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tv   FOX and Friends Sunday  FOX News  January 7, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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kind of friend they are and better friends than just text friends i don't to tell you what kind of friend rachel says she is. but i get you. i get you over the border pete i would get you over the border. rachel: it is open you walk across the it. what are you talking about? will: some circumstances in pete's life where he needed to go the other way. pete: the other direction and he would help me flee if necessary. will: it depends -- pete: he would be a better friend by textings his friends and wondering whether that's the depth of the equipment that's there. rachel: like what you value test and i value loyalty more than anything else. pete: shocker -- will: a test to forget that one out? rachel: i hammed to tack a test and it came back as thing that i value the most -- will: where was this test?
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rachel: loyalty -- at a retreat my husband had for a staff conference. and i was part of it and -- my value was loyalty. so i'm a good friend. good wife too. pete: if i had called you and needed help. rachel: i would be there for you. will: help even if you didn't ask for it. pete: that happens too. rachel: unsolicited advice -- will: before the break we have to get beginning and you offered him specific advice and i said rachel -- he's heard it. he's got it. [laughter] rachel: that i think your resolutions are very good. i've taken on a couple of yours. will: i think there's a lot of overlap overlap is huge. rachel: like i'm going to get up at this hour and set my alarm at this hour and early is not enough you to say set my alarm at this hour and pop out of the bed. will: what you want to get done
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before the day starts and what time it starts with kids and breakfast outside of this show. so -- [laughter] pete: i love that you're being specific about your sham. okay, you're not getting up an hour and 15 minutes earlier. you're already a morning show host. you already don't -- will: not on these mornings. pete: monday morning i was going to get up at 7 and 5:45 instead no chance. rachel: makes getting up on the weekend easier if you were getting up every day anyway during the week. will: not questioning the idea but execution. pete: absolutely right. because i love and know you and i know it is not going to happen. will: i have to get you up early to get you over the border. [laughter] let's move on to politics and move on to what's happening in america iowa is just around the corner joe biden gave a speech on friday. basically launching his campaign it focused almost exclusive lis
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on donald trump. and january 6th and saving our democracy, donald trump addressed that in iowa. >> vote for donald trump in these caucuses is a vote to secure jr. border a vote to stop the invasion of our country. it is a vote to rescue our economy and a vote to reclaim our democracy because you know that's his new theme did you watch him stumble through that speech last night, donald trump is a threat to democracy. now that's the only thing he can say. because they didn't do anything, in fact, a lot of people are saying you know, got a little tired i think he mentioned my name 29 time but donald trump is a threat to democracy. that's going to be their case because he can't say anything good. >> yeah. that was true one of the differences in this biden speech is he usually alludes to he'll say former president or -- it was name check throughout the
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entire speech. which means that's what you're going to get from biden to trump and this is, of course, before iowa before -- we debated whether that means they believe trump will be the nominee or not but i think that in part is what they're tipping their hat at. rachel: that's a good point. but it is interesting the guy who -- is joe biden interfering with elections as he has been throughout this entire cycle with -- with the way he's been treating and weaponizing the doj against the lead candidate. he also has political prisoners many of the j6ers in jail and under horrible circumstances and by the way, donald trump brought that up as well saying that he would pardon many of them should he be elected president. but you know, you talk about democracy, and you're right we're a republic you brought that up last hour, pete. but the people have been
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threatening americans and trying to silence them and trying to impact who they can vote for. are the democrats so it is just infuriating to hear them say that. will: bring in fox news anchor shannon bream who joins us now. shannon good morning -- what do you make of what we're talking about and make of joe biden's kick off in a way to his campaign. >> when you think about where he is polling from issues from the border to foreign policy, to the economy -- i mean, all of the polls out there say the same thing he's upside down. white house knows that. but this theme of what they believe worked back in 2020 that i'm the one who will hold this country together and save us from a dangerous person -- meaning president trump. that theme they think worked for them so they're going back there. they were very clear about the symbolism they wanted to have value forge back story of, you know, general washington who president washington putting together this coalition of different groups to, you know, save democracy and freedom. i think that they think because the issues aren't good for them
