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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 8, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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>> brian: we begin the third and final hour with a focus on president biden's border crisis. homeland security secretary mayorkas heads to eagle pass, texas today to get a first-hand look at the caogs and he can feel the hes. >> more than 2.3 million migrants have been released in
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the united states on joe biden's watch. >> ainsley: our co-host lawrence jones is live in eagle pass this morning. good morning, lawrence. >> lawrence: the secretary will be down here and see what is happening at the border. my home town of texas is epicenter of this crisis and last line of defense. if you look behind me, there is a migrant jumping the fence right now. i talked to him. he paid the cartel 20 to 30,000 dollars to cross the border. >> steve: lawrence, that is razor wire. >> lawrence: that is right. he came from honduras and he was waiting for the national guard to cross. he took his clothes off and
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jumped across the razor wire. he will be processed and meet his wife in california. just a live look of what happens at the border. the razor wires just a deterrent. they have no legal authority right now at this moment to send them back. all they can do is detain them and there is no border patrol right here right now. they will call border patrol to come pick him up now and he'll be released, not even 24 hours back into the country with a notice to appear. >> brian: what does he need to say to be able to stay? i'm under threat? he will say my life is under threat, we'll adjourn this and when your number is up, it will be five to seven years. >> lawrence: exactly right, all
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he has to say is asylum. you see the initial guardsmen that governor abbott deployed here. he will say asylum and he'll be processed and they will take their cell phone app and he'll get released with a notice to appear in probably five years. >> brian: that is supposed to change with this new deal. they will say go back to your country and deal with it. >> lawrence: or detain him. >> steve: how did you know he was going to go meet his wife in california, did you or the crew talk to him as he was going over the wire? >> lawrence: yes, before he went over the wire, he was ducking and hiding and he went with a texas dps officer and i asked
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him to ask him how much did he pay to come across. i said, how much did he pay to come across and he said nothing. we asked how much did he pay the cartel, we first thought 1200 dollars, but you don't pay less than 15,000, we found it was 20 to 30,000. >> ainsley: he will appear in court like five years from now. >> steve: going to california to see his wife. >> brian: does he look under stress or dire need? guy just left a gym, probably doing fine. rather be here. >> steve: he is probably bleeding from the razor wire. >> steve: we'll be back in a minute. we'll talk about secretary of defense has been missing in action. lloyd austin on december 22nd,
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went into the hospital for an elective medical procedure. he took an ambulance on january 1 to walterreed for severe pain. they put him in icu they say for privacy. he went into the hospital after the procedure and didn't tell anybody he was out of commission. deputy defense secretary said she would be doing certain duties but didn't know he was in the hospital. that guy's boss did not find out until thursday and congress not told until friday temperature has hit the hand in the pentagon for this guy. >> ainsley: deputy defense secretary, number two in command, should have been told on monday night that you are in
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charge because he is now in the icu in severe pain. number two takes over february near one. she did not find out until tuesday, day after he went to icu, and one point was on vacation in puerto rico. she found out on thursday he was in the hospital. >> brian: what is the big deal? no hot spots right now, it has been quiet hasn't it? >> lawrence: you have international conflicts, america's president is necessary and critical and secretary of defense nowhere to be found. i have to ask question for administration, president that said we would return to norm and there would be processes and
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procedures, for him not to know where the secretary of defense is crazy to me. congress was not notified. senate and house did not know about this. and quite frankly there is bipartisan criticism. the president needs to let them know. >> ainsley: congress told on friday and it's00 dereliction of duty. we wish him the best, i'm sorry he was in icu, there needs to be protocol thchl is head of defense for our country. >> steve: there is protocol. when you are out of commission, you tell your boss, we do that when we take a couple days off. >> ainsley: who dropped the boss then? >> steve: he did. john kirby is one of the top
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spokes people,y he was the pentagon guy. he did not find out. >> ainsley: it might have been an embarrassing procedure or something. >> steve: he thought, i can be in and out and next thing you know, big trouble. >> brian: if it was trump administration, they would say typical chaos, no one respects him, don't inform him. joe biden who has had nothing on his schedule, he was free, i'm going for a procedure, keep it on the down low. we are supposedly friends. no accountability and secretary of state moving through six or seven different countries in the middle east to try to keep the lid on the war. and secretary of defense invisible. see how he does or if anyone gets fired. nine after the hour. >> ainsley: alaska airline
