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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 10, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PST

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instead of coming together. >> yeah. the other thing you have to tap into here, brian, is every entertainment option in the history of mankind is basically available at every moment of every day to young generation z kids today in a way that you and me didn't have that opportunity. they have almost too many options and sports is competing with every movie they've ever seen all the time as well. >> brian: you are hurting the youth. you have a great radio show keeping people away from sports. how dare you. today at noon eastern around the country. go pick up outkick. great to see you. thank you so much. guys, that's it for me. bad news, i'm coming back tomorrow to new york. >> ainsley: that's great news. we miss you. bye, everyone. >> i'll fight for you as president. i will win these battles for you and that will allow us to lead
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this country to a great american comeback. >> bill: closing argument. florida governor ron desantis in fox town hall in des moines vying for a strong finish on monday. the make or break caucus is five days away. trump is on tonight at 9:00 eastern. wave big two hours. i'm bill hemmer. >> dana: i feel like the audience is great. moderators are very good and candidates themselves high energy and lots of interest in this. governor desantis discounted polls that show him losing to former president trump. he also cautioned against nominating trump for a third time saying he thinks the president has too much baggage. >> donald trump is the nominee if election is going to be about legal issues, a referendum on a lot of these issues that are not going to put us in a position to hold biden accountable. either way, it lets the democrats off the hook. i think this election needs to be a referendum on their failed
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policies and we need to offer a positive vision to turn this country around. >> dana: josh holmes is on deck with analysis. let's begin with bill melugin in des moines. hi, bill. >> good morning to you. 18 degrees out here in des moines right now. this is toasty compared to what they expect caucus night with the temps dipping into the negatives. donald trump getting his own fox news town hall tonight where he is expected to make a pitch to his supporters don't get complacent with the liang lead we have in the polling. do not take this for granted. get out there and caucus for me on the night of the 15th. florida governor ron desantis last night having a fox news town hall. he portrayed himself as the only conservative in this race who has repeatedly beaten the liberal left. he says he is the only one in the race who has delivered on all the promises he made in the state of florida. he went after donald trump and said he failed to deliver on his promises from 2016 including
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those about the southern border. take a listen. >> i am going to build the wall. he said build the wall mexico pay for it. he has reflected on that promise saying there was no way he could have mexico pay for it. he promised record deportations. he deported less than barack obama did in his first four years. >> as for former u.n. ambassador nikki haley she moved to number two in the fox news power rankings in new hampshire. prior speculation she could be donald trump's vice president if he were to be the nominee. caught up with her yesterday and asked her directly is she open to being trump's vp or would she like to slam the door shut on that right here right now. take a listen. >> i don't play for second but also said i am in no way interested in a vice president seat but happy in six months to tell you who my vice presidential candidate will be. >> one final time.
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can you shut the door on not being trump's vp ever in the future. >> i don't answer that. who wants me to answer it? ron desantis and chris christie want me to answer it. i don't play their game. >> not a straight answer right there. as for vivek ramaswamy he has been struggling in the polls but he has been barnstorming the state. stayed determined. more events in iowa than any of the other candidates. yesterday he had one of his events essentially get snowed out. couldn't get to it and had to cancel it so he called into it in face time into the town hall and took questions from voters. so he is showing effort to try to connect with these iowa voters and he said come monday night polling won't matter. his ground game will show up for him. send it back to you. >> dana: looking forward to seeing you this weekend. >> bill: on the billboard, an interesting one to look at and consider if the polling is right and donald trump has this massive lead is the story monday night about second place? if it is, what do you think about that right now?
