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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 6, 2024 12:00am-1:00am PST

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middle east. we didn't have war did in europ. joe biden, everything he touches the tie in with this turns to . it's like the bias touch, except in reverse. the midas touch in reverse the midas touch. everything turns to turn that joe biden is involved in. donald trump is not perfect, but there'n iss a lot of peoplet there listening to us in seattle and in portland and in san francisco and saying ,i don't know why my city hadhao to go to because joe biden ended up g president. we went for left-wing insanity. we went for left-wing insanity. and happy new year. happy new year. all right. unfortunately, that isnt lef ali time we have left this evening. as always, thank you for being with us. thank you for makingmeu for be i possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss abln episode of hannity. thank you for a great first week at my new permanenthannity the free state of florida. in the meantime, let not your heart be troublede of flo s friday night. greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great weekend ing .
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thank sit down. you girl scouts over. 's sit out. all right. it's friday, so you know what that meanriday, ss. >> let's welcome tonight's guests. these favorite karaoke let' song iste karaoke the pledge of allegiance. "fox and friends", we had a house beat eggs in, took our drivers test on a tractor. co-host of the bottom line on fox business. and they made out t she's leand
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queen and could pass for a teen. "new york times" f selling authr a the statue of liberty looks the "new york times"ty looks best selling author, comedian and former nwa world champio n. >> all right, before we get to some new stories, let's do this greg's leftovers. >> but bup, bup, bup, bup.vers it's leftovers where i reade the jokes. we did news this week. and as always,this it's my first time reading them. so if they , we'll roll. joe mackie in a carpet and tossp them off a bridge. >> g >> yeah. all right, here we w harvard president. >> claudine resigned after accusations of plagiarisaudinem said she would have caught the errors if she had a largerut pair of glasses. singly
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not surprisingly, people said there was something familiar pel about her resignation letter. >> actor shia labeouf hasg: act reportedly convertedor to athleticism after portraying a deacon in a movie thank god he didn't play hitler. d he choose wisely. >> new york mayor eric adams is calling texas governor greg abbott diabolical for sendin g illegal aliens to his city. >> and when the illegal aliens got there, they agreeds that massive waves resulting from a storm in the north pacific pounded the california coast this week. streetrnia coas in l.a. were wao clean. governor newsom had promised to install a fresh coat of .
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i know they like to see how they do that. people are now buying $500 dog beds for humans. but there is a downside. after just one nap, you have a sudden urge to lick your own dog. i like to lick is lick your own. oh. a tech firm in london is launching a new featuring an ai hologram of elvis. they wanted to make a hologram of lizzo, but they ran out of files knowing that, oh,r] they're not. e size according to experts, the average size of anan is 5.17 inches. oh, my god, you poor baby. >> yeah. hey, speak for yourself, said one owner usa boxing
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instituted a new transgender policy that allowst al biological men to compete against biological womenlo. fan hey, don't laugh. i'm a big fan of female boxers . >> she did my presencee di at macy's, a florida woman is suing hershey's because the jack-o'-lantern shaped candy bought did not have a face on them likern sha on the packagepe. but imagine how our kids muste o have felt on halloween being by a crazy person. >> bill clinton was named over s 50 times in the just released epstein documents. it wouldt ed have been more, but those girls sure can run fast. lause] this week, president biden hadyl
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to be reminded by jill that his favorite food is ice creamat hib he also had to be reminded who jill is. >> self-driving cars are nowlf-i reportedly exempt from traffic tickets in californi a. >> i think we found the solution for protesters blocking the roads. earlier this week, 1.7 magnitude earthquake shook york city. >> oh, sorry. that was the view. switching seats. did you kids. biden president biden spent more than one third of 2023 away from the white house on vacation. ppd >> he spent the other two thirds wrapped in linen inside a sarcophagus . side a sarcophagus sarcophagus. a
