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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 8, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> getting new reaction from the biden administration on defense secretary austin's decision to hide his hospital stay. just a short time ago john kirby told a reporter no change regarding austin's position, despite growing calls for resignation. hello, this is "outnumbered," i'm kayleigh mcenany, here with emily compagno and harris faulkner. hudson institute senior fellow rebecca heinrichs and fox news contributor and host of guy benson show, guy benson. austin's ordeal began december 22 right-hand, when he underwent a procedure at walter reed and
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returned to intensive care unit last monday with severe pain. austin's next in command was given some duties next day but not told he was in the hospital. the white house had no clue that the secretary of defense was hospitalized. senior pentagon officials and congress learn the news on friday. austin's condition was closely guarded. one dod official was told the secretary was working from home. austin is recovering in the hospital and we wish him the best. i could have done a better job of keeping the public inform. this was my medical procedure and i take full responsibility
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for disclosure. there is war in europe and middle east, tacks in the middle east and red sea not to mention iran, china, north korea and austin disappears without the white house or secretary of state knowing anything about it. politicians are calling for accountability. >> guy: when you are secretary of defense, you need to make everyone aware you would be out of pocket. we are at ail time with a lot of turmoil and more than just a matter of wasn't there, sent over false information saying i'm working from home, whole different issue. >> someone's head should roll, someone on the staff dropped the ball here. >> the handling of this by secretary of defense is unacceptable. secretary and administration need to step forward and give the american people the facts.
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>> this was not an appropriate way to handle what was his hospitalization and hopefully there will be greater transparency within the administration. >> probable should own up to it. even an elective procedure could be life-threatening, it is better to own up. if you don't tell the truth, people were speculate more. >> kaylee: we hold him in our prayers. putting that aside and talking to the american people, control of the u.s. armed sources -- we have a 15-minute warning time for nuclear attack from russia and china with latest weapon, the death is vital in responding. what if there had been a nuclear attack? >> secretary of defense would be someone to take advice from.
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the fact they did not know he was missing. secretary austin gave his apology, that is not the worst part. the president or join staff knew he was gone. my question is, who is operating on his behalf? the united states military took out senior militia member on thursday, when the secretary of defense was incapaspated, who was good afternooning that? who is interacting with our allies for prosperity guardian of the red sea? it is a mystery. a lot of questions need to be answered who is in charge. >> kayleigh: "washington post" says sullivan, national security advisor notice lloyd austin was absent. neither sullivan or
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baker knew austin was hospitalized >> >> harold: i hear hypotheticals today, the actuals are damming, the thingses going on in the world and 101 times our men and women have been hit in the middle east on bases and stations in the middle east 101 times. i think the actual, that is ongoing threat. is he in charge or not? two things struck me in early reporting with peter doocy because information was just coming from john kirby. not that they didn't know they were lied to. they were manipulated. what the situation room did when it checked in to see which cabinet members or staff were aware, they were told austin was in the d.c. area when in fact he had left his home to go to the
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hospital to have a procedure he said was elective and returned home from the hospital and had a complication serious enough to go back to the hospital and remains helpized today. d.c. area was not the complete truth. truth with omission is a lie. without hypotheticals, what is truth why the white house, via john kirby want to put a fork in the answer when you ask the question what was going on with the sec def. they don't need hypotheticals, because they are real. >> kayleigh: peace corp are level of reporters. my radar went up when i saw level of concern coming from jen griffin, this is type of behavior you expect from the
