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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 9, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm PST

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oldest story of humanity is the comeback story. something disrupts your life, a divorce, health, loss of a business, and you're forced to grow, go on a journey. you meet new people, slay dragons, and are able to help other people. that's not just being positive, it's being intelligent. >> jesse: dragon slayers, that's the mantra for 2024. tony robbins, thank you so much. check out his book. >> thank you so much, jesse. >> jesse: apparently it's no charge. not sure how he's successful with no charge. dvr the show. remember, i'm watters. this is my world.
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>> sean: welcome to "hannity." tonight the latest from the epstein documents. are there videotapes of famous people in compromising positions? also, major news about donald trump and the witch-hunts against him. and fani may be facing legal troubles. and a hot mike moment from two trump-hating journalists who apparently wouldn't mind seeing the former president get assassinated. we've got full details straight ahead. and later, take a look at your screen. yep. the state i once lived in, new york state, the rats are taking over new york city. watch till the very end. well, we'll show you. there's a bunch of critters underneath there sleeping with a homeless person. sad this is happening in a country as rich as ours, but that is real. just another day in biden's america. but first a clear pattern has emerged from the biden white
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house. it can be summed up with one word -- incompetence. while biden treats the white house like a glorified retirement home, the administration is totally devoid of any and all leadership. case in paint, the saga of defense secretary lloyd austin, missing in action for days on end. as it turns out, he was under general anesthesia for prostate surgery. he ended up in the icu with a serious complication. no one, not even joe biden at the white house, knew that the secretary of defense was incapacitated. if the commander in chief doesn't know, that's not good. the department of defense, they waited eight days after lloyd austin was hospitalized to actually release a detailed statement. this is beyond deeply concerning. it is strange. it is weird. it's not transparent as they said, especially at a time, take a look at that map, when our troops are getting attacked on a
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daily basis overseas. we do wish lloyd austin a speedy and full recovery, but the secrecy, the breakdown in communication, that put our country at risk. the secretary of defense, he's critical to every national security response. now, the general public frankly we don't need to know every detail about his personal private healthcare, i'm not that interested. i hope he's well. but to keep the president, the commander in chief, his boss, in the dark for days, and have no consequences, that's insane. the big question tonight, how is it possible? watch our own peter doocy. take a look. >> what kind of comm commander n chief is president biden that at a time when american forces are under fire in the middle east he can go days without knowing that his defense secretary is in a hospital bed? >> peter, there's a lot to your question. so i want you to bear with me for just a second. first of all, at no time was the ability for the united states military to defend our national
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security interests compromised. >> sean: naturally no one has been held accountable. no one is held accountable in the biden white house. there's a crisis, especially one created by this administration. they ignore the problem. they lie repeatedly about the problem. then they stay the course, no matter what, which brings us to yet another important question from peter doocy. let's take a look at this one. >> why should we believe anything, that this administration tells us, about anything ever again? >> i think we all recognize -- and i think the pentagon has been very, very honest with themselves about the challenge to credibility by what has transpired here, by what -- and by how -- how hard it was for them to be fully transparent with the american people. >> sean: john kirby is out of answers. these are the same people.