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>> according to a recent study, the average american feels, just 70% healthy. that seems too high, said one man. man. >> now to the news. a new report says, oops, after slandering the troops, it's officia l despite claimse bide that the biden white house and their media lackeywhite s sayinl that our military is full of extremists, evenat's their latest research shows that's a lie. and like a cousin, the report quietly came out right beforee christmas hoping no one would notice. becaus and why? because it showed noe extremisn in military. of course, if it had shown the opposite, it would be on s siteposite, it would be on the front of every news site. like one of taylor swift's latest doomeike ofd. relat >>io the dod commissioned studyu which was put out by the institute for defense analysisty . it, quote, found no evidence that the number of violent extremists that th o in the mily
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is disproportionate to the a number of extremists in the as a whole. >> but you must remember, back in 2021, defense secretary lloyd austin ordered, military leaders to address this supposed extremist problemd after june six because some veterans participated in the rio order tt and like ont bone. here. >> here's msnbc. msn quote, extremism in the militarybc is a serious national security threat. the gop needs to act likp neede. the military has long had ang ha extremism problem. i guess that's called winning wars. >> what will it do now final to finally solve it? ly and npr, the military confronts extremism. >>confront one conversation at . >> so without defining extremism, they say it exists. and why? because it didn't exist. in other words, , they had to create something from nothing, which is the same job faced every day by thoseg in charge of biden's campaign. d >> but you know what's extreme?n lying about people who signed
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to serve their country. to serve their country. that surprisedtontry but this in administration that smears first and investigates later, if at all. >> remember the border agents supposedly whipping migrantsremt when they didn't? biden trashed those agents and the medi?d a applauded. came and when the truth came out, no apology was given. as the mediao apolog buried it e a cat in the litter box. ed, why? well, they were using american citizens to create boy?ican citizens to create e that our country is rife with racist hate. therefore, voterist s would need to cling to joe and the dems for safety and absence of sound, policy or ideas.s that's all they have. but now, once again shown to bes ant now, once again shown to bes refuses to. cover it. they refuse to defend our maligned troops. e tomeanwhile, when it comes toe epstein court filings, the medie a bent over backwards to point out that all the famous names mentioned weren't accused of anyd of wrongdoing. >> apparently, it's innocent unti al guilty when it comes to epstein's pals. but if you're a border patrol
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agent, a maga supporter, or in the military, you're guiltymd as smear.. if only our troops had better lawyers. meanwhile, about epstein, it is weird that biden hasn't said a thing about that. perhaps because at becaud on island hits a little too close to home . oh, pete, you're a u.s. army veteran, or so you claim. s >> this should you off. because when the accusation wasu puset, that premise was universally accepted in the media and by people who dare not even question whether theren was any data and universally acceptedd was >> so take mark milleyan and lloyd austin.
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okay. >> if this military so racist i of our ranks are full if os. overs are full >> t who was in charge over the last couple of days? yes. where are you, ben o? een? >> all those racist platoon leaders and staff sergeants that you've been running around allowed to be skinheads and klu klux inside the military. >> what do you been doind nts tn about that? they work like they've been doing for decades, kowtowingwhat their political handlers who are more interested in social justictowingto te or whatever new ism is involved. and so they're running around talking about white rage ve abog about white rage and studying uber mex candyutit about a problee ram they know doesn't exist. because if you've been in unitcs ,as i have been very recently, in fact, i was holding a riot shield outsidefact, i of the we house during the riots of summer of 2020. lord, when you're standing shoulder to shoulder with black guys and white guyn you'reulde h and hispanic guys in the white house is behind you, and there's real extremism in fronte is you and real racial animus. i can't imagine what i heard, . from these people toward black soldiers. yeah. what what the what? wh and blm riots were
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saying to the blacks. that was real racism. and what we were doing standing shoulder to shoulder, was saying, it doesn't matter wee this that'sn't matter what all the leaders of the pentagon know. >> this they knew this was a sham. so then they do the study, which confirms what we all that they're actually less racist in the military because you' on meritd thenause and your responsibility and then they bury it and don't want to talk about it. >>theyy it yeah. hey, hey, hey, man. and while we are obsessedextrem with so-called extremism in the military, hamaiss attacks israe. and we're surprised because we thought number one threat was te inside. >> oh, absolutel ny and stillbst on the internet. i'm el more than usual. >> oh, and times magazine. this was january 20th 2021. >> have you witnessed far. right. extremism inside the military? extr theutinside the military?
