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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 11, 2024 7:00am-8:00am PST

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we have looked to see if anybody else has ever been indicted or prosecuted for this. hard to find anything on it. should it have never happened? >> i think donald trump has two fights that he is fighting right now. one is the fight that this should have never happened and there aren't comparable cases and it seems like even if you had some degree of comparable cases, the amount of punitive damages that letitia james is going for a astronomical and the second point. there is a case to make in mitigation. even though there has been a finding of fraud going into today to say to the judge there is no damage, there are no complainants. nobody lost anything here. so whatever the punishment should be, should be extremely limited. >> bill: in the state of new york, what is -- what is the appeals process like? how would that unfold in a civil trial like this? >> well, after a verdict, then you have a time window open in order to file your appeals. that goes on usually for months.
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could last into years. obviously an appellate court will have a lot of interest in this case and move things more quickly. we see that happen all the time with donald trump. appeals can take a long time. >> bill: the point dana made. there is no precedent for the state of new york to put somebody on trial an convict them for misstating a value of a piece of property. this is the first time. if it were to reach the new york state supreme court level, is that republican, is that democrat in a blue state like new york? what's the breakdown. >> you are looking at democrat judges in the state of new york. at the end what they are going to be looking at are two separate things. abusive distraction or error. the standards you talk about in appeals courts. so the different legal issues and factual issues at play at each stage of appeal, the trump team will bring those up and seek the relief. they haven't found much favor from the appellate courts yet.
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>> dana: i want to play this for you. we're watching the courtroom. the president has spoken. i don't think you'll see him again. letitia james is an interesting person. in the courtroom every day and making sure she is in the camera shot and pushing this. she had planned this for a while. let's watch here. call for number one. >> the president of the united states has complained i'm engaging in some sort of political witch hunt that i have some personal vendetta against him and i campaigned against him. that is not true. >> i look forward to going into the office of attorney general every day suing him, defending your rights and then going home. we will rise up together and resist this president. i will bring him down. >> dana: what do you make of that? >> she is a politician and delivering on the campaign that
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she ran. what we see when we see donald trump in court now is her looking for astronomical damages for something that banks had an opportunity to investigate. if a real estate agent tells you your house is worth a million you list it for 1.5 and it sells for two. what is the house worth? trump is trying to make a case he was just doing business. he was being a businessman. >> bill: made the case nobody has ever was damaged here. there was an email exchange yesterday trying to postpone today's hearing in part because melania trump lost her mother and he wanted to go back to florida to be with his family. i don't have it on paper. this is what lawyers said with the judge i won't debate this yet again. take it or leave it. now or never. you have until noon. seven minutes from now. i will not grant any further extension. that's from yesterday. it didn't happen. is that par for the course or
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not? >> it has been par for the course throughout this entire trial. one of the things that most important in any trial is that a judge appears to be fair and unbiased in what they are doing. there are serious questions about this in this case where the judge effectively ruled on a matter of fact before the trial ever took place. there has been hostility throughout. donald trump has had hostility towards the judge and toward the court throughout the case as well. when the judge in the last minute continues to just all caps send that sort of message it doesn't feel fair, i'm sure, to donald trump or his supporters. >> dana: other real estate tycoons or investors in new york worried about the outcome of this case? >> i think every business person in new york should be worried about this. the idea that you are negotiating with other companies, with banks, with lending institutions, how you trust certain people in your team and what they say the value is. my example about the real estate
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agent. it is a very difficult thing to dance through and political opponents attack you. >> bill: put up number two. the properties they're talking about primarily new york city and new york state. we live here. these are substantial properties. we can agree on that and they want to find him $370 million. maybe if he really is worth a billion maybe he could take the hit. put that to the side. what they want to do is take him and his kids out of new york state entirely and forbid them from doing business here. how do you do that? >> we talk about life and liberty. liberty is this idea you have the right to work, you have the right to create your fortune. donald trump being stripped of his right to do business in the state of new york, to be stripped of these properties, that is a tremendous consequence. it is something that is just shy of going to jail. it is something that i think we should be looking at with a