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they're going to go back to messaging they believe worked for them. >> do you think it will work shannon it is one thing you know further you get away from events more you repeat yourself -- some people if it doesn't reflect their reality will start to not be motivated by that. >> yeah i think when you do talk about reality it is such a good point if you're trying to fill up your gas tank get your kid to school pay your rent, mortgage, the economy for most people is much more of a daily reminder of exactly what's going on in their lives. polling again and again shows that people not only say that the situation is bad for them now but a majority of them think things are actually getting worse and not better. they blame this administration specifically for its policies that they think have hurt them economically. so listen, that's the daily reminder there for people maybe more so than january 6th which is going to be in all of the commercials you're gong to continue to hear themes about tomorrow the president heads on to charleston to talk about white supremacy and threats of people that he thinks are connected to what he calls maga
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and president trump. so i do think those themes are going to be a reminder out there but really gassing up tank and buying groceries is a day-to-day reminder for people when they decide who they're going vote for. >> sure democracies of it all is superimportant but also i think -- getting to the bottom of what really happened on january 6th could help defuse some of the attacks by joe biden on that day because we're just sort of going by the script that they say of what happened that day. meanwhile, shannon, there are a group of attorney generals who across the country who filed a brief regarding this idea of taking donald trump off of the ballots. here's what they said they said many americans will this is what the brief said many americans will become convinced that a few partisan actors have contrived to take a political decision out of ordinary voters hands. most, obviously, it cast confusion into an election cycle
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that is just weeks away beyond that, it upsets the respective roles of the congress, the states and the courts. the court should act now to stop all of these strange far reaching and results from spinning out of control. what is happening shannon? is so strange and so unamerican i've just never thought that you could just pull somebody off of a palette not give the ability to vote for who they want to vote for. >> that's what the supreme court has to decide now and they signaled to us friday saying we're taking this case out of colorado and maybe a move point in colorado because secretary of state there said listen i had to certify ballots by friday that means his name is on the ballot but because so many other states out there are trying similar things i think the supreme court realized we've to get in and settle this question that argument brief from the attorney's general also says they predict as those who support keeping the president's name on the ballots that it will create chaos they say what are
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you to say to voters? will they withhold their vote from somebody who may not end up on the ballot? what happens if the name gets scrubbed from the ballot at spoant in so we'll see what the justices say colorado feels very strongly about its position maine and others -- saying listen, he was guilty of, quote, insurrection that means he gets kicked off the ballot. trump legal team says insurrection is understand at the 14th amendment taking up arms and waging war against united states that the lower court said no right to assign that to him and not charged on that and not sure if the supreme court would have liked to have gotten involved in and now they'll officially involved and hear arguments on the 8th couple of weeks away. >> i thought this year would be consumed by abortion and based on joe biden's kickoff and what you just said -- i'm not saying abortion is going to be missing from the conversation. but it is clear the major theme is going to be that we're on the
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precipice of authoritarianism and about to lose the democracy. i think they believe it. because you wouldn't go to all of these measures we've said this before leak if you truly believed that you are about to lose the country you would sensor free speech whatever you do all of these horrific things that undercut the actual democracy to save it. but i'm taking aback by what you said -- shannon, i didn't know what he's going to speak about he said tomorrow -- so now we layer on that the country or size portion is a major theme for the next year -- >> could be. i mean i think you have people on both sides who believe that the other candidate is an existential threat to continuation of this country to democracy and yes, pete rightly points out we are a republic. but the idea of small d democracy both sides are going to point fingers at each other say if you vote for that guy this is going to be end of the world and so -- or of our country as we know so
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that's a theme to issue of abortion i think that sticks around too. you've got a number of stats where the left and democrats trying to get abortion on the ballot and it drives voters so they want initiatives on various state ballots so we'll see about that and supreme court has a couple of abortion cases they've now decided to get involved in this year too. those decisions probably will come in june when the term ends that means right in the middle of these primary fights heading into the conventions we're going to have a couple of more decisions on brings and i think in democrats they don't go well for the left will point to voters and say it is not with you on abortion democrats will be vote for us. >> buckle up. all right shannon who do you have on fox news sunday by the way? >> we'll take it outside d.c. to impact people so governor abbott out of texas for us -- couple of new lawsuits he's facing -- from the feds and from new york city, and also denver mayor who is a democrat mike johnson saying listen feds have to do something our cities are
