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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 9, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm PST

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but then you worry about economics. you worry about all of these things. there is a lot of people who do push them in that direction. >> martha: governor, i'm sorry to interrupt. you signed a six week ban in florida and some people out there would say that's not compassionate towards some women in some case what is do you say to that? >> gov. desantis: look, you have to look to see our country is based on our rights come from god and among these are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit to happiness. that right to life is paramount the declaration of independence. unborn detectable heart beat i think it's come pagliano that the to be able to respect that and protect that going forward. you do that in ways that are compassionate with everybody and understanding the issues that you are dealing with. i will tell you what, in florida we have put our money where our mouth is on this. my wife has led a program. >> bret: we are out of time. thank you so much. >> bret: thank you everybody here. see you tomorrow night. we ran out of time. ♪ ♪ >> laura: hello, everyone, i'm laura ingraham.
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there is the is "the ingraham " from washington tonight. shocking video of a journalist getting arrested just for doing his job. the video and that journalist are here tonight. but, first, mr. trump goes to washington. that's the focus of tonight's angle. >> laura: the same federal court building where many of the j-6 defendants have been sentenced to prison sentences longer than convicted rapist, donald trump and today as a three-judge panel, appellate panel heard arguments on his claim of presidential immunity for actions he took when he was in office. his lawyer john sawyer pointed out a key concern. >> we are in a situation where we have the prosecution of the chief political opponent who is winning in every poll presidential election upcoming next year and is being prosecuted by the administration that he is seeking to replace that is the frightening future. that is tailor made to launch cycles reef cripple nation that will shape our republic for the future. >> laura: a valid point he might need a cough lozenge and trump's
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presence in the courtroom which took him off the campaign trails days before the iowa caucuses underscored the vindictiveness of the lawfare being waged against him. as for those who claim his appearance was political i just laugh. the entire prosecution of this man is political. at every level. now, no one on this planet thinks that jack smith would be blowing tense of millions in taxpayer dollars on the prosecution of the former president had he chosen to retire from politics after the 2020 election. a never trump lawyer on cnn spilled the beans earlier today. >> one consistent through line in the polling all year long backs up what doug says which is if you ask even in these very close polls voters what if donald trump is convicted, you see big swings. that bombshell "new york times" siena poll had trump ahead in the swing states a 14 point turn around. trump goes from 5 points up to 9
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points down if convicted. this is for all the marbles. >> laura: meaning essentially interfering with the election by leaving voters to choose between a deminted incumbent and a convicted felon. that's what they want. they can't. they can only rule over a country that way the arbiter will recognize we need to slam the brakes on before it's too late. the credibility of our fbi and doj we know it's been shattered by what biden has done. they don't care. and we're seeing the same dynamic at the state level as well. look at the travesty in georgia with the fulton county d.a. fani willis. the woman is trying to build a future political career, obviously, on her indicting trump for so-called election interference. as allegations of her own
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corruption have emerged. new court filings by a trump co-defendant indicate that her lover coordinated with the white house before she filed charges. he is also her, get this, special prosecutor in the case. talk about a cozy side hustle. now, "the atlanta journal constitution" described the situation this way: the bombshell public filing alleged that special prosecutor nathan wade, a private attorney paid for lavish vacations he took with willis using the fulton county funds that his law firm received. county records show that wade, who has played a prominent role in the election interference case has been paid nearly $654,000 in legal fees since january 2022. the d.a., fani willis, his friend, authorizes his compensation. question: who is going to
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appoint a special prosecutor to prosecute fanny and nathan? well, this is a complete farce. we all know it. everyone who cares about impartial justice should be shouting to shut all of this down the state of georgia shouldn't send one cent to fulton county so long as willis is on search and destroy mission. this passes for justice on a political party by any means necessary. none of in is normal. you know what a normal campaign would be? it would be if we had a president who could actually debate his chief political opponent on the issues that really matter to the voters. but, come on, president mumbles can't and he won't debated next fall. doesn't matter hot nominee is. in what was billed as one of his first major speeches of the 2024 campaign, biden didn't even bother trying to argue that his economic policies are making your lives better. he can't. instead, he went to a black