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the border is closed. the border is secure. they know the administration is a train wreck. i wouldn't want that job, because how do you continue to lie when it's not true? they've mismanaged our economy. they've caused inflation to soar. they mismanaged the afghanistan withdrawal, leading to deft and devastation them. mishandled puttin, leading to war, a war in the middle east. anyway, they also mismanaged th. all of these crisis that we talk about continue to fester. every single one of them was preventable. the border has never been worse. they've been telling us it's secure, it's closed. no, it's not. dhs secretary alejandro mayorkas telling 80% of immigrants
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apprehended at the southern border are released into the united states. by the way, i'll add, most of them completely unvetted. they're not sent back. they're not detained. there's no stay in mexico policy in place, because they got rid of that. instead they are reportedly given taxpayer-funded airplane tickets to anywhere in the u.s. i thought that was called human trafficking. is not. they're also given taxpayer-funneledded food, shelter, healthcare, education. millions, 8.5 million people in three-plus years. they're abusing our asylum process, breaking our laws. now they're living free on your dime, the taxpayer. the administration now wants more money. not to secure the border, but just to hand out to immigrants. now so when you're struggling to pay for your kids' education, struggling for bare necessities, struggling on your mortgage or rent payment, car payment, just remember where your hard-earned tax dollars are going. europe literally paying for rooms for immigrants in three
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and four-star hotels in cities like the middle of new york city. by the way, is that an expense you're okay with? naturally biden's approval on the border has now reached an all-time low. nearly 70% of americans, all of them unhappy with the flood of immigrants. even democrats now are speaking out more and more, because they're impacted by biden's horrible policies. biden seemingly unaware, he's not making policy changes, not even pretending to care about the border. he doesn't talk about the border. he only visited the border once barely for a few minutes last year. his border czar has completely ignored the issue forever. does biden even know there's a problem there? i know he's asleep. at this time of night, it's 9:07 eastern time, 6:07 on the west coast, long asleep probably for three hours at this point. is this all intentional? let's see. a flood of people with dreams of, let's see, democratic party amnesty one day. hmm.
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what would the democrats want in exchange for assistance in helping people break our laws, not respect our borders, our sovereignty, and maybe holding out, you know, the carrot of free citizenship, something of great value and great worth. either way, it's a disaster. everything is a disaster under biden. nothing seems to get better. do you really want four more years of this? can we afford four more years of this? this is this joe biden will only talk about the threat to democracy, january 6th, trump, trump, trump, abortion, abortion, abortion, and of course the usual republicans are racist, sexist, and phobic of everything. joining us texas senator ted cruz. how are you? i'm watching your race closely. that playbook is being played down in your state of texas. here you have been at the border again and again and again. you gave this program exclusive images early on when -- in the middle of covid when they
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wouldn't allow our cameras inside these facilities that had kids in cages, overcrowded, in the middle of a pandemic. if it wasn't for you, we wouldn't have had those photos. yet they're trying to bludgeon you, lie about your record, in texas already? >> well, look, jeff schumer, the democrats have painted a bull's eye on texas. they're coming at me. i'm the number one target in the country. he's going to spend enover a hundred million dollars to beat go. go to ted i need your help. what's happening on the border, it's a crisis at a level we've never seen before. as you noted, i spend a lot of time on the southern border, go out on midnight patrol with the border patrol agents. the their argument, by the way, when they wouldn't allow the reporters and tv cameramen, they
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said they might have covid, so i filmed the conditions, the deplorable conditions -- >> sean: they tried to stop you, senator. >> yes, they did. >> sean: a u.s. senator. they did not want the truth to come out. >> you cannot see what's happening there and defend it. last year, 853 migrants died crossing illegally into this country. you cannot see the children, as i've seen many times, who have been horribly abused physically and sexually by human traffickers. you can't see the women who have been violently sexually assaulted by human traffickers. you cannot defend it. biden's entire strategy is hope the media ignores it. by the way, in an exercise of chutzpa, he stood up last week and said the problem is the republicans won't fund border security. what an utter lie. joe biden and kamala harris and alejandro mayorkas are allowing
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immiillegal immigrants into this country. whatever the democrats and the left wing accuse the other side of doing it is what they're doing. you just showed joe biden giving a speech saying we must defend democracy. mind you, at the exact same time the democrats in colorado and maine are trying to prevent the voters from voting for donald trump. >> sean: all right. the amazing thing is, mayorkas actually, in the last week, has blamed climate change, blamed greg abbott, your governor, blamed you, blamed donald trump for what's happening at the border, and now they're saying congress hasn't done their job. we didn't have this problem when donald trump is president. the wall was being built, hundreds of miles, would have been completed by now, the border would have been secure. none of this would have happened. what is their motivation?
