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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 6, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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♪ will: good mocker and morning and welcome to "fox & friends" on this saturday. will kaine, pete hegseth and with us this morning is kay kayh mcenany. kayleigh: good morning. will: watching and looking to talk to is a man that's going to join us this morning and 2024 gop presidential candidate, vivek ramaswamy. vivek, you've made quite a bit of waves lately and some of the interactions you've had with the media and protesters at your events or honest questioners and
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one thing you've got white supremacy and whatever the trap may be. i think it's interesting that it's your ability to cut through that when we set is next to president biden yesterday giving his introductory am pain speech and it was a choice on whether or not to preserve democracy hawaii did you think about his speech? >> he's like a george or well character out f a george orwell book. it's the fact of knock seizure disorders and i couldn't imagine if you told me when growing up in the country and even a year ago you told me and taking steps
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to ride from a ballot during election and judicial process. yet that's exactly where we are at the start of the year for 2024, will. i say this as somebody for whom it would be a lot easier for me too if donald trump was not in the race and it's up to us to not only cut through the myths of the mainstream media and the democrat party establish want too and we the people are account physical for us and basic 1777 ileal and whether you're black or white or red or blue for that matter and i stand for principle over politics. kayleigh: vivek, we're going to get into the colorado ballot issue in a moment and yesterday, biden gave a speech and a blood red maga speech and similar to the movement and democrats say he gave the speech before the
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hid terms and availed and abated the red wave and using the same play book this time and what say you to democrats saying we've played this card with great effect? >> well, look, i'm not talking to democrats on this, kaylee and we talk to republicans and we fail to have a red wave and our republican party has grown lazy. not just lazy in the get out the vote and lazy in the deeper sense of defining who we are and what we even stand for. we need to be the par of the of 17176 and stands for the ideals of the person revolution and would make george washington proud and standing for free speech and meritocracy and getting ahead on the content of your character and the line that appoints kamala harris and going
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with identity politics and standing for as republicans and rather than blaming the democrats and the republican parly be to lose and we'll win this year in a land side as i expect we will if we can do this. about donald trump and he said he wanted to save democracy but the process from the left has been to remove tram from the ballot and oral arlts start in earl reigns leading february and
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february 8 and you're broking from ballots that take the president off and the premise is if trump gets removed, i have a better shot and dynamic of the persecution of tram and running against him. >> looking at recent polls in iowa and otherwise. if you look at who's the second choice and i said nones, it's the right thing to do to stand against the election interference and any other republican removed themselves from that ballot if trump were removed and that would full fio the impact in states like maine and otherwise and even if they don't, it's up to us in the republican party and it's to stand against i'm worried about
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our country and skating on thin ice and reviving the identity and skating on thin ice and one nation that i do expect to be successful in reuniting this country. pete: you've gone head first after nicky haley in almost every republican primary debate. it's fair and charitable to say it's been an odd couple of days for nikki haley on the social media feet and few interactions and playing something for you on
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pbs. >> would you encourage republicans to look at their nominee calendar should iowa be first on the republican ballot. >> it's important and the structure is really pretty amazing and iowa starts it. you change personalities and go into new hampshire and they continued on and by the time it gets to south carolina, it gets bigger going into super tuesday. pete: obviously everybody changing about that and the candidate and nature of the race and i don't know what's going on there with the changing of personalities >> i really don't know what's going on there since the reality of the deep dive and visions and have a historical establishment politician and sides with the standard talking point and supposed to be on a given day ask changes personality and keeps that foreign war machine humming and want as a domestic foreign state
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and i'm not your candidate and mike pence and nikki haley and going over in that republican primary and i'm in this to lead the republican party and leading to electoral provety and our own citizens first that we stand for the institution you get to speak your mind tevin you disagree from me and stand for my own convictions and i'd rather speak the truth and lose my convictions and win by playing some fake game of political snakes and ladders saying what you're supposed to say on a given day. the bet i'm make asking that's the winning strategy and we trust our voters in the long run and that's up to the voters. if they want a patriot that speaks the truth and shares their own convictions and in my views, you don't have to agree with 100% of what i say in order to support me. just know i'm telling you what i
