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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 6, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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"ingraham angle" from new york city tonight. >> the supreme courtsuprem latee tonight that they will hear trump's appeal to thalradoe rulg that banned him from the state's primary ballot.. >> plus, how former special counsel jack smith go inin his investigation into donald trump. we have obtained shocking new video of what happened after he dispatched agents to the hom e of former black voices for trump director harrison floyd. his attorney is hereively. exclusively. >> but first eche talks about the blood of americans being poisoned. echoing the same exact language used in germany, he proudly posts on social media the wordst that first described his 2024 campaign. quote, revenge desc, quote, power, unquote, dictatorship. >> there's no confusion about who trump is, what he intends to do. > will:re it is there it is.i
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mr. unifier, in chief's veficial ramp upng his to compag his predecessor to hitler in the h very same speech, he pretended like he was the only guy aroun americad whod save america. >> today, i make this sacredfen. pledge to you. the defense protection and preservation of american democracy will remain as it has been. the central cause. my presidency. thinkwants you to that the next 11 months are not about getting america back on track. where shacke should be, whereckw people aren't living paycheck to paycheck, where our bordersho being overrun, where people aren't scared to walk down the streeown th.t? no. he wants you to think it's all about what he calls democracy. >> but the democracy is stil l america's sacred. >> cause is the most urgent question of our time, and it's what the 20 24 election is allri about. >> is it because just after biden stood therden oe in fronto
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of multiple american flags calling trump the greatest threatur to our democracy, we learned the supreme court of the united statesng a is heag a case about democrats trying to take that very away, trying to take donald trump off adv the ballot. is >> joining us now is steven miller, former senior adviser tohe trump and the founder of america first legal. and kurt schlichter, retiredt c u.s. army colonel and senior columnist at atrtlemen, thanks fo being with us tonight. >> steven, thank you. it's a pretty fearful message that joe biden angrily relayed to the american public about the threat represented t by donald trump, the threat to democracy be. will americans, in your estimation, be afraid they're about to lose their democrace racy?y? urpose >> i think the clear purpose of biden's message is twofold. first, obviously, is to tryvotes to terrify suburban voters of td of the elections, and that will be tremendously unsuccessful, as we see in the polling. but the second and even more nefarious objective
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is trying to create the pretex o the predicate for a vast policee and surveillance state. >> so what you see is thent of enormous tools at the disposalju department of justice, the enormous tools and the disposal, the department of homelan d security being arrayed for the purpose of tryin arrg crush political dissent in america, censoring free speech, putting political dissidents in jail for outrageous sentences. n jailyou see, for example, pron americans being raided, being threatened with enormouseo jail time for nonviolentnvs activities, nonviolent protest, while political allies of the democratic party, like blm,unit are allowed to riot with impunity, allowedy attack and assault with impunity. the message is clear if you are seen as an enemy of the state, b you will be persecuted. and if you're the leader of the opposition, donaldballot a tru , he will be taken off the ballot and you will be thrown in jail. but if you are an allyrown i ofd ruling party, then you will be shielded no matter how gravoe
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your crimes. and that includes, by the way, compcrime of having completely open borders every single day in this country. >> that'>> w that's s true. no sense of self-awareness or irony, it would seem. here is whatawarenes joe says tt campaign is about watch. donald trump's campaign is about him, not america not you. donald trump's campaign is obsesse o pasd with the pastt the future. he's willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himselffor me in power. our campaign is differen at fore me and kamala. our campaign is about america. it's about you. it's about age every agetry. and background that occupy this y. rony >> again, no sense of self-awareness or irony as he spent the entire speec enh backwards and at one point called the oval office. my oval office. to sa well, well, well, first of all,a i havell say that i'm really gld that the asthma that keptt clea
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joe biden from defending his country in uniform when it called on hinimm isn't keeping m from protecting democracy. now, from halff americ of ameris who actually want to vote for the candidate of choice. as steven pointed out, he is censoring free speech. he is arrestin speech.g political opponents. he's waging unrestricted lawfare upon them. it is a disgrace and it's not going to work because, you know, i was just out driving around today. gagas is like four or five bucki a gallon. you go into the grocery store, you come out wearingng o of tho, little barrels with no clothes, you've got no mone yy left. america is falling apart. we are we are our policy is ae n disgrace. we're getting pushed around by the chineseese, b by the ira, by whoever the the houthies are. >>t t we've got run out of afghanistan with 13 people dead. it's a disgrace. and he can't hide it by lying c against half of americans. you know, will the people he's lying about right now the people who support donald trump. >> they buils coun they ft this country, they build this country. they fuel this country.