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we're the party to help you break the law. if you or and i did this, we'd go to jail. we'll help you break the law, give you free transportation, maybe one day citizenship, and hope you remember us when you go vote. is that their plan? >> three motivations at play for the democrats. number one, on every policy issue they've handled the agenda over to the radical left. on law and order, they've handed it over to the radical abolish the police. on israel, they've handed the agenda to the pro-hamas, the anti-semites. on issues of agenda, they've handed the agenda over to the radical surgically mutilate the children extremes. and on the border, they've handed the agenda over to the extreme left that believes borders are immoral. we should have no border. anyone should be able to come in to this country. that's who setting the biden
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agenda. number two, the corporate media is utterly corporate. the you know about what's happening on the border if you watch fox fox news. country, there's no border on cnn. democrats know there's human suffering, but they overlook it because they want to stay in power. they look at the 9.6 illegal immigrants and think every one of them is a future democratic voter and we get to stay in power if we change the electorate and just allow open borders. sean, the most dangerous thing, i believe the odds are extraordinarily high that in the year 2024 we will see a major terrorist attack in the united states. hamas and hezbollah terrorists are coming across our southern border right now. and joe biden and the democrats and the house and senate they do not care. >> sean: well, we know that the possibility -- i say it's 100%. we know that we've had hundreds from iran show up at our
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southern border. yeah. >> sean: if you're from iran, syria, hundreds more from there, what are you doing at our southern border? >> yeah. >> sean: thousands from egypt, the home of the muslim brotherhood, 12,000 from russia, 26,000 from china. now, let me be very clear, because democrats say they're racist, they don't want people of color coming into the country. i don't care where people come. i'd like people vetted. i'd like to know they don't have radical associations, that they're healthy, especially in a pandemic world, postpandemic world we're living in, and i'd like to know they're not a financial burden on the american people. do it legally. welcome to our country. i don't give a damn where you come from. >> exactly right. let me give you stats on the terror watch list. fiscal year 2017, two people were encountered on the border on the terror watch list. in 2018, six. in 2019, zero.
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in 2020, two. in fiscal year 2021, most of which trump was president, 15. what happened the next year, fiscal year 2022? 98. of what happened the next year, fiscal year '23. 172. we went from zero and two to 172. those are the ones we know about that. that doesn't count the 2 million got-aways last year that pose a dramatic threat. this administration is interning the safety of every american because they -- endangering the safety of every american. they're willing to say, we want to stay in power more than we want to keep your family safe. >> sean: if they allow terrorists right, and we're right -- i pray toed for we're wrong. >> i don't think we're wrong. >> sean: i want to be wrong. if there are terror cells, as we believe there are -- and athere
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has to be, the sheer numbers, mathematically, statistically it's right there. >> if you were a hamas commander, why wouldn't you send someone in? they're screaming for it. >> sean: they will have blood on their hands because they allowed to thank you this. senator, thank you. by the way, they're targeting senator ted cruz. joining us senator john barrasso with an announcement. glad you chose the show for the announcement. glad to you have back. we love the people of wyoming, except the cheneys. sort of that, we like everyone else. what's on the agenda tonight? >> people of wyoming, all your viewers know, that the country was better off under president donald trump, and joe biden continues to fail america. when president trump was in office, we had the best economy in my lifetime, most of of our lifetimes. we had energy independence.
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our enemies feared us and we had a secure border. under joe biden, we have high prices, a wide-open border. what's happened at the border, the surrender at the border has allowed 8 million immigrants into the country. joe biden begs our enemies for fuel and energy. this is a disaster. we cannot afford another four years of joe biden's failures. so if you want to get the country back on track, which is what i want to do, we need a strong republican conservative house and senate, and we need donald trump back in the white house. tonight i'm endorsing donald trump for president of the united states. >> sean: well, we appreciate you picking our show to tell people. i will tell you this -- you know, it's interesting, because i get asked a lot of questions by people about donald trump. why does he fight so much? why does he fight so much? he has a good answer, i think. if he wouldn't fight, he wouldn't survive, number one. but his real fight is on the
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issues you're talking about. this guy will fight for the things that work. fight for a better economy. free and fair trade deals. secure borders. energy independence. there wasn't any one of those issues when he was president that was an easy lift. why do you make of the neverending, nonstop, unrelenting attacks and now the use of the legal system, now families to -- he's never been charged with insurrection, but they want to take him off the ticket. they don't even want people to have a chance to vote for him. how is that going to play out? >> very poorly for them. well for president trump. they cannot continue to do this. it's not working for them. they know joe biden is a weak president. the bigger question of are you better off now than four years ago, people overwhelming are worse off now than they were four years ago, which is why americans are turning to donald trump for president. he is the person -- joe biden has done massive damage to this
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country, to our border, to our economy, to our standing in the world. he is weak. he's not up to the job. when i look at donald trump -- and i was with him in afghanistan, visiting the troops thanksgiving of 2019. this was a commander in chief who was loved and respected by the troops. he was feared by our enemies. you get joe biden, he's a pushover. they understand that. so the democrats, they wanted to impeach him day one when he became president. they've never gotten over the fact that he defeated hillary clinton. he had me as the chair of his platform committee at the convention. "the new york times" called is the most conservative republican platform in a hundred years. i don't think they meant it as a compliment. the policies worked for donald trump. they're afraid of him. he needs to be back in the white house. that's why i'm endorsing him tonight. >> sean: i will tell you joe biden as president actually scares me now. you can see how compromised he is.
