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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 4, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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georgia. >> maybe clintonmayb. w only >> prince andrew only talked about the weather. exactl they. n from devin from staples, minnesota. o >> john kerry should be upset with the amount of flights to epstein's island.. my god, they warmed the planet o . >> elliot from virginia. maybe these clueless bakeryvirg leadermaers were told there wasu a lot of dough in their bunch. ellen from trinity, floridas rel are. napoleon's really worth wrecking your car over. wrr cagood grief.rive >> marty from middle river, maryland. jesse, you need to send the reba sharpton an autographed copy of your new book. i'm so glad you brought that up because get it together is available now for preorder. >> dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is my world.
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>> and welcome to hannityrld of and also welcome to the upside down world of your liberalp is democratic socialist party. where right is wrong? up is down and. pushing out harvard's president for plagiarism and anti-semitis m is racist. p this is a democratic party that you don't laterally nowcant remove certain candidates from ballots and they cals anl democy a party obsessed with january 54 six, but still referring to thel 574 riots in the summer of 2020a as mostly peaceful, a summer of love, a party that says your southern border is secure while allowing and enabling a nonstop waveenabling, anl unprecedented wave of illegal immigration. as a matte immigrr of fact, the most in history a party that blames the border crisis claim doesn't exist. let's say climate change. texa chang s abbott.imself president trump, who himself secure, the this is now a partr that claims to care so much
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about disadvantaged youth. but what some associated with jeffrey epstein afterirls fro he was convicted of abusing young girls from poor neigneighborhoods in florida. now, in a moment, we're going to have much more on the upside thedown world of this liberalt, democratic socialist party. but first, well, get to the newest release from the epstein case just earlier. eat that long ago.docume tonight, a second batch of court documents were leunsealedd. now w. joining us now with all the details are very, very own nate foy own nate is with us. thi >> nate, what's the latest? hey, sean. in this new batcw h documents lawyers for virginia giuffre and ghislaine maxwell discussmal pictures of maxwell at chelsea i clinton's wedding as possible evidence in the 2015 civil case. bill clinton himself is again mentioned by giuffre in an email she wrote about a publishen anr labeled v.f.,shr presumably "vanity fair". >> i labelt reads, quote, the el does concern me. >> what they want to write c mee considering that bill clinton walked into v.f. and threatened
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them not to write tra sex trafficking article about hiffics good friend jay-zi >> clinton denies this claim. the right spokesperson, attorney alan dershowitz, is again mentioned in the documents accused of having with an underage girl, a charge that dershowitz strongly denien s. e ar and tonight he's coming out saying that there are smoking guns that have note ing guns be, released yet. with tonight's second batch, 59 documents are now unsealed. giuffre's lawyer, fox news 240eg documents are coming in total. so we'ren about 25% of the way through. it could take until monday it coubeforebefore they're rele >> we'll send it back to you, john. all right, nick, nathan foy,upse thank you. tonight. now, let's turn back, if we can, to the upsideld o world of. the democratic socialist party. this very strange relationshipta that they have with democracy. now, it is a word that almost everyoneleft, the left, they loe to repeat over and over and over again. th they claim to cherish and revere democracy, both here
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at, home and around the world. but now in realityn , democrats seem to love democracy in name only ames democratic professor jonathan turley points out. they're now moving to bar donald trump and other republican candidates fromhe ballots all over the country. in some cases, they're using activistntry.s judges who are unelected. in maine, you have a far left biden loving secretary of state, unilaterally removing donald trump from the republicang nald tru primar. well, so much for letting the voters decide. time dnow, the longtime democrat said it was, quote, her duty to block from voting for trump. oh, one person decides. and then in the great commonwealth of pennsylvania democrats, nowto they're they'r attempting to remove congressman scott perry from the ballot. from thealloand according to joh turley, the guy that filed the challengfiled e is a former congressional candidate congaheadliadlines burning mag flags with swastikas outside of courthouses. greamagat. resume and every case, a common theme.