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you can fill out because t i don't know anybody actual service of the country. so there's ice of t true. this is all the whenis our fighting force is the smallest it's been says before world war ii, when recruiting is a huge problem, when trust tm in the military has plummetedill to aumme record low. a so we need a volunteer army of just regular americans who will gently punish these lying h hysterics or these hysterical liars. i'm signing upys like i got this great oyster sucker foril christmas. >> yeah, that'll do a number on somebodl doy higher. yeah. oh. oh, my god. yeah, i was like. d sh oh, i'm glad she said tired, cause i was. yeah. whoa. the little flaming, flamines, g
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faces, stacks of it. bovine canine paw, whatever you need. >> not. caninei'm a hack. cially >> this must be especially difficult for you because you're married d mar to a veteran and he is a racist. >> i'm joking. i'm. he'she's not a racist.t explai >> explains the wedding invite not showing upding . sho i'm kidding. he's not a racist. but he's also like, so nice to, you know, not even here. >> so that's s a really it's a joke. >> he di nicd her hair for a yed we made fun of him. yeah, i me salon. yeah, i did make the . yeah. oh, he did kat: an serve this c. >> yes. okay. y.i and we're using the same unt as pete wahes. not at the same time.o but i think it's so awful that these people who literalla y sign their lives for this country. right. cand the same people who are like, yeah, i know that we'veye sent you away to fight in theset
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wars that we've been busted lying about like a lothabeen anw people have died, but we don't want to talk about that instea ,we're goingpr to talk about how you guys are probably a bunch of violent racists. it's truly disgusting. and it's so absurd that it has to be some kind of distraction to avoid them from so many. sond many years, decades, i actually, of accountability that military leadership, notho the people who are actually fighting not it's they say it's the suits, not the boots. right we're actually there. t but decades of accountability. they're like, nohae , let's talk about something that we're just going to make up instead. >> yeah. yeah>> gre. ring it still bugs me.s like we were covering thisepd er stuff and every time none charg of these people have been charged, none of these people wedwe have have say that legally. but when this story ran, everybody in the media this , o, you know, extremism is in the military. that's just that's just a given. well, greg, i'm sorry, pete. there extremism in and around the military. es >> yes, they're the ones reporting on this. yeah, it's the extreme who are t
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attacking the military. yeah. because this the idehe mila of g men who usually come from fro lower socioeconomic places join the military to see the world of work together and, let's say, neeand workr and d pete, wa foxhole together. and he got hit right? e and did so he had a pintd of bloodoo and someone to carry him out. and it was jusd ant me black. and he blacked out and. i i said to be all right, man, sai i'm going to have to do this. i'll wait till someoned, i'l is. >> i wait for o'reilly. wait for a while. seriously. .hile. carry you out. no, no, no, no, no, no, no.llll i'll wait. i'll wait. itll wait. >> this doesn't happen. h no one's eveapper with enemyn lk fire down. >> looking around, going. how long is the black guing arom in? >> the foxhole is made up,ad but it'sit's by extremists. and to your point, greg, point you said they they never investigate because it's not about you. just this is how, this i they w they just say and they don'tsa have because they military'se racist because these guyss ra get upci at 4 a.m. and they tran
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and they do it god and country and their family. and they're willing bleed to keep us on couches talking. >> and all a of that takes hard work and hard work, integrity and accountability and that is extreme to the progressives. there you goessives.. all right. well, get up next, would you beat someone up? you're a stainless steelinless >> i'm martha maccallum, and i will be co-hosting our coverage of democracy 24. people in america mince words. they tell you what they think. they'll just say, i hate that guy. i love that woman. she's fantastic. and that's what i find so refreshing when you spend time in the country talking to voters. and that's it is a privilege
