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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 8, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin; heart attack, stroke, and gi tears occurred. people 50 and older with a heart disease risk factor have an increased risk of death. serious allergic reactions can occur. tell your doctor if you are or may become pregnant. done settling? ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. ♪ >> brian: we begin this second hour with a focus on president biden's border crisis everyone agrees homeland secretary alejandro mayorkas heads to eagle pass to see more for himself, he will be in texas, obviously, to get a firsthand look at the chaos that border agents deal with each and every day. >> steve: ted's trip comes as a new department of homeland security report reveals more
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than 2.3 million migrants have been released into mainland u.s.a. during the biden administration. >> ainsley: our co-host lawrence jones is live in eagle pass this morning. is he getting a look at the border by air and by land. and he joins us this morning. hey, lawrence. >> lawrence: hey, good morning, family. if you watch the channel, if you watch "fox & friends," you know we have been covering the crisis at the border for a long time. the difference is today is that you had december with the record number of 300,000 migrants encounters coming across the border. but, also now, with mayorkas there is an impeachment that is pending right now. and there is an investigation underway. is he scheduled to be here. also, you have the biden administration that is suing my state of texas because of the new law that just came out. that will not only arrest some of the migrants but also imprison them and give them the option to go back to their home country.
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so, a lot happening there on the border. can't wait to get on the to see what the border agents and texas department of public safety are seeing every day, guys. >> steve: all right. lawrence. >> ainsley: i don't understand what the problem is. if they are here illegally why wouldn't you be able to arrest them unless they're maybe claiming asylum and persecuted in their country. >> steve: all of them have. >> ainsley: not all of them. >> lawrence: the problem is, ainsley. they are saying texas doesn't have the authority to do it. it's a federal government issue. i get that but the question is, if the federal government is not doing it, and texas is facing the brunt of it, do we have the right to enforce that law? and that's what they are saying right now. we passed a state law now and not a federal law, and we have the right to enforce it. we will see what the supreme court says though. >> brian: going to be interesting. because governor abbott had a pretty strong case yesterday with shannon bream saying that we are pretty -- he is a lawyer. they worked on this case for a while. they are going to prove that the federal government has dropped
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the ball and they are the only ones that can do it. now the federal government is working on a border deal. we could have a framework today, tomorrow, or wednesday. which will probably, it's not hr 2 but they say it gets very close to it. and then you see if it passes the senate and then gets to the house. because, without that, there is going to be no war funding for taiwan. ukraine, or as well as israel. so, we will see what happens when that emerges. because it's got to be asylum changes and change parole or the rest -- nothing else matters. >> steve: indeed. >> lawrence: i know, brian you have been talking to your sources about that what they are doing behind doors. one of the contention points the democrats feel like it's just a money issue and not actually the courts as well as the asylum laws changing those as well. so we will see what is happening. >> brian: without the changes, no republic will sign off on it. >> ainsley: i wonder how border patrol feels when mayorkas keeps
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going down there and they are telling him this is what needs to change. go back to washington and tell them. then he comes back for a visit there are no changes are they frustrated? >> steve: do you know what they say? we have heard it before. let us do our job because they feel they cannot. they would like to stop the people. lawrence, stand by for that let's talk a little bit about what is has been going on over the last 10 days or. so more than that, actually about two weeks. and that is we have got a timeline so we are going to put it up. the secretary of defense, that man right there, lloyd austin, on december 22nd, first box on the left on the top, he went in to the hospital, apparently, for elective surgery. then monday, january 1st, he was hospitalized and taken via ambulance to walter reed he was
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placed into intensive ware for pain. on tuesday, deputy defense secretary kathleen hicks told she would be doing certain operational duties but not knowing that he was in the hospital, it wasn't until thursday that president biden was told and friday senior defense department officials and congress were told. here's the thick. the fact that he did not tell the white house, that is now today a gift to the republicans because it shows unbelievably bad judgment on the part of the secretary of defense. >> ainsley: is he in icu on monday. she, the deputy doesn't find out she is going to have to cover some of thinks duties. >> steve: she was in charge. >> ainsley: doesn't know he was in the hospital. she was on vacation in the puerto rico. donald trump says failed secretary of defense lloyd austin should be fired immediately for improper professional conduct and dereliction of duty i has been missing for a week including crooked boss joe biden doesn't
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know where he is. he has performed poorly and should have been let go long ago. >> brian: the i recognize the media concerns about transparency and do have done a better job, you think? i commit to doing better but this is important to say this. was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure. the other thing surprised lawrence, accountability is drilled into you. this guy is a general. at war. it is not like we are in the middle of a contentious situation in the middle east. a secretary of state fanning out to five countries trying to say guys, let cooler heads prevail. we have our ships in the middle of guarding commercial vessels going through the red sea when the houthi rebels are trying to blow us up. we blew up three ships a week ago. and wonder when attacks coming from iran proxy. this guy is mia? that's official, don't you
