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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 5, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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they started the a gofundme, the neighbor, the neighborhood started a go fund me page ran after we had him on the show. it's tripled. so if you have a dollar to help them out, they are completely having to rebuild that store to reopen for the community. >> and we support our small businessesbusiness. >> do you know where the carton. went afterwards? that straight outta compton. oh, nicely done.that but was the ca pr waars that pay of the group that that was the way they ran through the door. so that they can run in and do the car first? >> so the crash crashing. but the media blamed the care of course driver so they can't prosecute. ss car all right. driver so you voted afterwards a that's r ? yeah. yeah, that's right. that's it fo. that's i.r us. have a great night. i want to thank everyone for being with us. weconds. you wan have four more. i want to say, jesse, i love you, america.dcast. >> welcome to jesse watters,
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primetime tonight. >> he went on to say he' wd be a dictator on day one. i think it's despicable. seriously,. joe biden falls forh another hoax. shoplifters united says, takeg h everything that's not nailed down. bus window s. >> criminals are now unionizing . what do you want? it's not that simple. >> it'what do you want?ou wan womee time findst? out what womn really want. plusly, changes for illegals. >> you know marilyn monroe. >> i got more legs than a bucket of chicken. when the first shots of the revolutionary war rang out, almostlutionar two hundred and s ago, the country needed someone who would not only unite the colonies, but lead an army of unskilled soldiers into n armybattle. >> that man, george washington,
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who fendedthat man off the siegh of boston under the cover fo darkness, who mobilized his men at valley forge and forced the british to surrender in yorktownrg the, george washington defied the odds. no washingw joe biden thinks hen repeat history after a week long caribbean vacation where we he just had skin cancer returned with a sunburn,joe bi joe biden took anotherde two das off and went to valley forge to say, i'm joe washington, general george washingtonface knew he faced the most dauntingd of tasksaunt to fight and win ar against the most powerful empirefu existed in the world at the time. today, we gathertime in a new yr some 246 years later, just one day before january 6, a daya forever shared our memory becausede it was on that daye ny and we nearly lost america. lost it all. the man who says he's a puerto p
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rican truck driving jewish professor now has a new identityro. >> that's the campaign strategy. joe bidethat's the cn is identig as george washington and says trump's a dangerouden is is brih monarch who's trying to kill withr. cy with a dagge >> this is the first national election since january 6. insurrection first and placed a dagger at the throat of american democracy. since that momen throat, we allu donald trump is the questionmp.? we have to answers. who are we? that's what's at stake fore we our way. >> so what is at stake?bi well, biden says the election is a choicdee between democracy and dictatorship. >> this is like something out of a fairy>> this tale, a bad y tale. he went on to say he'd be a dictator on day one if i wrote in a book of fiction, i said,esn an american president said that.
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not in jest. >> biden's running on the dictator one day one hoax, which would be the second hoax he ran on. the first being the fine people hoa fine peox. o so hard run on hoax and arrest your opponent just like george washington. and the media is treating them likedia is washington. >> watch. there is a remarkable speech>> i which spoke directly to the moment, and it was delivered with amazing passionpassio and conviction and integrity. you san w some real emotionther there. was one of. the better speeches, if note ha top two or three speeches he's ever given in his career. >> you can sees ev that the president feels this stuff in his bones. >> i thought the president was absolutely t outstanding today. the president was alive. he was passionate. >> he was articulate. this is the first time the media has describes is tdal. biden as alive. it's because he mentioned january 6 more times than adam schiff. >> tam biden released the firstmpaign campaign ad of the year, a doesn't even mention what he's
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done. >> just called 74 million americans dangerous extremists threatening democracy. >> watch icans da. pened >> there's something dangerous happening in america. there's an extremist movement does not share the basic position on democracy. >> and this is all very c confusing to jesse watters prime time, because strippinonfr your opponent from the ballot, slapping gags on them and arresting them isn't savino. democracy. it's just saving whatever dwindling chances biden has. it it reelection.o what listen to what h he says. democracy means having the freedom to speak your mind to be who you are, the freedom to speak your mind is on the ballot, but if you question the election, then you can't be on the ballot. >> now, i'm not a constitutional law professor like joe biden, but this this to wrap my headround. around. how is preventing me from voting for the guy i wantwant to saving democracy. we cannot let biden's lawyers decide this election. jac