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the wordas in correction.rd it's a phrase usedd by democrats, trump haters over and over and over and over again talking about january. they always forget the words peacefully, patriotically marceh to the capitol so your voices will be heard. that always gets ignoredhe. now they're using insurrection all n excuserrection to ban dond trump, other republicans from all future electionsns. now, none of these candidates, incld ofg former president donald trump, were ever convicted of insurrectionrh ,as a matter of fact. they were never charged and upha to now have nevever charged with insurrection. in other words, democrats are tryinginsurrec words d to c what is a real democratic process one they, soe claim to revere solely on the basis of their owon then political sphere. now, this is what you would expect from that. what communistfrom then the paa soviet union? not really from people that claim revere democracy. now, of course, many democratse don'abt actually care
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about democracy. they just want power in perpetuit .y. one party, no checks and balances and no dissent. they believe deeply in their hearts that we, the americanin c people, we simply cannot be trusted. and they we should tru not havey say in deciding the vote. take a look at the 2024north democratic primary. look at north carolina with biden'scarolina at an all r low. state officials there, excepe at that a request from the democratic party to actually remove every candidatidate e from the primary ballot except for joe biden. what a great system i applaudo north carolina. it's just a little too risky actuy have voters have another option. does that seem like real democrac yy to you?rats but this is just the beginning. ultimately, democrats would like likto exp to expand the su court. we know about that. they want to pack itit wh e frot with democratic activists that would legislate from the bench. ben they would love to grant statehood to washington, d.c. and puerto rico. they to secure four more. democratic u.s. senators. and,and, of course, they would
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absolutely love to granteliabl amnesty to eight and a half million new reliable votersng, n who aided and abetted in lawbreaking. and now they would grantd no the great gift of citizenship. but of course, i'm sure they wouldn're theect votet votn for that great gift, would they? not the people that dared to insist, you know, come intoll the country legally, not going to vote for those people. the people that said follow the law, respectw borders, respect our sovereignty, respect our laws. this. all about power in perpetuity, not democracy. so when you have a democrat on fake news, cnn or most dnc js proclaiming their love for democracy just nowow,ere wi they're nothing more than wolves in sheep's clothing. anyway, here with reactionth f,t fox contributor and law professor jonathan turley is with us. you knowis with, you wrote a grd piece on this earlier today and you said it's only the it' latest effort targeting congressional candidates congcandidatk to barr opponents as insurrectionists. now, krugman i'm wrong.
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has anybody been chargedection t with insurrection that citing this this word to get them off the ballot? >> because i'm not aware of anybody. he >> no, they haven't. and insurrectionisy t now the nw the sort of term the mccarthy period mcc, you would have foll travelers of communists. now you have supportercommunisst of insurrection. >> and that is, in fact, the allegation againste perry. it's not that he was an insurrectionist, but thaonist, l he supported it by challenging the election of joe biden and supporting those allegations. tb >> and the point about my raisi raising that effort is that there is no limiting principle here. >> that is that is,, people on talkingwhatt about the effort to bar trump. >> what they neehed to keep tha in mind is that years ago,ye d dozensozen of democrats went on the record saying that they wanted to bat they wr many of tr
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republican colleagues from ever holding office again. there was legislation that was put forward, signed by ofthey'r democrats saying that they're all fellow travelersal of insurrectionists. >> that's the same underlying insurr samtheory under the 14tht that is being used in the trump case . througho so this could be replicated throughout the country. ble an >> and that's what makes this not just so untenable and unfounded, but so dangerous for our democracy. . >> all right. so let me ask you this. explain why the 14th amendment doesn't apply? i mean, just, i don' i don't knh amendment for dummies, if you will, for people that, caus you know, can't read the very plain language in it, because it seems verittoy obvious to me, and i'm not the constitutional scholar that you scholar are. >> well, many, many of the appeals in states like colorado and maine have raised the fact
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that this amendment refers to a different oath that is taken up. by the president by other officeholders, but also refers to federal officials f, which they insist do not reference the president, but generallyrene reference people appointed by the president. lower ranked officials off. ke my biggest objection is thatec the ketiony of section three ise are the two words insurrection and rebellion. >> we have neither. in january six.ngs. january 6 was many things. none good.em >> but i don't believe that its wasn't an insurrection,lic and neither do most of the members of the public have been polled. >>th they view this as what it was, which was a protesta prot that becamese a riot. and that's the reason you haven't had people charged l with insurrection. you've had a relatively small sember of people chargedel seditious conspiracy. but that's interfering with officias col, you know, so there is this disconnect there. >> and but the other aspect, about this, which is troublingw ,is that the advocates are saying that it
