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tv   Life Liberty Levin  FOX News  January 7, 2024 5:00pm-6:00pm PST

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suggesting artificial intelligence be brought into higher allegation to decide what is plagiarism and what isn't. he tweeted and the best approach is probably launching an a.i. started to do this job. i would be interested in investing one as there's plenty of work to do. my view bring on a.i. for the situation to fight plagiarism. ma.guy: he has a lot of money ad looked at that tweet and said maybe i'll get to work on that that is an investment that might be very valuable. marc: i think you get the harvard resident rather than the resigning president rather than his wife. alicia: that does it for us, we will see you next weekend, life, liberty and the been starts right now. ♪
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mark: hello america, i am mark levin this is "life, liberty & levin". we have two great guests douglas murray who is a brilliant scholar, writer, commentator and also gordon chang another scholar commentator. we want to look at the number of issues domestically and internationally. in this new year. before we get there joe biden wants his election to be about hitler versus george washington. of course he's george washington and donald trump's hitler. i want to remind some of you that the democrat party uses the hitler card as much as the race card. as much as they use all of the cards, they called barry goldwater hitler, they called ronald reagan hitler, they called george w. bush hitler.
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now they call donald trump hitler. but the real ones in the world they don't call hitler, they don't call president xi hitler or putin hitler or the iran hitler or the head of hamas or hezbollah hitler it's only conservatives and republicans were hitler. it's pretty sick. for the holocaust survivors on behalf of the nation, our nation i want to apologize to you, the way the democrat party in the media throw around the word hitler. when you look at your arms and you see burned numbers into your flesh and you know who hitler was in to watch the likes of msnbc and cnn at the pages of the new york times or the washington post around hitler like it's no big deal is pretty sick. but they will stoop to anything and everything for power. so there is joe biden. he is giving a speech at valley forge, he was going to give it on january 6 but in climate
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whether they decided they would move it to january 6. no george washington we know what took place at valley forge one of the worst winters in modern american history, the death and disease in the great commander of our armed forces during the revolution, george washington, future president, he withstood it all but not joe biden, he wants to use george washington which is amazing to me since the democrat party is attacking the founders of this nation as white supremacists and slaveholders but there he is he wants to remind you about george washington and the american founding in her history. joe biden who support the 1619 project which destroys the whole idea that the nation was founded in 1776. it is amazing, is it not, joe biden who support crt and esg ndi talks about white supremacy,
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the seat of white supremacy the american revolution the declaration of independence, the constitution as a wave around the constitution. all of a sudden they needed and they use it, these are liars. these are scam artist. they want to talk about democracy, that is fine even though were constitutional republic and we don't have a parliamentary system like israel, britain and italy. we would be a different country, our framers worked hard to create a public a constitutional representative public with three branches of the constitution with limited powers, joe biden is giving speeches about a subject he knows nothing of into constitution he swore to uphold that he apparently hasn't read. in the 1970s, joe biden joined senate democrat races in segregationist including james eastland and john stennis of hip mississippi, robert byrd of west virginia, and opposition to integrating our public schools. as many scholars have written
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you were not just an observer or a minor partner you were one of the leaders, you were one of the leaders you befriended eastland when he came to the senate, you wrote love letters to each other. we have those. he gave you the actual desk in which the 1956 other manifesto was written and signed. a manifesto erases segregationist manifesto that america will never be integrated not the south anyway. and you considered it an honor to receive that desk. you knew eastland and robert byrd you called your mentor led the filibuster against the 1964 civil rights act but you did not care. in 1977 you said unless there's orderly integration, i quote you, orderly integration, my children are going to grow up in a jungle the jungle being a racial jungle.