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church and he played the only notes that he has in his repertoire, maga, bad. >> they are trying to determine to erase history and your future. banning books, denying the right to vote and have it counted, destroying diversity, equality, inclusion, all across america. harboring hate and replacing hope with anger and resentment. >> laura: wait, did he just mention hope? did you hear any hope in what he has had to offer? except maybe there is hope for criminals, a lot of hope for migrants who want to cross the border, maybe. and does a man who celebrated the george floyd uprising and whose doj does nothing to prosecute the pro-hamas blockades, that's what we're looking for? after all, they are well-coordinated across interstate lines those protests. and they're endangering lives of
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commuters with medical conditions or just of kids waiting be picked up with their parents after school. but the only one who did anything to stop them is this guy. >> you are obstructing traffic, idiots. you can't do that. >> it's against the law. >> get bro. >> whoa, whoa. >> get away from my car. >> i have a daughter -- >> run them over. run them
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nip who pledges fundamental change in washington. they will be a target. maybe not nikki haley, they don't view her as a threat. certainly desantis. someone like ramaswamy. anyone like them. because if the swamp is actually drained. and if the civil service is subject to scrutiny and real cuts, the establishment knows that its scams are over. they can't risk losing any part of the permanent bureaucracy, no way. so you want to know why despite the plutocrats pitch for haley that trump is in the lead and that trump, plus desantis, plus vivek is about, what, 82, 84% of the entire party? i will tell you why. it's because most republican voters do not believe that any other candidate can withstand
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the onslaught that he is facing. they believe that eventually they will all be bought off they will all buckle under the pressure. they desperately want someone who won't back down like that guy in the car. and for trump, well, yeah. someone will stand up to china. someone who will dismantle the deep state. someone who will take on the cartels. someone who will unleash the energy sector. cut the permanent bureaucracy. shut down censorship industrial complex even hold the pentagon accountable. each agenda item that i just laid out empowers working people. but it also threatens the power hungry globalists. that agenda is what they fear most. that's what tariffs elites like michelle obama. whose anti-american resentment goes all the way back to her princeton thesis and which recall that she alleged that universities are designed to cater to the needs of the white
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students. but the agenda also freaks out top senate republicans, doesn't it who want to police other country's borders as our own stays wide open. let's put it this way. the people's agenda is an existential threat to every radical like jack smith or fani willis posing as an unbiased prosecutor. and to every politician who clings to power by pushing at endless stream of racial grievance and victimhood. to every academic who uses dei as a weapon against accountability. that platform is a nightmare for leftists and plutocrats. but it represents morning in america for the rest of us. and that's the angle. all right. joining us now, chris landau, former law clerk for justices thomas and scalia and former ambassador to mexico and sol wisenberg, former deputy independent counsel and fox news contributor. good to see both of you. chris, why was it important for president trump to sit in that courtroom before that
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three-judge panel today on the immunity claim? >> because the consequences of this lawsuit, laura, cannot be overstated. it was very sad as an american and as a lawyer to watch this argument today because we have shattered a norm that existed for 234 years. never before in our history the government sought to bring criminal prosecutions against a former president. for official acts. while in office. and now, we not only have that, we have it in state courts and federal courts. appears all over the place popping up. this is a very serious moment for our country. i don't care if you are pro-trump or anti-trump. this goes to the integrity of the presidency of our entire constitutional structure. >> laura: sol, the reaction from the judges seemed to be doubtful for president trump's claim of immunity. what, to chris's point, that this starts us on a very dangerous trajectory?
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>> well, i would say, number one, you are correct, that i think the d.c. circuit is going to rule against president trump on this particular issue. and i think what's most disturbing about the prosecution is that it is so obviously political. if they were serious about investigating the former president, they would have started that investigation right away and indicted him, first of all, the only thing they should have considered indicting him for was insurrection. i'm not sure -- i'm not saying they had a case. in fact, because they didn't have a case they came up with hair brain theory that they came up with. that's the only serious thing they should have looked at. you don't wait until august or july of 2023 to bring the indictment and then insist that he go to trial almost right away in two separate federal districts. that's what i think is so upsetting to people.
