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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 5, 2024 8:00am-9:01am PST

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case. if they didn't do that and instead this company simply took pictures out in the wilderness in front of trees going down a ski mountain. less leaning into the brand of a ski resort. >> perfect moments pieces range from a $1 hundred head band and a 550 ski suit. >> bill: good to see you. >> dana: that's pretty brazen. all right. check it out before we go. sweethearts are bringing back the icon i can conversation candies. new messages. no more love you and marry be. situation shift, come on, let's get back to the old days, right? >> bill: that's right. >> dana: harris faulkner will take you through the next hour, here she is.
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>> harris: get ready, a third batch of secrets spilling today from jeffrey epstein's court documents. fallout already being felt all the way from buckingham palace to hollywood and many places in between. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." so more than 300 additional pages unsealed. the largest takeaways about former president bill clinton coming to light. and these documents include a claim that bill clinton tried to stop publication of an article about the sex trafficking operation of the now-deceased pedophile jeffrey epstein. a legal expert with this take. >> bill clinton is a huge public figure. everywhere he goes there are security and eyeballs on him. you know, it's a cautionary tale your mom told you when you were little, you have to be careful who you associate with.
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who you associate with you can be collateral damage. they are so caught up in this jeffrey epstein web of scandal like being named in these dock also. >> harris: we're also learning about the powerful stars and business leaders who were in epstein's orbit. so many in fact that we'll scroll it each day and have to spite up because there are so many names. they run the gamut. models, actors, politicians and even steven hawking. none have been charged with committing any crimes but it does give us quite a picture of who was in the orbit of jeffrey epstein, hanging out, taking flights, all the like. nate foye has been digging through this fresh batch this week and now we have another several hundred pages coming today. >> keep in mind with everything we have learned so far we have only seen 25% of the documents that will be unsealed. the second batch released last
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night included pictures of jeffrey epstein's confident maxwell attending chelsea clinton's wedding in 2010 after epstein pleaded guilty to soliciting sex from a minor in 2008. one of the documents shows lawyers discussing submitting pictures of maxwell at the wedding as evidence in the 2015 civil defamation case filed by giuffre against maxwell. clinton is again mentioned by her. she wrote in an email going public with her story mentions "vanity fair" and a planned article about epstein writing it does concern me what they want to write about me considering that b clinton walked into vf, "vanity fair," and threatened them to not write sex trafficking article about his good friend je. a clinton spokesperson points us
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to a telegraph article saying there is no evidence to support that claim and "vanity fair"'s former editor also denied it. one is inviting more questions about other politicians that may have dealt with claims. in an email you were sex trafficked to pa, possibly prince andrew, and other men including two of the world's most respected politicians. but you see, those politicians names are redacted. 59 documents are unsealed. 180 more are coming and the next drop could happen at any moment. >> harris: nate foye, thank you very much. now this. >> the reality is rightly or wrongly, chaos follows him. >> donald trump is not willing to show up on the debate stage. >> we have a country to save.
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>> i think a 2024 election where the democrats get to run against the candidate that is going through all this stuff, that is going to give the democrats an advantage. >> harris: it's heating up. the first in the nation iowa caucuses. we do the countdown every day. now we're down to ten days. last night two gop presidential contenders looking to convince voters that donald trump is not a lock to win the nomination. we're trying to prove their own electability. nikki haley and ron desantis going after the former president and threw barbs at each other. watch. >> nikki haley is running for her donors issues. >> i with a goes first and new hampshire corrects it. >> oh my god. >> ron desantis said it was disrespectful to iowans. >> of course he did. >> she was the number one
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republican governor of bringing in chinese investment and business into her state. >> it's a lie. and he is lying because he is losing. >> she hasn't been able to handle basic questions that people are asking. >> ron has been desperate from the beginning. >> harris: you think that's hot? you wait until donald trump starts running ads. we have a little coming up. former president trump still holds a big lead in both iowa and new hampshire as well as nationally. plus trump and desantis are 0ing in on haley. she is close to second to desantis in iowa and a solid second place in new hampshire. trump set to hold a pair of rallies in iowa today for the first of the 2024 cycle. it goes on and on. he has many on his schedule at this point from what i've been reading. charlie hurt, fox news contributor and opinion editor for the washington times. mark penn former clinton advisor