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great degree of skepticism where he doesn't have a jury. the judge is reaching decisions pre-trial. these are concerns for the state of new york and the people who do business here. >> dana: thank you for being here. >> bill: thank you very much. you saw the town hall late last night in des moines. that wrapped up around what, it was 10:00 our time, 9:00 in iowa. which means the president flew back to new york late last night. got in after midnight likely. here is how he summed up his case seeking another term. >> i have polls that show leading by a lot nationwide. chaos at the border and military, people are going woke. the biggest tax cuts in history and regulation cuts in history. i had no wars, i'm the only president in 72 years, i didn't have any wars. we had an incredible four years. again, the greatest economy in the history of our country with no inflation. pretty good. i think you are going to see something like you've never seen
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before and the people in this room know it. we did an amazing job and the reason, you know, we have support is because of the job we did. we'll make this country so successful again i won't have time for retribution. and remember this, our ultimate retribution is success. >> bill: maybe a preview of more to come. bill melugin is live in des moines, iowa, where it will be white for about three months. and chilly. good morning, bill. >> good morning to you. we're four days out from the iowa caucuses. frontrunner donald trump is not able to be here in the state of iowa today to get out there on the campaign trail as you guys have been, he is in new york city dealing with the civil fraud trial, a case he says is politically motivated against him. he was in iowa yesterday. look at the video. he was here in des moines last night taking part in the live fox town hall. trump said he is not too worried
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about his competition in the race. he feels voters know who he is, what he brings to the table, what his record is and promised to carry out the biggest wave of mass deportations in u.s. history if he is elected. it sounds like he knows who he would want his vp to be. take a listen. >> i can't tell you that really. i know who it is going to be. we'll do another show sometime. >> what about any of the people you've run against. would you be open to mending fences with in >> oh sure, i will. i already started liking christie better. >> while that was happening on another network ron desantis and nikki haley were going head-to-head in their own debate. fiery and got heated at times. ripping into each other. haley going after desantis for not polling strongly in iowa and campaign spending. desantis hit back for her flip-flopping on positions and said she is a quote mealy mouthed politician doing her donor's bidding.
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some of their exchange. >> if leadership is about getting things done how do you blow through 150 million in your campaign and down in the polls. now i'm going to say. no, if he is going to do this. i think i have the floor. governor desantis, governor desantis. >> what is more important here? she have is saying something that -- >> it's governor haley's time, go ahead. >> i think i hit a nerve. >> if she said she has never said something that means she said it. then she will say you are lying, you are oh lying. not only did she say it but she is on videotape saying it. >> chris christie announced in new hampshire yesterday that he is dropping out of the race. he said he didn't see a path forward for himself. >> bill: you're good. we're letting you finish there because this is what we call the pool spray inside the courtroom.
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we've seen it many times and we get another one day with the former president and his attorneys flanking both sides of him. >> dana: he is in lower manhattan at the court. looks like the judge might be arriving. we get a pool spay. there is president trump and his attorney but letitia james, who campaigned on this issue and continued to be in the courtroom every day is there as well. >> bill: there are three points of focus here, trump, letitia james over his shoulder. not quite in view yet and then the photographer swings around and gets a shot of the judge and they exit. lasts about a minute and it's over. >> dana: we do understand eric trump, his son, is with him today in the courtroom. i just haven't laid eyes on him yet. >> bill: trump has made the case he wanted to deliver his own closing argument and that was shot down yesterday about high noon and that will not happen unless something changes now. >> dana: there we have letitia
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james in the front row. >> bill: as this starts to get underway here we'll watch our team inside the courtroom and let you know how it goes blow by blow new york city right now. >> dana: another big day. also this is important for you to know inflation came in higher than expected in december up 3.4% compared to december of 2022. still the biden administration is touting the president's economic policies as americans struggle to make ends meet and edward lawrence is live from the white house and break down the numbers for us. hi, edward. >> the numbers remained basically level from last month and the core inflation, that was at 3.9%, the sticky inflation that's really hard to get rid of. 3.4% was the overall inflation number. the increase in prices. not a business guy. the markets will be watching for interest rate cuts. the inflation report hotter than expected matched the hart than expected jobs hurt with the federal reserve will not cut rates this meeting.
