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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 11, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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he was in a great mood. he is not one to sort of, sometimes doesn't smile a lot. right, they lost the game against michigan. maybe he is, he is enjoying, you know time with his family. great wife fantastic. smiles a lot. he is happy. one of the greatest coaches of all time. >> matched bryant in six champions, winningiest coach in college football. >> laura: 297 wins, 10 sec championships. i was at the last sec championship and seven national
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>> carley: the battle is officially on, all three republican presidential candidate hitting the airwaves to bash each other four days out from first contest of the presidential primary season. >> we have chaos now, look today with hunter biden going into congress and just sitting down and the bedlam caused. today you have chaos. >> no drama, no whining, getting results and getting them done. i don't think president trump is right president to go forward. >> i appreciate what president trump did. be honest, he said he would build a wall and did not do that. he said he would drain the swamp, he did not deliver that. >> carley: you are watching fo"fox
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and friends," i'm carley shimkus. >> todd: i'm todd piro. brooke singman will break down major moments starting with the former president's town hall last night. brooke. >> brooke: former president trump took part in the town hall in iowa and took aim at president biden and his opponents. watch this. >> look at joe biden, bedlam. a man who can't lead or find his way off a stage. they have chaos in the middle east. he can't put two sentences together. you like ron desantis, he would not be around today, he would work in a pizza shop or law firm if i didn't endorse him. ron desanctimonious said i go by what dr. dr. fauci says, she does not have what it takes, she
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will be creamed in the election. i know her well and i believe chris christie is right, one of the few things he's been right about. >> brooke: the former president touted his records and future. >> i will be a dictator. guy like biden, nothing he can run on. i set record with energy, we were energy independent and had your bills down low and gasoline for the car down to $1.87 per gallon. we'll have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. we are bringing everybody back where they came from. we have no choice. i think the stock market is going up because i'm leading biden in the polls. i think there will be a crash if i don't win. >> brooke: he has picked his vp pick. >> i can't tell you.
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we doll another show sometime. >> brooke: martha asked president trump if he would consider any gop candidate? he said he would. >> carley: he had vp candidate picked out and wouldn't say who it was and he said he would be open to mend fences. ron desantis and nikki haley will not mend fences, their beidate was heated from the start. >> brooke: nikki haley and ron desantis were battling it out on the debate stage. watch this. >> go to desantis, you trust what ron is saying. he is desperate. >> i debated gavin newsom. i thought he lied a lot, nikki haley gives him a run for his money and may be more liberal nan gavin newsom.
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nikki haley is running. we don't need another mouthy politician who tells you what she thinks you want to hear to get your vote and get into office and do her donor bidding. she was in another state and said people of iowa votes needed to be corrected. >> brooke: haley and desantis spent most time fighting one another. they found common ground calling out president biden on ev plsz. >> day one, we take biden's green new deal and tear it up and throw in the trash can. he wants to mandate electric vehicles, car companies will go bankrupt, it will hurt liquid fuel. you will have rolling blackouts if they kneecap production in this company. to have everybody drive an electric car, that is not even smart.
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>> brooke: iowa caucus kickoff on monday. guys. >> todd: great recap. before that, former new jersey governor chris christie bowing out of the race for president after he failed to qualify for the last debate before the caucuses and his parting message for nikki haley was caught on mic. >> she spent 60 million, he spent 59 and we spent 12. she is going to get smoked, we know she is not up to this. >> todd: christie exit from the vote could give haley a boost, particularly in new hampshire. he had 12% support in the granite state and that is now up for grabs. people think the haley and christie comparison, that amount will go to nikki haley.
