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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 8, 2024 11:00am-12:01pm PST

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>> president biden: without the truth there's no light. without light there's no path from this darkness. >> you really care about the lives lost here, call for a ceasefire in palestine. >> it's all right, it's all right. >> ceasefire now, ceasefire now, ceasefire now, ceasefire now. >> john: pro-palestinian protestors shouting down president biden at a campaign speech in charleston, south carolina, highlighting one of the many big challenges facing the president as he kicks his re-election bid into high gear, and john roberts in washington. here we go for another hour, sandra. already a busy day. >> sandra: it is indeed, this is "america reports". one week out from the iowa caucuses and battling a blizzard
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there to get out the vote. nikki haley forced to cancel a stop due to weather and vivek ramaswamy hag fun with it. >> the other campaigns are cancelling events. if you can't handle the snow, you can't handle xi jinping, that's what i would say. >> john: the latest fox business poll show the economy is the top issue for republican voters there and farmers in iowa tell us that their industry has been hit the hardest by the biden administration's green agenda. we will check in there in just a moment. >> sandra: a very interesting story. but first, steve is live in charleston, south carolina where the president is trying to drum up support from black voters, a key voting group for his campaign. what have we heard so far? >> that's right, the protestors about the war in gaza were ushered out without violence and shouted down by a passionate crowd of biden supporters.
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chanting four more years. the church was the scene of a horrific mostly sunny killing in 2015, a 21-year-old white supremacist gunning down nine african americans who were meeting in the basement for a bible study group. biden cited white supremacy as one of the major threats to the u.s. in the very near future. here is the president. >> president biden: white supremacy, it's a poison. throughout our history. ripped this nation apart. it has no place in america, not today, tomorrow or ever. from that day this nation saw this congregation, this community, demonstrate one of the greatest acts of strength i have ever seen. >> peter: biden spent much of his talk talking about former president trump warning what a return to a trump presidency could bring, he used one of the
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former president's favorite terms, biden called president trump a loser. >> if you win, i lose. if you succeed, must be i failed. if you get ahead, i fall behind. and maybe worst of all, if i hold you down i lift myself up. that's not new in america. every stride forward has often been met with ferocious backlashes. >> peter: biden's visit here to south carolina comes at a time when many biden backers are warning about eroding support from african americans. here is representative clyburn. >> i have no problem with the biden administration and what it has done. my problem is we have not been able to break through that maga wall in order to get to people exactly what this president has
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done. >> biden acknowledged four years ago it was south carolina who turned around his struggling campaign. told the audience if it wasn't for you, i would never be president. back to you. >> sandra: steve, thank you. john. >> john: team coverage continues, grady trimble live in waukee, iowa. how is it there besides cold? >> snowy now, john, just in the last hour or so, and as the top gop candidates have been crisscrossing iowa, trying to win over iowa farmer, hence the backdrop here and the farmers we have talked to tell us they feel over the last several years in the biden administration they have been overregulated and unfairly targeted by the administration's climate policies. watch. >> in the dead of winter when iowa's farmland is barren, the political landscape is anything
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but. rick is a fifth generation iowa farmer. he says this election, the state's top industry is at a crossroads. >> i'm afraid if we keep heading down this path we have a lot of destruction ahead. >> usda estimates production costs for farmers increase by about $15 billion in 2023. on top of inflation, degroot also worries the electric vehicle push will reduce demand for ethanol used in fuel for gas-powered cars. >> most of our corn goes to ethanol and without that, that would cripple the farm economy. >> kyle maman shares degroot's concerns over president biden's climate agenda. >> seems we are an easy scapegoat for a population looking for someone to blame and knowing full well we don't have a very big voice. >> we sat down with a group of family farmers to get a sense of which candidates have caught
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their attention. >> show of hands, how many of you as republican caucus-goers are undecided? so four of you. >> so of those who are undecided, several of them expressed some concerns about former president trump's electability in the general election. they told me that even though they support his policies, they liked what he did when he was president last term, they want a win in november and don't know if former president trump is the one to do it. john. >> john: we will find out how they think a week from now as the caucus getting underway. in the meantime, back inside and out of the snow. we'll send a sled your way. thanks, grady, appreciate it. a lot to chew over between now and next monday. but when you take a look at the fact that donald trump is almost 33 points ahead of the next challenger, ron desantis, that's a huge gap to try to make up in a week.