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it's about the most racist statement i've ever heard a president make since lbj. in the 1980s you campaign for president in the south touting praise he received from george wallace a well-known segregationist to called you wanted outstanding young politicians of america. you thought that was great and you were down there campaigning quoting george wallace. you have a long sordid history of making racist comments even up to modern times, so long that i'm not going to waste the next five minutes of this monologue to describe them. now biden portrays himself as a former civil rights reader. he is a liar. ned selma is a liar. mandela was put in jail because he supported the release of mondello, he is a liar, now he's the great white knight for democracy the great white knight
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for the black community. why? joe biden hasn't lifted a finger for democracy or the black community. he's undermined both he is a wrecking ball. let's look. joe biden has always opposed school choice the most important civil rights issue of our time, particularly in the inner cities with the crummy schools that are crime-ridden and where parents want their kids to get an education. joe biden says no, screw you. i stick with the teachers unions. he's done so much for those communities. he has not lifted a finger to deal with inner-city crime he does not even talk about it. he does not say anything to his buddy george soros a sugar daddy for the democrat party in the radical left movements he does not say get out of our party. he supports them and the other progressives. he has driven food private enterprise is through the roof which means poor people especially are having difficulty making ends meet, i go to fast
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food restaurants and go through the drive-through, i don't know one meal 11 - $12 a person. you have to feed people three times a day, how can you afford this. with bidenomics you can't. biden has praised rashida tlaib, shocked into his anti-semitic history is well known. and he went to sharpton's organization to get their support last time he ran. he never condemns the anti-semites by name of his party, never, he accommodates them. let's talk about the constitution mr. i'm defending democracy. the first amendment, biden and his regime set up a national disinformation board and the torso named department of homeland security. to what, to curb the information sharing that is not accurate according to the government.
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they had to back out once it was revealed but they're now doing in the shadows, they have not stopped. biden's regime social media platforms and what is the most massive attack on free speech since woodward wilson. another racist democrat biden's department of justice, the inspector general revealed over 1 million secret searches of the united states citizen was conducted by the fbi under biden. 3.39 million searches of americans were conducted in 2021. a 300% increase from 2020. biden's party has pressured members on the hill 2d platform fox and away in an newsmax, they want no competition he allies self tracking and pressure campaigns to track advertising on conservative outlets. democracy he says.
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let's talk about obama biden. in 2015 the committee to protect journalism accused the obama biden administration of an unprecedented number of prosecutions of government sources that talk to the media and seizures of journalist records. ap and other news organizations were appalled, they went public with it. there is more the obama biden administration used the irs against over 400 tea party groups. that is democratic when you say america. the biden regime has targeted the parents of schoolchildren. the catholic church, pro-life movement and nonviolent protesters sending swat teams out, heavily armed swat teams. to arrest them. that is the first amendment. they are relentlessly attacking the rest of the bill of rights, the second amendment, they want to ban guns through the cdc if they can. the fourth amendment, the fifth
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amendment. the sixth amendment, the tenth amendment, the bill of rights are under attack by the democrats and their man biden. using the 14th amendment to try to deny donald trump access to state ballot positions. let every vote count. and of course they are lying about the basis for doing it. they are threatening to use the 14th amendment to seize the power of the purse from the house of representatives. that is a core function of the legislature. it's a core part of congress. but biden thinks he has the power to do all of that himself if congress does not bend to his demands. democracy in america. biden and his party want to eliminate the electoral college to give a national popular vote where 11 blue states controlled the entire government. they are relentlessly attacking the independence of the supreme court and conservative members because they are trying to force the court, threatened the court to comply with its will and its agenda. they want to get rid of the senate filibuster rule so
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there's no way to stop their agenda. they want to add four more democrats to the senate to the district of columbia of puerto rico so the republicans can never win a majority in the senate. wow, that democracy. they want to nationalize state election laws, turn the whole country into california so you only have super majorities of democrats in the house into the senate of course always in the presidency. they oppose voter identification. they claim it's racist. meanwhile their monitoring all the best, they want us to registrar guns. they want to destroy the voting system or claiming to defend it. the voter harvesting, whose ever heard of counting ballots after an election and they have other tools and tricks that they have used in most of all immigration. i barely had touched on this, immigration. patriotic traditional immigration i support 100% and so to every american virtually in this country. but we do not support open
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borders that have as their purpose the destruction of our national sovereignty, the distraction of citizenship, the dumbing down of citizenship in the destruction of our schools, the destruction of our culture because there is no assimilation taking place in society generally. in other words we oppose what happened at athens and we oppose what happened to rome and we don't want it to take place in this country. there is no definitive reason for doing what joe biden is doing on this border other than to undermine the constitution, undermine the citizenry in this country and undermine what he calls democracy. this will be a long campaign. i'm just starting. joe biden doesn't stand for democracy, he wants to fundamentally transform america like his buddy barack obama. if you want to fundamentally transform america, you have to divide the limits in the constitution you have to issued
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executive order like lollipops on halloween which is exactly what he does. you have to change equality to equity. men are women, women or men see have to destroy women sports and control language and pronounce and do all these things and what she's doing. and more. a sectorial fiat out of the white house. no, joe, you don't support democracy. you even defied the supreme court to release what it comes to the student loans. they said joe you can't do that he said yes i can, watch me. the supreme court said you can't use the cdc or any medical agencies as a basis for shutting down and forcing landlord to freeze their rent rates, he said watch me and he does it anyway. he attacks the court he undermine the court he attacks the congress, he undermines the congress. he attacks the constitution, he undermine the constitution.