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biden's prosecutor, jack smith, says if trump's reelectek d, he might use his state of the union address to start murdering an u y democratp. who doesn't clap. >> this could be right out of ar political thriller. quote, the nation would have no recourse to dete.r a presidentpe from inciting his supporters duringrs a state of the union address to kill opposing lawmakers to ensure he remains in office unlawfullye th. pers republican lawmakers wouldn't even give trump money for his wall. for in hwhat makes you think th they're going to choke out? >> jamie raskin on command. wi this is the most insane election i've ever covered. fight for democracy by killing democracy or everyone diesacy b everybody needs to chill out. will have a nice electio n. we'll call it a day. but democrats won't letcrat you decide. an they know better and they need additional safeguards to prevent democracy from happening. >> listen. if trump really may have a shoti at getting into the white house, i agree this should be a
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bipartisan issuee that s . con we need to go ahead as congress get together and make surende that we put up some additional safeguards. >> what additional safeguarde as do you need? >>n the mancourt is going to be in court all spring. ring.he's off the ballots in two states already. you already got his mug shot. >> now you're going for his business license. and if he criticizesicense the e one more time, you're going to have him thrown in jail. >> i'm actually afraidn jail tod out what additional safeguards could be. >> this is the laziest, hoax riddled, rigged campaign effort in the historyt ed of american politics. tht a third spen of his presidency on vacation is here to save democrac isy. oe how much time off the george washington take? a meanwhile, donald trump just wrapped up a speech in iowa. you know, sinc speece he's actuy campaigning for president. >> so what did he think of biden'sident.think of speech? >> that's why crooked joe ist is staging his pathetic why fear mongering campaign event in pennsylvania today. e him?u semo even in he was stuttering through
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the whole thing. he's got i've got to he's a threat to democracyayin and they've weaponized government. he's saying i'm a threat to democracyg i'm democr. >> he's a threat to ourto dem democracocy. i couldn't read the word. >> it's going to be a fun campaign. both candidates accusing each other of being corrupt, racist and threatening democrac corrup and here's the former president on election by trial present to china and i saw president xi. >> i said, do you have a probleident xi.m? address? no, no, no, we do not. quick trial. quick trial. no one. quick trial. man. right, quick trialick tria. unlike our trials of lasting 400 years. except if i'm being triem being trd. g if i'm being tried, they go quickly. they set records. o if i'm being tried for both, they go fast. am mind i'm setting records they've never seen. in washington, d.c. they've never seen speed like the other guys. they'd be in court for seven years. man getse gets don done like tw.
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>> biden wants his opponent to die in prison. trump just wants to senden his opponent home who's liken george washington more. baden isn't even stepping on the battlefield. >> his lazy campaigns, all lawyers and liestt lazy. >> biden stole your freedom. he firedyour the non vax oron censored you online. he spied on you. you open the country to 5 million mystery men from god knows where biden is.biden no george washington is li that somebody looks likeke george hamilton, joe cancer congressional candidate and a retired green beret. joe, we're going to be hereg ths in this democracy thing for the next year. >> you think it's going to stick? >> no, i really don't. i mean, when you hear the democrats and especially yop biden talk about protecting our democracy january 6 and all thatmocracry s, it's because the nothing else to talk about. they want to divert from their failink erg record. if you go out and you actually talk to people in my district or throughoutey the country, what they're
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concerned about is the inflation that's stealin. gwith their wages. they're concerned with the millions of illegal immigrants have poured into our country legalimmigran and know what's been pumped into the country to kill every american multiple times over ke that's what concerns everyday citizens. so the democratss rn can't talkt about that because that is a direct reflection of their policy failurehas. so they're using this effort to divert away from diom the ps. causere but also it's very dangerous because, as you pointed out, joe biden is takinointed og demy and he's throwing it in the trashcan, weaponizing itg the ls system against his political opponents, which is what i saw poen i was serving overseas. and, you know, third world countries not in the united stateoverseass of americ. so we're in a very dangerous era. as funny as itn a is sometimes but it's very dangerous. >> it is funny. but when the president is saying that his opponent is a tyrant who's got a dagger to the neck of democracy, i mean, he jokes about being a dictator. >> but joe biden is serious when he says that. what kind of effec when heys thd that have? a huge effect. and joe biden controls? all the