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year-over-year inflation has had a three in front of it since may of last year. nowhere close to the federal reserves 2% target. >> the progress is getting from three to two will prove much slower than the fed or markets anticipate and we're seeing evidence of that today. >> the white house spinning this report picking a time frame that works for them. in a statement saying the jobs report remains strong but more work needs to be done on prices. the reality is, since president biden came into office and started instituting his policies overall inflation is up 17.6%. all food is up 33.7%. shelter costs including rent accounting for half of the increases in the report up 18.7 percent. energy is up, electricity itself increased 27.1%. >> fiscal policies at odds with inflation. we doubled the deficit at full
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employment. there is nobody who thinks that's a good idea. continue to push prices up as opposed to down and make the fed's job harder. >> pet food up 25% since president biden came into office in january of 2021. it's what people see and feel when they go and try to buy things and average hourly wages down 2.5% since president biden came to office. >> dana: that's where the math doesn't work out for the biden white house on the wages front. thank you so much, edward. we'll make sure percy gets his dinner. >> you can't control when the circus comes to town. doesn't mean you throw on the red nose and join the klaus. this is a moment that should have been outrageous for all the members of that committee. he is in flagrant contempt. >> dana: pulling a stunt before lawmakers is one thing. now pay back time. a pair of house committees are adding another headache for the
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president's son. the big picture. we'll have that with miranda devine coming up. >> bill: anti-semitic incidents skyrocketing higher. the stunning numbers coming up that we have today. >> dana: growing outrage after a new york city school shut its door to students to make way for migrants. why were they given priority over american kids? >> the community is outraged. you have the migrant being placed over our own children and our community. what's next? no, not that talk. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪
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>> bill: so now we have a disturbing update on a story we're watching ever since the 7th of october. anti-semitic incidents in america have more than tripled, up 360%.
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hamas, the group claiming more than 500 of these incidents after the attack from hamas these incidents in america, the greater majority have happened on college campuses. so we're watching that story. whether or not it dies down in time as it should, dana, 20 past the hour now. to you. >> dana: only hours after making a surprise visit to capitol hill hunter biden finding himself in hot water already. chad pergram live on capitol hill. what do you do now, chad? >> good morning. he goes to court today in california to face tax charges, which could land him in jail. but he could face prosecution once the full house votes to hold him in contempt of congress, probably next week. republicans are still shocked at hunter biden's audacity. >> we suspected something was up. the secret service was in here sniffing around before the start of our committee. we assumed something was going to happen. that's a good question. i asked the democrats did they know that hunter biden was going to pull this stunt today?