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ntryand they defend this countri again, unlike joe biden, you know, you hear one word from the senile, corrupt creep , kurt you know, you're an h attorney. >> we led off tonight as well with the news that the supreme court will hear the case p and the attempt to remove him from the primaryrimary ballot in colorado. i put nothing past the supreme courutt. >> i don't put much faith as an in the decisions or our ability to predict the decisions. t >> the supreme court. again, as an attorney, how do you expect that to go before the supreme court? >> well, when you ask me about the lawfare being waged about against donald trump as an attorney, that presumes this r some sort of legal endeavor as a legal matter, the criminal indictments and this ridiculouas attempt to keep half of americans from being able to vote for who they >>ge it's a joke that it's going to get tossed out by the supreme court. the question is whether sotomayor or and whetherte joe biden's appointee will actually vote and make it
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nine zero and totally repudiate this disgusting dictatorshipit'a action. pres a we're going m to wiatten it's a matter of whether we preserve the premises that make, america what it is inou b the process. the you know, stephen, you brought up the substance that represents a threat to democracyn sp attack on free speech that jonathan turley today after joe biden's speech h ,put it very succinctly. when it comes to who is the biggest threat to the pillarsee of our democracy, watch when he talks about the freedomofbefe of speech. >> the biden administration i've written before is the most anti free speech administration since the administration. john adams. i mean, his administration has carried ou ft what a federalwitt court called an orwellian censorship programhe socia, thee of social media companies. >> so turley agrees with you,moc stephen on what represents a threat to our democracy. what i'd love to ask you, though, steven, is there seems to be a change. they would have us believethey that joe would like to run h against donald trump, that he
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actually has a chance to beat donald trump. but listening to joe biden today, he's already taking on trumy takingn trumatpk to empower trump. >> it would seem to either it'suggest a, he knows it's inevitable that his opponent will be donald trump or he's seen polling and now he knows, oh, i don't know that i do want to runneed against donald trump, so i need to start attacking trump. >> well, first of all, they've seen the same polling that all a of us have seen in the swingdst states showing historic leads for president trumtrump.p. f th secondly, the prosecutions themselves are the proof of the point. >> their election strategy is literally to put president trump in jail. in jthat is their actual electi strategy with a multiple criminal persecutioncrim. r th and this is another very important point i want to make. who is the audiencspeech?e for that speech? is it the american people? yes, but it's somebody else, too. it'sit's jeff smith.e case it's the department of justice. it is the judges in each of these cases, by saying that his opponents aree nazi , u
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his message is they must be destroyed. s rhetoris dangerous rhetoric. it strikes at the very heart of america's whole system the of laws and justice. and it signals that there is nyo to which they will not go to maintain their control over stuf power in this country. >> really good stuff. curt, stephen, thank you both so muc.nk you vh. it's not just joe biden's focus on january 6th, but it's also the focus of the fbi help. and.o >> they want your help. the fbi was so overwhelmed, the number of tips that they were receiving. and now you'll have the fbi goin to tan youg to the school sayint hey, can you help us out? we charged this guy. we wan didt to mak tha e we got the everything that he did that day. >> can you give us a full report in beginning? >> it was intense. i would drop my children off at school. >> i would come home and. i would be on it almost like a a work. and then w once the kids were in bed, i was up until two or three, four. >> and then waking u, #:p a coue
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hours later. >> it takes its toll. and when gotten paid a dim t it the fbi has reportedly enlisted this informal community of americans known as sedition hunters that you saw there. secordin g to pbs, they useople w their own methodologies to finhe people who participated in january 6th. >> then they create dossiersr to use facial recognition software and turn all of that over to the fbi. >> more than 1000 children, people have been charged. so as it relates to the riot ranging from trespassing to felonies, it's the largest operation in fbi history. >> collectively today, they have been sentenced to more than 840 years in prison. >> joining us now is sean duffy and co-host of espn's the bottom line. and lee zeldin, former new york congressmangressman a . gubernatorial candidate. john, i'll start with you. thatthat wasn line that was somg
