism a horrible offenseert is when we are not defending any of that?th i don't know. i think the harvard board did agree with it. should have danced to thatthey s about where they saiaid that ths is about dui and that's what we're here fo wr. but what is race have to do with the firing of the college president over the that? again, we're here because he said that dui must go and we're here to say dui is something that we canno to st stand to let go. f i got one for you.or y oudo you know where jesse wattes does every weekend? he watches politics nation with al sharpton. >> nice plug, reverend. as long as we're doing plugs, he should preorderdoin my book.
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>> get it together. there's a chapter in thereas a about chan a black nationalist, which i think would tickle the hustler. n, "ge again, go to amazon, get it together. you'll have it in your mailboxt" yo by march. now, the implosion of the black lives charit y and die is a12 punch for sharpton, o punch e to peelthe ma himself off the mat. >> you see, sharptont. isn't upset. >> claudine was fired. clms upset the syste that hired her was exposed for what it was a trojan horse for f unqualified liberals and sharpton acolytes to gain undue power and influence over you and america'e s once great institutions. >> but much like chlorine gas, n sharpton's mob was a fraud. they didn't even know wh's.y they were there. >> do you think plagiarism is a firable offensine? i don't think so, because the people do it all the time. >> did he know he was plagiarizing? i don't know. plagrizing? i don'tthe in out og >> so is she guilty of it? i don't know. plagiarismui to me, i wouldn'tto m
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say so. i mean, i believe,e that there are many leaders that have plagiarized. plagiarthey should. >> she have lost her job now. do you believe it was racist that she was fired? ? >> i believe that she voicedt sh her opinion and she had a right like everyone else to voicef clu their opinion. >> we're standing up in the name of courting that you know, in the name of all people who are experiencing this attack on affirmative action. di, in t riencingshe is qualified to do a she was bullied and pressurepreu ouret of it, but she plagiarize. so, guys. so w aree are here in the namede of d-i, or what she did was fight. >> was it racist? >> okay. >> i bet one of my vacation days that al paid those up. protesters to show up and that when they say it's an attack on affirmative action, what they mean is you'reattack i allowed to fire an african-american no matter what they do. >>cao matter but companies are g it might not be wise to hire someone. you cayon neveu car fire.
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>> i mean, they could find a dismembered woman in sharpton's bathtub. an nbc would put them on meet the press next sunday. affirmative action and its redheaded stepsister were createe press"d to be highly, we recommend you read. >> he says. the criminal justicerecommenad m isn't racist. >> an authoritative, newly published academic paper,emic citing 51 studies, says race has little clear itittl all adjudication. >> the study actually finds black defendants receive more lenient sentences than whites. >> the study showsse that blacks are incarcerated at higher rates than other groups becaushh they commit crimes at higher noand evot due to systemicig bias. >> and everyone knows poorne k people commit crimesnows p at hr
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rates. >> it has nothing to doh race with race. is, >> but what's interesting is that when the black population was extremely whe por in the forties and fifties, the black violen and thet crimee was much lower. the reason why black families were intact in 1940. >> 96% of all children in the united states were born to a mother and a father. motoday, 40% of all kids are bon to a single mother. 64% of black children are born s. hout father so what's the democrat solution ? >> not the nuclear family, which could cunot crime in poverty in half in a generation. >> it's engeneratid cash, bail,y the jails and hand out reparations. thnd hand it's blame white supr, raise your taxes and just ise yourredistributed. life they don't want to improve your life. they want to improve, theirs. >> keeping black americans dependent on big government, b
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incentivizing single motherhood while blaming rich white republicanig govivizing s for t, which their programs have actually created. c >> that's the hustle. they get rich ofref racism and you get the blame. >> tommy sotomayor is a radio show host. tommy. becaus you know, it's sad because it's an easy fix to the e problem. why don't you think the hustling communityk doesn't want to do anything about it? >c >> because it's a cash cow. these people are making money ofaus f of these things. and you can name the name the person named the so-calledke black leader. the black leader gets rich. the black leader just likeadthec black lives matter. they become rich. they get to live in big mansions . nsions and where do they get their mansions? right around the same white reame whitt they claim they're supposed to hate. think about it this way. i'm old. thwe've heard of this thinged " called white flight. never heard of black flight. white fl what would that be?acks r blacks running away from whiteun people instead. black
