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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 11, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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connected to? the fact is you had testimony there wasn't a victim that in fact the banks wanted additional loans and considered b6 a great will in terms of a client. it doesn't mean he underestimated or overestimated the properties. but the size of the damages being sought by james undermines her credibility in the case. >> neil: it's wond a lot of stu. bitcoin is now something you could trade through in the exchange traded fund. the enormous potential in the billions of dollars in new interest in the one so-called means they are off to the races here. very popular in some of the other crypto places popular. will explore that on fox business in this channel. ♪ ♪
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>> hello, everyone, i'm dana perino with the judge during prl, jesse watters, greg gutfeld p.i. to its 5:00 p.m. in new york city and this is "the five." the hunter biden legal drama coming to los angeles today, the first son leaving the courthouse after pleading not guilty to noncriminal tax charges for dodging $1.1 million in taxes. the trial is set to begin on june 20th. two months before hunter's dad is expected to take the stage of the dnc. if he's found guilty, he could be a convicted tax felon while the dnc is taking place. instead of paying his fair share, hunter with a group $1.6 million from atms. he spent nearly $100,000 on payments to various women. nearly $400,000 on clothing accessories, and $200,000 on the adult entertainment.
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it comes a media circus where he crashes on contempt house hearing in a political stunt despite the attention on hunter, democrats say what will not say whether he's a liability for his father's reelection campaign. >> office at home get in the way of being a good father. i think that's what joe biden is doing here. i believe any public testimony will reveal that. he's a distraction, but i don't think he is a liability. i think all this will do is demonstrate a good father, joe biden's. >> jesse: the white house tapping jill biden to do damage control and defend hunter against republicans. >> how have you been coping personally with the onslaught of act your husband and your family including and especially hunter? the focus of the house oversight committee holding him in contempt, showing pictures of him during vulnerable moments in his battle with addiction. on the floor of the house, this
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would crush any family. >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel. and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction. you know, i love my son and it's hurt my grandchildren. that's what i'm so concerned about, it's affecting their lives as well. >> judge, we have some video of hunter leaving the courthouse, this taking place in los angeles. what do we need to know about the legal arrangements or if you want to talk about jill biden? >> judge jeanine: i can talk about both. hunter biden's being charged with a nine count indictment with tax evasion and other tax evasion crimes. he faces a maximum 17 years in prison. he's in a jurisdiction that will look kindly at a hunter biden or
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any one of the biden family. i suspect there may be some plea negotiation. let's talk about jill for imminent. she says what they're doing to hunter is cruel. she's a mother and as a mother, i understand. here's the problem. hunter biden did it to himself. i want to hear what a great father joe biden is. joe biden was warned that they were complex of interests when he was vice president and the appointment for the administration, the obama administration on energy. he allowed hunter to go there and get bags of cash out of the place. but more importantly, hunter biden three days after he called his father, his father flies over a good father, and threatens using our money as leverage to get the prosecutor fired from the company hunter works for. if the prosecutor, you know, isn't fired, will pay $1 billion in american money.
