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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 11, 2024 10:00am-11:00am PST

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>> harris: last but not least, excited to tell you about this, four days away from the iowa caucuses, and we'll have you covered on fox news channel in primetime. on sunday night, 10:00 p.m. eastern, i'll be hosting iowa in focus, talking with iowa voters about the issues which matter to them most, the candidates they think can actually deliver, elected officials will also weigh in. iowa senator joni ernst and exclusive interview with governor kim reynolds. pop your corn, i hope your night is made here on fnc for the cool kids. eight seconds left. >> bill: sounds like a great show. i'll be there on sunday and see you there. >> harris: thank you so very much for watching "outnumbered." here is "america reports". >> sandra: a live look in
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phoenix, arizona as we top a new hour, riley gaines, along with other female athletes, coaches, and parents, are set to rally to demand the ncaa ban biological males from women's collegiate sports teams. we'll be watching and keeping a close eye on developments from there. >> john: plus hear from riley herself when she joins us live and what she wants to hear from college athletic officials. stay tuned for all that. >> sandra: begin this hour waiting for a white house briefing as hunter biden is expected to be in a los angeles federal courtroom a short time from now where he will answer to nine federal tax charges just one day after his public stunt on capitol hill. and here we go. hello, welcome everyone, sandra smith in new york. great to be with you. >> john: good to be with you on this friday eve as we call it around here. this is "america reports". hunter biden will likely plead
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not guilty to the tax crstacked against him, donald trump is just coming out of the courtroom to speak. let's listen to that. >> you have a great company, we are a very innocent company, did everything right. nobody was against us other than discredited felon, and no one is against us whatsoever, they don't have one piece of paper, what we have run is a great company, that's been proven, very highly successful company. this was a political witch hunt for election interference but also for getting somebody elected because she wanted to get the publicity. it's a disgrace and they should pay me damages. that's the way it should be. they should be paying me damages. this is a disgraceful situation. this is why businesses are fleeing new york like exile, millions and millions of year in
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taxes and i pay millions and millions, we pay approximately $300 million over a fairly short period of time and they don't want me to pay it anymore. this is a very serious problem because companies are fleeing new york. they are going to focus on the crime, violent crime in the city, one of the reasons they are fleeing. the other reason they flee is because of attorney generals like this that just want to get elected. thank you very much. it's been a very successful trial. i don't know if we are going to get a fair ruling, but everybody knows -- everybody knows what i just said, this is a sham, and it's a shame. thank you. >> are you going to talk to the press? >> john: and donald trump there heading out for a lunch break, a break in the court proceedings as this is closing arguments in his real estate fraud trial which to a large degree, sandra, has already been decided, judge engoron early on at the beginning of this said he in
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fact did engage in fraud. the accusation is that he overvalued his real estate properties in order to gain favorable terms on loans. letitia james, the attorney general saying initially she wanted a fine of $250 million now increasing to $370 million. donald trump of course believes he did not do anything wrong and all the lending institutions that dealt with him say that there was never any problem. so, still a lot of people wondering what this is really all about. >> sandra: so this is ongoing, this is another break, he seems to step out and say something every break so far. but we are going to continue to monitor that from there. now that we are just days away from iowa, all this is colliding with the 2024 election cycle, of course. john, timing is everything. right to nate foy outside the new york state supreme court as the president spoke just moments ago. nate. >> nate: hey, sandra, yeah, you just heard former president donald trump speak outside the
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courtroom but right before that inside the courtroom justice arthur engoron let him speak during the closing arguments and i'm just going through what he said. he defended his financial statements and again said that he is the victim of fraud here, that all the banks got their money back and you are going to hear a sound bite from earlier where he said something similar but alina habba spoke in the last half hour and again called attorney general letitia james politically motivated. pointed out she apparently took her shoes off in court today and mentioned trump, also expecting to hear from him in a news conference later this afternoon. we have heard from him three times already and he said this about attorney general james earlier. >> out of control attorney general. she's totally out of control. the loans were good, banks were extremely happy with me, they still are, we built a great company, we have a company that's very liquid, very strong,
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great assets. >> nate: attorney general james said today she's confident with her case and believes the rule of law is on her side. she is seeking a $370 million fine and wants to ban president trump and his family from doing business in new york. james accuses trump, his adult sons, don, jr. and eric and trump organization executives of defrauding banks and insurance companies by inflating the value of the properties. the trump lawyers argue they were undervalued and trump said he's the victim because the banks made their money back. the judge found trump liable for fraud before the trial started and the judge has the sole power to decide punishment. his defamation lawsuit with e. jean carroll will start next