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levers of power right now. we already know he's weaponizes the department of justic e, s wh the fbi, against parents that show up at school board meetingsp at. he's got lawfare going got on against president trump and against really anyone who dissents fai from n the narrative. so people need to step back and take a deep breath and take take at what has happened to our system. we have people who have been wele w of their to constitutional rights to speedy and fair trials. we have, you know, presidential candidates being taken off the ballot before the election even takes place, depriving the american people of their ability to actually cast their vote.oul' so i think the stakes couldn't be higher. i agree,her. actually, our repun is on the line in this next election and we cannot allow biden and the democrats allo what'srom actually affecting people in the district, in my district and throughout the countryct anm but also, we can't let them take our system and destroy it troy i quest for power. >> and that's a good point. it is .a republic. e and i think the president, former president should should say that and remin baeverybody about the balance of power in this country. joe, ken, thank you so much. la kentand have a great weekend.
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good news, democrats say iffrom you take money from china, you can't be president c. nl bad news. it only applies to trump. y the the oversight committeeveg of the house of representativehs has discovered corruption of foreign influence peddling by a president of the united states. >> you just can't take any. monet tay from foreign governmei and the president cannot receive any paymentsdent c or gs from a foreign source. >> this is about foreign and bribes to the president of the u.s. from thltiple foreign governmentshe s and countries. >> this has never happened before in american history. ifis neverin that information hh to light while he was in office, it would certainly be grounds fore impeachment. >> sounds like they finally cracked open the lapto p right? >> wrong. democrats spent the last seven years investigating outing of trump's corrupt and what they come up with. some foreigners stayed a at trump's hotels while he was president. >> that's it.
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seven years. a fethat's iw people from overss stayed at some of trump's hotels while he was president. >> and democrats saywh was thats against the law. in four years, they found in f million bucks in hotel a charges from a few guys from mexico, china, saudi arabia, canada. guy wo it's like a rounding error to a guy worth billions. by, trump didn't even own the hotels while he was president. >> he transferred ownership to his sons and what the sons do with the money. they didn't buuns do wy and crak with it. >> any money that came from foreigners was donatedy that car us treasury. that's the scandaly. . don and eric didn't get diamonds in cars. they tooand cars.k the money anx gave it back to you, the taxpayers. >> and what are the trump's? rush to do? >> say no foreigners at our nour because our father'sent. president, everybody would call them racistseryone. but if you let the foreigners stay in the hotels and give the monen the hoy to the treasun you're a criminal. ket th
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>> and did trump pocket the chinese room bills and thee n go soft on china? no. d sh andhed a trade war unlike the biden family, who took four times the cash and took it easy on beijinyg. t >>he you want to know the main t difference between the foreigners spending monehe yp's ha on the trumps and the bidens? the trumps have a business. what are the bidenves.s have? >> 20 shell companies. with the trump20 ss, we know what the money was for room and board, maybe some cocktails, maybrdeffles. some waffles. >> would the foreignershe f give bidenorei the money for't he doesn't have a hotel. biden family business doesn't even have a website. >> it was abroad and theyay tax didn't even paesy taxes on the bribes. >> up next, do you thinkt, y harvard has a probleou tm? ki kirby wants to replace behind her at the podium, but she won' bt leave.d and she just played the race ♪ cardrd is to being a young man,a
