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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 8, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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because his supporters can afford it, this he can afford the $60,000 electric vehicle and outfit their homes with solar panels meanwhile the left of america is left struggling >> sean: let me tell you, we're all paying the price. you know you know what when the people that feed us and feed the world, we're making their jobs harder and more expensive for them to produce the food we all want and need that sustains us that's a big problem. kayleigh thank you, brian thank you. happy new year to both of you. unfortunately that's all the time we have left this ng oh. as always we thank you for being with us and making the show possible. please set your dvr so you never, ever, ever miss an episode of hannity. news all the time anytime all the time,,, and in the meantime let not your heart be troubled, greg gutfeld standing by to put a smile on your face. have a great night. we'll see you back here tomorrow. ♪
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♪ [cheers and applause] >> greg: yes! yes! yes, indeed! ha ha ha ha! happy monday, everybody. so imagine you have a big guard dog to keep an eye on your home and you depend on the dog to keep your family safe in a tough neighborhood. now imagine the dog disappears for four days. would you notice? if the answer is yes, then you're normal. if the answer is no, you're joe biden. [laughter] >> greg: because how the hell did he not know his secretary of defense was missing for four full days. it's not like he's hunter on a crack binge only shoaling up to ask for more cash for meth and antibiotics. this is the secretary of defense. in case you missed it and the white house hopes the world did
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lloyd austin was admitted to a hospital. we wish him a speedy recovery for whatever it is. knowing the military now, i hope he's not pregnant. but the fact that we don't know what the problem is, that's the problem. shouldn't the american people be told when our top defense officials in the icu and can't do the job, helene sports teams make an injury report available to the press. and whenever jesse goes in for his hair transplants we let the audience know. transparency. but you know who else who didn't know? austin's own second in command who was in vacation in puerto rico. neither did austin's chief of staff who was out on sick leave. neither did the secretary of state antony blinken and neither did national security advisor jake the middle east is quiet, sullivan. what a lineup. someone should put all their faces on milk cartons. [laughter] >> greg: thank you.
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hell brian kilmeade's book signings get better attendance. [laughter] >> greg: but i guess defense secretary really is a dream job since apparently you can do it while you're unconscious. it wasn't until thursday that sullivan finally found out and called the prez. and where was joe? don't ask him unless he has it written on a note card. so to sum up, as the united states entered 2024 while funding two wars, our top defense officials were either mia or out of the loop. meanwhile our president was practicing how to say insurrectionist without swallowing his dentures. so this is unacceptable. america's in a tough neighborhood these days and it's called planet earth. we have iran and its proxies attacking our shipping, the chinese buzzing our planes and a southern border that leaks more than the president in the middle of the night. [laughter] >> greg: we're past the point where we can pretend there isn't something wrong with gramps. we need to get his car keys and the nuclear football and find out who the hell is actually
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running this country because it ain't joe and jill is too busy doubling as a seeing eye ♪ ♪ ♪ >> greg: ughh. we need to change the president's anthem from hail to the chief to i want to hold your hand. or maybe this. ♪ ♪ ♪ visiting angels, america's choice in home care ♪ [cheers and applause] [laughter] >> greg: terrible. fact is, the man's not coming to work. there's more white space on his schedule than a pair of chris christie's fruit of the looms. biden was fulfilling his new year's resolution to get that tan. maybe he was trying to look like austin and hoped no one would notice. this -- was that too far? or not far enough?
