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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 9, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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♪ ♪ ♪ the will states that mr. marbles will receive everything he needs in perpetuity thanks to autoship from chewy. i always loved that old man. and he gets the summer house. what? shop and get a $30 egift card through january 14th. at chewy. that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy,
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with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. coming up this hour on "fox & friends." nikki haley's fox news town hall digging into the issues. and even getting some laughs in iowa. >> i think i'm going to out myself here at the beginning saying i voted for trump in 2016 and 202020. >> me too. [laughter] >> ainsley: she says being a good mother and being a good wife helped her succeed. >> steve: we have highlights coming up. and get ready to flip out over. this flippy, the robot cook is
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working overtime as the world's first artificial intelligence powered restaurant gets ready to open in california. would you go? >> brian: wow. plus generosity no mystery. james patterson is here this morning after donating $300,000 to independent bookstore employees. so, remember, to get dressed, the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, mornings are always better with friends. ♪ ♪ ♪ >> steve: all right. we're going to begin hour two of today's "fox & friends" with a flashback yesterday. that was live on our show at the southern border. we're learning that the migrant release rate is apparently higher than the 70% dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas told fox news just days ago. >> brian: yep. fox news bill melugin revealing,
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quote: mayorkas admitted the current release rate for migrants caught crossing the border illegally is above 85%. lawrence jones getting a firsthand look at the crisis. >> one migrant that is turning around, could get to the country so a lot of times you will see that they will go back and you will see the bag right there with all his belongings there. they will try again. >> ainsley: well, lawrence is down there on the border. it's interesting. lawrence, they are just doing this in plain daylight. yesterday the guy is climb over the fence in front of you and you were able to interview. that guy keeps turning around and looking at. >> lawrence: good morning, family. it's brazen. though know what they can get away with. they know if they can just touch u.s. soil go through all the barriers they will get a notice to appear in court.
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probably five years from now. and going to be able to live their life in the country illegally. probably going to be hired. crony capitalism, low wages for employees. they don't want to pay americans the full wage. they will be able to live in this country. their kids will be able to go to the schools. and they can have more kids and they will become american citizens. they understand what's happening here and the biden administration is not turning their policy around. >> steve: well, and here's the thing. this channel has covered what is going on on our southern border for over 15 years. and it was -- it's only been in the last year that this has really gotten the attention of the mainstream media and that is because the governor of the state where you are standing, lawrence, greg abbott, started busing people from texas. i mean, joe biden's plan was, let's let as many people in as possible. they will go into texas and then they can figure out what to do with them. greg abbott said not in my state and he started shipping them to
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places like new york, washington, chicago, filly, l.a. now it is a big story. there was a poll that came out in the last darius 90% of americans think what is happening behind you rio grande river approaching the united states is a significant problem. that is a drag on the president of the united states' poll numbers. >> lawrence: yeah. it's so true. i think the interesting thing about this and you all maybe remember. this for a year now, the biden administration, almost a couple years, actually. has been taking secret flights and dropping them in liberal cities that claim to be sanctuary cities. and there was zero pushback. it was only when greg act decided that he was going to bus migrants to the liberal cities that it became a problem when you heard the pundits when he first started this they said this is just a stunt.
