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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 11, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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policy! find out if you're sitting on a goldmine. call coventry direct today at the number on your screen, or visit >> ainsley: it is the 8:00 a.m. of "fox and friends" on the east coast, it is 8:00 a.m. with 40 seconds, today's date is thursday, january 11. >> steve: 2024. it is the end of era for new england patriots, the team is going to part ways with long-time coach bill belichick after 24 seasons. >> lawrence: wow. plus former president donald trump taking on top issues last
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night during fox news exclusive town hall in iowa. and chris christie back on his good side, heopted out of the race. he said this about nikki haley on a hot mic. >> she will get smoked, you and i both know it, she is not up to this. >> lawrence: governor nikki haley joins us live to respond. >> todd: and are you struggling to keep up with new year's resolution? celebrity fitness trainer jillian michaels is here and pumped up. final hour of "fox and friends" unless dana perino and bill hemmer oversleep again. >> ainsley: again. ♪ ♪ >> brian: here we go. fox news alert. not totally unexpected.
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coach bill belichick and new england patriots are parting waying. ian rappaport posting, there have been meetings and the two sides could not come together for bill belichick to return. he is out and leads pats having won six super bowl titles, 302 regular-season games, coach of the year three times and finished 49th year in coaching. started as an assistant with the giants. his close friend nick saban announced he is retiring as head coach of alabama. comparison between the two. nick saban and alabama, nine sec titles, six national titles. nine super bowl appearances and
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six championships, lost twice to the giants. >> steve: join will cain. since tom brady left, he has not had much success. why is bill belichick out? >> will: i think not just met foriccally, it is the end of an era. the unnecessary add in he lost by brian to the giants over his career. he could not be beat. he is 77 years old, the oldest coach by far. i saw another newscaster say that happens. you are seeing coaching ranking of biggest sports turn to a new generation. it is an end of an era. >> ainsley: what happens to his
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sons? they are coaches on the team, too. no coach will bring in his own team or will they keep his sons? >> brian: negotiation, not likely. >> will: i agree with what brian is saying, not likely. new coach won't have anything to do with their son or acumen, coaches want their own staff. unlikely he would keep a holdover with the last name of previous coach. >> lawrence: he may be up for chargers job. if our cowboys don't do what they should do. >> steve: our cowboys? two texas guys. >> lawrence: win the super bowl and title, as well, he would be considered for the job to coach at cowboys, as well, what are you hearing? >> will: lawrence, you are not
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wrong with the dallas cowboys. three 12-win seasons. there is talk if they lost early or poorly in the playoffs mike mccarthy could be -- it is odd to think about bill belichick and dallas cowboys. his mentor is bill parcells. if i cook the dinner, i want to buy the groceries. he wants to be gm and in charge of the team, not just what happens on the field thachl does not happen in dallas, this is jerry joey jones team. bill belichick coaching somewhere else, i believe he can be a success. it is -- i'm 48 years old, i don't want to speak for someone who is 71 years old. hard to see saban and pete
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carroll and bill belichick retire within days. saban is a whole other level of difficulty than bill belichick. it is a hard job at 71 to go take on a rebuilding effort say with los angeles chargers. >> brian: i don't think he will rebuild, i think he will go somewhere prime to win and make more sense for cowboys. mike vrabel might be a finalist, he is loved by the owner. it came out he was willing to give up player personnel control shows how bad bill belichick wanted to come back. >> ainsley: what does that mean? >> brian: you don't pick players or do the draft, you just coach the team. that probably extended things. now jeff benedict's book "the dynasty" is supposed to talk about the dynamic career and explosive and underreported story between brady and bill
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belichick and how robert kraft kept those two apart. >> ainsley: will we hear from brady today? >> brian: they are making nice now. will, do you go to sleep in an anchor's outfit? you look fantastic, do you go to sleep in a blazer in case you are called? >> will: dean cain is not the only superman. >> brian: he looks great. >> steve: he will host this weekend and buy the groceries. thank you for joining us live. >> ainsley: do you have anchor nightmares? if you work at a restaurant and you're a waiter, have nightmares where you forgot to take the appetizer and it is a dream. sometimes i dream the anchors are saying, you are on ine 32, two, one and i'm in pajamas, no
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makeup, glasses. i don't know what i'm talking about. >> brian: your dream? >> ainsley: nightmare. you have never had that? >> lawrence: my dream is oversleeping. >> steve: talk about 2024. we are in the midst right now, kicking off on the 11th da january. last night in iowa, donald trump who has not appeared at republican debates sat down with martha and bret with four days until the caucus dropped a tantalizing hint about what a new trump campaign would look like given the fact he's got to win the primary and get nomination. but he said this that has some tongues wagging on this thursday. >> who would be in the running for vp? >> i can't tell you that really. i know who it is going to be. >> give us a hint. >> we'll do another show
