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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 5, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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it's jus hton.t merely a tan comparison. >> love,it's m george hamilton. jennifer from edwards, colorado trump's hotels m edwa have to marks as l the bills as loans. >> ver y good.from s >>ai kevin from saint augustine, florida. beautiful place. kirbney should just identify asa black woman. white house. problem solved. be homo also have to be a homosexual. >> not that i don't know.a he's already a homosexual. i don't know if he's straigh t or. >> doesn't matter as long as he's qualified. cindy from as lon colorado if kirby takes over binder's binder, will the white house call it transition? jimmy from louisiana i ask siri, what do women want? and it hasn't stopped working nine days. >> they're just testing us. always keep that in mind and always keep this in mind. >> i'm waters, and this is my world. >> and welcome to hannity.
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and we start this friday night with a fox news alert. the u.s.with a supreme courtupre will decide whether donald trump can be kep c t off the 2024 ballot in colorado. with arguments starting on february the eighth, again, the supreme court, they have no.w to consider what is a very important appeal and constitutional issue, and that is whether or not president trump's name will remain on the ballot until. they render a decision. now, also tonight, a big update from the biden familonight apdas s hunter may soon be held in contempt of congresoos. tha we have an update on that. also, the one and only dr. cornel west will join us with m more of his defense, whichor i think is indefensible. the former harvard president igt ahead, did he shoot out tonight? but tonight, we begin in valley. forge in pennsylvania. nearly 250 years ago, during a bitterly cold and wet winter . george washington stationed the continental army on this
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rural plateau just outside of philadelphiuralu just oa. . now, the defensible position it gave washington's exhaustedwashn troops time to rest, recover, recoupgt and retrain for what was the long war ahead. tomorrow, president joe biden was set to give a big speech neave ar the very site in valley forge, but nott not to washington or the heroes in the continental armto y who won america's fight for independence. now, insteaderica's fight , plan to commemorate. oh, that's right. the capito emorate,l riot on january six, 2021. but due to possible in theh wa forecast, the speech was moved up and took placvee just a few hours ago. now, remember, slick conditions can be a fatalmberon for a prest as frail and weak as joe biden.a i've been saying he is one fallt away and the democratss be very well be forced to pick a new nominee for 2024. now, of course, the content of today's venomous speech
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remained the same. to sum it all up, as i tol dwill you, you're going to hear this o all election season long. g to according to biden, those who want to make america great again. you want to america to be great again. be greatyou are a threat to dem. and only joe bideno democr, whot know what day it is. can save us from ourselves. take from look. >> just one day before january 6, a day forever shared our memory because it was on that day and we nearly lost america. >> lost it all. today we're here and answer the most important of questions is democracy still america's sacred cause? ? this is not rhetorical, academic or hypotheticalrhetori but the democracy still, america's sacred cause democrac is the most urgent question of our time. that's what th.e 2024 election is all about. >> choicion e is clear. donald trump's campaign
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is about him. you.obsess, not donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, notfu the future. because of donald trump's liest. . he died because his lies thesn. a mob to washingto he promised it would be wild and it was. fig he told the crowd to fight like. he forgohtt the words. >> peacefully, patriotically marched to the capitol. so pat your voices will be hear. how convenient. now, also noticeably missing from those remarks, any mention of the economy or inflation orro national security or violent crime or the fentanyl crisisr ? now, in a blistering response, former president trump toling rd news, quote, joe biden is the worst president in the history of the united states. he is incompetent, he's crookedm and many respects. he is benedict arnold. he is destroyingan benedic our y like no one else has done before. and meanwhile
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e, we've heard the same divisive speech from biden beforedivisi. and get ready and buckle up. as i said on tuesday, my first y show back for the new year. he will do thieas over and, over and over again throughout the 2024 campaign. in fact, it's one of theemocrats only things democrats are going to want to tal k about in the lead up to the election. here is their plan. watch for it, notice it, observe it, and, you know, embrace this. e d embracyou know what they'reg to do? they won't focus on trump,, s on trump january six, january 6, january 6, by the way, withouty 6, any context that should be relevant, without ant any mention of the 2020 riots that they refer to as mostly peaceful. they will demagogue abortion and whenever possible they wilil dust off the usual playbook that the democratic party has. republicans are racist, sexist, misogynist, homophobic, homophob xenophobic, islamophobic, transphobic. the gonap wants dirty air and dirty water and they want
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some republican to push your grandma and grandpa off a cliff. now, in contrast, here's what they won't talk about. aand it's a long list. they're not going to talk about the failure of joe biden's border crisis. they're not going to talk about the drug crisiey will s. they're not going to talk about joe biden's inflation. they're not going to taljoe bisk about the horrible educational system because of the democratic party's unholy alliance with teachers union. they're not going to talk about affordabley it housing,, e homelessness, biden-nomics. they've been talking about it for a yearno . s what yeah, guess what? only 34% of americans of am actually think the economy is decent, even decent. erallye econwon't talk about lae and safety and security. they don'tr and safe want to tan about international affairs. they don't want to talk about the war in ukraine'tt toku and europe. they don't want to talk about the war in the middle east and gaza. out the e eastdon't want to cal terrorism and the terror attacks againsto c t our troops. 't want they don't want to talk about the failure of their new greek tn deal socialism and get this, even life expectedand .
