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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 8, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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and for former president donald trump on wednesday night peopl,. it's exciting that people are making these decisions as we get close to thi w ts. >> so we look forward to bothwa of those this week. and this is the beginning of the process imber.. iowa is number one, and i was out in the talking to voterse yo today that are going to caucus and i said, are you worried and or are you worried about the cold? and they said, it up. a. s iow we're going to manage to get there no matter what. so we'll be there to bouncing around the state until next month. >> we shar>>ing showe what we'rh show us from here all week and we look forward to joining you. begin to spe as thellric voters of america begin to speak, because we talk a lote about the polls, as governor haley said. but now people will have their voices heard and we'll seewhat m what they have to say from iowa. thanks for joining us, everybody. back i everret: thank you, n des moine. >> welcome to jesse watters.esse
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primetime tonight. i am terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter. if joe can't go, michellee is ready. a gapingmi holes nearly americans out of planes and the judge jumper back in court. timg brian, time goes behind the bench, goes to jail. plusoe, johnny at the golden globes. >> can you hit me with political questions? >> right up with the red carpet . >> the black church has beenn a cauldron of change in american culture for over a century. from frederick douglass, who spent his early days preachinderick dg about the abon of slavery to martin luther king jr. f
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>> who sermons paved the way for the civil rights movement. h it was the black church that galvanized racial progress in thi ms country, and it washe the democratic party that turned the black church into a campaign stop. and no one received a warmer a welcome than bill clinton. >> mr. president, these are your people. give them a great big head. the >> the president of the united states, if you haven't had bishop walk lindsey's barbecue, you haven't had barbecue. i've been called a lot of things, but nobody's called me a bishop yet. the first black president was then followed by the first half black president who laid down some harmony. e first >> listen, i may see great. three. >> he does. >> then our friend hillary hit
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the black church circuit. but there was something of f. >> i don't feel no ways. tired. d. i am too far from where where i started from. nobody told me that the road would be easy. i don't believe he brought me this far to leave me. >> the democratic party has been filling black churches up for decades. well, it did, until biden. the president walked into a black church in charleston todae y and proclaimed he startd the civil rights movement. >> much more time in the mid-to-late in the church in unity, better than i have. and most people in the black church, because that's when i started singing and serious establish engagement. >> noth. only did joe biden not start the civil rights movement, black churches delawar in delaware, so they don't remember him ever sitting in the pew
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s. >> is it me or is the whole i'm the first black president vp thing wearing thin with the black community? the b biden couldn't even fill the pews of a black church hefill people. the look, that's a lot of white people for a black church. >> maybe racial reconciliation is progressing. light spee d because that is the way this black church i've ever seen. rememberat, this is south carolina, the state that saved biden in 2020. and now instead of saving them, they're hecklingde them like there's no path from mitch. like to now i know what all the whites were there for. and did you notice half the church protesters? the biden campaign had one job,d
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put black voters in the pews of the black church for for biden speech, and they let in dozens of palestine ins. >> nbc news stumbled onto the truth when they spoke to folks downtown. >> listen. this idea that, you know, the democratic party is kind of pander to blackidea people at you know, promising them all these things and then they get in office and kind of feels like they're forgotten. i think that's kind of lik like the sentiment that a lot of people have. and i think that's one of the reasons now where people, especially young people, peoplee more about, you know, who's the right person for the job is versus like, what's the right party? ri these political partiest perr are losing their grip on their traditionally loyal coalitionsgp . >> trump's now poised to win more black votes than ans poisey republican in american history. >> remember, if trump does just 1% better with black americans, biden loses the whitoes 1%e hou. so the democratic party doesn't want biden to debate trump.oses
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don't campaign and don't debate . well, then, how does biden win without a pandemic? utwell, it's simple. >> biden's flying reporters to delaware and reprograming them. is the biden campaign allowed t to pay for reporters plane tickets to wilmington and serve d and alcohol and tell them they're getting it wrong? not sure. >> the biden campaign is telling reporters to stop the the bidens,p co prosecuting trump and cover prl things.ersia donald says. instead, the biden campaign wants to prosecutethe trump inek the dark this year. >> some very powerfu tl people are watching this and they've had enough. the obamas say joe biden is going to lose. so they're stagingobam a hostile takeover. >> obama world is telling everyone the who will listen in washington that the biden campaign is complacentell unimaginative, and they don't understand the threat of losing the trump team.
