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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 9, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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obama be prosecuted for the killing of an american citizen by drone, referring to a 16-year-old american citizen deemed a terrorist. that designation was without a trial. all this is happening now as the oral arguments are getting underway. court hasn't answered this question before. it could go to the supreme court. a long way to go between now and then. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: yes, tennis superstar nadal may call it quits according to john mcenroy. nadal pulled out of the australian open due to a hip injury. he has won the french open 14 times. tough decision. >> bill: could be a changing of the guard for the old raffi.
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>> dana: i was in his hometown over the break. there is a lot of nadal gear around as there should be. check this out here. >> what we are experiencing at the southern border is not unique to the southern border or to the united states. >> dana: dhs secretary mayorkas defending his record at the border as house republicans move to impeach him for allowing the crisis at the southern border to spiral out of control. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom." i'm dana perino. >> bill: busy day today. bill hemmer. good morning. secretary mayorkas passing the buck and blaming congress, accusing lawmakers of failing to make the necessary changes needed to fix the immigration system calling it broken. national border patrol council president brandon judd last hour saying he puts the blame on mayorkas and president biden for the open border policy of the past three years. >> what he is not telling people is that these individuals -- nobody has a right to be
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released into the united states. we can either hold people, we can reimplement remain in mexico. there are a lot of different things we can do to control the border. as long as we have catch and release, thousands upon thousands of people will cross our borders illegally. >> dana: house homeland security hearing mark green will be leading tomorrow. he will join us soon. >> secretary mayorkas said the primary reason for yesterday's visit was to meet with, recognize and commend all of the federal agents and officers who are working so hard out here on the front lines, of which he repeatedly called a challenging and unprecedented time but would never use the word crisis. he also said the nation's immigration system has been broken for three decades and it is up to congress to take legislative action as well as approve more funding to help tackle this historic migrant crossings. the dhs chief stated the
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majority of migrants illegally crossing are returned or expelled if they can't meet criteria to remain in the u.s. however, in a closed-door meeting earlier in the day he admitted the release rate is over 85% according to fox sources. dhs later clarified to us that figure ebbs and flows. >> some have accused dhs of not enforcing our nation's laws. this could not be further from the truth. there is nothing i take more seriously than our responsibility to uphold the law. and the men and women of dhs are working around the clock to do so. >> many disagree with that but during his trip the secretary also met privately with eagle pass's mayor and maverick county judge. as you know this community has been a primary hot spot during this unprecedented crisis, which
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is why we have been posted up here for more than three years now. dana and bill. >> dana: it goes on and on. >> bill: tennessee republican mark green is here with us chairman of the homeland security committee. good morning to you. mayorkas is making this argument at the border, same with bret last week. if you make a claim for relief you are allowed to stay here. but it seems as if just about -- is it 85%? is it 95% of those who make a claim are staying here. >> yeah, it's actually against the law. the immigration and naturalization act is clear. when you release someone it has to be a family member of someone who needs emergency surgery. clear in the law. the courts have actually demanded that mayorkas a bide by the law and they've been very clear in four different court rulings that what he is doing is
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violating the law. so i'm sorry, that is smoke and mirrors from mayorkas trying to cover himself. >> dana: one of the things happening right now is that he is going to be under impeachment proceedings and you will lead those. at the same time on the other side of capitol hill senator langford, republican from oklahoma, is negotiating with him in order to try to get a spending bill done that would include some changes on the border. have you talked to senator langford about this conundrum that faces the country? we might want better policy, but at the same time he is being impeached and might not be willing to actually change anything. >> maybe the impeachment proceeding just compels him to do his job correctly and follow the law. yes, i have dana spoken to senator langford many different times. specifically about what we in the house and what my committee is willing to accept on the negotiations that are going on.