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all of this is hunter's fault. he could have paid up those taxes himself. he still hasn't paid everything from 2014-15. what we now know is a statute of limitations and extension for 2014-2015 which are the most serious years in terms of money that was owed. if we are just passed over by the department of justice. they could have gotten an extension, but dana, anyone who's dealt with the federal government on a tax case knows that five years is a long time, okay? this was a not a complicated tax case. they allow the statue of limitations to run because that allowed the prosecution to get into the issue of where did the money come from? was their corruption, influence peddling, all of the stuff from europe that we know about because of hunter biden's la laptop. >> dana: the other thing about the stunt that he played the other day, he's playing the
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troll card and so when you do that, do you open yourself then up to questions about your behavior even though it does make his mom upset? >> judge jeanine: i don't know. >> greg: that's probably the smarter thing he did. democrats, when they get a hoax, they hire a hollywood producer and they turn it into a highly produced miniseries. then you have a real democrat scandal with corruption, lies, mob money, and the democrats act like chimpanzees with power tools. this is a big story. it's not getting as much traction probably as it should if i love how dr. jill suddenly loves hunter. i believe he called her they see where the m but i see it doesn't stand for conservative. if she thinks it's cruel they are showing hunter biden's jug -- i'm sorry, he's the one who put his balls on blast. he's the one who gave his a starring role in countless movies. we didn't ask for it, believe
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me. nobody wanted to see it, as for these being vulnerable moments, we should all be so vulnerable to be sitting around doing drugs and having -- give me a break! there's nothing vulnerable about him. joe and jill should be happy of the media was able to suppress the story long enough so that he could be president. go back to something i've said before and i've got to repeat it, if any trump member of a family did 1% of this, they would be in gitmo. you look at the money laun laundering, influence peddling come of the cover-up by the white house which i will get to from the p tape to foreign collusion, all the stuff they wanted for trump is right here. but if hunter biden turned out to be a mass shooter, they'd go after donald jr. for jaywalking. that's the way it is. bottom line, right now there's a big story brewing. the white house covered up the hunter biden painting story. they said in the ethics
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agreement no one would know who is buying want. now we know it's money laundering. why is in the white house under fire for that? it's because this doesn't fall under the trump umbrella. this is the biden umbrella. the media's m.i.a. and to joe biden being a good father, being a good father is defined by getting 10% from your son, i should have kids. >> dana: there is still time. $1.4 million, imagine how many people have been put in jail by the irs in federal government for watch lists. >> jesse: it's okay if your father's daughters pay off your back taxes. it's okay if you shoot a documentary about how you're dodging subpoenas, taxes, child support payments, it's okay to be in business with chinese spies come up nationals to bribe the first family with cash, diamond, cars. it's okay. now joe biden is lying and he's been caught about 1,000 times. he said his family member took
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money from china, they have big records. he's on voice mail totally in on it. he said he never met any of his clients, there's like 16 photographs of them with him. he was the pilot and flew to 13 countries. he never did them any favors, i don't know, he dropped sanctions, tariffs come out wrote letters of recommendation, greased approvals, he did quite a lot for the clients. the difference between these two is so easy. one president told his son to cooperate with investigations. one president told his son to obstruct the investigation. one president had his son donate all of the foreign money to the treasury. one president had his son spend the foreign money on and coc cocaine. there is more evidence biden is in business with his son then trump colluded with the russians. this guy is such a stone cold lawyer, it will just take one crack in this entire cover-up
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for this entire thing to fall apart. there is no one being cruel to hunter. if anybody, jill is being cruel to joe for making this guy run for president again. joe has been cruel to his son for making his addicts go around the world instead of go to re rehab. hunters being cruel to his family and his children for rating their college funds for cocaine. this story is upside down, backwards, whatever you want to call it. i can't wait for trump is present and so i can play the gotcha game. >> dana: this trial coming before the dnc convention, do you think it's a liability for president biden? >> i'm sure the president doesn't want the child to take place. the judgment right there might be some sort of play in the background. it let me take a step backward. >> greg: aren't you glad to be back? >> harold: you didn't want me to say that.
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my point of view is this. when i hear president trump as he was in his trial and i hear him defend himself, i hear all along the presumption of innocence is attached to any american when you accuse them of something and coupled with the right to defend yourself. i thought when hunter biden did yesterday or the day before yesterday was brilliant. the stunt, people calling the stunt a hoax. he went in the room and bested them in the back and forth. he had every right to do that. it was him defending himself and some may think he's guilty before proven guilty and that's fine, but he has every right to defend himself as president trump does as well. i think president trump and hunter biden both play the role pretty well. when the first lady was saying about her son that she loves him, we shouldn't be surprised by that, surprise that president biden loves his son and supports his son as i would my son as you would with your son, your daughters as well. if >> greg: that's not the story.