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back in mid-december folks at fox business said who is your second choice for the republican nominee. desantis 25%, ramaswamy 20%, haley at 15%. we went back to september. four months ago. also with our folks here at fox business, who would you never support for the nominee? back in september christie is well over 50%. pence, who isn't in the race at 42. ramaswamy 26 and donald trump at 23. what does this all mean? basically if you go back in history and look at the iowa caucus, a lot of the polling before doesn't really turn out that way. what happens when you do pull a surprise? this is what we found. in the last two really big contests out in iowa ted cruz before iowa was at 20%. he won, right? first place finish. beat donald trump by 3 1/2 points at 28%. it's not conclusive but a more
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sell to think about. for years prior. rick sanitarium in 2012 before iowa at 3%. he won the iowa caucus. got all the momentum going into new hampshire headed for nevada and south carolina. 30% after new hampshire. it can make a difference. josh holmes with me. good morning to you. i guess you could say that second place isn't defined as second place, josh? >> i think that's right, bill. you have to remember, iowa is typically either a springboard for a quicksand for a candidate coming in and going out. generally speaking the number of candidates that compete in the iowa caucus don't make it to new hampshire and beyond because of that winnowing process. so much of this campaign in particular because of donald trump's commanding lead and the fact that iowa has not been particularly suspenseful in terms of who will ultimately win it is about winnowing the field
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with the eye toward new hampshire and south carolina but before super tuesday. we have a former president whose name i.d. everybody has a feeling about donald trump one way or another. and ultimately sis ceiling, his vote ceiling has been below 50% of the republican primary electorate. his floor is very high. if this will be a competitive race the winnowing process we see through iowa, new hampshire, south carolina and beyond is imperative to have a basic race with somebody. whether it is ron desantis, nikki haley i guess we'll find out probably start finding out in less than a week. >> dana: they are competing against each other but regularly talking about the current commander-in-chief. ron desantis last night. >> i can tell you, i would love to run against biden. i won't let him hang out in his basement. we would run him ragged around
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this country and be in a debate with him and hold him accountable for his policies. look, i just think there is clearly people in the democratic party who look and say you know what? this guy is a few fries short of a happy meal. that's just the reality. >> dana: one thing that's different and you saw the political realignment starting from 2012 to 2016 with college-educated voters versus non-college and different demographics that the republican party is going after and that's true in iowa, new hampshire, across the country. how does that play into how you look at iowa this year compared to previous years? >> well, you're right, dana. the republican party over the last five or six years has been leaning on suburban voters. historically had a huge strength with that particular community. but also picked up a ton of rural and ex-urban voters, former blue dog democrats. so that coalition has changed a
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little bit. the difference is i think you are seeing joe biden has a very lean set of numbers on approval of the economy and the kind of things that suburban voters make a general election choice over. i think the voters are open for business in the context of a general election. the question is whether or not many participate in a republican primary or not. that will start to become very real here in iowa. you will see a ton of that in new hampshire and it could be a pre-cursor for what you might see in a general election another realignment based on the problems facing the country. >> bill: thanks for coming back. then again it all could be over in two weeks and why they play the games. nice to see you, thank you. more on all this top of the next hour. south carolina senator tim scott, former presidential candidate will join us and we'll talk to him coming up. >> dana: great to see him again indeed. the pentagon pulling back the curtain on secretary austin's
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hospitalization revealing his prostate cancer diagnosis. the timing of the disclosure is invoking fears of a larger issue. >> how can anybody be certain that the administration would not go to the same length to keep secret problems with president biden's health in the future? >> that's not what happened here, peter. >> dana: live at the white house jacque heinrich with the latest. >> one of the most stunning revelations about all this is that president biden found out about his defense secretary's cancer diagnosis the same day the rest of the public found out. meaning that when biden spoke with lloyd austin on saturday, austin failed to mention not so little detail despite pledging that same day in a statement, quote, i recognize i could have done a better job insuring the public was appropriately informed and commit to doing better. forced some uncomfortable exchange for top officials trying to emphasize the