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he has gone down undern. joe biden. joe biden pretty muc h failed at everything. are you better off than you were four years ago? foso, of course, they don't want to talk about accomplishments becaus accomple. you pr i can't think of any can you do now? in fact, you probably won't seoe or hear a whole lot from biden in the coming months. the media will aidg months in a, him hiding in the basement of the white house once again. and it appears that he's headed back to that basement. and joe is frankly, he's not upi to the rigors of the job. never mind the campaign. now, here's biden's recent schedule. accordins biden's receg to rnc . on december 22nd, he actually spent a few minutes at a children's hospital in washington, d.c.,ashingto ab. minutes. anyway, then he left for vacation at camp david. vacat he remained on vacation untiiole the 26th. and then the very next day, he left for another vacationry , this one in the u.s. virgin islands. and as evidenced by his horrific sunburn, while biden bathed in the caribbean heateheat for for the next seves
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during a relaxing stay in saint croig a x. then he returned to d.c. on the night of january 2nd. the next two days, he appeared to do absolutely, positively di. nothing. that brings us to today's ths bih, about how his political opponents are evil. in theoriticaly, has two very difficult jobs. one, as commander, chief and another on the campaign trail. but it certainly appears campa with anybody with eyes to see that biden is doinyes to sg neir of those jobs. and yet he wants you, the american people, to rubberstamp a second term. here with reactionrubberst to as big news, especially out of the supreme court hostf of tomin per lahren is fearless on outkick and fox newsle. contributor leo 2.0. leo, i'm going to start with you tonight. to. you arhe legal expertise you are a lawyer to me, the supreme court had noto me, e here. they had to take this case. and ifcase is real justice,
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remember, nobody was even charged with insurrection, let alone found guilty of any insurrection. to thro but democrats want to throw people off the ticket left, right, and sideways. i can't imagine anything other than a nine zero supreme court opinion on this in trump's favor. what do you say? ati hope it's a 9 to 0 vote. but i can tell you right now, trump is going to get on the he's going to be on the ballot in all 50 states.r the supreme court, sean, took this case and they said a veryer quick hearing in february. why? the they want to get the message out to colorado. maine, are you listening message that donald trump will be placed on the ballot like anyoneon else? this was the mostt anti-democratic move by democratiantic operativelves portraying himself as supreme court justices. and the supreme court had no choice because you have other democratic secretary of state and politicians try to kick
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donald trump off the ballot. why, john? because they do not wantican p the voters, the american people, to select the nexteo president. and this is joe biden's attempt to try to keep donald trump off the ballot. in summary, the supreme court is going to hear this case ry, the . >> and, sean, i expect a very,i very quick ruling after that hearing in february. earing ii do, too. and i would hope it would 9 be nine nothing. it would-0 be if it's not. but no circumstances do i seeo a loss. but it's even on the state level. tommy, you saw what happened this week in north carolina. okay. they voted to keep any otheriden democratic candidate running for president off the primaryol. ticket in north carolina. so the people that claimhe peopa monopoly on a love for democracy don't seem to love what democracy? no. >>yl for also makes me ver grateful for 2016 and donald trump's victory then as it pertains to the supreme court. elections have consequences. and thank goodnesst. donald
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trump won that election. n.expect him to wi n in 2024 as well. i expect him to beexpect on the ballo t thet in all 50 s, as leo pointed to. but even joe biden talking 0 strepeatedly about democracyon being on the ballot while he isb aiding and abettinile heg leftik operativesee to keep his opponet off the ballot, but justs op wa that we want to talk about democracy and the on the ballot. well, you're allowing invasion at our southern border. you you're using our country to enrich your family through foreign business dealingenrichs allowing your son to profit off of this country. our national security and ourt foreign policy. so we want to talk about democracy being on the ballotk abou. n hims it would seem that joeel biden himself is actually the one that is the biggest threatneat to democracy in our lifetime. but of course, the fact that tomorro w is january 6th gives the left and the liberal media a chance to oncea again tc talk about their favorite topic, which is what they call the insurrection wsll the. thant they'd much rather talk about that, sean. and the failing economy, the open bordelingher. i mentioned, the rampant crime and all those other points that you brought uthers yop in r
