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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 6, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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news, the federal aviation administration is grounding nearly 200 at boeing 7:30 seven max jets worldwide. after some alaskan airline passengers got quite a scare last that window panel blew out made air over oregon and a boy's shirt was sucked out outright e back along with some passengers phones. a similar model was grounded worldwide for years after deadly crashes in 2013 and 2019. much more on this coming up. but first it is nine days until the first in the nation presidential nominating contest that closely watched, highly anticipated caucasus republican candidates are hard at work today in the hawkeye state. looking to sway any undecided voters for that includes a front runner former president trump and florida governor desantis who is running a distant second in the polls and governor nikki haley. hello everyone welcome to "fox news live" i am arthel neville,
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hi eric park has low everyone thank you for joining us i'm eric shawn. the counters now turn to 2024 the race for the white house, it has hit high gear on both sides of the aisle but president biden, had his first official campaign event yesterday on the eve of the third anniversary today of january 6, the capitol attack against our democracy. in a heated speech near valley forge, pennsylvania the president blasted former president trump as a threat to democracy for trying to overturn the 2020 election. meantime mr. trump is about to speak at a commit to caucus caus rally in newton, iowa what will you part of the former president speak straight ahead here and "fox news live" first like a fox team covers the white house company chief of staff karl rove with his analysis but there he is joining us. lucas tomlinson's with the president who was spent the weekend at his home in delaware but let's begin in iowa, des moines. a bill melugin is there with the very legs in the ground for the caucus.
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hi bill. >> eric, good afternoon to you but this iowa caucus is going to act as a barometer for the rest of the country if you will. it will be the first chance for voters to sound off on these candidates and everyone else's chances to these polls we are seeing match up with the reality? does the massive lead trump has in the polling turn out to be real? or is it polling, we will see. take a look in newton, iowa right now 38 miles away from where we're standing now former president trump having a campaign rally over there. his campaign strategy has been look, he does not feel the need to do the debates he feels voters arty know who he is, what he stands for. he maintains a massive lead in the polling. that's white so important to see what happens the night of the 15th. he's been taking shots of former president biden has been taking shots at him as it started to get testy in this campaign cycle but here's a little bit of what he had to say yesterday, take a listen. >> of the worst president in
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history. [cheering] we have a present who cannot put two sentences together. we have a president who is in great danger to democracy. he really is. >> meanwhile florida governor desantis former un ambassador nikki haley have been going at each other recently as well for they are essentially fighting for second place in the polling behind donald trump read both of them have made iowa a huge priority in their campaigns. how over both of them have recently started to train their fire under former president trump as well but he is leading in the polls. that means he's got the biggest target on i his back. take a listen. >> when it comes to trump he can call me but tax hike haley i've never raised a tramp taxpayer. >> trumps candidate 2012 or is going to focus on his legal issues, criminal trials, januare things from the past. that is going to subsume everything too.
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>> and vivek ramaswamy has a campaign event here in iowa today as well. chris christie does not two but he is essentially decided not to have an operation here in the state of iowa he has decided to focus his efforts instead on the state of new hampshire we will send it back to you. eric: and vivek ramaswamy will be our guest at 12 noon from iowa with the very latest. good to see you. >> former white house deputy chief of staff karl rove. let's go you heard met bill melugin let's pick up they are. if the polling no competition in iowa. what do you expect to hear from them shortly? will he acknowledge the insurrection that took place three years ago? >> he's got a different attitude toward january 6. then president biden does obviously.
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president trump is talked about pardoning and many of the peopln day one who were involved with the assault on the capitol. i think frankly that is a mistake for him. it's better for him to be talking about the economy and making america strong then to turn his attention back to january 63 years ago. in 2022 we had plenty of candidates who were election deniers. writing for secretaries of state and attorney general in states s across the country. by and large they lost badly. so a lesson for the former president is make it about the future and about doing things that are not connected with january 6. a better for him. and tougher for biden to respond too. levi let's take a look at the map of the candidates in iowa today. according to the polls trump will beat the republican presidential nominee that is the way it is looking now. towards the general voting pool.