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presidents' confidence in mime. >> nobody at the white house knew that secretary austin had prostate cancer until this morning. the president was informed immediately after we were. >> yesterday white house chief of staff ordered all cabinets to submit to the white house a list of existing protocols to delegate decision making authority and documentation that it's in effect. secretary austin's chief of staff under a microscope after not delegating her duties to inform congress, white house, national security advisor and deputy defense secretary of austin's hospitalization or two days after she found out citing the flu. she ordered an investigation into what happened. it's an effort to deflect blame. >> not only do you have to tell the president and people up and down the chain, but there is a specific statute that says you have to tell the congress. the republican and democratic leaders of both houses. so i'm concerned about this and
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the statute is not a suggestion. >> austin is still in the hospital although he is recovering following his surgery late last month. while he was under general anesthesia, the deputy defense secretary was transferred certain duties and she had no idea why it was happening at the time, dana. >> dana: who is on first? all right, jacque. coming up comingman mike waltz and dr. marc siegel will talk about the impact of austin's hidden diagnosis. >> this is not a homeless shelter. under any circumstances we cannot stère a situation where students -- migrants are housed here even for one night. >> bill: this is quite a story now. new york city high school students kicked out of their classroom on zoom today in order to house thousands of migrants camped out five miles away,
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okay? the disruption it's causing and fury is red hot. >> dana: awaiting a hearing that could hold hunter biden in contempt of congress and why he is still in hot water on capitol hill. >> bill: a massive storm moving across the u.s. tornadoes and blizzards. we have it all right now. the forecast for your neighborhood is coming up. there's an old saying in the navy that the toughest job in the navy is a navy wife. and if you've made the deployments and you've been the wife at home, or you've been the spouse at home, you understand what i'm talking about. your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. the newday 100 loan allows you to borrow up to 100% of your home's value. so if you're in a situation where you need some help financially, give us a call.
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>> dana: this story is a doozy. top prosecutor in georgia's election interference case against donald trump is facing an accusation from one of the co-defendants in the lawsuit. jonathan serrie has the new developments from atlanta. this is quite something. >> this one co-defendant is fighting his indictment by
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turning the tables on prosecutors and actually trying to get them disqualified from the case. michael roman, a former trump campaign official filed the motion this week alleging that fulton county district attorney fani willis became romantically involved with the special prosecutor in the case and authorizing payments of more than $650,000 to his law office for a past couple of years. d.a. willis has failed to remain independent and impartial in her performance of her official duties because she specifically awarded lucrative contracts to her boyfriend from which she benefits through personal trips, hotel rooms and the like paid for my wade. experts disagree if the claims would be serious enough to overturn racketeering indictments against roman, the former, president and 17 co-defendants. take a listen. >> but if there is a substantial
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conflict found and the judge thinks it exists it will be removed from the fulton county d.a.'s office and tried by another d.a.'s office in the state of georgia. >> the motion also contains invoices from special prosecutor wade billing the fulton county d.a.'s office for an unspecified eight hour meeting with white house counsel in may of 2022 and another eight hours billed as interview with d.c. white house in november of that year. the "wall street journal" reports that willis has been subpoenaed to testify in wade's divorce case. neither prosecutor has commented publicly on the motion that was filed this week. the d.a.'s office said it will respond through appropriate court filings. >> dana: we'll keep an eye on that one. >> bill: here in new york, the students at a new york city high school getting the boot from their own classroom. they will be on zoom working
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remotely to make room for nearly 2,000 migrants who are moving in after this storm had threatened their tent shelter nearby. fox team coverage. paul mauro standing by with an explanation. nate foye is live in brooklyn near the school. what are they telling you? >> so a bit calmer today. both just in the feeling here but also the weather. it was really bad weather last night. with the conditions improving the migrants have been moved to a tent facility nearby. that happened at 4:30 this morning. but the impact on students here at this high school james madison high school in brooklyn will continue throughout the day with all sports practices canceled and you mentioned they will be learning remotely today after nearly 2,000 migrants that you see right here moved into the school last night. again, i mentioned because of that bad weather that threatened their nearby tent facility the school notified parents of the 3600 students here. the city writing, quote, the