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>> sandra: anything can happen, i suppose. town hall with nikki haley tonight 6:00. we'll learn more and it is interesting to see the real world consequences when you are on the ground like grady is to these policies, right, and that plays out in these elections. see what happens. >> john: most of the real world consequences at the moment are cold hands and cold feet. >> sandra: right. meanwhile, the news we are all watching over the weekend, the chaos on board that alaska airlines flight. out of portland, oregon after a door blew out in the middle of the sky, 16,000 feet in the air. a chunk of the boeing max 9 ripping off with 177 on board. they recovered the door plug in somebody's back yard in portland. it could hold the key to what went wrong. vickie was on the flight with her two grandchildren. we will be speaking to her in just a moment. but first, let's get the news from dan springer, live from
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portland international airport, everyone is talking about this. what is boeing's response? >> they are taking it seriously, a company-wide safety meeting tomorrow and this of course is happening on the 737 max is the worst case scenario given the two fatal accidents about five years ago. but this is a completely different situation. definitely scary, but also not tragic. a few minutes after takeoff, the flight had a blowout of one of its mid cabin door plugs, leaving a hole two feet by four feet. cabin lost pressure, oxygen masks came down, cockpit door flew open, a boy's shirt was ripped off, and 16,000 feet of elevation, 177 and 6 crew members on board. and the two seats closest to the
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hole were unoccupied. >> so grateful we were not higher in the air that more things did not fly out, that no one flew out, i think that's incredible we are all safe for the most part. >> the boeing max 9 gives the option of more seats and two extra emergency exits or fewer seats and the bolted down door also has a window. it was assembled in wichita, kansas by a supplier called spirit aero systems. ntsb is investigating and a portland teacher found the door plug in his back yard. that will help. right now, they are just investigating this one plane, not the whole fleet, and they discovered on three previous flights the pressurization warning light came on. alaska ordered some maintenance, which had not been done yet and limited where the plane could fly. >> we do know that for -- there
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was a decision by alaska airlines to a restriction, actually, they put in place, etops restriction that prevented that plane from being flown to hawaii over water, so that if some light did illuminate it could return very quickly to an airport. >> boeing ceo wrote to all employees, when serious accidents like this occur, its critical to work transparency with our customers and regulators to understand and address the causes of the event and ensure they don't happen again. thousands of flights over the weekend are canceled and more happening today and probably the next couple of days while the planes are grounded for an inspection which takes about 4 to 8 hours. some of those inspections have been done and those planes returned to service. back to you. sandra. >> sandra: dan springer with the news out of portland, thank you very much. john. >> john: so what was it like on board that flight when all of
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that went down, vickie kreps, a nurse who was on the flight with her two grandchildren. we are happy you and the other passengers came out all right. so you and your grandson, brady, seven years old, and brindly, 5, headed for ontario, california, delayed because of de-icing, finally up in the air, passing through 16,000 feet, what happened then? >> so, around that 10,000 feet, you know, the spiel to keep your seatbelt fastened and so that had happened, and then i sort of hear a swishing above me, my brain processed it as above me, which i think may have been depressurization. then my body is sort of thrown forward, back again with a gust
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of wind. the oxygen masks fall, and the pilot is on saying this is an emergency, we have been experienced decompression, you know, and told us get your own mask on first before helping others. >> john: and you were row 19. door plug blew out in door 26. did you have any idea at that moment what had happened? >> no. i knew there was a sense of a boom, i don't know if i felt that or heard it, but not 'til -- there was like a mist in the air immediately following. my brain was processing it as smoke, and so i kind of lowered my mask slightly to smell and to look around and that's when over my left shoulder i could see that the -- there was a hole in the plane. >> john: oh, my goodness. and you are going more than 400 miles an hour and suddenly the door opens.
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that's a lot of wind. at any moment did you think to yourself this could be it? >> yeah, you know, i'm a religious lady and so once kids were masked and settled in and you know, i took their hands, we did say a prayer, you know, that if we were going to meet jesus today, that we knew we were going to be safely in his arms. >> john: wow, well, thankfully, i mean, you'll be safely in his arms at some point, but thankfully not the other day. brady is giving the peace sign. the grandkids really did seem to take it in stride. i want to play this little piece of video here you took as you were about to board the flight after this one returned to the airport. listen for a second. >> were you scared? >> i was scared. >> i was half scared. >> how did you do? did you follow all the rules? >> yeah. >> pro. >> you're a pro? >> yeah.