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week, and the hush money case, and other cases. trump said during one of his other appearances today that this is election interference directed by president biden because he says biden can't win an election fairly. we also just heard from trump attorney that that press conference expected later today is going to start at 2:30. we'll send it back to you. >> sandra: we have that on the bottom of the screen there, that we just got word of, we were anticipating and expecting it now we know. 2:30 p.m. eastern time donald trump will be holding the news conference. we will listen for that live. jonathan turley, george washington university law professor, constitutional law attorney and fox news contributor. what do you want us to know about what has happened so far today and what we heard from the former president a moment ago. >> jonathan: thank. there is an absurd element to
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this case, when you have james demanding almost $400 million in damages. it is true that the banks did not lose money. there was testimony from bankers saying they wanted to get more loans out of trump because they viewed him as a well client, someone good for making money so they did not lose any money. the only reason here is because of the rather bizarre new york law that allows james to seek hundreds of millions of dollars when there's no victim who actually lost money. and what really is telling here is the numbers, as james is approaching this like an impulse case, numbers go up. how about $370 million. the question is what is that really based on? when you have people who say we did not lose money, we wanted more loans, what is that really based on? >> john: you know, also this idea what is the real estate
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really worth, judge engoron said mar-a-lago is worth $18 million, any real estate agent in palm beach would laugh out loud at that valuation, and idea how much is the celebrity aspect of this work into this as well. i mean, trump tower carries a premium because it's a trump property. and think about some of the other potential premiums on celebrity items. i put together this little list. dorothy's ruby slippers, probably cost $2.50 to make in 1939 sold recently for $3.5 million. eric clapton's famous guitar sold for almost $1 million, michael jackson's glove, and james bond car went for
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$6.4 million. what is the property owned by donald trump with the trump name attached to it, really worth? and how does a judge in new york city just arbitrarily say this is how much i think it's worth? >> jonathan: that i think does get to the rub of it, and what trump has argued is his property does have -- come with a certain cache, and that adds value. north carolinas i do think there was -- you would talk of a fine of a million dollars or something like that if you believe it's intentional and effort to defraud, and they said don't rely on our numbers. this is our view of how much we could sell these assets for. but it gets us back to these really astronomical demands from james as to well, we want you to hit him with almost $400 million. the same attorney general that
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sought to disband the national rifle association and was prevented in that effort. she's a very political attorney general. but i have to say, the new york bar has been largely silent on this because it is trump. it seems like all of these concerns are put to the side if the caption has his name on it. and it should worry people. i mean -- this is a problem in new york. the under valuing and over valuing of assets is very common. none of us could find a single case like this one where james or her office sought these types of damages. >> sandra: very interesting analysis on that. jonathan, if you could, please stand by with us. we have some other news to get to. john. >> john: we should point out the news conference at 2 or 2:30 this afternoon at 40 wall street, a building that donald trump owns. david spunt is live in los angeles where hunter biden is due in court about three hours from now, and david, what can we
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expect to happen today? >> david: john, we expect it to be an initial appearance and likely arraignment but things with hunter biden in court have changed dramatically in the past so we are prepared for anything. he's appearing at 4:00 eastern time, 1:00 p.m. local time here in los angeles in federal court to answer for those nine federal tax charges, three of them are felonies. he was indicted last month by special counsel david weiss who says that hunter biden failed to pay at least $1.4 million in taxes, even though he eventually paid it back via the help of a friend, david weiss says hunter biden had plenty of money to pay his taxes. instead, spend it on a "extravagant lifestyle," some of the expenses. 1.6 million plus in atm withdrawals, 683,000 plus for payments to various women. $188,000 on adult entertainment. $237,000 on health, beauty and
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pharmacy products. now, david weiss charged hunter biden here in los angeles because this is where he has lived for the past several years. hunter is here in the first place because a plea deal with the government fell through in a public way in july in delaware. the federal judge said the deal is unprecedented, started asking questions and here we are today. and charged with firearms in delaware, lied of substance abuse on a federal firearm form about owning a gun. he owned a gun less than two weeks. that case is moving to trial but slowly. again, sandra, john, we expect it to be a first appearance. arraignment 20 minutes, maybe 30, 40 minutes but federal court in delaware and yesterday on capitol hill, things could change and change dramatically, so we will be ready. back to you. >> john: he does get around, shaking up things on both coasts. david spunt for us in l.a.