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that joe biden felt was necessary to brag that they hadc charged overan 1200 americans. >> so first, let's note that this was run on pbs. at is state funded? this is this is state television. if you want a revolutionn ameri actually have to turn american against american, which is what they want. here rs you need agitators and enforcers. what you see here is you have theke sur enforcers that ae here to make sure that we go, who was that january 6? >> we got to identifheand thy tn we've got to get them their names to the fbi so they can be held to.l >> what's interesting, though, is these enforcers, as well as theast foun fbi, they haven'd the pipe bombers. >> where are they? they were people who erected tel the morning of january six, the gallows that had the noose hanging where they were allegedly chantingallegedlhey wt . otage of >> they wanted to hang mike pence, who directed wh footage of it. why can't anyone find these certain individuals that had key parts and places on january 6th? it begs the question, whand the >> s and there's a lot a of theories. we won't call them tonight, but it's concerning. le, sean, you've been a prosecutor, lee. >> you served in congress. you understand resourc
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e, is are finite. they're limited. that line that it operatio saids is the largest operation in fbi history is jaw dropping.g. goig >> and that means it means by necessity, the resources coca'telse. somewhere else. sean points out the pipe bomb, or we could point out who had cocaine. the white house, the supreme court leaker, followed all manner of unsolved mysteries. but there's also very serious crimes. who knowows chils? child, child abduction passede a under the fbrgi and this. >> this is the largest operation in fbi history. and that's why the support for the fbi has been eroding amongst the american public. das, there are a lot of americans who wake up every single day of their life021. wanting that day to be t january 6, 2021. they want to relivo e every dayl they want you and everyone else out there to relive it as welliv . the same individuals who aren't speaking out outt haven't spokt about the blm rioters in 2020. they have no problem with thee s
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manhattan district attorney alvin braggt , prosecuting for the first time of any district attorney in the history of ny of new york, prosecuting federal campaign finance violations oe vir. fani willis the district attorney down in georgia charging, yo you're asking the e tweet, asking people to turn on a tv station. there is such an extraordinary overreach where a judge is saying that mar a lagng mar-o is $18 million. we're going after president trump. saying hso you have unlimited rs to go after him on the classified documents caseassifiedats in that resultsh prosecution. but you don't have enough resource ts to be able to goe. after president biden for a classified documents e is release. there's so many examples here that is causing to be frustrated that this fbi is not prioritizing their work correctly. and just to illustrate the limitation of resources, this story shows how thees story co-opt private citizens to doir their investigation. thm going to share with each you one detail. i just want your reaction, sean, the detaile that these citizen investigators, these
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sedition hunters are looking up to 1000 more people. >> that's right. and by the way, i think it's interesting ople that these are the same people that don't want all the tapes releasedyo on january six, where you see, piers, people actually peacefully walk and give themselveslly a tour of the capitol. maybe they shouldn't have been there, but should they be prosecuted? shouldn't be felonsh thes gos. should they go to prison for a year or two years? morneppsy epps, who is the guy s yelling about going into the capitol, he was doing it on januaryg th and on the mornix of january six, encouraging people to go in. mo and sixisdemeanor months in jail, unlike anybody else that participatedleve at hs level. >> really quickly. lee, one of these moms, sh ng kids e she does this between taking kids to school who is describes herself as a seditio uld loven said she'd love to expand this to now those that also were guilty disinformation lee. poi yeah i mean the fact that we've reached the point where folks want to destroy democracy, the name of democracy. these are people who want
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ap take down taktrump at presidt all costs. >> it's splitting our country apart. arnsequencrethe consequences ar. >> they made movies about this. the livests others how eastmuch germany turned citizens on oneg another leash on. >> thank you so much. i would want to just farl counsg our special counsel, jack smith, will go in his investigation intode trump. shocking new body cam video obtained by the english angle fters moment after anof encounter with fbi agents and the former director of black voices for trump, harrison floyd. ehis attorney is here exclusively with reaction next . >> do you know how hard is to fit in at a cable news channel? as a cab driver who dresses an overweight figure skater? my son is six foot five. he's getting a women's basketball scholarship. and nobody wants to go to your baby's gender reveal. you know, it's a waste of a football. saturday. well, if you clap for that, you're not going to like the rest of his jokes.
