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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 6, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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>> it's not just about hunter, but it's about his father, whose only crime is loving onlyr his son. >> too much. yeah. so here's the bi beast as we go.s jason, what does better this documentary or the markebet hunter's art? >> oh, i mean, there's got it. >> wow, man, it's probably the art because you can so easily easil purchase it.ot a s >> yeah, right.ub it's got a subjective market. all you need is one stupid buyer. this is going to get. this is going to require you ge this w att at least a couple thousand people to watch. >> i think so. >> yeah. i mean, it's going to be very it's going to be very interesting. you could get a finger painting for $250,000 in that market. >> probably better. all right, painting jason garrett, thank you so much for being with us tonight. that's it for us tonight. it for i'm cain in for laura i. >> and don't forget to tuneingrh in tomorroamw and morning when i co-host "fox and friends" weekend and check oui cohostt my podcast, the aptly named will cain podcast. >> big things in store coming up in the next week on that podcast. >> thank you for watching halo
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everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with just a guitar log. i'l along jesse watters, sandrad and greg gutfeld. rad grit's 5:00 in new york city and this is the five, the so-called great savior of democracy is back. >> fresh off his caribbean vacation off, where he got sunburned into oblivion, president bide n was out off in valley forge to kick off his first major campaign speech of the year. but it looks like the big guyg u is all out of ideas. instead of talking about hisut lilicies or he'll make your lives better. biden bashed maga supportersve on january 6th, the president repeatedly mentioning george while fashioning himself menttile heer agains dictatorship. >> donald trump's campaign is about him fas not america, nt you. donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the pas campat, not
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the future. he's willing to sacrifice our democracy, put himself in power. >> yet trump and his maga supporters only embrace political violence, but they laugh about it. so herembrace violencee clearlyy what donald trump wants political is never, ever acceptable to the united states. l violenpolitical. never, never, never. it has no place in a democracy.y this is like something out of a. fairy tale, bad fairy tale. he went on to say he'd be a on day one. biden also claiming that better, vote for him or it's the end of democracy. pledge t i make this sacred pledge to you. the defense protectionnse, and preservation of american democracy will remain as it has been. the central cause of my m presidency. democracy is on the balloty . >> your freedom is on the ballot. we hold these truths ballo
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be self-evident that all men and women are created equal . i promise you i will not let donald trump bag the republicans and force us to walk away. >> and while joe gins up fear that your next door neighbor joe t, e a maga extremis the media just got busted for perpetuating an extremot be ism hoax. you may remember how democrats and the liberal press they breathlessly hyped the narrative that dangerous whithye wing radicals had infiltrated our american military. well, joe biden's own department of defense looked into own of d the allegations and thy found no evidence that the us military is packed with violent extremists. accordinmilitag to the report, , were fewer tha tn 100 substantiated cases pers pe year of extremist activities by members of the militaryt year in recent years. all right, jesse, i'll start with you. how joe biden ran that he was
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going to unite the country. how does pitting the 73 millionl americans against the restli of, america, unite the country? wella unit, by the way, what are you doing for january 6? >> you want to come over to my house? we're having a little stopt to steal, watch party address. >> jesse junior up an animal skinstop they.s, play a little e like to call fun the dnc pipe bomb. year after year, we have not found it pop quiz jessica whichh skipped the 911 ceremony and did the january janua six ceremony. , three, two, one. that would be joe biden.>> jes this guy can't save democracysi when he's tryingn. to his opponent off of the ballot slapo him with gags and have him arrested. judge he ran his first campaign on charlottesville, the secondpg campaign is now on january six. >> he thinks donald trump wants to be a dictator.