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>> carley: we shall see. in the world of sports, athletes planning to flood the na ncaa. two athletes speaking at today's rally share us with a message they will share today. >> todd: just part of the massive show we have on tap. alina habba will be here and matt whitaker reacting to the hunter biden spectacle we all saw on capitol hill. keep it here on "fox and friends first." ♪
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>> carley: female athletes protesting outside the ncaa convention hoping to stop transgender athletes from participating in female sports. riley gaines says this devalues female athlete and woman in general. allison dubois's relay team competed against a biological male and megan burk is from university of north carolina at chapel hill. she is independent women chapter leader. they both join me now. good morning to you. thank you for joining us ahead of the big rally today. madison, you competed against a
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biological male. tell us about that experience and what happened? >> freshman year, first day of practice, our coach told us we would be racing a male in our conference championship. i remember that day and our teammate's faces and how belittling to tell us what we had worked for would be taken away from us. >> carley: did the team with the biological male win the race? >> ended up second in the dmr and winning the mile. >> carley: okay. megan, you will be speaking later today, what will your message be? >> so my message is going to be calling on the ncaa board of governors to step up and do the right thing and save women's sports. if they would do the right
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thing. we have a women's category and a men's category for a reason. by putting male athleteses in the women's category, they are making a mockery of the women's category. step up and do this for all little girls, female athletes. sports can bring so much good. we have amazing athletes and coaches and are excited for today. >> carley: madisan, what is the ncaa rules now and what would you like them to be? >> i don't know the specifics they have in place, i would like to keep women's sports for female, plain and simple and how it should be for current and future athletes. >> carley: yeah, broad strokes of rules, ncaa do allow biological males to compete in sports dependent on their
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testte testosterone levels. do you think the ncaa will listen and potentially change those rules? >> you know, we can only hope they will. i do think as more athletes and parents speak out and talk about this, it seems like common sense. i have two little girls and sports bringings so much good and they are taking that away from us. they are taking scholarships, record board and spots on a team and in the name of inclusion, they are excluding women. they need to step up and make the right decision and keep the woman's category women and save women's sports. >> carley: thank you for joining
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us, have a great day. we appreciate it. all eyes on iowa. major story out of michigan. polls show president trump with lead over joe biden. our panel of blue collar workers will tell us what people are thinking. >> todd: you had chris christie stepping down and pete carroll stepping down or force to step down and now the greatest coach in football history hanging it up. the retirement of nick saban and names being floated to take over for him. is carley shimkus on the list? (fisher investments) at fisher investments we may look like other money managers, but we're different. (other money manager) you can't be that different. (fisher investments) we are. we have a team of specialists not only in investing, but also also in financial and estate planning and more. (other money manager) your clients rely on you for all that? (fisher investments) yes. and as a fiduciary, we always put their interests first.
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>> todd: secretary of state blinken arriving in egypt after warning the region there, there will be consequences for attacks
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on u.s. forces. >> carley: trey yingst. good morning. >> trey: antony blinken is wrapping up his tour in the middle east after the region braces for a larger conflict after 128 attacks against u.s. forces. blinken saying this while in the gulf. >> these attacks have been aided and abetted by iran with technology, equipment, intelligence, information and having a real-life impact on people. we've been clear with 20 other countries, if this continues, as it did yesterday, there will be consequences and i'll leave it at that. >> trey: attacks from iran-backed groups are driver of tension, continued rocket fire
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and drone launches drew more israeli airstrikes this week. hamas and islamic jihad continue to battle israeli troops inside gaza who are making new gains in khan yunis. 147 palestinians have been killed according to the hamas-run health ministry. it is day 97 of the war between israel and hamas. today at the icc, there is a trial, the israelis have been accused of genocide. just yesterday prime minister netanyahu addressing this claim and trial taking place saying the israelis have been doing everything according to international law. >> todd: international bodies do not seem to be on israel's side and that is troubling and perplexing. thank you. huge warning sign for president biden's reelection campaign. listen to this. a new poll from the detroit news
