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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 8, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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thing he will ever carry. but if you don't carry your children with your arms or back or legs, you carry your childrey with your heart. so as we say good night andhe hello to a new year, we can take that might take comfort in thecv words of russ colt at the end of true detective as he describes th e oldest story known to him mye story we will see repeated time after timepeat this year. it is the story of light versus. darkness. no matter how it looks or feels were seems, the light is going tohave a g until next week find us online on the trey gowdy podcast. good night from south carolina. a >> todd: a fox news alert. blizzard conditions and severe
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storms expected to hit the u.s. today after that nor'easter this weekend. two-thirds of the country could be affected. everything you need to know and dhs mayorkas stopping by the border. a former border patrol agent is here. did you see this? >> back to the five. has space and takes off and hardy block down field. hardy is going to go. he's at midfield. nobody is going to catch him. hardy, 95 yards. >> todd: bills fans are happy and n.f.l. playoffs are set. teams prepare for a run to the super bowl, others are making changes. black monday arrived on sunday night. you're watching "fox and friends first," i'm todd piro. carley has the day off. we begin with this fox news
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alert. lloyd austin, defense secretary, remains in the hospital. officials were not told the extent of his condition. this is concerning. >> brooke: defense secretary lloyd austin has been in the hospital for eight days now. pentagon officials were unaware for several days. major general patrick ryder said on friday, december 22nd, lloyd austin underwent an elective medical procedure. he was on leave. he returned home on the 23rd. evening of the 21st he was transported back and admitted to intensive care unit.
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langford said he needed to be more transparent. >> you are secretary of defense, you need to let everyone know you are going to be out of pocket. they notified the white house he was working from home when he was hospitalized and his number two was on vacation and not available, as well. >> brooke: the defense secretary was admitted to the icu first of january. the white house and president biden were unaware of this until thursday. congress and the press did not find out until friday. john kirby said he was unaware. >> in regard to secretary austin, i wasn't aware of his medical issue. i talked to lloyd last weekend before this and i know he's put out a statement addressing it.
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>> brooke: that was secretary of state antony blinken actually. austin says he takes full responsibility for how he disclosed the information. >> todd: this is bad, this is not good. secretary of state antony blinken will return to israel today after meeting with arab leaders about gaza. the idf says they have evidence that hamas has cruise missile capabilities made possible by iran. trey yingst live in tel aviv with the latest. trey. >> trey: good morning. it is day 94 of the war between israel and hamas. tonight u.s. secretary of defense antony blinken will focus on the war in gaza and how to avoid a broader regional conflict. this stop does follow
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conversations in jordan, qatar and a number of other locations, including the uae. he says palestinians should not be replaced from gaza. repercussions could be a war with hezbollah. hezbollah fired 40 rockets into northern israel this weekend in ini response for the killing of the leader in beirut. according to reality military iran was responsible for hamas rocket capabilities. new report citing the spy agency is using weapons in their fight against israel that were smuggled from north korea. coming months will be difficult, there is understanding that the clock is running out to find a
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diplomatic solution to avoid broader war. atoka trey yingst, thank you. switch it up now. first time in 50 years, the united states is going back to the moon with launch of the vulcan rocket from cape canaveral just hours ago. watch. four, three, we have emission and liftoff of the first launch alliance vulcan rocket. >> todd: that is cool. first sent by united launch alliance carrying the moon lander. expected to arrive on february 23rd. first ever lunar landing. this mission is sending a may
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morial payload into space? what is that? hair samples from u.s. presidents, eisenhower and kennedy and remains of cast members and common people. if you don't want to be buried in the cemetery go to space, it can happen now. unregistered cars belonging to migrants are being towed after being illegally parked outside a tent shelter. >> this is unbelievable. unfreaking believable. unbelievable. the migrants now have cars. >> todd: that is the question, how did they get cars? the state lawmaker who took that video wants answers. she joins us next.