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>> directed toward the general election voting pool right now. he is the front runner and the republican nomination and the best way to win the nomination if you are the front runner is to act like the front runner. but to unite the party and keep the focus on the general election. you will notice he has stepped up his activity in the state of iowa. iowa has a way of slipping up on you. think about the last couple times we've had at primaries or excuse me, caucus to see your ted cruz one and a. rick santorum won in 2012. he is wise not to let this get away from him and instead is holding an increasing number of events in the state. i think he has made two mistakes. one mistake is he has emphasized how far he is ahead. that is a mistake when you are the front under the best thing to do is lower the expectations not raise them. it's tough enough when you are
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the front runner and come out ahead. people like to have a contest if there's a strong se second-place finish in iowa. stay tuned nikki haley comes in second issue is in the 30s. he's in the high 40s. that helps make it a race in new hampshire. the second thing is if you are the front runner unite the party do not go around to cry at your opponents giving them a nickname bird brain is what he calls nikki haley he insults ron desantis. better to be the guy who unites. we will see how this plays out for. >> that is not his playbook karl. ex parte mcquesten request you note that is not what trump does he does not do that. he is about name calling that is what is on for all these years now. but let me move on for a second ago to fewer minutes with you and i really want to get to these next things. do you foresee karl, anything at derailing his road to the gop nomination? >> yes, i do.
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surprises happen. you go back to 1984, walter mondale was a leader who went into iowa at 49% in the last iowa poll on caucus night he nailed it 48.9%'s. but there is a surprise second finisher. gary hartman them polling at 3% came in second with 16 for the next eight days all we did was listening to conversation about what a surprise that was. he beat mondale in new hampshire the contest took until june 5 to settle mondale became the democratic nominee but in the meantime gary hart 127 contest and on the final day of the primary season walter mondale secure the nomination with 21 delegates despair. my point is, as you start out don't let people create surprises. do not let someone get momentum for the best way to do that is to unite the party and act like a front runner not to be belittling your opposition and creating animosity.
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arthel: finally, karl, for the preservation of his family name, his political legacy and for this country, what is your advice to trump? >> i've just given it. if you are the front runner, act like the front runner make it about the future not the past. we saw this in the 2022 elections. people who made it all about the 2020 election talk about stolen election and so forth and so on they lost because the general election will be fought with a different electorate than we fight in primaries there will be independence for. >> is looking for more of a philosophical ansell karl. less statistical i am sorry there's a delay between us i do apologize. but from you because of your experience i am looking for a more philosophical answer. i know you have all the statistics down but what you say to trump? you worked with president bush so closely for so many years and
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it president bush is still revered as a statesman in the party because of the way he conducted himself and continues to do so. >> well, the american people want to know what's going happen in the next four years so make it about the next four years. do not make it about elect me because i did a good time last time around do not say elect me because the election was stolen from me make it about the things people care about. how is america going to be in the four years ahead what are you going to do to make our country prosperous, safe, the world secure, the world at peace, american families prospering, american family strong that is what the american people want to hear from any candidate for president, what are you going to do to make our country better over the next four years? >> well, that sums like a good message karl rove looks here we hear more of that. thank you very much good to see you, happy new year, take care of her. >> happy new year to you, arthel. >> thank you. by the way guys got ahead of the caucus of fox news will have the three big town halls in iowa
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next week. amid a former un ambassador nikki haley. tuesday florida governor ron desantis and wednesday former president donald trump all moderated by martha mccallum and bret baier i am sorry. [laughter] alt right here on fox news. and by the way if i don't drink too much apparently joint air can meet tomorrow at noon eastern when we talk with president candidate vivek ramaswamy. alright eric take it away but once we know it you mean, we know brett jessee brett martha and vivek ramaswamy will be tomorrow right here. now to president biden's reelection campaign's first campaign speech of the election yesterday focused on today, three years ago. the third anniversary of that dark day in american history, january 6. he condemned a president trump as a threat to democracy that is expected to be a key theme in his reelection campaign. lucas tomlinson's live in bloomington, delaware that is where the president is spending
