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tv   The Faulkner Focus  FOX News  January 8, 2024 8:00am-9:00am PST

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i'll be outside of the courthouse in l.a. with updates on thursday. >> dana: david spunt. >> bill: we have updates. apparently john kirby at the white house is telling reporters the president and lloyd austin spoke on saturday. some knew that perhaps, dana. >> dana: i read that yesterday. the conversation was described as cordial. >> bill: morehead lienls. biden continues to have complete confidence in austin. no plan other than for austin to stay in his job. and they spoke several days ago. maybe they spoke twice, maybe saturday and last thursday. biden looks forward to having austin back at the pentagon as soon as possible. he has resumed all authority carrying out duties from the hospital. >> dana: they might try to put all this in a box and hope it goes away. i don't think that will cut it. we'll see if there is more. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour. here she is. >> harris: you have to tell the
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whole truth what the -- what had happened and what was happening and what's going on. >> objective in his commitment is to bring transparency and truth back to government to share the truth even when it's hard to hear. >> the american people have the right to expect those who are serving in high office to meet high ethics and transparency standards. >> harris: they didn't mean any of it. they took us for a ride and dumped us off to the side without the truth. we heard the president promise again and again and his team as you just saw told us so many times promising more transparency than america has ever seen with the biden administration. well that's certainly not what we got. that is certainly not what we're getting. the man in charge of our nation's military defense was out of commission for several days. and even left the president of the united states unaware in the dark without the facts.
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the man had surgery and some kind of post op pain reportedly that sent him back to the hospital. it's hard to even imagine worse timing with all that's going on in the world, whether it directly involves us or indirectly involves us. there is ukraine, israel/hamas war, troops getting shot at in the middle east and having to fight back now against iran-backed and trained enemies. so much going on. your military defense secretary needs to be well gather, talked to, they didn't know where he was. i'm harris faulkner and you are in "the faulkner focus." the pentagon says defense secretary lloyd austin checked into walter reed for an elective surgery at the end of last year. so last month. then went back due to those complications i mentioned. the procedure was performed on
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december 22nd. he returned home the very next day. but on january 1st, defense secretary lloyd austin was admitted to the icu because of severe pain. his number two at the pentagon was on vacation. president biden was not told until january 4th, some three plus days later. and oddly enough, in the white house, there may not be feeling it or saying it, but outside 1600 pennsylvania avenue, there is outrage. >> the national security council didn't know it. white house didn't know it. congress didn't knot. >> that's not the way the pentagon ought to conduct business. >> it was a dereliction of duty. the secretary and administration need to step forward and give the american people the facts. >> harris: a stark reminder of what we are up against.
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i'll lean into some of the things i mentioned now. iran-backed enemies attacking our troops in the region 121 times since october 17th. houthi terrorists going after commercial ships in the red sea. remember those are the yemeni terrorists trained and paid by iran. hezbollah, the north of israel border, lebanon is where they launch from. and they've launched 40 rockets into israel and that happened just this past saturday alone. secretary of state antony blinken is in the middle east trying to tamp down the threat of a wider war that could draw in multiple nations. "the new york times" the reporting iran's beefed up nuclear program shows they have so much uranium they could make three nuclear weapons in a
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matter of weeks. staring down the threat of wider war with a top official in operative. where was lloyd austin? now we know. should we have known as it was happening? of course we should have. in "focus" now republican congresswoman kat cammack. first peter doocy live outside the white house. peter, i understand that john kirby was just speaking on air force one traveling with the president today. what have we learned from john kirby? >> so harris, it builds on what i was told first thing this morning when i asked does president biden have confidence in secretary austin? he and looking forward to him being back at the pentagon. kirby elaborated on that in the air. >> i want to make sure i put a fork in my answer to you. there is no plans for anything
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other than for secretary austin to stay in the job and continue in the leadership that he has been demonstrating. >> republicans want austin out. stefanik says at a dangerous time when american service members our closest partner and ally israel at war with hamas terrorists and the threat from communist china is on the rise. austin himself said he is okay and that i also understand the media concerns about transparency and i recognize i could have done a better job insuring the public was appropriately informed. i commit to doing better. this is important to say. this was my medical proper sired and i take full responsibility for my decisions about disclosure. secretary antony blinken in the middle east didn't want to go any further than that. >> what is your policy? >> again, i think he put out a
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statement addressing this. i will let that statement speak for itself. >> what would your policy be? >> i won't get into hype that calls. >> bill: kathleen hicks was on vacation in puerto rico january 2nd when she found out austin's powers were being transferred to her. she didn't know for two more days until january 4th that austin was in the icu. >> is this acceptable to you? vice president pence called it a dereliction of duty. >> i don't think it is a dereliction of duty. not at all. i do wish it had been disclosed and maybe it was. maybe just not made public. so i don't know all the particulars here. >> we are often told here at the biden white house that when the president is on vacation, he is not really on vacation because he is always working. president biden was in st. croix
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when austin went back into the hospital. the trip he is still in the hospital for. somehow president biden's work calls from vacation, from the time he got back to the west wing, did not reveal that his top military advisor was in a hospital bed, harris. >> harris: i mean, that is just gapingly -- my mouth was just open as you said that. that's gapingly irresponsible. that's a hole in information at a time when the world literally parts of it where we're engaged diplomatically in so many ways is on fire. but this i thought interesting and i want to bring this up. your reporting the pentagon number two was on vacation. i'm learning that miss kathleen hicks was in puerto rico. now you have told us president biden was on st. croix. was anybody picking up their messages? what if it hadn't been good news. thank the good lord he is okay?