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chinese government. barbara starr, cnn retired, lack of disclosure is a huge failure. i do not see a way forward for believing the pentagon tells the truth on anything. these are serious criticisms from serious reporters. >> guy: devastating and deserved criticism. we put the statement from austin saying i understand i could have done better and will be better in the future. days later, we don't know what happened. we don't know why he was hospitalized, they are not giving those answers. for john kirby to come out and say no harm, no foul, the job of the secretary is not in jeopardy at all, it is rather extraordinary, because lack of truth, the lie told working from home, the terrible judgement exhibited by the secretary
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keeping the president out of the loop, these might be fireable offenses. this administration is allergic to accountability. a debacle with wider ranging implication maybe he will get off the hook for this one. >> harris: when is last time somebody was working from home on pain killers. if pain is bad enough for hospital is he ready to work? >> kayleigh: media has been lucid, axios, republicans erupt. >> emily: secretary austin ignored the law. some found reassurance he was at the wheel despite incompetence of president biden should take this as sign entire administration was asleep at the wheel or ignored the law. absolutely, troops are drawing
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combat pay. president biden was flipping in the caribbean for multiple endth vacation, the secretary deputy secretary of defense who took over the reigns from secretary austin was on vacation in puerto rico. president biden did not notice. think about yourself, my executive producer and people know where i am, i am in constant communication with them. if they stopped hearing from me, they would know within a few minutes, or inquire. the two-way street information, fact it was paused on both ends is problematic for no one to notice. does he not,a semble communication both ways? >> kayleigh: for anyone questioning who is in control in the white house and whether truly the president, this does little to shore up your wonders. supreme court will take up
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colorado decision to kick former president trump off the ballot, thrusting the judges into a role that could alter the course of this year's presidential election. ng me? customize and save with liberty bibberty. he doesn't even have a mustache. only pay for what you need. ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) as someone living with type 2 diabetes, i want to keep it real and talk about some risks. with type 2 diabetes you have up to 4 times greater risk of stroke, heart attack, or death. even at your a1c goal, you're still at risk ...which if ignored could bring you here... ...may put you in one of those... ...or even worse.
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so-called insurrection clause. legal experts include 27 states attorney general says the high court must strike down the effort as unconstitutional. they argue it is not up to states to decide who americans should vote for. democrats seem to think it is justified. >> do you think he should be barred from any ballots given his action on january 6? >> i support every state taking action to keep him off the ballot. >> article 14, section three, he should not be able to run for president, that is not the point. the point is again, different states have different laws. >> harris: emily, legally lay it out for us. >> emily: i wouldn't expect nancy pelosi to know the law.
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legal precedent indicates the office of presidency is excluded from the clause. potentially by end of the primary, we will know for sure whether or not the office of the p presidency is excluded or included. back to point of the amicus brief filed by 27 states, argument by democrat, half of the argument is the fact it will absolute chaos and we've seen that. it is spreading like wildfire. we see it in pennsylvania and maine and everyone apparently at whim of a pen sought to discredit and disqualify republican counterparts on the basis of an argument. i am grateful the supreme court has taken this up. we will learn the presidency is
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excluded from the argument and these appeals are happening, everything has stayed and paused. once the supreme court says you're back, is it too little too late? past the primary date. >> harris: you answered my follow-up, does this have higher implications? for democrats, this could happen to them, too. are they not forecasting the future? this has bigger implication. talk about the politics of this? >> guy: poll from u-gov showed eight in 10 democrats support keeping president trump off the ballot. independents go the other way. that shows enthusiasm within the democratic base for disqualifying president trump from the ballot. you have seen state legislators introducing legislation to throw joe biden off the ballot.