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the weekend at his home there. hi lucas. >> hi eric. president biden use the occasion yesterday speaking outside valley forge, george washington's winter encampment during the american revolution in 1777 in 1778 to launch a full broadside against his predecessor donald trump. dimensioning's trump's name 44 times the most biden ever has invoked the memory of generally six. >> trump did nothing. it was among the worst dereliction of duty by a president in american history. an attempt to overturn a free and fair election by force and violence. >> but i didn't need no mentions of his record of past three years including the southern border. this is the list of migrant encounters on the southern border over the past 10 decembers. last month was the highest in american history. biden officials have refused to call the situation on the southern border a crisis including fines dhs a chief who
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refused to use the word in a recent interview with bret baier. i also spoke before biden's address with pennsylvania democratic senator john fetterman. here is mayorkas and fetterman pick. >for. >> think it's a crisis now? >> abrett, it is a challenge tht we have been addressing vigorously with all the tools and resources that we have been provided for. >> there is a crisis at the border. i don't know how anyone can pretend there isn't. >> the white house moments ago it said president biden has accepted the house speaker's invitation to hold the state of the union address on march 7 the latest in the century and also two days after super tuesday. >> lucas tomlinson in delaware, you can double as a weather reporter today you have got the comp coming east course coastall storm it's windy the press washington fourth cane camp at
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valley forge troublous months i can certainly be out here talking to you, eric requests absolute eric thanks. arthel: guys, nearly 200 boeing airliners now grounded after a terrifying mid air incident last night. adore blows out, a boy's shirt is sucked right off his back along with some passengers phone spirit will have details on this for you coming up next. in just . -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) when we had a significant health scare, we needed to act quickly. because we had christian healthcare ministries. i went directly to the specialist i wanted. they took care of all our medical bills. over $60,000. joining christian healthcare ministries is one of the best decisions we've ever made. we're the suarez family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions,
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the chart under the faa directive operators are required to inspect the plank planes before for their flight inspections will take around four -- eight hours per aircraft for this is going to affect approximately 171 the planes worldwide. >> i think now we can expect to see very serious efforts to get to the root of this problem. to exercise an abundance of caution about the aircraft until we know what the problem was. why it was because of what needs to be done. >> faa's order comes after a deactivated emergency cabin door which would be used as a regular cabin window on an alaska airline flight blue white open at 16000 feet last night. take a listen to the fight reporting this incident to air traffic control. >> we are depressurized. we have one and 77 passengers.
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>> the fight of it in the sky for less than an hour when this occurred. 171 a passengers and seven crew members were on board heading to california bone open section of the plane was not occupied the strong force of air that immediately rushed into the client ripped a boyd's shirt off it. but for the boeing 737 rolling off the assembly line a few months ago grounded its fleet of 65 boeing 7379 aircraft after yesterday's emergency companies said a quarter of the fleet will return to service after inspections were completed with no concerning findings.
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alaskan airline says it is now working with boeing and a regulator to try to understand what happened last night as the ntsb investigates this terrifying incident. >> christina, you are a great mother that you are self to think of this mother who's trying to make sure her child did not get sucked out of that plane. there is nothing stronger than a mothers love and strength. >> absolutely. it is terrifying. as you guys all know what my son has autism. i have no idea how he would react about the noise, the soud the air going through the plane. it is scary but my heart also goes out to people who have special needs with some of this terrifying happening. thank you. three fugitives were adept at participating the generally six were caught this morning on the third anniversary of the attack on the capitol.
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the fugitives were indicted more than a year ago on multiple federal charges. including assaulting federal officers. one was accused of using a flagpole and a stolen riot shield to attack law enforcement. so far more than 1200 people across the country are charged with crimes stemming from the attack on the nation's capitol. >> supreme court former president trump is eligible for colorado's ballot that could set a ballot for states with the new decision for oral arguments in the case set for february 8 in illinois, massachusetts yesterday. more than a dozen other states suing to keep trump off their primary ballot over his role in the generous sixth attack. jay is with as a former united states attorney for the northern district of alabama. so jay, what do you expect the issues quote that they will be wrangling with behind closed doors question rick how do you think this argument will shape
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up? >> thanks for having me on. the primary issue as i see it is the justices will see it's who gets to decide in insurrection or rebellion. which the decision is made watch that youtube videos and read jay six transcripts. it's a four out of just seven justices in colorado or in a any kindof mechanism in between? any or do process is required and two sets of frankenstein there was no grand jury charged with any kind of offense. it wasn't a party a direct party to that litigation it self. and yet he is the one he was having a right taking a way.