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this is not going to work. they cast aspersions against him and some in the mainstream media said it was a racist policy doing. problem when they started to get pushback from their own residents, black residents saying you are not putting us first in chicago when you see philly and new york that they have started to say maybe we need to change our laws. maybe we need to get rid of this sanctuary city policy. >> governor, desantis deserves a lot of credit, too. he started saying those flights into jacksonville. that's got to stop. the flights into west chester county, you got to be kidding me. then when he said okay, i'm going to drop them in martha's vineyard and they said wait a second, that's a problem. why is it a problem? it's martha's vineyard. i thought you could take care of them. a lot of money there why should impoverished working class community be forced to absorb these kids and families into their area and pay those prices while other affluent areas are immune to it and made everyone
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re-evaluate what they are saying instead of the knee-jerk reaction instead of i'm outraged what governor desantis is doing and, what is happening in california, too. >> ainsley: lawrence went down to the border. been there the last few days reporting on what he is seeing. they had the town hall with nikki haley. an hour long at 6:00. tonight interviewing ron desantis. on wednesday donald trump at 9:00 p.m. but last night was nikki haley. she talked about all types of things she talked about what you are tawferg about lawrence, she mentioned the border and inflation. she took on her rivals. she aimed targets at them, criticisms of them and joe biden. she talked about her family. listen to a little snippet of what she said last night if you missed it. >> parents came here the right way. we are blessed to take care of my parents. they are 87 and 90. whenever i have dinner with my mom she still says are those people still crossing the border? they are offended by what is happening? my mom would always say if they don't follow the laws to come to
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this country they won't follow the laws when they get to this country. if i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good governor. if i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good ambassador. if i'm a good mom and good wife i will be a good president. when my kids were little even when i was governor, i would still be home five days a week to have dinner with them because i thought the family dinner mattered. sundays were our days. we always were together on sunday and friday nights were haley family fun nights. >> brian: i thought she was really strong last night. she pointed out one thing. head-to-head against joe biden i did do a lot better than the rest of the field. as much as 17 points. bret came back and said by the way head-to-head with president trump, you are losing by 20 to 30. basically wait to see. so she can get out of the simi finals she would do well in the finals, lawrence. >> lawrence: i find the exchange interesting. i think what she displayed right there is the right way that is the message. look, my parents came here the right way. they wanted to live the american
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dream. i was born here. that is the way that you do it from an immigration standpoint. but there has been pushback against the governor for some of her comments saying listen, republicans have to be careful of demonizing illegals that are coming across the border. almost as if there is two different consultants in the room having two points of view there if there was one message of the governor one message. it's confusing for the american voter when you don't know where a politician stands on the issue. position we do it the right way. >> brian: say you are doing a bad thing crossing. don't hate the people. i think that's a little bit what she was trying to say. say you are breaking the law i get it. don't take the anger out on the people. >> lawrence: i don't think there is any republican primary voter that hates the people that are coming across the border. but, when you see people invading your country, when you see people that my home state of
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texas, getting benefits that you shouldn't -- that you don't get and your economy is wrecked and they are getting jobs and getting handouts. it's infuriating for the average american voter. so i think she becomes a little squishy on the issue with a republican primary voter. look, that may work in a general election. if you are going to defeat donald trump, you got to be strong on the issue while also being inspirational. i think that was a good moment for the governor. >> steve: i talked to some of my cousins who live in iowa. they tuned in and they thought she was very strong. i thought she was really strong. the thing is shoe had some common sense plans and approaches. democrats should be terrified of her for the point before how she said, you know, in the general election donald trump beats joe biden by 4. but, i beat joe biden in the general by 17. and she made a really good point. and that was she said if i become president of the united states, not only do republicans
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own the white house. but then they can win the down ballot people, positions as well in the house, in the senate in the governor. in the school board. i have got to say. i actually like the town hall format better than debates and i know we do both here on the channel. simply because a debate is a food fight. and you only have a minute and you got have an open, funny, if possible, make your point, attack the other, and then wrap it up before it goes ding ding ding. so, i am going to be tuned in tonight for ron desantis. and i'm going to watch trump on wednesday as well at 9:00. >> brian: i want to have the revolutionary concept of a tv time-out fact-check. i want each candidate in the debate to have three red flags. they could throw at any moment. so,. >> steve: nobody would appear. nobody would ever show up if they knew that bret baier was going to throw a flag. >> brian: not bret baier. not the candidate. so, when gavin newsom comes out and says something farcical like
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more people have come to california than left. okay. i agree with my judges keep debating. come back, fact-check. governor desantis made it up. joe biden lied 2020. almost everything he said blew up the next year. we didn't find out about it at the time. >> steve: brian, the problem with that, historically is when candy crowley fact checked live mitt romney. >> brian: that's why three separate judges. >> steve: she was wrong. i think that's why after that it became a policy let's just not fact-check. >> brian: take it from the moderator. agree on three fact-check judges. >> steve: artificial intelligence. >> ainsley: you watch the debate the next morning f will fact-check. >> brian: my idea. play it thought. keep debating. take break. about that earlier fact-check desantis called out. the facts are he was 100 percent right.