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x, our newest, most powerful fat incinerator ever. absolutely free. >> first they came for sammy.y then they came for the plagiarizing harvard president. now all d-i hires are at risk. diversitall dey equity inclusion programs are being canceled faster than roseanne. >> all those who shatter are looking over their shoulders. and there'ing over their shos oe white house that doesn't like what she sees. >> courageous. affe the air on affectionately known as binder despises john kirby, the well qualified straight white guy stealing her podium time. >> the white house dii cold warr began in october when binder was asked if it was bad to hate the jews. oncern >> one level of concern right now about cultural rise ii of anti-semitism in light of everything that's goinggh on in israel. >> so a couple of things. look couple , we have not seen y credible threat to muslimnd
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and those perceived to beendure muslim have endured a disproportionate number of hate fueledd attacks. binde >> after binder bricked the layup, john kirby was layu kir the bench to save the briefings. and kirby has been doing such a better job than binder. >> joe biden's got an identity politics, civil wa r in his hands. >> axios ran the numbers and over the last three months, binder has only been allowed to brief the press by herselbinf without kirby overseeing her once. >> so team binders playing the race card, leaking that thes situation was insulting because it suggested that the black press secretary to represent the president needed superficialary to r acti the only person who needs supervision more than joe biden is binder. >> hard because she doubleus shatterse sh black and. this is a problem now because you can't replace her with a white guy and the white guy wants the job. wants thkirby's been saying it . biden likes him. he likes him a
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he likes him a lot more than binder. i mean, how could you not?bide >> biden likes kirby so much that president asks kirby to personally briethe f him on issues and has started bringing them along on air force one, even domesticim up o. even though kirby is supposed to be the foreign policy guy, r can you replace a strugglingf yo black? >> only if you're harvard. but the problem is, binderharva. says, she's not leaving charlie hurt joins me now. >> charlie. this is juic y. >> this is the fight we've all been waiting for. >> yeah. you know, and she's go yeah.t at here. when you get hired as the hes the and then you get sort of carted aside as the black , a you can't claim it's not something about her immutablboe characteristics. this is how the white house promotedthispromoted her. and to be fair, further for's be
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her, it's been sortn f of humiliating from the start fohumilir because the entire time you've had tim john kirby and others lurking in the wings and she's sos. demonstrable, terrible at her job. when you bring john kirby, excii who is not exactly the world's most exciting guy, but when you bring hing guym in to act le the adult in the room, he acts like the adult, the room, making her look all the more ridiculous. so it's almost like the whiteus house set her up for failure, for failure fromr up the beginno and that's kind of what they're getting now.s an kirby's annoyed because when he goes to brief binder f calls on reporters forum, she won't let him call on his own reporters. >> but when jake sullivan comes to brief, he can call on whatever reporter he wants to. >> and binder sits dow n. >> and the fact that she is, she as you point out, she is usings her minions,us her allies, t to float this whole notionbout
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that there is something racist about it or that that she's being passedat she i overe of the veto for the same same reasons that white house said that they hired her in the first place. >> it reveals just how tense things really are behind. the scenes. and i don't know. i mean, i don' t know how you how t i don't know how the white house navigates this because and by the way, it's not all that different from the situation they hav eesiden with their vice president. when the president announces that he's going to pict.resident k kamala harris as a woman of color, and then they try to sideline her, what do you say? you can't say that they're just sidelining some random person. they're sidelining the woman of color that's in the administration. and it's a real problem. it's like they're revealin g their true inner selves when they do this. >> you know, here's a solution s already. >> you just hire qualified people. doesu just hqualifie that mattee straight black males. you hire the most qualified
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people. soop't hav that yoe u don't have this stupid problem. >> it's not that hard. amazin g i wish i had thoughty yo of that the way you say it. >> it sounds so simple. if th >> all right, let's see ifey are they're listening. charlie, thank you. have a great weekend . >> free changes for illegal aliens. carlos is now carlettaaliens. >> this is our last chance to help save thousandse needs of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union. today, the needs that these forgotten jews have areof it something beyond anything you can imaginyee. have you eaten this morning? yea. yea. yea. i ate the carrot and so i ate half of it yesterday and i had half of it yesterday and i had it today for breakfast and this is what she ate in two days. chrione carrot is what some peoe do the least for me.