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>> yes. to see what's possible. we just like this. >> yeah. let's. >> new video obtained by the "ingraham angle" reveals jut far. special counsel jack smith's team will go will ideo their investigation into donald trump body cam video worn by offices called to the home of a georgia trump codefendant showaftermats. ported the aftermath of his encounter with fbi agents are reportedly servlye a grand jury subpoena. former black voices for trump director harriso n floyd suits says he was going home with his daughter when men wearing suit s looking like they, quote, popped out of the show better call saul starte him.d runningt
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at him. >> i started yelling at one of them. you thinyok you are.t told anu're very handsome in a garage. on you told me anything. i don't know who you are. gettinm g back, touching. i don't want to go like this. w i have a pistol in his hand. i never saw that. t >> yeah, i don't know. floyd was then arrested and charged with assaulting one of those agents. joining me now is his attorney, chris cochair of chris, thanks for being with us. your client is accused of body sl one of those agents,body knocking him backwards with his body. >> that's the allegation.he all >> what can you tell us? if you read the police, i mean, that's something that came out of the i think wapo published. i don't where they got it from.a they should have retracted that. but at the end of the day, if lookort it's at page report,ast. it's odd. odd to say the least, because remember, these are two fbi loo agents, their law enforcemenatt and if you look at the state police report, remember,
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harrison called the police when he strange people came up callis house and followed hiiso when you look at the state police report, he is the onectim who called and he's the victim. he's listed as the victim. and then. 10 hours later, they show up back at his door to arrest him. atr towell, if you look at the e report, you see what these fbi agents have saido be. i don't know. i used to be a former police officer. and i can tell you right nowa p if you touch a police officer in his nose, you get that close to him, where you're you're pointing at his nose and you're literall nos poy his nose tuck cookie his cheek, as they said. the police repor you areo get og on him and cursing, you're going to get hooked. i don't knowoou. a police officer who wouldn't book you. now they can say, well, he's an enemy. former anthony martial artist. i would have you know, i we he a wanted to deescalate. that's not what happens. you touch ansfied h officer and he's identified himself and he's showing you his value of authority. that'sinhooked. it. case over here getting hooked. so i don't buy what they said in your your client is saying and we can see it in that video that those officers did not identify
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themselves. they approached harrison ford. right. >>. in a >> i mean, that's what you're supposed to do, especially if you're ithes n you're a suit in a a plain clothes suit. your job is as an officer is you walk u p, you say, listen,ch of i'm an officer with such det and youdepartmen have to have your badge and gun. and that's why you see detectives even on shows neck wearing badges around their neck. >> yeah. and i want to clarify for >> will: vide see video that we seeing on our screen is that second visit you referenced. these are two police officers showing up after floyd cal calls the police officers the original encounter with the weo not serving the subpoena.lit we dino not have on on videoimo. and thus we have these these conflicting testimonies. but let's take one more look. let's let's take a look p this video with the with the officers that floyd called he show up at his door. >> this is on the show that it h want to do. supervisor is i wantr thos to ps charges against whoever those two are who are coming after me. we must go to pullin.g downposeo
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stairs. you serv be people. >> that's not the way it's done. i agree with you. so, thos so to be clear, thosess officers, he alleges, did not identify themselve thes officerr of the law. he calls the cops who are now seeing on video right ther ue. he and what happens is he ends uplt being arrested for the alleged assault in the first encounter. >> right. becausthat's te and that's the d thing, is they have the state police arrest him for a stateat crime. and then just shortly before, thatan was, that 10 hours after he made the report. so you can imagine his surprisee that now gets arrested. and then knowing how embarrassingd th must look to the fbi to have the state police make the arrest shortlygo before the court case in maryland, in the state. we got a phone call to saydict m they're dismissing that case and they're going to indict him federally. and so he's got misdemeanor charges pending right now at the federal level. and i've heard that they wanta e to now upgraded to a felony. so i it's crazy to pol i mean, like i said, that noics
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police officer worth his salt, even even an fbi agent is going to do this type of shenanigan. i call it a shenanigan. ill: all it's very suspicious that they didn't make a report themselves. we really chris, we reallyou appreciate you being with us tonight, sharing this story in that videaudieno with ourav audience. >> thank you. coming up, another batch of that steamed document wils been, unsealed and we'll bring you the latest developments. >> plus, we're to cut through biden economic spin. >> that's next. >> start your year off, right with a portable blender. forbes calls a true game changer blender to give you big blender power on the go so you can cross your resolutions wherever you are. it's perfect for smoothies, protein shakes and more. blender two is usb-c rechargeable and best of all, it even cleans itself. make this year the best ever visit blend to order yours now.