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sometime. >> what about people you have run against, would you mend fences? >> of course i will, i have already started to like chris christie better. >> chris christie for vp? >> i don't see it, that would be an upset, christie for vice president. i would like to announce. >> brian: i don't think he made the decision. >> ainsley: said he has. >> steve: he knows who, might not be a person, might be somebody with the qualities. >> brian: unless you are on to something with lee zeldin. elise stefanik, kristi noem. >> ainsley: kari lake. >> brian: she's running for senate. >> ainsley: if he says come be my vice president -- >> brian: i don't think she benefits from that. >> lawrence: whether he knows or not, it was clear from his performance, he is moving toward
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general election. he was not as focused on the primary. he was calmer. he was taking on his case against joe biden. it wasn't a lot about the other candidates. >> steve: in his head, i think he's already won it. three names circulating on twitter, now x, ben carson, lee zeldin and youngkin. big question is whether or not they would want it. those names are floating around. >> ainsley: took me a while to get on board with trump, he was talking about not participating in the debates. i wish he would, i want to hear from him. it makes sense, it helps him. you see nikki haley and ron desantis duking it out. you are a liar. check my record. check ron desantis, and
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flip to fox and he has the whole hour for himself and he is smart to do this. >> lawrence: the argument other people are saying he is too afraid to debate them. >> ainsley: he is not afraid of anything. >> steve: we've done voter panels and diners since debate cycle started. we would like to see him on stage. if he's going to run for it. show up. he did not strategically it has worked out so far. to your point, it was a yell-a-thon on cnn. here is snipit of former governor of south carolina taking on current governor of florida. >> we don't need a mealy mouth politician who tells you what she thinks you want to hear to
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get your vote and get in office and do donors bidding. >> you can go to desantis and look at those or two dozen lies he's told about me. >> i debated governor of california, gavin newsom, i thought he lied a lot, nikki haley gives him a run for his money and may be more liberal than gavin newsom. >> drake university, don't turn this into a drinking game, you will be over before the end of the night. he is mad about donors that are no longer with him. his campaign is exploding. >> brian: they are convergent on issues, nobody grasping, they went at it. first time one-on-one, look at both of them, desantis was sparring with gavin newsom, certainly helped. there are more differences until i saw them together. look at ukraine, i don't like what they are doing with the
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money. we need to fund it because after ukraine putin has made it clear he's going for poland and baltics. they were going back and forth and he differing on social security. it is running out of money, raise the age. desantis said not after covid, we aren't, our age is getting loss. they differ on that. and way they look at things and donald trump answered them yesterday. why did you leave 7 trillion in debt. he said it was going down with tax reform until covid hit. i had to give money or we would have tanked. all the critics that go off on him on deckitator retribution
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and republican attack on spending neutralized. >> ainsley: he said i'm moving forward, no retribution, i will go forward. >> lawrence: everyone was wonder who chris christie would endorse. he didn't really say. after there was leak of hot mic moment from christie, he was caught on mic saying. watch. >> she spent 68 million just on tv so far. 59 million by desantis. we spent 12. who is punching above their weight and who is getting a return on investment. she will get smoked, she is not up to this. i talk to desantis called me petrified. >> brian: i wonder what he means by petrified? >> steve: cut right there. >> ainsley: talking about nikki haley getting smoked and he said
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ron desantis called me, i would and desantis confirmed he did call him because he felt chris christie was being treated parley. desantis told chris christie, you have every right to do this. >> steve: he is going to say i'm going to drop out, i want everybody to support -- >> ainsley: who gets those votes? >> brian: he can't endorse governor haley after that. >> steve: or he could explain it, it is curious, nikki haley is coming up. >> ainsley: she will get smoked, she will go to a barbecue is what i meant. >> brian: i don't think she's -- she looks like she is out of her element. you may not agree with her, sheeb does not look like somebody that cannot do the job. >> steve: they were talking about amount of money on tv ads. >> lawrence: coming up fentanyl stolen from hospital iv bags and
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replaced with upon tawater. investigation at an oregon medical center. >> brian: hunter in federal court today after crashing contempt hearing yesterday. hillary vaughn got hunter on the record, she's next. >> did you put your dad on speaker phone with your business partners if he had no involvement in your business? >> do you have a dad? does he call you? only at vanguard you're more than just an investor you're an owner. that means your priorities are ours too. our retirement tools and advice can help you leave a legacy for the ones you love. that's the value of ownership. hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking.