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>> biden says biden is way too zen. >> i think when he says way to zen, he means barely alive. >> but i don't want to put words in the former president's moutwords inh. "the washington post" is reporting obamamouth. has ben visiting biden at the white house to tell him he needs a full overhaul of hisneeds campaign. obama is pushing biden to move his political operation outside of and beyond his white house advisers. translatioh hin barack and michelled mich are taking over and the mediaela kingagrees. >> president biden needs to listen. he needs to ramp up the attacks. >> biden nee yesterday. he needs to stop running ads and say, i did a greatp th job and start running ads saying this guy is a threat, democrac y to your abortion rights, to your social security. everything has to be trump, everything. >> i have a seven step plan for biden's reelection and you canah memorize them because i did them in alphabetical order. attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack, attack. >> biden is trying to throw trump in prison for the rest
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of his life, strip his business thson them of the ballot, and just call him the combination of hitler and king george.f >> the third and the obamas think he should go on the attackng georg. i'm afraid to ask what this new level of attack would look like. >> but if trump isn't damaged goods by the convention, michelle obama is positioning herself as plan b. >> what's going to happen in this next election? i am terrifiedresentin p about d possibly happen because our leaders matter, who we select, who speaks for us, who holds that bully pulpit., w it affects us inho ways that sometimes i think people take for granted. you know, the fact that people thine for k that government, you know, is it doesn't really even do anything. >> and i'm like, oh, my god, this government do everything for us and we cannot take this democracy for granted. >> and sometimes i worry that we do. those are the thingsworr that kp me up. our leaders matterme.
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is she talking about trump or biden? hard to tell. but the former first lady who rarely expresses her political views so pointedly is sending out the bad signal. >> what is the thing that keepsa you up at nighl.t? more to do with the world that we're in? there's such a thing as knowinge too much. >> it could be any range can be of things that comes across the desk of the leader of the free world. >> right. so i know a lot about what'son d going on and what keeps me up are the things that i know the war in the region, in too many regions. what is i going to do for us? u? the environment. you know, are we moving at all fast enough? what are we doing about education? are people going to vote and why aren't people voting? >> i mea n, those are the thingsvoti that keep me up becauseng you don' cohave control over them and you wonder, where are peoplent at? >> where are we in this? you know, where are our hearts?
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michellewhere obama is talking> about war, talking about artificial intelligence. i this woman isn't just a fruitge juice tycoont . she could be running. she even uncorked a new economic plan. a >> mandatory trickle down economics. >> we have this trickle down approach, right? that's the basis of a capitalistic economy, right. but that's not happening. yes. it's not tricklingat i. >> the law would work. it would require in whatever way, if we're not trickling voluntarily, that we need to be forced to trickle, amended oro trickling down to forctre to trickle. she's talking about biden. >> could this be worse than biodynamics? nothin?g could be worse. >> who knows about michele's mandatory trickle? >> let michele want you to remember it wasn't the obama-biden whit the house.e ob it was the barack and michelle white house.
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listename. to how she usesho the words we. >> i'm so proud of my husband, the way he led, the wayth his administration worked, the team that we built. so proud of everyone. i think that that's because of who we are. >> did she just forget to mention joe biden? michelle, as your husband said, you didn't build that. >> but if i were joe biden, i don't know who i'd feare bide more trump on,r her. >> let's bring in lieutenant governor mark robinson. he's running for governor of, north carolina. >> all right, lieutenant governor, should we be concerned about michelle? ia i'm not really sure. i'm not really sure what the democratic party has in store, but i know what we have in store as as republicans. and i knowe in what we plan to s when we plan to restore this nation back to the thing natiost that made it great. >> what about the biden campaign? doe itt. >> you think makes the obamas's
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think we have to save this thing and we have to sav thinket fast? t it what about it? doesn't i mean, president obama excuse me, president biden has been the most disastrous president of my lifetime. quite possibly one of the most disastrous presidents in american history. a wide open border war, ukraine. he shut down our energy production. he's not rebuilding the unitedr states military. all the things that we need to do to make this natiothings n and restore this nation and make our even brighter. he's not doing any doing of the. >> in fact, he's doing the exact opposite. so there's a myriad of reasons why everyone's lost confidenceev in this maeryonen. >> why weren't there that many people in the church that biden was in this afternoon in charleston? >> because let's face it,n char thingsle like social media and our internet has shown the american populace have shown the world that thn te
