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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 6, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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cor imagine, startendm the neighbor, the neighborhood started a go fund me page for him. after we hadd e ra on the show, it's tripled. so ir to themy a dolla out, they are completely having to rebuild that store, to reopethat ston for the commuu and we support our small businesses. >> do you know wherepporl bu the car went afterwards? >> that's straight outta compton. ohu know where the, done.e ca p but was the car war s that part of the. group yes, that was the way they were. they ran through the door so that they can ru tthe way they . n and do the first car crash. crash. and the media blamed the car, of course. >> driver so they can't prosecute. all right. driver california. and then they voted afterwards. yes, they that's right. that >> that's it for us.'s have a great night i want to thank everyone for being with
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner]
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♪ [the star-spangled banner] ♪ [the star-spangled banner] pete: you continue to deliver. fantastic photo for our nation's and some. thank you to our viewers sending that in. we've got kayleigh mcenany. >> i don't often do this, give such attention to the lone star state. i've been looking good on the internet, looking a lot of places across texas and something popped up about
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vermont. it is gorgeous. in understated mountains and the northeast can be not just quaint but beautiful. pete: why would you take vermont when you could take new hampshire? a real freedom st. vermont is like -- how do you will block the two apart? will: you went to different trash than i did. pete: negative connotations. will: with all of that. all i said was vermont is pretty. pete: it is not beautiful. it is terrible. there is no freedom there. kayleigh: always have politics mixed into it. pete: all of america can be beautiful except vermont today, thanks for watching. a bit of news for you.
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it is january 6, 2024. a lot of news. the newest part is the supreme court has decided it will take the case on whether trump can be removed from the gop primary ballot. they are attempting to do that in maine as well. it is going to be expedited timeline. we may learn as early february on the decision. in the meantime, he's on the ballot because they've taken the case but this decision could send the signal for all the states, defenders of democracy, you can't take your opponent off the ballot. kayleigh: the secretary of state of colorado said even if his name is on the ballot, i will not count the votes. sov -- so disqualifying essentially a million voters in colorado. he won't count the votes unless the supreme court affirmatively overturns the colorado court
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which is a nuisance. pete: the decision should come fairly quickly after those arguments. will: president biden gave a speech yesterday where he laid out what we should expect to be his campaign theme and that was the threat to democracy in donald trump. here's the cover of the new york post. it reads have i told you trump is bad? down in polls, policies unpopular, he returns to the only pitch he has. it was a singular note by president biden. it was as you see in that photo, angry and it was definitely fear mongering. to say that we are on the verge of losing america, watch. >> president biden: general george washington knew he faced the most daunting of tasks, to fight and win a war against the
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most powerful empire in existence in the world at the time. 's mission was clear, liberty, not conquest, freedom, not domination. today we gather in a new year, some 246 years later, just one day before january 6th. the date is forever seared in our memory because it was on that day we nearly lost america. lost at all. trump began his 24 campaign by glorifying the failed violent insurrectionist's on our capital. he claims law and order. so is lawlessness and disorder, trump is now promising a full-scale campaign of revenge and retribution, his words for some years to come. they were his words, not mine. he went on to say he would be a dictator on day one. pete: it was one note and it is
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one note on the piano they will keep playing all the way through november. staggering how early they have started on that note. there was reported political couple weeks ago that said the reelection staff are eager to go forward. this is what that's going to look like as they compare trump to hitler, every historical analogy they can. this is, january 6th. i was covering the stop this your rally that morning. it was a lot of things but the end of our public is not one of those. i think that strawman they are building gets thinner and fitter every day. they may have thought it worked in 2022 but they see the record of that man and demonizing your opponent is not going to work. kayleigh: i said i look forward to being yelled at. i and others were yelled at, if
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you had a differing view than president biden you were yelled at, he got angry at times and i go back to the adage of which candidate do you want, that was not a candidate i saw yesterday that i want to have a beer with. i say that because when you are a presidential campaign you think what optimistic forward-looking vision, put forward for the country, with obama hope and change, with trump, make america great again. i heard nothing about the economy, anger a backward looking, he accused donald trump of being backward looking but here he is looking backwards to three years prior, january 6th, a bad day but a campaign strategy that is i won the election at he was a loser, direct line from biden yesterday, don't think that will inspire the american people. pete: he focused exclusively on donald trump because up until this moment or up until very recently the biden campaign would have you believe they prefer to run against donald trump, they thought that was one of their best chances to win.