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ron desantis said he's looking at that in florida, just to make a point. you don't have to be a trump fan or support what he did after the election to say this is corrosive and to hope the supreme court won't just get it right, but it will be lopsided. this is a dangerous path. >> harris: if you're looking across the world at america and how we do recommends in a republic, you are scratching your head going, we could do that here in this banana republic. we don't know need to get a constitution, it is embarrassing. >> kayleigh: this is done in a dictatorship like russia, not in the united states. the nuance is important. you are a colorado voter, the name will be on the ballot. secretary of state griswald was asked on cnn, what happens if
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people bubble in his name. if voters cast a ballot or vote for someone disqualified, we would not count the vote. you say, no, write his name in, wait, colorado court thought about that and secretary may not list trump's name or count write-in votes cast. 1.43 cast a vote in 2023, assume the same universe 1.34 million people disenfranchised, that is what we do in putin's russia, not america. >> guy: count every vote, except those millions. >> harris: rebecca, you are getting legal experts to tell you it can't be a split, has to be 9-0. >> rebecca: right, biden foreign policy is democracy versus auto krasy, they are supporting
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democrats taking trump off the ballot, which disenfranchises voters. integrity and reputation of the supreme court of the united states, if you do not have overwhelming majority or nine ruling, you are going to have accusations that the court is being partisan. this is a constitutionalist court, i don't like calling it conservative. originalist judges and they judge fairly, if you don't have all or most judges, it will look partisan and seems to me democrats are trying to with justice thomas, trying to discredit the court. i worry about that. >> harris: that is interesting, republicans are in the majority. >> kayleigh: you have to step aside brett kavanaugh or amy comey barrett. i am waiting for calls and will continue to wait.
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>> harris: i'll wait with you. do we need to bring doritos. coming up, new reporting on criticism from barack obama on the structure of the biden campaign. he told them they are not winning. on his concern about former president trump's strength as a 2024 rival. stay tuned. [ applause ] the day you get your clearchoice dental implants
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embrace political violence. it is not part of the past, he is promising it in the future. he went on to say he would be a dictator day one. he calls those who oppose hem him vermin. talks about blood of america poisoned. echoing same language used in nazi germany. >> kayleigh: uplifting. now expecting to hear another speech from president biden, the president is giving remarks any moment in charleston, south carolina, state resurrected his political life in 2020 and it seems his campaign is flat-lining and needs a volt. emily, axios says democrats were enthuzed on his speech. i found it to be angry and not
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uplifting. winning presidential change inspire. you think of obama. this was a specific note we are hitting to shore up suburban women or independence r independents and we'll have more. what will we hear today? >> we will hear the same, they say trump is a racist and threat to america. they say he is planning to engage in a racially charged claiming -- second to president trump. everyone is exhausted by it. what i'm curious about, it is clear continued emphasis he places on this is only working for so long and only working with specific group of lo loyalistings to him. third party democratic runner will pull a lot of votes and i'm
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curious about the people running the show, what do they say approximate it? president obama said, let's have lunch. the ability trump might win election, who is the other voices? is someone there propping him up in that way? it raises questions, i'm not surprised by this. none of this is surprising whatsoever. voters deserve better, when voters vote and prove we deserved better all along. >> kayleigh: this speech had two audiences. progressive left are upset about action in israel, they feel it is insufficient of support and to suburban women, remind them, you cannot vote for the alter
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alternative, come to me. >> guy: i think republicans shouldn't dismiss the issue, the question becomes is it two, one, no? are people exhausted of it? have people had enough to say, i get the point he's making, we can't take this. i was better when trump was president, my family was better off. this may be the tension of this election. one point about barack obama, former president staging mini-intervention, how would that be receive by joe biden. there are reports there was tension and bitternesses and he felt disparaged by obama. i wonder if i will come 96 it is the attitude anyone wants to hear, let alone that individual. >> kayleigh: obama mentioned
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david pluff. not sure how receptive he will be. >> harris: the fact joe biden right now is shedding the black vote and hispanic communities, as well. what does that look like to america's first black president? maybe a way to fix it. can he fix it? that is one area. biden will walk into chicago where black residents are upset because their resources are being usurped by illegal immigration. this is a hot mess sandwich, pick something other than bide bidenomics. axelrod is saying it, obama, democrats are saying, pick a
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sure thing. what do they pick? hate donald trump. that is got to work, right, guys? isn't that what worked last time? the two need to debate. america shouldn't hinge on who hates one more than the other. it is what makes us better as a country and we need to hear somebody say that on stage with other guys saying that and who is that going to be? we need this. we need it. soon as there is primary, whoever is decided and comes out on the other side, biden anointed himself to be that person for the democrats. ly will have to debate that. america deserves that. >> kayleigh: democrats are saying this is not enough. there are pieces of people saying there are alarm bells. "new york times" magazine cover, you see it. headline is interesting. alarming calm, that is president biden, calmest democrats are his
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campaign. they think we have this, all we have to do is donald trump not realizing their own infirmity like jill biden having to help biden off the debate stage where he seems confused. >> rebecca: joe biden thinks he will go in. he is losing the black vote and he will whip them up on donald trump and racism. why not talk about issues that black americans care about, the same thing many of us care about, jobs, economy, illegal immigrants coming in. not that they are competing for jobs, it is creating dwifl situations crime wise. these are issues black voters care about and joe biden will not be speaking on the issues, it is back to firing people up, talking about racism and donald trump. >> kayleigh: no doubt about it. interesting. see if it works.