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flight lost a piece of the plane in the air. >> brian: flightses grounded from all over the country. >> steve: fox business is live at o'hare airport. they have taken a bunch of max nine's out of service. >> that is right. that is where we are here at o'hare. many travelers having to adjust flights because of grounding. national transportation safety board found that piece of the plane in a portland backyard. three flights where a pressurization light had gone off and workers were asked to check why that was happening. on friday, that had not been done before the plane took off. fortunately, no one was seriously injured because the plane was at 16,000 feet or
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because two people were not next to that piece of the plane. boeing saying safety is our deepest priority and we fully support the faa's decision to require immediate inspection of the 737 nine airplane. hundreds of flights were cancelled as result of the grounding. one passenger on max airplane recalls what happened, we spoke to him yesterday, take a listen. >> everybody was boarded and about to leave and the captain made an announcement to deboard the plane because the max nine's got grounded. there was giant line for the service counter. it was hard to reschedule, because the max nine is a huge part of this. >> about five years ago boeing
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had an issue where the max was grounded after 300 people passed away in two fatal plane crashes and they experienced quality issues. the company lost $20 billion. back to you. >> steve: that got their attention. on friday, i flew to florida and i was in that plane, the max nine in the exit row. it looks like it is the exit row door that blew out whachl they do, there was no exit door there, they put a patch. essentially material over it. they put seats there because in the future if they expand the plane that is an exit row, that malfunctioned. >> ainsley: and nobody sitting in the seats? >> nobody in the first two
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seatses. alaska airline has not been flying that particular plane over water because there was a pressurizing warning light that went off three times during flights the ntsb said on sunday. alaska air said let's not fly it to hawaii or over water, something is going on there. >> ainsley: one video, the back of the guy's head, sitting in the seat behind that door. >> steve: little boy. >> brian: shirt sucked off, imagine how cold, they were afraid to unbuckle and move. when they landed, they thought it would be over and they turned it around and now they are trying to put it all together. >> steve: they are. we talked to aviation safety consultant who said ntsb right to ground the fleet.
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listen. >> approximately 170 aircraft that are being used today, the issue, they have to identify the problem first. it could be installation or design issue. design issue, go back to the vendor. boeing makes the air frame and then boeing puts it together. they'll have to look at both areas, where installation issue or design issue. if a design issue, it could take a long time before things get cleared to fly again. >> steve: yesterday during the day, a portland school teacher went to his backyard and found the door in his yard. >> ainsley: they can't unbuckle, they are scared they will get sucked out. the flight attendant could not
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go check it out. >> steve: luckily it happened at 16,000 feet, if it happened at 35 or 36,000 it would be catas catastrophic. >> ainsley: more sealed documents expected to be made public from jeffrey epstein. this comes after several document dumps last week which named people like former president bill clinton. we do not know what will be released today, keep it here. biden administration facing backlash overplan to remove a william penn statue. penn founded pennsylvania in 1682. >> brian: let's get rid of him. >> ainsley: parks are working with tribes to be more cluesive. call for public feedback has 500 responses on x, formerly twitter.
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this will make you happy, adult grandparents getting a surprise sleepover. >> hi. we came to have a sleepover. >> what? a sleepover? >> yeah. ♪ >> that is great. are you serious? >> best christmas present ever. >> this is all planned all along? >> yeah. >> they had their pillows, sleeping bags and pajams, even for nana. the happy grandparents joined us alongside two of the grandchildren. watch. we were blind sided and shocked and full of love for those seven children. it is hard for me to not get emotional, we love them so much. >> the grandchildren brought food, game and movies and
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watched "home alone" like when they were children. been a long time. >> steve: that tiktok video had 35 million hits so far. complete surprise to the grandparents, you planned ahead of time and they brought all the stuff. when you go to grandma's house, you don't wind uptaking booze. no booze at grandma's house. >> ainsley: i don't know. >> brian: great interview, awesome. >> ainsley: really sweet. nice to have a positive story. >> steve: watch on, it will bring a tear to your eyes. >> ainsley: one more day with my grandparents, awesome. >> steve: race for the white house kicks off one week from today with iowa caucuses. bill melugin will join us from downtown des moines coming up next. >> brian: u.s. junior hockey
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team wowing teams with national anthem after a win. they join us coming up. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ [cheering] emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals.