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if you preferred to run against donald trump you wouldn't already be attacking donald trump because at least on the calendar there is still a primary taking place. he could be propping up one of the other opponents he theoretically is more afraid of. something has changed. either he and his campaign are recognizing the inevitability of trump being the republican nominee or they have seen the polling, he doesn't beat donald trump so he has to start attacking donald trump. pete: all these attacks on trump, lawfair have only helped with his base inside the republican primary. i don't know which part of that triangulation it is but they've made the decision it is going to be trump plus that's our best and only foil. >> i think they have recognized reality, we are going to be running against donald trump. b, we are not doing so well against donald trump in the polls and lawfair doesn't seem to be working so we better
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start on the hitler message against trump. kayleigh: we had a blood red amag a speech and it works quite well for us. nuance, biden wasn't on the ballot. he's now, that changes things but here's donald trump yesterday accusing biden of fear mongering. >> i often say you can take the 10 worst presidents in the history of our country, add them up, put them together and they haven't on the damage president biden has done to this country. what he's done to this country is unthinkable. biden's record is an unbroken streak of weakness, incompetence, corruption and failure. other than that he is doing quite well. that is a helluva list. right? that is why he is staging his fear mongering campaign event in pennsylvania, did you see him, stuttering through the whole thing, a threat to democracy.
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they've weapon eyes government, he saying i'm a threat to democracy. he's a threat to democracy. >> the point should not go unsaid, that if you want to analyze a threat to democracy might look at the policies of the last four years the represent an actual threat to the workings of democracy. i thought jonathan turley said it very well yesterday, the biden administration is the most anti-free-speech administration since john adams. so one other aspect of this administration -- did you know that our secretary of defense was in the hospital, did you know he went into the hospital it wasn't even yesterday. 5 days ago, just now learning the secretary of state lloyd austin had a days long, a weeklong hospital stay that was
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kept completely secret so i am going to read this letter from the pentagon press association and love to get your thoughts on this. here is what they said. the fact that he has been at walter reed medical center for four days and the pentagon is only now alerting the public late on friday evening is an outrage at a time there are growing threats to us service members in the middle east and the us is playing key national security roles in israel and ukraine, particularly critical for the american public to be informed about the health status and decision-making ability of its top defense leader. what is the balance here? do we deserve to know? how out of bounds is this? kayleigh: the secretary of defense is in a chain of command. back to the bush era, having the authority to fire missiles, this is a serious position and the white house press corps, there are some clouds in there,
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jim acosta, as opposed to the pentagon press corps, these are serious reporters, good questions. we saw that in the wake of afghanistan. we have our own jen griffin saying this is the type of behavior you expect from the chinese government bearing this type of news, barbara start cnn calling this a huge strategic failure. i do not see a way forward for believing the pentagon tells the truth on anything, that cnn, that's fox, serious group of reporters saying how can we trust the department of defense at a time when the world is exploding. >> something must be bad. if you are hiding out what is it? will: it is part of the character of this administration, what we just described a moment ago, the philosophical posture they have towards the idea of information and free-speech. information is to not flow freely to expose the truth. it is to be controlled to
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manipulate a particular outcome. in this, whatever their calculation may be, compromises us in the someway, public, for adversaries to notice about lloyd austin they have decided as they have on several occasions better to control speech. >> i look forward to the speculation that donald trump incurred when he had the sacred walter reed visit. it won't happen. >> is the pentagon press secretary major general pat ryder trying to explain the way it is in a statement to fox news. >> this has been an evolving situation. we had to consider a number of factors including medical and personal privacy issues. we are in a position to update you. we are not going to say we are, we are not, we are now in a position to update you. at all times the deputy secretary of defense was repaired to act and exercise the powers required. that's a big old nothing burger. we have no idea why our top
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military official has been in the hospital for a week and we don't deserve to know. he is a no good secretary of defense so i hope he is fine but it is not clear he's great at his job but you don't get to not tell us. will: the climate movement is no longer green when it comes to indoor houseplants. this washington post headline by nicholas rivera, indoor houseplants come with a cost to the planet. here's how to minimize it. green indoor spaces can come out and environmental cost, the trucks the transport plants, plastic pots and synthetic fertilizers are made from petroleum and harvesting soil components like pete, not you, pete, soil components like peter can tear up habitats to save money and carbon emissions, suggest looking for a local plant swap or garden club in your area.