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overwhelm sod we'll talk to lead gop negotiator in the senate -- james lankford on this with an update on wherer this and text on a deal. >> all right shannon. will: we'll be watching thank you. pete: great to see you. pete: turn now to fox weather alert slamming the northeast -- some areas throughout new england and new york could see more than 6 inches of snow. will: fox weather correspondent robert ray joins us from i know how to say it -- yeah. massachusetts. robert. [laughter] reporter: yeah, good morning. wooser as they say in massachusetts 40 miles to the west as the crow flies from boston guys yeah take a look it is a winter wonder land in central mass gosh almost 40 million people affected by the nor'easter that has come in over
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the weekend starting all the way down to the d.c. area. mix of rain, sleet, and snow -- and here we are guys -- in the hardest impact the sweet zone of this storm take a look at this video from just moments ago as sun came up here. in we're expecting up to a foot of snow by the time it is done that winter storm warning ends at 1 a.m. tonight. all the way into monday, and this is the biggest wallop they have seen in oh, about two years. i know new york city many folks there were looking forward to a big snow pile, but no, that's not the case on this one. these nor easters are well fickle they wobble a little bit so the interior parts of new england will get it. if we look at radar it is coming on the way here and it will continue all day long. here's the unfortunate part
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power outages about 12,000 people in the state of massachusetts are out of power right now. this is heavy wet snow -- and so that number could unfortunately go up. and officials are aware they're going to do their best but these roads i will say guys this morning are just very slick and they're trying to do their best they treated them with brine. the past two days to try to make them okay for people that are traveling but you can see the piles of snow -- behind me and some of the plows that are out this morning trying to push it all as snow continues to fall. and if i have some bad news to deliver i guess that's my job as a reporter. there was another system coming across the u.s. -- making itses way from the west sweeping across the midwest -- and a few days that will eventualliened up here in northeast again. with a mix yet again of the rain and the snow. so here we go 2024, winter get your glove boxing gloves on because boom it is here right, welcome --
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will: here robert thank you here. reporter: thanks. thank you. pete: big snowfall with bike lanes and bike racks a mess. anyway. rachel: i had they've had a plow out my driveway last night it was quite a bit of snow. will: sensed the kids to shovel. rachel: i agree. i will. will: turning to headlines now we go restart nypd union president is demanding that man convicted of killing officer joseph keegan in 1980 stay behind bars after his fourth arrest in the past 12 months. bruce louric released on parole in 2021 and arrested released from jail three times and now in jail for cocaine possession out of jail for murder and you were letten go again -- police benevolent association saying revolving door is a travesty to our justice system. yeah. and biden administration is
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investigating san diego state university for islam phobia. get this -- after the school's president sent a campus wide e-mail supporting jewish students after the october 7th attacks. in the e-mail sdse president offered support to all writing, quote, deeply struck by the loss of life of innocent israeli and yet our doj that is -- smtion what was wren on october 9th right there -- >> islam phobic statements. that the doj is looking into because they supported -- israel. in a statement at a university. >> they said they supported -- >> it is not leak a bias statement but a simple yeah and results are in. a new study revealing most moved into state in 2023 our own will cain was on to something yesterday. i don't know -- >> it is gorgeous. >> beautiful. actually gorgeous a little farm steads along rivers --
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and understated mountainses and northeast can be not just qaingt quaint but beautiful. >> most moved into state is vermont -- no. come on. that kangt be true that must be per capita. not overall volume. united van lines international mover study remains green state for the third, top of next hour tune in we're going to gets the truth on what's going on. must be per capita maybe united band its own in vermont. what's the real deal? rachel: i will agree with you will the northeast is gorgeous it is just -- i never really appreciated it as much until i moved up here but falls linger summers are gorgeous it has -- >> rivers, mountains, rolling hills and the four proper seasons abuse you know what it is like in minnesota -- >> four seasons is nice. >> you know what it is like in minnesota where you have leak --
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you know, fall for like -- yeah. winter -- and then rest of them you get a little bit, but beautiful but summer so short and fall so short. >> but liberals ruin everything. that's why i prefer new hampshire to vermont and there's more sanity in wisconsin. see they changed the flag? >> i did. glai. it is getting nuts -- will: from presidents to princes learning about high profile names so off the wall to break down what was uncovered. rachel: oh, i can't wait for that one. remarkable weight loss kelly clarkson says it is a healthy diet -- that's responsible for her transformation, let's see if we believe that and break it down in my pop culture roundup this hour.