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i think ultimately what you are going to have at the supreme court is a very strong opinion saying that the efforts to keep trump off the ballot are completely invalid, but i'm not so sure at all that they will even consider the question of presidential immunity. i don't know which way that will go. >> laura: well, on another point, alexandria ocasio-cortez came out looking down the road on where this case is going to go to urge justin thomas to recuse himself from any decision on trump's eligibility. watch this madness. >> it's very clear clarence thomas and rather his wife, jenny, participated in the events of january 6th. and now what is likely going before the supreme court is a judgment as to whether an event that his wife participated in qualifies as an insurrection. this is just one of the most classic textbook conflicts of interest. >> laura: i'm not sure where she got her law degree, chris, or
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maybe she san expert on the professional ethics, judicial ethics. both of us obviously clerked for justin thomas. we will say that off the top here. legit mate him and the court. it's very targeted. it is so very obvious what is going on here. this is ridiculous, the justice has obligations. only nine justices to participate in the case unless there is direct personal involvement of the justice. ing. it doesn't come close to that standard. that's not the point, laura. they want the headlines. >> laura: i love how she is reading her question there, sol. remember when justice ginsburg she made some comments about president trump. can you ever imagine any of these leftists urging for justice ginsburg to step aside on any case involving president trump because of her comments? never. they wouldn't even consider it.
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again, it was justin thomas there is always an exception to their rule of supposed, you know, let the justices make their own call here. >> well, not only that, but this whole assault on the conservative -- what's known as the conservative wing of the court, ignores the fact that they often have ruled against president trump on issues of executive privilege. they have often -- they didn't do anything to step in and try to alter the results of the 2020 election. so it's an a absolutely baseless accusation. i'm proud of the court system in that regard. and i think it's dreadful that they are doing this. trump and other populist candidates across the country presidential race are running on. it looks like it's working. and this is what the globalists are worried about. this new poll out of michigan today. devastating. trump is leading biden by 8 points in the state.
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now, that's more evidence that, you know, this is what they're really worried about. that's people are on to this game of trade, the ev mandates, all of it. it's going to kill the auto industry and trump warned the auto workers about this. >> laura, i think the republican also win the election hands down if people play the footage of what is going on at the border. you see this massive wave of people. our laws don't allow that the executive, the president is supposed to enforce the law that should be the beginning and end of the campaign right there. but, as you said, there are so many issues. that's why we're even here talking about trump's legal troubles. this is all a smoke screen and they are going to try to use it to get a d.c. jury, this is what they are desperate to do. >> laura: the worst. >> 92 to 5% biden for trump. imagine if biden got indicted on a texas crime involving border policies is that a fair jury of his peers? that's where we are headed if these immunity arguments fail all future president also be open to criminal prosecution for
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their official acts rain shower lawyer imagine a conservative with the same type of conflict of interest, a fani willis and nathan wade and their symbiotic financial relationship with this investigation in fulton county that was uncovered. imagine that. >> i don't have to imagine because i lived through it with judge starr's investigation of clinton. there was nothing to literally nothing to any of the allegations against judge starr. >> laura: good point. >> it was front and center every day. that's before fox news was around in most areas. so it was brutal. >> laura: you are really bringing us back to the days and god rest ken's soul. we miss him a lot: journalist arrested in trudeau's america for doing his job. can it happen here? it can. the reporter who was arrested is here to tell his story. and he was a warning for all of you. that's next. ♪
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>> laura: we know the -- they wt you to sit back and shut up and let them run the country into the ground. consider the case of what
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happened when my next guest, david menzies, from rebel news, approached canada's deputy prime minister with his own question. >> the irgc not a terrorist group? why is your government supporting islamo -- [scuffle] >> what are you doing? >> you are under arrest for assault. >> why are you pushing me? you are under arrest for assault. you are under arrest for assault. >> please sit -- please sit down. you are under arrest for assault. >> you bumped into me. >> you pushed. >> i was just scrubbing. i have got my credentials here and you just bumped into me. >> you are under arrest. >> what is the name on your badge? what is your name on your badge. >> we have been told you are under arrest. >> why am i under arrest? he blocked my way. i was just sacrumming. scrumming.>> what is your name .
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>> assaulting a peace officer. >> how is that possible? >> laura: that's not russia. that's canada. joining me now is david menuezy, rebel news reporter david, why were you arrested? >> laura ingraham. it's a pleasure to be with you. that is the $64,000 question. isn't it? i would say it's for a crime not yet on the books in canada and that is asking political elite people, insensitive for inplighe queries. that's the reason we went down there. vigil held at the center for performing arts to mark the fourth anniversary, laura, of the ukrainian airline that was shot down over iran by the irgc. 179 innocent civilians died on that aircraft. actually, make it 180 because there was an unborn child on
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that flight, not that the left would ever, you know, classify that death as a homicide. >> laura: but in the video, david, you were -- it's obvious you were shoved. he didn't realize he was being filmed? he shoved you and is he then he said you are arrested for assault. it's obvious from looking at the video so bad but it's really good because we see what they're all about. >> absolutely. he was more than a security official, laura. he is a mountie. a royal canadian mounted policeman. and i can tell you this. i felt him before i even saw him. my focus was on deputy prime minister free land as i was trying to scrum her. she wasn't giving any answers. i'm just trying to do my job. you clearly see at the 9 second mark of the video because we have slowed it down to slow
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motion. almost like looking at the film that he puts out his arm like a basketball pick or a clothesline in wrestling. and he initiated the contact and i was absolutely stunned. i was handcuffed, frog to a police. i can tell you this within an hour as i sat handcuffed in that cruiser, laura. i got word from the police officers, who were detaining me that were going to let you go because the rcmp officer is declining to press charges. i can only assume he looked at the video -- there were so many eyewitnesses, so many people filming this he went yikes, this looks bad. it is bad. >> laura: david, they released a statement which i should read. they said that they were involved in a, quote, incident while deployed on a protective operation.