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>> todd: a fox weather alert. planes in midwest could be hit. it is expected to bring snow and heavy wind to 30 states. band of thunderstorms expecting to cause chaos in the south today. potential for a tornado outbreak after a tornado touched down in south florida on saturday. janice dean has the fox weather forecast. we are expecting heavy rain tomorrow in the tristate. >> janice: absolutely and that is concerning because we have had so much rain over last several months more rain will cause issues in and around the new york city area. we have flooding potential and severe weather. here are stop snow totals from the last winter storm. 20 inches in new york. for coastal areas like
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baltimore, philadelphia, new york city, we are into a record snowless streak. when will we break that? not the next storm system, but next week possibility for inch or more of snow along the i-95 corridor. from the plains, bringing risk for severe storms, including tornados for millions along the gulf coast and blizzard conditions behind this low pressure area. could see a foot or more of snow tuesday through wednesday. heavy snow in the midwest and blowing snow will make travel next to impossible in some areas. for wednesday, moving toward great lakes and we see heavy rain potential for partses of the northeast. new england could get several inches of rain. concerned about new york city area for potential of flooding.
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blizzard warnings, winter storm warnings for the system cranking up. we could see potential for tornados, a tornado outbreak is likely in areas with hail, damaging wind and heavy rain along the coast. snow potential monday through wednesday and interior sections could get six to eight inches, it is flooding on wednesday that is concerning. many people along the i-95 corridor and potential for heavy rain as area of low pressure moves northward. wind gusts are a big deal, could see 40 to 50 or 50 to 60 miles per hour with this system. this is ongoing weather pattern for at least two weeks where we see areas of low pressure move in from the west and diving in. low after low after low. bottom line, it is busy for much
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of the country. fox, for details. know where to get your watches and warnings, we will get them. >> todd: you thought 2024 was your year, not yet. thank you. >> you got it. >> this is unbelievable. unfreaking believable. unbelievable. the migrants now have cars here at floyd venice field. >> todd: democratic lawmaker sharing this video of cars belonging to new york migrants being towed from the tent shelter where they are staying. this video was taken in the area where migrants were seen going door to door asking residents for money. jamie williams, new york assemblywoman joins us. walk us through what you saw. good morning.
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i got there, it was filled with five cars, one truck. the parks police called the tow trucks and the tow trucks arrived on the scene and we saw migrants running out of the tents saying the vehicles belonged to them. one migrant had a title in his hand. that was just really concerning wrchl did they get the vehicles from? it seems like they are having more resources than the average american. we deserve answers, our taxpayers deserve answers. it is not right. >> todd: that is the $64,000 question. have you gotten answers where the migrants got vehicles in the first place? >> we have not gotten responses from anyone whatsoever thchl morning we are working on that. as of now, nothing.
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you can see no registration, no license plate, no inspection. five cars, one truck. >> todd: wow. through 2023, new york city reported spending $2.6 billion on the migrant crisis. mayor adams expecting the city to spend $12 billion by summer of 25, that is next summer. what do you say to constituents who are working two or three jobs in this area and paying taxes so that can happen in their neighborhood? that is not right. >> it is 100% not right temperature is . it is abuse of taxpayer dollars. there needs to be transparency.
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biden has turned a blind eye. we have lawlessness in this area and southeast side of brooklyn. myself and citizens have become benefactors of the lawlessness. >> todd: it is becoming more and more bipartisan with help of biden administration. are there enough of you out there to enact change and do something about the situation, not just what you saw, the migrant crisis in general? >> i don't think there is enough of us here. i don't think people should be looking at what party name is behind the person's name. for me specifically, myself and councilwoman rolla, we have
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taken this fight and made it ours, it affects this district. we need to do this sooner than later. we owe it to each and every tax paying american. >> todd: this is an american issue. thank you for shedding light on this. keep up the fight. one week out from the iowa caucus and gop candidates are bulleting the state this week making closing argument to voters. breaking down what to expect and why the outcome is critical to the race. ♪
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>> todd: republican candidates
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making their final push one week out from the iowa caucus. former president trump is hitting the campaign trail with sarah sanders. nikki haley will hold a campaign event in sioux city before heading to des moines with town hall with martha maccallum and bret baier. catch that tonight to fox news 6 p.m. ron desantis will join bret and martha maccallum tomorrow. will he pull out after the caucus? >> that is a lie. he wants people to think, why should i go negative 20-degree weather to help. you should show up. that report is false. >> todd: real clear politics
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average puts former president trump in the lead at 51% and ron desantis 18.6% and nikki haley at 16%. gop candidates battle it out, the president will speak at one of the south's oldest baptist churches. the president's support among black voters sinked to 63%, down from 87% in 2020. bring in former campaign manager president of the american principle projects, terry shilling. walk us through what a caucus is. >> it is very different in iowa, different on the republican side of the aisle than democratic side of will aisle.