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is self-enforcinaying that ther is no act of congress that is required. >> squiredo you can go to someo like the secretary of state in maine, bellowoftates who said right after january 6 that it was an insurrection and say, do you think this is an insurrection? and she said, yeahd sh and she n barred trump from the ballot. d tryes. expla >> can you explain this to me? in the summer of 2020, we were a told that all the rioters who were witnessing before our very eyes, day after day, day t, that killedameric a couple of dozen americans, injured thousands of policed officers. they were being hit with bricks and rocks and bottles and molotov cocktails. thousands of cops injured. ops billions in property damagev we have a loidt of videotape evidence. those were riots by condemnedon in real timedemned january 6 ony radio show that night on this very tv show. i said , can't happen in our country, but nor can what happened in the summebut nn of 2020. why is there never been any
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interest at alall whatsoeverence with all the evidence available, video evidence of people committing crimes and rioting? why was therd e never anyy inte interest in that? o well, that's the danger of this theory, is that it is so subjective for people like bellows. s. yoyou know, keep in mind, democratic members use this very same laaww to oppose the certification of republican presidents. ther certifice opposition to theess h certification in congress when there wereen riots in washington, violent riots. now we'r e all of those people, rebels and insurrectionists. nourrectio, those were protests. >> they were not well founded. i didn't think that theiden objections to the biden certification were well-founded i said at the it's time. but that doesn't mean that it's a rebellio supr >> and that's the danger that the supreme court's now going to have to look at.this c this is this could metastasizeou throughout the country. you know, sean, this countryce is the most successfulssfu
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democracy in history. it is the most stable democracy an. istory and what these advocates have done through this blindgh i is to introduce an instability that hasn't existed before. it has put us on a slipperyolitc alto political if we adopt thisy theory. that's why the supreme court the needs to act with finality knd i hope unanimity. >> yeah, i hope so. so i would i would anticipate it. but, you kno whan nevew what? you can never predict those things as you know better than anybodr thanody.y. jonathan turley, great to have you. thank you. happy new year. no happ yo w, we predicted on tuesday. all right, biden's ad fo first r the 2024 campaign. it's not about all his great any accomplishments. oh, that's right. it doesn't have any. instead,insteas joe biden is dt off let's see, donald trump.rump donald trump, donald trump. january 6, january 6, january 6. they'll get to abortion. but this is the first ad it has nothing to do with biden or a success because he doesn't
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the have any. >> take a look. i've made the preservation of american democracofy the central issue of my presidency. i believe in free and fair election democra the cs and theo vote fairly and have your vote counted. e there's something dangerous co. n exg in america there's an extremist who does not share the basic belief sean: c in our democracy. >> could they get a joe h biden moment where maybe he doesn't sound like he's mumbling and mumbling? anyway . anyw, the ad was released a after democratic activists the ng as historiansctiv with je biden at the white house this week, reportedly imploring him . to be more hostile against republicans. oh, he's not hostile oh, he enough. now they can't tout a single biden success. so let's fixate on trump january 6. let's ignore those riots we were just talkinalking ag aboutt jonathan turley, 574 in the summer of love. you know, let's lie about abortion and demagogue that issue. let's call republicans racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, xenophobic , transphobic that want dirty air, waterc
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and want grandma and grandpa dead. >> that's the usual playbook. add to that january six abortion and trump. and here was reaction. former white house chief of staff reince priebus, fox newstrump. charlie hurt ryan tors give you a first crack at it. look, former rnc chair, you've seen that. you've seen that playbook over and over again. but they're now adding three new elements abortio abortin, january 6 and donald trump is evil. those are. that's all run well, first of all, a couple of quick points, john. number one, i don't buy this threats to democracy case that the democrats are making and not that i don't buy i t, that they're saying it. i don't buy that they iftually believe it becaus're if they really believed that the united states as we know it would cease to exist if donald trump was elected president, they wouldn't be sitting there with joe biden at 30% approval, at a 70% wrong track.of
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>> 75% of democrats don't wantno him to be the nominee. >> there is no chance in the world that if they actually believe that, that it would actually that they'de sitting g there with joe biden. >> second thing, the fundamental that they're making, they have a real fundamental problem. they want to make this election about donald trump, but they want it all tonald tru be donald trump because they don't want it to be about joe biden and ssg arouhis mess that's going ad in the world and on the border and the fentanyl and the crazines ts in the schools. >> so they want to make itthe pb about trump. the problelem m is is that theyt got joe biden on the ballot, who's not trump. >> but then they're introducing a jill stein, who', s not a trump. >> then they're introducing wes not trump.o's not then they're introducing robert kennedy, who is not trump. and finall nally theyy they may put a no labels candidate on the ballot who's not trump. sore givin they're giving all oe voters that they're stirring up about the for options to chooses weomed as opposed to just trump.