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sopnts to b the first campaign o on was a hoax. the second one, this is nondw a joke. >> you can't actually be from the party that literally bracisi a racist insurrection and accuse the other party of thed accusehe same thing. >> that's like bill clinton saying it's disqualifying for someonthayinge sleep with an inf to run for office. >> i am so. of joe biden runninf on january six. >> if i were donald trump on julyon july, no one is more patriotic than donaldmp trump. >> and i remember back in the late eighties, he was talkin in theg about the japanese ripping us off while joe biden was blocking a black man from the courjoe bi t and joe biden isd letting china pillage this country. donald trump launched a trade war against them. donaldants t trump securedder. the border. joe biden is letting 5 million mystery men just wander. and what kind of patriotic person does that donal d spent his whole life building skyscrapers, creatin oldg jobs, developing beautiful tracts of land. >> joe biden's, buildi sitting s
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keister, backslapping and glad his country done nothing. >> he's done nothing. the racism thing has to stop. jessica okay. donald trump datedhing, black wn as joe biden never dated a b a black woman. >> donald trump was pallinlag around with don king when your guy was palling aroundy beth segregationists. okay. ben no, no, no. i'm not finished writing the fox news alert. oh, fine. i'll finish after the alernot f >> all right. we have a fox news alert. the united states supreme courit has agreed to hear the appeal of former president colorado ballot disqualification or agr. arguments will be held thursday, february eight. all right, sandra, let's talk about that. ha colorado, the justices, all democrats took joe biden off and took donald trump. i'm sorry, offdemocrat the ball. maine secretary of state, a democrat, takes him of ho
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the ballot. how is it that you've got the candidate for president,emoa joe biden, saying he's saving democracy when his partycy is taking the number one at this point? a sought after candidatethe numt in the republican party. but in terms of the polls, donaldreican par trump off the t and what we have seen in the polls is this is only firing up his base more. so the more they go after him, h the more they try to take him off the ballotim, th messages. this fires up the base, improves his status in the pollths. and it will benefit him in this election year. i think there's a lot to taki tt in here and tying it into our overall discussion with what we heard fro io our m biden a way short time ago, i think there's a couple of ways to look at that. there a very firm message that was delivered by the president there. i agredent e with disagree with it. that was a president that is fired up and ready to runo against that man, the formerru president donald trump. as far as the content is concerned, tie this into this as wellas far a, what you t said, judge. he said, president biden today, democracy is on the ballot j. freedom is on the ballot. jonathan turley came in on
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the aian turler right after tha concluded and he said we wouldan be remiss no t to say that thishas has been one of the most anti free speech presidenciess of our lifetime. free speyou know, potentially ir history of the country. nikkhistory i was on our airen o right before biden took to that podium. she used it as ak m. sh message, right. she said, watch, you're going e said'r president biden tee off against donald trump in his first campaign speech. he put donald trump up there as your nominee. this is what you're going to see. thisnoyou're trump fight that'sg to continue in that message, biden said donald trump's campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. that is irony, considering heesident biden stood ups iron e and did not tout what he has done right. he could not look back at the past at what his performance in office desk. i saw the lookhiice.. >> nice to see you guys are getting along here. but how can you tout $3tout a gallon gasoline right now? right. an economy where consumer prices are up 17%. e right.e grocery stor
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>> that's why he's not polling well on the economy and security. goin polg back to the border. people don't feel safe in their neighborhoods right now. so this is all on the ballot. all right, jessica, you want you respond to that? sure. i would love to. wao respon today's speech was ne about anything. january 6 and saving democracy. heeconomgive a speech tomorrow about the economy. and there have been commentators all ovey,r major channel, including our own, talking about how good today's jobsour ow report numbers were. 216,000 jobs added, 3.7% unemployment, 4.1% wage growth. and one of the most interesting things is the lowest black unemployment th that we'vehe ever had in history. he has a lot to talk about and he will do that. but was about saving democracy and the contrast between a joe biden who. yes, whether he is invigorated from having some time off,ch which he rightly deserved, or is ge this is just how campaign mode is going to be. and i hope that is true. he's talkinghopeat's this and dd
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trump is posting means about how quote made trump andmn over 40 posts going after gene carroll, a woman who was found to have sexually assaulted and,a defamed. the reason that joe biden is talkinndamedg about january 6thn and former president trump living in the pastg is because he has not moved on from the big lie to the fact that we juston fro saw in the detroit nl last night. the story came out that thast nh trump campaign directly coordinated the filing of a dired 16 michigan repubaign republicans that falsely claimed that he won the statlie. jack smith will obviously get his day in court to bring the caseth will about january n election interference. we will see what happensuarylecn in fulton county in georgia. tht this man continues to lie to the entire world about what happene d in, the election, and he did foment what happened on januaryha. h. all of his friends and family and closest advisers wer ae him begging him to stop doing it. and what did
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he do.? he said mike pence didn't do what. he was supposed to do to a crowd, as he called them, tourists. the so people carrying the confederate flag. there was a nooserate fl e on the president on the premiseon thes of januar, and cops were beaten windowssmae smashed. people showed up with zip tiesdw . this was not a friendly affair. so this is the contrasdlt and this is why joe biden won b by 7 million votes, because you have a person who wants to subvert democracyillion tes. a person who accepts democratic results. and the colorado case was subvert demost by republicans. r it also went through a five daet bench trial. >> it should go to the supremesu court. and i imagine that they will rulpreme court rule the td be on the ballot. of course, it has nothing to do with joe biden's democratic tooe take your opponent's name off the ballot. joe bide yponent'sn has nothingo with a right-wing. >> i'm not going to goden la right back to. all right, greg, i want you to listenpt going to. ound.