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[laughter]. >> greg: this as the ukrainian military hits a base in ra me a and the russians respond wind missiles they got from a north korea yard sale. israelis are facing a rising conflict with lebanon and hezbollah and someone killed people in iran which the iranians blamed on israelis and us. still no word if claudine gay took credit. is it me or does this all sound world war threeish? i wonder how my assistant is coming with that bunker. >> the main chamber is 22 feet below ground and i set up three bar lat is the work and a steele-formed pour concrete. there is still a lot of work left to do but i am having a blast and enjoying sharing this project with you. >> greg: awe. such a hard worker. wasn't biden wondering where his defense secretary was while all this was happening? doesn't he get briefings on things other than who's guest starring on tonight's murder she
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wrote? truth is biden was almost certainly too busy rehearsting his january 6th speech to bother with world affairs. he must have hoped if he screamed trump is a danger to democracy often enough we would all forget about the real dangers that he was sleeping through. while he's saying january 6th was worse than the nazis, no one was guarding against real nazis, instead the left now marches with them. so now fresh off his latest vaca, the president demands a deal. he wants republicans to give him a blank check for ukraine and gaza before he'll even try to harden a southern border that's less secure than pelosi in a bathing suit. we're supposed to turn over even more billions to defense funding to a guy who has no idea where his defense officials are? that's like giving lizzo to the don, nner party. there's nothing new here you just need that thing the administration fears most, a memory. remember when mayor pete took
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over as transportation secretary in the middle of covid and a major supply chain crisis? his first move was to take paternity leave and left no one else in charge. it took two months before anyone realized he was even missing. i had to wait three months for my giraffe meat. and i think pete's back but how can you tell? oh, yeah, doors are flying off airplanes. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> greg: but thank god, at least my strapless dresses have stopped disappearing. then remember this past july when senate republicans asked to set up a committee to track our funding to ukraine? democrats shot that down faster than a chinese spy balloon. that's easy. we have a sent over a hundred billion to ukraine. meanwhile new york city secures its toothpaste better. is a little oversight too much to ask? the point is like all thieves and hookers, the administration
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prefers to do its work in the dark. as usual the white house dropped the news of their latest triumph late friday hoping no one would notice and of course the media played right along focusing instead on a speech by joe that was so unhinged it could have been written by britney spears. >> oh, my god. >> greg: so expect to be reassured that all is well that there's a strong leader in the white house, one who's getting regular briefings issuing orders and in full command. unfortunately, though, we have no reason to believe that it's joe biden. for all we know, it could be the easter bunny. which, sad to say, would be an upgrade. >> period! >> greg: let's welcome tonight's guests! he gets all his best material from good will. founder of, michael loftus! [cheers and applause] >> greg: unlike our secretary of state, we know where this austin's been. host of the hoop chat, emily austin! [cheers and applause]
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>> greg: his trump impression resist so good he's leading in the iowa polls, actor and standup comedian tyler fischer! [cheers and applause] >> greg: she did the polar bare shrunk and the water said too cold. new york times best selling thor and fox news contributor kat timpf! [cheers and applause] >> greg: michael, this story must disturb you because as a mentally ill homeless lesbian you can go missing for four days and no one notices or cares. >> michael: it's true. there's a code of conduct with the homeless mental lesbians that we try to live by. use the buddy system. >> greg: yeah, right. >> michael: now, la lloyd austin even though they don't pronounce the extra l in case one goes missing for days. he's got to be fired. >> greg: yeah.
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>> michael: like you have to fire this dude. like here's the metric i use. if you couldn't get away with it at arby's you shouldn't get away with it at the army, right? like if the manager at arby's didn't show up for four days, people would have questions, you know? >> greg: exactly. >> michael: but in biden's defense, there's a good chance that joe knew, right? he just forgot on a daily basis. right? because he doesn't know a lot of things. he doesn't know how to exit a stage by himself. he doesn't know where his ears are. all he does know he has hairy legs that turn blond in the summertime and corn pop is a bad due. lexie rigden austin has one hope. >> greg: what. >> michael: that his elective surgery was the transition. if he comes out -- [cheers and applause] >> michael: if he comes out with a big set of honkers and a wig, he's untouchable. you can't fire a trans person. >> greg: or highly touchable.