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i think it's revolutionary. >> ainsley: ron desantis defend himself and make his case. >> steve: if it makes him look bad is he not going to want to stick around for the rest of the show. >> lawrence: i like the shant model of putting the graphs up before the question is asked. teeing it up with all the facts and then allowing the candidates to answer. >> ainsley: that's true. >> lawrence: astonishing that sean would put all the facts with gavin newsom up before. people leaving your state. this is the economy. >> this is the homeless rate and then he still lied about the record that he had. i don't think there is any winning with politicians. they are going to go with whatever narrative they want to go with. even if the facts go against what they are saying. >> brian: then the flags could be sponsored by alcoa or somebody. >> steve: he revolutionary let's swear them. in put your hand on the bicycle do you swear to tell the truth. i wonder if anybody will show up. >> brian: i will call march and this bret and see if they will
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do it. making pitch to black voters in south carolina. polls indicate is he losing ground with the major voting block. panel comes up. >> ainsley: hecklers in the church, too, asking about the gaza situation. plus, not one but two major airlines revealing that loose bolts were found on the 737 max 9 air crafts as we leisure more about terrifying mid-air blowout. what you need to know before you fly. they should check the bolts on every plane now. >> brian: i would like that. everyone bring your own ratchet. ♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints.
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now a scary story out of southern ohio where a high school student is facing felony charges now for allegedly attacking his teacher. >> ainsley: the 60-year-old victim is from the hospital now with severe brain damage. >> carley shimkus joins us now. carley? >> this is a terrible situation here, guys, the school board at colerain hospital meeting last night for the first time since the attack last thursday. the 15-year-old student is accused of attacking his 60-year-old teacher while alleging hallucinating on drugs. the cincinnati inquirer reporting quote the student punched the teacher in her head causing a severe brain injury requiring extensive medical treatment. the teacher underwent brain
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surgery yesterday. finding that student in the lobby of the career center suffering from self-inflicted to the head. teen under the influence of unknown substance and hallucinating. email sent district wide the school telling community, quote we ask that our parents join us in keeping both our staff member and our student in your prayers adding that this was an isolated incident and, quote: there is no current quote to the school community regarding the matter place say student will face discipline from the school. just an awful situation all around, guys. >> ainsley: how hard that teacher was hit and had to have surgery ains. >> carley: they had to remove the top of her skull because of brain swelling. he is now in juvenile detention. you have to wonder what sort of drugs. why and who else could have been at risk. hit another student as well. >> steve: why was he so drugged in school. >> carley: it's a big problem. >> ainsley: sober now, i wonder
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how that student is feeling. >> carley: 15 years old. >> ainsley: thank you, carley. everyone say a prayer for that woman. enough to to some headlines. beware of the stanley scam. those cups that all of our kids want? authorities are now warning shoppers that fake stanley cups are being sold online all scheme to get your personal information and get hands on bank account. followings chaos stores like target. some say they were trampled on trying to get that limited edition version of the tumbler. valentine's day one with the hearts on it. some are selling it on line now for $200. they normally sell for around 50. all right, the national park service scrapping plan to remove the statue of william penn. brian, how do you feel about that. >> i'm elated about that. >> elated from the philadelphia park, the sudden reversal coming after bipartisan pushback spearheaded by republicans. the initial plan called for the penn statue to be removed in order to highlight native american history. before the change of heart,
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pennsylvania's top republican state house member writing. this. the decision to try and cancel william penn out of the whole cloth is another sad example of the left in this country scrapping the bottom of the barrel-scraping the bottom of the barrel of wokeism. and those, my friends, are some of your headlines. brian, i'm going to hand it over to you. >> brian: thank you very much. william penn in pennsylvania a little bit of an issue. new details after a plane flew -- door flew off mid-air on on alaska airlines flight on friday. united and alaska airlines both revealing they found loose parts on some of their boeing 737 max 9 jets which are now grounded. former ntsb investigator charlie pa rare are a joins us now. they found loose parts and i understand they flew anyway in other situations. dolls that surprise you? >> do whatever they have to do