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>> are you afraid today? >> no. >> why not? >> because if it ever happens again. >> it's a rare chance. a one out of 1,000 chance of happening. >> one out of a billion. >> john: he said we are doing all right, came through it all right. amazing how resilient kids are in a situation like that. i did want to ask you this question, though, this was a brand-new plane. but it was on a restricted flight schedule because there were problems with the warning light about depressurization prior to this. it wasn't allowed to fly long distances over water because it needed to be in proximity to an airport. do you have that plane should have even been in the air? >> you know, i don't venture to know. i'm a nurse and if you ask me something medical i could give my opinion, in hindsight definitely i would have rather not have experienced what i experienced, but i do say alaska
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airlines has just been so -- i'm so grateful to the crew and to everyone that cared for us while we were on the plane and experiencing getting us back on the ground as quickly as they possibly could. you know, that time passed very quickly and we were back on the ground. so i don't venture to say i have an expert opinion about it but definitely would have wished i didn't experience it. >> john: as you pointed out to the grandkids, it's a one in a billion thing and hopefully many more years before you are in the arms of jesus. >> yes, exactly. thank you guys. >> sandra: all right, john. nice to hear from her. meanwhile, are contempt charges coming for hunter biden? also this. >> hey y'all, welcome to another day in the life of stay at home girlfriend. the way i've kept so busy in my stay at home girlfriend is unbelievable.
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>> john: a new trend women working around the clock to become a stay at home girlfriend? is the lifestyle a positive thing for women? kennedy has a few things to say about that, and she's coming up next. don't go away. it's easy as 1-2-3. one: call newday and apply. two: take out an average of $70,000. three: pay off your credit cards dad and i finally had that talk. no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed.
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all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. >> sandra: there is a new viral trend out there online and picking up steam in the new year, many hoping to achieve day at home girlfriend status. #ing it, trend making home cooked meals, self-care during the day and elaborate date nights during the evening. "wall street journal" covering it, writing stay at home girlfriends are having a moment. bring in kennedy, host of the podcast kennedy saves the world. who better to ask about this.
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this is a real trend, these are women who say that they love staying home, they get satisfaction from cooking men home cooked meals, they take care of themselves during the day, why is it a bad thing, says "the new york post"? >> the "wall street journal" points out it is a bad thing for the women who don't have financial independence. it's great when you are 24 and dating a guy who has a lot of money and the only thing you have to do is make him pancakes, go to pilates and make sure you guys have a fun bowling night, but what happens, you know, if that's your relationship you are in, you're a commodity, a possession, what happens when he gets bored of you and you are not married, and you are not married and 40, you are no longer 24 and sacrificed years where you could have been saving money to start a family of your own. now, i'm all for women who want to stay at home and raise kids. i think it is the toughest job in the world. this is not that. this is like instagram
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prostitution. >> sandra: speaking of which, a sampling of some stay at home girlfriends on tiktok. watch. >> i'm making my man some breakfast. i don't really eat breakfast early in the morning, so i had ice coffee. my man booked me a spa appointment, he thought he had a rough week last week. >> tidy up the bedroom, made the bed, long skin care routine. >> girlfriend lunches. >> being a stay at home girlfriend is really fun and everyone who hates my comments should try it. >> left me money to pay off my credit card. >> sandra: wifey duties before the ring, trying to do too much, but says i get a form of dopamine when he enjoys the meal
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and >> and then gets fat and incredibly boring, he doesn't want to hear your opinion about your boxing/yoga class. >> sandra: my take, i think it's a cost of living thing. i think a bigger picture thing happening here. you have more and more couples co-living together because the costs are up and you know, sharing groceries, sharing, you know. >> he's paying for everything. >> sandra: i think there's something here not to be ignored. >> if you are hot and lazy, this is an ideal solution for you. but people who enjoy the spoils of cohabitation are people who both have jobs and no kids. those people are living the life of riley. you remember those days. >> sandra: a 26-year-old woman grew up in singapore, lives in los angeles, says she has a generous boyfriend, a lot of women aspire to the lifestyle with big cities, cost of living
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is so high that having somebody to provide for you makes living a lot easier. >> sure does. >> sandra: seeking an easy solution. "new york post" why the trend is bad for women. says men are getting all the benefits of regular companionship and home making without having to put a ring on it. it will leave women single when they are older and childless and also drained. geez. i guess none of the papers see an up side. >> up side is short-term and if it's something you want to do for a little while, like when you have a gap year and you go to italy with a girlfriend for a few months before you get serious and go back to college, that's fine. this is not a lifelong strategy, and you know, it's a sugar high that will leave you feeling shakey and empty at the end. >> sandra: one described it as that. >> you have a daughter, i have daughters, i'm telling them provide your own choices, make sure you have choices to do whatever you want to do
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regardless of who you are with. >> sandra: financial independence can be a powerful thing. >> when it leads to long-term interdependence and deep romance, even better. >> sandra: love your takes. good to see you. >> john: when it leads to a prenup even better. house republicans rolling out a resolution to hold hunter biden in contempt. could a biden appointee throw a wrench that their plans. plus this. >> president biden: it's because of this congregation and the black community of south carolina and not exaggeration and jim clyburn that i stand here today as your president. >> sandra: that was president joe biden earlier in south carolina giving a campaign speech, his second of this election cycle. some democrats are worried his message isn't getting through to voters. leo terrell will weigh in next.