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and veteran polling expert. let's get a democrat's perspective what's going on on the republican sifted aisle. the good news is you have people willing to debate. did we lose him? his candidate is not willing to debate. that's not why we lost him. we'll try to bring him back. while we try to work that out, charlie. i was going to ask -- >> i will try to speak for mark penn and a democrat right now. >> harris: good luck. if you are a democrat your guy isn't debating. go ahead. >> no, it's a great point. i think there is a big reason why democrats don't want their candidate to debate because even when he is just giving a speech and not up against somebody and he is giving -- has the floor to himself, he manages to wander into some pretty perilous territory and they're terrified of it. a big reason democrats are
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trying to vilify trump, they're trying to set up the idea if trump becomes the nominee joe biden doesn't have to debate him. i think they're absolutely terrified of watching president biden debate trump one-on-one. and so, you know, they've got to pull out all the stops to sort of delegitimize donald trump hoping that assuming he will be the nominee. >> harris: look, no one is missing the point trump isn't debating either. biden is losing in the polls. so sometimes when you are going south you have to dig yourself out and maybe, you know, a little fierceness. he is always saying watch me, watch me. maybe the american public needs to see him fighting for them and actually seeing where they are coming from when it comes to high prices. you and i can both jump in and say that. sooner or later we are going to hear from donald trump. in the meanwhile he is spending some of his money on ads and i want to ask my team to run part
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of one of those. this is part of a donald trump ad. >> haley and biden oppose trump's border wall. confirmed warnings of terrorists sneaking in through our southern border. haley joined biden in opposing trump's visitor ban from terrorist nations. haley's weakness puts us in grave danger. >> harris: just to let you know nikki haley has pushed back hard on the fact she did not support a wall. she said she does. it is interesting, though, because the thing about ads and we can say this for nikki haley or anybody, when you have money you start to buy a lot of them and donald trump now is starting to get into that conversation and it forces people to fight. it forces him to just be in their mouths, can't talk about donald trump. >> right. i think that the safest place for donald trump has always been when he is talking about the issues because love him or hate him, he has done a better job
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than any politician in decades from either party identifying issues and the border is a perfect example, identifying issues that politicians in both parties have ignored for a long time. and so when you are talking about issues, donald trump i think is winning and that's the big problem that i think biden's borders are facing. >> harris: mark penn is back veteran polling expert and former clinton advisor. i had fun with the fact that you disappeared off the screen on this digital platform for a second as i was going to you about it would be fresh to get a take from a democrat knowing that the top contender, the only contender on your side of the aisle isn't talking to anybody. what is going to happen? >> well look, i think this is the most exciting part of the political season coming up here. >> harris: i love that. >> is donald trump really going to roll through these primaries and get the nomination or is one
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of desantis or haley going to emerge as a real challenger and take him on? so far only haley has shown momentum. desantis would have to have an upset and really come in second in iowa to kind of change his dynamic, which has been down. haley has to do well enough in iowa and then almost win -- doesn't have to win but come near winning new hampshire and we'll have a race. that will be exciting. >> harris: desantis has been to all 99 counties. i was watching and i knew ramaswamy had been in iowa for quite some time and didn't realize he did 99 times two. there are players on the board that intend to make it interesting. as you just said, mark, maybe haley or desantis doesn't have to win in iowa but they have to beat down that lead that donald
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trump has. do you think, charlie, there is a strategy to do that? >> well, i think they certainly believe there is a strategy to do it. the problem is -- no doubt the media will do everything they can to portray iowa and new hampshire as somehow a loss for trump. if he keeps coming in first place and different people come in do surprisingly welcoming in second place, it doesn't -- that doesn't help anybody but donald trump. donald trump still winds up being the nominee. it might just take a little bit longer. but the expectations game only gets you so far. >> harris: you know, to say that the liberal media will paint him as losing iowa and new hampshire, how in the world could they do that, mark? last word. i don't get that. >> well look, some people are going to of to drop out here if there will be a contest. by the end of new hampshire my suspicion is three of the four
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remaining other candidates will be out and there will be one challenger, 60/40, haley, could be desantis if you want something that's really unexpected. >> harris: i don't know how you make up all those points before new hampshire. we're here to cover it. you analyze and we'll see. i love your enthusiasm mark penn, now that you are back on the screen. exciting time. ten days to iowa. happy new year. republican candidates again making their final push to appeal to iowa voters. three big fox news town halls in iowa next week. monday former u.n. ambassador nikki haley. tuesday, florida governor ron desantis, wednesday, former president donald trump. all moderated by martha maccallum and bret baier here on fox news channel for the cool kids. more and more democratic leaders are turning on the president over the border crisis.