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>> this sound that we have to have on handle that better than thiso?, the body of pat lloyd austin's claims of extremism in the militarms oy, which we nw know is false. >> take a listen. these extreme aren't new. they have existed withiney the military a while. is austin the right person to handle rooting out extremism them from the military? >> you know, you he absolutely is. he does have a unique understanding of challenge that we on the challenges that we face here. >> i think this is a major. this is something that the military that congress that everyonething te in positiw of power needs to be looking at and investigating and taking very seriously. >> well, this is all part p of the same strategy. >> absent of policy and ideas. all they do is cling to january six, which, believe it or not, s was not an insurrection. it's probabl nny the only coup in history that didn't have any arms. and the person that died was ans unarmed protester named
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ashley babbitt, who was a veteratenamen. >> so let's talk about this military extremism hoa>> grex. m the media embraced this. i'm going to compare ep this to epstein, which every time we talk about epstein, we say we t, these people are innocent until proven guilty. we didn't say that aboutn guilty the military. msnbc, quote, extremism in the military is a serious nationalsecu security threat. >> where's the data on that? you bozorieat. s? >> cnn the military has long had an extremist problem. will it do now to finally solve it? >> where would you rather that something that yot do nowu >> npr the military confronts extremism. one conversation at a time. you guys are . okay. we've had millions me." of.f peop people risked their lives defending this countryle risk au have this old, decrepit crone falsely smearing these patriotss with extremism. not because they knee patriotswe true, but in order to create fear, to voters, to their side.i >> and then the comes out.
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>> they released this report before christmas. right. they rorthey knew that the medie let it slide because they were complicit in this liree so they knew it would slide. >> we're the only people covering this. oplebut if they had found racism in this, this be on the cover of every news site. it would be linked to fox news. it would be linked to donald trump. they would call our military hopelessly racist. >> we would need more crt, more esg. >> has joe ever apologized to the border agents, which he did the same thing to? >>borderh he did he with a smeat private citizen and diard and would have found out to be false, which we all knew it was false. mi he said nothing it as he apologized to the military for this, for creating and foment a hoax against american citizens that was deliverehoax agaamericand. >> it wasn't something that got out of hand, like a rally which. was planned. they went after these people andeyople now think abou
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epstein thing. every time you hear the epstein stortiouy. >> right. they preface it with a legal preamble. we have no evidencmble wron of wrongdoing. >> hey, bag. that didn't stopng you from goig for calling people white supremacists. ou from calling fromeople going after the border agents. and now it's epstein's palsil and is a to a proven guilty. >> but military border agentns their from the get go. biden should hold a press conferencere guilthe and announe findings but he won't. he's a toothat hl upon a calloud coot who exploit as to preserve power. >> jesse, you're supposed to say. and that's >> jes what i have to say about talking about this tonighabout tht on my show at 1. i just want to add to the news't so you don't add to. >> we don't get.the supr so the supreme court is not going to help joe biden out thist gointo hel time, though. he joe biden had so much help the last time he ran.