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think? >> lawrence: i agree, brian. i purchase his service. i'm shocked he conducted himself in this way it there is a rank and file. there is command procedures that you must follow and the president is the commander-in-chief. i'm also concerned with everything that's happening in the middle east. all these conflicts, when china knocking at our door russia new yorking at our door. what is happening in ukraine. just the general defense that the president didn't speak to the secretary of defense for an entire week to even know this or. >> brian: is he not making any decisions. is he a figure head. he is probably not making any decisions anyway. is he implementing what he is told to do. lawrence you are right. >> brian: missing for a week and no one seems to care? not oonly does the president put a lid 4:00. comes back from vacation three days of an empty schedule. now we have a secretary of defense who disappears and doesn't tell anybody. can you imagine if donald trump was in office cbp wouldn't have
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taken a commercial for six days. this functional white house the president is so unworthy of the position. ainsley: we hope is he okay sorry is he in pain. we wish him all the best. the ways this with a handled is doorly. you have to tell other people in the hospital when you are in the hospital when you are in charge of our national security. >> steve: pretty much. >> ainsley: this is the headline, someone's head has to roll. they go on to say not telling the white house congress or the media he is sick and then telling pentagon staff is he working from home is next level. >> this is a problem. someone made the decision not to disclose, that person will likely be gone shortly he went in originally for elective medical procedure and northbound is saying what it is he thought he would be able to go in and is there done. sounds like something minor. >> ainsley: before christmas. >> steve: cosmetic. people are emailing suggestions a lot of them are things where did you go in and come out.
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something went haywire where, you know, 8 days later he is in intense pain. he thought nobody would ever find out about it. but it has currently hit the fan. lawrence, one more thing. here's the thing what is the reaction of the president of the united states the president says he maintains confidence in secretary austin. here's the thing. joe biden as we have said a million times is very loyal to people in his cabinet. you know, pretty much his entire cabinet is still intact three years later. but joe's son bo served as a military lawyer under austin when he was the top commander in iraq. bo and lloyd also would often go to catholic mass together. there is a family connection which could keep him in the job because of loyalty the fact that he did something dumb. lawrence? >> as the commander-in-chief,
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allowing this to stand, when no other servicemen or woman would be able to get away with this. he was mi. >> a. he was mia for a period of time. the president had no idea about this. the white house didn't know. the secretary of state didn't know. the national security adviser didn't know. and there was not even a peep and they lied and said that he was working from home when he was actually in the hospital. >> brian: that's what he said. >> look. they have been saying for a while that the president is constantly briefed by his cabinet. we now know that's not true. did he not talk to the secretary of state -- i'm sorry the secretary of state for over a week. and had no idea where he was. >> so this is not just a question about the secretary of defense. this is about the president's leadership as well. and i don't think they want to deal with this scandal when people have said that the president is weak and frail and not aware of what's going on. i think this kind of proves it. >> brian: he doesn't have press conferences, he doesn't do
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interviews. he is going on vacation. we don't know -- we know he was quite angry, if you watched him on friday during that address. then we just saw nothing over the weekend. >> and today is he in charleston. all right. lawrence, stand by there at the border. >> ainsley: 11 minutes after the top of the hour. now to this. remember this insane video last week of a suspect attacking that judge during his sentencing in las vegas? >> steve: well, now the guy who jumped over the bench and got the judge is facing the judge again today in court. >> brian: todd piro joins us now. todd? >> todd: good morning. the shocking video shows the defendant leap over the bench and attack that judge. the judge sustaining injuries but was not hospitalized. now, the defendant, facing several new charges, including seven counts of battery and battery on a protected person. he was held on a $54,000 bail, refusing to return to court on thursday. because i guess you can refuse to go to court now. the defendant was in court originally for allegedly
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attacking a person with a baseball bat last year. and, he attempted to convince the judge that he wasn't a violent person, saying, quote: i'm not a rebellious person. but, if it's appropriate for you, then you have to do what you have to do. the attack occurring when the judge made it clear she was going to sentence him to prison before he could be handcuffed though, he ran at the judge in that now infamous video. today the judge is expected to continue sentencing the defendant in the baseball bat attack case. the d.a. wilson says his past record is mostly violent offenses including three convictions of three prior felonies and fine misdemeanors. after the attack the court said it would be reviewing its security measures. we will have to wait and see if he is going to be handcuffed during court today. back over to you. >> steve: he could still jump. it just would be tough. all right, todd, thank you very much. >> brian: another giant leap for mankind. privatized moon landings taking off starting with a launch early this morning. what it means for a new era of
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space explore race. >> ainsley: flight scare. the missing part of the alaska airlines plane that blue off in the middle of a night is found in someone's backyard. how boeing is now responding as the 737 max crisis continues to disrupt travel. ♪ ♪ hey, you should try new robitussin honey medi-soothers for long-lasting cough and sore throat relief. try new robitussin lozenges with real medicine and find your voice. you know? we really need to work on your people skills.