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he issues fiat, he issues directives and he goes in public and he makes the most outrageous statements. about tens of millions of americans, maga, maga, do you know why they hate maga, trump of course but what does maga stand for. make america great again. joe biden does not believe in that. i'll be right back. ♪ you're replacing me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ icy hot. ice works fast. ♪ heat makes it last. feel the power of contrast therapy. ♪ so you can rise from pain. icy hot.
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mark: welcome back america. there's only a handful of individuals who i consider very important modern-day scholars invoices for our country for the world. i grew up listening to people like thomas sowell, milton freedman, bill buckley, so many others in that field there's a dearth of those kind of people today but one of the people who i respect and i view was douglas mary, he is obviously a fox news contributor and book on the west and is an associate editor in the spectator national review institute senior fellow, i want to talk to today about what's happening to our country i saw
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you debating what it is reprobates long ago it was on piers morgan show. we actually have individuals in our country through our media throughout our democrat party, throughout much of our culture who in my view take the side of genocidal terrorist during the most atrocious and horrific things to fellow human beings and we see these people in our own country during the greatest country in the face of the earth and they are given tv time and radio time and they're doing all kinds of time as if there point is legitimate. what do you make of that. >> you're absolutely right, obviously i'm from britain originally and i spent most of my time in america these days all the way been in israel the last few months. i'm always amazed by the way in which we cultivate and encourage in our society in the west today
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people who obviously hate our societies. you see it everywhere, you mentioned some of the people i find myself debating these days. you can predict with 100% accuracy what they're going to say on any subject. the people who for instance have spent recent months trying to riled up their audience of malcontents against israel. the people who try to riled up people in the course of the palestinians of gaza. they are always the same people who turn out on the streets of america in protest against america and everything to do with america. the exact same people who live on this trigger where every opportunity that they have two different america. they will do it. it is the same across the west we have nurture people within
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our minutes of the wandering variety of backgrounds that has to be said who seem to hate everything about us. i'm one of those rare people that feels incredibly grateful for the society that were lucky enough to live in. i don't take any of it for granted because i have traveled around enough of the world and reported from enough of the world to know what we have at america is unbelievably unusual not just by historical standards but by the standards of the world today. when i see these people who want to rip the whole thing up and everything about america up from the founding onwards, i want to say to them go live somewhere else, go try this somewhere else, not here. mark: so well said, the paradise, none of them live in gaza, none of them and iran, none live in lebanon.
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yet the marxist forces within the united states whether based on genitalia or race and so forth and someone attacking israel. effectively if not directly indirectly praising the regime you have to assume and they want nothing to do with them, they will never go there they will never live there and same with our country, they trashed this country but they will never live in communist china or cuba or any of these other places. >> they never do. as far as i can see the plan that they have for america is the same plan that their predecessors always had which is tear it down and then see. one of my favorite stories of marvelous passage in tom wolf's radical chic about the black panthers when all of these you remember the stories of the black panthers being entertained in the exquisite apartment in new york and somebody says to the panthers, what are you going
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to do the day after the revolution, what are you going to do and this panthers says you can't put a blueprint on the future and the reply comes you're going to wing it? that is essentially what we are dealing with with the best of the radicals in america today. they just want to tear down what we have and then wing it. others as i don't need to tell you have a very clear plan and deed. mark: it's an interesting point because vladimir lenin said the same thing he said marxist tells us how to conduct a revolution of what the purpose of the resolution is but he doesn't tell us how to govern but we see how they govern, they govern like genocidal maniacs, they try
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to control speech and thought processes, they develop the big police states. we see how they want to govern, let me swing in and ask this question. when you hear joe biden and anthony blinken in the other will know nothings talk about a two state solution. let me suggest this to you. i would like your reaction. in the 1990s if in fact bill clinton and barack had a deal that created the two state solution were almost 100% was surrendered to the palestinians and about a third of jerusalem was surrendered to the palestinians and on and on. it's my argument the two state solution would be to find a solution because there's no way israel could defend those kinds of borders against what is up to today. i want you to hold your thought and i would like your answer as soon as we come back. we'll be right back.
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this is our last chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union today. the needs that these forgotten jews have are something beyond anything you can imagine. have you eaten this morning?