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opening monologue. it's much easier to talk janu about january 6th when you have literally nothing else. literallall right. here was more reaction, author of the bestseller deception the great covertauthor o cover , kentucky senator rand paul. and by the way, speakingwi of covert force, he will be back on capitol hill next week. next week. is going to getnator, interesting. senator, great to have you back. great t back.let's first get y to the breaking news tonight toniand to the supreme court hao to take this case. oo it is too critical. it is too important. and how ironiccal an that aa prs president and a party that claims a monopolyid on the term democracy is everything but democratic. without question. the supreme court has to heare l it. when i hear that it's going to be almost a month until the hearinmosth untig and perhat to the ruling, i'm concerned that even that's too long. t isi think there needs to be an emergency injunction to shut down any of thinjunce states the are wanting to do this and justd yoy the decision will be
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in three or four weeks. we can't be lining these up because they're frivolouu e s, e because there are so likely to lose on the merits that we're going to go aheadri and shut them down with an injunction. now, the reason for that in thes every day that it appears as if donald trump might not be onnald the ballot, if that goes on for three or four weeks, that affects the minds of the voterse orfects th as they prepr so the accusation, juste the accusationto v alone makes e to go. or maybe he's guilty of something, you know, you think it wasn'k it wasthattd that they used the words insurrection for two years now we had a riot where some people misbehaved violently and some people should have been punished. pehoul six.e but there's also a bunch of people milling around to pay 80% of a milling around kind of curious walk. in i know one young man who walked yn never said a word to anybod ,was in the capitol for a minute and a half, and he gets taken, thrown down to thetr floor in an airport, arrested and accused of a crime. so we know that this was a ploy. from the very beginning. why didn't they call it a riotyt ? because they said we're going to use the 14th amendment. we have this plan. we hand willg to call it an
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insurrection. but they're so overplayed their hand here. . this january 6 was not the civil war, and nobody believes that. and the more video we've now seen hav of these some of thesem people to the shame and walking around saying, hey, can i goanad that room and people showing them around and then policemen saying, hey, pleas aroe go in there, you're going to get in trouble. the more we see that this was noe more we see tht some sort o, for the most part, it was not an insurrection. the more people say the democrats are just crazy to thinkmocrats they can win ih election. all this and then they want to add to itis to ad that we're. going to drop on the ballots. they're going to add that to it. they wddyou you know, in 2020, h summer, those mostly peaceful riotes that took place, 574, we had a couple of dozen deadcops. americans, thousands of injured cops. they were pelted with bricks, rocks, bottlese pelted wit, coc, billions in property damage, a toktailsn of evidence that noy ever looked at. you could have arrested every person involve ad. maybe you could call that insurrection. but then you go to januaryu can.
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why didn't they want to talk th to the capitol policwae chief or follow up on even nbc news report rep that there was actionable intelligence, that they didn't actt th on? why is it that muriel bowser rejected in writing the use of the guard? wh oy didn't they listen to the capitol police chief? why didn't they do something?api to prevent anything like this from ever happening again? weng can't have another january 6. but they were two, i guess, focused on just bludgeoning t trump, but not looking for a solution to prevent it from ag. happening againever hap >> i think you need to you need, you know everythingha you need to know. once you know that the footage that you saw january 6 played on other networks and by that house committee that joke of a committee was done by a hollywood producer, they went througllywooh thousands of hourn and they selected out the worst images because they didn't out t show any sort of images that counter their narrative.