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health and safety of migrants in our care is always a top priority, which is why we're currently overseeing the relocation of 1900 guests from the humanitarian emergency response and relief center at floyd bennett field. that relocation is forcing students to learn at home once again which, of course, was a proven disaster for learning as we saw during covid. ron desantis spoke about this last night. >> i think it's disgraceful the city government is common deering the school to house illegal aliens. >> the migrants, bill, are now back at floyd bennett field but many are wondering for how long? of course, we're in the middle of winter here in new york city and with harsh conditions expected in the coming months, many parents are concerned that this could possibly happen again here at this high school or at other high schools throughout new york city. new york city mayor adams has consistently said the city is
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out of space and all options are on the table. send it back to you. >> bill: can't make it up out there in brooklyn. >> dana: our next guest used to be introduced as a former nypd ins inspector and now he is also a fox news contributor. welcome to the family. great to have you, well earned. we look forward to having you on over and over again on all different topics. >> so do i, appreciate it. >> dana: you know this area very well. a bulletin call for number one, a notice sent from the school saying hey, everyone, classes tomorrow will be remote. look at that little sunshine logo they have here. the reason when they found out why is an outrage. >> yeah, let me set the scene. floyd bennett is a remote area of south brooklyn wide open space that was an airstrip during world war ii. marshy, no natural boundaries and where they put the tent
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city. one of the tents is gigantic. high winds will impact that. you have high winds at airport situations. even after the rain. the rain has subsided, it will be one big mud puddle. harsh conditions. locals told the city if you do this it won't work out. we know the terrain better than you do. they did it anyway. the nuance here. we all know that the mayor is feuding with the federal government namely president biden. he went down to see president biden to try to get help on this issue. while he is down there the f.b.i. hits the door of his campaign finance advisor, takes his electronics a couple of days later. they aren't seeing eye-to-eye. adams has piped down since then. when he had the option to move these people where did he put them? federal land. floyd bennett is a federal facility. so the way i see this is it's a microcosm of the debate and battle going on internal to the democratic party relative to the migrant issue.
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adams being on the more moderate side, at least what he wants is to say we're a sanctuary city but it's okay because the federal government is paying. biden doesn't want to hear that. those are the battle lines. >> bill: the map looks like a state park. >> that's right. >> bill: the school is five miles north of this location. there are a lot of folks who thought they will be here in the summertime. they have been moved back. not to suggest that we get another storm they will be back inside that school. this is what happens when you run out of hotel rooms, soon cities will run out of schools to vacate. then they will come for your homes. i don't know if he is right or not but this puts a target on the issue of immigration, not just at the border anymore, paul. all throughout america. >> that's right. we're all the border now and we've heard that online, you hear it from some politicians and it is accurate. now the southern states who are completely overwhelmed have got it together enough to set up transportation facilities.
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adams will be suing the bus companies, or saying he is. let's look at what's really going on here. we have imported 12 million illegals who are low skilled, okay? look, i have nothing against them. i would probably leave venezuela as well if i could to come to america. no comparison. but we've done that at a time when america has off shored its low skilled jobs. we don't have those factory jobs anymore. they're in china, thailand, vietnam at a time when we're getting automation as robots handling things in the amazon warehouses. we don't need low-skilled labor the way we used to. in an era of a.i. coming, quantum computing, etc. this kind of stuff is more and more a rarity. at the same time we don't need them, we're getting them and why you see encampments and 9th avenue nothing to do and it's young men and young men with nothing to do find themselves in trouble. >> dana: great to sigh. i would love to be a fly on the
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wall of moms and dads when they found their kids would do zoom school today and hear some of those accents indeed. welcome to the fox family as well. >> bill: in a moment here teen overdoses hitting an all-time high in the u.s. hearing from one of the many families torn apart by fentanyl. >> he was -- him and his friend decided to split the percocet. it was 1% cocaine and 99% fentanyl. 0 trace of percocet whatsoever. yes, the time has come for a fresh approach to dog food. everyday, more dog people are deciding it's time to quit the kibble and feed their dogs fresh food from the farmer's dog. made by vets and delivered right to your door precisely portioned for your dog's needs. it's an idea whose time has come. ♪