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would anyone have known? >> it under mines the whole idea that president biden is on work calls on vacation with the family. kirby was touching the edges of this. apparently austin was on a secure call at some point on january 1st, which is the day he went into the hospital for that post surgical pain. kirby was explaining the white house situation room here underneath the west wing, which organizes those secure calls, does have to check in with cabinet-level secretaries like austin to know where they are patch them through. they knew he was in the washington, d.c. area, but not in a hospital in the washington, d.c. area. >> harris: wow, that's really interesting. all right. peter doocy, excellent as always. thank you. "fox & friends" weekend host will cain summed it up this way. >> it's kind of important to trust the pentagon.
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multiple front wars across the world. secretary of defense is sixth in command in the chain of command. it's unacceptable for the american public and beyond the ability to even conceive the president of the united states would not know that the secretary of defense is out of commission for a week. >> harris: in "focus" new republican congresswoman kat cammack on florida on the subcommittee of the weaponization of the federal government. how about the snoozeization? was somebody asleep at the switch? what in the world? your defense secretary. >> it's crazy, harris, leave it to the biden administration to take something routine like an elective surgery and botch it. this is incompetence. not just a lack of transparency, it is dangerous because not only which has been pointed out
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multiple times are our men and weibull uniform and military installations abroad under constant attack in the middle east but a heightened level of engagement around the globe. when you have the secretary of defense, sixth in command, out of commission, his deputy not even knowing that he himself is out of commission in icu and on vacation, this is absurd. this just is another example as to why actions have consequences. i go back to the 117th congress when there was a vote under speaker pelosi to grant a waiver to allow austin to become secretary of defense. now the rationale back then was well, you know, it has been done before and we should do it again. i was proud i voted against granting austin that perk. he should have never been secretary of defense because he was a failed commander when he was in control of central
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command. when i was in -- he was a case study in failures of leadership. whether then, with the botched afghanistan withdrawal or now, his lack of communication, he is not fit to be the secretary of defense. >> harris: when we learned about the secure call brought about by the situation knew and all he knew is he was in the d.c. area. there are questions was he trying to hide something? there is transparency people need to know in this country. we didn't vote for him as you just pointed out. that's not a person we voted for. if they are in charge of something that directly affects our well-being and national security at home and that of our soldiers and all branches of the military around the world, i think we need to know about it as the public. i'll move on to this. two days before the first house hearing on impeaching -- spinning of our security. homeland secretary mayorkas he is at the border in eagle pass,
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texas, meeting with officials and border patrol agents talking about the illegal immigrant crisis that he has called simply a challenge. house speaker mike johnson was just in eagle pass as we know. >> the white house, administration, secretary mayorkas have put a welcome mat out. secretary mayorkas is a failure not because of incompetence. he has done this intentionally and these are intentional policy decisions he has made and there must be accountability for that. >> harris: congresswoman. >> harris, as we would say here in the south he is a real peach. he has lied repeatedly to congress and negligent in his duties. he needs to go and be impeached. our national security depends on it. >> harris: do you think it will happen? >> absolutely. i have yet to meet one republican, i know some democrats that are anxious to get rid of him and let me remind you, behind closed doors we told him you are getting ready to be impeached he said you won't like
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who comes next. i asked him if that was a threat and he just smiled. this man is dangerous. he knows exactly what he is doing and he is two faced. we need to get rid of him now. >> harris: what did he mean who comes next? >> well, that was the big question. i asked him i said is that a threat? he just smiled and i thought this man knows exactly what he is doing. this is 100% by design. they want an open border crisis whether it's for future votes, get rid of citizenship as a requirement for voting we're not sure. he was very clear in what he said and other members in the room. i will never forget that and as we go to impeach him for his negligence, for him destroying our national security and eroding our national sovereignty it will be top of mind. >> harris: yeah, i wish somebody had gotten that on tape to play it over and over. perhaps we will when you go into session with him to ask questions bring that up. it sounded like a threat.