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more time. they neen pockd more money in their pocket. but since team biden is back out in fulle ut force bragg about his disastrous economy, we thought it might be a good time to cut through the spin me t , debunk biden on this. so first up, gas prices. >> gas prices, for example, are at 309 today. more tha n 90 three lower thanak aft the peaker after putin's war. >> now, as david asman fox business host and former "wall street journal" senior editor i, isn't it wonderful that they get experts like granholm to headp up institutions that are based on stuff that they haven't gotor a clue about before they got into the job? well, clueless in what's the truth guess. >> well, gas prices, let's talk oil, because gas, of course, comes from oilude oil . that joe >> crude oil is trading at 40 dollars a barrel on the day that joe biden was elected. $40 a barrel. nervs oil traders got nervous because he said he was going to have a war on fossil fuels, which he halhe hass in my parts. >> so it went up 30% to $52
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a barrel at the time of hisout 2 inauguration. >> then it's now. trading about 72. >> of course, it did spike to $100 a barrel when russia invaded ukraine. >> it's true. it did spike, but it's now63% mo at $72, $72 a barrel. six is 63% more than when he was elected. and 8% more than when he became president. so. so we're not we're not t paying less right now. we're paying lesha thes at the p after after russia invaded ukraine. but we're noay lesst paying than when he came in. we're paying a lot more. 63% when he was elected, 38%>> more than he became. it's a truth that people feel. i think it's just one one of many, many canards that they come out with. >> let's sta.y the auto theme.f let's look under the hood of today's jobs report. the biden administration want you think it's a good one. we see that there has been by the way a downward revision in jobs report. >> we've gotten used to that phrase. in fact, r ten out of 11 months
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in 2023, the numbersnu were downgraded later on. in fact, that that if you addth it all up, that comesbs to 443,000 jobs. that didn't really that exist that they claimed were because of joe biden. saebiden.y it's today's figurese downgraded 71 the previous months were downgraded 71,000 jobs. >> so you don't the firstt the t of these numbers. somebody is myw, opinion now11 somebody is fiddling with these number ws, ten out of 11 monthsb ten out of 11. and we don't know about this month, decembeer, turn out to be downward, revised in february. we get january. er so they're playing they're playing some kind of game with the numbers here to make things at the moment look better than they reallycep are. perception is reality. thanks for bringing up reality, though. absolutely absl: we ar i will. c >> just ten short days awayiat f from the official start of the 2024 election, iowa caucus day and on the campaig n, thingse are heating up in the hawkeye state. last night, ron desantisst and nikki haley both trailing
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donald trump, by the way, by 30f points in iowa. >> they both took shots at the d frontrunne batr and each other as they battled out for second place. >> it is time to move pastst president trump. chaos followed pr him and we all know that's true. and you don't defeat. p is democrat chaos with republican chaos. donald trump is runnin rg for his issues. nikki haley is running forsues. her donors. >> i'm running for your issues. joining me now is matt tory, political analyst and pollster. he's als inso chairman of the insider advantage. >> so, matt, it's been said, you know, that i would break's a little bit late. you know, we've got days left. i don't know how late something can break, but it's a caucus it i. so it is open to some surprises, some potential for surprisee see an what we've seen in iowa. well, you're right well, 04. in fact, in the past, i polled iowa for newk ans organizations since 2004. i went back and looked at the results and typicallyd th the pollsters have a bigger gap between the leader and thep behi
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final result. and then sometimes it inverts and someone ends. up behind. so it can always narrow a little bitca more because it is a caucus type of participation. that saiald d, right now, donald trump does have a big lead and our polling shows he's doinggelicals well with evangelicals and he also g.o. gop well with general members who are usually attend caucuses. so it seems like his organization this muchs, tie is much better than in 2016. so this lady has mayt actually hold. well, i will also be about t look who in the race and who begins the process of dropping out. so how does it look down there at second, third, fourth place? >> well, most of the polls,ates including my ownma, show the two other candidates, main candidates, desantis and, of course, haleytrading places places. just just trading votes back and forth. halein cause evy, to come in secondm at because everyone knows new hampshire, most pollsters, least us at least sort of new hampshire is an aberration because it's a state where going