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i ate the carrot, so i ate half of it yesterday, and i had it today for breakfast. and this is what she ate in two days, one carrot. please pray for me! the international fellowship of christians and jews began this ministry to help elderly jews living in horrible poverty around the world. we urgently need your gift of $25 now to help provide one survival food box with all of the foods they critically need for their diet for one month. i am very proud to partner and align with the international fellowship of christians and jews. this trusted ministry has given christians like me a way to bless elderly jewish people who live in extreme poverty around the world. i believe in god, but i sometimes feel maybe he forgot me.
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perhaps you could tell my story, and i will find a matching soul that would understand. i face hunger again. please don't delay. call, scan, or go online now to help rush one survival food box to a holocaust survivor who is suffering an in desperate need. this is what god wants from us. just feed the hungry. if you hear god's voice, i'm asking you to act now. do it when it's on your heart. i pray that they'll know in their final months that they're not alone.
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>> welcomed a fox news live i'm aishah hasnie. congressional leaders have reached a deal on overall spending levels to keep the government funded through the next year. a major step that could help avoid a partial government shutdown later this month. the deal brokered by house speaker mike johnson and senate majority leader chuck schumer allows for over what in a half trillion dollars in spending for the rest of 2024. defense secretary lloyd austin facing intense scrutiny over his undisclosed hospital stay last week, the 70-year-old was admitted to walter reed medical center monday night after suffering complications from an elective surgery, both sides of
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the aisle expressing concerns over his health and the fact that president biden and other top officials were kept in the dark for several days about his condition. we still don't know what he underwent. i am aishah hasnie, back to "life liberty and levin". mark: welcome back were here with douglas, what is the two state solution given to the palestinians and why is all the pressure on israel to concede and no pressure to stop funded iran and stop funding hamas and stop funded the plo, billions and billions flowing into the terrorist entities, there attacking the united states military and other military. why is the pressure on israel to stop fighting, stop defended itself, surrender about 35% of what land is still has now, what
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is that all about. >> it's been like this for more than a generation, western policymakers have claimed for decades that the secret to the middle east blooming and the most wonderful way and the economic success is a two state solution they've always said, the clinton said it, the counterparts in britain, they all said the same thing they said the key to the middle east, unlocking the problems of the middle east is to sort out the palestinian question. that was always nonsense. the idea that the palestinians finally had the state they were offered in 1947 and many, many times since including camp david which you alluded to the idf the palestinians had estate, yemen would be a thriving economy. saudi arabia would be great on women's rights, iran would be a liberal democracy is preposterous but a whole generation of politicians held
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onto that idea. now what from manage to show with abraham accord since the palestinians were never going to come to the table and agree to this you could go around the palestinians and that's what happened with abraham accord but one of the most remarkable things to me and israel in recent months has been this, no is really, almost no israeli i cannot speak for all of them but almost no israeli believes that there is a two state solution on the table. i will tell you why quickly i traveled around in the south were people were massacred door to door were filled with left-wingers, peace now activist, people who wanted live with the palestinian neighbors in gaza in many cases employed them. many of the people they employed acted as scouts for hamas and i've seen the evidence firsthand, they showed hamas how to go door to door, which families were aware, were the
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head of security was so they could kill him and his family and go door to door with the others. i spoke to a man in a hospital in tel aviv a few weeks ago who was in the safe room. his wife was murdered in front of him i hamas. his son blood out from two bullet shots to his body and his young daughter survived and he himself lost his legs this man said i been a leftist all my life. we cannot live beside hamas i want nothing but potato fields from here to the mediterranean. here's the thing israeli society as a whole has shifted so fast in the last few months because as they see the reality of the terror in the reality of hamas and the reality like isis or works. even as they've seen this western politician landed israel and say this is why we have to double down on the two state
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solution when if you have elections today in the west bank hamas would win that's why there are no elections in the west bank. if you elections in gaza, not that anyone wants them, hamas would win. everyone outside is saying a two state solution, even leftist and israel say there isn't one, it's not on the cards because we seen you were negotiating with you mentioned the borders, we and israel everywhere every day on new year's eve get rockets from gaza. if there is a palestinian in the west bank the ugliest date imaginable with ugliest border we would get more rockets that are covering jerusalem remember the other week rockets from gaza were aimed at the center of jerusalem at these places these people don't care about, they just want to fire rockets into israel and destroy israel. it would be intolerable for this to happen but even at this
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moment blinking another say two state solution it is deaf and blind to reality on the ground and finally if i may be other week i did an interview with the president of israel the president is a man of the left you might call him a centrist these days. he said when i put this to him, douglas at the very least the wrong time the wrong time to be talking about this. israel has suffered the worst massacre of jews since the holocaust why are these people saying the result of the massacre of jews that you must give estate to people who would massacre you. don't forget i don't need to tell you most of your audience knows this. the palestinians were given estate in 2005 when the israelis withdrew from gaza. they could've done anything, what could they do they built a terrorist state to destroy israel, that is what they gave.