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in order for small businesses to thrive, they need to be smart, efficient, savvy. making the most of every opportunity. that's why comcast business is introducing the small business bonus. for a limited time you can get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. yup, $1000. so switch to business internet from the company with the largest fastest reliable network. give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> long awaited unsealed documents reveal high profile names linked to convicted pedophile jeffrey epstein. >> let's go off the walk break
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down biggest names claims and responses and -- off the top we were just talking about this we want to emphasize that just because someone's name is in the document doesn't mean they were involved or guilty of anything and it is the lawyer that brings up the name of that paren sometimes other way around. being named in these we want to be careful about that. will: your name next to jeffrey epstein is bad -- right that people leap to conclusions so important to understand that not all of these names necessarily meant they had a connection to epstein, in fact, often it was that they didn't have a connection. to epstein. start with bill clinton, bill clinton office maintains he knows nothing about jeffrey epstein and his crime but these are depositions and -- in these depositions for example, i believe this one is from virginia jafray ever talk to you about bill clinton, and she says jeffrey said one time that clinton likes them young
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referring to girls. pete: speculation that bill clinton went to vanity fair to squash an article about jeffrey epstein you have logs that come out on flights showing documenting that bill clinton was often flying with jeffrey epstein so these denials are coming in a little thin another name that was mentioned many this is donald trump and a lot of people wanted to jump on that say well man make that comparison. in this case, that comparison cannot be made because in multiple -- sections of this deposition they were asking did you see donald trump? no, did you ever massage donald trump no so a lot it a recognition while in same social circles in palm beach at that time there was not a close relationship. and he was not traveling with jeffrey epstein. will: trump and epstein knew each other in the 1990s referenced here call up truch and go to i don't recall the name casino but casino they knew each other. trump says they had a falling
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out. >> i knew him like everybody in palm beach knew him people in palm beach knew him he was a fixture in palm beach i had a falling out i was not a fan of his. that i can tell you i was not a fan of his. >> jeffrey epstein at mar-a-lago creeping on young girl there and donald trump got wind of it and kicked him out didn't allow him back. end of story. >> other names that are mentioned this one is not by any means an nepght name that is prince andrew of england there are allegations all throughout his nail is all over the place in these things and allegations of sex and sex with underaged women and there's examples like in this situation where -- virginia again says that i sat on andrews lap they put the puppet hand on virginia's breast, and andrew put his hand on my breast and they took a photo. >> it doesn't hep that one the most public photos is of him with virginia, so you can't
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dispute there was a connection there. there's also a financial settlement no admission of liability or guilt per se but there are reports that he's increasingly distraught about the public revelations that have come from this document. will: i didn't know this name until now. this is new. look, people an interesting rebuttal of people make to the names involved with jeffrey epstein is how did you not know what he was up if you're around him. here's the example did you meet somebody famous michael jackson did you massage him, i did not. this is all under cover of massages who did you massage and -- pete: this is what jeffrey epstein trafficked in was the connections that he had and the stories he could tell the peel that he knew sometimes it was true sometimes it wasn't. did he meet michael jackson once or 50 times. we don't know and doesn't hepatospeculate but reiterates names pop up --
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because they're famous but not because they're necessarily close to jeffrey epstein. >> epstein ran these names out a lot to say i know so and so to increase. but when you see names, leonardo dicaprio cate blanchett in documents -- as we started out sometimes it is a lawyer saying, did you ever see leonardo dicaprio there? and then the girl would answer no. so now his name is in the document. >> or in this case as i talked about she's saying well i never met them but jeffrey epstein would say he's on the phone a lot with leonardo was he or was he not we don't know but he would -- make it look like he was. >> david copper field allusionist name also comes up did he discuss involvement with young girls with you he questioned me if i was aware that girls were paid to find other girls. pete: that's a part about all this. how much of this jeffrey epstein