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actually believe without changing personalities 100% of the time. that's my commitment to not only as a candidate but in how i'll lead this country and it's a government and leadership and a president but like the current one we have, tells the truth to the people again. that's my number one commitment as president, and i'm hopeful that'll be the successful strategy in the campaign. kayleigh: vivek, every mother in america i think we speak for we saw perry high school and you were there in perry, iowa and a sixth grader's family going through hell as he lost his life to a gunman. you heard from voters and said you prayed with them and listened to area questions and imagine you got a question about how to ensure a school shooting never happens in this country again. what was your anxious? >> my answer was let's be very practical about this and i'm a father of two sons and no parent in this country should have to think twice about sending kids to school over concerns about a shooting. the answer is we need three
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armed security guards in every school across this country, period. if the democrat party is against that and the democratic national committee was tweeting about me saying this, yesterday distort hag i had to say, if they have a problem with putting three armed security guards in our schools, they deserve to statewide for the american people and it's disingenuous and children are diagnose as a result of our failure and more security in our malls or banks or airports than we do in our schools to protect our most valuable national asset and that's our children in the next generation. combine that with bringing back the psychiatric hospitals that we've shuttered over the last 40 years, bring back true mental healthcare in this country that we've abandoned and shuttered for poor reasons. get to that mental health epidemic at root cause here and verne ration of independence the family so many of these mass shooters and i don't know about the one in iowa and so many of the mass shooters have come from single parent households that were paid to create in the
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country and get to the root causes and make no mistake and the left is going to make a standard play book for the strategy saying it's the second amendment and remove guns from law-abiding citizens and we need to remove psychiatrically dangerous people from the community and protect the children with the three armed guards from schools and cost a tiny fraction of that $80 billion federal department of education budget. i've said shut down that agency and it's not even close, which is a better use of funds. that's how i will lead and what i'll commit to do as president. pete: vivek, nine days from the iowa caucuses and most candidates are proud if they do the full, is it the full grassley, all 99 counties. you've done it twice, which is astonishing and yet msnbc, they've got a headline on the readout blog that says this. is vivek ramaswamy quiet quitting his campaign? it sure seems so.
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why would they come to some conclusion and how are you wrapping up your campaign? >> if msnbc is saying that i'm confident and sure i'm doing something right and we've done over 330 events by the time and more than all the other campaign and events combined in iowa and i've done more events than anybody else in new hampshire. my parent hads an expression growing up and stuck with me. they say good luck but how do you spell luck? it's w-o-r-k. that's go me ahead in academics and got me ahead in my business career and i'm not going to stop in the campaign or the way we lead this country. iowans reward that and many have taken notice of it. i expect that we're going to have a major success and surprise that we deliver on january 15th. so many of the supporters supporting us are first time voters and take the event i was at last night, the one we finished the day with. a lot of young people and former libertarians that are coming into our movement as republicans
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support an america first candidate and they haven't been to iowa caucus before and many haven't been polled and we're on track to deliver a major shock to the system and as joe biden doesn't protect democracy with the threat to it and msnbc going on the line and the voters say things that matter and i'm confident and no one is successful in iowa for the same reason i'll be the candidate that deliver as landslide in the general election because it's the new people we need to bring in to the movement for a land snide november. will: out of curiosity on the way out, vivek, when you have the interactions with reporters from the washington post and gone viral and interaction with reporters from nbc that's gone viral this week and what's it like when the cameras turn off and what's it like when it's over? >> i try to be as respect f as possible and we can disagree and
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vehemently and my general rule of thumb and scarce ideas of the campaign and be as civil as possible to have rig vows disagreements and be respectful about it and set an example for our kids and for the next generation. we don't have to agree on everything and we're going to slash when we require them frankly so it's the same at many universities as well and there's a couple reporters that are press gaggle that follows us around and i think have dare i say evolved a bit over the course of the campaign and many of them are not just as hostile reporters but when the cameras are off and they're lost in search of a different direction
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and >> thank you, will: alaska airlines grounding beau, 757 after one had to make a emergency landing. a section of the plane blew out in midair heading to california. withins say air masks quickly drop ntsb ceiling and a gaming hole created a suction tunnel so powerful and ripped the shirt of the child's body. pete: think you're going down at that point. will: luckily no serious injuries reported and airline beauing and canada safety transportation board going on.