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>> bill: here we go. u.s. forces shooting down 21 houthi drones and missiles in the red sea. still going now. the largest and most complex drone and missile attack we've seen yet. blinken met with the head of the palestinian authority coming with a palestinian state after talking with netanyahu and war
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cabinet yesterday after israel's military mission to exterminate hamas goes on in gaza. well we'll see how it works out. >> dana: a new report today showing overdose deaths among american teens hit an all-time high in 2022. that's not a record you want to break. overdoses are now the third leading cause of death in kids and researchers say fentanyl hidden in counterfeit pills is driving the surge. bryan llenas has more. >> 22 high school kids, enough to fill a classroom, died every week in 2022 from drug overdoses nationwide. that is a record high according to a new study published in the "new england journal of medicine" today. more than 1114 to 18-year-olds died of overdoses, 75% of the deaths were the result of fentanyl poisoning. kids who inadvertently took
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counterfeit prescription pills. the death rate has more than doubled in five years. >> fewer teens than ever are actively using drugs and yet more teens than ever are dying. it's because drug use isn't becoming more common but more dangerous. >> bill: researchers found arizona, colorado and washington had the highest overdose death rates, maier copy qua county, arizona and los angeles county arizona, cbp says they seized a record amount of fentanyl nationwide in 2023. 99% came from the southern border . a 17-year-old died from fentanyl poisoning in denver, colorado. his sister says he was sore one day after playing basketball and his friend offered to split a percocet. it was a fake containing 99% fentanyl. the friend survived. xavier did not. >> he was laying if bed with friends and they thought that he fell asleep. and then the next morning when he didn't wake up, is when they called 911.
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i wish that we had educated xavier more or ourselves to start and educated his friends. if narcan was in our home this could be a very different reality. >> one resource for parents and teens is going to the website song for dana. >> dana: thank you. we feel for her indeed. thank you. >> there were short falls. it is important we look at what those shortfalls were and make sure going forward we're improving the processes. >> bill: we'll find out what they say about this. that's what we know for now. pentagon doing major course correction finally releasing the details on austin's hospitalization. he had complications after prostate cancer surgeries. days later there are month questions than answers. dr. marc siegel has the health side of this. is this typically an out patient procedure thinking i'll be home later tonight and it will be over and we'll close the door on
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this procedure? what as a physician would concern you about what you are hearing, doctor? >> well, i would not consider it an outpatient procedure and i think they are still using words, bill, that obscure here. minimally invasive surgery. that's the robot to take out the prostate. this is not either elective or minimally invasive. i don't like the term. non-emergent. you could wait a few weeks or a month or two to have the prostate out is risky. in other words, you are using a small initial, you are using a robot that's a miracle. things can go wrong. one to 3% of the time you end up with a serious infection like he did. fluid in his abdomen that they drained out. radiologist probably put a
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catheter and drained it. it compressed his bowel. it caused him to go back into the hospital and icu. i think, bill, and again i'm giving you my opinion here, i think this is a wake-up call for a lot of issues. older men don't like talking about their prostate. they are concerned about their sexual function. i don't know that this is secretary austin but this is a lot of my patients. also, he should be using this as a teaching moment for black men who are 2 1/2 times more likely to get prostate cancer than white men and they may not be going for the screening they need. he should have come out right away and talked about this and used it as a wake-up call. one out of eight men get prostate cancer at some time in their life. much more than that black men and over the age of 70 and he is 70. it doubles. then it starts to triple. we need a wake-up call for this kind of screening. we have great ways to approach this now. mris, radiation treatments, we have that amazing surgery he
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probably had. i don't know that he had the robot. i'm positive he did because that's how come they would call it minimally invasive. you started the block talking about everything that's going on in the world right now wrong in the middle east, the houthis, the secretary of defense needs to be front and center. he has rights as a private citizen but as the secretary of defense he can't do this. >> bill: you are right about that. thoughtful analysis. you wonder who has their hand an the wheel. dana has more. >> dana: austin is only second after the commander-in-chief. it's become a national security crisis. mike waltz is a member of the house armed services committee and served as well. listen to peter doocy yesterday pressing john kirby at the white house. >> why should we believe anything that this administration tells us about anything ever again.