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so they set up thiimd thes narrs and they began using the word. and i rememberini rememb the fio i heard the words insurrection, thinking, well, that's bizarrerd . why would they be using the words insurrection until the whole thing gets tiewhold te neatly with the 14th amendment? it has to be an insurrection, because thos 1it hase the wordse 14th amendment, but the coughable nature comparing january 6th to the civil warmpnu and also the demeaningary 6t. you know, we recently had a candidate ask about the civil war. well, to compare about the to ae where there were no guns and no loss of lifeo loss, the rioters killing anybody to compare that to the civil wat to ther we 600,000 people died to end slavery, at least half of them wanting to end slavery. that's just crazst crazyy to thg that that's somehow going to be equated to civil war and the riot of january six. rand paul, happy new year,en thanks for being with us. when we come back, the blue state exit as it is continuecomd at an accelerated pace. it shouldn't surprise anyoneacc
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wait until you hear the latest lunacy out of california. we'll check in wit hear thh arks governor sarah huckabee sanders. her stath sarae is flourishing. >> straight ahead. >> hi, it's christine again. i'm here to tell you about an all new special offer from my friends at jacuzzi bath remodel that you don't want to miss. we're giving you 50% off installation and postponing all payments for up one year. and best of all, they can install it. and as little as one day with no stress and nomad from a safer easy entry shower to a stunning family back. or how about a luxurious upgrade with a timeless design that will look great for years to come. it is done the same day. we did not have to wait at absolutely perfect and exactly what i was dreaming of. >> take advantage of this special tv offer today. only left to get up to 50% off installation and no interest and no payments for up to one
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year plus a free safety upgrade. >> go to jacuzzi bath remodel .com or call 899 one 4021. that's 889 one 4021. call now. >> saturday night the biggest game is on fox prime time and the big ten showdown and the final six takes on indiana. who thought he's the buckeye and they fight on the great game this one played out by trey galloway in the booth pulled down the top by the big ten galloway ohio state indiana saturday at 730 eastern on fox. the biggest games are on fox prime time hoops and sharpen your knife. we are back. this season, you'll have to earn your place on one of our teams. your audition starts now. let's go show what you got. here is some tacos. which one? poisonous. not everyone will make it on one of our teams. we need the best. you want get to that top kitchen?
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i have got to find out. i'm not going home. it's like gladiator out there. we need a medic. first member of team ramsay harrington's team blaze is the season premiere of next level. chef jamie 28 on fox. >> it has been nothing to see here. move on. all of that has changed. he was a phenomenon that the government couldn't protect us from. what's really going on with. the ufo situation. what was the most impressive thing to about this video, which the world has not seen yet? it has everyone asking questions. more and more witnesses are coming forward. there are many who believe that the government is hiding the truth of this. are we alone in the universe? no. they're coming here like broken border. when you look at the border, absolute chaos.
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afford to educate on your family. risk for prostate cancer cancer . this is a fox news update on jackie ibanez in new york. millions of people on the east coast are bracing for what should the first major winter storm of the year. roughly 35 million americans from georgia to maine are under winter weather alerts this weekend. the nor'easter is expected to bring heavy snow, dangerous ice and strong winds. the brunt, the storm is expected to hit pennsylvania all the way up to new england. the storm began developing in the south friday and will peak around saturday night into sunday. scary moments onboard
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and alaska airlines flight forced to make an emergency landing in portland, oregon. the plane lost cabin after a window blew out shortly after takeoff. the boeing 737 max nine made it safely to the airport. the jet had 174 passengers and six crew members on board. there are reports of minor injuries. i'm jackie ibanez now. i blue state exodus that continues. according to the census data, floridg to newa, a whopping 3600 people last year, while california lost over 300,000over residents to other states. now it's total300,000 populatin declined by 75,000. and in the 2023 u-haul state3 ul growth index, california was number 50 out of 50 for a second year in a row. by the way, is it any surprise? high taxes, high energy costs, high housing costs, homelessness, crime out of control sts,, burdensomeol, regulation. california even made it. rew harder to own a gun
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and protect yourself, even though, for example, they havecm of te the crime rate of a state like. florida. now stores are required to havel gender neutral. at's a n that's a that's a new law. and of course, california norsew their taxpayers are going to be forced to cover all medical billers forcs for illegal immig. meat's a great benefit of being a sanctuary state. meanwhile, the biggest gainer on the u-haul indeiner onx years the state of arkansas. that jumped a whopping 26 spots on the list, thanks to what big tax cuts, a high quality of life. and now one of the best governors in the countrye bestg she's had one of the best years. sarah huckabee sanders joins us right nowest years. h . uge jump >> that is a huge jump for you.f congratulations. thank you. it's an exciting time to be citings. unfort you know, i think unfortunately jor californians, gavin newsomun is following the joe biden model in every single thing he touches he seems scr