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so secretary mayorkas needs to follow the law, period. i have a duty to the people of tennessee and to the american people to not allow a cabinet secretary to just break the laws, lie to congress, disregard court orders. you can't do that. you can't take an oath to defend the constitution and violate the very founding principles of that constitution and be a cabinet secretary. the constitution is clear. we write the laws, they enforce them. he is not doing that. >> bill: another topic overseas right now. the attacks on u.s. forces. we've got 128 in iraq and syria on the region there. and there have been 13, however, since secretary austin apparently was hospitalized. do you think his call it a mystery for the moment, do you think it can be explained? >> i think this is more about the weakness of the president than the incapacitation of the
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secretary of defense. i'm confident -- i certainly hope so, anyway, that the secretary of defense, when he went under the knife and went under anesthesia gave a change of responsibility to his sub order taint to be in command and i hope that heaped. this individual didn't notify anyone and is the one i think should be held responsible here for the delay in notification. but no, i think what's happening in the middle east is just the weakness of the president. it began with the withdrawal from afghanistan, the stair step approach to ukraine. his weakness on the world stage. that's why the middle east is the way the middle east is right now. >> dana: by the end of next week do you think lloyd austin will still be the defense secretary? >> boy, that's a really tough one. i think it's really contingent upon his health. if he didn't hand his authorities off to someone else
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and went under the knife under anesthesia he should not be the secretary of defense period. >> bill: mark green, thank you. we'll follow it. >> dana: a crucial deadline day in new york. dozens of migrant families are sent to be evicted from shelters after reaching the 60 day limit staying there and forced to fend for themselves on the streets with critics calling their plight inhumane. there is a big storm on the way. alexis mcadams is live in new york city. what are you seeing? >> earlier this morning just in the past half hour we saw migrant families and kids walking out with suitcases heading to the nearby roosevelt hotel to try to find another spot to stay. this all comes after dozens of migrants have been sent packing because of that 60-day shelter fliment new york city. the mayor of new york city says these migrants aren't going to sleep on the streets.
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>> so when someone states this administration and new yorkers are going to have children and families sleeping on the street, there is 0 evidence of that. 0 evidence in anything we said or any policy that we put in place. >> now this is just round one of rolling evictions here. the city says 4800 migrant families are kids received an eviction notice due to the shelter deadline put in place in october to relieve pressure on the city's shelter system here. single adult asylum seekers can only stay in the facilities for 30 days. families the city will try to place them in or near the school districts where they are currently enrolled so kids can stay in the schools they attend. that's a federal law requirement. advocates are warning the evictions will negatively impact migrant kids. >> the adams administration
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choice to prioritize cruelty over the safety and well-being of our newest neighbors is deeply concerning and it is not what new york stands for, is it? that's right. >> right now new york city housing 70,000 migrants and offering resources such as food, shelter, schooling and healthcare to thousands. this all part of the more than 160,000 migrants who have already arrived in the big apple since april of 2022. how much money are we talking about here? the city estimates the crisis is going to cost and has cost already $12 billion by 2025. migrants with nowhere else to go heading out. a few more walked by with suitcases and the comptroller in new york filed an investigation against the mayor for this. >> dana: what a mess. thank you. >> bill: continues to be, right? so brand-new fox news power rankings just out last hour and there is a bit of a shake-up. president trump remains the frontrunner but nikki haley is
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edging out ron desantis for second place. chris christie, vivek ramaswamy hanging at fourth and fifth respectively. in every early voting state, trump clinches the lead and most importantly, trump's criminal cases have only strengthened his support. that tells you a lot about the republican party in 2023. 37% maga base, 37% persuadeable. 27% non-trump voters. get you to iowa and bret co-hosted the nikki haley town hall last night and ron desantis tonight. whether we'll see if there was a shake-up. >> dana: ramaswamy will try to get there before the caucus monday night. the weather also a part of the story indeed. we'll see it on saturday. new details on the harrowing alaska airlines flight when the
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a door flew off midair. someone on the ground finding a passenger's phone and whoo kind of shape it was in. >> bill: a messy winter storm ripping through iowa. what it means for the caucuses six days away and the plans about the candidates. >> dana: hunter biden's art dealer facing questions today on capitol hill as congress looks into the biden family business dealings. that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call. choice hotels is a family of brands that helps you get the most for your money, so you can be any traveler you want to be. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero
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>> bill: we're watching with some folks inside the courtroom on the trump appeals court hearing underway 20 minutes ago. the three-judge panel hearing arguments from both sides whether or not they have the jurisdiction to have the case itself. a moment ago dean sauer, one of the attorneys was asked by a judge that the current
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incumbents, a quote now, of the presidency is prosecuting his number one political opponent and his greatest electoral threat. the arguments continue into a number of different areas. three-judge panel, all women, two appointed by joe biden about a year and a half ago. one appointed by george bush 41 in 1990. we'll continue to follow the arguments as we get more inside of america's newsroom. that from washington, d.c. >> dana: this, bill. boeing will hold a company-wide safety meeting after a door panel blew out of one of their jets over the weekend. now the ntsb says two airlines reported finding loose parts on some of those jets. dan springer the live outside boeing's assembly plant south of seattle where the meeting will take place. >> hi, dana. boeing is calling this a safety webcast.