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reality did open secret was really known? and that's the question -- if you were around him did you know the other stuff? and what did you know and that statement right there alludes to the fact that maybe he didn't know that the rumors were out there and who drew the line who didn't. it's tough to forget that out. will: all right. pete: there we go now to fox weather alerts. tornadoes ripping across florida this weekend. damaging boats and downing powerlines. rick has a live report. will: plus coffee for a cause. mainland firefighters legending helping hand to mao key first responders with fire department coffee. so pour yourself a cup of joe and we'll tell you how you can help right after this.
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alert this tornado sweeping through downtown fort lauderdale before 6 p.m. last night officials say cleanup will happen later this week and turn now to chief meteorologist rick for our fox weather forecast. rick. rick: all part of the same storm that brought the snow tomorrow to the northeast tail end of the krongts move through and talk about severe weather through florida that did turn out to be the case. today we're going see some scattered showers that front stalls out right here. by the way next storm is getting out across the west right now. tomorrow that storm moves in -- at least the southern side of this storm moves across parts of the gulf coast and we have a severe threat there. go towards the day on tuesday that severe threat back to florida again maybe another tornado or two also that threat up across mid-atlantic towards the coastal carolinas. this is the northern side that brought snow a lot of places over a poot of --
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foot of snow that is rapid snow melt eventually because of the next storm across the west in the immediate through tuesday -- we've got more snow coming in across parts of the plains. you see this red that is areas of -- southeastern colorado, northeastern new mexico blizzard warnings in effect and see that expanding a little bit this next storm is going to be a really powerful one. watch how this plays out almost the same trek to the west talk about a big snowstorm. places like chicago, in towards st. louis as well. much of wisconsin -- but notice this, this right along the immediate coastline of the northeast is all rein and places that saw all of this snow over this storm right here we have some spots about a foot of snow now we're seeing three to four inches of rain and temperatures into the 40s and 50s, we're going see rapid snow melt here in addition to that rain and potential breaking out for us tuesday into wednesday of some really significant flooding so watch this one really closely.
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all right -- will. will: wait until that popped up -- >> to see what name will pop up here. but america heros giving back this month a veteran owned coffee company made up of first responders donating portion of its funds to help maui firefighters displaced in last summer's wildfires. u.s. navy vet and retired firefighter and paramedic luke schneider founder of fire department coffee and great to have you on the program before we talk specifically about maui tell us about this program. you help out a fire department every month. >> good morning, sir, yes, sir we pick a different fire department every month and we'll do a custom coffee and custom shirt design and we give back to that department to help their firefighters. will: how much are you averaging every month to fire departments? >> 10,000 each month. will: that's great any coffee or merchandise helps you guys go and help directly those
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different frpgds. fire departments i believe it is the month of january now where you're dedicated to helping firefighters in lahaina what inspired you to focus on maui? >> we wanted to make sure we're supporting firefighters in maui displaced from their homes and families have been impacted by this, and we know as first responders that with tragedy that it doesn't just end with the beginning. there's a lot of aftermath of that and we want to be able to continue to support them during the aftermath, and the recovery. >> man, luke i was just there last week and i can tell you -- from personal knowledge i believe all or -- all but one or two of the firefighters in lahaina while fighting that fire were losing their own homes so all of them lost their homes and all almost all of lahaina is living in a hotel or living in someone else's back house this is a great relief to them luke which i'm sure they will appreciate. >> thank you sir, thorning for
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letting us tell this mission and we appreciate your support. will: absolutely i'll be making a purchase i hope everybody at home will and make your purchase to support first responders at fire department and really quick luke i know i personally focus on this particular incident a lot and we're talking about it today. but give me other examples of other towns or fire departments you've helped. >> last month was las vegas fire department. we've done green bay metro fire department, indianapolis fire department, miami-dade fire department and great amazing firefighters and fire departments in the future that will be supporting so we appreciate everybody's support. and this is a part of our initiative to give back to firefighters $2 million by the end of 2025 that's our goal and it is a part of our mission to continue to give back. will: awesome and fire departments all across the country this month -- the month of january focused on maui. appreciate you very much, luke.