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland.
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israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you. your gift of $45 will make sure that the people of israel have mobile bomb shelters, emergency supplies, and the hot, nutritious meals that they so desperately need. our teams are working on the ground, often at great risk to themselves. they're delivering meals to the elderly and families who are living in bomb shelters. this would be an incredibly important time for all of the friends of the international fellowship of christians and jews to stand with our friends in israel. let them know that we are not only praying for the peace of jerusalem, but we're also praying and acting in their interest because we believe it's
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what god would have us do. i simply can't stress enough the urgency of this situation. it's more dire than ever before. this is your moment. this is your opportunity to make a life-saving difference. it's your prayers and gifts that give hope to the people of israel. call, scan, or visit our website now to make your life-saving donation.
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>> brian: got some headlines for you. starting with. this new report reveals the iowa school shooter posted on social media that he was, quote: gearing unjust moments before he opened fire inside fairy high school. the government also sent messages to friends saying he was nervous before shooting and killing a sixth grader and wounding five others. according to reports, his user name was once part of a group chat dedicated to school shootings, nice. the biden administration facing backlash over a plan to get. this remove william penn's statue from a park located at his former home. william penn founded the state called pennsylvania in 1682. the park local tribes to be quote, more welcoming, accurate. and inclusive. the call for public feedback
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already has over 500 responses on x, formerly twitter. now to football, the bills facing the dolphins with the divisional crown on the line. get to bed early i missed the fourth quarter more on my take later. the hands defense. big comeback by the bills. let's watch. >> throwing. it's intercepted. and that's a wrap on the division for the buffalo bills. >> brian: wow, what happened to the dolphins, circle the wagons they did to win 21:14. the dallas colbs locked up the nfc east ground with 38 win over the commanders quit a long time ago. the playoff field is set 49ers and ravens locking up the conference. with the wild card round set to begin on saturday. often the best weekend of the playoffs. those are your headlines. let's go over to steve. >> steve: can't wait. thank you, brian. new details this morning about
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alaskan airlines plugged door that blew out mid-air shortly after takeoff on friday night as dozens of those on the 737 max 9 jets remain grounded. the ntsb confirming these jet liners were restricted from long flights over water because warning lights had gone off three times this month in that plane. is it related? aviation safety consultant and former commercial pilot joins us now from the villages down in florida. keith, good morning to you. >> good morning, steve. >> steve: it's good to have you. all right. so this is news. apparently the ntsb said yeah, there was something about this particular plane where apparently a pressure rising warning light went off three times during recent flights. airlines said we haven't figured out what that is let's not fly to hawaii or over a long patch
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of water with what do you make of that? >> could be something of concern or unrelated issue on the aircraft itself. the fact they did look at it and was identified ntsb and faa knew about it and said okay. we are going to prove that indicates that they were comfortable in making that decision that -- until they looked a little bit further into it. >> steve: we are looking at some of the social media video from that night back into portland where you look right out 15,000 feet and there's the city. explain, if you would politicked door is. i saw that video, look at that the exit row door blew out. it wasn't the exit row door. it was a plug door. what is that, keith? >> that's correct. at first when you look at it, it does look like exit row door but it's not. what it is is a space in different type aircraft more
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'passengers extending for a larger aircraft. calling it a plug. sits in that section right there spot in case they ever need to put a door in there they can put a door in there. >> steve: same day that that plug door blew out, i was actually on one of united airlines cop democrat labor relations on newest fleet max 9. the max 9 has been canceled rather grounded by united and alaska as well i noticed yesterday a number of flights going to use this equipment. the fact, keith, they have taken the max 9 out of service how