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blue cities buckling under the weight of sanctuary cities, what did they think they were going to get? they can't handle the illegal immigrants and those numbers, oh oh, homeland secretary mayorkas is facing impeachment proceedings refusing to call the biden border crisis exactly that. >> the numbers are historic. the numbers are extraordinarily large. >> you do think it's a crisis now? >> bret, it is a challenge that we have been addressing vigorously. >> harris: do you think he spent time trying to find another word starting with c, we won't call it a crisis we'll call it a challenge. the administration plays the blame game as more illegals push into this country. and pushing us to the brink as citizens. art del cueto with the national border patrol council in "focus" next.
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specific local communities. we have also been bringing to bear our federal statutes and prosecutorial tools to arrest and convict the repeat offenders and criminal organizations that are the principle drivers of violent crime. in addition we are making good use of the bipartisan safer communities act of 2022. it expanded our authority to prosecute firearms traffickers and straw purchasers who buy guns for those barred by the law fro possessing them. we have charged over 300 defendants under that authority. we are continuing to implement the enhanced background check requirements for purchasers under the age 21.
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today we're announcing in the 19 months since the act's passage those checks have kept 527 firearms out of the hands of young people who are prohibited from having them. we have also been utilizing our grant making authorities to support the local anti-violence initiatives being led by both our law enforcement and our community partners. in this regard we've focused on strengthening project safe neighborhoods that puts community partnership and trust and violence prevention at the center of our anti-violent crime efforts. we are also funding community violence intervention initiatives that we know save lives. in light of the encouraging results. >> harris: the numbers of police officers killed, remember, some of what brought that on was the defunding of police, or the ideas of soft on crime policies,
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all of that together and now we're trying to climb out of that. with a victory lap the attorney general you see there talking about a decrease in numbers. we'll shock you when we show recent pictures of where crime is burgeoning. very stubborn to knock it down when you knocked down the numbers of police. a build back will take time but going in the right direction. paul mauro former f.b.i. inspector and attorney will look at the truth. president biden's border crisis is surreal at this point. fox news obtaining incredible exclusive video. this is a new america in an overwhelmed border states. that's not a checkpoint, that's a you can come in point. this is lukeville, arizona, a massive group of illegal immigrants streaming right through an opening in the border wall. smugglers cut a hole into it.
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unfettered, uncaught. we're out numbered at the border. our agents can't do anything. homeland security secretary mayorkas is selling something other than the truth about the scale of the chaos. >> you should have a number, right? you don't know -- big picture, ballpark it. it is more than 500,000? more than 1 million, 2 million? >> bret it's well more than a million per year. >> you do think it's a crisis now? >> it is a challenge that we have been addressing vigorously with all the tools and resources we have been provided. >> harris: marinate on that for a second. the same man who says they lost track of 85,000 migrant children. just let that sit.
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watch mayorkas now contradict past white house comments on what he still calls, you heard it. not a crisis, a challenge. >> the claims that cbp is allowing or encouraging mass release of migrants is just categorically false. that is not what's occurring. >> it is well more than a million per year. >> would it surprise you that cbp sources say they are releasing more than 70% of the migrants crossing every day and sometimes higher than 70%. would that surprise you? >> it would not surprise me at all. >> what we're seeing here at the border, the migration flow, increased migration flow certainly ebbs and flows. we're at a time of year where we are seeing more at the border. it is not unusual. >> the numbers are historic. the numbers are extraordinarily large. >> harris: i mean, that's uncomfortable to watch.