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has donald trump leading joe biden by eight points in michigan. a state biden won by three in 2020. same poll found 17% of voters think joe biden deserve to be re-elected. catherine ashley is a flight attendant and kelly is a welding instructor. both join me now. catherine, begin with you. how do you explain such a swing? 11 points in less than four years. >> i think a lot for the same reason president ronald reagan gained reagan democrats, disillusioned by immigration and under president biden we have crisis in new york city being a sanctuary city, not wanting illegal immigrants in their city now. a lot has to do with it. >> kelly, when you think of michigan, you think of union
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jobs, hard-working man and woman. that vote has gone to the democrats. can a working man like you former welder, now a instructor and bus driver, get ahead in joe biden's america? >> no, not really. inflation has taken a big bite out of my expenses. 100% increase in some cases. >> todd: that is ridiculous. you are doing work that needs to be done. we need welders. you are a former welder and you now teach the next generation. without welders, we don't have things. why have they not been speaking to you over course of the last couple of years? >> i think they are out of touch in washington and don't realize what a struggle we're having, what kind of hard issues we're
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dealing with. food has gone up. the tires have gone up. i'm a hobby farmer, so parts have gone up. i have tractors i can't fix because parts cost more. feed cost, fertilizer cost, herbicide cost has gone up. >> todd: cathlin, democrats that you know are any of them coming to you and saying i'm enthusiastic to vote for joe biden in 2024? >> no. not that i know of. you have wider range of that in law enforcement, democrats and republicans and more people are leaning conservative. >> todd: law enforcement aspects, we do a ton of stories on law enforcement on "fox and friends first." do you have people that are in your department that work with
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you on day in day out basis that say the democratic party is best for police going forward or say we need republicans to turn the tide in this country? >> most definitely need republicans to turn this around. prosecutors are changing the way they prosecute in michigan. same individuals in and out and fentanyl is coming over the border killing our kids and grandchildren. huge issue with drugs. crime is up. when you are lacking prosecution and people not being convicted and you can waing out is difficult on law enforcement. >> todd: people say it is due to michigan muslim leaving joe biden because of the war in israel. this will paint a different picture. best of luck to you. this week's massive winter storm swept up several peep and he
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will more extreme weather in store. janice dean next. >> carley: and students forced out of their classroom to house migrants are heading back to school today. things are far from normal. parents will explain. liberty bushumal. libtreally blubatoo. mark that one. that was nice! i think you're supposed to stand over there. oh am i? thank you. so, a couple more? we'll just...we'll rip. we'll go quick. libu smeebo. libu bribu. limu bibu...and me. doug: he's an emu! only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ (announcer) are you frustrated with your weight and health? before taking drastic measures, talk to your doctor about a natural solution with golo. (amber) i was on the verge of getting gastric bypass surgery, and i saw the golo commercial, and it was the last thing i tried 'cause it worked.
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golo's changed my life in so many ways. before, i was over 300 pounds. now, i literally have the ability to take a shirt off and go out in the sun. i just don't have to worry about the weight coming back anymore. (announcer) on golo, you take one release supplement with each balanced meal to take control of your hunger and sugar cravings and increase metabolic efficiency. after i got married, i really struggled to lose weight. nothing seemed to work. i've lost 75 pounds with golo, and i've kept it off. i've tried to lose weight in the past, and i've lost 80 pounds several times, but i was not able to maintain it. with golo, i've maintained this weight loss for over a year. it just works. (announcer) with golo, you keep the weight off and eliminate starvation dieting. and best of all, there is no prescription required. golo and the release has been phenomenal in my life. it's all natural. it's not something that gives you the jitters. it is an amazing product. before golo, i felt sick, i felt sluggish. since being on golo, i truly feel
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>> carley: a fox weather alert. one dead and three injured after avalanche went through lake
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totahoe yesterday. you can see digging through the snow to save someone. the man they were searching for made it out unharmed. that storm system is moving east into the great lakes. winter weather alert with chicago expecting blizzard conditions. >> todd: the south bracing for another round of thunderstorms. senior meteorologist janice dean has the fox weather forecast. >> janice: here we go. cold air moving west along with this next storm system and watch out, coldest air of the season. that storm system developing across rockies will move into the plains and bring another round of winter weather and severe storms. that will kick up later this afternoon for texas, louisiana,
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arkansas, large hail and damaging winds and cranks up for midwest with storm totals upward of two feet for parts of michigan and great lakes. area of low pressure on thursday and friday pushing up toward canada. almost same trajectory we saw this past week. look at storm totals. 18 to 24 in areas, severe storm threat across gulf coast and southeast. more widespread area than this last storm system and move toward interior northeast bringing potential for snow across western portion of the north east and east coast dealing with a rain-wind threat, repeat of what we saw yesterday will come thursday and friday for this area. and then holy moly, look at