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to conduct their operations from. a safety standpoint, it's it's pretty sad to see another one of those slices of cheese accident causation accident occur in this case looks like there might be a number of factors. >> if you are doing maintenance on a plane and the bolt is loose, you should tighten it, i imagine talk about issues of door plugs. what are door plugs? >> in this case this airplane on certain operators such as ryan air they wanted more seats. to get the evacuation requirements met they had evacuation door. another operators like alaska air and all of those in the united states did not require that extra door. so they put a plug in place. so, it appears to me that both the design and the manufacturing
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implementation of that plug as well as perhaps the maintenance with regards to tightening of fasteners were deficient. >> brian: charlie, what is in layman's terms, the type of situation where maintenance comes up to an airline and says i don't think it's safe, the bolt is loose. i don't have a good feeling about it. what is the protocol to ground a plane? >> well, the faa -- an airline can ground its own planes but the airline can in this case both happened. the airline first and then the faa. but, more than anything, the fact that they had several pressurization problems with this airplane and they decided to take it out over water operations and just keep it above ground operations, in my opinion, is the most damning thing for alaska because at that point they could have conducted on ground tests to determine if there were, in fact, pressurization problems observe
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the gauge pressure, use various techniques to determine whether wherethe leak was like you do pe gas system on the house. they have a bunch of leak detection fluids and other detectives of finding the leak fairly quickly. they could have done so on this airplane. they chose not to do. so. >> brian: would you fly on this plane today if someone said, you know, the flight you are on, is this version? this jet? would you fly on it? >> obviously they couldn't do so in the united states right now because of the grounding. no. the answer to me before they completed the full study, no i would not fly myself on it and for my friends and my family i would not recommend they fly on it until this is fully investigated, fully resolved all the way to the design standpoint. >> brian: alaska airlines says all aircraft will be thoroughly inspected in accordance with detail instructions by the faa. charly, thank you. appreciate it? >> you are welcome.
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>> brian: the king is back, kind of. elvis presley fans all shook up as the icon returned to the stage as ai hologram. president biden making his pitch to south carolina voters yesterday as the state's top democrat in congress raises alarm about 2024. >> i'm very concerned we have not been able to breakthrough that maga wall. >> brian: recent polling shows biden is losing major ground among black voters. our panel weighs in, next. ♪ ♪ mucinex nightshift fights your worst night-time symptoms, so you can get to sleep and wake up ready to go. how could you? ( ♪ ) wake up to a new you. with mucinex nightshift, it's not cold & flu season, it's always comeback season.
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♪ >> lawrence: biden's approval rating among black voters has declined from 87% in 2021 to just 62% and 2023. he is trying to win them back on the campaign trail, watch. white supremacy. it's a poison throughout our history has ripped this nation apart. it has no place in america. not today, tomorrow, or ever. >> lawrence: here he goes with that again all while even fellow democrats are expressing concern over whether he could even beat donald trump. >> well, i'm not worried. i'm very concerned. i told him what my concerns are. i have no problem with the biden administration and what it has done my problem is we have not been able to breakthrough that
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maga wall. >> lawrence: and new this morning democrats pouring major cash, 35 million to black latino asian americans and pacific islander voters in the 2024 election. here to react republican voter dorothy harpe and jason brown. thank you all so much for joining me on the program dorothy, i met you in georgia before, you were fired up are you still supporting donald trump and if you are, why? >> yes. i'm still supporting donald trump and here's why. black voters realizing is he has this administration. the price of gas and everything is so expensive. i spoke with some of the black voters yesterday. and they said that everything was better under the administration of donald trump. >> so, they look forward to going back to the republican party and voting for donald
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trump. because they said biden has failed us. they said biden did not deliver on anything i promised and they feel like president trump is more -- can relate to the black community more than biden and so that's why i'm supporting mr. trump. >> lawrence: i have heard similar comments. jason, you are a democrat. what are you hearing from folks from within the party do you think joe biden has what it takes to win black voters over? >> i think that he has some to win voters over. the fact that he did address the plague of the white supremacy and how it has affected america from day one is something that we haven't heard from many of our presidential candidates. other than joe biden. so one of the things that i feel like he can do is galvanize the community. right now still holding on to our vote. we are looking for someone. if it's not going to be joe