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undeclared voters are allowed to vote. there's no democratic action goinn.g on.e th democrats could become undeclared voters up until a late october. so mor we think in that state that may be more of an anti-trump, more moderate crowed ,not typical. a lot like south carolina that will follow. ni come nikki haley wants bum to come out of iowa with some sort of bump so she can then sort of take advantage of whatever the sort of unusual makeup of the new hampshire primary this time might, give hern he a governor. >> desantis, it was a little testywhethe when he was asked whether or not he actually thinks there let'a. foor victory in iow >> let's watch. can you admit you found herselfr a fight for second place? first of all, trump has always been leading in the race. he is i mean, he's the former president. he's one of the most famous people in that challenge challe>> w. so we're now we are the top. wit i'm the only one that hashel a chanceelec to beat trump and the general election. >> nikki haley can't get conservative's you. is he right? what's your reaction, matt? >> well, i think he's on to something. and, you know, he's been down
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there there for quite a and he doeats have aioni'm no organization. nce as so i'm not discounting desantis as having a better performance as polls show, as i said, well, it's really hard is g these caucusepins to pin the tail right in the right place because you don't knowo be who's going to turn out that day and that night, what it's going to be like whe e weather is going to be likesa a and what the behind the scenes. and desantis lotf has put a lot of money down there. so it's a it's a battle in which haley is trying to come up light on the momentum she can she s and herew hamebate rise in the polls nationally whether she can do it and thenta on to new hampshire. the main thing is south to south carolina decide the whole thing. and right now, nikki haley is is trailinghe. by 30 points,t in her home state. if she can't overcome that, at if trump winsnd at that margin, then these other states just fall becomes e and donald trump becomes the nominee without any problem. mattso much.. uth carolina >> matt, thank you so much. at and coming up, you won't believe how much the bidenon fit administration has spent on diy training. >>, but first, another batch
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of epstein documents have been unsealednate f. >> they form has the details. next. you know, aging is really taking its toll like wrinkles and lackluster hair and just not moving like i used to. i hate sarah, and that's exactly why biocryst combines two anti-aging superheroes in ageless multi cards and plus turmeric to help fight visible signs of aging anti-aging superheroes. college and the glue that holds us together diminishes with age offers five of the most research times for your skin hair, nails, joints and even gun. there are different types. it's true many products only offer one or two, which can limit the benefits. but with biocryst, you get full body support in turmeric. used for centuries, turmeric has antioxidant properties and helps support joint health. beatrice contains organic turmeric and no artificial flavors or sweeteners. >> wow. all in one product.
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and there's more coming. so here with the details is fox news correspondingorrespon nate. i understand that you just got a fresh new batch of namesh associated with epstein. >> yeah, nam we've had four separate drops throughout the day. westthe newest one, 36 document, 381 pages. so we have the entire newsroom going through that right now. but what we leare learned in thi newest batch is released today for the first time, hillary clinton''s s name is included. the former secretary of state is on a list of names and phrases that lawyers wanted searched on. jeffrey epstein'stein'confidans. ghislaine maxwell's electronic devices. now, this als is all part of a a defamation lawsuit that epstein accuser virginia giuffre brought against maxwell, formetr president clinton is on that same list in a separate document. >> maxwell discusses taking a trip with epstein and clinton, but said she couldn't remembe r the date.a clin neither of the clintons are accused of any wrongdointoso >> a clinton spokesperson says the former president last spoke to epstein almosstt 20 years agg another new name to report tonight is weinstein. d hollyw
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the disgraced hollywoodpr producer is in prisooducern fors sexual assault and , and he's noted in epstein's message book. >> take a look here. the phone log shows a handwritten note rote:n readie had on the phone. mr. harvey weinstein. >> prince andrew and attorney alan dershowitze list are again mentioned tonight in his newest documents. they're on that sameth as the clintons. >> dershowitz repeatedly calls foleased.r all the docume to be released. he said last night there are smoking guns yet to be revealed and he has nothing to hide. many of the documents released tonight show epstein's recruiting process and how he paid giuffre's ex-boyfriend, $200 for everyto girl that he brought to his home. so with today's drop now,about including this newest drop, well80, we're about 80% of thewb way through the documents that we've been told will be coming 240 and total. the rest are set to comen, these on monday. >> and just as a point of clarification, these namees e