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temperatures, forecast lows diving into central plains and down toward the south. we will feel sub-freezing temperatures. forecasted lows and people will be in iowa covering the caucus. talking about wind chill of negative 30 on saturday and sunday. we'll continue to watch this. these are actual air temperatures, seeing wind chills. >> carley: cold as heck. good way to phrase it. thank you. alaska airline announcing it will cancel all flights on boeing 737 max 9 through saturday after the panel blew off last week. the entire cabin was depressurized. a passenger even lost his shirt
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off his body temperature is raising questions about what is safe, especially with young children. experts warn explosive force was such a kid being held would have been torn from their parents and sucked out of the plane. holding kids on your lap in a flight is highly frowned upon and discouraged and faa said in september, safest place is approved child restraint system or device, not on an adult's lap. keith is an aviation safety consultant and dr. hess both join me now. doctor, good morning. this topic is so important, especially the quote about a child being possibly sucked out of a parent's arms. imagine being a parent and hearing that.
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parents say if i have to put my child in a car seat, i have to buy a ticket and i can't afford that. >> a penny wise a pound foolish. these type of air events are rare. even without a massive event like this, you want to keep your child most safe and on an airplane it is restrained car seat. most children are injured from t turbulence. it should be faa says you have to buy a seat. parents are not because they are given an option. >> carley: would you say driving would be the safer option if you can't afford a ticket? >> that is the reason they don't enforce that. they feel driving has higher rates of mortality and a child
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might have higher rate of death mortality from a car accident, yes. airlines is change pricing for a child seat. everybody's seats are the same. >> carley: maybe make a child's seat cheaper and airlines should provide those carseats, as well, great idea. keiths, i'm sure your phone has been ringing since this took place. a boeing ceo talked about the alaska incident. take a listen. >> didn't know what happened to whoever was supposed to be in that seat next to the airplane? >> i got kids and grandkids and so do you, this stuff matters. everything matters. every detail matters. >> carley: every detail does matter when it comes to flying.
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what are the chances something like this could happen again? >> it is hard to say it could happen again. what the faa and ntsb is trying to do is look at root cause and litigate and mitigate that risk. whether design issue or installation issue, install -- fly again. it is hard to say exact same thing will happen again because things fail when they fail and it is hard to determine that. we havespection on regular basis in aircraft to determine if there is potential for something to happen. >> carley: you think that car seats are safest for kids on flights? >> i do. i fly quite a bit and i'm perplexed when i see a family
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with a small child and they check the car seat enstead of use it. it is risk management, a child will become a mobile projector. >> carley: could you imagine? keiths, dr. hess, thank you for joining us. have a great day, we appreciate it. >> todd: united airline flight making a landing at tampa international less than an hour after takeoff. 123 passengers and five crew memberings onboard. the plane was not a boeing 737 max 9. >> carley: message from public to hunter biden. his antics are not helping his father's campaign.
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>> hunter biden should go straight to jail. thank you, mr. chairman. >> excuse me, hunter, apparently you are afraid of my words. >> todd: that was civil, the co consequences of hunter a circus when former acting matt whitaker joins us next. tylenol rapid release gels because advil targets pain at the source of inflammation. so for faster pain relief, advil the pain away. my skin has been so much smoother so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay.
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>> todd: hunter biden in the spotlight, expected to plead not guilty to federal charges in l.a. courtroom. and he could be held in contempt of congress after defying congressional subpoenas. that did not stop him from making a surprise appearance yesterday causing a scene. >> the gentle lady wants to hear from hunter biden. >> i am speaking. are women allowed to speak here? >> you are here for a political stunt. i think that hunter biden should be arrested here and now and go to jail. thank you, mr. chairman. excuse me, hunter, apparently you are afraid of my words. like to reclaim my time, mr. chairman. >> todd: wow, former acting
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attorney general matt whitaker joinings me now. if hunter biden is held in contempt and doj does not prosecute following that stunt and the stunt last year, how can we think other than merrick garland is in the pocket of joe biden. >> what i know is what you said, there is a two-tier system of justice. if hunter biden is not held accountable. think about peter navarro, and steve bannon, they were convicted of contempt of congress. they had better arguments, argument of executive privilege and was never adjudicated in their case. this case, hunter biden has nothing to say other than he did not show up and defied the subpoena.