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it was a stunt. a p.r. stunt. >> the house is voting to hold hunter biden in contempt because he skipped a subpoena for a deposition in mid-december. democrats asked why the gop did not let hunter biden testify. >> he was willing to answer questions about anything for as long as they want on any subject. he chose to come before committee and they wouldn't take yes for an answer. now they want to hold him in contempt which strikes me as strange. >> committee republicans want hunter biden to appear for a deposition before a closed door hearing. the democrats accuse the gop of playing games. >> he won't let hunter biden testify publicly and not releasing the transcripts of interviews that have taken place. the evidence would show that republicans put forward claims that are baseless and false. >> a vote for contempt means the d.o.j. must decide whether to prosecute hunter biden. the biden justice department has
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prosecuted former trump aides like steve bannon and peter navarro, not mark meadows and dan scavino. >> bill: miranda devine, you've been on the story since the beginning. october of 2020 was the first time. i will call up call for number three. your headline in your piece. you write hunter biden's crashing of congress cracked reality is making his family look like a circus. i want to focus on one of the three gentlemen from there yesterday. hunter biden in the middle, abbe lowell, his attorney, well-known in washington, d.c. circles. a gentleman by the name of kevin morris. he is significant in hunter biden's life. tell us why. >> yeah. kevin morris is known by hunter biden's friends as his new sugar brother because kevin morris is a very wealthy lawyer. made his fortune in hollywood
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representing the south park people and he has spent millions of dollars, 2.8 million repaying the i.r.s. for hunter biden and several million more funding his lavish lifestyle and buying almost a million dollars of is so-called paintings and kevin morris is also making a documentary about hunter and so you may have noticed yesterday that there was an unusual camera that came into the hearing room and that was because kevin morris has his film crew following hunter wherever he goes. and so really you have to see yesterday as just a reality show. it was made for this movie. and i'm not sure that it's a very clever move other than sort of seizing the moment and making hunter look like this sort of anti-hero of his own
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imagination. and it certainly grabbed the attention of the public and the media, but how that helps joe biden in his re-election campaign is a mystery. but obviously he mustn't mind because the democrats were helping hunter biden pull this stunt yesterday. >> bill: michael cloud is a republican from texas. you don't just show up when you want is basically what he says. >> never have i seen a witness show up when they want to show up on any sort of thing to say hey, i'm here to speak on what i want to speak about. that's not how congress works. >> bill: what you write about this is an ethical nightmare for the bidens but play that out for voters. how many people are paying attention? how many people may have sympathy for the bidens or hunter biden as opposed to those who believe that something right here doesn't add up? >> well, hunter biden made sure yesterday that people did pay attention to him.
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he is putting himself front and center. he is not being a shrinking violent. he is making sure that he tries to pull on the sympathy strings that joe biden has pulled his entire career. everyone knows the bidens have had a lot of grief in their lives and that hunter biden was a drug addict. so he is playing on that and trying to cloud the corruption evidence that has been uncovered in mountains, including mainly and most importantly this is why this is important and why congress is paying attention, the evidence that shows that joe biden was intimately involved in his family's international influence peddling scheme that made them millions of dollars when he was vice president. he met with hunter biden's business partners, he spoke to them on speakerphone. you saw yesterday when hillary vaughn button hold hunter in the corridor that he admitted that. he admitted that his father was
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on speakerphone. >> bill: they might be able to run out the clock in congress but the federal case in l.a., he will have to answer to nine federal tax charges. that will happen sometime this afternoon and we'll watch it. miranda, thank you for your time and talk soon. "new york post," miranda devine, thank you. >> letitia james, all she thinks about is get trump. she has been dreaming about it for years. it's not the way a state should be run. >> dana: former president trump is now in a new york courtroom as i speak. the civil fraud trial clashing with his presidential campaign. a new day and new threat from iran. will the united states responds? >> we've seen them force commercial vessels to divert and now defind against missiles coming at our naval ships in the red sea. the direct result of codling the iranians. you can be a free, hot breakfast hero at a comfort hotel. yes! that's how you waffle!
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the first time you connected your godaddy website and your store was also the first time you realized... well, we can do anything. cheesecake cookies? the chookie! manage all your sales from one place with a partner that always puts you first. (we did it) start today at >> dana: breaking news won't stop. more out of the middle east.