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to screw up, which is bad for california, but greatarkans states like arkansas, where we're cutting taxes, improvingas education, fighting crime. and because we're taking those typeeds of steps, we are seeingn a massive influx of new people to our stat te we likel to tell people we're open for business. we're glad you're here open. >> welcome to arkansas. just don't forget why you left californiae to aforget w in thei by the way, that should be like a lorst. know how you can possibly vet people for that. but my admonition people is if you're going to pack up and move. and i was kind of shocked thiseh week that there was a lot of coverage that i moved to florida . i didn't expect that. but the reality is it's everything you're saying it's not that hard. people want low taxes. pethey want law and order. they want safe communities. they want good schoolssafe com, and they want to be left alone. for the most part. they don't. i mean nee, do we read gender neutral toy aisles mandateutrale by the government? why are they making it harderg h at a timare when when violent
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crime is is just going out own ontrol? why are they making it harder to own a gun in california and why are they making california taxpayers foot the bill for illegal immigrantsr that did not respect our lawant our sovereignty or our borders? why would you reward that behavio. r? >> it really is unbelievable. think it shows just how out of touch the democrat party people like gavin newsom are, i think, a great litmus testle for people when they're moving into other states. we ask them if moving watchinge hannity, if they're not, then they're probably coming for the wrony are noprobabg. that m but that may be thee new questionnaire we ask. and if you want to move from florida and make that a stomping ground, we'll be happy to take you into arkansaa stoms >> shine, let me ask you this, because you cut annual taxes your first year as governor, 250 million. you cus t corporate taxes by $58 million. okay. so people might say, oh, well, that must have resulted in ant 6
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reduction of revenue. but now you went up 26 spots in terms of people moving intosp your state'seo people arearkans attracted to arkansas in ways they've never been beforase. by the way, you might be outperforming your dad. very quickly here. dad vei'm he's very jealous. >> but in all seriousness, were up able to make the difference for those massive tax cutse massiv? >> you know, our economy has never been stronger. we are booming on every state b in every senseoo of the word.ine and i think we're on track to be able to continue cutting taxe ak tos here in the state of arkansas. and there's nobody more excitetd about my my record as governor than my dad. he is very happy to be the second best governor in see of.s hist arkansas history. as an arkansas resident, n are me to keeps. cutting taxes, too. but things that we are doing here are obviously working. we're excited about the success that we have here and we're e going to continue keeping our foot on the gas. i think 2024 will be an
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even better year for arkansas than 2023. >> you know, it reallylicated. that complicated, though, if you keep it to the basics, if you keep taxeso th low, if you eliminate burdensome regulation, if low eli you know. you have good schools, you have la have w and order you embracep of simple things, it seemsle lie that is attracting a lot of people. this is now a real phenomeno n. oning people are abandoning these blue states in droves. they're movingbln droves to stae yours in droves. and i don't see it stopping anytime soon. it's a very divided country. how does this enw doesd up, in r view? >> i think states like arkansas, in other red states acrossrkansasred stat country c to excel and do well. i think thisl and do very well r the election coming upin in novembe nr. i think president trump is on track. track.h a greathappen contrast to what is happening in blue states led by democratin governors.
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you look at blue cities, led by democrat mayors. in contrasblueitiet with what is happening in red state wide cities. those are the onesand re that an succeeding. those are the ones that are doing well and people are takinges doing notice m they're moving into states like arkansas. and i think that thatatet a grep set up for november 2024 for republicans. great first year. great to seerepubl us. huckabee, steyer, sanders, thank you for being with us. when we come back, dr. cornel dc west rushed to court in gates defense following her resignatioor ushed ton. >> he will join us. help a hannity shootout straight d. >> this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering from the horrors soviet union today because of the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning yet? i ate the carrot. and thte in tw i ate half of ity
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or how about a luxurious upgrade with a timeless design will look great for years to come. it is done the same day. we did not have to wait. it's absolutely perfect and exactly what i was dreaming of. >> let's take advantage of this special tv offer today. only left to get up to 50% off installation and no interest and no payments for up to one year, plus a free safety upgrade. go to jacuzzi bath remodel .com or call 899 one 4021. that's 899 one 4021 call now when you can watch listen get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime anywhere fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening right as we have been covering harvard president carter and resigned this weeharvesidenk. this serious allegations of anti-semitism, multiplewelegn allegations of plagiarism. take a look at a screen. here's an example of alleged
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plagiarism discovered by the harvard crimsoplagiarin. yet an and here is yet another example uncovered by the washingtootn free beacon. and these are just a few of thsh close to 50 total allegationse of plagiarism against the harvard president. that's president now. yetht on the left, they are insisting that claudine was forcedisting to resign for no rr and was the victim of racist attacks, including my next guest, dr. cornell west, ted who tweeted after resigned, quote, how sad. after y rebut predictable that e same figures and forces the ethnic cleansing and genocidal attacks on palestinians in, gaza, ackman, bluhm sommers and others push out the firstt l black woman president of harvard. this raciskt against both palestinians and black people is undeniablei have and despicable. and i have experienced similar attacks from experie the same fn in academia and too many of myem colleaguesia and remaining sile.