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everybody loves everybody. >> harold: but i just don't understand how we can be critical of hunter for defending himself. >> dana: he didn't say anything. >> harold: bajaj, i don't know if he's innocent or guilty, he says he's innocent which i presume he's innocent until the prosecutors prove otherwise. we take some leaps of faith about his father being involved in his business, that hasn't been proven. >> greg: he called in a lawn and lied about it. i saw the check. >> jesse: it's not like the check doesn't exist. >> harold: i don't think it's wrong for president trump to have foreign government officials and staying in the hotels. >> jesse: was there a hunter biden hotel? >> harold: all i'm saying hunter biden is in court. this is a serious matter. he now has the defend himself in the court of law. if this comes up in july or june whenever the convention is, this
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will be problematic. not only joe biden but democrats up and down the ticket. >> dana: okay, up next. the former president had a chance to sound off in court today over his new york fraud case. we will be right back. ♪ ♪ the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation. hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good.
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but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: the muzzles off the air to a judge allowing donald trump to briefly defend himself in court after buying the former president from speaking during closing arguments in a civil fraud trial. a from beginning to speak for about 6 minutes, he says his financial statements were perfect, banks got the money
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back, and they're happy as can be. trump sharing gems, this is fraud on me, i'm an innocent man, and they should pay me for what i have been put through. and then he left court and sounded off in a press conference. listen. >> they don't have any facts, they don't have any evidence against us. millions and millions of pages, years of litigation, all politically motivated. serious trump derangement syndrome, letitia james, the corrupt attorney general of new york. it's a shame. it's a witch hunt and it's really an election interference. in joe biden and his thugs around him did it. they're trying to get a man an offense that can't put two sentences together. >> jesse: trumps top democrats tormentor was all smiles. new york attorney general letitia james waving to fans as she walks into court. she was front and center
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appeared to james claimed it's not about politics. >> this case has never been about politics. or an old vendetta or name-calling. in this case is about the facts and the law. mr. donald trump violated the law. this trial has shown and we have produced evidence about the scope, the scale, the depth, the breadth of the illegality. the fraud that impersonally enriched donald trump and his family. >> jesse: when are we going to expect a decision in this case, judge? >> judge jeanine: apparently the thought is we will get him by the end of the month, but what's amazing about this is this is in a judge, who basically found donald trump guilty former president trump guilty before the trial started.
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and they upped the ante from 250 million to 370 million based on nothing. letitia james, this woman's the attorney general for the state of new york. if she's not being political, is she serious? she campaigned on the issue of destroying donald trump. he's going to know my name. anyone who campaigns on destroying an individual as opposed to going after crime or fraud in the attorney general's case would be taken out of office. if that's not acceptable. the amazing thing is never in the history of new new york stae has there been a fraud trial where there is no victim. banks were loaning money to donald trump east upon the fact that they wanted to do business with him based upon their individual assessment of his properties and taking into consideration the value added by the trump name. you put the name trump on a building then and the building was automatically worth more.
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you know, this judge is biased, prejudiced, first he said donald trump can't say anything in the closing arguments. why not? then all of a sudden i guess everybody called him and said, look, the chance of reversal is good to excellent. you tell this guy he can't even speak before you, then you're definitely getting a reversal. look, this case has been a joke from the beginning, it's been an effort on the part of political attorney generals to take down donald trump, to keep him not just from the calendar as it relates to the caucuses and the primaries, but to keep him from doing any business in this state and it's called election interference. >> jesse: yeah, jenna, the cases are looking more for less as we learn about them. >> dana: also because this is the attorney general of new york and she's been in court every single day it's available.