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nightmare unfolding in the sky as a door flew off alaska airline jet while 16,000 feet in the air. more on that crazy story next.
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one passenger recalled a terrifying moment involving a small child. >> about wide as refrigerator and high as two-thirds in height. there was a kid in the row, his shirt was sucked off and his mother was holding on to him so he didn't go with it. >> emily: could have been so much worse. it is still tragic and frightening. >> guy: and scary and reports of warning lights on this aircraft of three previous flights and they thought they had dealt with it. that was not the case. that is the thought i keep on having, despite being fixated on the gaping hole, it is scary. no one was sitting directly next to that door, thank god. it could have happened later in the flight, higher altitude, people milling around the cabin,
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people with drinks. thank god that did not occur. we saw some like phones and stuff go flying out of the plane. we can laugh, but this is scary. >> emily: former chairman of the transportation safety board says i think the system is under strain and we have enough information to be concerned. do you have faith in who is leading? mayor pete buttigieg? people do not have confidence. accidents are not connected, but enough to be concerned. >> kayleigh: it is concerning being the report of lights going off three times. thissen plawas banned from flying overseas because much trouble it had. young boy has his shirt sucked off and people's phones being sucked out of the plan. airpods were sucked out of
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people's ears. i can't imagine being on this flight. they have grounded this type of plane to look at this closely. >> emily: praying the seat belt keeps you in. this is frightening. >> rebecca: horrifying and guy said it best, it could have been worse and circumstances lended itself to best case scenario and no one was harmed. this is how i think of great white shark attacks, they are rare. it is still safe to travel through airplane. >> emily: on the heels of us cover the reporting safety reports were falsified and got through in the supply chain for the global industry. this is not a boeing issue or alaska airline, larger issue that is frightening and corners being cut are fatal.
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>> harris: you mention that and on the heels of the seattle times reporting and i had been watching this because headlines were boeing and top supplier under pressure as defect cuts jet deliveries and profits. i've heard enough now in terms of reporting and relationship between distribution and supply with this particular corporation that i think it bears asking deeper questions. perhaps the federal government will be doing that while they ground some planes. rebecca, i hear you on it is rare. it is happening often enough with this corporation for the federal government to ground the planes again. i want them to take a look what is happening before the planes take off in terms of who they have relationships with, this corporation and how relationships are doing with deliveries. are they hurrying up? i don't know, we don't know enough. i think now is a good time.
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>> emily: great point. i sat in on conferences with boeing at the helm. cost and price influence their decision. local, family-runned businesses are being cut out of the process for cheaper others. it begs the question, not insinuating anything, stating let's ask. has quality suffered? 3d printing his helped for safety. a lot of conferencesener discuss safety, it is a given. does this bare a revisit? >> guy: it is given until it is not. great there has not been a fatal air crash. it only lasts and stays that way if every i is dotted and every t crossed. we've seen a few bad news cycles about this aircraft. keep an eye on it.