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everyone has to show up at the same time. usually after 8 p.m. and you vote together in the same room with everyone. it is not one and done. you don't show up and leave. that is difference in caucus and primary. it allows for feedback from other voters. >> todd: how do you see this caucusus shaking out for republicans? >> i think essentially what is happening this entire race, donald trump is the incumbent, has a 30-point lead. sorry, it is an early morning for me. 30-point lead in south carolina and new hampshire. i think he has this locked up. unless something big changes in iowa, we'll see donald trump as nominee for republican party. >> todd: then a race for second place, who do you see coming in
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second and how important is second place going into the primary? >> look for an upset with vivek rising up into second place or possible upset by nikki haley over ron desantis. i think everyone expects ron desantis to come in second and if something deviates from that, you can see possibly a vivek-donald trump ticket with vivek as vp. we'll have to see. >> todd: does any of this matter? most recently mayor pete was running for president. for republicans, ted cruz in 2016 and rick santorum in 2012 and mike huckabee in 2008.
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20% of caucus members and 14% of republican winners have won the president's seat. a lot of numbers and a lot of low percentages. in light of low percentages, why do we ascribe so much importance to iowa? >> iowa is the heart of the country, usually first up and then new hampshire comes in and selects the new candidate. there is a saying on the republican side, iowa picks corn and new hampshire picks president and that is how it has been for last few years. there is always upset in the making. >> todd: nikki haley, thank you for joining us, i mean, terry shilling. thank you for your time. united and alaska airline grounding boeing 737 max nine
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jets after this. this terrifying incident happening midflight, section of plane blew out midair. and removing a statue of william penn from a park commemorating founding of pennsylvania. so our nation's problems are solved now. cheryl casone has the details of both stories next. listen, your deodorant just has to work. i use secret aluminum free. just swipe and it lasts all day.
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secret helps eliminate odor, instead of just masking it. and hours later, i still smell fresh. secret works! ohhh yesss. ♪ hillsdale was founded in 1844 we're passing on a cultural heritage, the culture of the west when the federal government started giving money to colleges, we didn't take it. that independence has allowed us to stay with our mission that we established 175 years ago. because we don't accept federal money, we are free to concentrate on the mission of the college we care about freedom and that affiliates us with the free institutions of america.
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coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> todd: 400 u.s. flights cancelled today, after grounding 737s because a door depressurized the cabin with 177 people onboard. wow. cheryl casone here with more. this is a -- i read the story and started shaking. >> cheryl: that cabin, it is amazing there were not serious injuries because of what happened inside that plane. start with flight cancellations happening today as alaska airlines and american are having
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safety checks on the jets. faa grounded that jet affecting 177 planes worldwide. on friday piece of alaska airline plane blew out over oregon. there was a hole in the side of the aircraft. passengers had to use oxygen masks. it returned to the airport. on sunday, 838 cancellations. alaska announcing 138 flights cancelled and united cancelled 204. the company did not want the plane over warning because a warning line having to do with pressurization had come on three different times. the flight data recorder, there
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is no data because the tapes were recorded over. chaotic rush of air damaged several seats and pulled insulation from the walls. the door flew off. to give you context, they were three miles above ground. shares of boeing sinking in premarket today, dow component. ceo of boeing called for all em emp employee safety meeting. pressurization. luckily they were lower to the ground. when you get above 10,000 feet and higher can have deadly c consequences. i know more than people want to hear. >> todd: they were ascending, everybody had their seat belt on, limiting potential for
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somebody to be sucked out of that plane. that has happened in the pacht necessary hawaii several years ago. >> todd: this plane, the boeing 737 is being grounded in the u.s. and throughout the world. stay tuned. let's lighten it up and take the penn out of pennsylvania. >> cheryl: it is offensive and i'm not from pennsylvania. william penn founded pennsylvania in 1682. the parks want to remove him. a statue of penn is set to be removed. local with several tribes, the park will be more welcomeing and accurate and inclusive. the biden administration is
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facing backlash. there are 500 responses on x. defund and disband the national park service, it doesn't seem parks service wants feedback. comments won't be accepted, you have to go to a specific website. it is difficult to maneuver temperature is a government website. >> todd: they are focused on the right thing. getting to the border late. dhs secretary mayorkas off to eagle pass two days before the house will hold his first impeachment hearing. new dhs report revealing 2.3 million migrants released underthe biden administration.