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it has politics behind it. okay. thank you so very much for being with me and getting us started. heavy important topics. we move forward. thank you. sounds like former president barack obama hit the panic button. the former president's reportedly very concerned about the biden campaign and certainly not holding back his criticism of it. all eyes on iowa and i would imagine that includes barack obama if he wants to get worried he has to see what the competition is doing. one week left until the iowa caucuses. candidates making closing arguments and stepping up attacks on each other and on the man at the top of the run, donald trump. power panel next.
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>> harris: former president donald trump remains in iowa two more events today after being there over the weekend for some big ones. he is going after one rival in particular, his former cabinet member, nikki haley. she is rising in the polls. trump is warning supporters take nothing for granted. >> don't stay home, just please. the polls are showing we'll win by a lot and worst thing you can do, let's just stay home, alice and let's watch it on television. we don't want to do that. you have to get out. >> harris: whoever alice is, she got a shout-out. i imagine there are many beautiful alices out there. florida governor ron desantis is pushing back on speculation that he will drop out of the race if he doesn't make a strong showing in iowa. here he is. >> i've put a lot of time here because i think it's important and i think that iowa gives you an opportunity to be on the
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ground. anybody saying somehow like we're only doing iowa, that's a flat-out lie. you have to be built for the long haul. make no mistake, we've got a mission and we have to complete this mission. it is a long process. it is an arduous process. i think iowa is going to be great way for us to start the process. >> harris: power panel now, doug collins former republican congressman of georgia. patrick murphy former democrat congressman of pennsylvania. doug, i'll start with you. the president with his eye on nikki haley. >> yeah, i think it's right. it's not that much on his eye. his main focus is what he said, get out the vote. we've talked about this for over a month. i this i the biggest concern of the trump campaign is making sure people come out. it will be really cold on monday in iowa. so i think that will be a key is getting those people out there making sure they come to vote. again, the surge in the polls that i question calling it a
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surge of haley or desantis, they are still 20 to 30 points behind in the polls. the big thing is getting the people turned out. >> harris: after having live in minnesota and friends in iowa and the dakotas. a compliment is you look warm in whatever you're dressed to do what you have to do. patrick, how do you see iowa at this point in the caucuses coming up? >> i agree with my doug collins. it is a done deal that former president trump will win. he is up over 30 points in the polls. harris, what people aren't paying attention just last friday afternoon the u.s. supreme court said they will hear the colorado case. why is that important to iowa? who comes in number two will be an incredibly important factor not just in iowa, new hampshire and elsewhere. six months from now in milwaukee, wisconsin we have the republican national convention. if president trump is kicked off
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that ballot. i don't think it will happen but if it does, who comes in number two is incredibly important and consequential. >> harris: we know from polling most of the people who support desantis have as their second person donald trump. i don't think it's too far a leap to know it will be desantis or nikki haley. not like there is somebody else out there. we don't know how ramaswamy will do. he has been to all 99 counties in iowa twice. three candidates, three town halls, all here on fox tonight nikki haley, tomorrow ron desantis. wednesday donald trump at 9:00 p.m. eastern. martha maccallum and bret baier will moderate. you don't want to miss it. the biden campaign defending its strategy after reports former president biden went after that campaign. the "washington post" is reporting an animated obama told biden and his aides to move aggressively against former president trump. they need to hire more top-level
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decision makers, ooh, ding, or light a fire under the ones who already have those jobs. the deputy campaign manager said there is nothing to see here. >> president obama and president biden talk frequently as do the campaign and former operatives from president biden's administration and his campaign. the one thing is we're both aligned on the fact we have to push back on maga extremist tea. the president has been clear the experience he got at vp serving with president obama is critical to the experience he brings to the job and what he has been able to accomplish. >> i think the president -- former president, president obama and joe biden had a great eight years in the white house. i think they are still friends and i think they are aligned. i also do think that president obama was saying listen, donald trump is no joke. he is a former president. he is a fighter. you better get your head in the game. i understand governing and joe biden is a work house, note show