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he had a once in a hundredr year virus come in. the fbi descended on minneapolis, went to the coroner's office. >> you know, those tapes were suppressed, thos and. the then he gets help from the fedsh in the agency with the laptop and pfizerlaptop, like, happens to discover the vaccine and works like the day after election the election. come on, joe doesn't have any of that this time. the country' esn't haats wide eyedut about what to expect when it comes to reagan. and it's o expe not going to go the same way according to. >>essica the supreme court is in donald trump's pocket. she was on tv last night talking about ho. howw brad was going to do the right thing because you know how he gott on the courtthing, . don't >> well, i don't thinkth it's hard to do the right thing. it's going to be kind of what she said. go dget a little help from the i know that my understanding, whether judge she's concerned that, you know, people may think that becauset they werepon appointed by donald trump that the supreme court will go that wayld trumpupreme c, doesna that to be the case. >> the concern this is thises-- administration the biden administration has done more t jeanineoore to destroy free speech, the ability of the press
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provide information to us and to wine the election.en. for joe biden, it was all wellae in the way they handled, and that's why he won, because people know about laptop at thed time when the laptop t with 24 hours. but there is that he could dothe so so is donald trump's thought that theare frie folks who weres with obama and biden came out and said and s that's russian disinformation suppress the laptop. right. suppresstop? i don't think so. that was by anthony blinken himself said that he's the the one who contacted people tos dii get together to say that it was this okay. when something happens durin jessicag- your administration. >> oh, really? oh, really? yes. that's what i hear. day when joe biden udge jeareally? on donaldt's to trump's watch. hunter biden's laptop storo . y was censored for a mere 24 hours. yeah, so that's only election. it was 24 hours.
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judge. jess was so i know you weren't using you were getting that laptop story was notd to b allowed to be discussed on social media only thae t reported it. you're wrong. no, i'm not wrong. >> jand talking about that durig the breaking news with the supreme court. up next, the climate courtt is is now declaring war on your house plants. your >> jessica. that is what the san somet just that the bestwithout rate for you is a rate based on you. with allstate, because you know that just because it fits in the cupholder doesn't make it to go and you know how to break without breakingllstat everything. everything. and you're definitely noe re co) that okay, i don't even know what this is, but you're definitely not doing that with
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to help you get back into shape fast. absolutely free. that's our n. >> two, 321321. we're that is the climate change fanatics now declaring war on the mostics nowt thing ir
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home houseplants. >> yep the ferns you never water is the thing that's going to kill mother earth. ngton po "the washington post" trying to shame people with this headline your adequate headlin indoor"int houseplants come with a cost to the planet. here's how to minimizeer ithere's greening indoor spaces can also coming at environmenta h"l. the trucks that transport , ants spew carbon emissions plastic parts and synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleuts andm. >> the harvesting of soil components like peat interrupts slowly forming habitats. >> instead, they suggest you lookngabitinst for local pla or garden clubs in your area. meanwhile, joe biden's green is a total disaster. reen is a giant offshore wind project at the white house, bloate wind about.the bi i just got killed like one ofrd twe birds that fly in to him. >> two big energy developers announce they're canceling an. contracto a massive wind project slated prf construction just of the coast in new york becauseneo of inflationrk.
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>> greg gutfeld do you have any plants your house?lly i >> yeah, actually have a lotha of plants. i don't water them. that's for i do f the wife, as you know. knt that's a barefoo the only way i have it. >> i think you're witnessing kind of the lastwitnessi gasp o climate change movement. you're seeing a lot of hystericachent.l people are beginning to realize, the public that if t it wasn't for the hysterics, we might have made progress in some real areaerics,s, for example, like e nuclear power. but instead you had activists ann and personalar gain and consultants out for profit that turned this into a circus. reality is now punching right through the hysteria n. through the risk from climate related disasters has dropped 99% since 1920. >> and why is that? it's not because of activism. it's because of innovation becas, which has made us more resilient. as you know, what they bring up. they talk about fertilizer t fertilizer, if, well, if you want to go there, 4 billion people rely on fossirl fertilizer. you're going to take that away. they starve to death. they're noaway, th