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>> john: gaggle with the pentagon spokesman pat ryder has just concluded, more information here about secretary of defense lloyd austin still unclear when he will be released from the hospital, even though he is out of the icu. a little more on the tiktok pat ryder knew about this on tuesday but did not share it with the rest of the communications staff. kathleen hicks, deputy defense secretary, received day-to-day updates while she was filling in between tuesday and friday and apparently even though she was out of the country had full access to coms at all times. ryder does not know when austin was released from the icu, he went in on the first of january after coming back to walter reed from a previous elective procedure and asked whether the secretary is out of the loop, considering he was gone and nobody asked any questions, ryder said no, he's not out of the loop, he's a dedicated public service and remains in
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the loop at all times. but still, a lot of questions as to why the president of the united states, the chief of staff and the national security adviser had no idea that he was at least out of pocket if not out of the loop. sandra. >> sandra: we will keep digging into that breaking news. meanwhile, house republicans have just released a resolution to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress. all of it coming after hunter defied a congressional subpoena for a closed door deposition last month. accompanying report from two house committees also adds that hunter "violated federal law and must be held in contempt of congress." david spunt joining us from washington. can you tell us more about this resolution? >> david: the draft was published today, spelled out on one sheet of paper the oversight and judiciary committees will take up the issue on wednesday to begin these proceedings. hunter asked on capitol hill on december 13th but did not show up for the scheduled deposition
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via subpoena. instead, he gave a lengthy statement outside the capitol dome. they say contempt is the next natural step. >> i do think there was support in the house, certainly the house judiciary committee and oversight committee to pass the contempt resolution and then go to the house floor quickly thereafter. >> david: we are told it could come as early as the end of the week. democrats are outraged when hunter biden did offer to testify on camera for millions to see. >> never a case in which congress has held a private individual in contempt of congress when he agreed to come forward and testify before a full committee, which was precisely what chairman comer repeatedly offered on tv. >> david: if you remember, steve bannon and peter navarro were
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held in contempt, and prosecuted by ignoring a congressional subpoena, their cases were different, they claimed executive privilege from the white house but were prosecuted by the u.s. attorney appointed by joe biden. it must pass the full house before we even consider going to a court of law and speaking in the actual court of law, he will be in federal court in los angeles to answer for nine tax charges. three are felonies, and we'll be covering it from los angeles all day on thursday. >> sandra: david, thank you. >> john: president biden wrapping up a campaign rally in south carolina aimed at recruiting black voters, but is his messaging resonating or are his calls to action falling flat? leo terrell is here to weigh in. the president was on sacred ground today, the mother emmanuel ame church on calhoun
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street, in 2015, a white supremacist shot dead nine parishioners in a prayer group, but the president seems to be losing a lot of support with black voters. 2020 he claimed 87% of the black vote. now according to a poll, support only at 63%. why, leo, such a decline? >> leo: very simple, the horrific event occurred in 2015 during the biden-obama administration. i'll tell you why, john. very simple. i left the democratic party in 2020. why, because joe biden said that if you don't vote for me you ain't black. black voters are not monolithic, they are individuals. you heard a speech from the 1960s. jim clyburn and joe biden are from the past. john, there are black americans in chicago who are totally upset with sanctuary cities,
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homelessness, poor schools. a disconnect between joe biden and black americans today. remember charlamagne tha god, he said he is not voting for democrats. some are voting for donald trump now and cannot reconcile the situation by bringing up events that occurred in the 1950s and 1960s. that's what joe biden did today and it failed. >> john: you know, you mentioned congressman james clyburn, who in the video you were seeing there is seated on the left side of joe biden. he's the elder statesman of the congressional delegation, he is two years older than president biden is, and he is concerned about biden's declining support among blacks. listen to what he said. >> i have no problem with the biden administration and what it has done. my problem is we have not been