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>> steve: well, hunter biden back in court today. you are looking at yesterday. today first appearance in california, one day after crashing his own hear og capitol hill. >> why did you put your dad on speaker phone with business partners if he had no involvement in your business? >> do you have a dad? does he call you? do you answer the phone? >> yes, why during business meetings if nothing to do with your business? >> steve: great sound bite, joining us hillary vaughn. good morning. did your dad call you and say, hey, were you talking about me with hunter biden? >> i did talk to him, i said dad, hunter was asking about you
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and if you call me. maybe you should call me more to check in. >> steve: funny. you were asking about hunter biden's dad. and that answer, what does that say to you what he said? don't you call your dad? that is his excuse. put him on speaker phone because he is my dad, don't you talk to your dad? >> i thought what he said was newsy, if you think about it. first time we've seen hunter biden admit he did have his dad on speaker phones during these meetings. this is information we got from ex-business partner. he didn't deny it. he defended it and acknowledged it was his dad joe biden at times calling in. his response was basically considering his dad's phone calls. >> steve: brian was interviewing
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an expert that said this was clever of the biden team. the house decides whether or not to hold him in contempt, the committee voted yesterday. argument will be, he showed up. i imagine when hunter biden documentary we were talking about last week shows up on our screens, this will be a sympathetic passage. i went to capitol hill and tried to talk to republicans and they would only do it in secret. >> this is something we heard rumors about a few minutes before he walked in, not something you believe until you see. we saw hunter walking down the hall heading into the room. white house insist he is a private citizen showing up to a hearing to sit as part of the general public to hear whether
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or not they would hold him in contempt. how can you hold me in contempt, i'm here, swear me in and i'll take questions with the tv cameras rolling. if he was trying to persuade republicans because he did show up, that did not work and the committee will see if the house vote on the floor convinces republicans to say, he has shown up twice under congressional subpoena. not the way we want him to. we will see if that, wos. >> steve: you cover a lot of capitol hill, have you ever seen such a crazy day in the hall? >> no, this is something. hunter biden is talked about by republicans every single day. it is really interesting to look down the hall and say, surprise. >> steve: he's here, what is he doing? >> in the flesh. so i think a lot of republicans were surprised. the press was, too.
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we were scrambling and swarming him around all sides. i don't know if he expected the circus, he got one. >> steve: you were only reporter he talked to. now go get more exclusive sound bites. >> steve: this thursday, chris christie dropping out of 2024 race and got caught on hot mic saying this about nick saban. she will get smoked, we know it, she is not up to this. >> steve: nikki haley is live there and will join us next on "fox and friends." it at one lo, weaving it, then finally into a cut and sewn product. there's value in buying american made it has a real life impact up and down the supply chain. we want our customers to feel how special this product is, right when they open the box. go to and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20.
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(tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. morning, chris christie no longer running for president. he ended his bid in new hampshire last night but not before a hot mic in new
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hampshire caught him saying this about nikki haley. she spent 68 million on tv, 59 million by desantis and we spent 12. who is punching above their weight and who is getting return on investment? she is going to get smoked, she is not up to this. desantis called me petrified. >> ainsley: this as fox news power ranking shows nikki haley moving into second place. >> lawrence: new poll shows her gaining ground in new hampshire, seven points behind donald trump. >> brian: joining us live, 2024 presidential candidate. what is your reaction to that caught-on-tape moment from governor chris christie about you? >> look, it is not a surprise. these fellas have been talking like that from the beginning when it was 14 candidates and i
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was at 2%. for us, slow and steady wins the race. we have been putting in 11 months of campaigning and we spent our money right and focus on relationships with people on the ground and gaining their trust. this is a two-person race with me and donald trump. everybody wants to discount us, we keep moving and moving for a reason. >> lawrence: governor, you make the point people need to pay attention to people on the ground. you are right, you have seen traction in new hampshire. i spent 300,000 miles in airlines talking to voters. the base of the party, what are you going to do to turn that around? i am listening to the people, what do you hear from them? >> you are listening to a few
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people in a diner. >> lawrence: it ain't a few. >> we have done 150 town halls, shaked every hand. politics is not personal for me. we have a country to save. while i can tell you that we know that the economy is out of scroll and we got to get inflation back on track and secure the border. it is policy and results and that is what we'll give to people and they are doing well in the polls. >> ainsley: what is your response to donald trump when he said she promised she would not run. >> that was before the debacle in afghanistan and before the midterm losses we had. i worked hard on the midterm to get senate and house members to win and we lost all of that.