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the rcmp, royal canadian mounted police is looking into the incident and the action of all parties involved. no further comment is available at this time. david, what i would like you to address, please, is, you know, americans who say oh, okay, this is just one misunderstanding. this doesn't portend anything of such a similar nature happening here in the united states. and to that you would say? >> i would say you have the most cherished document in the world when it comes to freedom. i'm talking about your constitution, specifically the first amendment. and i see your constitution under attack by the left, laura. you know, oh, it was just old white men who were slave owners. it's not really a valid document, until they use the constitution to make their argument. suddenly it's a valid document. we don't have a first amendment
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in canada. as a matter of fact, laura, the entire mainstream media in canada has been bought and paid for by the liberal government. they rely on subsidies. it is an outrageous and egregious conflict of interest. >> laura: it's state media. >> how can you expect somebody on the government payroll to cover the government fairly? it's an egregious conflict of interest. and, you know, in a way, it's funny that president biden hasn't followed prime minister black face in terms of subsidizing, you know, media outlets in your nation to curry favor but then again maybe he doesn't need to. but, i would argue that because of your first amendment rights, if this happened to an american journalist, that is a multi million dollars lawsuit in the offing. it's completely unconstitutional. but, we live in a banana
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republic now, laura, in canada. sorry, we can't can't grow bana. maybe can you get a beer and solve this problem or work together in some ways. i think it's a bad sign and we'll see what happens next. keep in touch with us please, david, thank you. all right, the wildest part of lloyd austin's disappearance. well, no one thought it was odd that biden went a full week without talking to him. senator rand paul reacts to that plus, new details about fauci's trip to capitol hill today you don't want to miss it. stay with us. ♪
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took days before anyone noticed he was gone. now, the pentagon focused on his medical diagnosis early stage prostate cancer. it's very tough. but that's, of course, not the issue. the issue is we have a defense chief who is both inconsequential and insubordinate. today even the uber liberal website slate said he had to go. >> if the administration is going to go to such great lengths to keep secrets about the defense secretary's health, how can anybody be certain that the administration would not go to the same lengths to keep secret problems with president biden's health in the future? >> if the administration made some sort of machiavellian effort across the board to keep this from getting public, then i think your question has merit. and, certainly is a fair one. i don't think it's a fair one because that's not what happened here, peter. what happened here is secretary
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of defense for whatever reason, i can't answer the question why, that information wasn't shared. >> laura: joining us now is kentucky senator rand paul the author of deception, the great covid cover-up. senator, again, i think the sail grant point apparently we have a defense secretary who regularly isn't in touch with the white house officials and kirby punted that question. >> i think it is sort of an indictment that really the administration that people around the president is he sort of a figure head. >> laura: none of them knew, senator. >> seen as old doddering figure head that the secretary of defense isn't around for a week or two. it's the disdain and peripheral nature of biden. >> laura: do you think casper weinberger going back to the reagan days that people would notice that weinberger wasn't on a call. >> people might have noticed. >> laura: government officials who think they can secure the
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truth. enter anthony fauci. more than 100 times during closed door testimony yesterday, he told lawmakers that he did not recall important information conversations relevant to the origins of covid-19 and the u.s. pandemic response that he presided over. senator paul? >> who does that remind you of? kind of reminds you of bill clinton a little bit. i don't recall. he gets into the definition what is. gain of function is. what is the definition of gain of function research. everything is parsing words when he can remember and most of the time if it's an important question he can't remember. but he did admit that you know what? he approved all of the research but he didn't read or review any of it and he doesn't know how or what process there is for having oversight for foreign research like the research that went on in wuhan. it's amazing. >> laura: we are seeing a generation that is suffering. you hear from teachers, you hear from employers who have really been, you know, put behind the 8 ball because of that closures of schools. we have excess death perhaps
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related to. so treatments and so forth. he says i can't remember. the guy was the highest paid official for how many years in washington. >> he will tell you he was for closing the schools before he was against it for it and against it. so many things one thing consistent about anthony fauci what he says in private is largely true. what he says in public is largely a lie. when asked about the masks by a fellow co-worker, sylvia burwell he told her the truth. he said the masks don't work because the poors are bigger than the virus. >> laura: own. >> in public he wears three masks in private he tells colleagues you don't need to wear one. it's the same with immunity. same with the vaccines. really the same with gain of function research. in private he said yes, we are suspicious that the virus was manipulated. looks manipulated. and we know they are doing gain of function research in wuhan. he describes it, that's in a private email. in public, to this day he still denies that they funded any gain of function research in wuhan. it's all n. an an entire lie.