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hundreds of high grants trying to get back to the new jersey shelter system and and government is reallocating covid funds to migrant services but phil murphy never followed through. kathy hochul is back ago plan for a self-filtering pool in the middle of the east river and she says the plus pool could be opened to the public next year after it was proposed more than a decade ago. pete: i kind of like that idea. will: they know a thing or two about the water exalt in new york city. new york city navy seals swim in the hudson river back in august.
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not self-filtering. will: a pilot version of the floating pool is expected to be tested this summer and looks cool. kayleigh: it does. will: those are your headlines. kayleigh: well, very cool. i'll take a dive. coming up, new website sending popular weight loss drugs straight to your front door. no doctor's office needed, plus, the benefit to dry january. dr. that net nesheiwat covering it all -- jeanette nesheiwat covering it in the medical roundup next. will: tune in at 9:00 p.m. and as brian says always stay within yourselves.
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pete: a measles outbreak at
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children's hospital of philadelphia continuing to spread to vulnerable kids and officials are sending a warning with fewer people getting the vaccine and cdc reporting that 270,000 unvaccinated kindergarteners entered the school system last year. we're talking about the measles vaccine and people are increasingly hesitant about the number reflected and few children are going on the overall vaccine push that we had spillover effect and people going i don't trust a lot of things now. >> what we're seeing right now is the outbreak in pennsylvania and one child diagnosed with measles and told to go home and quarantine and sent today care and there's that concern for exposure and yes because of the covid pandemic and the whole ordeal with the covid vaccines we lost trust in the healthcare system and made some parents concerned. it's not that they don't want their child to be vaccinated and
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they have more questions and more concerns and i've got to tell you, will, the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine is around 50, 60 years and highly effective and about 97% and measles, mumps and rubella and that's important because it's the most contagious vaccine preventable disease out there and you can have some very serious complications. a lot of the kids that have it would have fever, cough, maybe some pinkeye but serious complications could include behindness or inflammation in your brain or pneumonia and it's so important talk to your doctor to get your child your routine vaccinavaccinations and especiay measles, bumps and rubella. will: vanity is the biggest thing we make in healthcare decisions and it'll help me retain my hair and i don't care about the side effects and
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that's concerning when you consider that eli lily is launch ago new website to help patients get a popular weight loss drug delivered to their home without going to a doctor. i don't know anything about this drug but i think that sounds a little concerning. >> so when i first heard this, i was like, uh oh, i looked into it and i actually went to the website. what it is is it's telehealth and i'm actually all for it because you're actually going to speak to a healthcare provider whether it's a nurse practitioner, a pa, or a doctor. they're not just write ago prescription and mailing to your home, you'll have a medical consult with a medical provider and we can't send you a medication. what if you have an allergy to it or underlying medical condition like thyroid or eye disease or kidney and these medicines are contraindicated and eli lily not just going to use monjaro and other weight loss medicines and migraine and
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obesity medicine and insulin. you'll be speaking to a healthcare provider and it's not that they're going to send you free medicines. will: not much time left and that's okay. this feels like a rhetorical question. does dry january improve your health? i'm not a doctor but i can tell you that one, yes. >> i don't think we should have where you drink and binge all yearlong then say i'm going to cut down for 30 days. we should be careful and consider moderation throughout the year. but absolutely if you can engage in dry january, you're giving your liver a break, a breather and your liver will break down that alcohol and in turn you'll improve your blood pressure and reduce risk of addiction and accidents and cancers and on top of that, you'll lose weight and save money. will: super bowl is in february now; right? >> we can do this. we can do this. >> which team will make it though? will: coming up, biden might love the evs but looks like americans disagree and more on
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the slowing demand for the green machines and the supreme court set to take on trump's case as he's booted off the ballot in states like colorado and next guest call it is a constitutional crisis. he's next. s a hearing aid that could keep up with you? (notification dings) this is jabra enhance select. it's a smart hearing solution that makes hearing aids more convenient and less expensive. it connects with your phone so you can stream calls and music. with jabra enhance select's premium package, better hearing doesn't have to start in a doctor's office. it starts with a free online hearing test you could take almost anywhere, so you can get your hearing aids custom programed for you and delivered in days. from there, you can fine tune your settings with your remote audiology team seven days a week, so your hearing aids work when it matters most. (notification dings) in fact, more than 95% of enhance select premium customers report hearing better with their friends, family, and colleagues. with jabra enhance select, you can get the same advanced hearing aid technology
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will: the nation's highest court will now decide whether trump can roadway main on the 2024 primary ballot in colorado. kayleigh: it comes as new york state officially certifies the former president as a candidate. what does this mean ahead of the election? pete: bring in colorado's republican party chairman. thanks for being here, supreme court will rule on it but as of right now, donald trump is on the primary ballot; right? so what's the state of play in colorado?