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not necessarily alleged to have committed crimes, correct. ye.>> will:t they are simply tos point, people who had a relationship wer have e allego have a relationship with jeffrey epstein. correct. there are people that were part quing procs in questioning proca 2015 defamation case. >>re they were people thatbo lawyers asked witnesses, hey, diutd ever hear anythings st about this person? >> the answer could have been no. but their nameill camep so still came up. >> so they're in these documents. all right. thanks so much. you got itt. ruth w. >> truth is, you all know discrimination still existsnatin in america. discrimination s exist existsexs in america. discrimination still exist in as in america. >> we need to remove the person thatyy and find a wayat for the best organization. >> now, apparently, that so-called work costs at ami minimullion m $16 million, becae that's how much the biden brministration spent on brainwashing federal government employees with so-called eye training
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this past year. me h.o.o.d now is pastor corey ,ceo of project hood. >> pastor, thanks so ford being with us. >> why do you think the federal government feels the neetheid to reeducate their administration? >> you know, we've had over 60 years of diversity training and diversite ofy all in the nae of helping black people, so to speak i. . and what has it done? it hasn't helped us one bit. cr hasn'tet us educate our children. it hasn't it diversity doesn't o create jobs in our community. it doesn't movpoverte us out of poverty. but what diversity training does is it enriches the the racially essentials of those who are enhancing themselves and benefiting from those policies like the biden administration is trying to do. >> but at the end of the day, it doend of thins to admit blac. >> you know, when you say diversity doesn't helphen you n the black community get jobs. >> you know, there's this obviously, diversity is cant, dv be a virtue of diversityer
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of thought. diversity of background to any organization. but i think what we're talkingte about i think what you're talking about and i know what i'm talking about, is this formalized dei diversity, and equity and inclusion. i got to debate with with dallas mavericks owner mark cuban about this. >> it's not simply this this cuban abuld be abstraction, this feel good idea. >> hey, everyone should be include ad. ntly it's an ideology that is taughtt and apparently is cost $16 million to be taught to federal it'ss. equal yeah, it's this idea that somehow we can create equames bul outcomes, but what a need in america is not equal outcomes., need equal opportunities. we need to focus on true uplift only comes from hard work, family valuek,s, merit and good american principles. those are the things upliftt we people on the south side of chicago, where i'm from. that's what we're focusing on every single day. accountability, responsibility live ,uplifting people, giving them the tools that are necessary for them to live lives. but the guy is doing nothing to uplift our community.
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>> let's take a look. pastor, the daily callerty is reportingpes of on some of te examples of the types of things that were involved in this training. quote: pastpast government divy trainings have instructed federal workers that asking an asian colleague for help with a math problem oe mer that could be racist. and men can, of course, become pregnant. now, that' fors, of course, par the course in modern day dti, and it's sociabe sl can be the same thing as physical pain. pastor that't we'rs what we're learning within the federal government. whayou know, what's so heart ta wrenching is that instead of spending all this these moner to teach these principles, i can teach them real simple. you it's your neighbor as you love yourself, it's treat people the way you want to be treated. n af it's investing in all of americans, making us the best that we can possibly be. and i think and what we focus on are practical principles. t'h instead of focusing on force, diversity and inclusioe n, that's the way we're going to uplift the american society. >> and that's the wae ery we're
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going to become a better people. so many times all we're doing is facing focusing on this racial issue, these racial issues, and it's not bringinogeg us together. >> it's only driving us farther apart. yes. the whole whole e pae is to seeo our superficial differences, fromook into our internal character. pastor brooks, great to hear how you. >> thank you. it's like a scene out of parks and rec. is surehow progressive mayer is mad sure she stays rich. is i hundredek's biden documentaries in the works. jason rants and garrett vinton react to the week's culture whip next. >> i see her. i swear it's fast. it makes it less real. the power of contrast very. see, you can rise from pain. i see her. the beverages that drove the world. beer, wine, spirits, tea, coffee, soda. let's drink our faces.