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he should be prosecuted. >> todd: problematic exchange with hunter with hillary vaughn. >> why did you put your dad on speaker phone with your business partners if he had noinvolvement in your business? >> do you have a dad, does he call you? do you answer the phone? >> yes, why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business? >> todd: how many admission to the contrary is what you saw on the screen? >> i mean issue obviously hunter biden did include his dad in business dealings to impress his clients and make himself look connected. that is his business, with his father being in office. he is facing serious tax charges, appearing as soon as
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today and gun charges. contempt of congress or other case that is a misdemeanor is least of his worries and why his lawyer is willing to do this spectacle to score cheap political points. >> todd: throughout history, tax charges get alleged people in jail. looking at you, al capone. how worried should hunter biden be that he will land behind bars above all else? >> these have always been most serious charges, surprised they had the courage to bring them. this is the u.s. attorney's office in los angeles was initially believed to have blocked it. that being said, we need to look at the two most serious tax years that have expired and that is something a u.s. attorney
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prosecutor should never let happen. when i was a u.s. attorney, i would never have let that happen. >> todd: 2014 and 2015 are the key years, if you don't look at those, it is not great as it could be. >> carley: students in new york city will return to class today after being boot said from school to make room for migrants yesterday. >> todd: cheryl casone has details. >> cheryl: good morning to both of you. students at james madison have been told they will return to school today after being told to stay home yesterday when the school was turned into a center for migrants. parents and children finding out dancing and sports programs are shutting down and organizing protest. it is the precedence they are
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concerned about. >> my daughter wanted to be in school, not replaced with migrant. they are worried and cashed how long will they be remote, they have done this before, been there. i blame joe biden. i blame mostly mayar adams and the city. >> cheryl: mayor adams is on defense. >> i hope people are not saying we can't use a building if it is dealing with migrants. what i saw yesterday at james madison was children. i saw children and this city is never going to do anything that is going to put children in harm's way. when you have emergencies, you utilize all your assets. >> cheryl: one student said she believes the lives were placed
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ahead of her life. >> carley: i cannot believe mayor adams is defending this. that is his story and he's sticking to it. now special events will be cancelled. big news in world of sports, tell us. >> cheryl: end to historic career, legendary college football coach nick saban retiring. university of alabama has been special to terry and me, we've enjoyed every minute of our 17 years, not about how many games we have won and lost, about legacy and how we went about it. hope we have done it the right way and will always consider alabama our home. 17 years he brought home seven national titles, nine sec championships, named coach of the year five times. 177 wins to 24 losses, 19
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straight bowl appearances. nikki haley is one -- nick saban is one of the greatest coaches of all time. his impact is felt far beyond it is football field. here is the question and to carley, too, who replaces him? big shoes to feel. deebbo swinney, lane kiffin. >> todd: dan -- >> carley: on me, todd. >> todd: dan lanning. >> carley: thank you for correcting the record. closing arguments set to begin in former president trump's fraud trial after back and forth with the judge. trump attorney alina habba is here live. >> todd: lawrence will look at what is coming up. >> lawrence: carley, my money is
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on you. >> todd: amazing offense. >> carley: go team. >> lawrence: former president donald trump making his case to voters in a iowa town hall revealing he has his vp pick ready to roll. our voter panel will react. all this as chris christie announces he is dropping out of the race and he is caught on a hot mic saying nikki haley will get smoked and hunter biden crashing his own contempt hearing as he prepares to make his first court appearance. we'll talk to the whistleblower's attorney. and teen let loose in separtly cloudyhora. buying up makeup. and bethany frankel and pete
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hegseth on the pandemic learning loss and legendary trainer jillian michaels show you how to get back in shape for the new year. busy thursday edition of "fox and friends." don't go anywhere. why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. somedays, i cover up because of my moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. now i feel free to bare my skin, thanks to skyrizi. ♪(uplifting music)♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way.