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big three don't rule anymore. those big three stations that everybody used to ge bio to for their news. and quite frankly, black folks are just not falling for it anymore. >> every two years, everyr four years, every six years, these elected officials comeomih around and make promise the moon and the stars all day long. and then once they're elected, one day deliver. defunding the police. more economic doldrumswhat, or more crime, more poverty. they don't deliver any of the promises that they make. they don't keep any of their promises. in fact, they are movingg us us backwards in time. they are moving us downward in prosperity. and black folks are seeing it and they're not voting for it anymork folks art ane. they're tired of being used as political pawns. and joe biden has been the king of this and his sorry administration has affected black communities all across this nation, all across this fos nation. >> and folks are not voting for it anymore. all right. lieutenant are governor, thank you so much for joining jesse watters. >> primetime. . >> the iowa caucuses one weekee
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away next monday night and republican candidates aren't just battling each other. >> they're battling the meditest a o as usual. the latest gotcha question fromh the press. >> there's something about white supremacy vivek ramaswamy, who clearlyy do isn't white, didn't take the bait. >> let's talk about white supremacy and what happened last night for a moment, becaus.aboue when you were talke to reporters last night, you called white supremacy a myth talporter. i said this last night. invidious racial discrimination is wrong no matter myth. how it happens. but if a washington post reporter is asking me almost like mattew itpens a catechism,k whatever question i said, i'm against invidious racial discriminationin. you whatever form it takes, it says do denounce white supremacy. it's incumbent d on us for us to define what white supremacy is. do you believe punctuality is a vestige of white supremacy, dasha? >> look, if don't you have a disagreement about many people who are defining those terms or the written word or the use or the nuclear family, this is these aren't my words. these are the word s of intellectual proponents from
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ibram kendi to the ayanna pressley to blm. >> i mean, of course, any: an american condemns white supremacy, but this is the media's agenda. the media asks republican candidates about whuy supremacy? because they want to put the words white supremacy and th t e candidate's name together in a headline. it's subtle. insidious propaganda that, when repeated over and over again, breaks into the american subconscious. >> why play the game anyway meda when the media says working out at the gym is white supremacy or the founding fathers were white supremacists, the american militarsupremachat >> white supremacists. notice that reporters don't go around asking democrat politicians. do you condemn the relationship betweesupremacists.n bill clintu and jeffrey epstein? democrats do you condemn black on black crime? democrats? do you condemn antifa? game changing. republicans are no t taking it down, lying down anymore. ahead, johnny invades the golden globes. but up next, a woman who was on
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with aloe for as low as $2 a blade. harry's available in stores and online at harry's .com slash shave. what can i? >> my greatest fear when flying is being stuck next to a crying baby or worse, no wi fi. never in my wildest dreams would i have imagined a door blowing off anwi-fi. airplanerpe at 16,000 feet. then an alaska airlines 737 max took off from portland and burst a hole mid-aira whol 10 minutes after takeoff. >> the air pressure dropped
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with such velocity that the pilot's headsets off. the cabin door blew open, cockpit door tray tables rippedy off seats. >> it even tabpped the shirt off of the kid's back. >> his mom was holding on to dem for dear lifs moe. >> the plane was forced into an emergency landing. >> we're going to go downnible] to the market, down to 10,000. so is this an old plane? no. fresh off the assembly line. doors are still poppin lin right off. there are warning signs that they were ignored. the plane haere ard been blinkig alert, showing cabin pressure issues , but executives said,heck i will check it out later. just for now, don't flity the water. >> seriously? that's like warning sign snd lighting up your car's dashboard and your dad saying, you know, you'll just be finyoue as long as you drive near gas stations. >> if there's a problem, just pull oves r. >> boeing's now grounded
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their entire 737 max nine fleet and found a bunch of door plugd problems and loose bolts. >> remember, boeinof doog said y crashes overseas with their max eight and they fired their ceo and now their max nine seven issues. >> good thing mayor pete's all over and now this. >> he put out a statement that says he's pro safety. amazing. now, boeing stock price was aown 8% today, but alask airlines, they deserve scrutiny to recall the truman kamikaze almost brought down one of their jets. what to bee insilike inside of a plane that loses a door? >> vicky krieps wascki wa on the flight that almost wents down this weekend and she joins me now. vicky, where werins me n e you sitting when this door blew off? i was in row 19 on the side of the plane, same side as the door. >> okay. so that blewside of the plan off a little behind you. >> was there a noise that it wa? all of sudden off
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>> yes. so initially i heard a hissing noise that my brain in thatha first moment thought was like luggage sliding. i think now in retrospect, it was probably the leak. and then i the boom noise as i was pushed forward in the plane . i would describe it as likescri somebody stepping on the brakebs and then a big gust of wind hit me in the face, pushed me the back into my seat. r>>did you grab fo the overhead things that put over your face? ce >> yes. so at that point, when all of that occurred, the oxygen masks drop. i have two little kids next to me. i was traveling to take my grandchildren back homei ha to their parents. and so a seven year old said,e e we're supposed to put these on? and i said, yep, do that.s ow and he put his own on. i put my mask on, and theny mask i assisted brinley, the fiveve"r year old, with her mask. wonderful.