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t enough to get their lattes and their pumpkin bread at starbucks after thei traffic.affic. >> so actually, climate hysteria brought to its hyste their desires would be genocidal. you' d have 4 billiongenoci people dead. >> so i think that like when you thindal. eoplek of the opportunitysts s costs of all this, what problems coulofd you add salt if you hadn't spent billions and trillions on lie? o these climate models are all false. there's no way you cande predict . people can't predict ten years in time. we wouldth peopl have we've beeo to address world hunger, disease, sanitation, homelessness. instead of going to climate conferences and payingces an consultants. even the nasa's satellites are now admittind patants.g thae the world is burning less. no, it's not on fire. so. it's not on fire. so i think what's happening thi is nowha when you're going after the house plants, it's over. as >> yeah, i mean, they said it was going to snow this weekend. let's see if it snow ss. sunday yeah, they can predict what's going to happen on sunday, but they're going to tell us wha b e tempert the temperature is ine 100 years center. >> i wrote down a couple
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of thingd sandra. is about whai >> it's very therapeutic to be here with you guys and i wasi always about how to be 100%at'l just i can help you with them, , especially orchids. th i'm going to give you jus eit that. yes. . the best thing you can do with is neglect. just watch them children, not with children. listen , i. i have a challenge to thisge white house. i are now seeing oil production at a record high in this country right now. what's happening there. i went and pulled up biden's campaign messaged up bs at the e election. >> are you saying he doesn't mean what he says? he say >> grects she said he wonthat that memory. he whispered to the world, we're gointt goig end fossil fu, we're going to transition from the oil industry. he saiansitionthd in a major can speech, the white house will not respond. nothuse willw to the press, whot about the increasing levels of crude oil production as thetn president continues to push this green agenda again. fox digital reached out this week. the white house failed
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to respond to inquiriewhite hos and address to address the figures in light of the climate change agenda. >> swho why are we producing record amounts under this administration? >> maybe joe doesn't know it. see, that's what we're talking about. it doesn't necessarily doesn't know what his administration if doing, doing it is a good question. i mean, if oil production is up and windmill project productds l canceled left and right, what's actually going on? >> what's goins actug on is maybe goi middle management is recognizing benefits to oil production. and there's a lot of lobbyists who just saying this is what we need to do and a lot of theme will respond that we're seeingdo is that this record production, as a result of what happened years prion r r, because a lotin the of these leases are years in the making. >> and so he was m udge jea the leases. i mean, that's that was abided by, correct. and that will play out. all right. play out the futury out.e. but you know what make me crazy about this, when he said that you know the house plants theth were creating a problem, it's up to them. >> what iso them w their number you're supposed to buy plants
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locally. we buyo plants locally.lant where do you think they got started with the plant. you don't think they use you you don't think that they use any kind of, you know, f for those plantsthat a that you bought that are so gorgeous. >> of course they did. of cand then they want me to get rid of my gas stove, which i'll get rid of over my dead. and and then what they want is, you know, they want us to be my . so what do you how do you howen much do you think that affects the environment? i meanvit? you got john kerry and djibouti jets flying around and privatpete bute and they'red about my gas blowers to get those to the leaf blowers.>> j so i should have a house with no plants. se wityou last. i want to borrow it from my neighbor. okay and then i should not cook. have a gas stove. i should be able to cook. they havthey hav solute no soluy of this because it's not a problem unlessse it'. >> their solution is they don't want us to eat meat because of the cows flatulence. >> sooner or later they're going to say, you know, humans emit carbon to get ridts. of it. get rid of the humans. rid you're overdon't
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80 maybe you don't know. that's what they're doing and that'sne thhat doing in canada. they're pushing euthanasia because there's just too maney y people. >> yeah. now too many people, too manoo u chpeople waiting, which is they're going to start controlling and eliminating. and it gets more important as the show goes on later. block i'llnd turn around.ter >> i am excited for the later>>s blockssi that i'm i'm glad we'rw all admitting that we have record oid oil production. so that's good because on tuesday, i haveono fight toe you guys on that one. >> what would you do? >> but you're actually agree? i agree with you. yeah, i think it's great, but so but so you're saying like, i'm i'm for this but since it's notr thisbut sins true? yeah i biden said he wants to get rid of oil and gas. >> i know and how are you why: h is he lying to theled american left? activists are going after the i understand what happened. he canceled a pipeline and they've been at him and blew up. >> another thingne and t pissed. yeah. oh, no, no, no: n, noo on yeah,