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the climate movement is not, it is definitely anti-human but it is anti-life. carbon is life. i don't -- what is the end goal? no improvements to the planet for man. man shall -- let's reduce this to the state of nature pre-man. i would assume, that the optimum level of carbon. >> of the garden before the apple and the serpent is what they think we can go back to. that jeannie got out of the bottle a long time ago. they think we can go back and even now a houseplant from the garden not okay. kayleigh: remember they wanted to nominate rice, but china limits more co2 than our houseplants. i like -- >> one time in my life i thought grandma, indoor houseplants really live in a
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room. >> are you the water were of the more just a promoter? will: mostly promoter. i hit the watering, i'm probably 15% water. i have my -- i have my favorites. kayleigh: leave the watering get to the women. they have been moved inside. pete: i don't water ever but i like them. will: mine all die. kayleigh: my neighbor gave it to me. it is apparently the kind that is supposed to live when you don't water it. there you go. i am pro rice.
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pete: alaska airlines grounding their fleet of 65 boeing 7479 aircraft after one was forced to make an emergency landing in oregon yesterday. a scary moment for passengers when a section of the plane out in midair while heading to california. no thank you. witnesses say hermas -- hermas dropped from the ceiling. as a gaping hole created a suction tunnel so powerful it was able to rip the shirt off a child's body. this is a real headline. luckily, no serious injuries. only mental injuries, reported. the airline, boeing, and the national transportation safety board of launched investigations into the incident. that is my nightmare. will: i watched society snow about the 1972 uruguayan airplane crash in the andes where they resorted to
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cannibalism. i'm a nervous flyer. pete: the house oversight committee holding hunter biden in contempt of congress after he defied a subpoena. he was supposed to give closed-door testimony on capitol hill last month as part of an impeachment inquiry, he decided not to show and republican lawmakers are calling for him to be held accountable for violating federal law. house committee is expected to move forward with proceedings on wednesday at 10:00 a.m. eastern time. michigan and washington's football teams touching down in houston yesterday. the college football playoff national championship game, each team enters the matchup with a clean 14-0 record locking up the first championship since 1997 in washington, the first out of 1991, kickoff is set for monday night at 7:00 pm eastern, and
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those are your headlines. does it hurt more when the longhorns are out or the cowboys are out? will: longhorns obviously because it just happened but you know, the texas rangers won the world series and i'm not just saying that. what you realize in that moment is how rarely your team arrives at the doorstep so when you're at the doorstep you need to cash in. it's hard to go it was a good season even though it was because you never know when you're going to get back and the cowboys haven't been at the gate in a while. coming up. cash-strapped california grants, illegal immigrant, free healthcare, how much newsom's hand out will cost taxpayers next. kayleigh: real-life parks, one democratic mayor accused of antics so wild she desserts her own tv show. pete: pursuing the american dream in 60 days, his story ahead. ♪
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will: gavin newsom's california
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brings $1 billion bill to taxpayers in another handout for illegal immigrants. as of this week over 750,000 illegals are eligible for the state's healthcare plan doubling the amount received. this comes as the state faces its biggest budget deficit ever. here with reaction texas public policy foundation president chuck. they have a system that if you are under 26 or over 50, used to qualify if you are an illegal, now everyone in the middle get it as well. where do they get the money for this and what will it do to illegal immigration? >> great question. $68 billion deficit california is looking at, they spend the most amount of money on their medicaid system, the biggest chunk of their budget. and if you look at the deficit you can limit -- 11 ak-12
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education spending, that puts it in perspective so what governor newsom is doing is saying let's cover all the rest of the illegal immigrants we don't already cover, that would be a $3.1 billion a year hit to the california budget, but biden to the rescue because biden last april declared d aca recipients were in the country legally, they were legally present in the country. that helped offset california's deficit by $1.1 billion. if biden were to do the me, claiming all the people rushing across the border, because they were given a piece of paper saying you have to appear 6 or 10 years from now, that means you are lawfully present that would put us taxpayers on the hook for another $11 billion a year in the state portion of