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[laughter] >> greg: we wish him well. it is an elective -- it could be an elective producer that then he got an infection and went to icu which is something that happens for a lot of people who go in for, i don't know, i don't know -- i'm not a doctor. i'm just like dr. jill, emily. >> woo! >> greg:. >> greg: woo for dr. jill. this is kind of a billing deal because it speaks to a larger message that they don't know what the hell's going on. >> emily: i i think it's rather their priorities are completely out of line because there's currently two wars in the world, not one but two, and democrats just didn't think it was important enough for biden's staff, or anyone for thatert ma, to inform the president of the united states that our secretary of defense is awol which just shows you how much trouble we're in yet people want four more years of this. but what they don't understand is what this trajectory, we won't even have another year of this because america's going to be doomed. and usually i'd blame his old age, but this time you can just
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fully admit, he was in the caribbean working on his tan like you said. so i can't even justify it by saying oh, well, he's an old guy. you just should not be the president. you should be playing binge 0 right now in an old age home. [cheers and applause] >> greg: no slam against bingo or the old age homes, provide a wonderful service. tyler last night trump called for austin to be fired immediately. what do you think trump would say if one of his cabinet members suddenly went missing for four days. >> tyler: frankly i wouldn't hire somebody so incompetent. it wouldn't happen. it wouldn't happen. but this guy was, we call it a diversity hire, right? he was a diversity hire. he was the mentally retarded hire, right? sir, you can't say that, you can't say that. yes, you can. you can say it. you can say it. but, no, biden doesn't even know that he's gone missing. no, he doesn't know he's gone missing. he'll look out into the crowd and he'll say hi to a ghost.
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he'll go i think fdr is here, where's franklin -- right, then he craps his a pants, he's crapping the bed on this country. no, he is. >> emily: that was awesome [cheers and applause] [laughter]. >> yes. >> he could be the first president to be a as assassinated by diarrhea. he does that shuffle off stage i think that was the cocaine off the west wing. remember they found that? i say let him have the cocaine. i think he has his aids, take the cocaine and put night the scalps of little children so he can walk up and go, come here you little, sniff. let him have it. >> greg: that is a great -- i never thought of using kids as mules for cocaine. >> michael: that's why they're coming across the boarder, their scalps are hiding the cocaine. >> greg: kat, if he can't keep track of his own defense secretary, how is he going to keep track of this country?
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that was a perfectly worded question. >> kat: good job. >> greg: thank you. >> kat: no, just like everybody said, there's two things here, i think. i think it's the fact that his administration didn't know he was out, which is she canning, and then biden not knowing he was out, which is not so much. >> greg: right >> kat: he really sometimes doesn't need when people are out like forever, leak dead. also, how not cool is it that we've become kind of okay with that? that's not okay. we're not okay with it but we're like, yeah, you know, he just doesn't know what's going on ever and i think he should be on the caribbean, he should be on more vacations, be knows that because arby's -- me, too. i've had had the decency to let you know when i'm in the hospital every time, sometimes -- >> greg: yes, time. even involuntarily that time >> kat: no, that never happened, no to brag. i've never been involuntarily
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hospitalized. >> michael: i love the phrase out forever. honey your grandmother is out forever. >> greg: i will finish on this that i think this is what happens when you prioritized feelings over function. all of the stuff we're seeing right now falling apart has to do with putting political and cultural ideas in front of competence and sufficiency. you're seeing it in the military, in education, you're seeing it in the airline industry. it's all downstream from this one idea that like it's all about how you feel. so it's like you can't do [bleep] about this. >> tyler: yeah and don't worry it's not like joe biden is in. >> shah. that's what the country knows. i guarantee the person who tells joe biden what to do knew that lexie rigden austin wasn't at work. >> greg: yes, you mean michelle obama. all right, we shall move on. up next he builds cars and ol rockets but doit drugs fill his pockets? [cheers and applause] a
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[cheers and applause] >> greg: thank you. stop it. stop it, you people. musk gets demeaned over weed and ketamine. this weekend the wall street journal published a piece detailing how elon musk alleged drug use at spacex and tesla. they're concerned about what the journal calls his provocative antics and say drugs are to blame and using them would violate federal policies which could violate spacex's government contracts. but an oddly timed hit piece to say the least. i would have questioned his antics in 2018 when he named his kid after a wifi password. [laughter] >> greg: according to the journal, musk has used lsd, cocaine, ex take see and psychodelic mushrooms often around the parties around the
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world where attendees sign non-disclosure agreements or give up that you are phones to enter. sound like shannon bream's christmas parties. but private parties where no one can film you. sounds more responsible than filming it at a motel six with your iphone in one hand and your wang in another. [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah. in the past musk admitted to taking ketamine to treat profession and famously smoked beed with rogen which landed him in trouble with nasa because they use spacex rockets. musk responded to the journal report on x, quote, after that one puff at rogen i greed at nasa's request to do three years of drug testing. not even one quantity of alcohol or drugs was found. he reinvented twitter to give free speech and sends rockets into space. if that's the ravages of drug