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thank you. >> sandra: bring back jonathan turley. what happens next with hunter biden? >> jonathan: i'm pretty sure you will not hear three words in that courtroom. that is rip it up. those were the words used by hunter's team when the plea bargain fell apart in delaware and many of us gasped. you don't really trash a plea agreement like that in open court because you are forcing the hand of the department of justice, which they did and hit him on charges ultimately of the gun and the tax violations. this is a very good court for hunter. it's a terrific jury pool for him, could not pick a better location for the trial for the defense. but also the indictment is a bit light because the department of justice allowed the statute of limitations to run on early tax violations going back to 2014. it has never explained why. it was warned internally by the whistleblowers, some of us wrote
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about it publicly that you are allowing the statute of limitations to run and they could have easily extended it, and they have never explained why they did that. but some of those early taxes are the most damaging potentially for the president. >> john: i'm wondering, jonathan, throughout the course of this case, how much is the court going to delve into the money trail, where the money came from, where the disbursements went out. we had josh boswell, with the daily mail, on "america reports" back in december and he suggested that the indictment involves joe biden's brother jim, joe biden's tax adviser, two major donors to joe biden and a family friend whose wife worked for jill biden. what he said. well, apparently we are having a technical issue with that, but here is what he said. he said the picture that emerges is a bunch of people who are
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very close to joe biden and so for a start you've got jim biden, his brother is just named business associate three in the indictment, but you know it's his brother, two major donors to joe, family friend and also got someone who was someone helping joe with his taxes throughout the vice president. do you expect the court will get into that level of detail and if it does, what could come out? >> jonathan: it potentially could. it really depends on the department of justice. but when you look at the indictment, the twists and bends they take is really rivals nadia komenich, the gymnast. this indictment avoids the influence peddling and corruption scandal, some of these unindicted figures are in fact biden family members. but the department of justice
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has avoided opening up a special counsel investigation of influence peddling. they have avoided charging him on fara, many of us don't understand, that he was a registered foreign agent. all of those moves have served to protect the president, it's insulated the president to a degree in these trials. so they may trip some wires because it's very hard to deal with some of these issues without acknowledging that the funds were coming from a massive influence peddling scheme. but so far they seem to be intent to avoid doing that. >> sandra: jonathan turley, we are not short of things to discuss. thank you very much for joining us on all of that. >> jonathan: thank you. >> john: we are never short of things to discuss any day between 1 and 3. >> they had -- they had -- >> john: apparently more
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difficulties. we are so busy the technology can't keep up. here, go on with this. former president trump jabbing back at the biden-harris campaign over their push to label him a "dictator" but it's still anybody's game in the gop primary. why are they focused so much on trump? kellyanne conway has some ideas just ahead. >> sandra: looking forward to that. plus, ron desantis and nikki haley making their final pushes in iowa last night where evangelical voters are expected to play, as they always do, a very big role. founder and chairman of the faith and freedom coalition ralph reed is up next on the impact they will have there. . hy you choose glucerna to help manage blood sugar response. uniquely designed with carbsteady. glucerna. bring on the day.
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>> sandra: a very passionate plea to keep biological males out of women's sports. this is a rally happening right now outside an ncaa meeting. it's happening in phoenix. we are going to listen in here to this particular athlete. let's listen. >> collegiate coaches, she's now an independent women's forum ambassador and someone i'm glad to call a friend, thank you, kim russell. >> i think we are all supposed to dance. ♪ i'll be there for you ♪ >> we were brought here to celebrate women. ncaa, we are here to give you a really loud message. i am 56 years old. all of my life has been because
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title ix was passed, 37 words changed not only my life but everyone you see standing behind me, and millions of girls and women. it gave us the opportunities to play sports in college, to get athletic scholarships, and the rest of my entire life was affected by that. my first internship was getting to be at wimbledon, hello. >> sandra: fascinating plea from kim russell, a former oberlin coach. she and other young women, women obviously who have gone through their life fighting for this cause and to get equality in women's sports. they are now speaking out in a big way, this rally in phoenix, riley gaines is there, she's going to join us live coming up and hear what her message was on the ground there in arizona.