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>> i think we all recognize and i think the pentagon has been honest with themselves about the challenge to credibility by what has transpired here. >> dana: they're not really trying to spin it. they have a set of bad facts. the white house and president biden think this could just all go away with him saying it's fine, i'm cool, nothing to see here. how do you see it? >> dana, the secretary of defense is a position of special trust. this isn't like the director of the small business administration. you know that the commander-in-chief delegates specific authorities to only the secretary of defense. for example, we just had a drone strike on the leader of the militias in iraq, took him out. that was delegated to the secretary of defense. it happened the day before we all found out that he was in the
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icu. who ordered that strike and how did that chain of command occur there if his deputy didn't know, the president didn't know, and the secretary of defense basically lied to the number three in the pentagon and said he will be working from home for a week? this is a major breach. this is unacceptable. and at the end of the day, look, everybody in the chain of command in the military from the lowest platoon leader to the head of the strategic bomber command. if they disappeared and didn't inform their superiors and misled their sub arid ordinates would be relieved. >> dana: if there are no consequences for things like this why should the troops be held to account? >> by the way, just yesterday the marine corps put out a public notice said he is going
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for major surgery. informed the public and marine corp. in his position of trust the marines are well taken care of. his deputy is at the helm. that's how it is done. it's the opposite of what happened with the leader of the pentagon, the leader of the military and he needs to lead by example and he is not doing so right now. >> dana: they say i have to go. can this avoid becoming a republican versus democrat issue? i don't think of it as a partisan issue. this is competence. >> i don't think so. and we've heard on both sides of the aisle real questions about what happened here. >> dana: congressman mike waltz knows how to do 15 seconds, even less. take care. >> bill: house republicans are moving ahead on their push to impeach secretary mayorkas for his handling of immigration on the border. the very first hearing on the hill begins in minutes and we're watching that for you. >> some have accused dhs of not enforcing our nation's laws. this could not be further from
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>> bill: we're watching the storms. multiple deaths and power outages. severe storms impacting large parts of the country. meteorologist adam klotz is live with the forecast. who are you seeing today? >> continuing to see round and rounds of this severe weather. overnight the northeast winds got up to 70 to 80 miles-an-hour bringing down a lot of power lines. that system continuing to track off towards the north and east. there is already another one lining up behind it taking you into thursday. so the second half of the week running all the way into the weekend. another big low pressure system sweeping across the country. we see winter watches and advisories in place across
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portions of kansas and nebraska. that is going to be a big snow maker. this is how that plays out if you are on the south side of the system very heavy thunderstorms. north side of the system it is a big snow maker. we're talking about a big snow maker in some of these areas around the great lakes getting towards chicago you could be seeing a foot of total snowfall with this system. eight to 12 i-by the time you get into friday and saturday. a little farther towards the south is where you see the severe risk especially there on friday across portions of the southeast. finally i will leave you. folks are thinking about what is happening in iowa. look at these temperatures, will you, bill? negative 17, negative seven, negative 12. no one will want to be outside the next couple of days. >> dana: that's all i wanted to know. >> bill: it's not windchill. >> that's the actual temperature out there. windchill will be a lot worse. >> dana: can't wait. i'm not afraid. i'm fine.