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will that screw up air travel? >> it will have an effect on it. approximately 170 aircraft that are being used today. the issue is they have to identify the problem first once the ntsb identifies what the problem is then they have to go and look for a fix it. could be installation or design issue. if it's a design issue. they need to go back to the vendor. boeing makes the air frame of but other vendors makes parts and boeing puts it all together. they have to look at both areas here whether it was installation issue or a design issue. if it's a design issue. it could take a long time before these things get cleared to fly again. >> steve: no kidding. you say, keith, ultimately the ntsb did the right thing by grounding the max 9 until they figure it out. >> absolutely. >> steve: all right. very good. keith cianfrani for joining us
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from the friendliest city the villages down in florida. >> all right. steve. thank you. >> steve: happy landing, sir. thank you. still ahead on this monday, all eyes on iowa with just one week until the iowa caucuses. bill melugin, there he is. freezing in front of the state capital. is he going to talk about what is going on there in a minute. >> steve: plus a bird's eye view of the border crisis. lawrence is back on the ground in eagle pass. he tells us what he has learned and he is next. hey, lawrence. ♪ she found it. the feeling of finding the psoriasis treatment she's been looking for. she found sotyktu, a once—daily pill for moderate—to—severe plaque psoriasis... for the chance at clear or almost clear skin. it's like the feeling of finding that outfit psoriasis tried to hide from you. or finding your swimsuit is ready for primetime. ♪ dad! once—daily sotyktu was proven better, getting more people clearer skin than the leading pill. don't take if you're allergic to sotyktu;
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presidential candidates making final push across iowa the hawkeye state. >> brian: that is not news from bill melugin he joins us from des moines, iowa with the latest. hey, bill. >> bill: brain, good morning to you. when former president trump was out here campaigning the other night. he said he was hearing media rumors that governor desantis may drop out of this race if he doesn't come in first place here in iowa on caucus night. well, i caught up with governor desantis yesterday after one of his events. and i asked him to respond to those claims directly. here's what he said. >> that's a lie. totally made up. you know, when people, you know, fabricate these anonymous sources and do it, why he is saying that is because he wants people to somehow think oh, why should guy negative 20-degree weather to help? no, you should show up. we are the one that can get the job done for this country. that report is categorically false. his or her's a snapshot of the latest polling. donald trump still with massive lead coming in around 51%. desantis just short of 19%.
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while nikki haley is coming in at just about 16%. but beings look, we have been talking to a lot of iowa voters. they are telling us t they don't care about these bolts. they don't trust these polls. they are saying they don't have an impact on anything. they don't apply here because it's a caucus system. people aren't going out and voting. they are essentially going out and talking with their neighbors on caucus night. as you take a look at this voidio of nikki haley and governor desantis. voters are telling us they feel if either of them come in a strong second place, behind trump, it would still be a success for their campaigns. voters have been telling us they want both of them to stay in this race past the iowa caucuses yes iowa is important but not important if you don't win it? >> iowa is very important as an iowan, it's important but it's not the be all and end all. people win iowa then they are not president of the united states. people lose iowa and then they
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are president of the united states. >> guys, i also asked governor desantis yesterday does he feel his relationship with donald trump can ever be salvaged at this point? and desantis said, look, it's never been personal on my end. i feel it's been trump who has always taken it more personal. from trump's perspective. he has set repeatedly he feels that desantis has been disloyal to him ever since he won governor in the state of florida. we'll send it back to you. >> brian: bill, keep in mind if desantis does not win the nomination, reagan didn't win the first time. romney didn't win the first time. got the nomination. marc contain didn't win the first time, talking about getting the nomination. so, i mean. there is light at the end of the tunnel. he is not even 50. >> bill: is he youngs a lot of republicans see him as the future. the way democrats see gavin newsom as the future of the democrat party. that's why it was great to see those two debate. even if it doesn't work out for
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desantis this time. i think it's pretty clear he has a pretty strong future in the republican party. >> ainsley: you are right. when republicans watch these debates and see the field, everyone is thrilled that even if donald trump does win, you have others that are waiting in the wings completely capable. >> steve: right. look at 2016. ted cruz won by ultimately donald trump became president. >> brian: today secretary mayorkas getting a firsthand look at the border crisis eagle pass, texas. >> steve: the cost costing the small town at least $21,000 a day at eagle pass in emergency services involving migrants crossing into think it. where does that money come from? >> ainsley: head back down to eagle pass, texas where lawrence jones is live with the fire chief manuel mellow. hey, lawrence. gosh.