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david calhoun, the company's ceo is running it from washington at the assembly plant where the boeing 737 max the put together. they have a lot to talk about given what happened on friday and the details that we have learned since. the ntsb is investigating a 737 max nine that had its mid cabin door plug blow off at 16,000 feet. a teacher discovered the door in his backyard and alerted officials. >> it was all in one piece. it came down as a single unit in my backyard. it was caught in the trees at the time. >> luckily no one was in the two seats closest to the hole in the plane. nobody was hurt. it was a scary and chaotic scene until the plane made an emergency landing back in portland 16 minutes later. the faa grounded all 171 max 9s that have the door plug and ordered an inspection before
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they could fly again. the inspections started saturday. both united and alaska airlines say they have found loose bolts during those inspections. united said we have found instances in installation issues with the door plug. bolts that need additional tightening. not good news for boeing. it's supplier that makes the fuselage and the customers, airlines and all those passengers. we'll have to see where the investigation goes from here. >> dana: dan springer, thank you so much. >> bill: hunter biden's art dealer subpoenaed before the house oversight committee as james comer continues to look under the hood of biden's family business dealings. mike he man >> the closed door deposition was due to start a few minutes ago and should go four hours or so. lawmakers digging into hunter's artwork and whether it's peddling influence selling expensive paintings even though
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he is a new artist. house oversight committee subpoenaed the art dealer demanding information on buyers and documented communication between the white house and gallery. hunter biden spoke about his relationship with the art dealer and his artwork on a podcast with the rock star mobiley. >> i never intended for this to be a commercial enterprise. but i met george far before my dad even announced that he was running -- he had already announced but no one thought he was going to go the distance. >> bill: this is part of the broader congressional investigation into biden family business dealings. the house oversight committee is recommending holding the president's son in contempt of congress for appearing on capitol hill last month to speak to reporters but refusing to comply with a subpoena issued by the committee. >> i think we're sending a message loud and clear we expect people to comply with our lawful subpoenas regardless of your last name and the days of the
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federal government turning a blind eye to the president's family's corruption is over. >> comer's argument is hunter biden's defiance prevents the oversight committee from carrying out its oversight function and its impeachment inquiry into the president. >> bill: we'll see what they get from that in the end. thank you very much from washington, d.c. thanks. >> dana: former president trump at a d.c. appeals court. a panel weighing his claim he is immune from prosecution. arguments underway now. nikki haley raking in the big bucks but will all that campaign cash translate to votes? bret baier is on deck next. >> you don't fix democrat chaos with republican chaos. and not only that, we can't go through another nail biter of an election, we can't.
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>> bill: so about 27 after the hour now. donors with deep pockets forking over big bucks to nikki haley. the question, whether or not mountains of money will help
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make up her deficit in the polls in iowa. grady trimble is on the money trail in west des moines where the snow is coming down. hey, grady. >> it sure is. des moines and the metro area dealing with the first major snowstorm of the season as the candidates get ready for the first major contest of the political season. you mentioned that the candidates, all of them, are crisscrossing the state as much as they can in this snow trying to win over voters. it is clear that former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has already won over those wealthy donors. in fact, her campaign is racking up a lot of high dollar donations and touting it as well. they say they've raised $24 million in the fourth quarter and as haley surges in the polls particularly in new hampshire she is fending off attacks from former president trump. big money donors help pick the winner, the eventual nominee. former president trump has
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proven that the regular rules don't always apply and he whats a strong ground game here in iowa sending out 1800 of his most loyal supporters to recruit ten first-time caucus goers each and he also leads the feel in small dollar donations. in the last reporting quarter had more than $37 million in cash on hand. then there is florida governor ron desantis who was the preferred candidate of the wealthy donors when he first launched his campaign. now he is attacking nikki haley for it. j.p. morgan ceo jamie dimon spoke with maria bartiromo. he says he gets the appeal of haley even if he may not be donating to her. >> i didn't come out supporting her. i said i think she would make a good president. i do. she is conservative, a good choice. i think if you were a republican and she was there she would be a good choice. i was thinking at the time that