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>> john: looking forward to that. four days out from the iowa caucuses, chris christie suspends his campaign, and his bowing out may have shifted the dynamic in new hampshire where he had about 12% support. sitting down with the founder of the faith and freedom coalition, ralph reed, how evangelical voters could play a major role in iowa as they do, but first bill melugin is live in des moines. did christie endorse anyone. >> no, he simply said he did not see a path forward for himself, viable in the race longer and will do everything he can to make sure that donald trump is not the nominee. speaking of donald trump, he was out here in des moines last night participating in the live
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fox news town hall where he was taking questions from voters out here. he basically said he's not too worried about the other candidates in this race, he thinks the voters in iowa know who he is, what he's about, and his track record, he promised if he gets back into office he'll carry out the biggest wave of mass deportations and sounds like he knows who he wants as a potential v.p. >> give us a hint. >> we'll do another show. >> would you be mending fences with people you are running against? >> i will, i've already start today like christie better. >> bill: and ron desantis and nikki haley took each other on in their own debate, and it got heated at times. they were ripping into each other, calling each other liars. haley mocked desantis, and
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desantis said she's a flip-flopper and mealy mouth politician doing the donors bidding. >> if leadership is about getting things done, how did you blow through $150 million in the campaign and down in the polls? >> what is more important here. >> it's governor haley's time. >> i think i hit a nerve. >> good rule of thumb, if she says she's never said something, that means she said it. and she says you are lying, you are lying, she's on video tape taking it. >> and with chris christie dropping out, most think the voters will go to nikki haley, and he was caught on a hot mic yesterday saying if nikki haley "she's gonna get smoked, she's not up to this." back to you. >> john: well, you can debate that. one thing you probably can't
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debate is analysis about 65% of christie's voters may swing to haley, could give her a new advantage in new hampshire, if nowhere else. bill melugin in downtown des moines. thank you. >> sandra: evangelical voters, we talk a lot about them, they have historically played a huge role in the iowa caucuses. the "new york times" writing white evangelical christian voters have lined up behind republican candidates for decades but no republican has had a closer or more counter intuitive relationship with evangelicals than mr. trump. let's bring in ralph reed, founder and chairman of the faith and freedom coalition. great to have you here today. we want to dig into what you are seeing on the ground in iowa and nationwide as we highlight the des moines register poll, done over a month ago, the most
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recent we have as far as support among iowa evangelical gop caucus-goers, 51% support donald trump, 25 points above desantis, haley is down there at 12 and ramaswamy at 5. "new york times" has this headline, just a couple days ago, ralph. trump's connecting with a different type of evangelical voter. they are not just the church-going conservative activists who once dominated the gop. so, who are they, ralph? >> yeah, i saw that times piece. i think that's probably a little overdrawn. there is no way you are leading in the iowa caucuses by 25 points and only getting infrequent church attenders. over 150 faith leaders endorse him, ministry leaders and amazing to look at what a contrast this is from the first time trump ran in 2016.
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you remember in the iowa caucuses then, cruz got about one out of every three evangelicals, and trump only got one out of every five, and it was that constituency that swung iowa to cruz and allowed him to go all the way to indiana in april. this time he's leading by 25 points in iowa, among self-identified evangelicals, who, by the way, are likely to make up somewhere between 60 and 65% of the caucus voters. so the road to the iowa caucus victory and indeed the road to this nomination runs through the faith community. because remember, after new hampshire, you then go to south carolina where 60% of the vote in the south carolina primary will be made up of born again evangelical christians. there's no way to get there otherwise. >> sandra: as you were saying that i brought this, you kind of
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took me to a few screens after where i was. you referenced the 2016 outcome and how ted cruz won with the evangelicals then, led to his victory in iowa. 34%, 2016 iowa caucuses, you pointed out donald trump had 22% of the support. that began to change after the iowa caucuses. going back a couple screens here, this is the overall number or percentage of those who identify as evangelical among voters in the iowa gop caucus. as far as iowa caucus-goers in 2016, that number had risen to 62%, ralph. that was up from 57% in 2012, and it's always hovered around 60%. but higher in 2016. so a growing number of those iowa caucus-goers are identifying as evangelical. i want to ask you about your piece in politico, this goes back a few months now.