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biden. somebody is going to help the community not only help us with educational system but in texas well. >> lawrence: roger that, brother. ms. dorothy i want to go back to that because i'm live here at our southern border. and when you look at the studies that have been brought up saying over 60% of the migrants coming across the border are receiving welfare and people in our community aren't even getting services they are being let down. our education system is broken. what are you hearing from people in our community about that? >> yes. so people i spoke to yesterday they said they feel like when trump was in the white house, we had the borders more secure and biden has let the border get out of hand. and they just kind of like biden don't really care about the american people. he says he does and pretend like
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he does. but he really don't. they feel like they can relate to president trump because president trump had the border under control and it was better. they touted the malarkey and b.s. that they feel like they have been going through with. so that's why they wanted. to say. >> lawrence: such a good point, ms. dorothy. jason, what about that, what ms. dorothy is talking about. the community wants more whether a do you know say to that. >> that's true to a certain extent. america always be the place where come in to quote the american dream. we create a system where america look to come here. now all of a sudden we are upset or mad about that. what we have to do as a country is put in place policies and
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procedures that would allow those people that are coming here to help us. right now some of the lower working class jobs that some americans used to do back in the day because of they have not got educated or now become entrepreneurs of their own, we're needing people to replace some of the working class every day citizens. my issue is that we're not putting a process in place so they can be formally implemented into the working class so that we do have people that can come in and do some of the jobs like i need like dishwashers and servers and cooks. those are technical skills that some of the american kids are starting to shy away from they are more into the tech world. so, we need laborers, we need workers. we have a process in place allow those people get acclimated and come in and do some work. when it comes to governmental benefits, i don't think an
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immigrant should come in and take all the benefits in the world. >> lawrence: yeah. i think a lot of people agree with that as well, jason. i think a lot of americans want anybody to come to the country as long as they are doing it the right way. jason, ms. dorothy, thank you all so much for joining the program. >> thank you so much for having us. >> thank you for having us. >> lawrence: all right, carley, over to you. >> carley: out of the business worlds to get to this morning. fun stories we want to talk to about. first a job opportunity you might relish. oscar mayer is looking for 12 full time drivers for the iconic wiener mobile. benefits of driving the hot dog on wheels includes a base pay of $35,000. a $150 weekly meal allowance. 18 days of paid timeoff. health coverage and free hotels. how about that? and just about everyone loves the smell of baked goods, right? well now you can smell like some of the most bee loved girl scout
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cookies, personal care company is coming outs with limited edition cookie scented. you can get those products to smell like caramel, coconut, peanut butter and lemon. thin mints as well. that is everybody's favorite. do you want to smell like it? who knows? we will see. cool. last but not lice. the world's first a.i. powered restaurant is coming stoon southern california. cally express in pasadena will feature fully automated fries and grill stations when you walk in you will be able to order from a kiosk and watch robots whip up your burgers and fries and those are your business headlines, guys, down to you robot makes burgers. are. >> steve: we met a guy who says b lt 5 bucks.
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>> could this be the start of a robot takeover though. that is the question. >> brian: minimum wage in new york is up to $16 now. everybody's money goes up. $16 minimum. that means if you were making 16, you are making 18, 20. >> ainsley: carley, i love the native story too. new thing. use a deodorant doesn't have alumny numb in it. >> carley: that's what native does now smell like a thin mint. >> brian: i thought going native means wearing nothing. >> steve: i think that's commando. car. >> ainsley: thank you very much. >> brian: i knew some type of war apparatus. >> steve: we were just talking about robotics. let's talk about artificial intelligence. ladies and gentlemen, the king lives. thanks to artificial intelligence, they are producing apparently an a.i. show. this is not the show. these are just images of the king of rock and roll elvis presley. >> brian: this looks so real.
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>> steve: this is real. this is film. and what they have done is taken iconic video and film and digitized it and apparently this company called layered reality is now doing an a.i. elvis show started in london. there is jaw dropping finale elvis taking the stage hologram but looks so real. >> ainsley: gyrations and all. launch in london in november. and then move to las vegas and berlin and tokyo. >> brian: i totally understand. this when you wear the goggles they could put new that environment and bring you on the stage when you wear those -- the goggles, the a.i. goggles. so, to me, it was a matter of time before this just happened you didn't need to wear the app. rat tuesday. >> ainsley: i never saw him perform. it would be great to see the hologram where you feel like you are in the same room with him. >> brian: but you are not.