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>> i'm glad you paid attention to the instructions on the oxygen masks. >> i never do. what? what went through your mind? did you think you were going to die? >> you know, i'm a i'm adi praying lady, so i dide? takedy. a moment once those kids were masked and we prayed together. if we were going to be in the hands of , we were going to doof it with a direct connect call first. but really, in the back of my mind, i thought if at that point, if anything really bad was going to happen and we were going to get out, that would have already occurre wergoing t, judge jeanine pirro says you should sue. have you contacted a i occurre n attorney? >> i have not. okay. well, i'm sure there's one thate will take your case any second.o vikki, thank you. we're glad you're okay. we're glad jesse the kids on the flight were good. and again, there's money out there. we're not encouraging lawsuits, but it's a fact there. t of life. alaska airlines has been wonderful checked on us and are
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compensating us in some ways. all right. tell alaska airlines i said hello. and that's the shermanso kamikaze. >> i will. we love you. thank you so much. thank you. >> fox news alert. a scandal is rockin gtrump' president trump's case in georgia. >> the fulton county, georgia districts n attorney fani willis has been accused of appointing her loveorne r as a special prosecutor in the case against donald prose trump.p. de fani willis is responsible for taking trump's mugshot, also allegedly financially benefited from hiring her lover, nathan wade. >>nanciallfrom on that trump cas is according to a motion that was just filed by the codefendant. now, who is this romantic partnendant.r who fani willis h? he was just a privatea pr attorney who's neveriv even trid a felony case. >> even the times says he has, quote, limitedhe experience trying high profile cases.
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but get this. fanny's alleged lover has been paid nearly $1,000,000 in legal fees already. >>1 millioegal who authorized t. oh, that would be . where does she get the money up? shat's your money came from the taxpayers. >> they've allegedly gone on luxury vacations to napa valley. been taking caribbean cruises hs and isn't even denying that she's hired a guy she's sleeping with to prosecute >> now, the judge jumper back in court for sentencing. florida's favorite judge is. here . my most important kitchen tool, my brain. my brain. >> so why choose new ultra i like some others. it supports seven brain health indicators, includina ultr g menl alertness from one serving to help keep me sharp. try new meriva ultra think bigger. honestly, new year's sale is
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and then he was taken to walter reed in an ambulance. the secretarn any of defense was in the icu for days. >> nobody had a cluebody. th the secretary of defense never told anybody. and the pentagon kept it s a secret. someone found ouecret.t, couldnt reach the defense secretary, then couldn't reach the defenseu secretary's chief of staff because they were out sick with wereu and then couldn't reach the deputy defense secretary because she was in puerto rico on vacation. >> did the deputy secretarye fl of defense fly back from vacation when her boss was in the icu? s was inh, she stayed in puertoi rico. >> the pentagon can put a m a missile through a window in jalalabad, but can't figure out how to call ouh a windt sic. >> something's not right. how does the man whose job it is to literally plan for everything that could go wrong ,not plan for this? >> and how does a man with such distinguished military pedigree ignore the chaind mili of comma? >> and how does the president how evenited states not
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know his defense secretary? is it a life or death situation at walter reed medical? a lot going on in the world. biden isn th not checking in wih the guy at the pentagon for f a weekor. >> and what kind of elective surgery does a 70 year old man v have that you wouldn't want anybody to knoes he haw about?b? did he get a warrant removed like gutfeld? we hope it's not a cosmetic procedure. >> and austin doesn't return later this week looking like a younger denzel washington. >> we wish him well and we hopes a it's laser guy surgery or somethinorg like that. >> we know lloyd's hypochondriac because he worec. a mask and a face shield outside. >> will biden fire his defense secretary for disappearing after a possible nip and tuck? >> no. getonly way you get fired in the biden administration is if you steal women's luggaged and wear their clothes . amber smith is a former deputy assistant to the secretary of defense. amber, how is it possible that no one knew that the defense secretary was in the