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i knew and gave him a call, gave him a call for two reasons. one, it was right to do and two, i wanted him to know i am in it to win it. trump is head-to-head and within margin of error. i defeat biden by 17 points, bigger than the presidency, house, senate, school board and mandate to get back on track. >> steve: in the primary you have to get past donald trump. you were at a debate at drake university and there was back and forth with you and ron desantis because you are fighting for number two. watch this. >> we don't need another mealy mouth politician. >> rather than have him tell you lies, go to desantis >> i debated governor of california gavin newsom, i
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thought he lied a lot, nikki haley gives him a run for his money. >> every time he lies, drake university, don't turn this into a drinking game, you will be overserved. >> maybe more liberal than gavin newsom. >> steve: clever to come up with that eb site that url. if you surge in the campaign, you want to surge at the end before people caucus or vote. a year ago, ron desantis was way ahead of donald trump in the po polls and now just four days from iowa. do you have a prediction what will happen monday night in iowa? >> we felt good about the debate last night. easiest to put a website up and fact checkers show he is lying on dozens of things.
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our goal is to be strong in iowa. we are going to move to a two-person race when we get to new hampshire and get stronger and finish it. this is very much open race. this is something that is going to happen. trump didn't show up on the debate stage, that is unfortunate. he has a lot to answer for. to get on a debate stage and take hard questions is different. the people are excited, ready, they are making decisions, we can feel it. we will continue to do everything to fight for every i iowans vote and heading to new hampshire looking for a big night. >> brian: no doubt about it. elon musk seem to have called you out on this. he said this on x or twitter, do you want to fly in an airplane where they prioritize dei hiring
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over your safety, that is happening. he pointed out you served on the board of boeing. what is your reaction to that? >> i served on the board of boeing because they brought 75,000 jobs to our state. i stayed on the board for 10 or 11 months and when they asked for a corporate bailout, i opposed, i respectfully bailed out. i stand by it, good american company, they make planes for the air force. a lot of companies are woke. south carolina was never woke and never will be. these people going back and forth, say things about companies, peoplel on the ground don't care about woke, they care about it not coming into the
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school or interfering with the economy, they want to hear in terms of results and how it affects their families and live without anybody telling them what to do. >> ainsley: being from south carolina, everyone was excited when she brought boeing to the state. we were proud of you for serving on the board and when bmw moved in, more jobs for south carolina. rest of the country might feel that way, not how south ca carolinans feel. people love you, tim scott and donald trump. how do we decide for the voters in south carolina? >> well, south carolina citizens very very smart, they want you to fight for it, work for it. they are watching iowa and they'll watch new hampshire and wait until they see what is given in south carolina.
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you will see things shift. numbers are good in south carolina because they know i fought for them, fought to pass the toughest legal immigration bill. we turned south carolina into the beast of the southeast bringing 11% unemployment down to 4%. they are proud of the work we did. >> ainsley: taking down the confederate flag, people cheered you for that. >> steve: we'll be in iowa on monday, drop by des moines to be with us and week after in new hampshire. maybe we'll see you twice in next two weeks. >> go to nikki, join us. >> steve: thank you. all right, 20 before the top of the hour and as soon as the teleprompter moves, tell you what is coming up. celebrity trainer jillian michaels will break down good, bad and worthless fitness trends
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we are taking up. she's in the green room. >> brian: mayor adams defends moving migrants to floyd jachl* jaim -- james madison school.
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>> steve: quarter before top of the hour. we are awaiting donald trump departure from trump tower in midtown going to state supreme court in his civil fraud trial. just one of number of cases he and his legal team are running as he runs for reelection. olivia joins us from outside the courthouse. >> good morning, steve. just yesterday expecting to hear from furthermorer president trump today. the trump legal team was not able to agree to conditions imposed by the judge for statements to be made so now we do not expect the former
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president to speak in front of court today. trump said on truth social, this is a rigged trial, no jury, no victims, great financial statement before the primary, election interference. judge arthur engoron ordered trump's business licenses be cancelled. this is one last chance to convince the judge to save trump's ability to do business in new york. leticia james accused trump and his sons of misleading banks and insurers. trump says it is not true and his financial statements did not fully state his full wealth. we expect court to start this morning.