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survivor who is suffering survivor who is suffering and in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. >> do it when it's on your heart and pray that they'll know in their final monthsk trip w that they' alone. >>embolism i was on a work trin the pulmonary embolism happened, but because i have 23 in me, i was aware of that gene that saved my life. it has been nothing to see here. move on. all of that has changed. what's really going on with the ufo situation? are we alone in the universe? no, they're coming here. what if i told you these people are related to these famous faces? don't play games with your mom.
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wellest hundds, unless they breh the capitol. this is the evolution of crimets . criminals are now unionizing in dc. >> they're putting up fliers. oh, my goodness. and where way gos exactly? n th >> right here posted on the window of this vacant storefront on, irving street. shoplifters unite, it says, take everythinays.g that's not nailed down bus windows, but everyonebusted we spoke with tonight had the same reaction. >> no, no, don't that. don't do that. d.c. dc has got a big problemha.m. it's not just the shoplifters union. there's been a 53 reported first carjackings in just the first three days of th of the e year. that's 20 a day. >> and when criminality goes unpunished, the cracks in law and order, they begin to widen . >> our men and women in blue. they have to fend for mer a lot more than they bargained for, like in l.a., where a man wielding a machete dash towards officers and, you know, take it out, back it up.
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you know, it's easy to pick on the west coast and you can't help it. >> but thip its of crimes happeg everywhere, even in small little new englandhere towns. >> put your hands on the carur that happened and i thought you got your license on your back. no. all right. go ahead. put your hands on your back and trooper one on the ground, dude ,get on the ground. hey, get shot fired.shot f shots fired. shots fireird. >> this is the reality of theth cities in the suburbs. increasingly, if nothing gets done, looting mobs and police shootouts going to be happening everywhereolics will b.
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millions of migrants pouring into the country, already assimilating mig. >> the second they break in, they start taking videos on their iphonest . >> and when they're done posing, they immediately become democrats and think they're above the law. >> yesterday, troopers in the laredoe th sector went after two teen smugglers hiding five migrants in the car. check out the pit maneuvercheckv i've got to get the. >> yeah, listen, if i was a migrant, i'd probably slip of coyote, a g and cross to because democrats are creating a lot of magnets. free hotels, free food, free phones, free flights, free college. >> las, freet year alone from california. just a first.
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i've got six full time deputies. those guys were involved in over 260 high speed pursuits just for that year. six guys and 260 260, that's almost one a day. and how did test turn out all those high speed chases? >> what happened at the end?>> we well, we caught 90% of them addeing about the freebies while. >> california just added another freebie to the lisd anos free sex change operations, migrants to make iext to california, get to play mr. potato head with their body parts. and yoody parts u have to pay for it. >> california's health care programs for h the poor cover ti this hormone therapy procsurgical procedures that, quote, bring primary and secondary gender characteristics intngo conformity with the individual's identified gender, including ancillary services such as hair removal , incidenceof t of those services, and the migrants qualifyinhoseg. osé i'm sure jose can't wait to gett his back waxed. wan
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all one wanted when he came here was to become one into's te it's the american dream come true a or one need becomes one doesn't matter, you know, aa they just sashay away while you pay. >> wy while yoe all rememberhe a the inscription on the statue of liberty. >> give us your poor, your tiredtuty. , your hungry, your gender. >> confused is a mandy being trapped in a woman's body legit grounds for asylum? of course it groasylum is. if carlos lives in venezuela and is afraid to walk around in aezuela a dress, come over. >> here's $100,000 will removeil it. not the dresls. >> you see, if you're aneric american citizen in californiaa, you have to pay 30 grand for implants. but if you break int for o the country, you get double ds for free. >> emily wilson is the hostho of emily saves america. st o emily, i never thought i'd be saying free changes for whatgal alienssaying ever in my broadcasting career. what has happened hereappened ? >> yeah, well, here we love gavin newsom because he focuses