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iran confirming it has seized an oil tanker. tehran says it seized the tanker because it was delivering oil to the united states. a dramatic escalation. >> we're looking at iowa. democrats won't caucus in iowa or won't start in caucus iowa, anyway. dnc told the state party to pound sand and the same thing to new hampshire. they will start in south carolina maybe because of what happened four years ago. democrat turnout in the caucus. the mess we went through. no data, no information, the apps and devices didn't work. joe biden finished fourth in iowa. he later finished fifth in new hampshire. south carolina was where the comeback was and where he wants to start a launch for his second
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campaign. pete buttigieg was a winner by a tenth of a point over bernie sanders four years ago. that won't happen. it will be all republicans. a lot of folks focused on the fact that democrats have said we're changing everything now. that will be part of the story come monday night. wanted to share that with you. get back downtown with dana on that. >> dana: former president trump is in a new york city courtroom this morning as legal troubles collide with a republican primary race. we have a bunch of things going on in the courtroom. the judge said in regards to this pool camera getting some more shots he said everybody looks the same as they did a month ago. he must not see the need for any fresh video. he is not a producer. that is his thinking there. president trump had been seen speaking with his attorney which makes a lot of sense and also said this, they are going to hear from the defendants until 12:45 p.m. that's when you will be on "outnumbered." take a 15-minute break at that time and the plaintiffs have
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their turn and that ends at 4:30 this afternoon again with a 15-minute break. by the time you get to "the five" this afternoon we might have some conclusions. you might want to tune into that. >> bill: good scheduling. >> dana: karl rove, let's get back to politics here. let's look at president trump last night. he decided to go after joechbltd >> he can't put two sentences together and representing us with nuclear weapons with putin and xi and smart people. biden has nothing he can run on. it's turned out badly. i wasn't involved in wars. biden drove up the cost of energy and what caused inflation and not to mention the five hostages that they paid $6 billion for. >> dana: karl, what do you think the biden team thought about last night as they watched that?
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>> well, they may have been a little bit taken aback because i think they were hoping that the former president would keep his fire focused on fellow republicans and mocking ron desantis and bird brain haley, etc. etc. he went straight at president biden and my suspicion is they thought it would be a little bit of time would elapse before they began to receive incoming fire like that from the former president. >> bill: okay. that was last night. earlier in the afternoon, this was chris christie in new hampshire. before he came out and made his concession speech. >> she is going to get smoked and you and i both know it. i know her well and i happen to believe chris christie is right. >> bill: i don't know if there is any fallout from this. if someone is helped by it, or is it -- look, once we get in iowa, 3%, 2%, 1%.
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would he get maybe 10% in new hampshire. does that have an impact anywhere? >> it will in new hampshire. he had built a following there, you are right. ten, 15% at most. but he had built a following. that following is not going to fall into the camp of either vivek or donald trump or ron desantis. so it is likely to fall, if it votes, likely to fall into the haley camp. she has had some movement there. look, the off camera comments didn't help anybody. they hurt chris christie. it made him look like it overshadowed the message he wanted to deliver with his statement. it hurt nikki haley and ron desantis because it basically he said neither one of them can win and they both know it. but the biggest victim frankly was chris christie. whoever let that hot mic catch that moment, people say things in private that they prefer not to have made public and i suspect chris christie is feeling that way this morning. >> dana: i don't know. i heard from somebody his team
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is not unhappy it's out there. there is a lot of hard feelings when something like this happens when you have to basically face reality and the donors were saying we want to move on and support somebody else and decided to step out as his poll numbers hadn't improved. pennsylvania, the poll yesterday had biden up three over trump. biden, of course, going to pennsylvania, he spent a lot of time there. is pennsylvania a must-win for the republicans this year and can they win it? >> well, the republicans can win it. they don't need to win it. we've lost it before and won the white house. it will be one of the critical battleground states. think about it. this election will have a familiar tone to it. it will be wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, georgia, arizona, nevada and maybe north carolina and that's where the race is going to be focused. so what's interesting to me is first of all this is one of the first polls to show biden ahead in a state that is sort of his
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semi home. he grew up in scranton, delaware is adjacent to pennsylvania. it is really part of the philadelphia media market. he was jokingly referred to as the third senator from pennsylvania. but what is also interesting is that neither one of these people, as well-known as they are, has been able to be consistently above 50%. 10% or more of the electorate in pennsylvania that is basically up for grabs and a slightly larger group of people able to move back and forth between the two candidates. a number of undecided people. how dissatisfied the american people are, in this case pennsylvaniaians are with the choices they are likely to have. >> dana: thank you, karl. >> bill: see you soon. >> you bet. >> bill: that was it, boom. facebook co-founder turned cattle farmer is the hemmer celebrity news. mark zuckerberg is raising -- do
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you eat snifrjts sure. >> bill: angus cow. that looks like it is from the flintstones. he is raising his cattle on his multi-million dollar ranch in hawaii. he plans to produce some of the highest-quality beef in the world. his daughter is helping him dig the trench. he is feeding the cows a diet of macadamia nuts and beer. >> dana: i am of two minds when i saw this. initial reaction that's not the man of the people, right? do you know how expensive macadamia nuts are? i am for people eating for meat. go for it. >> bill: can we see a shot. >> dana: i'm ordering something like that in iowa on saturday night so you know. >> bill: medium rare. boom. >> didn't see it coming.