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hospital for a week? that makes you wonder who'swondr running the department of defense. you know w who i , every single person involved in this cover up. >> austin defense secretary hicks, the chairman of the join t chiefs of staff,cover- brown austin's chief of staff, r his inner senior staff that was lying to senior pentagon officialf thats about his whereabouts. >> they all need to be held accu accountable. they need to be fired. ntable.and the. >> but i'm not surprised in anyn normal, insaneot world.presid the president of the united states would fire the secretary of defenseenstatesfirr putting our military, our chain of command and our national securityr at risk. >> there are flashpoints all across the world right now. russiaecurity china, ukraine, l over the middle east. >> you hava,e moody's firing at navy ships. and so it's just absolutelyy insane. and it shows the judgment of the secretary of defensshipei
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that this is the decision that he makes, that he thinkshe that he is above the rules. >> i talk about this all o rule. the time with the department of defense, with a two tier justice system and the doubled u standards. >> i had a field gradestic officer reach out to me and say, i have to submit, offie just been 45 minutes of my dayo to put in all this paperworkspon to go on a pass outside, a 40 day, a 40 mile radius.mile and the secretary of defense can't even call his bosscretary and tell him that he's having surgery. lit's just absolutely insane. this is who is in charge of oury military right now. and i think when you put n whe t like that, it just goes to show that the afghanistan withdrawal, the covid mandates and all of the other failure ms that has put the pentagon in a downward spiral is because of austi in a don and his poor t and horrible leadership and decision very, very poor judgment. >> and we hope it wasn't a cosmetic procedure. we reall>> jesse: veryy, reallyt
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wasn't cosmetic. thank you so much,thank yo ambe. >> thanks, jessica. ustice >> the criminal justice system, is it really how you or i rememberre i it? stiff sentences, not a lot of second chances. ot ofand judges were men and won you respected. but a few decades of restorative justice and the overall disintegration of public decorum leads us to situations like this. no matteus to sir median times i you know, and i should be given a shot. i appreciate that. but i think it's time that you get a taste of something else, because i just can't look at history. and of course, with the loss taf of state that is putting off the overridden, the judge jumper back in court today dressed like hannibal, spit guard over his head, cushy orange gloves coveringlike h his hands. >> he was sentenced for his original battery charges
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by the judge. >> he jumped. here she is over the last year or two as we're concluded whd the court has begun to know the sentence, what occurred. that is she did violence to prevent the sentencing. that is the whole purpose for today's hearing. aning.any oty other issues thate from the last time they we had a future date by different for purposes of the record. i want to make it clear that i am not changing or modifying s sentence that is due process, including last week before i i was interrupted by a set of actions. >> she didn't changes inte or my the sentence. >> the guy jumped over the benc?h, punched her in the face and tore hair out of her head. >> she leaves the sentence is iut os whatever happened to throwing the book at people ? whatever happened to sanctioning the defense attorney? the d ship.jumpewhateverctioning primetime likes old school judges with attitude likcle this one. >> when these people are upset
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about specific things that have gone on from that table, like shooting the middle finger up at this court and laughing and joking, miss mcneil, be quiet. you have absolutel y right to have one of your assistants come up here and suggest something about my childree com >> now, please go sit down. church, you're out of line. go t >> go to jail. the judge who oversaw d the parklandow, mass shooting case, who's now in private practice, probably making a lot more money, joins us now. >> judge, how is it that thisudi judge in vegas doesn'tn slap an additional 2 to 4 years on this guy? jesse?s actually, i think she might be making a smart move there. that's the first time i had seen. is the that, that partict of it. but in this type of instance, a judghie would normally have tl recuse themselves because obviously, if somebody beatsu you down, you can't be fair and impartial. so b i believe the reason shehe said i am not changing or modifying the sentence is so s
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that she could continue to impose the sentence without p later having a problem on appeal. >> all right. you're probably right. but i hate what's going on in these courtrooms, judge. i mean, you're constantly seeing guys that come in there that have haatd just a slew,d a slew of felony charges. and every time you look at how it was adjudicated, it's always pled down. >> and they never actually, ever serve all o tf their sentences. >> why is that? >> i i don't know if you are efficient and you run your court, you work hard, you make your lawyers work hared . you can run an efficient division and you do not need to befficiene what used to calla away in the courthouse in order to dispose of casey ths. a matt it's a matter of gettingg your your people to work to get their cases ready for trial and then move the cases along so that we don't have this position where judges have to or feel they have to sort