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and what you have to say about it now. you asked the question, will evangelicals finally dump trump in 2024. notes long time evangelical king maker, ralph reed, explains why trump has a tight grip on religious conservatives and what it will take for another 2024 hopeful to convert them to his or her cause. that quite clearly did not pan out, at least not yet for those other candidates, ralph. >> no, it hasn't. and this thing is not over, not a single vote has been cast, and this is a very funny business and there's a lot of twists and turns and there's a lot of surprises. trust me, this is my 12th presidential campaign and i've got the scars to prove it. when i was working for george w. bush, we had all the money, all the endorsements and we lost new hampshire to mccain by 19 and the rest is history so there
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could be surprises. right now, trump is performing as a quasi incumbent. recorded on record on life, israel, religious freedom and made it tougher for some other candidates to make their case. >> sandra: really interesting to watch and interesting on monday as well. ralph reed, appreciate that. >> john: 12 presidential campaigns, nearly a half century. stunning news from the football world as we learn a trio of head coaches will no longer lead their teams. jim gray will join us on those whirlwind changes from the past 24 hours and what's next. ♪ ♪ [typing] ♪
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trump says it's the only narrative they have to push against him. kellyanne conway, a big town hall with bret and martha and the former president, i think a lot of people were surprised they did not see a man there rehashing the 2020 campaign or complaining about the court cases. he was really on message in terms of policy and not going after his republican challengers but joe biden. let me play out a little bit of that. >> can't put two sentences together and he's representing us on nuclear weapons with putin and xi. the new narrative, i'm going to be a dictator, that's the new narrative. a guy like biden, nothing he can run on. look at biden, it's bedlam. a man who can't lead, can't find his way off a stage after he makes a speech that lasts for about two minutes. we are going to have the largest deportation effort in the history of our country. >> john: you were saying as you came into the studio, he's been running a general election
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campaign for months basically ignoring the primaries. >> kellyanne: he has and the other primary candidates, particularly in the debate last night, still taking shots at trump and each other and it's clear the iowa voters want to hear policy prescriptions and people are smart enough to get past the politics and the personalities and talk about first principles and of course policies. i think the iowa caucus voters who will participate on monday night, john, they are suffering, many of them, economically, they are worried culturally, they know what they see, they see rising crime, rising prices. they see ukraine and the middle east. watching the southern border. and so they want somebody who is actually speaking about the future, which is trump, ironically and not the past and not rehashing. i know nikki haley and ron desantis, they are great americans, they have been good leaders. i feel at this point they are a bit repetitive, including in the town halls. i kept hearing the same sound bites and the trick of trying to
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dislodge a front-runner is you literally come out in the town hall like with bret and martha and say i have a three point plan to fix the economy or unveiling a blueprint. when i talk to him, he's of good cheer, he's forward looking, focused on the contrast between his presidency and biden's presidency and he did one thing really smart that a lot of politicians fail to do. he previewed how the democrats would attack him. and oh, now they have a new narrative, wait for it, they are going to call me a dictator and he's punching back at that. iowans see him as a tax cutter, a regulation diminisher, energy independence creator, somebody who for the first time in 72 years did not start a new war as a president. so you can call him names if you
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are the biden white house because they have nothing literally, but that's not going to work for people who already know his name and his record. >> john: i thought there was a contrast between the town hall and that debate. a lot of it was go to nikki haley lies, no, ron desantis 30 seconds left but your opinion on the effect of chris christie dropping out. not much of a difference in iowa, he was only 3% but was at 12% in new hampshire. and i saw one analysis that maybe 65% of his vote or about 8% of the total vote could go to nikki haley, would get her within six points of donald trump. would it make a difference in new hampshire? >> that presupposes they all vote and go to nikki haley. they could have gone to nikki haley from the beginning but they went to chris christie. it's not so easily transferable and the anti-trump vote as it were, turns out to be a small percentage of the republican
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primary. >> john: 25%. >> kellyanne: i think she would have to have christie and chris sununu supporting her. another debates, town halls, debate last night, ron desantis, governor of florida but seems to be a resident of iowa. they have had ample opportunity to make the case and failed to do that. i don't know how much will change between now and the end of the month in the two contests. we'll be there. >> john: great to see you. >> sandra: watching the rally outside the ncaa convention as female athletes and advocates call for an end to biological males in women's sports. one of those calling for change is riley gaines. she will be there on the stage in just a moment. she'll also be here a short time from now and specifically what she is calling for and why. >> john: plus the end of an era