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you are either blind, dumb or stupid. it will happen again. is it going to happen in a school in your neighborhood? >> >> bill: student booted from class sparking outrage in new york as the kids were forced to stay home and learn earn zoom. bitcoin is going mainstream. we've heard that before, perino. this time is it for real? you won't overpay for glasses if you shop at america's best. they offer two pairs and a free, quality eye exam starting at just $79.95. i can see from your expression that you find that shocking. ...aaaaaaaand, you don't have ears. book an exam today at with the freestyle libre 3 system... know your glucose levels no fingersticks needed. all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at i love your dress.
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join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. >> bill: crypto is going mainstream. electronically traded funds launching earlier today. everyday investors can trade crypto currency without having
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to own it. money managers hope you will make it a staple in your 401k and ira. the sec chair says investors should remain cautious about the risks of crypto. on one hand you have this and the other hand that. etf has been out there on the big coin thing. i'll see what everybody else does and follow the herd. in all likelihood i will lose. >> dana: i'm tired of trying to understand it. i'll focus on 2024. happening in new york city >> close the borders. let's deal with the situation instead of putting the american citizens in a predicament where you have other people over them. it is unfair to each and every tax paying american. not only in my district but in this country. it is not fair to us.
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>> dana: parent and politicians blaming new york city leaders after the border crisis forced some students back into remote learning. students at a brooklyn high school got the boot so campus could be used to shelter nearly 2,000 migrants during tuesday's storm. let's bring in councilwoman vickie pal dino. now they're mad. is it city leaders or the biden administration they should be mad at? >> ultimately it's the biden administration. we have no control as he has proven time and again. no control over the biden administration and god forbid you speak out against them and the mayor gets a smack in the back of the head. yes, it falls local government. 100% yes, it's at the foot of the local government. >> bill: here is a woman earlier today. i don't know if you know her or not. maybe a neighbors of yours. she was on "fox & friends." >> the government seems to prioritize migrant families over their own law abiding tax paying
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citizens. i feel for the migrant families, i really do. bust this is another example of our elected officials not being in touch with the people that voted them in. our tax dollars seem to be going to help those that do not contribute to the tax dollars. >> bill: i find that to be a very fair and very common sense answer. this administration, because they haven't locked down the border, they put all these people in a really bad spot. >> very bad spot. we have watched new yorkers suffer now for just a year coming up now in the early spring it will be a year. we've watched the taxpayers and normal, everyday new yorkers carry the burden of the migrant crisis, which has been awful. we have. we have billions in deficit. now you ask our kids.
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let's stay on the kids. go to remote learning, pivot to remote learning? what did 2 1/2 years teach us of remote learning. it means you don't learn. we're going to on a whim, because we got the rain and the flooding at floyd bennett field as predicted before they put up the tents. we are talking about full blown facility that is a building that's collapsible. this isn't a tent as you and i know a tent. no, it should not be at floyd bennett field because of the conditions. >> bill: the mayor said we have to cut the budget. we don't have the money. yesterday the cuts that were planned for the police and fire department were reversed. so somehow some way we just found the money to go ahead and pay for the critical services that many people had feared would be gone from their lives.