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of give away everything in order to dispose of their cases. >> what are you going to do if you were a judgeose of their and to sentence this guy for superman ing over the bench and attacking this judge andten one of your colleagues. >> what would you sentence a guy like this for? >> well, you can take intointo c account everything that they do in front of in front of the court. and in fact, you know, it's possible that she wouldn't have to disqualify herself only because if it's like iff bs a defendant acts up during the trial, well, they can't get a mistrial because of their own beca. ory caa mist so it's perhaps perhaps she would have been able to sentence him more harshly certm mored on his actions. and certainly another judge could take that into consideration. this is obviously a person who's unhinged and, you know, this whos the community needs te protected from. >> absolutely. well, not throw the book at hi m . and i think everybody needs the book thrown at them because book thisn thisn booksrow th country for decades. >> elizabeth, thank you so much for joinincountry g prime time
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>> thank you, >> so why is this man skinny dipping at a pro shop, aquarium and prime time visit the golden globes? >> did you know 80% of women are struggling with hair yos, help keeps coming back, could be damaged, hair that can't be damaged, hair that can't retain moisturha >> you need pantene's miracle rescue, deep conditioner. it's filled with pro vitamins to help hair lock in moisture. visibly repairing six months of damage in just one use with no way down guaranteed or your money back. for hair that looks healthy and stays healthy if you know you know it's pantene. >> oh, hello there and welcome to a history of the world in six glasses where we take you on a journey through six areas of civilization. excuse me. and join me, your host, jon lovett. hey, i'm kevin nealon, and my
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go to deal discard right now and see how much you can save when you walk into your local bass, pro shop. you don't really expect to find a flabby white male spreadea eagle in the aquarium. >> but it was in alabamad , so anything's possible. much p >> 42-year-old george owens crashed his car into a telephone pole outside the bass pro shop, stripped naked, exposing both his baitnt and tackle and waltzed into the store. lucky on the placee store like and soon thereafter, georgie forgy pudding pie cannonball ab the aquarium like it was an aboveground pool in the backyardov. >> do you think they got that? he did the cannonball. >> looks like they keep that water pretty cold in the
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bass pro shop tank. but like evel knievel, what comes up eventually must come down. >> oh, yeah. >> that hurt. don't ask. that >> definitely hurt. but after he hit the grouneld, e officers were on the scene and escorted him away. >>ne andcorted h you had to at o do to grab the hair? >> oh, for the officer's sake. at least he didn't resist. george owns the basse di pro sh. skinny dipper was arrested for public lewdness, disorderly conduct and rrestea bunch of oto charges. >> and prime time. thanks, owens, for doinguc
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what all of us have wanted to do, but never had what itwhat took. >> let's bring in comedian ben backus. ben, i did not see that coming. >> yeah. jesse, originally i thought it might have been a palestine protest, but looks more likea pa a hunter biden afterparty a hun to me. >> i mean, why crashbide the can then get naked, then cannon ball? do you understand the traind th of events here? >> i meaevn, this is what wha people do when they can't afford epstein island. >> you know, you this is thend budget version. and frankly, if they had one of these aquariums and every single wal-mart, this woulaquadd be a daily occurrence. >> it's true. i mean, biden-nomics, not >> a pool orn affordai a club membership. >> so you just have to swim whereveror clu you can find a t. >> yeah. i mean, i don't want to jump to conclusions because this individual may be trans, which would mean that there would be no crime. >> i mean, at least in canadthi
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that wouldn't be a crime as long as he was, you know, teachinge. a kids swim team ormm something like that. right. right. it's only it's not a crime. it's not a crime when trends do it. listen, i am never going to wala crimk into another bass pro shop again, or at least when i dn oro, i'm going to havi a towel ready. >>have a but yeah, it looks kind of like maybe it was cause playing obama's late chef. >> i don't know where from. it's too far. but >> but we love you, bette davis. thank you so much. thank >> go behave yourself. >> well, johnny goes to the golden globes. high gas prices, open border. >>u got to be. yeah. you know, i'm not for off the border. you know, once i got here, i thought, you know what? anybody else, they on their owyn . with i i was told age related macular degeneration could jeopardize my vision. >> great. one more thing to worry about.