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>> lawrence: good morning, chief. thanks for joining the program. >> thank you, lawrence. >> lawrence: we have a lot of respect for what you do. i was a fire explorer growing up. this is personal for you guys. you have had to rescue folks and resuscitate them drowning at the border. how has it impacted you. >> it's impacted us tremendously. i have got -- i have always called it a young fire department. we have got personnel between the ages of 20 and 40 years old. these guys they have got children, too. so in this past year we have recovered recovered 50 bodies from the river. 12 of them were minors between the ages of 6 months and 15 years old. so, that really impacts my guys, you know with all this going on, this crisis going on, it really
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impacts my fire department. i'm having guys calling in sick. i got guys that i can see that are actually going to need some help. >> lawrence: you have to divert resources. you still got to fight fires. you have to do the task that you were appointed to in eagle pass. that's almost been diverted, right? >> we still have to take care of eagle pass. and we do take care of eagle pass. and, of course the visitors that come to eagle pass. so, would have got two jobs in one. trying to deal with the migrant crisis and deal with the city itself. one of the things that you notice is the impact on the hospital, the hospital gets overwhelmed pretty quick. when i say the hospital it's not the hospital in whole it's just
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the emergency room flint firefighters union got immigrants there with minor injuries. when i'm traveling with a resident with abdominal pain or a heart attack. if you had the opportunity, there is over 3,000 rescues for fiscal year 23. if you had the opportunity to talk to those in power, the president, congress, what would you tell they will? >> i would tell them our story. i would tell them what's happening on the border. i would tell them about my guys and i would tell them to try to stop this, reform our immigration laws and stop this madness because it is impacting our city just this last few months. we had our local bridge shut down. because of the need of personnel under the bridge because we had about 4,000, 5,000 migrants there. so, that impacted our city. we lost -- the city of eagle
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pass lost over half a million dollars on that. >> lawrence: hurting the economy, because there are people that come back and forth legally every single day that's commerce, definitely hurting your city in two ways, whether it's the humanity aspect of it or just the economy. chief, thanks so much for what you do in joining us this morning. i will send it back to you guys in new york. >> steve: great report. thank you very much, lawrence. and chief. all right. coming up, another giant leap for mankind. privatized moan landings are now taking off including a launch very early this morning while you were asleep what io that. >> ainsley: how much does it costit the plains and southwest. janice dean is tracking it. >> ainsley: in the wake of tragedy, tunnel 2 towers is now stepping up for those families. these two fallen officers. is he going to pay off their mortgages.
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ceo frank siller is here with their stories. >> steve: good morning, frank. ♪ generalized myasthenia gravis made my life a lot harder. but the picture started changing when i started on vyvgart. ♪ vyvgart is for adults with generalized myasthenia gravis who are anti-achr antibody positive. in a clinical trial, vyvgart significantly improved most participants' ability to do daily activities when added to their current gmg treatment. ♪ most participants taking vyvgart
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>> ainsley: 2023 ended and 2024 began with law enforcement officers dead.