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mark: you raise a good point, i want to address it, very quickly. hamas would be elected, elected by whom? the peaceful palestinians? it is amazing to be in our country how the host and the broadcasters have no problem talking about millions of millions of americans as if they're not sees in their cultus, maga but when you tell them the truth about survey after survey about the palestinians and in fact most of the population of the palestinians to support terrorism in the more aggressive the terrorist organization the more likely they are to win then you're attacked. douglas keep up the good work. thank you so much. we look forward to having you back. have a great new year. >> is a great pleasure. >> we'll be right back.
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mark: welcome back america, you know him well, gordon chen, senior fellow at the gate stone
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institute one of my favorite places. china going to war. i want to ask you a question you are president xi if he thinks he's not god, he has basically centralized all power in a constant revolutionary mode like mao was even knocking on people close to him, keeping people looking over their shoulders, fear throughout the commonest party, fear throughout that society but is looking at what's going on in the middle east is looking at what's going on with the houthis attacking her military. the iranians attacking her military. they are looking at all of this, hezbollah and so forth. is it present she thinking wait a minute. if the united states navy in the firepower that they have of the middle east aren't going to put in and to this, aren't going to do anything with iran directly with reagan did and trump and soleimani and so forth maybe
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it's not going to be so tough taking on taiwan or threatening the philippines and vietnam and japan and all the rest. what are they see at of all of this. >> i think xi jinping views what's going on in the red sea and believe in the biden administration has no will. although we have overwhelming firepower, were not going after houthis were just absorbing attacks. it is not just xi jinping, the iranians are thinking we've closed off the red sea, we're going to close off the mediterranean as well. they can do that with a little bit of luck because her infiltrating nigeria which is close to the atlantic ocean. this is a world of hurt, xi jinping is looking at this saying i go after the philippines and taiwan and the u.s. is not going to do anything. mark: this is what i mean we hear the lectures that we can
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expand the mower in the middle east. as the war been expanded by israel or the united states because of our appeasement which leads to provocation is in a joe biden who is escalated and expanded the war in the middle east. >> he certainly open the door. he opened the door in august of 2021 with a catastrophic withdrawal from afghanistan, then you have vladimir putin thinking he can go after ukr ukraine, the chinese and russians are destabilizing much of north africa with their insurgencies in which there fueling in the october 7 war against israel which is spread beyond gaza and we see red c in syria, iraq, this is spreading fast and it's because the united states won't be willing to do what reagan did and trump did. mark: the interesting thing, they seem to think that this administration which really doesn't have a foreign policy doctrine other than appeasement and where it's funding our enemy. we are funding our enemies. refunding the russians and
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iranians, where funding the iranians directly. refunding hezbollah through the iranians. refunding the plo directly. refunding hamas. armani is flowing all over the place to the evil dictatorial genocidal regimes and their solution is this. at two state solution for israel, israel knock it off in gaza, get back in your box and everything will go swell. is that how would a workout gordon chang. >> is not going to work out swell. american money is directly going to our enemies and also we are allowing china to fund all of what is going on. for instance in the first nine months of last year china's purchases of iranian oil was 60% of that in 2017, 2017 a significant, that was the last year before the trump administration in 2018 that
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imposed and re-impose sanctions on the purchases of iranian oil. we allowed north korea to sell our children read to the russians and we allowed china to fund brushes were in ukraine with elevated commodity purchases. so right now the bad actors believe that they have a green light to do anything that they want and that's why war and conflict is spreading throughout the world in this moment. it's like the beginning of world war ii there were separate insurgencies, separate conflict and wars and they merged into what we call the second world war, we could be very well in the same phase except the war that is going to come there will be nuclear power who will be at our next. mark: even domestically i think your example is right on. if you like the 1930s in our own country, that is a division in our country, isolationist in our country, military is not being funded the way the military needs to be funded. we have a disastrous
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commander-in-chief and we have people saying what is all this have to do with us, our border is open but why don't we secure our border and build up our military and so forth. i'm very concerned looking where were headed, i would like your opinion when we return. we'll be right back.