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and in my advice, the polling that we'ree seeing seeing to tha trump campaign is expand the map. you look at minnesota, you looke at virginia. >> donald trump's already beatinthosg joe biden in thosemn states, if not in the margin of error. >> so they're makingy're all the wrong moves. i think that they've got a bad candidate, obviously, but they're also making a lot of fundamental mistakes. >> charlie l, i keep sayingrliei that up till now, you can argue that donal kthat ud trump has bf to defy historical, l traditional, all political gravity, all, all, all past models and paradigms are gone. he gets indicted his poll numbers go up, he getss arraigned, his poll numbers go up. ango i thinkd i think democrats andl liberal media might have been some that i neverthey h thought possible. they have turned donalaved donaa sympathetic figure. i think the american fairle with a genuini thine sene of fairness, seriously, they they see injustice when
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they see it and they see one lie, one pile on after another, and they kind of noww have tuned it all out. oh, well, donald trump didth business with the communistbide. chinese. they stayed at his hotel in washington. i'm hunter biden. >> i'm like, no. nice try, though. >> yeah.on yeah. and of course, you know, their onlyly because they don't want to talk about issues is to try to talk about donald trump as an extremist and talk about his supporters as extremists because they're just desperate not to talk about anny oy the issue, on the issues. the only extremist in this rac t is joe biden, the only extremist when it to thes to the border. an open borders policy is joe biden. poli joe trump, unlike any of te democrats in in power today or k any of the candidates, are on you know, any of the democrat candidates that that are o then the are you know, he is in the mainstream i mean, 80, 70, 80,
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90% when it comes to issues like immigration or the economy or crime and all of these things. >>. it's so of course, joe biden has nothing to do but to try su gin up this business of to say that donald trump and his supporters are extremists oncausxtremistbecause e they wa. they think that they've got the media on their sidnde and they do. the media is going to do extrything they can to portrayeg donald trump as this some sort of extremist. t thbut the problem is people kw they lived for four years trump with donald trump's policies and now they've lived forjoe bi three years under joe biden's policies. and there's nos policies what pd prefer, including a lotth of democrat voters and independent voters. >> they prefer the policies, doa of the mainstream, normal guy, trump over the extremist joe biden and peace and prosperity >> drive electionsbett and the age old questioner
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are you better off than you weret will four years ago?n that will be a question. exit question. charlie's goin, heg to hate me. he knows it's coming. well, joe biden being running for the >>ats. charlie, it looks likes l he is. >> i guess there's stilll time before the convention for them to slip somebody elssoe >> but as of now, you know, he's the guy and stinks for them. reince, you get the last word. e lastbiden the ticket. absolutely. i've said that for a yeabsoluter on your show. >> hannity he's their guy. they're stuck with him. he'sand going to suffer the majr consequence of that. >>quence all. time will tell. we got iowa in 11 days. i can'n't belit believe. here we are. welcome. the games are about to begin. when we come back, democrats keep saying racism is to blame for harvard president claudine gay's resignation. we're lucky tonight. resin. y to get the great senator,give john kennedy, louisiana. he gives us his reaction aheadus
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all right. so never missing an opportunity to play identity politics. cont continues to blamedent racism for former harvardy th president calling for his resignation. earlier today, the reverend al sharptoe rel n led, his grou, the national action network, harv protest outside of billionaire harvard alumni alum bill ackman's officd alumei to show, quote, that his attacks on president k and black americans have consequences. ackman well, he responde conseql the platform formerly known as twitter offeriny g to meet with the reverend al sharpton regarding his concern. anyway yway, there's only one person i wanted for reaction to all of this and that's senator john kennedy. senator, you'v e seen the exchange with these
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change wthree presidents of the three big colleges. and elise stefanik, we've all seen the tapeges and elisee their answers were appalling, shockingei and frankly, repulsive. i don' rt know why it took also charges of plagiarism for applaudinglagiaris kate to go, i just want your reaction. dr. jay, of course, has resigned. >> she should have.resi gned.i, i bear her no ill will. my advice to her, for what it's worth is that when one door closes, sometimes you need to get a hammer and some nails and make sure that s.o.b. stays shutb stay because dr. gail hado business running a university. >> the plagiarism allegationsri. against her serious. i think most americans found repugnant. >> her suggestion express or m