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use bring on the lsd. liberals let real drug addicts take over the street of san fran and philly but if someone hyper productive indulgence suddenly they say just say no. it makes you wonder why come after musk now with allegations years old. you have the media and the government ganging up to bring one man down. could this be a sign he has those in power very worried? just like my uncle todd used to say, where there's smoke there's fire and todd knew because he was an arsonist. kat, there's a -- you know, i love the wall street journal, i read it every morning often out loud to the orphans at the hospital but this seems like a hit piece seemed choreographed to time -- why are they doing this >> kat: i feel like if you're a big anti drug person this would be the worst story, too, right? >> greg: exactly pal woman if you do drugs, kids, you could
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end up like this, the richest man in the world. what a loser! >> greg: yeah >> kat: also like this guy who's super into space does psychodelic drugs? like, whoa, i just -- the only worse thing you can do is to do illegal drugs is to do legal drugs with somebody who will tell the wall street journal about it. no offense to the wall street journal but offense to, who did they talk to? that person did drugs. why were you at that party? >> greg: i think it's jealousy. they weren't invited to the party where they were doing psychodelic drugs, purely for therapeutic purposes i might add. just being approved in clinical trials for vet wraps with ptsd. thought i would throw that in there tyler. if you're going to go after billionaires that are using drugs, jeff bezos, have you seen his biceps? have you seen his pecs? it's kind of obvious who's doing the drugs. >> tyler: yeah and he laughs like every stoner, ha ha ha ha.
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also my tucker carlson laugh, it's both. ha ha ha ha. >> greg:. >> greg: that is a beautiful tucker carlson. >> tyler: everybody at one point in life has hit a bong or joint and gone, you know, we should live on mars. but musk kept hitting it and he's like, i'm going to figure out how to do it. some big thrusters and i'm going to build a big factory and he actually did it. so let him have it, man. let him have it. let him have more drugs. give him the cocaine from those kids heads the biden uses. >> did dandruff. >> greg: it is the dandruff. >> columbian nose dandruff. >> greg: emily what's going on? i sense something else is going on here because i think they're scared of musk. musk has opened up speech. everything is happening, you're hearing about stuff.
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there's the community notes debunking everything. >> emily: i love it. i say this every time, i'm obsessed with community notes he's saving twitter. first of all what provocativeness prompted this article, i didn't pay attention i want to row read it now because musk has done nothing besides being a legendary human being saving twitter and speaking facts on every podcast he goes on. i would like to add, i'm not a fan of drugs at all but whatever he's taking i would like to have some and i think america might want to invest in a clinical trial as to why drugs make him a freaking genius and why it turns the rest of america into zombies like san francisco and portland and then maybe find out what's in his antibodies and replicate that. i'm just saying if it's ain't broke don't fix it. you do you, honey. [cheers and applause] >> greg: yeah, it's got to drive you crazy loftus to see somebody so successful while using
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recreational paraphernalia and you on the other hand live on the streets begging for chain smoking rehashed cigarettes. >> emily: he can be the other subject. >> michael: it's horrible. >> greg: yeah, i'm glad you got your head shaved though, was that for the delousinging?. >> michael: that's what it was to make sure the little crews weren't jumping off my head. you completely nailed it. this is all about elon musk and twitter. like he is saving freedom of speech. he's leveled the playing field. and so they've gone to continuously harass him to bring him down. and with the weed thing, that's -- good for him. fantastic. he smoked weed one time on elon musk and, yeah, you get that little stoner genius. if you've ever been around someone who smokes weed but they don't have a pipe they will instantly turn into macgyver. they're like give me an apple a piece of foil and some tape we're going to get high right now and that's why he's building these great rockets that are a
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fraction of the cost of what nasa was doing. if anything we should be making the engineers at nasa smoke weed. hit this bong and save us some money. >> greg: amen. >> emily: in fact, whatever drugs, whatever drugs elon is taking, why don't we give some to our president and then maybe he'll become a creative genius. >> greg: there you go. they're definitely giving him some drug we just don't know what it is. all right up next is the time near to cover america with half a sphere. e on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪ ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual
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customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪
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♪ >> greg: thank you. that's nice of you. is it time to protect our home with a giant dome? well, over the weekend donald trump slammed neocons and the corrupt establishment for wasting blood and treasure in foreign wars. true even my camouflage speedos are on backorder because of ukraine. so he floated the idea of a dome over america to protect us from our enemies.