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beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com and now it's time for what's wrong. these people what's wrong with these people? >> the public runs amok overin a stupid pink cup people across the country going insane tryingn to get their hands on a limited edition bubblegum pink stanley mug created with starbucks and sold exclusively at target conveniently located between the ladies jockstraps and the gender neutral tampon buy. one guy took it too far as always. >> watch it. s
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they didn't look it up. they tried to stea l. y tried to stea you guys. this is insane. look at this. stupid, stupid.get accent. i didn't touch it. look at this. he's. look at this for all that for a stupid cop, it's not like cup it's a beanie baby. what makesik? s tumble >> this tumbler so special? nothing, really. spect a but mom. influencers on tik tok made them popular. >> more proof that china owns our brains. >> but at least there are people willing to pay for it instead of steal it. peop andad of steal it. people lining up to do something besides protest is reaningl, and those containes are indeed built to last only a
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few years. can use them to beg for spare change. how you? use ha ha ha. dagen what is that? people are literally carryinarg? a pot of coffee now. it's like i don' t have enoughon' beverage. >> at this rate we're going to have these like restaurant like goi beverage containersd to strapped to our back with a straw in our mouth. is it coffee? greg because i question what beverages are being totednd around in these things. in t i, i'm into thiss. because i'm i when i walk my dog, i put wine and a littlei short wine glass. i walk around and youge get judged by virtuallyenco you encounter. >> so it's 10:00 in the morninrg . so i appreciate the opacity of thi mor apprecis, but what ao question the cleanliness of the
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straw, what kind of bacteria and mouth cuts you're going to geta an from not cleaning the straw properly? >> interesting. i didn't think of the straw right tire rly.s. at i know how you feel. listen, listen. why would you wantou that pink one that everyone in their momma's going to have when you could have aoing fox excluse ? every woman, one of the i will start the bidding at i don't knowar, $10,000 and for the lucky ladies who've been dying for this for a long time, my dna, i guess, unfortunately r someone's going to try to buy and his name's going probably be john, n but this is stupid, greg. but at the same time, mine is not. i >> yes. this is what you don't want. it was nice, though, in favorite thing in the world. i love when white women cuss. >> it makes me giggle.
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it's just so cheap. you don't saying forget it. st g >> it is soap. it's the cutest thing and only time is not is when dagon cusses because it's like i'm still tucked up froml the oyster thing. tucki realize i jus the cup has a lot to do with proportionality. is not a large cup too. you know, i up but just the tiny. it's so small it's time i gave it to me like this. you'd be like, watch a little kid drinkhis,. you know how the kids do the breath after they drink too much. 't >> that is this proofthat that people desire something because someone else itreg: t it's always. that's the way it always is. no, but peoplehas thalways makep their minds what they like until they see somebody else want it. ohy lintil the, i am jealous ofe people. why? you know how hard it is for me to feel aliv you kne. perhaps the most intoxicating passaps the most intoxicating
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existence is a love that is so passionate and strong that it makes you behave irrationallytht like people will search for it their whole lives. people will blow up their lives for itve. ei and these people feel it for a cop. yeah. e fe it's crazy, right? it's.t for a it's like especially in january. in je waiy. are like a cop, and it's like, i will wait in the cold at 3 ths a.m. for you. >> cop. tik op. is this more proof that tick tock is really like i make tha everything bad that happens in the united states. has in the tick, which is run by china. >> it made me think, is there a ru>> i in stanley cups in bei? >> yeah. no. well, i'm gonna go to linsey. probably not now. noy not., i.h thes >> although these are probably made in beijing. they are de i on the bottom of tyrus harris. act mine is actually full of tied pockets too.