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>> martha: one of the things ron desantis said in a town hall this week it might feel good for republicans to vote for you and support you in the primary. he felt they shouldn't leaf the general election potentially up to 12 jurors in a d.c. court. what do you say to him about that? >> well, it's a witch-hunt by -- it's weaponization. if you look at it, it's election interference by biden because he can't win it fair and square so he is doing that. >> todd: former president donald trump dismissing the impact his legal battles could have on his presidential campaign as he is due back in a manhattan courtroom for closing arguments in a civil fraud trial today.
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trump's legal team asked to delay this in light of the death of hits mother-in-law the judge refused. >> the judge also says i assume that mr. trump will not agree to the reasonable, lawful limits i have imposed as a precondition to giving a closing statement; therefore, he will not be speaking in court tomorrow. former president trump's attorney alina habba joins us now. good morning to you. trump wanted to speak in court today. the court said no. how big of a deal is this. initially we asked if we could please postpone today. his mother-in-law clearly just died and he would have liked to have been with his family. the judge said no. >> carley: why? >> his reasoning was something i can't get into but ridiculous, you know, there is security. we have to pay for. i don't know. the most security that gets paid for is the secret service that comes with the president that has to get disrupted, fly, in fly out. but, they have no problem wasting taxpayer dollars for the last three months. so i don't understand that reasoning. he required him to come in when
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his family is grieving, that's number one. number two, the president, as a defendant, wanted to put words on the record and say that he when he who say in terms of his closing. he has a right to get up and speak. is he a defendant. the judge said oh, okay, but we're going to restrict that speech, again. now, remember, this is a judge that put a gag order on me, on the president, all the lawyers. and we're dealing with that every day so, you know, the president wouldn't speak, and i would never have him speak under those circumstances. >> todd: to be clear, it's one thing to limit closing arguments to the information and evidence presented at trial. that's a rule that everybody needs to follow all lawyers. but, how much further did the judge order go beyond that in limiting what donald trump could say? >> effectively, he didn't want him to lit gait the ugly parts of the case. he didn't want donald trump to say a lot of things that we would be saying. now, i'm not sure why because if you don't have him say it, i'm
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going to say it and i'm a pretty big loud mouth myself. so, you know, he has a right. and i think we are seeing this consistently across a lot of these cases. they gag him. they tell him you can't publicly say it. you can't even say it when you are at home on truth social. you can't say it on twitter. imagine free speech being completely slashed not for a normal person, never mind us but for the leading candidate of the republican party. it's so obvious what they are doing. i'm tired of it, and i think the american people are really getting tired of it. >> todd: one quick follow up. let's say this was the closing that you were going to read, basically they are saying donald trump could not read the exact same thing? >> that's right. they are saying exactly that. >> todd: wow. >> carley: fulton county d.a. fani willis accused of being in a romantic relationship with the prosecutor she selected for the election interference case. donald trump is saying that the whole case should be dismissed.
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this relationship doesn't look good. could be embarrassing, if it's true. is it strong enough to have the case dismissed and, if so, why? >> sure. i think it is. let me explain to you why. i'm happy to. so, if you have a prosecutor get brought on to a case, and that prosecutor is brought on for the sole purpose of selective prosecution, which is what we see here, you are targeting somebody. you bring in your buddy, i say hey, fox news, come on with me, we are going to go get cnn. okay? that is not okay. because there are rules of ethics. there are judiciary cannons that we are also supposed to follow. all those things are not okay. more importantly, they took taxpayer dollars and used them towards this case and then funneled money. this man was paid, i think, a million dollars, something like that. >> carley: nearly a million. >> imagine a world where i team up with, you know, think of some of the biggest people you could think of, team up with them, i then go in and attack biden with. you are tellin


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