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>> blacks will brag upon whens they get money. where do they want to live bragp ? y me? jesse, i've got to tell you.ou i i live in a whitne neighborhoodn ,and white people are always on my ring talking about a missing dog, something like that. and i'm thinking, my goodnes so why don't these white people go to sleep? i don't have to worr so iy about i don't have to worry about them doing anything to me because it's sad beca that we as black people understand that the biggest fear wack peope have isr black people. i have a movie called i ha america.onicle it chronicles exactly what you said that single mother hood is the number one cause of a lot of things in the oluding black community, including crime. and yet the liberals who claimce that they want to end crime and make you safer won't talk about that. yes. so sharpton doesn't want to talk about any of that. nt to tabout anyhe wants to tala going away because what happens ? bes and this dea die
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is a hospital, and when you can get rid of things like you looko at al sharpton, you look at jesse jackson, all these guysu lo profited greatly off of selling. you fear, fear of white people,r fear of the boogeyman, but not fear oan, but of what the actum was. they never fix the problem. they tand again, we don't talk about the fact that their pockets align and they don'teigo live in the same neighborhoods they claim to represent. and that'srhclai all what this . >> when you can tell someone, hey, plagiarism is bad. yet if a black person does it,a then it's fine. ack persand as you stated, why d a person want to hire? i don't know if you saw iton wa a long time ago.g a seattle mayor put out one of my videos where i said, if i was a white cop ana white d it to a black neighborhood, i would wait until the shooting blacd wait i ever intervened because you can't win. >> he almost got fired because he shared that with his police department, because they understooshared hisd why dd the headache.
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and that's exactly what you brought up. ac did you ever find that whiteind neighbor's dog? >> i tried to turn the ring off. jesse, they were talkingout th about this dog all night long. >> i kept saying, wow, whitee people really like dogs. >> oh, we sure did. >> and we're always right.eighbh >> and it was like, what? everybody cared. at my neighborhoody are and my neighbors are probably watching right now, and they're glad that i'm here, but i look at them and they really care about each other. abouand that is one of the thinh in which you want to keep a neighborhood safe. people in neighborhoodbod must care about each other and they must care about the environment . and have you notice any black person that talks about selfackhat talk reliance,t the government's default, not that the polic-- not te are the, but that it starts at home. >> they are kicked out. they are told, like me, well, we got to ban you. i listen to what those people said. they said shlistenede was criti. >> the ladary you were talkinge about was criticized for talkg abouh. c
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well, why is it that everybody else can't have that same free fr? ch that's right. well said by a very wise man. a ver man.go back, enjoy a nice,t night and get some rest. thank you, sotomayor. >> tell all your white neighbors thank you all. please wait. we will find a dog. all right. >> we'll see what we can do. their do l see wh new epstein documents don't look good for bill clinton, look good for bill clinton, who stuffed up again. so congested, you need some exhaling from tex t. >> just sign acts. breathe while this wild sign acts breathe. >> oh, i'm matthew. i'm melissa. and together we started fresh, clean drugs. for most of my life, i've worn a black t-shirt. and mostly there are two short to baggy, long kisses. using my years of apparel experience, we set out to make the world's best fitting
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. and see how much you can save. >> their auctions going on right now. so what are you waiting for? fox news alert. the second tranche of epstein documents just dropped and the primsteine time team is digging through them like furious truffle pigs. e do see an email between people indicating bill clinton personally walked into the offices of vanity fair and threatened journalists to spike sex trafficking articlesists t about, quote,
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good friend jeffrey epstein. why would he go to bat for epstein? not sure. another email indicates that a 17-year-old virginia giuffred vg trafficked to prince andrew and other men, including, quotine, two of the world's most respected politicians. of the the names of the respected politicians are redacted. so r go back around 20 years agd and ask yourself, who were two of the world's most popular politicians? >> yesterday, we discovered that an epstein victim told her that bill clinton likes his girls young and that he did indeed fly on epstein's planeill and even his chopper. >>ins his we learned just how ce stephen hawking and epstein really were. >> we discovered that david copperfield spenwe dist some tie in jeffrey epstein's palm beach estate. >> surprisingly, he was nojeffre able to make his name in these documents disappear, though. wod and we learned that world leaders may currently be under the threat of blackmairrentll. o