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cognitively. you know, you asked the question, are you better off than you were four years ago? intellectually, honestly, i can't think of a single policy that he's been supporting that's working. senator, great to see you. we do love the people of wyoming. thank you so much for being with us. come back soon. happy new year. coming up, two senators are demanding accountability for what we have now learned about the jeffrey epstein scandal. by the way, are there videotapes? we'll check in with two senators. glad you're with us on "hannity." to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> sean: all right. this is a fox news alert. sad news to report tonight. former first lady melania trump's mother has passed away.
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deepest sympathies to her and her family. they're in our thoughts and prayers. we know, by the way, as we talk about these things a lot of people have speculated, she's not been out in public a lot. she's been taking care of her mom. also tonight, back to the documents from the ongoing jeffrey epstein court files, released, made public today, and even more references to high-profile individuals, including, once again, former president bill clinton in one deposition transcript, an epstein associate confirming she flew on epstein's plane with clinton. the former president admitted flying on the plane, but never visited the infamous island. while the world got answers this week, there's still a lot we don't know. are calling for more details, including senator marcia blackburn. senator blackburn joins us now
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along with senator lindsey graham of north carolina. there's been such a fight, senator blackburn, about this issue. it doesn't make one wonder why people are fighting so hard. we've discovered through the documents that some were more deeply involved with epstein than profe previously thought. >> you're right about that, sean. we want the black book, the video footage from the fbi. we also want the documents around the investigation and interrogations that the fbi has conducted. it is imperative that we figure out who was involved with jeffrey epstein. there's the only way to break apart this $150 billion a year
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human trafficking, sex trafficking ring, and get justice for these women and girls that have suffered. they're victims. they're survivors of these sex trafficking rings. >> sean: do you know anything about whether the reports of potential videotapes of famous people involved with these young women are actually real? >> we are aware that the fbi has video footage of the coming and going from the epstein residences. that is footage that we would like to get. as i've said many times, this is not about celebrity. this is about criminal activity. we need to know who was associated and affiliated with jeffrey epstein. beginning to get this information so law enforcement can break apart the sex trafficking rings. this is what we're trying to do. i'm the top republican on the human rights subcommittee.