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more money legacy. >> ainsley: fun to go and see it how they do a hologram. his birthday 15 years ago. natalie coal used to sing with her dad right there on the big screen. saw it once in person. >> ainsley: did you really? i saw it when i watched the david foster documentary. >> steve: brian was at the same event. really cool do see. >> ainsley: fox news alert to tell you about. 49 states under a winter advisory. powerful storm sweeping across the country and janice is tracking the maps. >> brian: legendary author james patterson donating $300,000 to independent bookstore employees. >> steve: take a look, the best selling icon is joining us live on the. >> brian: in person. nice to see you, james. >> >> steve: got a new book. ♪ ♪ how long has this been going onck. ♪ and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪ )
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( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership.
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>> steve: the proofreader sitting next to me just told me he is the world's most famous author. james patterson giggling in a chair next to me now making sure those selling books know how much they are loved by him. is he donated # hundred thousand dollars of his own money to give $500 bonuses to 600 independent
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bookstore workers james patterson jones us now. >> it's a good day. >> steve: wasn't bribery what you were doing with bookstore employees, times are tough. >> i have a book in april secret lives of book sellers and librarians. i absolutely do. >> what is the secret life of them? we interviewed them and turned it into 5, 6 page story. so people would understand what librarians and book sellers do. >> steve: in particular, i think the money you gave out. the $500 checks to everybody, i think you asked okay. >> a lot of them bounced but so what. >> steve: 250 words or less tell me why this would help you out. and the stories must have been -- >> they are great. i do this a lot i have done this seven years. the notes you get back.
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i went to the dentist. we do them over the holidays, too. i gave my parents christmas present first time in four years. stuff like that. i have a new book. >> steve: it came out yesterday. >> yeah. >> steve: homes, par poo and poe: it's somebody else. >> they are descendents yeah. i mean, look, when i went out to holiday you should buy this on the title and they. did you should, too. just on the title. now, it is actually really fun. if you don't read my books, this is a good place to start those people are from times long gone. this is set in new york city. >> yes. >> steve: in the 21st century. these three work with modern day new york city detectives? >> they do. they have the qualities of holmes march pell and poe they claim to be descendents of agatha christie and holmes, hols
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has that deduction. that whole logical deduction thing and marple actually is my favorite in this series. and marple, you know, the character. great powers of openings. it's a fun story. different. with alex cross it's just alex. he is on his own. here we have three. what a team, you know? how can you beat that? >> steve: did you base any of the three on real people. >> no, on the characters, totally. >> steve: do you have to pay the estates of the people who wrote those books? >> not that i know of. >> steve: we will find out soon. so you have got this new book coming thought a couple months. folks go out and buy this one holmes, marple and poe now. you can download it or buy it on amazon or independent books. >> stay with the show but download at the same time so cool. >> steve: strict regiment where you have another book coming out in a couple of months. have you entertained the idea of having a.i. artificial intelligence just saying to it hey, a.i. >> write me a book.
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>> steve: in the book of james patterson. >> a new collaborator. they tried to do that. what i have seen so far they are pretty bad. i'm sure they will get better and better. thing if you do it whether they should pay the authors, you know. that's in the works in terms of suing microsoft or different people using a.i. let's see what happens. >> steve: i think the "new york times" is suing microsoft or somebody. >> um-huh. >> steve: the world's number one author, ladies and gentlemen, james patterson. >> thank you so much. >> steve: james, a real pleasure. >> thank you. >> steve: 10 minutes before the top of the hour and weather alert. 49 states current little under wherever advisories powerful storm moves east after dropping snow across the central plains. there were blizzard concerns look at that betten doppler, iowa. dangerous whiteout conditions in nebraska and colorado. my sister in kansas janice dean said the system was awful. >> janice: all moving eastward. potential for tornadoes as well across the south for alabama in
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towards georgia and the florida panhandle. take a look at it where we had earlier tornado warn storm several of them for the florida panhandle zooming into this one near decatur that is a confirmed tornado on the ground. tornado watch. means conditions are favorable for tornadoes the florida area, the panhandle, up toward georgia and alabama and that severe threat is going to move up towards the mid-atlantic. the snowy part of the storm still blizzard conditions for parts of the midwest and then the northeast is getting in on the this. starting this afternoon, overnight tonight, into tomorrow morning, you have the heavy rain, the potential for flooding. strong winds, 60 to 70 miles per hour. all of that snow melt is going to melt and cause some major issues. so heavy rain in the forecast. we'll could see on order of 3 to 4, even five inches of rain in a short period of time. and then the snow melt is going to contribute to the issues. now power outage forecast. look at this. widespread from the delmarva all the way up towards maine.