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>> steve: on this monday morning, we look ahead, we are one week from the iowa caucuses next monday night. field of gop candidate making their final pushes. >> brian: bill melugin live from des moines, iowa. bill. >> bill: media speculation that governor desantis would drop out if he couldn't come in first place on night of the caucus. we caught up with desantis yesterday and asked him to respond, here is what he said. >> i totally made up, when people fabricate anonymous sources. he want people to think why should i go.
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you should show up, we can get the job done for this country. that report is false. >> bill: here is snapshot of polling in hawkeye state. donald trump with enormous lead at 51%. desantis 19% and haley above 16%. trump with huge lead. iowaans telling us they don't care about the polls, they don't trust the poll and don't apply here. this is the caucus system. it is a bunch of neighbors getting together to talk to each other and find out who they support. this video of nikki haley and governor desantis in iowa. iowans feel if either have a strong second place finish it is considered a success or strong night for them. they don't have to come in first place and voters want them to
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stay in the race regardless what happens in iowa. here is what one desantis supporter said. >> number two is a success, massive win for ron desantis. if he's number two. >> bill: earlier today, trump super pac targeting nikki haley for her attack on the border saying illegal immigrants should not be considered criminaling, she was called too weak. her poll numbers are surging in state of new hampshire, after iowa. >> brian: what is interesting, she went from not making anything but positive news to the civil war comment and this. do you think the media is making
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too much of it? >> i think voters have taken notice of it. she's had a series of gaffes, trump campaign and desantis campaign have been jumping on her for comments with desantis saying she is disrespectful to voters. we'll find out night of the 15th. >> ainsley: donald trump was saying pretend you are one point down and get out and vote. that made me realize, he is probably a little nervous people will say he's so far ahead, i don't need to be part of the caucus. exercise your right to vote, every vote does count. >> you are spot on there. you might get complacencies from voters.
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his campaign is saying we need everybody on caucus night. supposed to be cold in the negatives, all candidates are going to have to turn out their base of support to have people show up and caucus for them. regardless of the poll it is easier to vote for somebody you are passionate about rather than vote against somebody. >> steve: the caucuses are quirky. what they do, okay, everybody for ron desantis stand in that corner, everybody for nikki haley over there and trump over there. people start making speeches and i know ron desantis has had the best ground game, we'll find out by next tuesday. p precinct captains have so much, they will try to generate enthusiasm with their neighbors. nikki haley people, come here, donald trump will do this and
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that. >> bill: and the trump campaign told us they enlisted more than 2000 so-called caucus captains and those are people they have pledges who go into precincts and identify 10 people who come out and caucus for trump. friday night that campaign said they had 2000 caucus captains. >> ainsley: happens on martin luther king day. a lot of businesses will be closed. they usually caucus 8 p.m. >> steve: 1500 precincts and "fox and friends" will be there. today fauci will testify on covid and pandemic response. >> ainsley: senator rand paul is next. >> brian: our cameras captured a migrant jumping razor wire,
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lawrence is live on the ground in eagle pass, he is next.