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you'd think an international sex trafficking and espionage ringnternati involving the hight levels of politics, finance, celebrity and royalty would slih stir slight interest in professional journalistt proh not really. this is how they're covering the storisy. former president bill clinton>> and donald trump mentioned in deposition transcripts. both have denied anyon wrongdoih . in one, a woman who once worked for epstein recalled. abou >> he spoke to her about clinton, saying epstein told her one time, quote, that clinton likes them young, thferring to girls. >> the same woman says epstein once suggested calling trump for an outing in atlantic city. >> the media , a lot of them controlled by big intel, is both sides in this scandal. bill clinton, who was photographed getting a massage by an epstei billn victim who's lied repeatedly about flying on epstein's jet, lied involved in a cover up, threatening journalists and reportedly had a romantic relationship with epstein's
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madam, ghislaine maxwell. that's on par with epstein. >> go into trump's casinos. 30 years agothem goi. was that valerie jarrett daughter laura frontin valeriegh that piece? i think that was. let's get the facts straight herein. . >> here's the lawyer who represents dozens of epstein's victims lawyeesents. >> the only thing that i can say about president trump is that he is the only personab who in 2009, when i served a lot of subpoenas on a lott of people, or at least gave notice to some prette toy connet people that i was going and that i wanted to talk tom. eha he is the only person who picked up the phone jus and said, let's just talk. i'll give you as much time as you want. i'ive you you need to know. >> and was very helpful in the information that he gavewa. s is >> this is the same lawyer that says bill clinton spent a lot of time in epstein'stime orbit and refused to help the victims. he was in jeffrey epstein's presence, and even more so eps
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in getting in maxwell's presence many, many times on numerous occasions,, including on occasions when others who were victimizedudingn by jeffrey epstein were there. he has a lot of information. if we've invited him to speakpet to uos the fact that he's beenal less than helpful is troublingpf to me, who has only been tryingi to fight for the victimsng t and survivors and get real answers. >> watters world spoke to a source close to epstein's pilot and said bill rides on epstein's jet were kind of , and clinton on those flights numerous times. >> and these were why these girls were dressed that he would describethese gie dr thems stripers. and so you're saying that we're going to say this on the flights that bill clintothe l clinton was on with jeffrey epstein, the stewardess or stewardesses? under many of them were underage, were dressed as candy stripers,r . >> correct.
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and there were>>rect on the plane beds, bedroom? >>, ye epstein was.s trafficking underage girls to politicians, business executives, foreignirlt leaders, even well-known prime ministers. >> he was obviously an intelligence asset collaborating with our government, even maxwell's dad was reportedly an intel asset. >> allegedly worked for me d. six. the mossad, even the cia wase a match made in heaven or for some of the victims help. biden's cia director had. three meetings with jeffrey epstein, so it's no surprisen's that the fbi's keeping a lid on the surveillance videos from the epstein propertiesa . propei >> and durbin doesn't wantn't to subpoena any of these flight subps. nifest the entire ops at risk. so what's >> joining me now, senior political correspondent tara palmeri, who's done a lot of excellent research looking into the epsteinlooking world. tara, we're not here to convict
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clinton or clear trump or any of that. you've studied this pretty diligently. you st dilige us back. >> what was going on with epstein and the u.s. governmentn ? well, i can really tell wha you about is what i have learned from the victims and the people that had worked for jeffrey epstein and the world that they painted around. anjeffrey. and he was clearly wrong at the highest levels among politicians, entertainers, leadermongs of banks, industrie, titans of really every science,r art, philanthropy. and, you knoy w, he obviously ge this sweetheart deal that was pushedthea dea all the way to te top of the bush justice departmente way to, that at ther they actually approved this sweetheart deal when he waoveds only convicted of procuring a minor for. this was back in 2006. and i think like the biggertion. picture we should take awayouldt from all this was that he had this charge. he wasakm all th convicted, he spent time
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in prison. and then after that, he was quickly rehabilitate ind into society, spending time with these same high rollersreh for the next ten years, more than ten years until he was again arrested. to do and there was no issueness people were willing to do business with him. they were willin wit theg to tad his money. and it just proves that there'st two different types of justice in this country. there is justice for the elites, and there's justicre for everyone else, because i think anybody else who was charged with that single crimei think , even though he had a entire pyramid scheme at a local high school of poor p girls going into palm beach high schoooor l, going to the p, beach high school, and he hadun hundredsdreds and hundreds of s coming in and out of his house. he was only chargede with procuring one minor for. o. but even just that charge enough, you woularged think woud make a person a social pariah. right. especially among leaders ia. sure. i mean, even after the metoo movement, we're still having troublhuller.movemente getting n to subpoena the fbi for the flight manifest. >> jusi fot to know who was on s dead pedophile's plane.