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greensboro police sergeant philip knicks was shot and killed while off duty when he was attempting to stop a robbery at a convenience store. and then last thursday, in george county, mississippi, sheriff's deputy jeremy malone was shot and killed while in the line of duty at a vehicle stop. tunnel 2 towers ceo frank siller joinjoins us now. thank you for what you do. you have talked to the families. how are you going to help them. >> you know how your viewers are going to then them. we're going to help them. make sure they don't have a mortgage payment anymore. pay off their mortgages. when it comes to jerry malone, they just bought a house. they just bought a house. >> ainsley: they have three young children, right? >> they have a couple of young children. and it's incredible to thinking they are going to have future together it's over because somebody decides to kill a police officer. it's a sick world out there. we better take care of the families that are left behind and as always, we depend on, you
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know, "fox & friends" viewers to do that. >> deputy malone, he died last thursday, he was pulling over a car, the driver shot him and killed him. and now he leaves behind a wife, his three daughters, 18 years old, 11 years old and 8 years old. their dad died a hero. what is the reaction of the family members when you called them? because obviously they are grieving but, yet, this is going to help. >> well, so, we call them right away and let them know they are going to be able to stay in their homes. reaction is always the same. they can't believe there somebody out there, people out there, an organization like tunnel 2 towers that is willing to step up and help their families it. helps them through their most difficult time in their lives. and it's -- it is an incredible thing talking to these families. it's very emotional all the time. i don't get to speak to every one of the families but i speak to so many. >> ainsley: because you help so many now. >> last year alone. we did over 200 mortgages. mortgage free homes that we delivered. you know, with the help of fox,
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we did 3300 homeless vets off the streets and get them comprehensive services they need to stay off the streets. how we do that with the donations and fox recently said they are going to do $2 million to help us homeless vets. thank you, guys enough from the top down. everybody is involved here. we have a lot of work ahead of to us stay the least. >> ainsley: philip knicks the officer who died in north carolina from greensboro, he was trying, i think he was at a gas station, right? >> yes. >> ainsley: trying to stop the shoplifters i believe they were stealing beer or some sort of a beverage. he walks. in he was off duty. he didn't have to do this but he did it because he saw something going wrong and he wanted to stop these guys, and they took his life. he leaves behind a teenage son and a wife. >> so there is nobody off duty. these first responders are always on duty. they are always there to protect us. >> ainsley: good point. >> whether they are working or not. they are willing to give their lives for us and all too often they do. and, you know, the tunnel 2 tuno
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towers foundation is proud of my brother and all those great heros that died on 9/11. where our foundation is going to be there for these families that pay the ultimate sacrifice. go to $11 a month and keep that promise to take care of not just these great police officers but every single one of them. >> ainsley: give them the debit card and comes out of ora count. notice on the phone. best notice you will receive because that's, what a two cups of coffee at starbucks. you can afford to do that to to help these individuals. what percentage of the people that you help are people like this where it's just senseless, where they didn't have to die, it's just some kid who -- or some young guy who is trying to steal beer and take someone's life. take as father away from his teenage son? >> and the police officers, they are all senseless. that's what they do. they are getting shot. they are protecting. sometimes it's a drunk driver, senseless, right, that runs into a police officer on a highway. when they pull somebody over. so it is -- to me it's all
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senseless. >> ainsley: you want to remember your friend's daughter? >> a friend of my family's lost their 7-year-old daughter. rory, we just buried her the other day. she died in a fire on staten island. from my community. north shore of staten island is unbelievable. small town community. the father gave a beautiful eulogy about a special little girl. i'm asking to pray for her family that's left behind through their darkest days. >> the chris da for row family. >> i can't imagine 7 years old. had her whole life ahead of her. beautiful child. >> steve: right now a fox weather alert. clean up efforts are underway across the northeast after the first major dumping of 2024, there is another bigger storm sweeping across the plain states. fox weather correspondent robert
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ray is in massachusetts with the latest there. robert you, good morning. >> yeah, good morning, steve, and everyone watching. i will get to the next storm quite soon take a look at the latest storms out of worcester, massachusetts yesterday 40 to 5. this storm came in and didn't hit new york city as expected with the snow but certainly here in massachusetts up to 17 inches fell in some areas white house conditions yesterday with low visibility. though many people were out and about enjoying this nor'easter, frankly they haven't seen a big snow like this in two years. having said that, there have been spore rat particular power outages. over 17,000 across the state of massachusetts yesterday. and now it is about down to 5,000. so they're working to restore
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that power by did not experience that. the winds kicked up and snow moved. in here's the thing, guys. as you said, steve. another system moving across, problem is, all this snow behind me, while it's going to be 50 degrees in two days as that new storm moves. in and what's going to happen? flash flooding possibility. buckle up. we're ready. >> steve: buckle up indeed. robert, with the great hat in worcester, massachusetts robert. thank you very much let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean for fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yes. >> steve: we have been almost 700 days without snow in new york. the snowplow guy came to my house. we had that much yesterday. >> janice: we haven't had know? new york city. what's your name. >> marianne. >> don. >> janice: do you want to say hi to somebody. >> hi billy in florida your number one fox fan. >> janice: we all want to be in florida. show you how much snow we got in the northeast.