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able to break through that maga wall in order to get to people exactly what this president has done. this president is keeping his promises but people keep focusing on 1 or 2 things he did not get accomplished. >> john: is it the maga wall that's responsible or is it biden that's responsible? >> leo: it's biden, and you make my point with james clyburn. 80, a man from the 1950s and 1960s. john, black american, white american, all americans can look at what president trump accomplished in his four years and they can compare it with the lifestyle and quality of life with joe biden and trump goes way ahead on inflation, on the economy, on making this country safe. this country has taken a wrong turn under the biden administration and regardless of color, the race card will not
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play in 2024. people are going to vote based on their pocket book and how they feel about the economy. that includes people of all color, pandering to a black church does not resonate to all black americans. >> john: speaking of wrong turns, aparentally the national park service is thinking of renovating the william penn national park named after the ship he came over on, and in philadelphia, take away the statue of william penn and a model of the slate roof house on the site, replaced with expanded interpretation the native american history of philadelphia. william penn is being canceled. >> i was a history teacher, i'm an civil rights lawyer, the progressive left wants to
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eliminate white american males from the history books. i'm old enough to remember two years ago in san francisco they were trying to eliminate george washington, abraham lincoln. attempt to rewrite history and remove the statue of william penn is insulting, he founded pennsylvania, he fought for religious freedom with the quakers. it's insulting, i hope it does not occur. >> john: in san francisco, they tried to cancel washington and lincoln, instead they canceled themselves. >> leo: good. >> sandra: defense secretary lloyd austin was taken to the hospital and out of commission but the white house and senior defense officials did not know that happened for days. why was that? senator tom cotton wants an explanation for what he is calling a shocking breakdown.
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he'll join us live next.
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>> sandra: the white house and the defense department were left in the dark for days about defense secretary austin's hospitalization. so why was that? senator tom cotton, a member of the armed services committee joins us now. good to see you. we know you are reacting to this. what we were told from the pentagon spokesperson a short time ago is that the reason it took so long for the president and the national security council to learn of austin's hospitalization is because his chief of staff had the flu. that is really the response that we are getting right now. have you been independently told anything about this because of your position on the committee? >> tom: no, sandra, that answer
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is preposterous. the secretary of defense has a large number of aides around him, to include a senior military aide, a three star general should be in constant communication with the white house and security council under such circumstances. department of defense is being secretive and they are stone walling congress as much as they are the american people and frankly as much as they did the white house. it raises some troubling questions. if this administration would conceal elective surgery for a cabinet secretary, what might they be concealing about joe biden's health, what's worse, the secretary of defense was hospitalized for four days without the president knowing, or public, and the president and no one at the white house noticed, and raises questions about joe biden's competence and whether he's in charge of the white house. we have to get answers what kind
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of procedure this was, why it was chosen to undergo now and why no one chose to inform the president of the united states or his senior aides, much less congress or the american people, the secretary of defense was hospitalized and unable to perform his duties. it's incumbent on the secretary to be more forthcoming. >> sandra: anything can happen at any moment of the day and that is the point and no one knew he was in the hospital, he's listed in good condition, moved out of the icu and hope for his full recovery. john kirby gave an update on the secretary today, audio only but said this, senator, listen. >> he's already doing all the functions he would normally do, he's doing it right now from the hospital. we'll take a look at process and procedure here and try to learn from this experience and if there's changes that need to be made in terms of process and procedure we'll do that.