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>> laura: we put money to he can ecohealth alliance spread that virus that killed 9 million people. >> # million people died here, 9 to 20 million people died worldwide. not one democrat has stepped forward. on the committee in the hearings where fauci is testifying, the democrats are still defending him and saying nothing to see here, it wasn't gain of function research. but it's all sort of parsing of words. the viruses they were creating in the lab were more infectious. they became more infectious and more deadly. more deadly and more infectious. if that's not gain of function research you are being dishonest. >> laura: really quickly, senator, the border deal that the republicans are cooking up that chuck schumer and apparently mitch mcconnell and others are going to agree to to that you say. >> it's a sell-out. it's going to continue to allow illegal immigration particularly migrants. oh, let 5,000 people come illegally a day. after that we might try to stop the next 5,000 that day.
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it's completely a sell-out. it's because people like senator mcconnell care more about ukraine than anything else. more than the border, more than anything else. he wants to send $60 billion of your money to ukraine. >> laura: do you think he would prefer biden or trump in the white house if you had to bet? >> on this issue he is more aligned with biden. on the issue of funding, sending your money to ukraine and sending it everywhere around the world, mcconnell is much more closely aligned with biden than he is with the republican party. >> laura: rand paul, casual. this is casual tuesday. >> thank you. i heard it was casual tuesday. >> laura: we approve. i was critical of it during the break. now like anthony fauci i'm changing privates to public. senator, great to see you. thank you so much. >> thank you. >> laura: speaking of missing biden cabinet secretary? where is pete buttigieg, doors are dropping off planes and first world countries doesn't seem worthy of his time. the world looks for hard hat pete, next. ♪
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♪ >> laura: nines are still grounded after a sudden gapping hole ripped in the side of an alaska airlines flight. and the airlines are already reporting that they found loose parts and bolts in the same door panels. and as more details emerge,
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we're asking two questions: how bad could this have really been and where the heck is pete buttigieg? joining me now retired air force and united airlines pilot scott pa till low and horace cooper, chair of project 21. scott, take that first question. people are saying oh, all is well that ends well. but though that's true how bad could this have been? >> laura, it could have been much worse than it was. we got very, very lucky with this particular incident that the door came off at 116,000 feet. had it been a cruise up in the mid 30's, it would have been an explosive decompression. flight attendants would have been out of their seats. passengers would have been unbuckled and it would have ended re, very badly for anybody that was up and about in that airplane. >> laura: does that mean people would have been stuck out of the plane because of the depressurization if you hadn't been bubbled in. >> highly possible up in
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38,000 feet with the pressure differently. if you were anywhere near one of those seats and not buckled in there was a high probability you could have been extracted from the aircraft, that is correct. >> laura: boeing, doors have fallen off of planes at least they are meeting their diversity goals at least in boeing. our goal was to achieve diverse interview slates for at least 90% of imaginers and executives in their openings and they bragged that they exceeded that target with 92% of interview slates being diverse, resulting in 47% diverse hires at the management and executive levels. now, horace, we can't link the diversity efforts to what happened, you know, that would take an exhaustive investigation. but it's worth asking at this point airline operation or is
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diversity the goal here? >> you know, in my latest book, i mention this dalliance with dei. this idea that diversity is more important than a meritocracy. i titled the chapter die because this can kill. when i was a kid. we asked this question about whether or not you wanted your cardiologist to be someone who sort of was socially promoted through medical school or did you want the excellent? we eventually started talking about pilots. now i read that there are airlines, like united, there are airline building companies that are going around saying that we need more diversity rather than talent. the president of the united states has picked mayor pete to