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implied that it might be okaigy to kill jewish people in the proper context. conmy biggest quarrel with dr.t is that she does not understandf . the purpose of the university. the purpose of the universit uny is to make young people think,to not to make them mak. >> the discussion of ideas should not be closed off. there's not only there's nott only point of view. if if you want to believe that math is racist and merit is privileged, or that men can i breastfeed this america, you're entitled to believe that. but othe tr students who disagre should feel free to disagree. >> and the truth is that every advancement, every single one in art, science, philosophy ,technology, cooking, golf
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came when someone challenged the world water challenge dogmao and said there's a better way.s and that's what our universitys should encourageshou instead of just one point of view, which i think dr dr.. was guily of. well, we all know how conservatives are treatevesd college campuses around the country. diversity, equit divey and die, as they call it. what is your reaction that.y >> well, let me let me answerred by responding to reverend sharpton. now that i i've read his comments and he, of course, is entitled to to his opinion, his man. >> america is not perfecerfectt but we are good like every other civilization every. o america caught the disease of slavery, but we beat it . ck and we're proud of that >> and since then, we passed civil rights laws in 1866, 1871, 1875, 1960, 1964, 1968,
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one.ss990 >> we made a lot of racialy progress in this country. >> i think we've reached the point where most not all, but most americans don't think about that much about race. they think about character. t chunderstand, as i've said before, that to a bear, wew all taste like chicken. >> now, i don't believe race should be used to harm a person or to help a person. eve >> and i think most americans believe that. i don't think reverend.i don't b would agree with me. >> i think he believes that this regard race is racist and to me is ass unconstitutional. >> and morally wrong. sean: but he's entitled to his point of view. howhow is it that joe biden se- to have gotten away with and, this happened in the lead ups tt to the h 2020 campaign, and thah is that he partnered with a former ku klansman by the namebt
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of robert byrd and foughhet against the integration of public schools. it was his words, not minewa, that he didn't want public schools to become racial jungles. jungleshow is it that a g democratic party, you know, afted go afterion an any conservative that held that position and fought that position? how come joe biden got a pass? >> well, i think i think most members of the media, not all, but most members of the media, have tried to help bin as as much as they can. i know with many m of the media, in my state, that's been the case. >> but -- bu at as i said the other day, the americant people are not stupid, but they think that joe biden is.denc and there's a lot of evidence for that. >> he's running out of toes to shoot off the border. >> is is exhibit a and as i
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i've also said on your show before, the american people, they're busy. they don't have time to read socrates every day they're busy earning a livingates eve. but sooner or later they figured it out and they had figured it outr they f. rese with respect to president biden, he hants his friendsnotwt in the media notwithstanding. >> i havd i thine. >> sea >> are you going to haveto a rough election cycle? right. i thinbe ak it's going to be a rollercoaster of a year, probably unprecedentednted unlin any we've seen in our lifetime. that is maybe the one certaintyo we can we can talk about atkenn this pointedy,. for b senator kennedy, happy new year. great to see you. thanks for being back with ueiwt when we come back, things are so bad, the biden white house, his administratio houseny is now reportedly throwing a party. why? wh help boos. t morale. when we come back, kayleigh mcenany lisa boothe will join us and the president's attorney, lena harbor. also coming up straight aheay de i am kevin rosrns, £152 on go. l
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on sirius xm anytime anywhere fox news on sirius xm america is listening now. things are so dire in the biden white house that the administration is now reportedly throwing a moralerepd party for the staff amidover the more backlash over the israel policy. according to politico, a new anonymous letter penneds rene by campaign staffers renewed calls for, quote, a ceass e fire. the letter said in part, quote, biden for president. stafden fof have seen volunteert in droves. but it's not just campaign staff who are upset. a second administration official, this time from offici the department of education, has now resigned over biden's response to the war in israel and outside of his own staff. the sentiment well, it's notly o much better as he continues to feel the heat, not only froms radical squad members, but democratic allies as well. here reaction outnumberednews co-host kayleigh mcenany fox news contributor contr lisa