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ask your rheumatologist for rinvoq. and take back what's yours. abbvie could help you save. >> brian: 33 minutes after the hour. defense secretary lloyd austin still in the hospital while questions grow about the transparency. deputy defense secretary was on vacation when she learned she would cover for the secretary. she was not told he was hospitalized until thursday. rand paul is a doctor and joins us now. what stands out to you most
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extraordinary about this story? >> i think it is unknown what medical procedure he had complications. it depicts biden administration that is aloof and if a person goes missing, no big deal, we don't need to bother the president with this. the first impression. second impression, the secretary is overweight, good chance he has diabetes. everybody gets older or has health problems. even elective procedure could lead to infection and be life-threatening. if you don't tell people the truth, they speculate worse. >> president trump says it is a fireable offense, he could be
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fired. do you agree? >> i don't know their rules on what you are supposed to tell people if you are secretary of defense. if you are in charge of the military, think about it, a lot of people know about the different missions, person with most knowledge making intimate decisions has to be a desire. do we respond? do we not respond? do we respond to houthi missiles? it shows bad judgement not being there. he is making judgement about military encounters, if he goes missing, that does not sound like he is up and fit for the office. >> brian: not like the world is in turmoil. now you and fauci will go behind closed doors. what is your question? what are things you want answers
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to? >> the biggest lie from dr. fauci united states government did not fund gain of function research in wuhan. we have a group of scientists with the cia agree that in all likelihood covid-19 came from a lab in wuhan funded by u.s. taxpayer dollars. dr. fauci continue to deny this and i believe that to be a lie and hope he is challenged on that. he is worse than lying about funding it, supposed to be safety committee to review research on this. set up in 2017, they began funding research at behest of anthony fauci. began funding they set up safety commission and that research skipped that safety committee. i've been trying to get the nih
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to reveal gain of deliberation, they talk about it and have a weekly meeting and will not reveal who made the final decision. it will go down in history as one of the worst medical histories ever made in our history. millions died and related to funding decision by dr. fauci to fund dangerous research in china and they have given him a pass, i don't think history will be kind. i hope the deposition will bring more truth. he is evasive and he testified about him and others trying to squelc h things and he said i don't recall 100 times. he has trouble with asian names, was an excuse and he didn't
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remember meeting certain people we know he had face-to-face meetings with in the white house. i might have met that person. he is a sdissem bler. i hope we get to truth today. >> brian: i know he is hoping you will not attend, you called him out and exposed him. half the world still thinks he's a hero and he is not. thank you for the action report. over to ainsley, to talk border. >> ainsley: 30 minutes ago live we captured a migrant illegally crossing into texas. watch. >> lawrence: a migrant behind me is trying to make his way, jumping the fence now. i talked to him, he paid the cartel 20 to 30,000 to cross the border. >> steve: that is razor wire.
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>> lawrence: that is right. here comes from honduras. he was waiting for the national guard to leave and what they told him, you got to go back, we will not let you in. he took his clothes off and jumped the razor wire. >> ainsley: looked like he did knick his leg with razor wire. >> ainsley: lawrence jones is live with texas ranger mr. wayne king. hi. >> lawrence: wayne king is a rancher and knows texas. he was here when that illegal migrant was jumping the fence. you see the clothes. what will is your reaction to what you saw? >> this is incredible. i see the same thing on the ranch, trash and debris. i see that and i'm 20 miles south of here. >> lawrence: mayorkas is going to be here today. if you have the opportunity to sit down and talk with him, what
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would you tell him? >> that he's a traitor, absolute traitor. he lies under oath and says the border is secure, it is not. he took an oath to protect and he's not doing it. it is clearly whole administration is same way. even the president of the united states. i call him a traitor, too. >> lawrence: how do you feel about texas governor abbott sign a law saying they will do deportation, detain him or be in prison or go back to mexico. how do you feel about the biden administration suing the state of texas and our texas depend of public safety. >> it is proof he doesn't care. it is crazy. our governor is trying to protect us and take care of us on our homeland. our federal government is going to try to keep him from doing it. treason. >> lawrence: what is the end goal?
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>> end goal as far as? >> the biden administration, why are they allowing this? >> it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know it is nothing but a vote. he claims he will give this stuff and they will praise him and vote for him. it ain't going to happen. >> lawrence: wayne king. thank you, we appreciate it. this razor wire fencing there. this is the deterrent. look at the clothes, they use these to come across the razor wire. texas needs help and can't do it by itself. back to you. >> ainsley: we saw the guy step on the razor wire. he is now in america. i wonder if they need to put more up there, he just stepped and jumped over it basically. >> lawrence: only matter of time before the white house tells border patrol they don't want to
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do this. to cut this wire and take it down. we'll keep putting it back up in te texas. >> ainsley: wowing fans with patriotic anthem after their win and they are coming up next. ♪ the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition called thyroid eye disease, which should be treated by a different doctor. see an expert. find a t-e-d eye specialist at
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is.