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including best drama. but we really wantedking know what the hollywood celebrities thought about the state of the nation. >> so we got johnny on the carpet. r holl hollywood's biggest stars starabout to walk right thisyw way and they're going to head straight to johnny. at least we hope straight. nicholas, what's going on in the country? what's going on in the country? i think everything is going on i gere we is where we're at right now. and it it it's it it at it's difficult. >> the country as a whole. can you hit with a political question with the red carpet? >> last year was toughpolitica,m ready for good things. >> cheers. cedric, how abou things. t all theseh high gas prices? oh, my good. what is that about, man? you knowgaprices?. en >> luckily, you know, i'll be driving electric. eleco you?t really d you don't have your electric car. that always goes where? what's up with the hig car?uph gas favor prices, kyle? gas? uph gaself a favor and just a
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high gas prices. >> open border. you got to be. yeah. you knows prices borde aise big, i'm for open border. you know, once i got here, i thought, you know what? anybody else, they own evn be walking in ufc with trump. >> how is that? oh, no. i was walkin wasg on my boy dana white. >> i didn't even realize i was part of the whole thing. didn't i don expect that reacti. >> but that's okay. we're going to save this to the end of the nighte ar. who are you and jennifer gray going to deliver through during its customs? get ready. >> you get out of jury duty? >> say you're a journalist. apparently, that's a scou get ot ticket right there. >> what's going on in the country? what what's goin g on in the country? oh, my gosh, i love you. i'm not going to get intoyou, i that on the re'md carpet at the golden gloves. the world is looking for some new footing and they'reg f in quicksand. it's a little bit upside down, but i thin it's k i think it's all right. it's all chaos. i don't know. >>e last year, soso we should have fun right here. right here. this is grea t. how's joe biden doing? oh, come back.s goin
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>> go back. amanda, what's going on in the country? country?. ou talking i mean, these guys, it's crazy. i don't know. this is 30%. these are uranium. >> and how is the president doing? i mean, if he lives. hink h >> another minute or two,e' i think. i think doing a good job, just living in my opinion, he could be better if you told him, you probably won't remember. 'se. hoices it's adequat >> you know, we're more choices. i don't love answering>> i d political questions because i get in trouble. >> ioe biden is the best tro for the polls, jack. i like joe biden and i thinkbidn that everything's hopefully going to be okay. >> are you proud of the president? get out of mg y facetobe. okay. >> got what we'vese goident?t h. >> failure to communicate who are you wearing tonight? who am i wearing tonight? richie? jason, who are you wearing? i'm wearing. you say, gavin, what's going >> in the country right now?
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my like the country so divided. we're not laughing. that'sghing, t the problem.o lag we're not. we need to laugh more. don't you wish we could go back to the pandemic? >>h tht a mask right on to nobody right now? you know. thank you. thank you. look great. are you. are you runnidemic anpuag? ou rn only when i hiked up stoneni . nyon today yeah. all the way to the top two miles, straight upop, 2 mi and n i jogged all the way back down. e> that was really a productiv megment. >>nt whe, wan jesse watters from fox wants advice, what would you give up? >> i got nothing. >>jesse, by your getting it: together, my new boogekt ri is available if you want to preorder it right now where books are soldt now,, we investe the personal lives of some world's craziest activists, from eco sexuels to the people that want to empty the prisons for the people that want to block traffic.
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>> extreme vegans, prs. vocatezation advocate everybody preorder it right now. t. 's do texs, craig from north carolina. fora >> johnny gets reprimanded forpo a political question on the red carpet. but then hollywoodliticaquestioh to respond with politics on the stage. not fair. larry from indiana didn't civil rights movement start after biden's truth was corn pop becky? midwin, texas, michelle obama is president. well, now keep me up at nigh t. from >> cecil from pine island,e texas, to thine who sawunvent the unedited version of the best pro short pull. yes, the water was very cold.shp pdavid, philadelphia, the eagls could use that judge jumper on their defensive lin e thisole de weekend. yeah, the whole defense could use the jumper. i'm watersfenscould us and thism


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