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they both have the same boss. that's fascinating. art del cueto, national border patrol council vice president. when you see people dance around the facts, get some wrong, correct each other and not in the same room it is uncomfortable because this is really serious now. our sovereignty is at stake at the border. >> it is angering when you see these conversations and you hear the comments from these individuals. these are people that are in charge. they should be trying to stop what's coming across the border and make sure the sovereignty of this country is secure. that's what they need to be doing. instead they lie to the american public and at the same time they are ignoring what actually is happening down there. they are ignoring it. it is record numbers. it is beyond chaotic. you are looking at record numbers coming across. that's just what they know of. they still don't have any data to know how many are getting away and with less agents out in the field doing administrative
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work now those numbers they have absolutely 0 clue of what they are doing. make no mistake the chaos started day one of this administration. >> harris: they flipped the switch on trump's policies that were working. those things were executive action orders that he had taken. things that this president could do, too. what he says is he will blame congress for not enough cash. when he has quivers in his pack that he could shoot with but he won't do that. let's get into this. president biden is claiming that house republicans want to reduce the number of federal officers, including border patrol. this was back in may. >> president biden: republican plan would cut federal law enforcement officers. 30,000 including 11,000 f.b.i. agents, 2,000 border agents, dei agents and so on. >> harris: white house correspondent jacque heinrich was pressing john kirby on what
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biden said just yesterday. watch this. >> can the administration name a single lawmaker called to reduce the number of border patrol agents? >> a single lawmaker that has called for -- i would argue karine jean-pierre has talked about this. they voted down proposed legislation that would at the president's urging increase the number. >> the 2,000 border patrol agents being eliminated is a reference to the house dhs appropriations bill. republicans say it would have increased the number because it would eliminate funds for climate change and clean energy programs. this is sort of the first time i've been hearing the claim about eliminating 2,000 border patrol agents painting a picture like we're short 2,000 in the border when that -- >> that legislation has additional border agents in it and house republicans voted it down. i don't know how else you want to take that. >> harris: they are like
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children. we have to put them in the same room with the daycare to share their toys because we can't trust them to share on their own? they can't tell one story like the truth on their own? >> make sure you include an abacus so they learn how to count. the number of agents is diminishing under this administration by removing them working on the line and putting them in proper sense centers. it has been reduced during this administration because they are leaving the agency. they don't see there is any backing from this administration. this administration is the one responsible for any reduction. >> harris: even more democrats are turning on president biden over his handling of illegal immigration. the surge now that we've been seeing is affecting blue cities across the country. those sanctuary cities. ask them at the border they call it to your face. we've seen it. boston, denver, chicago leaders
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are crying out for help. yesterday new york city mayor eric adams sued 17 bus companies for taking illegal immigrants into the city. he is looking for more than $7 hundred million to reimburse. to make things worse for new york city, new jersey law enforcement has been ushering more than 1,000 people arriving in that state on the manhattan-bound trains. many illegal immigrants buses diverting to new jersey after mayor adams last week ordered restrictions you can only arrive in the city certain hours. if you arrive someplace else like jersey, they will wait until the hours start in new york and then head there. they understand this is where they want to be. >> if you ask people from either side of the aisle, they are going to tell you they want to be secure in their homes. doesn't matter whether on the right or left side, they want security. >> harris: look, you know, as we take a look at this and this is
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the time of year that we see the numbers tick up even more. i watched something happen in the last couple of days. in texas we have reports seeing fewer people coming in. while arizona was getting bombarded. it reminded me of something you told me last summer. if you broadcast there are fewer resources and that they were having to shut down things in tucson a week or so ago because they were so overwhelmed, that's exactly where the cartels will then send people because they know it's easier to hit. they are redirecting. talk to us about that. >> that's what it is. their intel is fantastic. they are paying attention to the news and seeing where the areas and gaps are. they have scouts in the united states watching the movement. they know where to go. what's scary is when you are seeing groups that enter in texas and it's the majority from central america, that's what is getting away in that area. when you see groups in areas of arizona coming across from
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egypt, serbia, then that's what's getting away in those areas. the numbers of the encounters are record numbers and it should be scary. what is also scaring is what's geting away and what we continuously release. this administration continues to be blind to what is actually happening on the border. >> harris: what you are pointing to is some of the people coming from states on special interest and terror watch lists and that sort of thing. it's a huge job, art. you and your team have to do, thousands of you are always grateful. happy new year to you under tough times. >> happy new year, thank you for having me. >> harris: so you heard the attorney general talking about, you know, declining crime. well, it didn't get erased. more than 100 looters used a car to smash into a los angeles area bakery. this after we heard the a.g.