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so that's going to be a big deal. we are going to have trees down. power outages. heavy rainfall, very strong winds, travel will be impossible in some of these areas. so that i can't stress that enough and then we have a new storm behind that kind of a storm train, actually. for the next week and a half and then the cold air behind it. you know, we are talking about iowa, ainsley. i think daytime highs in the negative 5-degree range. so i have got a lot of people like bill hemmer i'm trying to warn to dress appropriately. >> ainsley: that is good advice. nikki haley had to cancel one of her stops in iowa because of the snow storm. >> janice: going to impact travel and a lot of events. we will keep you up to date. >> ainsley: thank you so much. >> janice. >> brian: little bit later find out why bill hemmer is such a problem. >> ainsley: he refuses to wear a coat. a message to all parents a new study in the scientific journal jama pediatrics kids under the age of 3 should not be allowed screen time because of the risk of developmental delays.
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brian, what happened at drexel university. this is what was published in jama. they analyzed almost 1500 kids under the age of 2. and they said don't allow screen time until age 3. and then from age 3 to 5 only one hour a day it can cause major problem. >> brian: dopamine in the brain pleasure signal but wears you out. and the results are eventually low motivation, boredom. depression, and learning disabilities. >> ainsley: adhd. >> brian: this is brand new. there is the whole advent of the iphone. >> ainsley: likely to display a. typically sensory neurodevelopmental disorders. that includes autism and adhd it. tells you if you are a parent what you should do. role model, create household rules, supervise and spot-check and be aware of addiction. we were talking during the break if your child is 1, 2, or 3. 1 or 2 and go to the a restaurant and give them a baby doll and cars and trucks they can play with that you don't
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have to give them your phone. they are not old enough to know what it is and ask for it. the problem is when they are in first grade, second grade and 3rd grade and start asking for your phone. >> brian: kelly clarkson and other people from silicon valley where they created all of this. she just says no, until you are out of my house. and you said wait until eighth grade national movement to keep it away from kids? >> ainsley: go on wait until 8 website. sign up for this. get all the moms in your class or parents in your class to also sign that so you are all in it together. all the moms in second grade for us have said let's ban together, the moms and dads have signed this. if you get the majority of your class. all on the same page. makes it easier because there is not the temptation. >> brian: just to tell you the complete circle. there is a story about gen z, not knowing how to shake hands or mike eye contact all related to. this. >> ainsley: you know what? i was with some moms yesterday what worries them especially for women for moms of little girls, social media.
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because they're watching everyone else. they feel left out if all their friends are taking a trip together. these young girls love to post. even if you say don't post, they still do. it leaves some friends out. you get hurt feelings. >> brian: right. why wasn't i invited to that party. i was always invited to every party so i wouldn't know what that's like. >> ainsley: you posted it all. >> brian: even before there was iphones. >> ainsley: so boastful. >> brian: i know. >> ainsley: michelle obama weighing in on 2024. her doom and gloom message. >> what is going to happen in next election, i'm terrified about what could possibly happen because our leaders matter. ♪ for moms, from centrum. ♪ (this new mom here i go) ♪ ♪ (i am strong and brave) ♪ ♪ (i know) ♪ ♪ (with a little time for me) ♪ ♪ (no doubt i'll get through) ♪ ♪ (loving me is loving you) ♪ from centrum, the women's choice multivitamin brand. ♪(song in french)♪ (♪)
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