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she think's it's political, she makes sure that she has makeup ready, she goes in front of the cameras, sometimes she stops and talks to them sitting there as if she has nothing to do, the entire state of new york of course it's political and it looks like that. think of president trump. last night he had a great town hall on fox news and finishes at 10:00 p.m. eastern. gets on a plane and back here in time to go down there and in there in person. i think the white house and the biden campaign must be looking at this going, okay, our guide takes friday, saturday, sunday off in order to do lunch with the vice president on tuesday. how are they possibly going to deal with this kind of energy? >> jesse: he's running circles around the by then white house right now. >> greg: you know, there's a couple -- i mean when you talk about the legal stories, a lot of people just zone out, especially when you're talking
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about like assessments. like generally i was under the impressment assessments aren't things that you hide. that's why there's no victim's. everybody knows what you're doing and it's an old thing -- but nobody -- the media doesn't understand it. the viewers like whatever. an example, this is another example of a politicized legal system, a liberal democrat stupid judge repeatedly asked the most absurd question to one of trumps lawyers and it exploded everywhere. he posited the ridiculous idea if our president would hire seal team six, right? to take out a rival. a trump's lawyers like that's not really addressing the constant in the constitution but there is a structure in the constitution for impeachment and conviction for a president. the biased judge just refused the answer and kept spitting it out as though he were a chanting protester well what if it happened? what if it happened.
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the lawyer was like, this example is impossible. by the way, seal team six, you don't just call them up like i need you to do me a favor, i need you to take out ron desantis. okay, let me get my gear. it became a hilarious circular argument. what if he did this and okay he be impeached and convicted according to the constitution but what if they didn't, but what if it was. of the most ridiculous argument and yet everybody in the media, it was trump's lawyer saying he could kill somebody. the media blew it up because they assumed their audience only reads the headlines, they don't go any deeper which is a complete violation of the trust -- that's why nobody trusts the media. it happened again on the cover of drudge, it said trump wants the economy to tank. it did you see that? trump said if the economy -- it
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ran with that, like he wants the economy to crumble. let me translate this so the media understands it, the people who work in cable news. if "the five" ever gets a low rating and i'm not saying it well, i don't want to be on that show! right? i don't want to be on that show. i didn't say when "the five" gets a lower rating, i don't want to be on the show. did that sink into george reeds had now? he was saying -- he doesn't wanted to happen, but if it does before he becomes president. now i understand. >> jesse: thank you for clarifying, greg. you're never on a low rating show. >> greg: it that's so true, jesse, even when i'm on your show i carry that. >> jesse: this situation, the civil trial for president trump, this was all about the penalty phase. he'd been found guilty by this judge beforehand. which is what i assume president trump will appeal that
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as well as whatever the penalty phase might be here. two, i never thought president trump should be disallowed to defend himself and make the remarks he made outside of court. i was pleased the judge allowed him to speak in court because he had every right to. i think others conditions the judge wanted him to conform with because president trump has been sanctioned by the courts because he said things they don't think he should have said. but i think it's the right thing. greg, the point about the judge you're talking about, the argument in the d.c. circuit court. what they're arguing is president and judge have the perspective on this as well but they're arguing president trump or any president has absolute immunity. they're arguing what if the president takes us to war and they had bad information. can you prosecute them in? of course not, this is a different situation so they're trying to advance that so i found the information about the seal to be odd but the judge was taking it to an extreme. we will see what the court
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eventually says the artist before i have to say, he was found liable, not guilty. >> harold: i don't want to be found liable or guilty. >> jesse: mayor pete praising the faa while the same agency warns parents babies can be sucked out of airplanes. ♪ ♪ we're travelling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart?
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why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust. ♪ ♪ >> judge jeanine: on the other day near airplane disaster tapping on pete buttigieg's watch. united airlines flight flight making an emergency landing after an open door indicator lit up. it comes the same week when a door plugged out midair on a
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flight. the faa is warning parents to stop holding babies in their lap so they don't get sucked out of the plane and recommending they by a ticket for infants instruct them in a car flight a and looks likemayor pete is b. he says i have confidence in any aircraft approved by the faa. the faa is doing a great job. okay, jesse, pete buttigieg says the faa that clears plans so they can fly's doing a great job, and they have to do some investigation. do you think pete knows what's going on? >> jesse: it's one of those heck of a job brownie stories. you have to say we are doing a great job. just put that out there.