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on that one. i think it's important if someone sees the error of their ways and we live a forgiving i society and he sayse ri actually drilling is the right way to approach this. and he did, by the way, alsoy a lot more leases to drill on federal land, something that did upset his basto de. at and we talk about that he's losing young people because his climate agenda becausimat not nearly as green as it should be. >> why don't you give them pat on the back that he deserves? >> apology accepted. pat, o on the no baby drill sen coming around and then you guys all flowers over the weekendyo trying to pretend like you were going to get rid of it and then it's twisted up next is backt an in the building, the king of rock and rolldit's boo ibacka near you? >> yea contuh, that is. yeah. >> go get new floors during empire today's gigantic. 75% off sale. that's carpet hardwood vinyl
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contain and save artificial intelligence once again, distorting the line. reality and what is fake. all of this is back to lifes as an eight eye holograph. 47 years after the king left the building and tragically died. are you company announcing that it is prepping thatg a air concert special entitled elvis evolution? it features a life sized, digitally recreated avatarution elvis and is slated to debut in london this november. the cet in ln thiso this previet to expect, you'll see elvisfirst in front of you for the very first time in london , actually.this >> and you'll see this unique performance generated by a i mean, that's an jive. >> would you go it? would i love it. i love y go? presley. but the whole thing i mean,ey. the issue really is that now a.i. is going to create entertainment. what t
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what they're going to look to do is eliminate the middle guhedoy who's a talent.think i mean, think about how muchab money taylor swift makes, right? she's at $1,000,000,000. thate e a talente that someone that everyone would like and get a sonone eve on the on the radio or stream it or whatever. >> and the y can make a fortune. it's about power and money and greed. >> and then they they've goty've robots are doing our jobs. >> all right and then social media is eliminating med interpersonal communication. people don't talk on the phonein . >> i mean, it's almost like like at some point they're going to eliminate humans. i mean, this guy really, reallec jesse, bring him back to life. i wish you didn'k t come me back to life because i'd takereu greg gutfeld to his concert with mtfhis conce and him. >> what the king really does. gregg slandered the king otherb day in the commercial break, so i came prepared with some facts. >> oh, great did you knowdoyou who the greatest selling artist of all timou know e was? beatl
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it's the beatles. number two, elvis presleesy. n u >> over a billion albums, was e grammys, 31 movies, because he was an actorn on the side, spent the most timethe side the billboard charr but anybody number two, frank sinatra, classicts the guy'sgen. a living legend. gregg, how dare you? ho to retraction. >> okay. how do we know elvis wasn'tion. already a hologram? ha >> do we have you? have you guys ever met elvis? wt oh, i can't wait for the hologram groupies. like, what kind of writer does a hologram get? in the first metoo case, i was. i was assaulted. d by a a hologram? look, the problem here is he's deadogram.. >> so the only benefactor are people not doingulte the wo. you're freeloading relatives. this is why. my i'm licensing my likeness now. so hologram greg can performperr while i'm alive and i can reapm the deserved benefits. because what's the point of having a hologram? five? because they will do that oncelo we're all dead just so jesse's kids can get another once we vo.
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i'm not paying for your education. you should do multiple hologramboat. s. be on i could be on tour all over the country. that's what it's for. this is not for dead. >> this is for us. so we can.ney but let me monitor your greedy little freaks. that's enougbecawe areh. two things. one is kind of like a sad things to say thing this, but why? i think this kind of innovation is the first part of this. the at least these are live wal events. you know how we talk about how we're consumed by beingg on o on phones all the time. but if you can go to a concert, right, people are goinurhe timeo and see the performance. this is what happened. whs the first lika big hologram. but they're just going to go like this the whole time. yeah, that part of the night e. w. stand i do like it i've been to a couple comedyca:' shows at madison garden squhe that they take away the phones now and they put them in that little pouch. yeah. thouch the second thing that i wantic to say, which is a little bit sad, but i think it's a coolof side of all of this, is now a lot doctors are recommending if someone is going to pass away, that they do all these recordgoin p thes so you can har voice when they're gone or create hologramsgone like my mom
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can scold me from the grave. i love really hard to remarry, i though. >> as a widowet woulr, you knowt you still when you sit there with. >> yeah. oh, ye a hologras. sti still, she said he wouldn't remarry, i think. >> oh, wow.i yeah. oh, dear. um, wethinthat's can't bear it.e we got to embrace it.mb right. it's time. change is coming for sur e. next, i want to get out of the ticket. there is a brillianto get ou new liberal loophole. >> hi, i'm jason alexander. or, as you probably know, me, royal flush are 25 from wsop and you'll love these poker tips. poker is all about making the right calls at the right. >> mom, i can't talk now. but you mean raising my voice. i'll call you later.