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on the important issues like giving impor change operationso to illegal immigrants coming over. >> he's not focuse l immigrants comd that on the veterans that are still, to this day, sprawled out becass brentwoodar thi. everyone in los angeles knows because you drive by who are starving and col.d and don't have health care food. but luckily, when one crosses n't have the border illegally, we canim focus on giving him lady parts. so when he's out on streets cano selling phone all to americans, he can not only, you know, lootk at on the outside, but be affirmed on who he is on the inside. and that's what mattere is on s. i really just need to affirm all of these people. n thinks he can run for president. >> emily, do you think you can run for president paying for a change for illegal immigrants? donald trump could have a field day with that. i, i think when you're deep as deep with the democrats as him, he can say and do anything. and, you know, at the end of the day, he will have a
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chance. but i can tell you hereer in california and especially los angeles, whether you're a liberal democrat or a republicanou'r, this is juste absolute clown world and no one's having it anymore. >> well, no one can pay for it either, because you guys are likeys $31 billion in the red. do you think, emily, that therea are actual trans people jealous of the migrantl trans and they e want to remove their citizenship just s o they can get the free sex change? you know that maybe that is a great positive take on this situation. maybe now we'll have a lot of the trans communitye now we g to the right-wing community. do you think surgeons are happy? because, i mean, they already hathey a in california now. >> they just got about a million more clientsmillion . hi >> oh, yeah. i'm sure they're excited. all the plastic surgeons a hav in beverly hills are going to have a field day with this. i know they're already busy, but addingd th this into this,is wil maybe this is just going to stimulate our economy. i don't knowonomy.. ng t
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i'm it's a new year. extre i'm trying to be extremely positive here. it's businesmetive.s friendly.d >> i need you to do us a favora, emily, can you do us a favor? yeah. i need you t.o find the firste illegal alien to have a sex change, and you get themusi. booked on jesse watters prime time. >> okay, i want an exclusive. emily, can you handlndlee that?. perfect. my career in journalism nowmy starts today. thank all right. thank you very much. have a great weekend y very mu.e >> have a good one. thanks for havinang meks for. well, what do women really want? do womewe have an answer. we to take our old gas heating and radiant heat. >> that was a really, really huge project. who has the time as a toddler? mom? i do not. i was so overwhelmed because i started contacting people often and to be able to see contractors that are licensed and real people refuse to work with people that obviously knew what they were doing. it was a game changer.
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what do you want? >> what do you want? >> for ryan gosling. can't figure it out. then the rest of us don't stand a chance . but that's all changed, gentlemen. prime time'schanging gentlem fos >> a woman who speaks for all women and tells us what they want. >> women find boundaries very attractive. they pretendy they do. they'll say, you can't tell me what to do. i'm my own woman. .omethibut there'ngs something o attractive about a man who's not a people pleaser. so women like a firm hand to women, like nice guys or bad b boys. >> they like a lotad of masculinity. and what they do is they blame the fact that they're so nic nie as to why they can't get women. but it's not about being nice. it's about a lack of masculinity. ulinity. >> oh, interesting. nice. guys do finish last.>> interdo finisso what about pla? >> think celibacy, especially on a man about p, is so unbeliey attractive? unbelis is thate ean he is not accessible and available to everybody.