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>> bill: you can track the storm wherever you go. minute by minute stuff on the weather app fox weather. download it now. >> dana: new report from the eurasia group that outlines the top risks to threaten the united states and global politics over the next year. the president and founder ian bremmer joins us from the south pole. how cold was it there? >> it got to minus 30, minus 35. the wind is what gets you. that's as warm as it gets. >> dana: that's what adam said. you do this every year. how do you assess the top risks before we show people? >> likelihood, im nance and impact. countries that matter, china and united states perform more highly on the report. a lot of violence in the horn of africa. ethiopia and somalia might be heading toward war. the impact from a security perspective is really small for
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the rest of the world. >> dana: let's show the top risks in 2024. number one the u.s. versus itself. people looking into this election with a little trepidation might agree. the middle east on the brink and ukraine in the top three. comment on those? >> first of all, all three have some commonalities, right? these are big fights between adversaries that do not share basic understanding of facts and they also aren't engaging in any form of diplomacy to try to limit the level of conflict you are experiencing. in the case of russia/ukraine now in its third year, the war is changing trajectory. the likelihood is ukraine gets partitioned. we won't like it or accept it. that's where we're heading. it makes zelenskyy feel more desperate. that's the risk. in the case of the middle east israel versus hamas, the likelihood the war will expand. bill talked about what's happening with the houthis in the red sea, americans and allies trying to deter them.
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it is not working. northern front hezbollah, all the iranian proxies in the region in syria and iraq and the radicalization of muslim populations around the world. hard to see israel, palestinian staying contained. the u.s. versus itself. no matter what the outcome of this election is, the people that lose see it as delegitimized. the united states is the only may democracy in the world that is having a hard time with just holding a normal election. we have unprecedented acts every day now in the u.s. democracy getting normalized. that's the way it works. the allies around the world are increasingly deeply concerned about this year and this country, our adversaries. >> bill: you write 160 million americans will decide the fate of 8 billion people. is that an overstatement? >> it is an overat the same time. 160 million americans won't count. tens of thousands of americans
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in a small number of districts to swing the outcome of the election. >> bill: we're going there. >> dana: great to sigh, happy new year. >> bill: it is not just college campuses seeing a spike in anti-semitism. a girls basketball team accused of anti-semitism against a visiting team. >> it was horrific example of hate speech. the type of thing we do not tolerate in westchester county under any circumstances. [camera shutter sfx] introducing ned's plaque psoriasis. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis. [ned?] it can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing it for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis.
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>> bill: these are government officials, assembly members in brooklyn, new york trying to explain why 2,000 migrants were moved into a local high school and students sent home to take their classes by zoom. so we're working our way through this story. the migrants apparently are back at the original campsite five miles away. the storm has passed. >> dana: another one is coming. >> bill: you've got parents who are just up in arms. stand by, more coming up on that momentarily out of brooklyn. >> dana: investigation open into a girls high school basketball team for allegations of anti-semitic slurs between players during a game last week. tell us more, eric shawn. >> bill: people are crying foul after a girl's basketball team says it was the target of
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anti-semitic insults on the court. game between yonkers, new york, roosevelt high school and private jewish school. last thursday it was stopped in the third quarter. the jewish players say their opponents hurled ant semitic curses yelling three palestinian. i support hamas and fing jew during the game. one wrote attacking a team because of their school's religious association is never acceptable. i have never experienced this kind of hatred directed at one of my teams before. the yonkers school system kicked one player off the roosevelt team and fired the coach on sunday. the coach says he did not hear the slurs. he says when he found out he told the team to apologize and emotionally told us he was fired unfairly. >> i feel i don't deserve it.
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i didn't do anything. it's just unfair that i have to go through this. i wouldn't want this for my worst enemy. >> the coach said if he knew about it he would have sent the offending players home. he supports the jewish community, he has jewish family members and he would have punished anyone who did this. he says he may sue the school district for illegal termination. dana. >> dana: troubling all around. thank you. major stech to impeach president biden's homeland security secretary mayorkas getting underway right now on capitol hill. house republicans are holding the first of several committee hearings aimed at getting rid of mayorkas over his handling of the border crisis claiming his refusal to enforce immigration laws passed by congress is a grave danger to national security. welcome to a new hour of "america's newsroom," i'm dana perino. >> bill: good morning, there. big first hour. here we go again, right? two committees looking at this is


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