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or name. >> it's on all the government owned vehicles, building s even on the roads in the township. the township board passed an ordinance that allows hanna to continue collectingg he her $224,000 a year salaryr . but if anyone other than haniya gets the job, the ordinancs the that salary to 20 $5,000$250 a year. >> so mayor tiffany hanforder is also accused of using a $3,000money for trip to vegas, flying first class, of course. and she has her owng firstn pero makeup artist. i don't know that many mayors that have a makeupn'ow that artist.d two she also produced two music videos featuring city workermuns jason. she's making more than the governorgovernor. >> she is. i mean, think about it this way that don't ask, don't tell. the illinois makes more than the medianke in that town of $24,000. >> there's something almost impressive about how audacious shudaciouse is. i mean, you don't generally see this level of audacity coming
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from any lawmaker, let alone someone in such a smalane someo. but i have to imagine that this is not a new personality, dhat when she went arounno asking for votes, she probably acted this way. brand focus. so the put her in power and now they're going to have to deal with it. >> well, thil s how he acted at one of her board meetings. >> watch. i don't keep losing. yeahsing. makin i'm making a fis play world of yard run swappingt out. >> don't stop.he i am the executive branch. you are the legislativ execue bt that's it.'sno know your place wher ye your set every night. i got to show y'all what it is. say that like because they can't beat me. >> i can tell you they triedng y to run a campaigou tn on last and go get you nowhere nowhere. you know i don't know. >> i don't know. i that's one thingsets you're another this, this salary thing that sets it back if she's ou t office, it goes back to 25,000. >> i want to know how she pulled t that off. >> no, it's an absolutely remarkable graft. i meann , it's like no one coulr
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write this. if this is a netflix series, it's like veepite tflix. anna dalva i've never seen anything like it here. anything it's, you know, she's using an atm, max, like she's a, you know s, 19-year-old trust fund kid in montauk over the summer. but she's using with the government's money. i've never seen anything like it moving a salary down to,n to you know, back down to 20,000 from over 200,000. i gues00 fros you in this econoy maybe scares away challengers, but it's the most brazen thingtw i've ever seen in politics and i don't know how it's happening. i love h get her. i'd love to interview the mayor exactly. 100. yeah. would be an incredible interview. hunter biden's getting a hollywood makeovere. bidw. it's documentary style. but don't get your hopes up foei cumentarr all o us. >> you know, a tell all of hunter's live, the l.a. times reporting itthtime show a softer hunter painting, selling his art, raisingte his son navigating everyday life as a sober adult with the ongoing ever investigations and in the crosshairs of president donald trump, his supporters. so and i'm sure. >> this is going to be a hit,
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correct? yeah. i mean, speaking of adelphia,ntr i guess we have hunter biden now. so, i mean, it's -- it's just very interesting biden now. ideo i mean, everyone knows i mean, hunter biden dropped his laptop off. he was dropping off a crime was it opened up, you know, troves of investigation, illegal es of inactivity led to him getg indicted and his father on the verge of being impeache a by house of representatives here. you know, i think it's very i g, the shots outsideat of hunter, i read in that same article that those cameraee were there when he defied a congressional subpoena as well. this very, he's not seriously or anything here. >> jason, new medi sera has a wf of supporting these, you know, hangers on and harry and meghan, i mean, post career, obama his he's gotn a production deal and a podcast and here'sde a a documentary on hunter yeah. >> look, if it was an actualntan documentary on hunter biden it i might actually be interested in that. drugan it would be rated x and it would include drug use and . but i mean pro, it does sound lf there's a lot of potential material there. but obviously this ptial mat isy a propaganda video. they're trying to do this and twist it intino.
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>> it's not just about hunter, but it's about his father, whose only crime is loving onlyr his son. >> too much. yeah. so here's the bi beast as we go.s jason, what does better this documentary or the markebet hunter's art? >> oh, i mean, there's got it. >> wow, man, it's probably the art because you can so easily easil purchase it.ot a s >> yeah, right.ub it's got a subjective market. all you need is one stupid buyer. this is going to get. this is going to require you ge this w att at least a couple thousand people to watch. >> i think so. >> yeah. i mean, it's going to be very it's going to be very interesting. you could get a finger painting for $250,000 in that market. >> probably better. all right, painting jason garrett, thank you so much for being with us tonight. that's it for us tonight. it for i'm cain in for laura i. >> and don't forget to tuneingrh in tomorroamw and morning when i co-host "fox and friends" weekend and check oui cohostt my podcast, the aptly named will cain podcast. >> big things in store coming up in the next week on that podcast. >> thank you for watching halo


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