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a privilege taking away. and that scheme. and i really hope the supreme court is divided as it might be six -- three of the legitimacy is going to continue this divide. >> interesting point other people said he did it toward i was that determine constitutionally if you did in gage lowers the bar for the balance? that's the way p issue high court is going to have to tackle. the 14th amendment in section iii is aware at this language lives that talks about t when engaging in insurrection in section five though is the
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14th amendment congress has to determine the mechanism by which even the trial judge in colorado declared the trial judge said the oath that was taken by trump was not the oath that was subject to the 14th amendment section iii. that applied to officers. the present is not an officer he appoints the officers appeared the way you get rid of a president on this republic is an impeachment while they are in an office or for a conduct -- official conduct during the course of office. who do not get to knock people off the ballot. but colorado. nationwide would be on a ballot
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to be political chaos. >> you talk with the colorado judge the michigan judge in michigan and judge their ruled he should stay on the ballots. what is interesting about that the michigan judge said the former president quote followed state law to qualify for the ballotballot spread he was specifically looking at does he qualify for state law yes he does. they in fact made that point it will be up to congress. i don't know if it's quote not one single judicial officer. when judge can or cannot make a decision whether or not someone would be eligible to run for the presidency. >> so i don't think that that judge was making the decision about who could or could not run. i would simply say that judge was deciding this is something the united states congress can decide. and they can enforce a mechanism
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to treasure section iii of the amendment. the state legislature the governor of michigan cannot do that. the secretary of main or any of the other states cannot do that because that is not what the constitution prescribes. it said the judge made my point clearly a brilliant judge. [laughter] >> talk about someone you have known former attorney general bill barr. let's listen to it he had to say up about this. >> that is untenable as a legal matter we can have all the states make in their own rules as to what insurrection is and how much evidence is needed to make a determination the sauna provision that can be enforced until congress sets up the mechanism. if anything recent events show the wisdom of that approach. you need to have congress spell out how that will be enforced. >> the argument right there. what you think is going to happen? >> he is right.
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that section five mechanism is exactly what congress has to lay forward. they have done that where they do have a crime of insurrection. he would have to be convicted first. they will hear it quickly they will decide to go through the briefing spans out through february and i expect in a pennn before super tuesday frankly. he will remain on colorado. but the follow on states you will see the supreme court in eiaunanimous decision say what colorado did, what eight main did was absolutely unconstitutional because there is former u.s. attorney in alabama, jake good to see you think if your analysis. >> have a good weekend. >> of course. >> haley, desantis, vivek ramaswamy former president trump in iowa. speaking just over a week before the first in the nation caucus is they are will show you some of trump's speech coming up.
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arthel: our president is giving a speech right now in newton, iowa with just nine days to go until the iowa caucuses officially opened in 2024 presidential primary boating season. he is enjoying a commanding lead in the polls. let's take a listen to an earlier portion of his speech. >> violent criminals are running wild and are democrat run cities well law enforcement has been a
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weaponize against christians and conservatives and people of faith like never before. we've never seen anything like this before. this guy goes around and sam a threat to democracy. no he's a threat he is incompetent. he is a threat to democracy. you can be grossly incompetent and be a threat to democracy. because he h is got us into war. we are in or is now part you look at the middle east, look at what happened in ukraine. that never would have happened with these things never would've happened inflation's would've never happened attack on israel would never happen the attack on ukraine would never put all these things would never have happened. millions of people would be alive right now. millions of people, cities would not be decimated, knocked down for you look at ukraine with those towers is gorgeous towers the ancient towers are all dead, gone, can never be rebuilt. so many and the numbers are much bigger than what you're hearing. they'd knocked out an apartment house these are big buildings to its shocking how big they are and they say two people were injured but no, no people were
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killed a lot of people were killed the numbers are much bigger than you here. it never should have haven't most of the stuff almost all that i cannot think of anything that would have happened but would have stopped a all that ad we did. we had no inflation. now i have inflation that so bad the worst probably the worst we've ever had pre-china is threatening taiwan. that will be next too. iran us inches away from a nuclear bomb. when i was with iran they were broke. they were broke. i would not let anyone buy oil i said look, i want to be good to them they cannot have a nuclear weapon. there i guess 31 days away from have a nuclear weapon. it becomes a much different negotiation. much tougher negotiation. and it is so hat sad this never would've happened they would fed to do with me within one week after the election. but that is the way it goes. >> karl is back former white house deputy chief of staff and fox news contributor. the former president needs to talk about basically moving
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forward a at just that and that clip we heard a dozen different policy could he stick to that? >> he was talking about how things would have been different had he been a presi president oe last four years. that is a little bit different than what i am is suggesting what the election wants to hear. it only goes so far he needs to then lay out what he is going to do to restore peace and restore economic strength. he is on a bette better ground s talking about at home i'm going to restrain spending. and it's a mix of things they need to lay out there. i would not have let this things happen but now he needs to explain what is going to do to alleviate the situations he talked about. >> you point out the general election of course he is talking to the gop base. come november you've got democrats, independents, mainstream republicans.