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horse. he has to communicate to the america people it is a race that's a contrast between democracy, the rule of law and u.s. constitution and someone who just wants to disregard it. >> harris: you know what? he is a show horse, come on. we remember when he would go to the car shows and threaten reporters behind the wheel of swanky cars and, you know, he loves attention. stop it, patrick. we hear you. doug. >> well, you know, my fellow -- the democrats don't have a second choice here. no plan b. there are many democrats worried they are taking this too complacently and the biden campaign is trying to run the campaign from the basement again. that's going to be something that they'll come out of. i think if they continue to basically take half the american people and claim that people who vote for trump are like trump in the last election or the folks that we're against here is not a good strategy. a lot of independents in there as well especially when you have
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the democratic party has patrick said a minute ago, taking candidates off the ballot of private organizations such as the republican party on primary ballots. here is the attack that they are so frustrated with trump trying to get him off the ballot. >> harris: the full class closure, last week on "outnumbered" he told me no way should they ever do anything like this. it is a bad decision by democrats. i remember you saying that so you can look -- you don't want it to happen because it's bad for our republic. >> i agree. but i'm just saying it's consequential who comes in number two. >> harris: as we get closer to the first primary contest i mentioned the january iowa caucuses and eight days later we'll be in new hampshire. i sit down with those closest to the presidential candidates.
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up first today for this week running them the first lady of florida, casey desantis. >> tell me about some of the women that you've helped with hope florida. >> about helping people get on a pathway to economic self-sufficient incismd how do we harness people with a single mom who needs help. we've done that. we've done that. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be.
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>> harris: more anti-israel hate. this video is from moments ago, anti-israel protesting in new york city causing a major traffic jam today and if you recognize the woman in the glasd the black hat there, that's susan sir ---she has
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joined that protesting. we'll keep an eye on this as we do all of the anti-israel protests that go on. we'll bring any news that breaks. i want to take a look back now at my special series democracy 24 families in "focus" because we're just a week out now from the big primary season kicking off in full in iowa. candid interviews taking you behind the scenes and bringing you personal stories closest to the men and women looking to lead our nation. i traveled to tallahassee, florida, the historic people's house of florida. the state's first lady, casey desantis and her family were home from the campaign trail and we got to chat awhile. >> you move into the governor's mansion it is pretty neat. honor and privilege to be able to be in it. this is history. >> harris: born in the midwest, casey desantis tells me it's been a blessed journey to get
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here. >> i grew up in troy, ohio, usa. 45 minutes north of dayton. i was there until high school and then after that i had the opportunity to go down to charleston, south carolina. went to the college of charleston. sister was an air force pilot so she was stationed there in north charls ton. my dad was working in charleston at the medical university of south carolina. we had the whole family there for a while in the low country. >> harris: when you were a kid, what were some of the things that you dreamed of doing. >> i was big into horses when i was little. i thought i would be riding horses the rest of my life. i was a very shy kid. i'm glad my parents pushed me to do athletics. not only was it good to make friendships but also the competition and not only winning and a victory but also learning how to lose. one of the hardest things you
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have to go through and pick yourself up and become resilient. >> harris: you were ncaa division one. >> runner up. i didn't come out on top. >> harris: equestrian. you came in second nationally? >> yes, runner up champion. >> harris: that's amazing. >> it was great but one of those things you're so close to winning but -- >> harris: casey and governor ron desantis were both college athletes, sports is a big topic in their home. >> harris: there is a huge push to protect girls in women's sports and not competing with biological males. >> as it should be. that's what we should be doing and have a united voice. i think we do. there are a lot of republicans, independents and democrats who don't believe that biological men should be taking opportunities from women. >> that's a good one.