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>> emily: alaska airline no shortage -- >> harris: breaking news, something we were watching >> the president is delivering remarks at this church in charleston, south carolina. we'll watch some of this. >> half the price to get here. look, folks, when the federal government through medicare doesn't have to pay out as much money, taxpayers pay less. because you fund the federal government and medicare. not every one of these things, always confuse me, they talk about being rationale, it is excess profit. i don't want to get off on that and get carried away. i don't get these guys. thank you, jim, for your friendship and your fellowship. bishol grain, thank you for kind words, i mean that and reverend manning, thank you for shepherd
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of this house to allow me to stand at this podium once again and all the faith of mother emmanual and distinguished guests. i have spent more time in the mother emmanuel ame church. i started with the civil rights movement, 7:30 mass and 10:00 service with the reverend who was running the church and now bishop. she is a bishop and i'm told your bishop had been there in south africa and that is where he is now. point is that i've been blessed to worship here before, as well. you know, moments of joy and great joy and moments of great
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pain and moments of unbearable loss and june 17th 2015. beautiful soul and five survivors invited a stranger into this church to pray with them. the word of god was pierced by bullets and rage propelled by not just gun powder, but by a poison. poison for too long haunted this nation. what is that poison? white supremacy. it is a poison. throughout our history it's ripped this nation apart. this has no place in america. not today, tomorrow or ever. from that day, this nation saw this congregation, this community, demonstrate one of the greatest acts of strength i've ever seen. i mean it sincerely, act of
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forgiveness and grace and president obama sang from here "amazing grace" and if it changed hearts and did something. it may not have happened but for your courage, brought down the confederate flag in south carolina. you brought it down. you did. [applause] >> you helped the nation heal. you showed what america can overcome, what we can be when we want to be something. i'm humbled to speak from this same pulpit, my friend, reverend pinkney spoke from. we all miss him, none more than his family and this congregation. just as all the familieses of emanuel nine miss the pieces of their soul they lost that day. we have been together at moments
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of unbearable loesz from my family. two days after the service of reverend pinkney, my surviving son and i came back here for sunday service. my family needed to be healed, we didn't realize how badly. two days before we -- we were -- we were in more pain than we knew. we came here to offer comfort and receive comfort from you. no, i'm serious. as i listen in the pews, spent time with families, visited reverend pinkney's office and visited the memorial for it is victims outside, i grew stronger, my son and family grew
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stronger. we prayed and grieved together, we found hope together for real. for real. and reminds me, through our pain, each of us must find purpose. for me, that purpose was to live a life worthy of my son bo, and i mean it sincerely. for you, that purpose is lives of loved ones lost to make them proud. so many of you were there for us during that loss, including my dear friend jim and emily. emily, i miss. people of deep faith. jim, a great public servant. jim, i think emily today and i know you think of her every single solitary day. she was special and that bond you shared was something to
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behold. many of you know, jim is a teacher and student of history. he knows the power of history and power of truth. and the power of lives. he knows what happens when people are allowed to whitewash history, erase history, bury history. he knows what the bible teaches. we shall know the truth and the truth shall set us free. the truth is under assault in america. our freedom and democracy and very country, without truth, there is no light, without light, no path from this darkness. >> if you care about the lives lost, you should -- ceasefire in palestine. >> ceasefire now. >> ceasefire now. >> ceasefire now. >> president biden: that's all
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right. that's all right. >> ceasefire now. ceasefire now. ceasefire now. ceasefire now. ceasefire now. >> president biden: it -- [screaming] [chanting] >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> four more years. >> president biden: thank you. thank you. thank you. look, folks.