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>> why are they still pedo a dead? >> i mean, i don't know exactlyk what is goinnog the flight records. i know that some of the flight records are hard to obtainf for telling me to say. when i was right, when i was reporting on the case for my podcast broke and seeking justice, we went to one of the, umeking, they went to the home of the pilot and we asked for the flight records. flig forthcomingat was a with them, so he didn't have them. that was at least what ht leasta told her lawyers. we went to the house, man that worked there. i wantat worked t to let's see, he ended up being a crucial witness in the ghislaine maxwell trial. he did testify and said it wasl pretty muctredh an open secret that the way that jeffrey epstein lived his life, you knowy epsteihis , he was a s 5060s around girls who weres, teenager s. th and it was pretty out in the open. and the people who it was pretty hard no tt to see what ws going on is what he said, which is why i think in a big wahy iy the people who looked away enabled him and the people who helpedy
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him come back intoy, e society enabled him as well to continue the traffickingnabs they sure did and are part of the story. his handlers within the u.s.sedd obviously enabled himve and didn't give a damnrnment about any of these young victims. and that's what the story should be abou at the victims. right. and he had a way of figuring out with each person, each prosecutor he was dealing with how to find their mentor. some that was close to them. so with with acosta in florida, he knew that ken starr was his was his icon. right. so he hired ken starr to be his defense hiretoe. a >> i mean, he was a wizard with finance and with personal relationships, but he was a sick. and he just yeah, he can h whoever he wanted. >> right. and that's the problem when you have a sick guewantedesse: n y like that, who's that smart with a lot of money and all of thesh eese perversions, you just leave tragedy in your wat leave y ande
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who are willing to bend to it. you're right. and it's it's really. a sign of it's it's a sign of the decay in this countr they, in t world. >> that's what it's a sign of. tara, we got to run. please keep up the gooru d. g more and if you learn anything more, please let us know,. >> thanks. let's see. an islanowd is a place where underage girls were taken a abuse far away from the longrom reach of the law. reac the island's been sold to another billionaire who wants to build a resort. >> but obviously the island'snd haunted. >> so good luck. lu,soldthe island sold, thoughhs one journalist, tyler oliviera, snuck onto it. >> so the first part of the scheme was to get our handst ou on to jetskis, lobbying to feed tourists, bloggers asking ifands there were any nearby islands we should take a look at while we toureho aoured the ocean. or should we go through little james, the big names or those known as lovable? >> and there is epstein island,. little james. >> there's a boat on the island right nothere' w.
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the question is, who could it be and why? there's literally someone right there on the islan d. can we have more people? look, the whole operation out here is a golflook cart. >> peo >> people that work here but willing to take the chance. tylee. r went straight to the temple on the island, to the temples behind me. this is the temple where? crazy stuff on down. zy look at this. why do you want to stay and i with this place where evil,y usd evil things went down in this temple right here. there used to be a gianta sun compass that was removed. apparently, there's a bonfire right here. maybe where they burn people alive or not gotten up here successfully undetected. no witness that wast ther like a speaker right there. but beyond that, seems to be low levee? l security right now. >> no, but eventually security did catch up with them: ev. >> oh, my god. who was it? i'm right.