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they continue this way how would that fair in november? she make a good point. has the opportunity and the necessity of talking to the general electorate. that is one of the reasons they could remain the front runner is by talking about things that afterthe general election. you are right the electorate is different than what you see in a caucus in iowa or primary in new hampshire. but that is a challenge for any front runner. the front runner has got the ability to move the election beyond the primary into the general election and that is frankly a strength. particularly if you are a full or present as he is remember this is a unique situation the last time we had two presidents running against each other was 1888. and the last time we had a former president run for reelection once again 1888 after having been defeated. he is in that unique
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circumstance but it does give him an advantage in the primary and the general election to keep the focus on the general election and talk about what it is in a forward-looking way he would do for the country. eric: grover cleveland has unique distinction to be the 22nd and 24 the president of the united states. he was reelected back in after benjamin ayres at my history serves me right. finally karl, you talk about i will be in full of surprises and over new hampshire nikki haley seems to be within striking distance of the president. what you expect in this caucus? if you come in number two are close number two present company excepted i think one of the most brilliant strategic moves was 1992 new hampshire paul tsongas defeated bill clinton by eight points but the country did not realize it because jim carbo push clinton and said go down to the ballroom and speak that was the famous comeback hit speech 11:00 p.m. eastern time everyone had seen a bill clinton being cheered look like bill clinton had one when he actually came in
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number two. how close can another candidate be? what narrative do you see if it becomes a close contest in either iowa or new hampshire? >> well, one of the advantages clinton handed 92 is paul tsongas was from massachusetts estate right next door to new hampshire so he was expected to win. the fact bill clinton came in second, a southern, southern democrat from the state of arkansas gave him some bragging rights and he took advantage. he made a very smart decision which is go down and declare your second-place victory a victory and he did. so new hampshire likes to upset things but let me tell you i've got a lot of scars from 2000 whereafter winning iowa george w. bush and went to new hampshire john mccain upset them by 19 points. talk about a flogging, that was it. you have got to take advantage of the moment that you have got an mccain did so for a few days then we recovered our footing in
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south carolina. but new hampshire is going to be a challenge. the former president is not doing as wellin new hampshire and if he is upset in new hampshire then we are in for a longer contest. eric: the uncertainties of the political process and karl i apologize or bring it new hampshire to you. [laughter] quick study don't eric you enjoy bring it up progress good to see you. ask karl rove folks, terrific thank you. >> happy new year. >> you too. speak up alright guys, the situation at the border becoming a bigger issue for the country. and the 2024 race we are live at the board of the more the crisis paid that is coming up, next. one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers
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southern border will do that on monday the first congressional hearing on impeaching him. on a continuing flow. >> hatehey eric the bulk of illl traffic in between and close to the international crossing bridges between eagle pass, texas and mexico. further north of here a new hotspot emerging for yesterday fox cameras captured about 100 migrants being taken into custody. an exclusive neighborhood near high end homes. we caught up on friday at democratic congressman donna davis of north carolina here in eagle's past. congressman davis tells us they have to act fast in washington as the ongoing crisis is not sustainable. >> one of the takeaways from that visit is just listening to the enormous volume of resources
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they are having to commit locally from the community to deal with at the border in the community. >> meantime border patrol agents from a man from el salvador convicted of murder. from columbia. since october 110 different migrants with murder convictions have been found in this country. arrested and will be deported. so for right casey thank you. arthel. >> thank you for more on secretary mayorkas in the upcoming board a visit let's bring former acting dhs secretary chad wolf. so chad, we will get to the visit i and a second this is noa political question but from a pragmatic perspective, is now the right time for congress to spend time and energy on impeachment hearing? >> i think it is.