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medicaid so i think that is the other shoe that's likely to drop given how loyal gavin newsom has been for president biden. will: the broke federal government bailing out californians on behalf of illegals, vets camping outside va hospitals. >> it causes more people to come in. americans out to stop and consider this. the laws we have on the books say that if you are coming into america unless you are a legitimate asylum-seekers which virtually none of these people are you have to not be a burden on the system, you have to show that you can take care of yourself. that's why typically you need a sponsor if you're going to come across legally so that we taxpayers don't have to pay for keeping you alive, putting a roof over your head, giving you medical care. pete: none of the people coming
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across the border qualify for asylum to your point and almost all of them have become a drag on the system. none of it is legal. thanks for breaking it down, appreciate it. coming up, the supreme court is set to rule on whether colorado can keep trump off the ballot. constitutional lawyer breaks down the case next. first, illinois residents criticize democratic self-proclaimed supermayor accused of promoting herself on taxpayers dime. >> they live because they can't beat me, they tried to run a campaign on lies, not going to get you anywhere.
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constant contact. helping the small stand tall. will: back with a fox a research alert, millions along the east coast are under a winter weather alert as a nor'easter could be approaching in the first major snowfall of the year. the south waking up to snow.
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residents urged stay off the roads with icy conditions. rick reichmuth has fox weather forecast. >> reporter: the snow falling in little rock is more snow than we had across the eastern seaboard and almost two years. this is a storm we thought could change that. i don't think it will happen for the i-95 corridor, snow on the north side of this, south side of this a lot of rain, flooding concerns and severe weather as the storm pulls to the east, watch out for severe weather across florida, differently strong winds, can't rule out a tornado or two. let's see how the storm progresses, saturday at 1:00, philadelphia, new york city, dc it is all rain, across interior sections it turns into snow. some spots will see 6 to 12 inches. this isn't 2 or 3 feet kind of storm for anybody but we will see some spots probably over a foot and this is for the most part today in the afternoon and tonight storm.
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take a look at this, this redline is the i-95 corridor. if you hear her say this a lot, interstate 95 cuts from dc up towards boston and that's the dividing line, to the west is where we get the snow, to the east we won't get much at all, philadelphia probably not going to get that 1 inch, new york city a few flakes, interior sections is where we will see especially higher elevations, some spots 6 to 12 inches of snow. >> the democratic supermayor of dalton a lawyer accused of spending thousands on hair, makeup, and merchandise on the taxpayers dime, this while she brings home nearly $300,000 a year and that is more than the state's governor, critics compare her behavior to a real-life parks and recreation. >> i could not be more excited
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about this. >> he is no fun in the sun. >> he promised me. >> 3 words. treat yourself. >> and illinois election attorney whose firm recognizes the dalton board of trustees. he joins us now. this story defies belief. there's a las vegas strip, hundreds of dollars of food and meals on that trip. there's an ordinance she put in place that if she wants reelection her salary stays the same. if she wants reelection her opponents did not. it is unbelievable. you believe the mayor will be indicted on federal charges. >> i can't say for sure she's going to be indicted but i can tell you in my 50 plus years representing the school district there has never been anything close to the corruption and actual stealing
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of money going on in the village of dalton, a municipality of 200,000 minority residents. it defies imagination. she travels around with 2 and 3 towels, security guards, she has djs, at village board meetings, introducing her. she's not only the mayor but the supervisor of foreign township. combined salaries close to $300,000. >> i want you to meet the mayor. >> are you dues keep losing, making a fictitious play world, don't stop. i'm the executive branch, you are the legislative branch, that's it. know your place, learn your seat. every night i got to show you what it is. they live because they can't
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beat me. they tried to run the campaign on lies, not going to get you anywhere. kayleigh: she because the trustees the, quote, haters. why are they the haters? >> they are not the haters, they are the keepers, trying to be the keeper of the funds. they are the legislators but they are supposed to control the expenditures. our most recent lawsuits filed last week, asking the court to declare trustees need to have access to our accounting of money that's being spent that they have no control whatsoever. it is a dictatorship. it is a one person rule to what i call an accidental mayor who won three years ago when the incumbent mayor had a heart attack two months before the election.