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biden versus haley would be a good thing. >> we mentioned off the top that some of the candidates are cancelling events today for obvious reasons. nikki haley is five or ten minutes from where we are now and apparently our team there says that about 15 iowans have braved this weather to go see her. i don't know what that tells you. maybe you can read something into it. >> bill: maybe they're caucus captains there. stay warm. grady trimble, west des moines. thank you. >> biden is making america very vulnerable and putting us at risk. desantis is desperate. president trump was the right president at the right time. chaos follows him. and we can't be a country in disarray. we need a new generational leader that won't focus on the past. >> dana: nikki haley going on attack last night with less than
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a week to go before the iowa caucuses, we know it's cold but they're hot on the campaign trail overall. how do you think it went last night for nikki haley as she tries to figure out a way to get the inside track in iowa? >> dana and bill good g morning. she made some news. she sharpened her elbows against the former president. she clearly talked aggressively about how the biden administration has been handling the secretary austin situation. i think she said a couple of things differently, new. but for the most part she hit her marks and really these town halls are about answering questions from iowa citizens and what they care about. we have dozens and dozens of questions for each of these town halls and really, they hit a lot of the same issues that i think you are seeing in a lot of polls about what people care about this election. >> bill: she had a couple of lines she used before on abortion the fellows just don't
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know how to talk about it. on foreign policy you've got to be a friend to get a friend. we played those clips earlier today. later tonight is ron desantis. you asked her a question about desantis and the criticism going back and forth between them. i guess we could call them number two and three in iowa and new hampshire. watch. >> governor desantis is hitting you for claiming the retirement age is way too low. he said quote, i don't know why she is saying that. so are you saying that? >> i have never once said that. he is totally misrepresenting the facts. that's what he has done. ron continues to lie because he is losing. the reality is that's what i have always said is america should keep her promises every time. but rather than saying you are not going to touch it like ron says, we have to touch it. but we have to also be honest and overcommunicate with those in their 20s this is what we're going to do. >> bill: this is frankly an underreported story.
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you have two politicians going at it with each other. both have a long record of public service. and they would be getting more attention if it were not for the former president who clearly has a defined lead in iowa. so if you could, give us a sense of the under current for these two behind the scenes. >> first of all, bill, you are right to point out that it would be this head-to-head if the former president has this big lead. on that one issue on social security, she went on to say. she has said that before about the retirement age being too low but you referred to that for people age 20 or 25, not for people that are above 50. so she was trying to clarify that. at this point in the campaign, both campaigns are using sentences and using them for ads and they take some more clarification on nuance to explain. thats what she was doing last night. the issue of debt is a big one
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and how you figure out how the country gets past 30 plus trillion dollars debt and changes that. you have to turn the aircraft carrier a little bit and dealing with entitlements is some of that. she is the only one really talking about that on the republican stage after mike pence left. chris christie mentions it from time to time. but desantis, ramaswamy. he wants to make major cuts but the former president is not saying that he would touch social security or medicare in any way, shape or form. >> dana: fox business poll mid-december the number one topic was the economy. that was true in september, it's true now but it has gone down a little bit because immigration has really shot up as a concern for republicans. is that because of a focusing of the mind, the coverage, the images you see coming out over and over again? and the white house continuing to say through secretary mayorkas and the press secretary that everything is fine on the
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border except they need more money from republicans. >> i think it's just untenable and not just border states, it's democratic states that were sanctuary states and cities. they can't handle it and become an issue that bubbled to the top. from last night the almost 100 questions we filtered in there were a lot of immigration questions. there are a lot of immigration questions coming up in tonight and for the former president. and i think it's just an issue on not only republicans' minds but americans's minds how to deal with that border. >> bill: our fox power ranksings are out. you know them from last hour. frontrunner donald trump. no mystery there. then we have desantis and haley as the challengers and hanging in there is chris christie and vivek ramaswamy. looking forward to tonight and see what we get from the governor from florida and tonight the president will be back in iowa out of court. thank you, bret.