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boothe. did you ever need a morale booster party in theh? trump white house? kelly i never heard of one. maybe it did happen. >> i have noi ne idea. e we h no, we never had a morale p boosting party because we hadre a presidensidet who stands on principle. president trump. he knew what he stood for. takeeave at he sa it or leave ie said he was going to do. he actually did. promises mad kept.e, promises kept. itt with biden, he had no principle. he'd s it's all about partisanship. if he had principle, he'd stand withl an israel. he wouldn't cause them to reverse their military st as we, especially enter this month of fear. be this his first birthday, he celebratedave s first birthdays a as a hostage. the youngest israeli hostagehosh no. instead, he's halfway with israel, halfway with the progressiv th te and the progressives. >> they won't have it. so let's>> sea see have in nove, 400 government officialsoffi,e 40 departments and agencies within the administration signinadmini a letteg a letter g the president's handling of the war, demanding a ceasea fire. this is right after, you know, e
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israel was hit with the worst terror attack in their history. if you extrapolate out there versus our population, it wouldu have beeldn the equivalentlled of 40,000 americans being killed in a single day i. how would america react to being lectured by other countries and allied countries about a ceas coue fire rather tn encouraging them to go win the war? those people that killed their innocent citizens, where' cs the moral claritygive disconnect here? >> well, i think we would give them the middle finger and tell them to go pound sand. >> but, you know>> sean:, mean t at the way we we would i don't know if joe biden would. >> that'he>>s the problem.t to yeah, actually, that's a that's a good point. but you know, who would want to to this party to a party where everyone is fighting becaus, e that's what's happeningu for joe biden or joe biden right now. thatan, you just laijustout d ot the mutiny from staff that is 17 cng that letter, the other day from 17 campaign staffers present hundredsn st of stafferd last month signed on to a letter, hundreds of alumni. i
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well, even interns are writing letters complaining to joe joe i biden about his stance on the middle east. and then he also is facing this divide ra among the democrats ne electorate as well. there is this "new york times" sienrk times a poll last month that the democrat voters are pretty evenly divided, whether they support israel or they support palestine, which is a reallstin ay sad reflection and a sad declaration of where the democrat i party is today, where they are willing to stand with hamas and sympathizers over innocent israelis who were slaughtered, a terror attack.k t >> you know, let's look at their strategy. i don' t see any one policy, kelly, that joe can run on and say he's been successful , that i don't care if it's foreign policy, things aren't looking too good in europe f . aren' things aren't looking good with this new axis of eviinl, china and iran. >> i don't particularl y liked in what's happening around the world. >> i don't like what's going on in the middle eas testim t. i think basically china has bullied biden and gotten awayei
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with everything. the question is, will their strategy of only talking about trump january 6 and demagogue, giving abortion and then calling republicans racist and every other name, will that be enough for them to win a campaig callingn? e enu >>gh it's hard to imagine that t will be. it's hai john, i worked on a presidential campaign for president trump and i rememberan as he's announcing he's an incumbent president, ready gn, what to run again. we sat back as a campaign. what do we have to touo wet? ba we have record low unemployment. we have wage gains fore black americans, hispanic americans. you know, we have a soaring economthis wasy and this was bee covid hit, of course, which changed a lot of things. but we a had a ton. under the supreme court, immigration, the border under controlth, der the world peaceful, no war started under president trump. russia, nop, russit t redrawingn we had more than enough to runri on joe biden. it is very telling that tomorrow his entireit i strategy will be january 6th. it is tellinore g that beforere
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the midterms, his strategy was a blood red maga speech. if you are a maga individual, you're a clear and present danger. weree hi his.succes that is the strategy now mildly successful in midterms. but you can argue there were bad candidates on the republican side and biden wasn't the ballot. i don't think it works when biden's on the ballot visa,d the president trump with the record that he had as president. >> lis a a making the case i as often as i can tha that conservatism republicans, e if they want to win elections, they better get over their reluctance and, votin resistance to voting early and voting by mail. i am telling the republicans they better get it in the legal ballot harvesting efforts and matcn h the efforts of the democratic party. i'm also saying that theyvery c better be very careful and not go too radical and extreme on abortion, because democrats, even if even if they're not extreme, would be demagoguing that issue, trying to scare, you know, independent voters, female voters, into believing that republicans want to take away their right to an abortion. t they don't want abortion