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and for this reason alone it is some accountability for the last three years the american people have looked at the image document looked at the numbers what's going on along the southern border and saying why? where is the accountability will it change the strategy i think only time will tell. holding those that have turned the border into complete chaos accountable is important. not much time left it at the ife present is not reelected. secretary mayorkas has another planned trip on monday. what can he do at this juncture to provide a resolution to this crisis and not appearing to be just after another photo op. >> the fallacy going on right now is only congress can solve
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what's going on along the crisis. a supplemental and negotiations going on. but at this point in time the administration both the president and the secretary has enough authority to put policies in place that can severely curtail the crisis today. they have had it for the last three years they have chosen not to use it. when i continued to hear congress needs to act coat to control the crisis that simply not true per the things congress can do. x they can do tomorrow if they choose to do so. >> were not when the bite administration off the hook. it's happening on the president's watch the administration's walk congress does have a hand in this. in fact let me play this and not to read this to you congressman a few days ago i looked republican on tv says let me tell you i am not willing to do
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too much right now. and to help joe biden's approval ratings it's almost when it comes to with immigration system our politics at wing security? be honest. >> there's a number of things congress can do reforming the asylum system reforming the parole system they could do all of that. we have to ask aren't the implementing asylum cooperative agreement why wo won't they lete enforcement removal officers remove dangerous individuals. on final orders of removal there things that can be done the same that would send it and severely curtail the flow they're simply not doing it. at the same time there are things congress can reform and should reform i look forward to coming out with negotiations as well. all right i'm out of time.
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chad will thank you very much for joining us. we will be right back, thankwa you.nt ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse. too much? that's the point. get real about your risks and do something about it. talk to your health care provider about ways to lower your risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. learn more at
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the snow's and winter weather millions of folks in the eastern part of the country under winter weather a lurch. powerful storm is a barreling up the coast dumping rain, ice, snow in places like maryland, pennsylvania as you can see feeling the effects. add up with the very latest on where it is going and what we can expect free. >> finally some ski weather but a lot of folks good news about this it has been so long at some these errors since we have seen a really good snow. the temperatures play a really major story in all of this part if you live right up along the coast from boston, ultimately that will get cooler but new york, down to d.c. as you can tell the temperatures above freezing this has been a rain event so far for you it takes areas in the winter weather advisories are. just off the coast of the west of the i-95 corridor. will receive ultimately the heavy snow.
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we do see more snow on than rain. this is running although through the sunday. this will be around her for a little while before ultimately and directs itself off the coast behind this much colder air. ultimately on the backside of it we could be a little more snow. who ultimately gets the snow? who sees more rain? i give you an imaginary line but it's along the i-95 corridor but particularly in locations further south that has not snowed in a really long time like over 700 days in baltimore the same as the case in philadelphia. you might see a couple of flurries this is not going to be a snow that sticks for you either. you start to see the pinks and purple colors for this is the more significant snowfall in you can tell up along the top widespread probably for 5 inches but foot of total snowfall this is a good snow across portions of the interior in new england. what about new york city? another place that has been close to 700 days without snow. we are looking at less than an
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inch most likely very tight. if you live just outside the city to the north you could be seeing four, five, 6 inches as well. >> rate for the kids not so much for the commuters. we will see you on monday. arthel? arthel: thank you f for it wille back at 4:00 p.m. eastern. the journal editorial report iso up next. we s will see one hour from now. to see and things to do. that's why you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day. ♪ limu emu & doug ♪ [bell ringing] .. he hits his mark —center stage— and is crushed by a baby grand piano. are you replacing me? with this guy? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache! oh, look! a bibu. [limu emu squawks.]
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