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>> now access, a little confused. >> they don't want a nice guy, but they don't want a player eitheruy but don. so the woman we're listening we to is datingar coach kahn. she doesn't just give men advice. she speaks to women, too . >> listen. so we've created a generation of narcissistic wome've crean. and what's happened is the rises of social media, the rised th of online dating and the rise if feminism has taught women that they are not to blame for any poor choices. so if you want to be a worker, it's great. if you want to post in bikini pictures, online is fine and everything pos . rnal ref a ton of reflection is seen as gaslighting yourself. so then you've got time for internal reflection to prevent it happening. >> that commen pret, by the way, got her thrown off instagram. they said she was being anti sex worker, but she's not banned from prime time dating expert. sonia comes here with me. datingxpert sa, explain when yoi women want men to establish boundaries. >> i think what meant by thatd e
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is men and women, because we live in a societ y now where we're not really looking to create a healthy home. we'rme.e to see the most we can get out of each other. but women are still designed to be protected by men. and the only way we defineonly y and then that is able to protect us is one that has ig. akelf-esteem now is low self-esteem, make theyible life decisiones. they are unable to predict ande the environment. 't they can't control their emotions. they are easily manipulated women. and the main thing is they have no willingness to walk away whewillinn they arere being being manipulated or being badly treated. >> and as a result, we've create.d a culture of woment who just marry because bee, want a good adam or m and they just want to make sure that the prenup favors them. soe pr in the stone age, it's sr easy to have the upper hand over as a woman. it's so easy to post pictures e and be blownasy out across the country by a billionaire. >> it's so easy to marry and divorce and stuff if seeing
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the children. the only thing that will make ue us truly respect a man is if he has high self-estee if hem, h enough for him to select wisely and not be manipulated by and pushed into a corner by women simply because he's attractedman simp to her.he and that's what i think the fundamental core values fin that we've now no longer find and anymore. doesn'ry thatt help the losein help. but essentially, i think that's what most women are looking fo r . you can be rich, you canr no be tall, short, you can be funny or not funny. but if you are easy e to manipulate and have low self-esteem and you can never walk away from a woman, we essentially see you as less powerful and less attractive. >> so you're saying greg gutfeldless, who is short d rich and funny, can get any woman he wants, but if he is lacking self-esteem, esteem, it's trouble? >> absolutely. because you can be rich to show it doesn't actually matter if sh doesn'te knows that you'reu e super intelligent at work, a you've got a bunch of employees. but all she has to do is whereee
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the right outfit and then you are able to take her shopping and fly arounfly hy and let her do whatever she wants with your credit card without earning any of thoseou e privileges, you immediately become somebody she calls that. so som sorry.n' >> what you're saying is we can't let you guys control us. absolutely. but you guys are designed >> y us.ol >> i'm sorry. aren't you guys designed to control us? >> don't you always try to control us? y to cwe just shouldn't. >> you are designed to test. oh, tests are designed to test you. yeah. so believe what women are actually designed to do is to test to see ifly desig. wt let us take the driving seat. what we truly want is a man that we don't want to take the driving seat from. and he doesn't let us.ntrol a because women are always going to try and control them and that's what they're alwayshl d going to do. but the moment they cannot control them, they lose desire and respectheyctbecaust for hime he no longer is seen as masculine. so we test so w you and only thenow we ones that we know we can't benefit and can't control
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are the ones that weo on will submit to. >> oh, no one said there was going to be a teste sare would. >> nadia, before we let you go ,the social media situation, s you were telling women it's a mess. can you just elaboratemess on tt for us? >> i think social media has made sure that women are perpetual victims and thehoi only way to get out of this victimhood is that you use men fos r your selfish desires. that are not there to createre a homeate where they're no longn your partner. instead, they are either a bansk that you just take all his money from or there's somebody that your ther don't get too closely the to attached to that essentially the enemy. and i think it works both ways rather than men have also been manipulated into thinking womepg at the end is so going into relationships, the desiroioe to win this game rather than actually create a home. aclyl media hasa destroyed expectations and then it's created high expectations in terms of appearance and performance. and for women, it's created
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appearanperforh expectationsn in terms of financial investment. so now you'll get a simpleg to girl expecting to be taken on a private jet, which is just unsustainable and narcissistic. >> yeah. tell sustaina me about it.e se >> you should see the cost of these jets these dayse th, but thank you so much, saudia. >> you have. thank you. >> really enlightened me. i did not know you guys were testing us. this whole you ing us time, but that was very important information. >> sink or swim and texts.tables next. >> hey, grab more delectable. you know that likable character, the likable, delectable? >> yes. just her. you must be delicious delectable, likable treat, deliciously delectable. >> delectable. honestly, i was scared when wasa i was told. age related macular degenerationllard to d could jee my vision. >> great. one more thing to worry about. it was all too hard to deal with in the beginning.