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they gave it to greg to, like, re-energized runs business discussion about philosophy. we had the best soda place. it was like a throwback here. >> i tell you what, this is very manly. i to go to charlatans. let's drink our faces. and yet, by the way, he does take tips at other hand, i never take two lumps before dinner ruins the appetite there they have to you guys the lecture people. >> can i give you some feedback he a bartender you the the cash back. >> welcome back. here's an easy wayre's an ea too ticket go driverless. self-driving cars in california are reportedly immune from traffic tickets despite all the chaooms running red lights, obstructing emergency responders and mowing down pedestrian,sts. -
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>> there's a serious blind side and la traffic tickets can trn can be writtenlaw. only if there is an actual driver in the car.on no drive. you have some background information on this. this was the rule in texas, but they changed it. it's interesting. well, this is california's i judge j typical california. you make the right decision, you know, making people accountableking out ther. but texas for driverless cars, a if there's a violation of any sort, whoever owns the car gets ,the so what california has to doa is simply change the legislature, just like texas did, to make sure that you are responsibleviolat vehicle and traffic violations if you own the car or if you're iion car or whatever. right now, the technology, the law is and kept upis with technology. so nobody's responsible in california. didn't seem like anythinsn'tg. people would be broadly supportive. they don't really uphold laws in californive of. don'a. in right. joking that self-driving cars i don't know how many are in
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self-driving cars today. i think a lot. i think a lot. the that's not a lot of self-driving cars on the road i don't get tickets. >> i drive the speed limit. if this car drives itself to say to a big box store and steals $900 worth of stuff. >> it's like a winit's win overi is a win win that those thoss e whatever those cops were yeah from yesterday the stay the pink stanley cup stanley cups you can drive and steal woman go hom e. >> i think i'm worried because gavin newsom is trying to give the driverlesswsom is the right the to vote. >> and yes r, and he's allowing them to vote by mail as well. and he's them also authority to ballot harvest. >> so they're just going to be l like voter fraud on wheels and that needs to be stopped before next election. >> biden's going to win by 10 million time at least only. increased fan mail friday is coming up.
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place. is it your life? your voice? don't worry. you are worth it. no female friday.
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>> let's go kids. control yourselves. so, contro o turning the car arh all right, first question from frenchy. what is something that you've done that you would discourage from doing it? >> jessica i am in seventh and eighth grade. i was really mean to this girl in my class, and she killed herself. you know, she's alive. >> and she's thriving. i wasn't that so maybe it was a good thing, you know even grae slight bullying. >> it's terrible. don't do it. don't bull ieally meto thi. y. >> gre >> that was a strong comment from jessica. thsse minds don' t also.s ba okay. go. really? you werely is t bully, bully. wow. it wasn't a bully. you werewh my daddy. you >> but the boy was weak. are i was not. >> i was not. judge, don't cry. i'll tell you. i wouldn't judge?nine: i'. >> wouldn't fry a turkey. ooh, that's a good one.t becaus e, know, you get
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that tall thing in your fried turkey in it. i woult. d, i would never recommend that anyone do that. that's a good one. oh well, i finally i thought of a cooking when i tried to make pralines last week. is anybody ever made a homemade pralines? fficult and i ret because i spec so much time and they never heard it. i would just looh k at the word practice is really like, why can't you just buy a praline? >>'s a nutth right? >> some things are better homemade. you can make your own nut. yeah, that's great. i got you. yeah. yeah>> g, i don't make nuts, ok? oh, i'm going to say okay.on't k >> something you've done, you would discourage others from doinging you'. ing? well, let's see. my shopping in television. yeah. yeah.... , i'm going to gog with going on tock. oh, there you goonk., stafford. >> tiktok. all right. what is the most frightening drea.m that you remember? >> oh, falling judge. i do. we all have the same dream that if you actually from it, you're really dead of that dream that i keethp having
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is that i didn't. that i. i'm fighting with people that i am noth people credits to gradue and they say dip. but the scariest dreamthey say e like you're in the dark and then you're in the water and you're going to drow ande gn but you wake up. well, i've had. the failing onet but my scariest one is where are my family's on a train car and they're going to throw someone out and they have to die. the parents are my parents are saying it has to be one of an because they haven't liveas d whole lives. and we're like, well, take metad all you know, i don't even knoww what good living is. i mean, this started when i was really young. >> the one person at the daydream. wow. one person that's todathy. die jesse, i don't have that dream. so you don't know. g. eep havinain. >> i can dunk, and it's so much fun. i can fly. i, i'm going fly with the guy. b yeah. my dreams are made that are the best. i just alwayesembes remember th. i don't have a lot of bad dreams, but the ones wherehe you're fallingro the sky. >> yeah. wake up kicking.