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stay warm. you are smart, you stayed inside. >> exactly. try not to go out there. >> dana: take care. >> bill: there are lots of ways to celebrate winning a golden globe. this one might top the list. hemmer's celebrity news. we found this picture, giammattie crushed a burger and fries on sunday night. you see the statue. he won best male actor in a musical or comedy for his performance in the hold over. getting good reviews. >> dana: there was an interesting interview with him in the "new york times" over the weekend how he prepared for that role. i think he is a pretty -- >> bill: have you seen it yet? >> dana: no. i haven't even see my dog. >> bill: i saw maestro. i thought the second half was outstanding. i thought the second half was some of the best acting we've seen in a long time. >> dana: there you have your endorsement. all right. lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are raising serious
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questions about the secrecy surrounding the absence of secretary lloyd austin and demanding answers. senator roger wicker tells us why he thinks disclosure is need. >> the first thing we learned. it is a major issue that lloyd austin was essentially absent without leave. there's a great "before and after". then, there's the 'after the after' that boost you get when you look and feel your best. and that's why more men choose just for men®. ♪ ♪ mom! mom! every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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>> dana: we're watching this appeals court hearing under way now. president trump chose to be in the courtroom today to watch his lawyers argue about jurisdiction, which is something that you have to establish. that's what the three-court panel in the d.c. appeals court is talking about now. the question is was president trump immune from this
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prosecution because he was president and because he had already been impeached. his lawyers are arguing that. the justice department is arguing otherwise. we'll keep you posted on how it turns out. >> bill: from washington we go to another storm. a violent tornado ripping through panama city beach, florida. the panhandle residents capturing video of the winds. houses have come down. boats are spun out of the water. additional warnings have been issued now. a long line of storms now forecasted to hit tornadoes in coastal flooding from florida up to the southeast up into the northeast today. a big, large system. got just about everything and tornadoes and rain and wind and it has snow and ice at the end. so look out. it might be coming your way if you are east of the mississippi river today. all right? there is that. >> dana: overall there is a massive storm system moving across the entire united states bringing blizzard conditions to midwestern states like iowa. voters may have trouble getting to the polls for the state's
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caucuses on monday. fox weather correspondent nichole valdez joins us from des moines, iowa. hi, nichole. >> relentless snow and blizzard like conditions cree iting a challenging tuesday morning in the hawkeye state city capital of des moines. a live look what's going on. all of the snow, nearly six inches of it already on the ground since it started snowing late monday afternoon. what we've watched today are snowplows, hundreds of them, trying to make a dent and keep up with the snowfall rates. some are struggling to get around the city as that snow on the roads is turning into a slush consistency. you will notice in the distance some men trying to clear a path on the sidewalk and make it easier for those who do need to get around today. unfortunately things are not looking like they will let up any time soon. snow expected to continue falling late into the afternoon.
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iowa police saying they've responded to dozens of crashes. the snow is only going to add up. dana, you mentioned voters here. important week this week for those presidential hopefuls to try to make their last-minute campaign events to really rally the support from voters ahead of just days away from the important caucus day. we'll have to see if we see delays and cancellations on some of the big events this week. >> dana: everyone stay warm and safe and get ready for the caucus on monday. thank you. >> the best i can tell you is that the secretary's chief of staff was ill with the flu, which affected the notification timelines. we're going back now and looking at the processes and procedures as i mentioned to include both white house and congressional notifications, to insure that we can improve those processes. >> bill: the pentagon struggling to come up with an answer to promptly notify the white house
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and congress of the hospitalization of lloyd austin keeping everyone in the dark for days. mississippi senator roger wicker is the ranking republican on the armed services committee. thank you for your time and good morning to you. chief of staff had the flu. that's i guess we're peeling it away. the president was asked about this yesterday. didn't get much of an answer. roll this clip here. >> bill: little hard to here. what do you make of this? what's the explanation to suffice. >> it was hard to hear. the administration still does not understand that this story is not going to go away. they might as welcome clean and
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tell everything that happened and everything they know. at least we know that the staff member had the flu. we don't even know how seriously ill the secretary of defense continues to be. i'm told that today he is not in icu anymore. that's good news. and we all wish the secretary well. but this is an indictment of the administration's attitude toward public disclosure and toward full transparency. it is not going to go away. they have now commissioned a 30-day internal review. that is not going to be adequate. if we want to have a review it needs to be done by an outside inspector general and then they will have to come before the congress for a hearing. >> dana: this shouldn't take 30 days, right? if i were the president i would say as soon as you are better