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we're done. we're done. i'm ready for this security. behind me. we're not as fast as you look like. >> we're not out of here because connected. and that was the only person who's everas theonly been able to successfully escape from that island. smash and grabs. no, no, no. crashing. grab s is two things. out of a young man will be a cowboy or a gangster and a gangsters and staff. we come from a long line of cowboys. my grandfather, my great grandfather, my aunt being rode horses. >> when i see all of us out here on this ranch, i see how far our legacy can go. now, on sale at ancestry. >> as a cardiologist, when i put my patients on a statin
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everywhere you look. beautiful people. oh my gosh. the my thank what do you think? mommy's going to steal the show . so everything he does, attack my friends, he's just everyone . it's -- it's day street. i don't steal. >> yeah. nice dreams. take your friends and steal their coins. >> play now smash and grabs out♪ crash and grabs com this comes to you. straight outta comptones. >> we're over a hundred hoodlums t-boned a bakery and then ransacked the watch. you know how you saw the mob
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looted thousands of dollars? they even tore apart the daycare across the block. because we know how hardnow ho baby formula is to get in biden's america. >> gavinul newsom stone cold, silent on the bakery bandits. not a word. maybe he should talk to voters in the streets for onco votersee seeing this happen weekend after weekend. e what they really don't care about what they destroy or who to destroy. evtheyoyeds is definitely personal. every time i see an incident like thiery times happen, we ned to have a sense of urgency. we need to jump on this a little bite a sens faster. >> post the fresh out. marcus simmons joins us now. >> so, marcus, you probably went in a little bitoquently more eloquently, didn't you? not eloquent and they did that.
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these guys seem to have no morals whatsoever about their actions. does >> does this now turn the pageee on a new type of crime? i mean, usually it's a smash and grab or you maybe you go in through the ceiling o u go intrthe se through the sewer. >> they're just driving the cara straightre in and then 100 peope pour in. >> that's hardn. to stop. >> yeah. i look at when i see things like that, i see almost like a fall of a society. whenever you have anybody over ten people coming together to participate in an activity moke this, it says a lot an acti about the moral values of that culture. >> how do the police stoturep t, though? >> if you get that many people on the street in the scene, it's almost unstoppable ? >> i would agree. i mean , you have 100 people.police >> how many police do you needtt to try to get rid of that mob type atmosphere? >> i mea than, 100 to 100 kids
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and you're talking about a bakery now that could have easily been another mom pop business. d >> but where do you draw the line? it i mean, that's a lot of croissante line s. >> and i wouldn't have gone for the bakery. i might have tried something a little more high endi migh, , but that's just me. >> i don't have the mind of a criminal masterminjustve thed. >> do you see a change in society just over the last oh three years? >> because if you just look at the internet, i mean, it's a stare k big herc well, almost in california, it appears that they're endorsing this kindars that of behavior. the politicians that are currently in the officpoliticiek because i look at it like california's become the disneyland for criminals, you have people seeing stuff like this. there's no consequence.nseque you get ounct on zero bail, so why not go to california if you want to have a vacatiobail,n and see disneyland and commit a crime at the same time they give you a fast, yo you go in, you go out, clean
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great. go t to deal bascombe right now and see how much you can save since the begin of time,have pre people have predicted, prayed about and planned fo,r end world of the world. jews are waiting for the messiah. christians.. christ they could be the second coming of . in 2016. hillary said trump was going to trigger the apocalypse. shem look around. sh e actually might have been right. >> but billionaires are dropping serious lettuce on ritzy doomsdaionairesy dens s the globe. zuckerberg just dropped a quarter bill for a bunker in hawaii. his contractoropped s say they're making a 5000 square foot underground shelteratch with an escape hatch. zach wants it to be completelya self-sufficient with a water filtration system and livestocu as a food source. >> come here you go. jus but it's not just him. it seems paranoia is seeping
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through silicon valley. peter thiel from paypal, an aire developealr, altman, are alsoo preparing for the worst. so is this a keeping upses si with the joneses situation, or do they know something we don'tu t are ? or are they worried we're going to go grab the pitchforks and storm the castle? >> the rich are about to get a taste of their own medicine and they created all this lastes going on with the economy. they think they can buy their way out of everything. theirgood luck hiding from the y mass of people that's about to explode. >> hollywood's making a fortune off apocalypse movies. >> even the obamas got in on the action with their race baiting flick leave the world behind the worl and in a power grid hak unravels society. it's a mess. i think they have a compound at the vineyar d. >> 40% of young americans arevie already investinyardg in their doomsday prep, their panic buying doomsday bunkers,