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of to dust and grime from your home and business to your local stanley steemer. >> the iowa the first presidential election results. martha maccallum and bret baier anchor special light coverage democracy 24. your freedom, your vote right here on news.on f >>ox america is watching. it's time now for one more thing. s wang. jesse get well soon.get well >> we just had a little procedure, but he's doing okayouija.. shout out to my guy, louis g. i love you .ve you .why are you looking at me likeo i'm saying, who is? >> louis g. is a friend of.u in mine. and he's doing great. guy right hereg . louis j. j. he's really happy. he sent me that picture you in the other pictures. i mean, this is the one time i could show tonight. jesse what a prime time. thisq khan joe can.inte >> emily wilson 8:00. what a wonderfulul . all right. i hosted a special with foxh fo
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nation that is on fox nation now. it's called jeffries of names and it will be on the fox news channel sunday night 10 p.m.. ou want if you want to find outtt a little more about thatle mor>a and what he did. and also tonight, i'm going to be on "hannity"oing greg. >> all right. tonight, what a banger of a show. we got the beautiful accent. >> yes, he is. the stunning dagen mcdowell, the delightfulhe i kat timpf and the always thoughtful tigress. that's tonight at a hey, let's do some politics grabs chamber. watct te do someich well, durin, there was a big vote in congress. >> i think we see the congressman coming out nowi . >> they just voted. they voted for a $200 million addendum to the war fund just for saadi and i think that's jerrold nadler in the back waddling. oh, look, he looks in the back n accident. but there they are going to take a break. you know, i think got one over there. >> just pull the fire alarm. but i've never been so we had to make it political.
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>> it will nt okay. jessica okay so a father's love. knows no bounds or in this s case, hype. no, it shouldn't. this is a heartwarming moment. a father carried his paraplegic son up three flights of stairs after the elevator at a train station broke. af isn'tup t it. mason brand strider suffered a spinal cord injurymaree ye three years prior and documents his progress in daily life struggles online. hashtaggedar ress in life tag. god bless em. i know. i guess he has his job. he does that for. >> yeah.s he h just because i'm lazy. yes. that's an incredible for youse i'm l. s beau yeah, that says yes. that's beautiful. thank you. yeah. yeayti. >> on my show today, wahen my s interviewehod a man whose bakery was plowed through by a vehicle and a hundred borders on tuesdaye and , 230 in the mo, rans happened over 100 looters then ransacked and looted. his store, took in. is a it is a family owned bakery in compton, californiafain comp they've had it in their family for 40 years. they said they never, everd for 40 yev
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have ever imagined anything like this happening. cor imagine, startendm the neighbor, the neighborhood started a go fund me page for him. after we hadd e ra on the show, it's tripled. so ir to themy a dolla out, they are completely having to rebuild that store, to reopethat ston for the commuu and we support our small businesses. >> do you know wherepporl bu the car went afterwards? >> that's straight outta compton. ohu know where the, done.e ca p but was the car war s that part of the. group yes, that was the way they were. they ran through the door so that they can ru tthe way they . n and do the first car crash. crash. and the media blamed the car, of course. >> driver so they can't prosecute. all right. driver california. and then they voted afterwards. yes, they that's right. that >> that's it for us.'s have a great night i want to thank everyone for being with


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