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i understand their passion. and i've been quiet ly working with israeli government to get them to reduce and get out of gaza. using all that i can to do that. [applause] >> president biden: i understand the passion. look, folks, after the civil -- >> you are an understanding person. you are a good man. >> thank you. [applause] >> president biden: after the civil war, the defeated confederates could not accept the verdict of the war, they had lost. so they say they embrace what is known as the lost cause. a self-serving lie that the
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civil war is not about slavery, but about states rights, they call that the nobel cause. that was a lie. a lie that had not just lie, terrible consequence brought on jim crow. let me be clear, for those who -- >> harris: the president to the united states getting booed and shouted down inside of a black church in america as he tries to recoup the percentage of the black vote that he has lost. in the melee of all that was the israel- hamas war pro-palestinian, anti-israel shouting him down, if you believe in truth and light, what about the palestinians? we'll go around quickly and go back to the president. >> kayleigh: emblem attic of the political crisis in the
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democratic party. he's shed and hemorrhaged progressive left over gaza. group of presumably saying do more in gaza as others in the church shouted four more years, what you saw play out is key challenge for democratic party over next 10 months. >> harris: half the pews got up and left, those people. >> i'm struck by how unseemly and self-defeating it is by pro-palestinian protesters to use this moment and you can quibble with what biden is saying and plenty things to criticize marking death of
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innocent parishioners to push an agenda heckling the president in a church, it is counter productive. >> harris: have a problem in your political party. go where he is weak and trying to shore up the black vote. it may be bad from the perspective of how did o does it make protesters look. it is effective. >> emily: it is effective if the president engages, less surprising to me that occurred since pro-hamas and pro-palestinian protesters seem to be everywhere. he then engaged and don't quote me, it sounded like he said, i am working with the israeli government to get them out of gaza. he chose to engage with them. he chooses at every point possible to placate this absolute liberal left, this far extremist left and they continue to hemorrhage for good reason. he is not an ideologue, he is
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phillip:el and we saw him dent great african americans lumping them with one column. he is disrespectful. >> harris: i've spent more time in wilmington delaware than most people i know, black or white, because that is where i started in the civil rights movement. he made it about himself, a 10 tender point. only biden can do that. >> it was a tender point and one in five democrats show sympathy toward hamas or generally support hamas versus israel. this country has antisemitism problem, the democratic party has a live-wire problem on the progressive left and it shocked the president. >> harris: we'll return to the church in
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by by don't have. -- vote for my candidacy, to end the presidency -- and their world these americans, including you, don't count. but that's not the real world. that's not democracy. that's not america. and america we all count, and america we witness to serve all those who in fact participate. and losers are taught to concede when they lose. he's a loser. [cheering] we all came together to put the country before ourselves. the lies that led to january 6th are part of the broader attack on the truth of america today
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that we all have seen before, the same movement that throughout the mob at the united states capitol not just trying to rewrite history of january 6th, trying to determine to erase history, and your future. banning books, denying the right to vote and have it counted, destroying diversity, equality, conclusion across america. harboring hate, replacing hope with anger and resentment and dangerous view of america. that narrow view of america, sum 0 of america, that says if you win i lose. if you succeed, i fail. if you get ahead, i fall behind. and maybe worst of all, if i hold you down i lift myself up. that's not new in america. every stride forward has often
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been met with ferocious backlash by those who exploit the fear for their own personal gain. traffic in lies, toll for profit and power. but here in charleston you know the power of truth. less than a mile from here was once a port where almost half of all enslaved africans were trafficked to north america and forced on our shores. and now you have a world class museum there to tell the truth about the original sin. [applause] and it matters. i want to thank former mayor jim riley for his leadership who saw to it the museum was built and for all of you who made that happen and with your help i made juneteenth the first federal holiday since dr. martin luther king day.
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[applause] why, because the truth matters. the truth matters. with your help we established the national monument in honor of mamie and emmett till, his body was lynched and body mutilated, the mother insisted on an open casket, she said let the world see what i saw. the truth matters. it always matters. we can't just learn, choose to learn what we want to know and not what we should know. we should know the good, the bad, the truth of who we are. that's what great nations do and we are a great nation, the greatest of all nations. we are not perfect, but at our best


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