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judge engoron hopes to deliver a verdict on all this by end of the month. back to you. >> brian: we'll be watching that. 13 before top of the hour. new york city students back in classroom after one brooklyn school went remote yesterday to house illegal immigrants at their school. the impact they had on our children's education with crucial reading and math scores tanking while kids were stuck at home. tell that to fauci. 14 hours, two days he claimed he is not convinced there is learning loss. pete hegseth on that. do you believe that? >> pete: if you believe that, you believe taliban when they say there is no learning loss with young girls. complete sham abduication.
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he said, i made guidelines, i did not shut the schools down. you knew what the recommendations would do. when states did not follow your recommendations, you shamed them from your platform. you and randi weingarten worked hardest to keep schools closed and kids fell behind. >> brian: he did admit encouraging colleges with mandates and masks on campus and said six feet aparts, don't know where that came from. you can't open a school if desks are six feet apart. he spouted it on television. >> pete: of course he did. it was about control. do what we say based on science we're making up while we deny this was unleashed on you
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because of research we paid for in labs across the globe where we knew research was happening, we deny it all the way to this day. >> brian: mandates were fuelled, vaccine hesitancy and said the lab leak is not a conspiracy theory. remember when this was taking place, how you were vilified if you brought up questions. >> pete: now illegals don't have anywhere to go. glad to see there is james madison in new york, they have not cancelled one james madison high school. trying to find the upside. >> brian: get pro-hamas pro protesters to protest outside the school. can we do that? >> pete: i think we can, anything is possible. >> brian: stick around, we have
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a fitness segment coming up. jillian michaels joins us with fitness trends of 2024. billion we need that, brian, we need jillian to get us going in the morning. >> brian: keep your camera on and work out with us. can we see that? billion another day, another court appearance for hunter biden. and what inflation means for the pocket book. and iran says it hijacked an oil tanker. and coaching carousel never seen a 24-hour period like this. dana and i will see you top of the hour. see you then.
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that first time you take a step back. i made that. with your very own online store. i sold that. and you can manage it all in one place. i built this. and it was easy, with a partner that puts you first. godaddy. sa >> i've got friends from florida. what's your name? >> john >> dianne. >> amy. >> you will see billy joel tonight? he is fantastic. i took my mom on new year's eve. the best time she has had in 50 years. you have a beautiful day in new york city. it isn't florida. 45 degrees, mostly sunny skies. the next storm system moving in potential for severe storms today and tomorrow across the south and toward the great likes
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and bring snow and rain along the coast. this weekend is the concerning one with ice for parts of the south and we could get measurable snow along the coast. this is the one we're tracking. fox thank you for coming. let's toss it inside to steve, ainsley, brian. l.j. you are doing exercising. >> we are. >> steve: today is january 11th and it is the 2024 trends that are good, bad and worthless. >> ainsley: our next guest is a celebrity trainer and star of the hit competition biggest loser and here with four exercises that she says can be done anywhere. >> brian: what is your podcast? >> keeping it real anywhere you get podcasts and with doctors all over the world and -- >> ainsley: top rated fitness app, too. >> steve: she will show us four exercises. get down in front of your
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television if you want to. >> don't give them the option. nobody wants to, you have to. >> ainsley: we don't want to. it takes so much time. what are some of the top trends. ozempic and those. >> no, no, it's cheating. if it was an effective cheat i would be all for it. there are a host of side effects. people plateau on it. you have to be on it forever and we just don't know what this looks like forever. it is expensive. a million reasons. unless it's a -- the first exercise is bird dog. you will come down to the ground here. you can do it any place, any time, anywhere, hands and knees. i want to come over here. get over there. should we all do it? you should all do it.
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extend the right foot out keeping it parallel to the ground. the key is flex that foot, don't point it. take the opposite arm, extend. i want you to make a tight fist. from here pull your shoulder towards the opposite hip and engage. you want to hold this. it will feel awkward. you want to hold it. flex and tighten. that's the key. drop in and switch sides. switch. now right here i want this flex and draw this in. this is the key. we're working core, gluts, hamstrings, chest and shoaleders. here reverse it. feet come forward under the nuys. palms under the shoulders. you can face your fingers back. lift straight up, engage the gluts, squeeze your tush and hold. i would love for you to hold this for up to a minute. if you can do ten seconds.
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what are you laughing at? squeeze that tush. chin up. hamstrings, gluts, shoulders, okay, good job, good job. next one is going to be side plank. we can modify this. i'll do it from the side so you can see it. on the knees. go ahead and come to your knees. you will come here and press the hips forward and squeeze. you want to keep a totally neutral spine. don't raise too high. nice and even and hold again ten seconds. >> this is how not to quit, do these four things. >> cardio , come on up. here is the -- i'm making this guy do burpees. jumping jacks. >> bill: wow, go for it. good morning


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