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i understand the question. 5 >> i don't know.0/ i just. you have a 50 shot. yes. 50huge >> huge fan of this person show. oh, okay. oh fann', you're a fan of this person's show. >> this is you. this is they say show. i was a . >> oh, all right. oh, they're a fan of yours. i'm going to go. yeah, i got to go with. let me say this about you. oh, then it's. >> yeah, i don't know. could be a wild, but stoping. talking. >> and this is going so well. do you know where jesse is? doesn't he watch his politics nation without ? >> perhaps w>>e could wrve written the question a little more eloquentit. what you can feel.on you guys are both smart. and i went over both of your heads, so that's us. on us. >> all right. you're both tired and not very good. that's all we're going to say. all right. >> this music legend has been dead for years, but thanks to artificial intelligence, he's back on tour doing shows in london and vega oelligencg shs. is it elvis or is it michael? >> those going with the king? the king? i have no idea. >>you'll see elvis perform prety
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badly for the very first time. >> and i'm actually and you'll see this unique performance generated by ii. >> all right. well, it's going to be fatg fa elvis. >> 70 is elvis or 50 is elvis. i think fat elvis. the tickets are half price thati tonight. >> tonya harding and with the song thd be my guess would be the first one to do one one.this >> all right. this politician revealed p what keepsed wha up at night and wondering what is the measurere of the strength of the leader? >> is it kamala harris oerr? hillary clinton? >> yeah, all right. >> so with the vice president, let's see what has really keptn, me u fp at night, frankly, for the last few years. >> what is the measure of the strength of the leader? ght. now, okay. i don't think that's what keeps her upth. tha well, i think the fact that her husband kiss jill biden probably keeps her up. >> but that's just i guess we want to know it all. do it. you guys are tiere tied.d, righo >> some big names were released on the epstein associate list this weeate listk, but this angt
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show host proclaimed there was a fake list which featured it. their name on it. was it jimmy kimmel or whoopi goldberg? gold both goingbe with the abc star jimmy kimmel. >> yes. i have to explain, because i t it was a fake list. >> yeah, right. and i'm on it. >> so you were on the island. >t >> i was apparently. i saw it. thought it waswoke woke pope of late night. you guys are all tied up. oh, boy. is thi. are ts the tie breaker. we okay? all right, this is closer. not overthis ier, no under, jusy >> how many flights did f bill clinton take on epstein's jet? >> 70 three. 52. how did you know that so quickly? >> i saw. i think i knew on that flight control, which i know did you 26, wrote an article today, i think, that said, sorry, it's 26. >> a lot of flights. no. is that are we sure weshare? jut think we know the red flag? yeah, we weekly call.
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>> is there a call who calledyoe bill. bill, you need to break a tieed breaker for us. >> lisa boothe wants to know if it was 26 or 75. yeah. callr 75 her. johnny. call. okay. but until then, no handler had another hat on another room. all right. sorry. boots will get you next. it wasn'xt time.t a terrible sh. >> you can still hit him in theu head with the battle bat. or just make surre it'e it's ahd in the world. >> my man luigi is out of surgery. let's see his beautiful face. there he is. luigi. i lovethere you. soon. get well soon, my man. wow, pal. myl. >> let's do text charlie fromexs northport, new york. if biden was george washington, he would surrender to the britisnder h for 10%. pe denise from bucks county, pennsylvania george washington couldn't tell a lie. >>ania.orge w joe biden can't th the truth. both have wooden teeth. >> doug from summit, new jersey. >>g from s must you insultgeorge
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george hamilton? it's not an insult. it's jus hton.t merely a tan comparison. >> love,it's m george hamilton. jennifer from edwards, colorado trump's hotels m edwa have to marks as l the bills as loans. >> ver y good.from s >>ai kevin from saint augustine, florida. beautiful place. kirbney should just identify asa black woman. white house. problem solved. be homo also have to be a homosexual. >> not that i don't know.a he's already a homosexual. i don't know if he's straigh t or. >> doesn't matter as long as he's qualified. cindy from as lon colorado if kirby takes over binder's binder, will the white house call it transition? jimmy from louisiana i ask siri, what do women want? and it hasn't stopped working nine days. >> they're just testing us. always keep that in mind and always keep this in mind. >> i'm waters, and this is my world. >>


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