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over 18-inch in places of upstate new york. 17 inches. over a foot in the northeast. coastal areas just a rain event. look how active we are going to be over the next several days. storm number 2, 3, and 4. and maybe next week the coastal areas like philadelphia and boston and new york city and washington, you could get snow next week. so watching that but, our storm system today bringing blizzard conditions, winter storm warnings, heavy snow over a foot of snow and blowing conditions. then we could also see the potential of tornadoes not only today but tonight a severe weather outbreak and men as robert ray mentioned heavy rain in the forecast tuesday and wednesday. flash flooding is going to be a huge concern for all of these big cities. just keep that in mind. we will keep you up to date on fox you want to say hi to steve doocy. >> hi, steve. happy new year, everybody. >> steve: thank you everybody. >> hey, fox. >> janice: we love our fans. cheers. >> steve: thanks j.d. and fans
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out there. turning now to headlines on this monday morning. a champion of college football will finally be crowned tonight in houston. as the michigan wolverines face off against the washington huskies. michigan coach jim harbaugh. jim is all pumped up. >> excited to be in this position. really feel like these are the two best teams. they're the last two standing. and anticipate one heck of a football game. >> steve: indeed. tonight's game could be ugly with some severe weather forecast for houston. city officials are urging fans to be prepared for rain and strong winds, but they are going for the game. meanwhile now to the golden globes last night. taylor swift did not appear to be a fan of a joke that came at her expense. listen. >> welcome back and, as you know, we came on after a football double header. the big difference between the golden globes and the nfl, on the golden globes, we have fewer shots of taylor swift.
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i swear. where to go to here. sorry about that. >> steve: they took the cut away of her. we don't know if taylor was actually mad or playing along. when it comes to actual awards, the movie oppenheimer winner of the night taking home the award for best drama. five in all. barbie movie underwhelming night only picking up two awards while being nominated in seven different categories. all right. that's some of your news, brian. >> brian: let's talk about space. while you were sleeping the united states going back to the moon for the first time in 50 years. watch. >> 5, 4, 3, we have ignition. and liftoff of the first united launch alliance volume country rocket. >> first ever lunar lander launched by a private company carrying nasa research to the moon. all along with the remains from "star trek" stars and u.s.
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presidents new era of space exploration. former astronaut joins us now. what is so significant about this. >> hello from houston, home of the national championship. and there's a couple big thing that ulavulcan rocket. that's good news and big deal for the u.s. first hopefully have a successful landing soon. look for interesting things on the moon. big day for nasa zaps public-private partnership. brian the commission was given a few years ago. who wants to be involved. nine companies, a bunch of companies volunteered. this one got it. as they land on the moon, will there be a probe released from it that goes around or how will they go ahead and explore? >> yeah. this is astro biotics, the second lander that's going to
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launch next month. it's going to be just a lander. so there is no rover. it's not going to drive around. going to be one thing that sits down. going to look for potentially water. other minutes how safe our astronauts will be. this next lander next month is going to be interesting. land in a crater at the south poll permanently shadowed. never gets sunlight. we think it's one of the coldest places in the solar system. there might be frozen water there. that's going to be another interesting mission. >> brian: that's the nova sea lander. when will this actually be on the moon and will we see it? will we see it land? >> you know, i don't know if they have -- it should happen in about a week. i don't know if they are going to have a camera to actually see the landing. for sure there will be cameras, you know, once it's down. there was israeli attempted private lander about four years ago that unfortunately crashed. so this isn't the first private one to try it but let's hope it
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will be the first one to be successful. >> brian: confident? >> i am. you know, the bust -- this public-private partnership idea that nasa has is really good. the government is good at some things at raising money it. can do that companies, especially american companies are very innovative. so, i know both theist companies, i think they are going to be successful. landing on another moon or planet is not easy. so they have gotten a lot of the way but the landing is still a big deal. >> brian: in a race with china so it really matters again. it helps get our attention. >> it does. >> brian: best of luck. talk to you again whether it lands. flights gear, the missing part of an alaska airlines plane that blew off mid flight is found in someone's backyard in portland. plus, sleepover at grabbed maps house. the uplifting social media trend. ♪ our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love.
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