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and contractors are just raking itdoomsday in. >> we can never predict or control what will happen in the world. op adam creates undergroundd living spaces that are highly secure and completely discreet ,designed and constructed to withstand ballistic, onmental environmental and civil threats. this is secured. ty. >> gary lynch builds bunkers builbillionaires and he's here . all right, gary, did they tell you why they're building bunkers when they build them? , >> most of the time they do. it's just like everyone else. they look at what's going on in the world around them and justdl because you have billions of dollars doesn't mean you're you're not connected to what's really happeningn't mn . >> and a lot of times maybe you're more connected, but they're just looking for safetye just looki and securityr their family, their loved ones. >> are they worrie d about like that woman was saying, people storming the castle ? ? >> i mean, i guess in a i you know, in a sense, yes. k att
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know, because i mean, lookheing at the looting that that was just on a few minutethat just oe you know, the smashing grabs. you know, that's going to be whenality when there's you know, there's no food in the grocery stores where they're going to go. they're going to go to other people's cupboards. >> do you think when they build these thingsther peodo you t, d they're ever going to need them or is this just some vanity play? i >> i think it's like ann insurance policy. i believ e that some of themy th know that someday they'll need it and some of them are buying it jusey'l it, at too just as i. >> when you build these, what'st the have with the billionaire bunker that everyone needs to have thisthat one thing. thi >> typically theaters for for personal entertainment. you know, libraries are really common tainment with the building. >> our bunkers, you don't see b much surfaceillions changing ty, things like, you know, hydroponics or gardens like that. you know, it's more about storage. and thenabout st and in comfort, you know, bowling alley, swimming pools, saunas, shooting rangeaunas,s, shootingr
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really just just a justat i anything you can imagine. >> what's the wackiest thing they ever asked you to build fo r their bunker? put a horse underground. jesse fo: r what reason? >> the horse was incredibly, incredibly valuable.undergro >> and he said if he had to be a underground, he wants to take that with hith hope all right. i hope it's not for food, because that's not very nice.. >> well, listen, if thingswatte go well, jesse watters, prime time, maybe i'll be giving you ll be gia call one day.>> i i'll'd be glad to help you, jesse. all right. thankshelp. i >> i don't want a all right. maybe a shooting range. no horse. whatever youmaybe a want.. >> all right. thank you so much. so what is 2024 have in store for 2024? it could be joe biden's last year as president. how does that make you feel? biden bydoes t you, not see ya. he'll come back. >> your best defense against >> your best defense against erosion in cavities is strong
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anything you can imagine. have you eaten this? i ate here at say, half of it yesterday, and i had it today for. y for >> breakfast. and this is what she ate in twoe days. jews >> one cat the police for me the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift. of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they criticallyl fw need for their diet for this t i am very proud to partner and align the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trust ministry is giving christians like me a way to bless elder jewishbe he people who live in extreme poverty around the worldfo black white. i believe in god, but i
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sometimes feel maybe you forgot me. i would find a matching souli who understand you, brother. who understand you, brother. but my >> please don't delay, call,ed. scan or go online now to help rush survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is jug in desperate need. >> this is what god wants from us just feed the hungry. dos, i'm askinge. you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone. >> the iowa the first presidential election results. martha maccallum and bret baier. anchor special live coverage. democracy 24. your freedom, your vote right here on fox news. >> america is watching that. es a nea w year brings
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new resolutions. >> mine is to promot e myselfagain, more. so again, preorder. get it together? >> we're books are sold or i you just hold your phone to that little thing on the side. ohnt, went away. put it back up. oh, it wen. t away. get you next time. so what else is in store for 2024? well, we sent our johnny happy new year. happy new year. happy new year. happy new year. from >> live from new york city.r: h ow dhow during in the new year, i was sleeping in bed like a w with my cat anmyd. my rabbit obliterated me drunk. i was. i was kinditerated of stumbling and doing one of these a lot. and then i was doing one of these a lot. so you're walking likeg on joe biden. >> he was trying to find out why i was walking better than he was g to. s. who's your new year's kids? >> r everybody got some kisses from me. my cat.