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thanks for being here. i just read that intro, it sounds like way too little and way too late from the dhs secretary. what say you? >> good morning. thank you for having me. we continue to call it a crisis, we are well beyond that, it is catest officeree. we continue to see, when you think it can't get worse, it gets worse. this is solvable and you are right, the administration has one more year of suffering until president trump comes into office. >> todd: here is what was said about impeaching mayorkas. >> i believe secretary mayorkas is abject failure. it is not inkocompetence, i thi he's done this intentional and
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there must be accountable. secretary mayorkas is not a good-faith negotiating partner. he is unwilling to enforce law. he has lied to congress repeatedly and lied to me personally under oath. >> todd: your reaction to what you heard the speaker say. >> completely accurate. i've watched almost every testimony of mayorkas. we have all seen it, untruthful. he ignores questions and answers the way he wants to. it is sad, how does this man go back to his family and look them in the eye and tell him he is doing the best he can do for the country. >> todd: you were a border patrol agent and now a sheriff, you are in the area dealing with this problem day in and day out. you told producers that sheriffs are divided on the issue of border enforcement.
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what have you found when you speak to your fellow sheriffs? >> yes, sir, i retired 19 months ago. our sheriff passed away or i would still be an agent. i retired. i look at partnering sheriffs and we have had great relationships on the border. this catest officer officery continues to increase. you have democratic communities and sheriffs want to keep their con constituency happy. i withdrew membership because we talk, have a couple meetings per year and we agree to disagree or agree there is no policy along the border. and we write letters. we need more proactive process
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along the border. one sheriff, roy boyd, he is using what the governor is giving us and created a task force tangible and produced security along the border. >> todd: one of the most illuminating answer as to why that is happening. thank you for what you are doing and thank you for your time, we appreciate it. 27 states backing president trump and his fight to stay on every state's ballot. we're talking to one of them. >> todd: plus -- >> throwing and interpreted. >> fourth and two, lawrence to the air and incomplete. >> todd: set, playoffs are set. we found out which head coach is first fired, hint it is that guy. n.f.l. black monday coming on a
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sunday. don't go anywhere. about a natural solution with golo. (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked. golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight coming back anymore. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemed to work. i've lost 75 pounds with golo, and i've kept it off. i've tried to lose weight in the past, and i've lost 80 pounds several times, but i was not able to maintain it. with golo, i've maintained this weight loss for over a year. it just works. (announcer) with golo, you keep the weight off and eliminate starvation dieting. and best of all, there is no prescription required. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song.
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oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. >> todd: 27 states attorneys general urging supreme court to keep former president trump on the ballot in 2024. they say, the colorado court's
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decision threatens to throw the presidential election into chaos. the court should act now from it spinning out of control. ag morrisey, what chaos would ensue if donald trump is kept off even one ballot? >> it would be amazing in american history if that were to happen. i don't think it will. first, courts are instructed to stay out of the middle and not interfere with american affairs that is hall mark of how supreme court has reviewed cases for a long time. look at the insurrection clause and i am hopeful they will
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conclude this needs clear pronouncement from congress, if you don't, you would have chaos across the country. talking about the president and vice president, two unique positions and you would have to get more information before you take extreme step of removing political making from the process and kicking someone off the ballot. the arguments on the side of president trump are strong and i look forward to submitting these briefs and seeing the action in court. >> todd: to be clear and do legal explanation. you are filing an amicus brief and provide a friend of the court brief to assistant court in helping with reasoning. anything short of 9-0 decision
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with lem accurate and conservative leaning justices coming together need to happen in this case otherwise democracy could be in jeopardy. do you agree? >> the cases before the court, we have great respect for the court's decision-making. we have urged the court to be swift, you are seeing it in colorado and maine and number of state that will join and want to take matters into their own hands. timing is right, week from the iowa caucus. you don't want to deal with this deeper in the year. the oral argument will be sometime in february, that starts to get deeper into the
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electoral process. it needs to be resolved or we will see chaos and we urged the court to take it up and hnlt this based upon history and context of the constitution which supports president trump's position. >> todd: constitution, maybe we should get back to it. ag, we appreciate your time. keep us posted. to football, bills facing dolphins and buffalo taking the lead late leaving their fate in the hands of their defense. [cheering] >> throwing and intercepted. that is a wrap on the division for the buffalo bills. >> todd: sounds like a lot of buffalo fans. bills win and celebrating clenching the two seed in the afc. josh allen is big.