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so you can do the time part at the same. >> yes, i just. yep,and it's made in china. and fox left the sticker sticker on there and i have one in my office as well. >> so there are two. but as welhere arei rid of the a right away because no men should drink. i'm sorry. i'm sorry. this caus is this may just be the whole thing. you're still like no blood transfusion for you. no. five. i don't know. it's a straw business, you know? but i have bad luck. it's a bad. i've seen what you wear. up next. how crimupe locals away from the great white way. that's a tension. >> former and family members stationed at camp lagoon. if you lived or worked at camp lejeune, north carolina, for at least 30 days from august 1953 through december 1987 and had been diagnosed with cancer, it neurobehavioral
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effects. a child born with birth defects were diagnosed with fertility issues. all war. you may qualify for a significant financial compensation claims settled like legal work. now to discuss your case, it has been proven that the water ray camp was used during those years was extremely contaminated with toxic chemicals. a new law passed by congress now allows veterans and their surviving family members to bring lawsuits and potentially recover damages for the harm from exposure to contaminated water at camp allison. don't wait until it's too late. it only takes a few minutes in the cold is completely free. cole sedlak legal to discuss your case now call one 806 303838. that's one 806 303838 no where is cesar? are christmas never gone for free? in your address? a few seconds and a chance win the $777 amazon gift card every
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gallacher after hammer blow cleaned our place for $19, we fired our old housekeeper. homegirl tackled from our kitchen to our bathroom, all our laundry. $14.6 you just pick a date, pick3, a cleaner, and enjoy a spotless house for $19. a hass >>le one small smoothie is 1463, please. $14 go. what are you doing? what are you doing? but making >> not with blender. what's going >> oh, that's just pouring some milk. some milk. throwing some frozen fruit yourself a nutritious and delicious smoothie. >>i m . you sell here for a whole lot less, i'm ruined. >> i'll kick your expensive smoothie habit to the curb. >> what are yours now? apple and jacob. a story in five words. words. e >> broadway musicals screweddway by crime. ding
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okay, kat, according to new data, that's my favorite kino nw broadway ticket sales for new york suburbanites were the lowest recorded in 200ecord and 80 years. >> wow. now it's 23 years. but they list safety concerns cn as a major reason you.e of know, given your love of musicals, has this hasmusica the dangerls city streets affected your musical going capability? i'd say it's unaffected. yeah i get i mean for people who are not to maybeseeig seeing the walking dead outside i was like on your commute. >> like for me, i'm just used ue to even involving, you knowut what i mean? but like, if you're like from a wisconsin suburb, i could see how you would be, oh, hey, i'm a shot out. fit a shot out. find it startling. >> but for me, the reason i'm not seeing the musicals is because of the singinstartlt >> yeah, i would be fair. >> g musicals if be fair. they didn't have any in the opera. >> >> kat who is going to the oper.
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i'm convinced the opera is a money laundering operation. okay. . >> who wants to pay hundreds and hundreds of dollars to just sit there and listen to people y sing in italian? >> yeah, well, it's run n by a fat lady. pete knows what's wrong with the opera. >> what's wrong with the opera?d i mean, i understand what they're saying on tha t. >> i don't.>> i don't go to the opera. sure, i'm defending it i. when i was giving his grades, you know, he's. if i could just get back to the operopera,a and, go now what yoe seeing right here, they call it fox and friend syndrom lle. an riend syndrom >> when somebody has opinion, you have to immediately go, oh, yeah, noyou havegot so yeah, i t know, like the guy with thei di countrdny relations with mr. opera. >> you don't own whatever spectacles. yeah, not yet you see, we're patient. >> yeah. and the "fox and friends" syndrome goes to the fox. some.aughter]n all i would say w on this is i met in wisconsin, w
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my dad from the suburbiscosgo of minneapolis. he's the he doesn't go to like, night baseball games. and why, why wouldball games yot if you don't have to it's -- it's not just the new york thing. >> it's like i'll go during the daew yory thingsk it isn't the walking dead, but otherwise i'll pass. i'll watch on tv.. >> what do you say, tyrus? dot you love to bring dot you love to bring >>do the most overrated musical no, i was. i was shocke td becaushee i alwe thought hamilton was white. e. i immediately i immediately my history teacher, like major yo, no, i don't fit in the seats. - i don't have to go.o go but it's not. e it's. yes, the walking dead is annoying, but let'swalking ai be honest, i never thought that musicals could get any more. >> what's the word i'm looking for? specified? and then they woke them up
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to where like a white man can't be whitee man ca and like, you don't have to be talented. tale, in theything i talented. stuff changed and everything. everything's political and it's jus and it'st it's not a good time., it's not fun because people will go, not me,g into but people who go always. you never hear anybody coming in the office. you never hear, do office, see, like one weekend i made principals and i went to a musicaench toalt was amazing when he used to dosr that all the time. >> yeah, that is true. i would definitely see hamilto.n if it was about george hamilton. ye hamils, that be amazing. >> dig it. it's about crime. it's. amazing it's kind of sad. i mean, like we're seeing corporate real estat e implode.real estat we're watching, you know, people like, i don't have a third thing i can i feel likerie we have crime, illegal immigrants., glitter drugs.>> kt >> i have a rebuttal. okay not true, becausee beca the resurgence of broadway upay