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and you know those domes they're starting to work. >> i know those domes they're starting to work. i didn't like it when ronald reagan suggested it because we didn't have the technology we have the technology now and we're going to build a giant dome over our country to protect us from the hostile source all made in the united states and that's something i consider productive. >> greg: he's right. the only star wars that are getting worse are in the movies. but i can see it now, from the creator of my pillar and my slippers, my dome. made in america! [cheers and applause] with that over your head and a my pillow under it you'll really be able to relaxium h when trump watches our guys watch those things it's unbelievable, missile coming in missile coming in. >> when i watch these guys it's
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unbelievable, missile coming in missile coming in, most the guys are from mit, bing bang boom it's gone. it's amazing. do you like that? isn't that better than giving other countries billions of dollars? we're going to give billions of dollars to other countries so they can build a dome but we don't have a dome ourself. we're going to have the greatest dome ever. >> emily: it's a good point. >> greg: yeah, it's about time we closed the dome gap we're sitting here completely exposed meanwhile canada's been covered in sa ran wrap for years. but one question remains, how can we get mexico to pay for it. oh, also, how will it look? well, there's only one covering that's guarantied to keep you are on country safe and secure. [laughter] >> greg: beautiful. tyler, what do you think this dome over the country would look like? can you describe it for us? >> tyler: in my voice or donald trump's voice?
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>> emily: donald. >> greg: i would go with donald trump. >> tyler: well, frankly, mexico will pay for it. because it will be the shape of an avocado. we say avocado. no, think of it, think of it. think of it, it will also be the shape of adam schiff's giant head have you seen his big head? it's like an iron dome because there's nothing in it and the pencil neck there. it will be so great. he has to up the ante on the wall right? first it's the wall, now it's the dome. the wall will go up and the dome will cover it and then the dome will have a wall so the aliens can't get in frankly. >> greg: it will be look i can a bread box, a wall, it can slide open, closed, it gets covered with jam and nobody cleans it. emily, it's true, we did help pay for the iron dome in israel, why shouldn't we start building our own? >> emily: listen i would sleep way better at night that we had a missile protection system because i don't know why people think it's farfetched that soon missiles are going to start
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launching at us given the trajectory the world is going in, world war three coming soon, wahoo. but the first thing that came to mind was trump really took securing the border seriously. first he started wind the walls and that's not enough. he wants a four dimensional little whole country secure going on. but truth be told, it's doing miracles for israel. so what if now they start shooting the rockets at us why should we be so helpless and unprotected and b i really do think aliens are coming which is why they're covering with another hunter biden crisis and elon musk. so i think it would be a great idea. for once, let's do this i'm with you. >> greg: loftus would you feel safer in your cardboard box on the street if you knew you actually did have a roof over your head for once. true it's thousands of miles in the air and you can't see it. >> michael: it's my own little dome. it's my little cardboard -- it
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makes me feel secure like a cat. listen, all i know is this, trump said we needed a wall, we didn't get a wall. now we got like ten million people living here that don't belong so we needed a wall. i think i want the dome. if iran's going to start lobbing nukes, i totally want the dome. put me down for two walls, i want the wall with mexico, i want a wall between us and california. [laughter] [cheers and applause] >> michael: and then i want a dome. you only need the dome -- you can do the trump dome where it just starts at arizona, california and then activates, like the comb-over dome. it's the dome-over. the dome-over. yeah. it's interesting, if you think about it, kat, what if musk decided to just build like mini domes, right?