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again we'll be checking out the website and making that it is a cone of blend coffee for what you branded iowa -- aloha coffee. thank you, luke. >> appreciate it. will: shia labeouf finds faith more bennifer drama as well kelly clarkson's weight loss, and what is dating sunday? we'll find out because we've got rachel's pop culture roundup. first the road to the senate marmingt run right through these five key states. our next guest is running for ohio senate, and says republicans have a great chance to retake the upper chamber. he explains, next. ♪ ♪ sometimes jonah wrestles with falling asleep... he takes zzzquil. the world's #1 sleep aid brand. and wakes up feeling like himself. get the rest to be your best
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try at risk free for 100 days. visit >> a live look at capitol hill where senate democrats fight to keep crucial seats in key states the trump won back in 2020. it looks like a good map could be for republicans. that includes ohio where far left democrat sherrod brown served since 2007 now battles three gop candidates including our next guest. bernie moreno a legal immigrant
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turned businessman thanks for being here. sherrod brown has been tough to beat there's been multiple cycles where he looked beatable looked like he was too far left for the constituency there in ohio. how do you plan to change that script? >> well we're going to show a contrast this is a guy who went to yale university majored in russian studies graduated from college went into elected office. now he's in the 70s and never worked in a private sector. that contrast with me, i've never been in public office, never even been on ballot business guy and running because career politicians are taking this country off a cliff and we're going to expose that and show that sherrod brown has been able to become a multimillionaire by living off the taxpayer dime and doing absolutely nothing for the people he pretends to help. >> yet i'm sure they will try to turn that against you and say well you're the -- you're the rich guy who wants to get into the race who is run business -- it is amazing how they'll flip it. so what when you make your
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proactive argument your case of voters, what is it? >> well it is very simple i bought a tiny little car dealership on west side of cleveland with every cent i had in my life mortgaged everything i had sold whatever possession i could took out the largest loans i possibly could. i had no money, every day was a struggle for survival, i was able to build a billion dollar car enterprise because of hard work and perseverance is that available for others? or do we sink more like the countries where i came from socialism, communism which is what will sherrod brown and biden are about. >> immigrant story a type to celebrate not based on government success but on private initiative by the way trump won that state by eight points in 2020. you have his endorsement -- , i mean, just you're in a
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primary right now what does that get revolved how is that going? >> yeah i was very honored to have president trump's endorsement jd vance endorsed early in the roadways and he became our great new senator. the race is going amazing before trump endorsement we were leading in the polls we were leading with endorsements leading with grassroots. the primaries in about two months, and we feel like we're really good shape but i'm going to run like i'm in fifth place in a three-man race. >> what is the beggest issue you're hearing talking about animating voters? >> they're sick of career politicians who are letting us down. look at what's going on our border it is treasonnist to invade our country it is insane inflation is crushing seniors, crushing working class, that's as a result of our assault on american energy, and out of control government spending. they want people who go to d.c. to serve this country. not to become famous not to become wealthy but to serve the country and that's what i'm
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hearing and every corn earn of ohio. >> well we had a lot of success with a businessman who got involved for the right reasons -- and you know, you're doing same in ohio. bernie don't forget about us come visit us on "fox & friends" this weekend. good luck appreciate your time. you've got it. all right coming up, shia labeouf finds faith kelly clarkson back in headlines and j.lo is having a public spat with ben affleck no it is not 2003 again -- it is rachel's pop culture roundup with this week's featured expert joe concha stick around for the latest and greatest of hollywood drama. turn the lights on. you're ready to go. ♪ ♪
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down...