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we have put a lot of focus on protecting women and girls and children and breaking this atrocious industry apart. the sean, it is an industry. as i said, $150 billion a year. we also want to know, was jeffrey epstein involved with the cartels. we know now that he was involved with the sex trafficker in france. we've learned that from the documents. so every little piece of information helps us. >> sean: senator graham, i'll go to you. i want you to weigh in on this topic. also my understanding is you just came back from a long trip. you've been in israel. you've been in saudi arabia. you've met with world leaders. any news you have on that front would be welcome. the a little disturbing to learn the biden administration is now openly pretty much telling israel they need to stop winning their war against hamas, which i
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guess beyond disturbing to me. they have every right to defend their country and their way of life. >> well, number one, i want to pass my condolences on to melania losing her mother. she's been very atrenttive to her mother. secondly, i did get back from israel and saudi arabia. the attack against israel on october 7th i think was motivated by iran to stop the nightmare of the arabs reconciling with the israelis, a nightmare in iran's world for the arab conflict to end and saudi arabia recognize israel. so i'm cautiously optimistic that the normalization efforts are still on track. we've got a long way to go. as to marsha, i want to tip my hat to her. she's been tenacious. she's asking for the flight logs of who traveled with epstein. i'd like to know that myself. she's wanting to know why he got such a sweetheart deal in 2015. remember, the aacosta guy, that
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was the prosecutor, that became i think labor secretary. he gave epstein probation with numerous allegations of child rape. how did he get such a sweetheart deal? there's so much we don't know. the well connected in america can't get away with abusing young girls and child rape. i want senator durbin to know, you've accused republicans on the committee of blocking the subpoena request of senator blackburn. that's bs. every republican is with senator blackburn. senator durbin, we want to subpoena everything she's asked for. the flight logs, information about the sweetheart deal of 2015. and we on judiciary, republicans, want to get it out and get it out now so america can judge for themselves. >> sean: let me ask you one follow-up question on the middle east. i agree with both of you on the epstein issue. one of the saudi leaders actually said today they want to
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normalize relations with israel, but they said as a condition that you would need a state of ppalestine. is that your understanding, your discussion? >> i'm not going to talk about the details, but i'll tell you this, there will be no deal that israel doesn't agree to. destroying hamas is non-negotiable. reconciling between saudi arabia and israel makes the world safer. it's a nightmare for iran. palestinian state is something israel will have to discuss. >> sean: yeah, all right. we'll continue to follow that story. israel does have a job. that's to defend their homeland. the they were the ones under attack. they just want to fight the war. joe biden should stop pressuring them to stop. he should be encouraging them to actually win the war as quickly as possible. all right. thank you both. when we come back, a shocking allegation about the georgia prosecutor going after donald trump. we'll explain as the president's attorney elena ha bba will joinn
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grus straight ahead. and sizes to relieve your pain. salonpas. it's good medicine.
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>> sean: bombshell allegations of serious wrongdoing tonight by fulton county district attorney fani willis, a codefendant in trump's georgia case is accusing her of having an illicit romantic relationship with a special prosecutor that she appointed or hired, depending on how you want to classify it. according to a court filing, willis and the special prosecutor vacationed together at napa valley, florida, the caribbean, even taking two cruises together. thifying also alleges that the special prosecutor was paid $student 650,000 for the work he's done in the case so far as an outside counsel, five times more than fani willis would make
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in a single year. is she benefiting from the money she paid guy? trump says the georgia case is compromised. trump was in d.c. to attend a case in the d.c. january 6th case where attorneys argued trump is a victim of a political prosecution by joe biden. the beforehand he arrived in court today, two unidentified so-called journalists waiting for him caught on a hot mike joking about he'd be coming in a convertible and assassinated like jfk. anyway, here with reaction, trump's legal spokeswoman, alina habba. your reaction to that? >> probably like most human beings with any decency and soul, to joke about an assassination of a former president and leading candidate is deranged, it's sick, and
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should be handled appropriately. as it goes to fani willis, if those allegations are true, sean, that is so disturbing on so many levels. number one, for the constituents of the state of georgia, that your taxpayer dollars are subsidizing her boyfriend, teaming up to prosecute trump. when i thought we couldn't get lower, couldn't attack him anymore, we have this. we have a woman now bringing in somebody who's her boyfriend, paying him quadruple -- 10 times what she's making, whatever the number is, and vacationing on taxpayer dollars, and then in their spare time talking about going after trump. you know, you shared the devastating news about melania's mom. i've had the pleasure of meeting her and her husband. we have to remember as human beings, as americans, democrats, republicans, this is a human being. we all have family.