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without any restrictions at alla ,which is the extremen democratic party platform. sea >> well, you know, sean, loolok, what they're trying to do. they're trying to get all these abortionhey're t ballot measure on the ballot in swing states. and they're already tryingstateh that plan. >> you don't hear. i pray that this is s a a hope good election cycle for republicans. if it's donald trump, i hope he winhe l ofs. n >> but even with all of that, all the headwinds going in donald trump's favo 2020,rth in 2020, look what they did. they used covid to upendthat the election's. hoo that's what democrats do. they try to win by hook or by crook. so by k. so we we don't know what they'e going to try to do this election cycle. they evecyn hacle. d 51 former intell officers lie to the american people with no shameth lying about hunter biden's laptop. >> i mean, thesere people are i evil. >> they're going to try to win, are doing anything they can. and look, i worked'va lo on a lot of campaigns over the years. it is hard to change the dynamics of the race nowmean with mail in ballots. i mean, look, lo at pennsylvani. they're trying to mitigate,
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you knowow , the the hunter biden no experience addicted to drugs. joe biden, professional action-e as vice president to help his so n. a lot of money. oh, that's the same as donaldonl trump's hoted s hotel having gus from foreign countries. okaycoun. . i don't see the comparison. anyway, thank you both. happy new year. lisad to seeouyleigh , good to . kelly, happy new year to you. straight ahead, trump's legal spokesperson , ali baba, reactsi to the doj and their latest efforts to get trump. we'll talk about the colorado ballot issue and much more straight ahea d. how does klein and specter get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm in the country? because klein inspected is an award winning team with five doctor lawyers, the most of any firm in the united states. and that's why the new york times calls klein inspector a powerhouse law firm. so if a defective product motor vehicle accident or medical
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and they are proceeding with discovery. the question is now whether that might be in violationbe inf of the court ordered pause. trump's legal team is asking the judge why there hasn't been contempt charges. anyway, meanwhile, trump is fighting another legal battle asking the u.s. supreme courtm h to overturn colorado's decision, removing him from the ballot i 2024.spok here nowes with reaction is leg spokeswoman for the president, n president trump. and have us back with us. let's start out in colorado.o a let's talk about coloradoas f and mainare. as far as i know, we discussed this with professor turley. inbodyt that i know has even been charged with anything involving insurrectiong let alone convicted of it. i would imagine this has to be a unanimous decision by the supreme court. they havit in e to take it, in . view. >> your thoughts? lot i think it'll clarify a lot of confusion amongst the statesn ,amongst these rogue people, like the woman we see in maine who's not even a lawyee s t evee who thinks she can findct
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some obscure section of some statut and ae and apply it to a former president. in has not been charge beed insurrection. he has not been prosecutedtion. it. he has not been found guilty of it. but thisheeen foun state, as ins well as colorado, would like gud him guilty of it 14t and take him off a ballot. insurrection under the 14th amendment. let's not forget, sean. what's to prevent people fro ntmwh he war who were pro-slavero y, who were anti american from taking officficee? stil that is not this.ul he has never been charged for due process. exisl, i would like to thinkk exists in this country. i think it should be a slam in tt. the supreme cour i have faith in them.naug you know, people likh,e kavanauh ,who the president fought for, who the president went through ,how to get into place. he'll step up.caus those people will step up note because they're pro-trump, but because because they're pro law, because their professioe tn is and the law. >> and this is very clear. cl. s talk about the issue
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presidential immunity, maybe a little bit more complicated in the legal sensel , but thesi argument is pretty simple. if you're taking actionsmp as president of the united states that would provide you immunity from prosecutioouy pn, where doesou that stand in your mind? t >> to me, it's something i've argued in one on many times. i just won. on the bivens claim with michael cohen in new york last week in the second circuit. i think we have to rememberwe something. presidents have to have an enti branch of government, the executive branch. that doesn't meagove, thn they t lightly. that means they have to effectively govern the country, protecteffectivver protect us from certain things, and do the right thing without fear . nd per coming out every four years and being prosecuted and persecutedcewhat. . what they're doing to donald trump is unprecedented. you've covered it. we kno it. know we don't want that for any president. an twpresident, let alone we don't want to set that precedent to different things. soent thin wha what i argue is not for president trump. it's for all presidents. it's for the executive the branch. e them we have to have them be able t sa govern this country in a way
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without being fear of somebody saying you defamed defamed, youe in jail for the wrong reason. you were an insurrectionreason l when you were actually just asking for election integritecy action, actually asking for us to take a close examination to preservinatio preservet trum american constitutional democracy. that's what president trump has donep ha. and presidential immunity is very important. it's never been questioned because nobody's eveeen becaurn prosecuted like donald trump. but i'm excited for the supreme tht. look at that as well. i think they're going to have to. i think that it's a very clean cut. agai i thn cun, i think that it's important to. >> do you think and i mentioned ment earlier, how president trump seems to defy all, you know, conventional political gravity. and in other words, with everys pile on every new charge, it seems to help him in the polls. what do you attribute that to? deranged ness. i hate to usangenesse his word,t is. look, we've got a rogue, we prosecutor'v, jack smith, smith