5:51 am dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. rachel: okay it is time for another pop culture roundup this week i had any friend joe concha to touch on latest and greatest in hollywood drama we're going start off with -- from trouble to trinity -- shia labeouf reportedly plans to back catholic deacon a year after he was confirmed into the catholic church following the making of the film where he played the lead part so he was studying for the role and was
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dealing with some i think some monks and was like i love this religion and converted very serious and welcomes to become a deacon taking this up further. >> he had a bar mitzvah when he was 13 and first and he's been in jail multiple, intoxication and crazy things online so this is him finding jesus and actually correcting his life. it is a great -- great story i saw an interview where he talked about conversion it was very inspiring. smg interesting. rachel: another hot topic new photo of ben affleck and jennifer lopez you know this power couple they look like they're fighting and getting video clips all year long. i say they're not fighting. she's just being latina they're just talking -- that's how we talk and then if you took a picture of me talking to my husband look this it might look look we're fighting but i think it is healthy. >> it is conversation. they're talking isn't it true
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when people say like we never fight they always end up getting divorced -- >> or somehow topic came up and worst movie of all time that ben affleck and they broke up once before by the way -- right. this is one of my favorite reunion love stories. >> really? >> you don't leak it? >> i think they're inseparable people and they don't get along -- rachel: you're so negative. i think this is a beautiful love story i'm sorry keep doing it. rachel: all right hear more about ongoing bennifer drama we talk about it on the podcast check out from the kitchen table we talk about is she latina or fighting? >> podcast out there. shameless blog. rachel: kelly clarkson lost a ton of weight. she say she's doing it the healthy way -- i think it might be ozempic what do you think? >> a lot of people like looking really good lately -- >> even in this building good
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for kelly clarkson i think people look better with weight and -- >> when oprah first lost weight from the slim-fast her head looked too big for her body and now with ozempic she look very good not too much but at least she's being honest. that it is, you know, she's taig a drug. she's being honest i wish kelly would be just honest. >> you don't want to be too then sometimes when you were the fat guy or gal. either way i need to lose weight holidays are not pleasant. >> kelly clarkson said i've been listening to my doctor couple of years i didn't and 09% of the time i'm good at it because she's on a protein diet -- >> that's what i'm doing. roast beef for breakfast. more protein ozempic dating day of the year so a lot of people
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put on resolution they want a fresh start to their love life. i think it is like 22% higher dm on dating apps. just today -- so this is a big dating day. >> ever do a dating app too young for that? rachel: there were no apps no cell phones when i was dating. but i say -- stop the apps and start living. >> get out there. people -- yeah. right this is a slitting define people i'm sorry. can never do it myself. rachel: best dating advice? >> best dating advice don't text right away that's old trick after a date you don't have to tex them following morning -- maybe pick up a phone also once in a while right you have to play hard to get guys -- you can't be begging. rachel: you're not saying don't text pick up the phone you're saying don't communicate so you seem like you're unavailable. >> after first date you have to wait at least three or four days. rachel: i don't leak that if you
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like them let them know. >> get in their heads. rachel: thanks for joining me pop culture roundup maria and tyrus weal see if they have dating advice. >> i have to hear from tyrus on this. ♪ ♪ gress, but with 3x more nicotine than a pack of cigarettes - vapes increase cravings - trapping you in an endless craving loop. nicorette reduces cravings until they're gone for good.
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