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dropping those violent crime statistics. we'll get to the truth. plus word salad from the vice president apparently not on the white house menu. >> you need to get to go and you need to be able to get where you need to go. a.i. is a fancy thing, two letters. as the name suggests, community banks are in the community. >> harris: i mean, when you need a laugh, right? a new book reporting icy tensions between president and vice president harris, tammy bruce in "focus" next. people tell me they'd love to buy gold. but because it's gold - they think it must be complicated. it isn't. not with rosland capital. with rosland... the entire process from start to finish is built on one concept... one... keep... it... simple. rosland capital - a trusted leader in helping people acquire precious metals. gold bullion, lady liberty gold and silver proofs,
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>> harris: a new book is fueling extra speculation about team biden's internal frustrations are vice president kamala harris . a bit. the idea harris was going to use her powers of persuasion to help get biden's agenda through congress was a joke to biden's
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team. ouch. it goes on. i was surprised to learn how few democrats even like harris let alone respect her. there is plenty of negative chatter behind the scenes. few dare speak publicly for fear of being branded a racist or sexist. we've heard that defense more than once. >> do you think sexism and racism is part of the problem. >> now she a history maker, a woman, a black woman and it is the easy thing to do to say to go after her. >> our expectations are set for the traditional white male vice president. if you think about how she s it is linked to race and gender. >> harris: just pause there for a second. most people don't know what vice presidents do. doing black is not a job role.
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all right. a real clear politics poll shows more than 55% of voters give her an unfavorable rating. tammy bruce, fox news contributor. president of american spirit enterprises. doing something that you are is not a job category, right? >> it is not. >> harris: it's insulting. >> it's insulting and doesn't help other women of color from moving up. these are important roles. young women of color and young women in general need to see women in power. once you are there, you have a job to do. and this is the problem with what has been happening. the willingness of democrats to allow this to occur to put a woman in a position with either not defining it for her or not liking her in the beginning like the remark that it was a joke to them.
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then why are you choosing her? you choose the right person for this dynamic. >> harris: you want credit for making her a victor. now she becomes a victim because she is not performing. >> the audience won't like this. stacey abrams, who i don't politically at all don't like, but she makes her points. she is clear in what it is she intends to do. you are not going to like democrat policies or what they want to accomplish but the democrats and the dei left seem to choose people who can't deliver at all, and then forbid this conversation as though they can't handle it. that's the racism. it does harris no good and gay no good, certainly not women. this country is suffering. women are suffering, girls are suffering. economy and everything else, the border, sex trafficking, that affects women and children. and yet the women who would
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understand that -- >> harris: and be able to speak up with a platform. not that men couldn't understand it. of course they would. certain women are going to get a different kind of attention and we've lost that. that's the shame of it all. the democrats have better talent and they don't choose them for some reason because they don't conform. because they are independent women. the smarter, real focused women are thinking for themselves and that is not what the democrat party wants. >> harris: i don't agree they have better talent. sandra day o'connor was gifted. when one makes a mistake on the right side of the aisle it is a different sort of yeah, it's based on merit. on the left side of the aisle everybody comes out to save that person because it was never based on merit. it was about box checking. it doesn't help particularly young men and women because they get this false sense that they don't really have to meet
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expectations. >> that you don't have to deliver. better even as liberals, we don't see those women because the democrat machine doesn't choose them because they might be hard to handle because they make their own minds up because they aren't going to conform. >> harris: is that why your show is called get tammy bruce? >> exactly. >> harris: three days and 53 carjackings is how the new year has looked in the nation's capital. >> we need a greater police presence. that's a challenge. part of it is we need to increase the sense of accountability even for crimes that are lower down so that people know there are consequences if they get on the wrong path. >> harris: democrats want consequences now. the attorney general spoke on the drop on violent crime. a new editorial says the left wants you to think the crime crisis is in the rearview mirror. it is not over.