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and when big money dictates sil universityen and raw power dictates foreign policy, the moral bankruptcy of american education and democracmoy looms large.t ws but we shall remain strong in our fight forrong truth, juse and love. oh, my friend, former friend. we i don't know if we're friends anymore. dr. cornel west. i know you always call me brother hannity, and i know you teach divinity. but dr. west, really, you thisf is really beneath you. you don't mind me being very blunnd me bet for you to go to e card and say that dr. was pushed out because of race and that's not why she was pushed y sh out. you know, the code of conductyo as well as anybody. . harvard, you almost got tenure at harvard. you understand it well. and you know that if similar comments, the elimination or of any, quote, identity group
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african-americans, people in the lgbtq plus community, if any of these comments that were made against the jewise commenhe people were made against other groups, you woul otherd not be g that's racism. and she had a moment where she have stood out and strongly condemned it and not supported it and not said, well, it depends on the context. >> she would still be president today. why did you why did you sinktod. brothis low and claim racism the way i then think that atlet a level do by the let me tell you exactly what what what i ho said and i hope you and i have it in front of me clearly one that no i don't know i know sister she doesn't have an anti-semitic bone in her body. s she didn't speak strong enough. i had a critique of that in the boston globetr. it was a weak response at the congressional committee. but that doesn't mean that she's anti-semitic. it doesn't mean she ought to resign. nd
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you know, and i know there's been attempts to impose tremendous kno pressuresniversit on universities with big money donorsbig-mone dictating various conditions under which they give. thd there been attempts to reshape the universitery. i w now, you and i know there's orthodoxies in the universities, thenorthod i'm als of all orthodoxies. there's no doubt about that. at but the very notion that you think it was about plagiarism, that's window dressing. laurence tribe, which played your rise from peter day abrams much more than she did. and he remaineramsd prize profer at harvard law doris kearns plagiarized a whole host of so-called plagiarized in don't get this kind of vicious plashe does treatmens says in her notes she was called the n-word a zillion times racial animus death threats coming at here su with white supremacist attack and baumbach who now that's what she said oh, you going to say it had nothing to do with race, nothing to do race.c! but come on now, you know me a long i condemn anybody
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that ever said anything about her or to her or threatened her. that cannot exist. you're hearing that directly from me. >> but what you're saying here>> is not that may have made you criticize the people trashing her. you criticize the people who were were t her. >> no, no, no. you said it was racism that resulted in her being removed. now, also, if you believe in rigorous academic standardsvh ,there are up to 50gation allegations of plagiarizins g. now, if a student of yours plagiarize, something i would imagine they'd probably get an f i would imagine they might even be brought up on disciplinar y disciplinarylinary action, maybe even kicked outon of schoo, maybl. but the reason that she should have been disciplined here for f and i don't call for firings is because her answer was authentic and too far from
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the river to the sea. they're talking about eliminating an entire group of people that is that should be unacceptable and you should be leading that charge, not blaming people that were angered by her and against anemarksy. th brother, i stand against the of your irish brothers and sisters i stand againstand the , of black people. i stand against the agai you, bo also stand against the of palestinians. thernd against thee is accident of the same people who were behindso her out agyeman himsel, summers himself, whole host of blum, and others who have been against affirmative action. ay they also won't say a word about the against palestinianse . >> so would you tell m are ce you could have you said a mumbling word about the. >> excuse me. have said, i'll tell you right now, had had there had been no one here by the elected leaders had, the elected leaders
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in gaza not committed the actf of murder and terror against one hundred israelis would say the irish would be thet me equivalent of 40,000 americans. let me tell you something. 0000a if anyone killed 40,000me americans in a day, i woul dr. to fight and win the war. t. innoceted that figh they're the ones that it is the people as human shieldnter americans, where they have had their headquarters under a hospital, 10,000 children in two months, 10 to 12 women, irish people who've been treated. you know what do you expect israel to do? it's about what do you what israel is a victim of terror you see in the occupation, siege and then the occupation. it's not occupation. rael h >> you hide. gaza for many haven't beenasd ga in there for many years. they bought the money. they made rather no, you know, no, i remember their land use,
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they call it. there's no no wher>> cuce live. >> come on. no, no, no. k at theseou loo where the money is, money where does the money for the college terr to the the where's the money from the terror turn. education didn't. >> professor. let me ask the question to proceed. my brother is out of the process. where did the money from the for the tunnel tels ofs of ? where did that come from? where did the electricity come? from? that came from america. that came from israel to better the life of the people of gaza. but hamaaza.s, the terrorist grp that has sworn the destruction of israe sworn tl, used that mo, built their hospitals, built their command centershospit on the hospitals. they fired the missiles from schools and hospitalal s, and they use all the people in gaza as human shields. they committed acts of they started a war and their religion often, the mosque,s com
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trmosque commits crimes against people. i'm asking you to tell the truth. if people cut off watee cut offf people call off electricity and cut off food and you say there's nothere occupation if people control. let me ask you this. and sea and land and there's noa occupation, you don't want to listen to thent truth. t >> no occupation. listen to the truth. it's facts. ccurate. >> you're factually inaccurate. i'm going to ask you last question as to lasouestiont. >> harry truman harry truman asw used to use two bombs, one, hiroshima and nagasaki it endeda world war ii against japan. let me ask you, is that the right decisionskdecision? no more war crimes, my brother. i am consistent in? dow we need to sit down and discussion of what an occupation is because you come from an occupied people and you ought to be ashamed that you point out, well, occupation when othe ried. are occupied, you are you are better than them using the race card. drdr. ga., she was guilty.