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>> well, donald trump is officially on the ballot, however we're not certain that absent a supreme court ruling that affirmatively declares that he needs to be on that ballot and his votes need to be counted and not sure our secretary of state is going to count those votes and we're very relievinged the court has taken up the -- relieved the court has taken up the case and do what it should have done from the beginning and allow the right to choose donald trump if they want. kayleigh: your secretary of state, is not going to count the ballot sos trump being on the ballot is not a cure all. listen to what she said she'll do if the supreme court upholds the state of colorado. >> and if the supreme court rules in favor of the colorado supreme court to remove trump from the ballot, but his name is still there, what happens then? >> colorado's elections take into account candidates that either drop out of a race when their name is already on the
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ballot or otherwise unable to be voted on. so in that situation, if voters cast a ballot or a vote for someone who was disqualified, we'd not be able to count those votes. kayleigh: jenna griswald will not count the 1.3 million ballots and that's how many turned out for trump in 2020. >> yeah, look, jenna griswald is a partisan hack and she's a hyper-radical democrat posing as an election official and it's nothing more than election interference on the part of her and other democrats. that's why we're so hopeful the supreme court will shackle ruling down and support donald trump. will: dave, the scenario cnn and kayleigh are presenting here is what if the supreme court decides with the state of colorado right now and throw owl the ballots and side with trump. >> what if the supreme court smacks down colorado saying no, no, no. you have to count the ballots
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and you have to keep trump on the ballot. do you think the fight is over because you're seeing a willingness and commit want to this from for example the secretary of state and colorado state fighting donald trump. is that the end of the fight if they side with donald trump? >> you'd hope so and i don't put it past jenna griswald or any democrats in colorado or across the nation to respect the rule of law. we're not going to take it lying down no matter what, we're going to ensure that our voter haves the right to vote for donald trump and if the supreme court decides with us, great. if they don't, we're not going to take it lying down. pete: real quick, we don't get to talk to state party chairs often and the iowa caucuses coming umm quick in new hampshire and what's your sense of how the primaries play out? >> yeah, the writings is on the wall and donald trump is going to win in iowa and he's going to win in new hampshire and by february, we'll have clarity on
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who's the nominee and looking forward to it. kayleigh: david, for those saying we'll write in donald trump and the supreme court of colorado says you cannot even write him in. unfathomable and not happening. >> thank you. pete: claudine gay resignation sending off a round of controversy on dei and we're breaking those programs down. kayleigh: first, a nor'easter puts 35 million on alert and winter storm ices the northeast and rick is tracking the maps, next.
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kayleigh: we're back with a fox weather alert and snowfalling all across the country as millions in the east coast prepare for a nor'easter that could bring the first major snowfall of the year. let's turn now to chief meteorologist rick reichmuth for our fox weather forecast. >> we've got a lot of snow coming across parts of the northeast and snow that's happening across the west over the next few days and really active weather pattern that's shaping up and this is the immediate storm we're talking about and see that rain across areas of florida and could be severe throughout the day today and watch for that and threat
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for strong winds and definitely as well a tornado or two. notice this pink you see there around the roanoke area and ice storm setting up this morning and it'll make for really dangerous conditions along interstate 81 or if you're headed up in the mountains and be careful there and this is severe threat and i just notice that had red area that's been an upgrade that's happened for the storm prediction center and even more significant threat across that southwest coast of florida today. threat of a tornado and we've got storm across the northeast and it'll be mostly rain along the i-95 corridor going to the interior section asks many areas 6 to 12 inches of snow. all right, pete and will, sending to you guys inside. pete: thank you, rick. diversity, equity, and inclusion. i jumped the gun. i jumped the grass. i don't think it is. those dei policies in the spotlight after the resignation of harvard president claudine gay earlier and -- or last week. what exactly is dei?