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>> sandra: so class is back in session for some new york city students after their school was shut down for an entire day to shelter asylum seekers, children were forced to, would remotely with little or no teacher instruction. outraged parents and politicians say migrants were prioritized over our students and they are not letting this go. nor should they. c.b. cotton is live with the latest. we heard from so many of those
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parents outraged that the migrants were given priority over their own children to be in that school yesterday. >> yeah, and outrage continues. backlash is uniting some across party lines. democratic assembly member jamie williams is a parent of one of the more than 3,000 students forced into a day of remote learning and while the city says they don't foresee having to shelter migrants at the school again, williams just does not see it that way. >> the community is just outraged because here you have the migrants being placed over our own children and our community. what's next? >> the migrants were moved back to the tents in brooklyn early yesterday morning. mayor adams says school buildings are always used during emergencies and the city will always prioritize children's safety. >> i hope people are not saying
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we can't use a building if it's dealing with migrants, i hope that's not what they are saying. because what i saw yesterday at james madison, i saw children, that's what i saw. i saw children and this city is never going to do anything that is going to put children in harm's way. >> and now parents are upset about how their children are being treated so they rallied yesterday, some saying they had to scramble to adjust schedules or they are now concerned about learning loss. >> i feel for the migrant families, i really do. but this is another example of our elected officials not being in touch with the people that voted them in. >> sandra, we are going to be monitoring a protest scheduled for later today calling for the closure of the brooklyn tent city housing the migrants. >> sandra: and all the efforts to get the kids back in the school, a massive security search, every closet, classroom,
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a deep cleaning, which costs time and money and resources. c.b., thank you. >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction. >> john: the first lady, jill biden, attacking republicans as she defends hunter biden. sarah bedford will join us for a deep dive into all of hunter's legal troubles as we await his arraignment on federal tax charges in california. you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card. sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression feel darkest before dawn. with caplyta, there's a chance to let in the lyte. caplyta is proven to deliver significant relief across bipolar depression.
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>> john: shocking news for new england patriots head coach bill belichick parts ways with the team after leading one of the greatest dynasties in nfl history. >> sandra: as alabama, formerly lsu, nick saban announces his retirement, after dominance in football. >> john: what a ride for both of these coaches and the big question is what's next? >> well, we know what's next for nick saban, he's going to retire, 72 years old and look at his record, what he has done there. when you take into account, seven national championships,
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six at alabama and the past 16 years there, 199-16. so, that guy is not growing on a tree, we'll never see anything like it and he's going to go off into retirement. as for bill belichick, he won six super bowl championships, nine conference championships and just 15 wins away from breaking don shula's all time record, he's going to continue, he's going to continue, john, in professional football and i'm sure the 25 teams across the nfl are probably evaluating their coaching positions today thinking about well, maybe we could think about bill belichick. not saying 25 teams are going to make moves but are evaluating it. >> sandra: i remember nick saban's attempt at pro football, and huge mistake to leave college ball. >> he went to the dolphins where shula had the record and did not work out there well and he was a perfect fit for alabama, and in the sec, did well at lsu,
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national championship there, one of those things he was able to mesh and do so well there. and college football has changed and he recognizes that and he doesn't want to be in this thing now and so it's a good time for him to retire. but when you consider what's happened in the past 24 hours, throw pete carroll in his. we have lost vince lombardi from his position and another. >> john: dynasty, brady or belichick? 219-66, 11 conference championships, you said 9, 6 super bowl wins, patriots past brady 29-38, postseason 0-1. well, was it brady or belichick? five seconds. >> it was both of them. tom brady said it was the best coach for him, he found tom brady but has not been successful without him. they both needed each other,
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both succeeded with each other and it's one of those names, those two names are linked. shaq and kobe and wilt and russell, ali and frazier, and belichick and brady. >> sandra: what a 24 hours. >> unbelievable. >> sandra: a live look, president trump set to hold a news conference on the same day as closing arguments in his fraud trial. we will have that for you live. don't leave. about what the future looks like. for me. i may have trouble getting around, but i want to live in my home where i'm comfortable and my friends are nearby. i can do it with the help of a barber, personal shopper and exercise buddy. someone who can help me live right at home. life's good. when you have a plan. ♪ ♪ type 2 diabetes? discover the ozempic® tri-zone. ♪ ♪
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