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>> harris: how did you meet your husband? >> i was working in television and he was in the navy. he was stationed at may port, a jag officer. we happened to be at the same driving range facility. i needed help with my golf swing and he had a better swing than i did. he ended up driving to go find a place for us to go meet. >> harris: how long did you date before you nua, this is the one? >> i knew very quickly after meeting him that he was the one. you can tell he is funny, he is a great guy to be around, he is very, very, very smart. he has good moral compass. >> her being from ohio. my mom being from ohio and my dad western pennsylvania there is a lot of similarities because we were raised by, i think, parents that had similar frame of mind. >> he has great parents. mom was a nurse, dad installing
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nielsen rating boxes on the back of tvs. he worked hard in school and had the opportunity to work himself through yale and harvard and after that what he decided to do was volunteer to go into the navy. he wanted to give back to the country that had given him so much. he saw 9/11 happening. >> harris: in 2009 jill casey black became mrs. ron desantis. and their lives together took off. her tv career included a stint at the golf channel with the show pga tour today. her newlywed husband was going into politics. >> when i first ran to congress in 2012 she would be knocking on doors, the republican voters' doors and think about it. you are on tv. when people see you in person it is a big deal if they know you from tv. someone that they see in the morning show shows up at their doorstep and they're like i know
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you. >> to all those people across the state, first responders i want to say thank you. >> harris: these days casey desantis is still famous in florida as first lady. with super fame at home for being mom. 6-year-old madison just started first grade. 5-year-old mason in kindergarten and 3-year-old mamie just began pre-k. >> where are you going? >> we are the first young family to live in the glove nor's mansion in 50 years. so they have a unique perspective on life. they've always had the security detail around them. they think that is just normal part of life. but they are having fun and they get a lot of neat opportunities. also this is an opportunity for us to be able to teach our kids about what exactly we are
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fighting for. >> i want to bring up my better half, the first lady of florida to say a few words. >> who are you as first lady? what defines you? >> what defines me as first lady? one who looks at the role with a lot of humility, right? it isn't about me. it is about being in a position to be able to do good on behalf of the people of this state and hopefully of this country. >> harris: tell me about some of the women that you've helped with hope florida. >> we've been able to transition off either partly or entirely more than 8100 people from government assistance because they are on a pathway to economic self-sufficiency cooking for their children and on their home in tears because they have a roof over their house that they've been able to get on their own. >> harris: she said helping others comes from getting a second chance at life. in october 2021, her husband
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announced casey desantis had breast cancer. >> the day that i ultimately found out, it was ron who was the one that told me because i couldn't listen to the doctors, i didn't want to hear any of the opining. i didn't know if i was going to see my kids graduate from kindergarten, let alone going off to high school or watching them walk down the aisle. so i had him every step of the way there as a shoulder to cry on. >> harris: how does it make you feel when she talks about survival because of you? >> i did my role as what a good husband should do. she really fought hard. i will till, once we went public with it, the amount of prayers we got from florida and around the country really boosted her spirit and my spirit. >> what he did for me in my cancer battle is what he did for the people of this state during covid because he went through and analyzed the data just like he fought for me, he fought for
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the people of this state. >> we're told we must trust the science. >> indoor and outdoor venues should be closed. >> we are told we should back down and look the other way. enough is enough. when you come after our kids, we fight back. >> harris: that's casey's voice in that campaign ad about fighting for america's children. and she wrote it. she says it is all hands on deck to get all five of the desantis family to the white house. and we'll have more families in "focus" later this week. i got to spend time with a couple of others, former ambassador nikki haley and her children in their home state of south carolina and a wonderful day in new hampshire on the campaign trail with vivek
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ramaswamy wife and i got to hold the baby. i love the series and loved meeting the desantis family. it has been fun. now it all kicks off with primary season one week from today in iowa. a new chapter in the battle to ban former president donald trump from state primary ballots. the u.s. supreme court with a date now to begin oral arguments. it is february 8th. plus house republicans are getting ready to hold the president's son, hunter biden, in contempt of congress. >> i hope that we do refer charges for contempt. i'm a republican who held republican's feet to the fire when they don't show up to congress with a subpoena and i plan to hold democrats to the same standard. >> harris: it turns out someone appointed by hunter's father may actually have the final say on
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and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> harris: this fox news alert. house republicans have just released a resolution to hold hunter biden in contempt of