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>> that's not the answer. c she was giving an opportunity. she was giving and using her word against her. that ain't no race for her life. that's her life. that's how i live my life. i condemn, bn anybodrothy.. nyby i condemn anybody that did that. you know, we t to have a clear condemnation. i want to have condemnation. i don't want to help my brotheru because i know she said i'm for something, something good. and i'm trying to to gea >> she had an opportunity. i'm talking benzos. >> she had an opportunity to condemn those and speak outns against those that were responsible for murdering innocent people. and she said she became weak. but that doesn't mean she's got it. she's not anti-semiticis not and anti-semitic here this week running large at harvard. >> but she's that if she's thatg she has no fight, is not running. he well, if she's that weak, she has no business running harvard
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. >> but i do support your tenure at harvard. there you go. yeahard.. >> larry summers was as weak as praise, weak kool-aid. ears he ran harvard for seven years. my brother. believe me, no bettee mer. than cornel west. he knew better than us. neve r won. >> you are better than say what you've been. say. you're better than this. ing.>> youyou better than this.o but i'm presenting the truth to you. you don't want to listen you my book. i am presenting the true facts of the case and the need to eyes that. no, no, i said, oh, yeahwe a, we thaying for each other, but all the church. all right. this was she was not fired for racism. that's the truth. all right. we appreciate you being with us. when wat's thethate being e bacd tonight, republicans now considering holding hunter in contempt of congress. we'll break it down. the very latest from check in with judge jeanine straight d. a do you know how hard it is to fit in at a cable news channel ? as a cab driver who dresses like an overweight figure skater? my son is six foot five.
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zero experience. hunter biden is back in the spotlight yet once again. house republicanhunter b. they announced today that they will consider now a resolutionia next week to hold hi tm in contempt of congress, saying they plan to question him as part of the ongoing q impeachmenm ast inquiry into president biden. but he, quote, blatantly defied two lawful subpoenas. meanwhile, according to a new bombshell report, a former burisma lawyer has now f retroactivore registered as a foreign agent for the company. what does that mean for hunter? anyway, here with reaction, she is the hosreactit of jeffrey's k of names. amazing, available now on foxla nationno, the one and only,dear my dear friend, happy new year, judge jeanine pirro. judganine pijudge, great to havk on. thank you so much for having me. all right. it's kind of simple to me. o me.they hold steve bannon in contempt and they held peter navarr holo and contempt.
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i thought we had equal justice and equal application of our laws. i would assume the democratsd ec that voted to hold bannon and navarro in contempt going to hold hunter in contempt, right. well, roger,empt, right? you kn? i believe in the criminal justice system. i gave my lifejue my to it. but i have to tell you, t the more i see this, the more i become. more i disillusioned.. look, they're preparing a resolution for congressden in to hold hunter biden in contempt. not only is he in contempt c noied because he defied a congressional subpoena, but he thumbed his nos e at and the american people when he actually went out an and had a media event and basically said, my fathet anr didn't do anything and then took no questions. he said, look, i want to do to this in the open. i don't want to do it behind closed doors. lookdot be , you don't get thees opportunity to tell congress how they should or shouldn't interview you. th io the bottom line is, if there's any justice in thiswill country, he will be held in contempt the way bannon and navarr in cont
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o have been heldempt in contempt. but, you know, and now we hear that his sugar brother, kevin morris, is giving him money. his they want to do a documentary on his life. so we see him as the greatli. wether that is. but for the child, the woman woat he doesn't like and whan'tt a great painter and what a great worker. so this is all about prk. r and hiding from the truth. >> all right. so democrats now they're tryingl to claim that while donald trump owned a hotel in washington, d.c. and peopleda from countries like china, saudi arabia, qatar, whatever, that they actually went to the hotel and they say, se thee, don trump got paid by foreign governments and it's against agai clause.tsd the only problem is there's a big difference, isn't therbler between joe biden going against obama administrationen policyafr after taking a call from huntera ded to burisma executives that desperately needed d.c. help becausesp. they wanted the investigator in ukraine, viktor shokin,
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fired. there's kind of a k big difference that he big leveraged $1,000,000,000 and as a result of his official actions, hunter continued to get paid for sitting on that board with no experience at a time when he was addicted to pretty hard drugs. an ty comparison in your mind? n >> there's absolutely no comparison, donald trump wasn'tn involved in the business once he became president. businessthe bottom line is he hd properties he was entitled to have someone else, monitor those properties and make money from thosee. okay okay. now let's talk about hunter biden. hunter biden was supposed to register under the foreign agents registration act. anyone who represents a foreign country interestan in the united states is supposed to register. in fact, this lawyer named i think it's baretta ends up retroactively registering as agr foreign agent because he asin a lawyer. th xlb casting who was the president of burisma and exactly the same time