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and when you lose a loved one, you are still a person. i think the american people forget that donald trump is a person with a family who is fighting the fight, but also has real-life happening. i would just like to remind everybody to hug everyone that you love, and send my condolences to the trump family tonight. >> sean: people speculate about maybe she's not at this event or that event. my understanding is she's been personally taking care of her mom for a long period of time now. just she's been doing it quietly. and she's a private person. she should have every right to do so. back to this issue -- >> that's right. >> sean: it sounds like the da's office in georgia, they're hiring outside counsel, paying him outside counsel fees, and as a result that is funding a lifestyle that benefits, in this case, the district attorney that's going after donald trump. i would imagine that on some
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level she's compromised. what does that mean for, you know, the quote, rico case, which i never quite understood. >> it's unbelievable. i've always said it, sean. i know you've said it. they'll accuse him of the things they're doing themselves. that's the case right here. it's a perfect example. it says it all. if this is true, if she was using taxpayer dollars to funnel vacations, and then go after trump, completely disregarding ethics, completely prosecutes, it's called selective prosecution, going after someone as a target, and then teaming up with your friends. the only rico i see is the rico with the das and ags that's happening. the conspiracy is not a conspiracy at all. we have soros backed prosecutors, and their agenda is
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to get trump. that's the only rico case i see her. donald trump has done nothing wrong. they're interfering with an election because they can't beat him in the polls. >> sean: what about the issue of the immunity case, going before a three-judge panel, arguments held earlier today. at times, based on reports i read, almost seemed to go off the rails, asking, well, what if the president instructs seal team 6 to kill innocent people, you know, would the president be acting in his capacity as the president of the united states, would they have immunity. that seemed to go off the rails. i understand two of the three judges, a three-judge panel, were biden-appointed judges. >> that's correct. i've actually been in front of a judge in new york, been asked the same question on the michael cohen case. i won that case on immunity. it's hypotheticalling that do not currently exist, because the real facts are so easy to win, that we have to argue the slippery slope argument of if he
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killed someone will he be held accountable. he didn't kill anyone. he didn't cause an insurrection. he didn't get charged for it. they're using hypotheticals to frighten america. they should have immunity. >> sean: ted cruz said democracy in jeopardy, joe biden's big campaign slogan, but they don't even want donald trump on the ticket, citing insurrection, which he's never been charged with. makes no sense. alina, thank you. our sympathy to melania and her family, the president, tonight on the sad news that they've gotten. coming up next, bombshell testimony on the hill from hunter biden's art dealer today. oh, i think we were lied to again. what a shocker. we'll check in with james comer straight ahead. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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duckduckgo comes with a built-n engine like google, but it's pi and doesn't spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. and there's no catch. it's fre. we make money from ads, but they don't follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today.
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>> sean: all right. major news out of capitol hill tonight. hunter biden's art dealer made a number of stunning revelations to lawmakers. now, remember in 2021, the white house claimed to have crafted an agreement under which hunter would not know the identity of art buyers? well, big shock. that was a lie, according to this art dealer. in fact, he testified that hunter knew who bought about 70% of his art, paint by numbers, portraits of a crack addict, we call it affectionately, including democratic owners. the art dealer testified that hunter's so-called sugar brother, hollywood attorney, purchased most of the art on top of the that he'd lent, given, whatever, to hunter last january. today's hearing comes as house republicans have prepared a resolution that would hold
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hunter in contempt for defying a subpoena to testify as part of the ongoing inquiry. here with reaction, james comer is with us. let me ask you about this. first of all, the white house tell a lot of whoppers here. the laptop was russian disinformation, but it wasn't. joe biden never met with any of biden's business importance, hunter's business partners, never got proceeds until he did. now we're told there was an agreement on the art sales. that turns out to be false, sir? >> yeah. this is very concerning, because they said from the press box that the white house had white house had in fact set up a policy in place that would ensure there were no ethics violations between the buyers of hunter biden's artwork and hunter biden. when we brought george burgess in, i figured they had done that.