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in this late seventies and eighties, when it was much nastier and much worse sting int than it is now. >>t is because the shows t yeahw the the so i want to say" company is the last musical i went to se musice and they mae everyone mask and the ushers marched up and doweveryonen thes the entire show and screamed ane entire show and screamed signs so by grace of god i didn't get arrested, haven't been back, says why.or for example, there is a musical days of wine and roses. so it's a musical about a film from a film, but it's about alcoholism for one andcohm two tickets. >> sunday nigh t, $687.y nigh oh, a musical about just buy buy a bunch of vodka. f >> boom. oh, there you go. o
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that was full of mirrors. i used to start a fire? and had, like, a record that was louds screaming, right? you goloud scrt. >> you can't just get. yeah, you got to just get off the island. hmm. >>m. screams. >> yeah, because then people or mayb kat: ore. it was maybe, maybe a record that actually sounded like it was fine, because i guess people don't usually go toward s peoples the screaming. >> yeah, i guess depending gregd on the movies. happy gilmore. yeah. i have to go all day again, the bible, because i always have a bible with me oh no, h of course i don't. uhme, i, um, exile on main street. mm-hmm. and what was the movie ferris bueller's day off interest in? >> oh, that's a good one.thin but, yeah, it's where it is. you wouldn't have to watch the the movie on or play the record on. i thind k this was a trick question by alan. >> astonished. yeah, itrick sounds like you made
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out with me on a deserted doily. >> yes. >> greg: iould. he's the worst in a foxhole. i'm tryingi' to. >> well, see, i'm taking a different approach, and i'm just planning to sta y. t planning to sta i don't know what you guys are going. yeah. go mad trying to get off this island gng to goget of. >> i got a book on how to build a boat. i'm good. what do you got there? how do you know what's on the go? i'm going bible. i'm going arrowsmithgood. land? and i'm mov going. i don't know what movie field of dreams. noie, dreams., don't want to tt positive. happy gilmoro e till that. >> great. yeah. all right, here we go. to ask you. >> yes, i did. yes. every italian memorable thing. >> here we go.da every day. italian. that'sit good. what is one trend you want to get rid of in 2024? >> pete? >> oh, any. anything. tiktok, if i could. if i move a magic wand and end together, i would never do >>at kind of hoping that kelsey
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guy and taylor swift broke up me to this because my my, my father keeps texting me. he's 87, wanting to, like, knoww why everybody is obsessed. it i'm like, i just that would be great. they split uhat would bep and tn and check split up and theyd ha tradedrr and it would be harry and the quarterback like oh my god, this time i'm going to stop you now. >> you you never know who this man. he's a tight end>> thi. >> tig tight, tight end did. you should have known anywaynd, >> yeah, i have been working out. yeah. arah. >> text me. what are you doing? they all just watching the game. liarste . reg: wha what trend do you want to getd rid of? i want to stop everythindo yt g it doesn't matter. everything's done. no more world. nothing. no more social mediaisno, nothi. let's just go back to the dark ages. no cell phones. you got to have a rotary phone
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with a long cord. g >> that's it. cat being to me. oh, you guys are all coming over after this, right?, wait a minute. i don't get a lot of that guy. oh, they arei di you what? >> ge >> i hate every everybody's prefacing what.y >> they say with i will say, have you noticed this? i will saysay. . >> but i will say, have you noticed that it's once you hear it now nobody i talk. to.that >> oh, no, i'm telling you. i'm telling you. yeah. and to your poinpot. r to your point to your point and 100%. >> having said that, having said thaent, havt, the east coae thing, i guess i just know it's like when they want they don't have the to telhels l you something straight up. >> i will say i will say i will say. your language is awful. yeah, well, we have time, but i understandlanguageaw because yoe the foxhole would beat it. all righ.t. have up next, they have done itholes holes and explosive toilet bowl
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we are american made from beginning to end shop now at show allegiance .com when brown comes to town you need a man who will love at the sound of a flush. you need to tonight on a detective a florida man is suing dunkin donutsfln for r of iuing dunkin donutsfln for r at one of its locations exploded on hand, leaving hi lom head to toe in human. wait a minute. i would just sue ove r that. just sue ove
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i fly to germany for that stegen, he says, suffered t long term injuries, but no amount of money can you recover from that? >> he's like, you know from , w, you say suffer from bodily injury, too. >> and in addition, in to psychological damage, what kind of bodily injury you suffer? i mean, what was in there? do you want to know what causes the toilet to explode? to >> did some research really quickly. the branch linexplode.e blockedn the bathroom, the toilet and thome main sewer line or you're if you have septic tank, it can get struck by lightning can eexget struck by lightning . or if the line between your and the septic tank gets blocked by something and somethingg behind the blockage ferments and causes gas to build up, e causes the explosion. thank you so much. how about that?