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be in charge of airline safety. again, choosing diversity over the importance of the real reason there's an faa. and that's safety. that's making sure that when passengers get on the plane they are going to actually reach their loved one. >> laura: scott, we are learning more about what happened at this all hands safety meeting today at boeing. the company's president and ceo acknowledging the presidents stakes an saying we are going to approach it with 100 percent and complete transparency every step of the way. scott, is that good enough for you? >> no, laura. it's not. because, finding out what happened is going to be paramount and making sure that it doesn't happen again we trust the officials from the secretary on down to the regulatory agency of the faa to make sure that these airplanes are put together like we are told they are. and then come to find out that they are not. and so what other issues are
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lurking behind the firewall of these aircraft that we are going to find out at some later time through some kind of disaster, only to be told that, well, we are working on it and we are going to get to the bottom of it. so, no, it is not enough to say that they need to investigate and find out what happened, how these bolts -- who missed the point of inspections and certifying these things whether it be the faa or boeing. >> laura: apparently some of the airlines have found loosened bolts in their aircraft. i mean, they always say in the pre-flight announcement safety is our first priority. well, i hope so but it seems like in some cases dei might be. scott and horace, thank you so much. now we know who purchased hunter's art. plus my defense of taylor swift? yeah, i will discuss all that and more with jimmy, that's what's the failla, next.
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hello, i'm franklin graham.
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this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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>> laura: time for wtf. joining me is jimmy fala host of the brand new fox news saturday night. all right, jim. congrats. i'll take my percentage. >> i knew you were going to shake me down, ingraham. i can't say anything. >> laura: we're gonna get to the show in a minute. something happened over the weekend, jimmy.
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really getting on my nerves. watch this. >> we came on after a football double-header. the big difference between the golden globes and the nfl, on the golden globes we have fewer shots of taylor swift, i swear. [ laughter ] sorry about that. >> laura: all right, jimmy. i'm gonna stand up for taylor swift. not just because my daughter's a massive fan. everybody's been jumping on her for making what i think is a human reaction to a bad joke and a bad host. everyone was like, she should have reacted differently. why? i like the fact that you're a loser and i'm not going to clap or pretend i like your dumb joke. >> i'm going to stand up for her. not just because i wear a lot of the same outfits as her. taylor swift is the biggest star in the world. she doesn't owe anyone a courtesy laugh. that's not her being a bad audience member. that's him trying to tie two
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thoughts together but not sticking the landing that we call a punch line. and for anybody who does give taylor a har time, she doesn't ask the cameras to point at her every time they do something at these games. she's just a star. even if you don't like it, laura, it's nice to see someone pretending to be a chief besides elizabeth warren. >> laura: i liked her dress. all right, jimmy. i saw you in that number a couple weeks ago. jimmy, kamala's defenders are saying no one can hold a candle to her as vice president. now according to "the new york post" her jasmine scented candles bear her office's seal. they are even being given out as gifts. alex padilla wanted to do the same and asked the creator to produce 125 candles using the same scent. harris' office gave him permission to produce a similar
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candle but ask that he use a different scent. jimmy, we don't have priorities or problems in the country, but kamala has the candle crisis. >> no. you got to be careful with the kamala candle. one whiff and you start laughing for no reason. i obviously don't like the idea of kamala passing out candles. let's tell it like it is. this is ridiculous. the idea they wouldn't give away the scent is so emblematic of us fighting the wrong battles. >> laura: she's branding herself. not as a problem solver, but a scent defender. dollars and cents. tell us about this show. what are you gonna do? am i going to be invited on? what's going to happen? is there a whole set involved with a couch? looks like you're doing a pbs thing when i saw that promo.
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>> i'm the only guy who gets thrown out of his own promo commercial. we were at a vip area. fox news saturday night. that's how this works. when you're a comedian. if you're hosting your own show, you're not there for the republican party or democratic party. you're there for the keg party. saturday night solo cup where we are going to fire at everyone except you and hannity because i was told my legs would be broken if i insult either of you. >> laura: i see you in times square not being mugged there. you're not being mugged or overwhelmed by some food truck situation. >> now all the people i owe money to know where to find me so i got a problem here. >> laura: congrats, jimmy. we'll be watching every saturday 10 p.m. eastern. >> jesse: welcome to jesse waters primetime.


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