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coach can dance. and jaguars knocked out of playoff contention in this win likely derrick henry's final game with the team. to the nation's capitol, dallas cowboys locking it up with a win over commanders. prescott finds his receiver. and rams took care of eagles yesterday crushing birds 27-10. i have been at fox since 2017 and i don't think i have said the phrase crushing the eagles. keep this up here. producers making me move along. saints players responding to controversy. winston said players took a knee to give williams first td of the
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season. the coach fuming mad and things get worse. he was fired last night. 49ers and ravens locking up top seed and wild-card game will begin this saturday. someone's head has to roll. media reeling against the pentagon for keeping lloyd austin's health under wraps. mayorkas will visit the border today. here is lj. >> lawrence: good morning, todd, jam-packed show today, live on "fox and friends" at the border, rio grande, on the american side. yesterday we got a tour of the sky and what is happening whachl is texas depend of public safety the last line of defense at the
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border. here is a little of that, watch. >> on the mexican side, see how fast it is move something >> that current. >> you see down the hill that trash and clothing discarded that is where they come across. >> unbelievable and that is where they stay before they are ready to cross the border? >> correct, yes. >> lawrence: just a little bit of what we saw, the secretary of homeland security mayorkas will be here today. what will he see? he is facing impeachment call as the biden administration is suing my state of texas and department of public safety. we'll discuss it this morning. a rancher will be here to tell us what is happening on his land. that is coming up on "fox and friends," don't go anywhere.
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♪ >> todd: defense secretary lloyd austin remains in the hospital this morning. and we're now learning the
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pentagon failed to immediately notify top officials about his hospitalization. a defense official telling politico, quote: someone's head has to roll, not telling the white house, congress, or the media he is sick and telling pentagon staff is he working from home is next level. >> this is a problem someone made the decision not to disclose that person will likely be gone shortly. joe concha is a fox news contributor and columnist for the messenger. he joins us as always. joe. i agree that there is a d.c. intrigue as to who did it and why they did this, with you i bk this goes to a much larger question who is running our government right now? doesn't joe biden regardless of whether he is on vacation or on a campaign trail or in the oval office have constant communications daily, many times a day with the secretary of defense? this isn't right. >> one would think that the president is in contact with his department of education, todd, to your question. but, right now, joe biden, as we
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speak, is in delaware, again, this morning. where he is most of his presidency, it feels like, right? something like 138 days this president has spent on vacation last year in 2023. here's what i know. secretary austin needs to resign immediately. this is beyond unacceptable. you know our enemies like china and iran are watching this and seeing this nondisclosure for what it is, a dereliction of duty that once again shows this administration is not a serious one at a perilous time in world history given the state of affairs right now as we're seeing in the middle east, as we are seeing in ukraine and china and its aggression towards taiwan and so on. even the secretary of state anthony blinken said he was not aware, just yesterday, that austin was in the hospital for more than a week and continues to there to this day.
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again, the president, we don't hear from him because he is relaxing right now and, remember, this is the same administration, todd, where pete buttigieg as transportation secretary took off for more than two months for parental leave during the height of a supply chain crisis and didn't inform anyone. we were told the adults were going to be back in the room when team biden took over. this is child's play with no parents in sight. somebody's head has to roll, indeed. we should be hearing from the president today about this, but we won't, of course, because this is the most protected president of all time and i'm sure the press secretary is going to have some word salad explanation around all of this during the press briefing it. is, again, unacceptable, todd. >> todd: you nailed the words right out of my mouth on the adults in the room. this is starting to feel like ferris bueller's day off where the cobs s consequences are morn dad's car. taylor swift seemed unmused
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about the joke about her nfl air time. watch. >> welcome back and, as you know, we came on after a football double header. the big difference between the golden globes and the nfl. on the golden clubs we have fewer candid shots of taylor swift, i swear. more to go to here. sorry about that. i mean, look, not the best joke or the worst joke but it is an accurate joke, joe. >> yeah. i would think there could be some self-deposit prix station. she did not life along. look at that reaction. what is she drinking exactly is that prosecco? i think many people found the joke funny even though many in the room seemed to not find it so funny. there was a game earlier this year taylor swift attended a game in jersey. nbc cut away as somebody actually tracked 17 times during the day. it's accurate. >> todd: cut away now, joe. "fox & friends" begins right


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