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you have what you got like old macdonald over here. >> he should know this.d oh, yeah.know it's a fox. starts a plumbing channel. if you follow that bret baier cat, you actually had to clean fast food. bathroom so you must sympathize with the guy. what would you do in this? okay, but i alsoguy. . and brothers. okay, nobody read this clearly. but you know what? this happened 22, 22 i do. >> guess what day it happened? what, january 6? no way . way it was an insurrection. as someone who also had minek was on the the 2020 januaryu red six or if you read my book, you know i had a approve situatiobooki n of my own that s very severe, but it was worse than that. after but to keep after this happened to him, he then had to like, turn thi t on every tv, everyons >> meanwhile he just minutes morning. yeah[ . ah[ can that few people can.
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that is true, pete. >> as someone who never washes his hands. >> correct. hishe got you wouldn't even ne if you were covered in with you. it's called really handsome, though. it was handsome. pete- cover who beat. >> so it's called every morning. greg, imagine how bad this mus tbeen have. not only was there physical damage, psychologica. therel, ht the capacity for the enjoyment of life. o jo i mean, how disturbing. no go. but because part of lifes go is that is going to the bathroom . : he >> you can't enjoy constipated. what do you mean, enjoy this? i mean, he had a ever again.. yeah. he tell everybody about it? no, like>> greg:ll this. fast helping. kind of hard to hide. yeah. pete, that news travels fast, . e en, that news travels fast, . by the way. >> the enjoyment of going to the bathrooto tathrooc plm iu places if you're a dude. because that's where dudes like to do it. >> okay, you know what? that is true.
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no, i go t that. that's. no, no, no, no, no, no, no. you know, i do like to do it r because we have respect forhat' each other in the bathroom. we don't leave a bathroom looking like n' god only knows.ows. i've heard from her. f i've heard from kennedy. i've heard from ingridro. ar it is a wa zr zone. sorry. in a woman's bathroom. i believe in the ocean. this is a masculine place that was clean and sparkling. you can eat off the floor. tou can eat off the floor. to go in the men's room, so i went with her. ti, as a woman, for a shorta wo time. i went with her intoman fo the bathroom when she went in there and i was like, o h, there and i was like, o and brought her on, said, honey, i'll just stand guard in the men's room as much cleane, i'll mr here to this day, if i my daughter's with me and her mother, it would be like time g for the bathroom. dad, let's go to the men's room here becauseto the it's clean. o the and you know what? he should have thought of that before he puhould hathatt the bn flush it to dc, and it blew upw on him. fault
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so don't fall and wait for the police because you're going to get arrested. it for tthat zero january 6. and that's the last guy that's been out thererested with the dh donuts pipe bomber. why isn't dunkin donuts capitalizing on this with a new product, a new donutoduct? with like extra black sprinkles ? yeah, they tried that before on luther king day. >> okay. wellor , i'm still waiting for my lawyer to get me back that lawsuit. the dude. go away. we'll be rightme o back back. over 13 million americans were affected by identity theft, 2022. and the threats go way beyond just credit card fraud. today's identity thieves can use your information in ways are easy to miss by just monitoring accounts and credit, like opening loans, transferring home titles, even committing crimes.
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