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that hunter did. now, the fact that hunter didn't register as a foreign agent and this guy registered retroactively, i can show you another example of the inconsistency just this because paul manafort tried to do the same thing. he said, let mo the retroactivey and they wouldn't let him. and he endedouldn' going to jai. but the truth is that hunter biden not only was representing a foreign interest in the united stateg s, he called his father as soon as law. chesky, the owner of the head of burisma, called. he said, dad, we got to get the prosecutaid dad gete drop r i'm not going to be able to make any money being on the board. three days later, joe biden goes over. he leverages our tax dollars.ll. john, that was $1,000,000,000 of our money. they get the prosecutor off and togethery to get they end u sure that the biden family getth all money that they need. and you want to call that that is corruption. it's a violation of. bharara and, you know, hunter
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biden is going to be arraigned on, i believe, february 11th,y on nine counts in los angeles related to tax, but not for ant agent registration act. you know why? fottion actbecause that will coo joe biden. and they don't want to loonnecte joe biden. they allowed the 201 24 and 15 years to pass the statute of limitations because that's whenute of hunter biden says, me and my dad are watching here. we want $10 million. this is a sad commentary is a on justicesa and today joe bideo gets out there and talksut d taabout democracy and ballot. it is laughable. it's wrong. all right, judge, happyjudge, new year. great to see you. thank you for joinin happy newt. >> all right. coming up, you're not going to believe a new report about how the homeless population in portland opulatioe bornesing wast illness. wow. we'll explain right after this . how does climb inspector get among the most big verdicts and settlements of any law firm
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to coast. take portland, for example, where a highly infectiout-oast.s illness that spreads through fecal matter is now running rampanatt throughout the city. now, cases have skyrocketed in portland, uhoutp a whopping % just since 2021.e now, the outbreak is mostly impacting the homelesss mo community, but county health officials there have issued warningsofficial t to the generc due to how contagious this illness reallycontagio anyway h reaction alc founder clay travis. we're also seeing a lot of instances of diseases. we were not having to struggle with prior to this. 2 millio >> eight and a half million influx of illegal immigrants . say of illegal immigrants oh, how did he saying that they're sick? no, i'm saying they have differen ?t medical treatments available to them and unfortunately for them, they don't have the great sophisticated medical systemhe have. let me just say this.his.d i watched the opening. your show was greathe opent tal about the valley forge speech that the president gavit was ge
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>> this is emblematic of why o joe biden can only focus on january 6th and abortion because everything else i meann, ,you know this, sean,l you travel all over the country, portlan d, e gontry, portlan san francisco, seattle. we got people watching us right now and al nowl three of those cit cities, those are three of the most beautiful cities anywhere in the world. and left wing policies have destroyedft wincies qualite there. >> you don't even feel comfortable walking down the street in any of those places. they tell you to leave your ca d unlocked. now you already know what's going to get robbed in san get o, in portland and in g seattle. you just don't want to get your window broken outet. just let them take whatever they want. this is what biden policiewants' have created and it's why he's trying to hide the ball, wh o y he's trying to distract6. by focusing on january six. well, the border was better,betr crime was better. the overall cost of good s wasmiddle far better.
12:00 am
we didn't have a war in the middle east. we didn't have war did in europ. joe biden, everything he touches the tie in with this turns to . it's like the bias touch, except in reverse. the midas touch in reverse the midas touch. everything turns to turn that joe biden is involved in. donald trump is not perfect, but there'n iss a lot of peoplet there listening to us in seattle and in portland and in san francisco and saying ,i don't know why my city hadhao to go to because joe biden ended up g president. we went for left-wing insanity. we went for left-wing insanity. and happy new year. happy new year. all right. unfortunately, that isnt lef ali time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for makingmeu for be i possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss abln episode of hannity. thank you for a great first week at my new permanenthannity the free state of florida. in the meantime, let not your heart be troublede of flo s friday night. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great weekend ing