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so if the government, they don't want it, it's like some places can have a dome, other places don't. like if san francisco doesn't want a dome, fine, move to san francisco and don't have a dome but let's say, you know, melpedis california likes a dome >> kat: it's not surprising to see trump -- he was like a real estate guy right? he just misses it probably a little. like first it was the wall, and now the dome. i don't know how i feel about the dome specifically but i do like the idea of our, you know, national defense being about defense and not about nation building, which it's been for so long now where, as he did mention, you know, so many people dying, so much wasted money, wasted lives fighting other country's wars, defense perspective that's a long time coming for me. >> greg: i agree. like this is where you should put the money. we always talk about we need to fight these wars because they're going to come here but what if they can't come here. >> emily: what if we just dome
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red states and we'll call it survival of the fittest. >> greg: yes. and also if they don't like it -- >> kat: excuse me. i live here. >> emily: we can move to florida we'll be better off. can we all follow hannity to florida. >> the blue states they can get a doma borings if they want. >> we can just hit 'em like a pop-o-matic press on the dome and watch the buildings >> emily: i want a single dome. >> greg: i think smaller domes, small domes, smomes. shut up now. coming up he broke a rule skinny dipping in a storage pool. only g dripping should be your style. plop plop fizz fizz with alka-seltzer plus cold & flu relief. also try for fizzy fast cough relief.
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[cars honking] i'm a guy who lost a bet. and my dignity. get out of the way! as if watching my team lose wasn't punishment enough. what are you looking at huh... it's a one speed. hahaha. hahaha. and if you have cut rate car insurance, odds are you'll be paying for that yourself. so, get allstate and be better protected from mayhem... like me. hey, i'm walking here!
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♪ >> it's coming your way, hey hey, it's video of the day ♪ >> greg: our video of the day comes to us from leads alabama where a man went skinny dipping
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at a giant ca quarter yum at a bass pro shop last week. take a look. >> do you this i? take a look. oh! >> whoa, oh! >> that's 100% how i would do it, too. >> emily: wow. >> greg: wow. judging from his physique perhaps pudgey dipping is more accurate. definitely put the ass in bethany shondark pro shop. also that's the least amount of blur we've ever needed for a naked guy. i have to be honest nice to see someone under water besides joe biden. red meat joke. the 42 year old man's family told cops he was arrested for
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mental elness. he was arrested for public nudeness and assault. we got in touch with him and the man is here hive in our studio. [laughter]. >> greg:. >> greg: what possessed you to dive into the bass pro shot pool? >> michael: because someone told me to live each day as if it were my last. you know, they tell you this stuff in all these books and then you go and do it and they put you on tv and they pixelate your giant weiner. [laughter] >> greg: they pixelate your giant weiner. that is truly -- >> tyler: i respect this guy he went in there and had a good time. you walk by those and you're like i just want to jump in. i just want to be one with the animals and then they arrest you. if he had been blocking that for palestinian he could have stayed in there all afternoon.
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>> greg: that's true. >> emily: nudity for palestinian, that's true. >> let's try that out, right here, right now. [laughter] >> greg: hold on. >> no, no, no. you misunderstood. >> emily: greg he meant me. he meant me. >> greg: kat in the old days when i was a youngin, you could do this stuff but there would be no record of it. you could do -- people, we used to do all sorts of stupid crap like that but no one knows. now everything is recorded >> kat: yeah. i feel bad for him. you know, he's clearing going through something, you know? like imagine like if i did that, right? if you saw a video of me running naked and jumping into the bass pro shop fountain, you, i hope would say, hey, are you okay? right? he's probably -- i want to hear
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his side of the story. like what happened? like, sir, you seem to be going through something. >> greg: yeah, what's going on >> kat: are you good? anything i can do for you, sir? >> greg: yeah, it's hard to talk to somebody when they're that i can educate look i can that. but you know what i noticed when i was watching that tyler? i think we just figured out a way to remove protesters. if you have soapy water, you pour soapy water on the ground, right, and you just slide them. right? >> tyler: right. that would be great if they weren't doing it on the bridges where we drive but that's what i call gender fluid right there. you know how he came up with that idea? we should get naked appear go down there and jump in the water. >> greg: they say mental illness so then you have to stop and go, oh. but i often wonder if that is being overused a lot >> kat: i think that this situation, i don't think it's a far cry. >> greg: i had a friend who dove into an aquarium at a las vegas
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casino. you could probably google it >> kat: where is he now. >> greg: i think he a is still working. >> right there. >> emily: i thought it was mike. >> greg: he did it, stripped down to his underpants, somebody that used to do red eye and it was quite a scene i'll tell you at the break. >> if he gets fired though great job opening for defense secretary. >> greg: emily, have you ever done anything like this. >> emily: no, my parents would kill me if i did something like that, but, yeah, maybe i will a do it when i turn 42 like he did. if biden's our president for four more years i might do something like that, who knows. what i would really like to know, i observed this in the video right now, what were the cops thinking when he was in that bath or aquarium, whatever you want to call it. because i saw they just looked at each and they're like, do we get in will? like what do we do? this guy is freaking butt nakedd in the bass pro shots. not sea world.