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at st. jude, the mission is just something that everyone can truly get behind. look at our little st. jude pin there on the fridge! we're just regular people donating. yeah. and i think it's cool to be able to make a difference in someone's lives in a way that is meaningful.
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we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. mark: welcome back america. gordon chang, within our own country, we are not prepared for an external enemy that attacks us or attacks are vital interest while we are attacking each other and even within the republican party we had a very prominent isolationist pacifist appeasement wing within the party, what do you make of this. >> this is disturbing you have a
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lot of republicans that don't understand the significance of the war in ukraine and they don't understand what china and russia are doing, they think that we cannot help ukraine and it will have no adverse consequences. that really is wrong. while this is going on we have the potential saboteurs coming across our southern border, they are not really being vetted, they are coming from china, iran, syria, venezuela. as part of the 9/11 deal that biden had with ibm last year, part of it he granted clemency to five iranian operatives. in three of them elected to stay in the united states. this is not a time where were providing secret service protection to secretary of state pompeo, john bolton and pretty low level state department types because they're worried about being assassinated by iran, this is ludicrous this is crazy
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absolutely indescribable. mark: what you make of this the commander of chief president the first duty is the protection of the people of the united states and a democrat party that doesn't want to hear any of it, they circle around the sky. you have a media that is propagandists in many respects for hamas and the other elements in our country that are undermining our country and this is really a state of instability in the state of chaos in your country that promotes enemies to. >> we are allowing china and russia of the world to stir this up even beyond what it would be. for instance we know that china has been using tiktok, chinese owned tiktok to propagate not only russian narratives about ukraine but chinese narratives about hamas and also stirring up division in our country with critical race theory in promoting drug use. here we have fentanyl.
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in 2022 according to the cdc, estimates killed about 70000 americans, chinese fentanyl. we have a president who will not do anything about it. he takes xi jinping's word that xi jinping said on november 15 to president biden i don't want to see one more america die from fentanyl. we know the communist party run by xi jinping is behind the fentanyl gangs. mark: i guess you just don't understand. joe biden is protected to defend democracy in our country, so he says. let me ask you another question about this. which is this. our universities and colleges are receiving and have tens of billions of dollars from communist china from countries in the middle east like qatar, why doesn't the president put an end to this. unless he doesn't have a problem with it. let me put it to you this way. if you are president xi, could you be happier with this
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administration? could you be happier with this administration do you feel like you're the luckiest genocidal maniac on the side of the earth, don't you think he's thinking that. >> i'm sure he's thinking of that. we saw the 2020 campaign that chinese propaganda was supporting biden over bernie sanders in the democratic primaries and of course they supported biden over trump the general election and we have seen chinese academics talk about how beijing was going to manipulate the person in the oval office once biden took over. they are very open about what they are saying and doing and we are purposely not listening to the chinese just as we didn't listen to osama bin laden in the 1990s. in the chinese are so much more powerful and can do so much for damage to our country than osama bin laden ever could. mark: if it doesn't hurt i've called biden the manchurian president and it doesn't hurt his family is larded up with
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chinese communist money and other enemies of the american people in the american country and of course the democrats say there's nothing there, don't look in the media says nothing there don't look. the democrat party has done with the commonest party wants to do they devour their society and the communist chinese want to devour it on top of them. i want to thank you gordon chang for all that you do. >> thank you so much, please have a safe new year. this is going to be a very rough time for the united states.ze mark: i agree 100%d, thank you. god bless. we'll be rightand back. i know, i've bee telling everyone. baby: liberty. oh! baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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>> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust. they focus on safety so i can focus on this view. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪. mark: welcome back america. we have a one paternal strength our enemies do not foreign or domestic. we are red blooded americans. if they want to play us for fools, people have tried that
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before. but we are not fools. we know exactly what is being done to us. in the academy, and that media, by joe biden and his party, their enemies overseas, communist china, russia, the nazi regime in tehran and all of the rest. our eyes are wide open. now, we have to apply our knowledge of what we know to action in a little ways and big. to use our roles whether sock and your family, friends, colleagues, neighbors, speak out. civilly, legitimately. we have time to educate as many fellow americans as possible for there are tens of millions of us. there are more of us than there are of them. that is what 2024 is all about, saving america. i will see you next time on life, liberty, and levin. it ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪


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