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>> with respect to violent crime, we know that hard-fought progress can easily slip away and we must remain focused and vigilant. that said, we are encouraged by
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the data we're seeing indicating a decline in homicides. this is not a time to relax our efforts. we have so much more to do. >> harris: we took it live right here on "the faulkner focus." attorney general merrick garland earlier this hour taking a victory lap on crime stats. f.b.i. data showing that from january to september of 2023 overall violent crime was down 8.2%. murders dropped by 15.6%. which try telling that to the people who live in cities across america including our nation's capital. crime there still a crisis. in just the days, three of them, three days, the first three days of 2024, police say there were more than 50 carjackings. overall in 2023, car thefts, robberies, homicides all increased. a local media outlet found a flyer this week reading
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shoplifters unite. take everything not nailed down. bust windows. there was a chaos that unfolded in compton, california. more than 100 looters crashed a car into a small bakery and ransacked the store earlier this week. that night people sounded off on the chaos crippling. >> there will continue to be more victims. we need to really take this as seriously as it is. it is only a matter of time until another life is lost. >> harris: the "wall street journal" editorial board says they want people to believe that post covid crime is down. the public and criminals know lawlessness is still too often
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tolerated. paul mauro attorney and retired nypd inspector. when you see the attorney general taking a victory lap you say wow, things are great. when you see that video you say was he lying or is he looking at something that we don't snow what's happening. >> any decline is good. my question is the metrics. comparing this year to last year. like comparing the titanic to the lusitania. we're coming off a very bad trend here. first of all, go back to 2019, the better metric, pre-covid but pre-defund before the summer of love in 2020 after the george floyd thing. let's take new york. we're up over 30% from 2019 in all seven majors. secondly what he is not talking about and what he doesn't capture here is any of the quality of life crimes. if you talk to people on the street they refer to is the street conditions they see and feel every day. thankfully homicides, which is what he name checks
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comparatively rare. what he is not talking about is menacing on the street. homeless people bothering people. the shoplifting. that stuff he doesn't address. that's more underground. >> harris: it doesn't get counted. >> he is not talking about that but what people see and feel in the cities. >> harris: you have told us those are also the crimes that slide into other crimes that are more violent. >> of course. >> harris: if you only count the initial crime. did you hear the way that one person who lives in compton described it. she said we can't live through the street takeover. it is a whole takeover of blocks of areas in l.a. i lived in l.a. in the 80s and i saw it when i thought it was the worst, that's kind of what it is looking like again. >> same thing in new york. the conditions i saw growing up in the 70s. we're going back to that and a tolerance for it. this has been institutionized.
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they've softened the law. a lot tougher to undue. when giuliani came into new york they made major gains every year. tougher to do that this time. you have laws this time that are against the police. furthermore you have the prosecutors who won't prosecute. they have put in laws where they just cut loose anybody that comes in the door. here is something nobody is talking about. i have to get this out. in new york and it's an example what is going on across the country. it's decarceration, the idea the entire system is institutionally racist and get people back on the street. there is an argument to that. here in new york we're closing ryker's island. over the next couple of years because of the deduction in prisoner beds thanks to the deblasio administration plan we'll go down almost half in the number of available prison beds. you think we lock up nobody now? think about that. over the next couple of years we are going to cut enforcement by
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almost half because there is literally no place to put these people. what is new york going to look like in 2026? >> is mayor adams going to let that happen? he can kiss re-election goodbye. >> it's happening. >> harris: one of the things we talk about police officers and the fraternal order of police is shocking and heartbreaking statistics. the number of officers shot in the line of duty last year. we have what we call the ring of honor in "the faulkner focus" studio here and we will scroll the names, 46 of those officers who were killed. you will see those names scrolling for the rest of the show. 378 in total officers shot. the highest number ever recorded. the report credits advances in protection equipment for the high survival rate, however. the order's president reminding us of the danger that officers face on a daily basis with this. many will often look at this data and see numbers. we must remember they represent
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heroes, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters. the scale of violence against our officers is horrifying and simply unsustainable. it is no wonder that our profession is facing a recruitment and retention crisis. your response. >> every cop has the story he knows somebody was killed in the line of duty. i knew two quite well. this hits home. the fact that the numbers are rising is trouble. a number of these were ambushes. that goes to the incentivizing of attacking and defying lawful police conduct. the paradigm in policing is ask, tell x make. you don't always go through all three. sometimes you can to make in an emergency. it has become embedded among progressives this is somehow a legitimate act of civil disobedience to defy and attack the police. the distinction between the two sides of the aisle regarding this. most of the republicans voted for it is the protect and serve
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act in congress. want to federal eyes attacking p police is like a hate crime. they didn't pass it. congress won't pass it. they have the republican votes but not the democrats vote. kamala harris issues a new thing from the white house. she will set up a database to track police misconduct. that is a bad thing and want to keep an eye on it. there is no details on it and we've seen this kind of thing in new york. what does it mean to go into the database and what's the criteria? >> harris: a lot of eyebrows go up when you tell us the vice president is going to be in charge of something with law enforcement she needs to give lots of interviews explaining what it will look like. they can't be filled with word salad. >> you are initiatives don't ever seem to get off the ground. >> harris: bless all the families who lost fallen
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