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will: go off the wall to explain the purpose and real estate of its application. did he recollects i, first of -- dei the way it's branded and self-styled to seek the treatment and full participation of all people. i think it's important to reemphasize this is the self-stylized popular version and the brand of dei that, pete, i think has been very effective at getting people who haven't looked deeply into dei through the door of dei. pete: this is the application and marketing element of critical race theory and brand it had to be palatable and all a deconstruction of western civilluation and, will, blow your mind a bit here, i was hosting with you and this first started coming out and this dei coming out all over the place. accessibility. look for it, deia. just like lgbtq and talk about
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that. will: accessible. speaking of accessibility and the branding is such that proponents say it helps represent those who are otherwise wouldn't be representing and who would be opposed to something like that. equity means equal outcome and different than equality opportunity and you get critics pointing out that it's dei reverses the things it's intended to do. in the name of ending racism, you get antiracism that means you're discriminating against another group and they discrimination and at a result, create a cycle of finger point. will: to get to the point where pete just arrived as a critic
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and characterization there from pete hegseth and do reservice connected and have take them up on their invitation and do the work, do your homework, read a book. bill ackman is purging and pushing harvard president and he along the way read the books and went to the lectures and he claims he wrote about 4,000 word essay on free press on substack where he basically said october 7 was my wakeup moment and saw the support for hamas on campus and presidents on capitol hill defending it and i then went to campus and talked to students and then went and did my reservice connected and have you read what he wrote in the 4,000 words, it's a devastating take down of what dei is of how markists have taken over the universities and what's shocking to me, will, is it took october 7 for a big donor like this to say, man, how do we get
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here? will: spot on and dei not about diversity in the purist form and rather a political advocate on behalf of certain groups deemed oppressed under dei's own methodology and one examines in the line and doesn't take long to inherit it from american value. pete: it's at war with american values and it's intended to be that and those under the tent with words that you think you like and have a very different meaning. will: pete, i was frustrate when had i read ackman's tweet and subset and there was a bit of me that thought why did it take you so long to understand. why did you accept on the surface and really the next day mark cuban, he just sold this week so he's still the front facing manager of the dallas mavericks but was the owner of the dallas mavericks began to weigh in on dei and made me appreciate bill ackman. pete: big time and elon musk that jumped on this discussion saying discrimination on the
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basis of race, which dei does, it literally the definition of racism which led, will, to are response from mark cuban saying if you don't think there's a need for dei and doesn't create a competitive advantage and supplying quotes and he's saying, no, no, dei is good for your company. will: to be honest i got into back and forth on twitter with mark cuban and four, five, six tweets back and forth deep and bottom line is mark cuban is personalizing this entire thing making it mean what he think he wants it to mean and he wants it to be that initial branding and ignoring there's a complete edifice of literature and government that made this a formalized structure of dei. pete: i love that elon musk came back and personalize it had. cool. when should we see short, white white, asian people on the maps. if you love dei so much, your basketball team is full of certain types of people but not others. will: what mark cuban said and
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how he americanizes dei and hiring the best candidate and sometimes you take into account diversity to identify the best candidate but again, mark is ignoring the fact that dei places your skin color as your primary qualification over merit. pete: for sure. ironic the mavs have one of the whitest teams in the nba. just saying. will: cause of luca? pete: and what's his name before that. will: some of the companies not distancing themselves from dei but on the surface and you've got american airlines blackrock, jp morgan, lowes, young brands and dei and it's not working and we're going to call it and forget but the movement remains, may not be called dei but a lot of this also comes, will, because of that supreme court case that found that the admission standards at harvard were violated civil rights law
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in america and can't criminate on the basis of race and this is discrimination on the bases and another direction and looking at fiduciary responsibility and legal liability and going the other direction too. will: the bottom line is the best way to stop discriminating on the bases of race is stop discriminating on the bases of race. kayleigh: well said, will. quoting justice john roberts and turning to your headlines. new orlikowski night the south korean military and fire al artillery shells and two south korean islands and the south korean military with a round of drills and no casualties or damage has been reported but the country says it'll take action as soon as north korea refuses
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to stop. michael bolton reveals he underwent emergency surgery after doctors discovered he had a brain tumor. sharing the news with fans on social media saying thanks to my line and surrounded by tremendous love and support of my family as well. in 2013 "fox & friends" for all american summer concert series. he'll suspend his tour for the time being to focus on recovering. kayleigh: christmas trees going up in flames near santa barbara, california and part of a 32-year-old tradition called jewel fest and dozens put trees on massive burn pile and look at that, days after christmas and
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fire fighters set them a blaze with that huge bond fire you're looking at and those are your headlines. still to come, the white house under scrutiny and secretary austin's secret four day hospital stay. more on that ahead. plus, biden might love his evs but looks like americans disagree. more on the slowing demand next.