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>> steve: great story. the u.s. junior hockey team bringing home gold after 6-2 victory in the world championship game on friday night. this moment went viral. ♪ ♪ for the land of the free and the home of the brave ♪ ♪ >> steve: awesome. five of the players join us, team captain, wave. rutger is the team captain. lane hudson.
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ryan chestley, cutter and gavin brendly. reporting for duty. congratulations. rut ger, you are the captain. that moment went viral, why did it go viral? i don't think i've ever seen a team sing their heart out like that. >> yeah, i would say for us, just shows how much we love our country and how we came together in such a short amount of time and set a culture for ourselves and it was, we won the gold, we were fired up. >> steve: you sure did. lane, apparently they ran this on canadian tv, espn did not run it. any idea why? >> i would assume that the canadians weren't too thrilled
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we got the world medal. >> steve: you could be right. you did beat sweden, i'm 70% swedish. cutter, you were born in sweden and moved to arizona, that has to be tough, you took on sweden and beat your home country. >> yeah. i was born way up north there then moved over to the states when i was two. my dad was playing hockey over there, it was fun to get back there and win a gold medal in the home country i was born at. >> steve: a lot of you are from northern states, gavin, you grew up in florida, people don't think it is a hockey state. you prove it is. >> it is pretty clearly where flip flip-flops whenever you want. nice to do that. >> steve: ryan, are you and the
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other players, i imagine after friday and the win in the world championship, you are all planning on playing professionally, right? >> that is the goal. a lot can happen in the future, looking forward to having that opportunity and keep working on our game. >> steve: i know you are playing cool, on scale of 1-10, holdup the number of fingers, winning the world championship as team usa is a how many out of 10? one out of continue, 10 out of 10? rutgers got continue. all got 10. there you go. thank you, lane. 10 out of 10. congratulations. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> steve: everybody across america clapping for you guys. congratulations. dan akroyd said this about
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ufo's. >> whether you believe they exist, believe it or not, it is a reality. >> steve: ainsley will talk to him about that coming up live. check in with dana and bill. nine minutes. >> bill: great segment, the guys showing out the anthem. well done whachl is truth when cabinet member goes awol, find out. >> dana: if you didn't come for a week. iowa one week from today, number one issues you will hear this morning. >> bill: fear of larger war in middle east, growings as iran gets closer. >> dana: is the president aging in reverse? brand new week begins in minutes, it might be then. wh en you stay at a vrbo the host doesn't stay with you. see you then. becaus e wi thouy in your vacation home, it isn't really a vacation... it? [birds chirping]
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♪ ♪ ♪
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>> ainsley: dan ackroyd joins us now, what a pleasure. >> how is it in new york? a little snow? >> ainsley: a little snow. on friday the house is going to receive a ufo briefing. you said you've seen four. tell us more about it. >> the most spectacular one i saw was 50 feet away from me and on the 23rd floor of a hotel in montreal. no lights at all. just a big gray object that looked like the macy's day parade balloon. and my friend and i were set sitting there. she looked up and said what's that? we looked out the window, 100 feet long, 50 feet high like with a bunch of grapes underneath it. it sat there for a minute and a half and turned slowly.
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no sound. it drifted off. we ran into the hall and saw it drift over the st. lawrence river. that was not a helicopter or any kind of aircraft. it was right there present right in front of us. whether it was occupied or not, who was operating it, i don't know. i can't say that. i know what i saw and i had a witness with me and it was a vivid sighting of something. >> brian: we know for sure that you have a fox nation special, a history of the world in six glasses. you take the u.s. on a world tasting tour of drinks that changed the world with some of your snl alumni. tell us about it >> well, this was based on a book, "new york times" best seller about all the drinks and fluids in the world that have influenced us from beer by the time of the pyramids through to wine with the greeks, romans,
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spirits. coffee, tea and soda, coca-cola being a game changer around the world. what's great about this, it's very entertaining but really informative. the research was great and full of facts and figures we have never assumed we would know about these important fluids that we drink. we drink every day. >> steve: it looks like you are drinking with your snl alumni. thank you for joining us. good luck to you, the six-part special the history of the world in six glasses is now available on fox nation. great, dan. >> it's worth the price of admission. >> brian: thank you very much. >> he didn't tell anybody about it. the question i have is


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