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bass pro shops. >> greg: you know what they were doing they were calculating who owed who what. you got lunch yesterday. i mean i got lunch yesterday so you have to get him. they were trying to figure out. >> i tackled the naked crack head, this one's you. it's your turn. >> greg: exactly. they have to have a ledger in their heads of who gets the next gross thing. >> emily: you know what my favorite thing about this whole conflict you can call, i feel so bad for this guy, twitter took it upon themselves to have a whole online forum about his gentles pointing out they couldn't see them or speculating that he's a transgender or they are a transgender, so sorry, i don't want to be cancelled. >> greg: yeah, i didn't participate in that disgusting. >> i saw you that burner, greg. >> greg: that's usually my wheel house. >> water gets cold sometimes. >> it does, water does get cold people. >> greg: up next, she fills arenas around the world but is
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she into girls? that's a terrible rhyme.
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part of the lgbt community because their secret cues in her music videos and she wears rainbow colors and died her hair the color of the pride flag. what say you. >> emily: i think we should ask the lesbian here he may have been the expert. but from my lgbtq plus nop plus experience based on the 200 plus songs she wrote about breakups and men and her fans have found each and every man she's written about i can see where the new york times thinks she's a lesbian. did we backtrack where it's okay to discuss someone's sexual assault and gender? >> greg: you must be outraged as a lesbian. it would be more thrilling if they actually picked a gay performer and in them. >> michael: right? celebrate someone who's already out there doing it. >> greg: say no, elton john is
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straight. see how they feel. [laughter]. they just in'ed elton john. >> tell lies famously gay people. you're ahead of your time. >> greg: they say that. >> taylor's so incredibly talented and incredibly popular, it's like everybody wants her on their side. >> greg: yeah, they're trying to say she's with us. >> >> michael: that's exact ole-and no you can't. the whole thing read like some lesbian fan fix erotica. i think taylor's gay i was home cooking and the car pulled up. she came up to the porch, she was like oh, is that by i smelled then i rubbed her shoulders. things ran together next thing i know we were in the shower writing songs together. >> greg: butt you know, kat, taylor swift has a lot in common
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with gay men in that they're both fans of taylor swift >> kat: yeah, look, i don't care if taylor swift is gay and i don't mean that in that like admissive don't tell me if you're gay because if she is gay and she wants to talk to me about it my dms are open. i'm always down to hear somebody talk about how gay they are. you guys not so much? okay. but she clearly doesn't want -- she shouldn't be pressured to have this conversation about her sexual assault that she is not starting. it's such a weird thing. and it's actually, the new york times isn't the first -- this is a thing that people talked about a while. there's a reddit page called gaylor swift. >> emily: by the way she has a boyfriend that plays for the chiefs. . >> greg: tight end. >> emily: yeah, true. >> greg: tyler, she's not a lesbian. she doesn't even play softball. [laughter]. >> tyler: they said she's like, they said she's queer.
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i don't even know what queer is at this point. you know, you usually hear that people are queer questioning. you don't hear that for anything else. like hey did you hear tom? he's been saying a lot of racial slurs. he's racism questioning and my friend just came out as a by sexual and he goes finally i get all this recognition because i've been oppressed. and i'm like am i supposed to feel bad for someone who gets to have sex with everybody? i'm soh tired, this group is just banging everybody and there's none left for me and the lesbians. >> emily: don't you wish she was lesbian? >> i wish she was a less bone and wanted to get naked for palestinian. >> greg: what a beautiful thought. on that note, we'll be right al back. ♪ [cheers and applause] so a mot and as entrepreneurs, we weigh the cost of every decision. medical bills are no longer a worry for our family. so i can focus on my calling and our family. joining christian health care ministries was one of the best decisions we ever made. we're the blair family, and this is our chm story. choose your doctor without network restrictions.
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