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congress. president joe biden's son defied a congressional subpoena for a closed door deposition last month. david spunt from washington with the story. >> good morning. here is a draft of the resolution just released this morning. two days a house panel will begin the contempt proceedings. a day later hunter biden will be before a federal judge in california to answer for tax charges. both the house and judiciary committees will start contempt proceedings based on what hunter is doing in this photograph. on capitol hill on december 13th but did not show up for a scheduled deposition. instead gave a lengthy statement outside the capitol dome. james jordan and -- hunter biden's willful refusal constituents contempt of congress and warrant referral to the appropriate united states states attorneys office for prosecution. we will not provide him with special treatment because of his last name. it was for a closed door deposition democrats are outraged at the idea of contempt with hunter biden offered to
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testify in public on camera for millions to see. >> there has never been a case in which congress has held a private individual in contempt of congress when he agreed to come forward and testify before a full committee. which was precisely what chairman comer repeatedly offered on tv. >> however, remember these two men steve bannon and peter navarro were also held in contempt and prosecuted by the dc u.s. attorney matthew graves office for ignoring a congressional subpoena. their cases were different. they claimed executive privilege but prosecuted by matthew graves who happened to be appointed by one president joe biden in november of 2021. now before the hunter contempt issue even gets to his office it must pass the full house, then his office would need to decide to prosecute. hunter biden will be, as i said, in federal court in los angeles
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on thursday to answer for nine tax charges, three of them are felonies. harris. >> harris: thank you very much. focus now criminal defense attorney and former assistant district attorney phil holloway. happy new year, good to see you. first of all, should there be any concerns of a conflict of interest between the attorney general -- u.s. attorney's office matthew graves who was appointed by joe biden? >> great to be with you, happy new year to you as well. when we were-in-law school we learned a legal doctrine said what's good for the goose is good for the gander. in this particular case if the u.s. attorney can prosecute in criminal court people that are associated with joe biden's chief political opponent, then certainly if he is going to maintain any credibility he has no option in my view but to prosecute hunter biden in the like fashion. look, what hunter did was
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arguably worse than the other individuals because what he did was went out into the parking lot basically of the capitol building on the day that he was subpoenaed to be there. he can't say he was sick or something else. he went into their yard and literally just defied them saying i dare you to do anything. i'm out here in the parking lot and give you the finger and tell you what you can do with the subpoena. he is daring congress to hold him in contempt and that's what they'll do. i don't think the u.s. attorney has much option again if he will maintain credibility he has to treat both of them the same way. >> harris: what happens if he doesn't? >> if he doesn't there will be nothing that the congress can do about it. they can't force the u.s. attorney to bring criminal charges, that's entirely discretionary. i think there are be political blowback and additional hearings. i think the congress will use their subpoena power to dig into
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the reasons why, if the u.s. attorney elects not to make any formal criminal charges out of this. >> harris: i have had viewers ask me why should we care about hunter biden when no one can even hold his father accountable for having been on so many phone calls with hunter biden's business associates when the president said he was never in contact with anybody like that? why is he in focus for us? >> why is hunter biden in focus? he is the key to what is going on with the biden alleged criminal family money laundering enterprise. he is the key and holds the answers and the one that knows, at least one of the people that knows how all these business entities that had no products to sell or services to provide were able to rake in millions and millions of dollars from foreign nations and then have that money wind up allegedly in the pocket
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books of joe biden and other members of the family. that's why hunter biden is significant and ought to be in the focus of the congress. >> harris: one product to sell the biden name. the reason i ask that question in part is because if this matthew graves doesn't do his job and do the obvious, as you say, that is put hunter biden in a position to have a case adjudicated against him, all eyes on matthew graves because could there be politics behind it? we don't know. we'll watch every part of this. let's move. the u.s. supreme court will take up the colorado donald trump ballot ban next month. that state along with maine cited the 14th amendment insurrection clause to boot donald trump from the ballot. trump's former vice president, mike pence, with this. >> while i said that the president's word were reckless i think these efforts to take the decision away from the american people is antithetical to the very democracy that the president biden and many
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democrats talk about wanting to defend. >> harris: let's take a look at the ballot battles a i -- across the country. a new editorial is warning the supreme court the ballot rescue trying to ban opposition party candidates from the ballot will spread unless the justices stop it. i have had democrats, even patrick murphy who didn't want to start with that today but they say it. it hurts everybody. >> the 14th amendment insurrection clause is not self-executing and never designed or intended to have a patchwork of individual rules around the country, rules made up by courts or other entities or individuals like a bureaucrat unelected. we can't have elections being decided by who is in charge of printing the ballots in the united states. >> harris: oral arguments begin on the trump ballot ban at the supreme court february 8th. good to see you and thank you for watching "the faulkner focus." "outnumbered" next.
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