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come to my office at 8:00 on monday morning. see you there and then i'll see you out. because this to me shows a complete disregard for the commander-in-chief and also an incredible lack of judgment not just by the secretary of defense, but by the deputy, by his chief of staff and everybody else involved. this doesn't take 30 days to figure out. >> not the mention the disrespect for the law of the land. this was a violation of the very specific statute. and something i noticed in the press reports yesterday is someone within the hierarchy in the pentagon said this happens every so often where the power is transferred from the secretary to the deputy secretary. if that happens, the statute kicks in and not only do you have to tell the president and people up and down the chain, but there is a specific statute that says you have to tell the congress. republican and democratic
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leaders of both houses. so i'm concerned about this and the statute is not a suggestion. this is the law of the land passed by the congress and signed by the president. and it is going to continue to be an issue. >> dana: this is not just a republican concern. you have heard from your colleagues on the other side of the aisle voicing something similar? >> well, yes. what i would like to hear, though, from the chairman of the senate armed services committee is that he will have a public hearing. thats something i cannot do as ranking member. only the majority can do that. i certainly hope that the republicans in charge of the house armed services committee will hold a hearing very soon. but there is just a lot we need to know and frankly, there is a lot that our enemies are noticing about our lazy attitude
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toward having gaps in authority. >> bill: thank you for coming on today. you make a great point. we haven't been told whether or not he is healthy. even that is illusive right now. >> i can't find anyone to tell me what was wrong and how ill he was. was he sedated or unconscious? was he given some memory-altering medication during this procedure? there is a lot we need to know and it doesn't look good. >> bill: roger wicker, thank you for coming on. >> dana: something went on time in d.c. today. oral arguments just wrapped in the case for president trump's lawyers were arguing he should be immune from prosecution. this lasted 75 minutes. started at 9:30 a.m. both sides had 20 minutes to make their argument in front of a three-judge panel. court gave no indication when its written opinion would be issued. fox news editor has been in the courtroom and we'll talk to her
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>> harris: six days to voters in iowa. frontrunner donald trump is in a washington, d.c. courtroom. an important day for him. his attorney is arguing trump is immune from prosecution over his role in the capitol hill riot. we'll be all over this. plus fox power rankings just dropped showing some big moves by gop candidates and now we know that the flu played a role on keeping even the president in the dark on the vanishing case of secretary of defense lloyd austin. leo terrell, steve hilton, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> conquering heroes, victors valiant, michigan national champions. >> dana: there you have it. for the first time since 1997 the michigan wolverines are on
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ton of the college football war. ey dominated number two washington 34-13 in last night's national championship game. jim grey is with us now. jim, i went with michigan. a good call. >> you know all about sports, of course you went with michigan. they dominated that game and were much better last night than washington. >> bill: jim, both teams are 14-0, okay? there is not a blemish on the schedule. was washington not as good as people thought? you think about the season that michigan had and the accusations of cheating and the suspension for several games of its coach. they seem to adopt that by warrior mentality that it is us against everyone. >> that's what they said. michigan versus everyone. they also said bet. don't bet against us. bet on us. and in terms of what they were
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able to perform. i mean, they beat the quarterback from washington up last night who is terrific. he was holding his sidewalking off the field and banged up going into the game. he could barely move afterwards. you look what edwards did rushing all those yards. they dominated the line of scrimmage and had control of the game. washington had opportunities but couldn't move the ball when they had to. this was just a dominant performance that has been such a long time coming for all those michigan fans. and for the state. it was fun to see. jim harbaugh under all kinds of controversy but just overcame it. >> bill: every year we have these debates whether or not the college football playoff got it right. do you think they did this year? >> i think so. i think michigan the best team won. in this instance we had the best teams. you can argue about florida state and they got crushed in the bowl game. a lot of their guys didn't want to participate because of the rules now.
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going into pro-football. so i think they did. but it will expand next year. the ncaa, they have 67, 68. somebody will always feel like they should have been there. i think they got it right though, bill. >> dana: there is a lot of drama in college sports as i'm learning. did i win the bet, by the way? >> bill: you did. you won both. >> dana: i got $2? >> bill: because you covered on the points, too. check her out. >> dana: learned a lot this year, jim gray, thank you so much for being with us. >> bill: is harbaugh staying or going? >> i think he will be tempted. if the offer is great enough in the place he wants to go, then i think perhaps we'll see him back in the nfl perhaps. i don't have any information from him. but i think that if you look at his progression and what he has done, time may be up.
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>> bill: got it. thank you. well done. >> dana: $2? >> bill: just $1. okay, i'll do two. >> dana: you said i won two things. >> bill: i'll be a gentleman about it. >> dana: i'll lose next week. you don't have to worry about it when the bengals continue to win. >> bill: they're done. court is over. we'll check with carey momentarily. >> dana: she was listening to president's trumps lowers and the d.o.j. argue about jurisdiction and immunity. the three-judge panel could rule within weeks and the supreme court might take it up. we are in the trial stew underway indeed. >> back into a different courtroom. we will check out of here right now. >> dana: podcast with kellyanne conway on what you need to know for the water cooler talk. it is good. only 20 minutes of your time. so much going on. harris faulkner will take you through the next hour.


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