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>> sandra: we'll take a look at the process and procedure and try to learn from it. is this a white house showing it's taking it seriously enough and urgency in the matter? >> tom: no, sandra, and not process and procedure, it's a matter of judgment. whatever your process and procedure is, secretary of defense, chief of staff or senior department official you know you are going in for surgery, even if it's minor elective surgeries, you have to have contingency plans if something goes wrong, the basic sound judgment to give a call to the president or the national security adviser, i'm going in for the surgery or have the staff do that. if the judgment is so poor on such a simple matter, what does it say about the judgment on things like the withdrawal from afghanistan or the support for israel in the middle east or efforts to deter china from attacking taiwan. someone has to resign over this. and since lloyd austin is taking responsibility for it, it would appear lloyd austin is the
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person who needs to resign or his chief of staff or both of them. because also sounds like many senior department of defense officials were also not in the loop. again, this is a shocking breakdown in the chain of command and basic communication within the department and to the white house. as you said, this is not the secretary of transportation or housing and urban development, this is secretary of defense in the chain of command, including the nuclear chain of command, has to be reachable and conditions have to be known at all times by the commander in chief. just another example of joe biden falling down on the job. >> sandra: senator, thank you for joining us. we'll keep following it. >> john: up next, secretary mayorkas taking a trip to the border to see the impact of the latest migrant surge firsthand. at the same time house republicans push to impeach him. ♪ [flight attendant alert] [baby crying] [snoring]
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>> john: a new batch of court documents related to jeffery epstein being unveiled today revealing new stunning allegations and a slew of photos of young girls on his private idea. the filings are part of a lawsuit from one of epstein's victims, ghislaine maxwell.
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nate foy has more. >> for the first time an accuser a claiming that former presidents donald trump and bill clinton had sex with epstein's victims. the accuser retracted the allegations citing fears for her family. here's what the documents say. sarah ransom said my friend had sexual intercourse with clinton, branson and prince andrew. she claims she has several flash drives with evidence on them. she claims that hill little sent so-called special agents to approach her friend to protect her 2008 presidential campaign. ransom makes a claim about former president trump writing "another friend was one of the many girls that had sexual relations with donald trump. she confided in me about her
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casual friendship with donald. former president trump and bill and hillary are not accused of wrong doing. they all deny ransom's claimses. >> attorneys for alan dershowitz wanted access to her e-mail to prove she's writing saying her testimony was fabricated. miss ransom's testimony includes other claims concerning the sexual proclivities of donald trump, bill clinton and other prominent individuals. we reached out to bill clinton's team, a spokesperson declined to comments on these specifics allegations. clinton has denied any of these crimes. >> thanks, nate. >> you got it. >> sandra: department of
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homeland security alejandro mayorkas visiting the border today first hand. is it a case of too little too late as the house starts the impeachment process against him? many were shocked to learn they've been paying 22% on their credit card balances. and if payments were late, as much as 30%. that's over three times the interest rate on a newday 100 va home loan. pay off high rate credit cards and other debt with a lower rate newday home loan. you can save $500 every month. (christina) with verizon business unlimited, i get 5g, truly unlimited data, and unlimited hotspot data. so, no matter what, i'm running this kitchen. (vo) make the switch. it's your business. it's your verizon. directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite.
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>> sandra: dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas touring the southern border today after a record number of encounters last month. casey stegall is live in eagle pass, texas. many asking is it too little too late with this visit. casey? >> sandra, border patrol sources say in addition to meeting with federal agents while here on a the grounds, mayorkas is catching up with the mayor of eagle pass who has been a vocal critic of the federal government saying his community has felt ignored during this crisis. last week one of the international bridges was reopened. in december, it was closed to redirect agents to help process the migrants that crossed in
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record numbers. some days 5,000 at a time in this spot. leaders say that week's long closure took a big toll on the local economy. two crossings in arizona and one in california were impacted but have since been reopened. we're about two hours away now from a press conference that will be held by secretary mayorkas. initially we were told he would not be addressing reporters. there were no events opened to the press. that changed. to be continued here from the lone star state. >> sandra: thanks, casey. thank you. and that does it for us. jam packed two hours as we begin a new week, john. set your dvr. thanks for joining us. i'm sandra smith. >> john: i'm john roberts. we'll see you tomorrow. don't it from tonight at 6:00 that big town hall with nikki haley and the woman that be co hosting that, martha maccallum live from iowa with "the story." martha? >> martha: hi, guys. thanks very much, john and sandra.
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good afternoon


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