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who mentioned it before i came on. jack smith is just ignoringg a stay in motion. he's filing motions despite the fact that theyitt they thera stay. that is a complete disrespect to the order the law and the ruleameric of law. and that is why his poll numbers go up. the americanan people stupid people, notes stupid, they're afraid and they're going to put their votes behind >> st. line n of ibehind t of >> oh, it's going to beow interesting to watch the time line now unfold as the supreme court did not step to expedite that case. we'll see how that works its wa e coy through the courts.y thro elena will we'll be getting updates from you. ug the will probably throughoutar the year. thanks for being with us. happy new year. coming up,ing zero experiencehe hunter. guess what? he's on to his next endeavor's.d this time he's off to hollywood. we'll explain. we get reaction from pam bondi straight ahead . >> losing weight is more confusing than ever. eat this. don't eat this. he's got instead cleanse fast. take these in shape that there to be no clear path to weight loss. break through the clutter
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about the first son and has quietly had cameras s followingw hunter for years. now, according to the l.a. times, the film will show hunter painting, spending time with his family, living life as a sober adult a sober amid hl battles, which will be a slightly different film than's the content found on hunter's laptop. here with reaction , florida attorney general pam bondi. we could just get permissionbon. run i think it would probably do a a lot better at the box office. just my guest offices, though. what do you make of thisthis arrangement? >> well, you know, he needsully to tread very carefully because. everything he says can be used against him. its likes is justi another pathetic attempt by the left, by the liberals to helpvey minimize charges. hary serious against hunter biden. and everything hunter biden does hass a lot of money. attached to it. >> so now we know hunter, soo biden wants to beto b a movie star in hollywood. >> and it probablye an oscar fr it because he's going to have
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thats to gett of fib out of everything that he's done. it's really shocking he' that they're actually filming him because none of this is privilegeusd. >> okay. so, joe, we know, you know,know bragged about taking official action, demanding the firing of a prosecutor. h so his son that admitted in his con words he had no experienceoe ,energy, gas, oil, ukraine a could be paid millions at a time when he was admittedly addicted to drugs. nod w democrats in the house are trying to compare the fact that, well, people from foreign2 countries, 20 foreign countries ,stayed at trump's hotel in washington, d.c., as if that is the equivalent. well, number one, there's actually a service wasnumber provided, a hotel room. number two, i tend to doubt that donald trump got a daily list of who is staying in the trump hotels. that's t but that's the argument now. all they're trying to muddy the waters and say, see, oh, donald trump was colluding
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with china and all these other countries. i can hear it now. what's your response to that? yeah, yeah, i can hear it now. it's not even close, sean.os donald trump is one of the most accomplished entrepreneursof in our country in our history of our country. and huntertry an biden is a dru addict. yeah. legitimate businesse ct.s from countri all over the world. and countries stayed at the properties because they are spectacular. hunteracular biden, a drug addi, he couldn't even speak any other language. ye, yet t he's getting paid mulo millions of dollars. the bidef n family received mul million dollar payments from our enemies from many countries are considered our enemies. not even close. but again sean, that's how the left manipulates everythingthey wil and theybut will continue to manipulate it. but i know the american are through it and i think they're sick and tired of it. >> and well, i think they're ti
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of it. do you think that muddy the waters because , the media that showed no interest in hunter, no experience, joe, taking actioo periencen that bed his son, all of a sudden they're interested. >> oh, was a room was rented to chinese national. will they be successful at muddying the waters? we have about 10 seconds. >> absolutely not, sean. swi they willl nl not be successfulh again. the american people are seeing through it. what hunter biden did wass no he was not qualified and took millions of dollars from foreign countries. all right, pam bondi, thank you. happy new year. all right. unfortunatelunately 's all t me wy that's all thed making time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us and making the show possibl e. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an heisode of. hannity. in the meantime, let not trouble your heart be troubled by the way broadcasting from the free state of florida oida,r new broadcast home. let not your heart be troubled. greg gutfeld is next. grxt >> have a great nigh