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i figured it didn't have a lot of teeth, but figured they had set some type of ethics rules and regulatory process in place. but george burgess, when we asked about it, he said he had never spoken with anyone from the white house, didn't know anything about the ethics package. >> sean: didn't they claim they had an ethics agreement? >> yes, they did. they said that. but then george burgess didn't know anything about it. if they had an ethics agreement, they would have it with one person, george burgess. he said he'd never spoken with anyone from the white house about it, didn't know anything about it. that's another lie told by joe biden and/or joe biden's administration about joe's involvement with his family's shady business schemes. >> sean: john solomon had a report out last year, we covered it, a respected hollywood talent, you know, this guy, this sugar guy, kevin morris, another democratic donor who befriended hunter, became one of those his lawyers, bought $900,000 in
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artwork on top of the nearly $5 million he loaned hunter, or had a deal with hunter. i don't even know the nature of that financial agreement. do you know the full nature of it? >> no, we don't, but kevin morris is one of the next people we expect to bring in for a deposition. i think we've got that booked. we expect to see him hopefully in the next 10 days. that's a question we'll ask him. if my math is right, sean, this brings the total up to around $6 million that kevin morris has either loaned or given to hunter biden. that's a disturbing amount of money for someone that never knew hunter biden prior to joe biden's presidential election, someone that certainly is a major democratic donor that for some reason has loaned or given the president of the united states' son $6 million. the president's son hasn't paid a penny of taxes on it. there's no indication that he's
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made principal much less interest payment back to kevin morris. >> sean: let me ask you about this. steven bannon and peter navarro were held in contempt. they're facing consequences as a result. >> yeah. >> sean: who is the person that will make that decision as your committee goes forward with contempt of congress allegations? those charges would have to be brought up by who? is this person conflicted at all? >> well, the person that's going to have to make the decision will be merrick garland. i think you'll see both the house oversight committee and judiciary committees will vote out of committee to hold hunter biden in contempt for defying two lawful st. johns. that will go to the full floor next week. we'll pass that out of the full floor. then merrick garland has to make a decision. is there a two-tier form of justice or is he going to be consistent under the law?
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he went after bannon and navarro with the full force of the law. he'll have the same scenario with the president's son. we'll find out if he's going to be treated the same. >> sean: james comer, we'll follow this every step of the way. the rest of the media has been ignoring it. we will not. keep up the good, would. keep us in the loop on everything that develops. thank you, sir. when we come back, this is pretty gross. my former state, new york, viral rat video on the new york city subway system is grossing out even the toughest people with, you know, the toughest stomachs. wait till we show you the full tape straight ahead. tim it's actually sad. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates
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to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ ♪ ♪ >> sean: now let's take you below streets of what appears to be new york city. viral video allegedly showing
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pack of rats running out from a blanket a homeless person is living. there is a person in there. many new yorkers, just another day of rat-infested city. i am done, an am a full time resident of the state of florida. both governor hochul and get out. you are not new yorkers. >> we are here to say, that the era of trump jump on a bus and head down to florida where you belong. okay. get out of town. get out of town. you don't represent our values. you are not new yorkers. >> the problem is not me and the democrats. their problem is themselves. who are they?
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extreme conservatives. who are right to life? proassault weapon? antigay? is that who they are? because if that is who they are and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of new york. that is not who new yorkers are. >> sean: if liberals keep pushing, they are going to leave, look. >> encourages new yorkers to move to united states. even if a small number of high income tax payors leave it has a dramatic effect on this tax base. tax the rich. tax the rich. tax the rich. we did. now god for bid the rich leave.
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>> sean: they are leaving in droves. former arkansas mike huckabee. get out of here, you are not a new yorker. i don't know if people are antigay. obviously they don't want conservatives, i am gone, see ya. >> you know, they got what they wanted. i don't know if they want what they got. high net worth people left the state. brag about being sanctuary cities. i wonder about this poor guy sleeping under a blanket covered by rats. sean, i watch that, this is a human soul. he deserves better. he is not getting it in new york. he is sleeping under a blanket in a subway station with rats. horrible human tragedy. disgusting.
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>> sean: it is horrible. how can a state like florida with higher population and half tax income, how come so much better infrastructure and schools than states like new york? >> states like new york, tax small group of people and no responsibility from others and take crime and don't punish it. it is a mess. they destroyed the state. particularly certainly new york city it is gone. you were smart to get out of it. >> sean: honestly, i know when i am not wanted. governor, good to see ya. that is all the time. set your dvr. thank you for making this possible. let your heart not be trouble. why? greg gutfeld up next. good nig