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so she has consumed everything in government, she hires, she fires, she pays checks, she doesn't pay checks and the municipality is going to go bankrupt. we have lawsuits against her because they haven't paid us into an 1/2 years. it is beyond control. i know there's pending investigations. i just don't know when it will come to closure. >> the people of dalton, median income, $24,000, reprehensible, unbelievable, thank you. we reached out to mayor tiffany tenured's office for statement, did not hear back, not surprised. the third batch of epstein documents unsealed, we will untangle the web of high profile celebrities and world leaders, plus the high court set to take on trump's case as he is booted off the ballot in states like colorado, that's next.
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will: the supreme court announcing it will decide whether trump can remain on the 24 primary ballot in colorado and across the nation. similar lawsuit still pending in more than a dozen states are tempting to remove trump's name from the ballot. constitutional law attorney katie turkcowski. we will talk about what the supreme goal be considering when it comes to these cases. it is what, a section of the constitution that bars someone who has helped ferment an insurrection against the government from running for elected office. does trump apply? >> that's exactly the question. it was inevitable the supreme court was going to take up this case because this section of the constitution has never been interpreted by the supreme court and it it's applicability
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to the presidential office is one of the big questions they have to answer first and foremost, is this section applicable to the office of the president. secondarily, do states have individual authorities to try to remove a presidential candidate from the ballot. even before you get to the question of did donald trump commit an insurrection as that term is defined under the law? there's many questions that have to be addressed by the court. will: it is not a charge that he has faced specifically in this direction. this was a section of the constitution that was originally tailored or designed toward confederates after the civil war who had fought against the federal government, from running for office. >> exactly right, this section was enacted after the civil war so it's use currently is unprecedented entirely so the court needs to step in and have expedited this case, to occur
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in a highly expeditious fashion because it is so important to clarify exactly what this applies to, is this the proper situation to be analyzed and used against a candidate? will: say this is so clear the misapplication, for example by colorado, do you share that view that this is a slamdunk case in favor of trump before the supreme court? >> i do share that view. it would be in court and for the court to be unanimous in this decision and from a criminal justice or criminal defense perspective the due process issues with states concluding without a trial but somebody committed an insurrection, without beyond a reasonable doubt standard is a significant issue. will: trump has not been convicted of these charges so are you removing him on the presumption of guilt when it comes to something like insurrection.
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1/3 and fourth batch of previously sealed documents have been released. this is the headline. epstein invoked the fifth amendment 500 times during depositions that are part of these releases and skirted questions about bill clinton, a ton of names but we should be clear if your name is associated with jeffrey epstein, we leap to the idea your name was somehow included in criminal activity. there are suggestions towards that with bill clinton but a lot of these celebrity names are simply people that were asked, an attorney would have said to a witness did you ever hear the name leonardo dicaprio end of the witness goes no, your name is still attached in part of these releases. >> it is unfortunate some people will be dragged into that sort of allegation but the bigger question is what were the conversations in the doj pertaining to charge or not charging these other people.