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>>he. i'm >> maybe you should see a vet. you're out there. i'm looking for you. we yowhat are you? >> what's your new year's resolution? eat pineapples and coconutsnut to quit me. maybe i'll get a horse to quit.r >> oh, that's a nice one. what was your biggest mistake of 2023? pulling out of bitcoin? dating my ex-boyfriend. i was late to everything. i was so late. thing, si broken four phones inm the last one.ther's my mother is a happy camper with me. hi. cut the . what was c orter: w the best thing to happen to you in 2023? i woke up, i went of f florida. montauk got a chance to start in probably the most popular show in america. jesse,r show >> nt a strong time. >> no power that hurt. ions any predictions for 2024? but thing craz fory is going to happen. i don't know what it is, but something is going to happen that's going to breat k
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the world. >> what's going to happen with china in 2024? hopefully no more. coronaviru 2024.ully ns is hopefully healthy, no more sicknesses. what are your predictions for 2024 that i mean, mark zuckerberg, you meddle with power. >> you do not understand the 2024 could be joe biden's last year as president. how dohow does that make you fe? elated. i feel very, very excited. excitedbiden but i do not mean. system will come back. >> i hati hate him. i don't like him. i'll never like him. oh, i'm noer lik t done. >> i hate you.a be i think he's a better president than anyone we've had before. ore. what's the best thing he's ever done as president? i honestly don't know, because i don'r: what'e best t follow politics. you're a liberal. what do you think? >> ysd trump's new year't oliti. resolution is to makeew america great again? again, i need to stopmake the speech? yes. i don't like him. acareathe should burn in . >> and that's it. that's enough. >>ike hi. he mic >> who's going to win the 2024 presidential election? absolutely. donald trump. trump's going to win, bro.
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he's got it. h he's got it. everybody i know is goine'g to vote for him. biden again, which makes no sense. joe bide him. n. he let's pray to god he does it. let's pray to god. he goes, it would be better than pra trump. h i don't know where we get our bill clinton back in the white house. and that's not goinge does to by good idea here. he served in eight years. i didn't i don't kno i w. he's >> are you out of your mind?alh nobody would ever vote for me. jeremy on jesse wattereighs tima what you want to tell jesse? hey, jesse, i'm . >>ah want to. i don't know who jesse one was. is the big celebrity biggerter:b than mark wahlberg? >> ain't nobody bigger than marky markig. the calvin klein guy. nobody's bigger him. congra >> congratulations to ourtu booker jack. just got engaged over the holidays. well done. not >> he's marrying up. although for jack, that's not very harer. d. >> we love you. congratulations. conand good luck, steve from,
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georgia. >> maybe clintonmayb. w only >> prince andrew only talked about the weather. exactl they. n from devin from staples, minnesota. o >> john kerry should be upset with the amount of flights to epstein's island.. my god, they warmed the planet o . >> elliot from virginia. maybe these clueless bakeryvirg leadermaers were told there wasu a lot of dough in their bunch. ellen from trinity, floridas rel are. napoleon's really worth wrecking your car over. wrr cagood grief.rive >> marty from middle river, maryland. jesse, you need to send the reba sharpton an autographed copy of your new book. i'm so glad you brought that up because get it together is available now for preorder. >> dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is m


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