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kayleigh: it's not looking good for president biden's ev push as fewer americans say they're ready to make the switch. a new survey from car insurance app jerry's drivers says that interest in evs sits at just 41%. that's down from nearly 50% the same time last year. with the steepest decline among gen z americans. here to discuss is energy expert jason isaac. jason, it seems to be there's an inverse correlation, the more the left pushes evs and less interested the american people actually are. >> yeah, there's people that don't want control over everything they do in their lives and there's really four key reasons of why people aren't losing for range anxieties and most likely that flock to the
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story recently and had anxiety after spending the night at a hotel and lost mileage available because the battery had to keep itself warm and was using the battery power to do that. then you have the charging time that people are concerned with and gives you a bit of range and takes a long time to charge and going 800 miles with seven stops to charge and then wait hours to charge and doing something good for the environment when it comes to the realization and people making the components that go into electric vehicles that had young children working in chinese owned and controlled minds and giving up the high correscarbon lifestyle is not ay and going to save the planet and going to improve the environment and lastly the cost that are being pushed down to the least among us and this is some research for the public policy
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foundation that shows about 50,000 over ten years of hidden cost and they're getting pushed down to people that struggle electric and home heating bills. kayleigh: jason, point out flaws of evs and bring to mind jennifer grandholm's trip across the country didn't go so well. gen z, the generation that cares the most about climate change would be interested and it appears they're not. >> yeah, they're really not and coming to the realization that what we're doing is producing more american energy and it's resulted in us reducing pollution 78% over the last five decades and during that time we've become number one in providing access to clean and safe drinking water. the unit is really the model for environmental leadership that the rest of the world needs to follow. you do that by getting access to energy and so we should be
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producing even more energy and doing so on federal alcohol and drugs getting that energy around the world to lift the last $3.5 billion people on the planet out of abject poverty to experience the wonderful things we experience here in the united states. kayleigh: bingo and our president with thes two-thirds electric vehicles by 2032. don't think it's going to happen but best of luck, mr. chairman. jason, thank you. craig:t thank you, kayleigh. good to see you. kayleigh: real life parks and rec. one democratic bear you won't believe accused of antics so wild he deserves his own tv show. >> he lie because they can't beat me. trying to run a campaign on lies. ain't going to get you nowhere. nowhere.
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ before you consider drastic weight loss measures with dangerous side effects, like surgery or pharmaceuticals, try golo. and the big news, golo helps you keep the weight off. (susan) when i tell people how easy it was for me to lose weight, they don't believe me. i've lost 84 pounds on golo and i've kept it off for a year. i lost 210 pounds with gastric bypass surgery, only to gain it all back. but with golo, i have completely transformed my relationship with food. no shots, no medicine, no surgery
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is gonna help you with that. that's why over 40,000 people switch to golo every week to lose weight. starving yourself isn't the answer. you'll lose too much lean muscle. when you have less muscle, your metabolism slows down. golo doesn't require starvation dieting. you'll eat real foods, so you'll lose more fat than lean muscle, one of the ways golo helps you keep weight off. i was 424 pounds, so when my doctor told me i needed weight loss surgery, i knew i had to make a change. i don't ever wanna go back to wearing a 4xl shirt and not being able to climb up the stairs without taking a break. so i've committed to golo for life. with golo, you simply take one release capsule with each meal, and follow the golo for life plan. there's no counting calories, and you can still eat carbs. release and its ingredients, and the golo for life plan, have been proven to promote weight loss, maximize fat loss, enhance insulin sensitivity, and help maintain healthy blood sugar levels.
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but that's not all. release also helps improve markers of metabolic health, and combat stress, a factor in emotional eating. reduce fatigue, and support your immune system. it's not just about losing weight, it's about transforming your entire well-being. golo is so effective at keeping weight off, there are over five million satisfied golo customers. go to that's g-o-l-o dot com. (gentle music) ♪
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