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there's a lot of smoke that surrounds to these names but they've not been charged, there's not anticipation they will be. how are those decisions made, was there something else going on? that's the question people are going to want to have answers to at some point. will: some of these names are alleged to have done some egregious, like to buddy, why they haven't been charge leads to a bigger question of who is jeffrey epstein, what was the point of this entire enterprise, hooded jeffrey epstein work for. those are the more deep questions we don't have the answers to. great to talk to you. over to you. kayleigh: we begin with this. one person is dead, a dozen more are hurt after a bus crashed in upstate new york yesterday, the bus was taking 23 people from montréal to new york city when it rolled over near the town of lake george according to police.
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officers say skyway coach lines was operating the vehicle on behalf of flix busts. bus. authorities are still investigating the ties of the rollover. harvard graduate and pennsylvania senator john fetterman critical of his alma mater following former university president clotting gay's resignation. fetterman speaking out yesterday about allegations of plagiarism and gay's failure to condemn anti-semitism on her campus, the senator saying in an interview, quote, as an alum of harvard i graduated 25 years ago it was always a little pinko but now i don't recognize it and those are your headlines. coming up, fauci faces congress was the former medical advisor set to testify over his pandemic response. what to expect him his first capitol hill appearance since leaving government. one viral tiktoker quit his 9-to-5 job to pursue the american dream in 60 days. his story next. also a mother o.
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kayleigh: many young people say the american dream is dead but our next guest think they are looking in the wrong places. >> this one decision changed my life. i went from making $17 in our
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living paycheck to paycheck to making over six figures my first year and now i have a higher level of self-confidence. will: he is now worth $600,000 as a general contractor and is building his million dollar dream home at 26 while sharing his journey to thousands on social media. case lucas robinson joins us now. you quit your job, you had a good job and said i'm going out on my own. do you have any skills in general contracting when you started and you decided to document it on social media, walk us through the process? >> i was working a low-paying 9-to-5 job like a lot of people in america right now and was fed up with the idea that i was getting paid the lowest but working hardest at the company. ultimately i knew i had to put that aside to reach the goals that i had and opportunity fell into my lap to go door-to-door
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selling roofs and the guy convinced me i would make a significant amount more money so i took him up on the opportunity and within three to 5 months the amount of money i was making from door-to-door sales changed my life and i used that experience going door-to-door, i used that experience and started my own company and started doing it all myself so i could optimize the amount of income i was making. kayleigh: you took your situation and transformed it. unlike some of your peers who complain i'm not the highest up at the company you harnessed the american dream, what's your advice to your peers? >> my advice is if i feel like there is 99% of the world making excuses and those people are the ones watching the other one% of the population live out the american dream, you are one of the other, it is nothing but
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a decision you have to make, stop making excuses and start taking proactive steps to reach your goals. you're making excuses or you are not. it is completely up to you, you can achieve whatever you want in our country of america. will: how did you learn construction? how did you learn to be a general contractor? >> i like real estate. i like construction. it is something after i graduated, your whole life you live thinking what i'm i going to do? construction is something that came the easiest to me, don't know if it is my personality but it is something i had been interested in and when that first opportunity came in my lap of selling roofs, that is when i got my toes wet in the construction business and that is when i gained the experience to build houses and that is what i documented on my social media, building houses from the ground up as an owner/builder
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to keep her mental properties so i have learned a lot over the past year building my first two houses and get ready to build my third house which is a really large custom homebuilder and super excited for that. will: you taught yourself to pour concrete and build frames and roof and electric, we don't have any time left but i want to know more about this. congratulations. >> it is interesting but i'm not out there with a shovel hammer and nails and a screw gun. i actually subcontract everything out. it is not what you know but who you know and i know a lot of people that can do a lot of things and that helps me build a house and i'm not out there building it myself, i'm not out there -- will: we will check you out on social media. iowa caucuses coming in 9 days, we will give you a preview coming up.
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