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>> that was an intelligent and smart move on the mayor's part. >> bill: isn't it funny how you can find money? >> the money isn't there. the money isn't there. they will take from some place else in order to do this. we are in debt up to our eyeballs, no question about it and over our head. these migrants, which i made a conscious decision yesterday i am no longer going to refer to them as migrants because we have a way of doing things here in new york with putting ribbons an bows on the truth. i refuse to do that anymore. these are illegal immigrants that are coming ahead of our fellow new yorkers and the citizens of this country and of this city. we're sick and tired of it and leave our kids alone. the border they sent out an email telling the principals to ready their students to pivot to remote learning. now in november they received
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yet another email telling them and taking a day for them to learn how to pivot to remote learning if necessary. they know something is coming. so now we're blaming the weather. let's not forget. everything in this city is an event. the council -- the mayor doesn't have a shot. >> dana: thank you for coming in today. >> thank you for having me. >> bill: shattered israeli families returning to the scene for the first time since the attacks of october 7th. what they want america and what they want the world to know. >> they came into our cities and towns and kidnapped and murdered. we need people to be aware of this and to know that today it's israel. tomorrow it will be everywhere. cosentyx works on both for me. people with psoriasis on the scalp have a 4 times higher risk for psoriatic arthritis.
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>> harris: the nation's 45th president is in a new york city
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courtroom. he wanted to make his own closing arguments in the civil fraud trial but the judge denied him. hunter biden also is headed to court facing criminal tax charges one day after that wild stunt on capitol hill where he just showed up. plus the 2024 field is shrinking. chris christie is out. so who will get his supporters, those votes? congressman andy biggs, leo terrell and ari fleischer, "the faulkner focus" top of the hour. >> bill: we're watching the senate banking committee holding a hearing on stopping the flow of fentanyl and there will be the grammy award winner among the witnesses there to testify for the committee. why the banking committee? you want to follow the money whether it's china, mexico, how you can stop the flow of cash that helps fund the fentanyl that gets here. >> dana: jelly roll is a compelling character and big star and overcome a lot.
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we'll follow that for you as well. and now this, a brother and sister kidnapped by hamas on october 7th. their kibbutz was devastated during the rampage and their sibling is returning to the home where they were taken. alex hogan is live in southern israel with one family's tragic story. hi, alex. >> hi, dana. going home meant reliving all these horrors. for this person that was october 7th he hid in the safe room with his daughter having to keep the door closed when hamas broke into his home. he says it is only now he is starting to process what he survived and the emotions of that day when he came out of the safe room, went to his siblings house. he heard people had been killed and where he found the bodies. >> but it was my friend and his friend.
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>> it wasn't members of his family, but again it was members of his community and his two siblings he found out shortly there after had been taken by hamas into gaza. a 28-year-old sister and 35-year-old and his wife walked us through the kibbutz showing us the burnt homes that no longer exist and largely untouched some of the posters of those taken from every individual house. there is so much pain as he walked through that neighborhood and where he grew up and where he hoped his children would also grow up and the lives he hoped he would have been living at this point. last night the israeli security cabinet met about a proposal. he said the last cease-fire he was so hopeful his sister would be among those released. again it was women and children released as part of the last
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cease-fire. this time even bringing up any possibility that his sister or brother could be among those released is simply too painful at this point. it just feels cruel to hope. >> dana: still feels like october 7th for them. thank you, alex. >> bill: tough story there. before we get out of here leave you on a high note, okay? this might be the biggest story out of iowa. caitlin mark, the iowa superstar, check it out draining a half quart shot last night. it didn't matter. she is amazing. it means it didn't count. shot clock or something was going on. she recorded her second straight triple-double leading the hawkeyes to a 13th straight win. it's double digits and points, rebounds and assists and that's why, dana reads sports. >> dana: a triple-double in iowa. see what happens on monday. harris


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