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i'm not buying gg who is nine months old her own seat. i'm not. i will hold her tight, she'll be fine. nobody is going to suck my child out of the plane. i put her on my lap or emma's lap. juniors buckled in, he watches his tv. if gg squirms, you give her child tylenol and every thing is fine. >> judge jeanine: oh, you do not. >> jesse: doubts the plan >> judge jeanine: pete buttigieg, this guy ran for president four years ago and he's a guy who prioritized the dei hiring. does he take any responsibility for the mess going on? >> dana: he doesn't and the only thing they do in the faa is great, everything's great, and on the commercial break i'll tell you the story and put that into context. i can't imagine if your mom or dad and you have plans coming up states next month and you're
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going to visit grandma and you are planning to take the child with you and all of us all of a sudden you have to add an expense to get another seat for the kid? and i know you're comfortable. most parents will not be comfortable doing this. these are two incidents, maybe things happening in threes and that would be the end of it but one of the question has to be not from the faa but boeing's board of directors has the company been distracted by other priorities dealing with safety? if the answer is yes, will have a bigger problem on our hands then air travel in the foreseeable future and the travel will be difficult. >> judge jeanine: the truth is alaska airlines offered $1500 for every one of those flyers on the airline where the door blew out. as i said the other day, i mean, they breached a duty and i think they are negligent because they were giving warnings. >> greg: people are worried
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that a unsecured baby can be sucked out during a rapid depressurization or as planned parenthood calls a minor procedure. i know this sounds crazy, but why don't we first stop airplane doors from falling off? maybe let's start there. i think every industry is saddled with a new priority and the new priority came from above and told them this had to be done. what happened is you have a company based on a profit, that should be the leading thing. if you have to be successful for the company. you create a parallel mission with no profit motivation whatsoever and people are like well, we have to do it anyway. mayor pete is the most famous transportation secretary ever because he happens to be the worst. he's a product of dei, he got a jump for what he is as opposed to what he's done as mayor of cincinnati, cleveland,
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indianapolis. south bend. i kind of like this fear because a lot of people will be relieved with fewer babies. i can't fly cross-country, mom. you have to come see her grandchild. gets out a lot of stuff. i had an idea infant air we should create specific flights for babies. >> jesse: i think that's jeffrey epstein's plan. >> greg: babies with their own airlines, you can have balloon animal clowns, like a pen zoo. >> judge jeanine: let's go to harold's. >> harold: being critical of secretary buttigieg as we talk about holidays and approaching the responses. i give him credit here. united and alaska airlines are the only ones using these planes and the faa, for him to praise the faa, i don't have an issue with. i don't know what they've done,
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if they don't do what they're supposed to do now, i think we should be critical of them, but i give them credit. i've been critical in the past but i've been giving them credit. for stepping up and ensuring safety particles and inspection protocols. >> judge jeanine: no, no, i will tell you why i disagree. that plane when the light went off should have not been off because before the door blew out on the first plane last friday, they had warnings of pressurization lights were going off as well as cabin pressure lights and they made the decision, you know what we are going to do? don't fly over the water, fly over the land. once they did that and the door blows out, that's when he should have come in. that's when buttigieg should have come in. look, boeing's had a major problem every year for the last 12 years. if they had of the faa and buttigieg should be monitoring those planes. >> harold: they were transtransportation secretaries
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before them that failed. if >> judge jeanine: all right that don't blame them all. >> d>> j ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> harold: joe rogan and taylor share within the creators of the hit show yellowstone are blaming liberal ideology for demonizing work ethic and masculinity. >> all things are bad, work ethic, all the things are racist. toxic masculinity. >> oh, yeah, i've been accused of that. >> congratulations. and you're on the right side. speak on these all are all terms
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that have been created. it's fascinating linkage is being created before our eyes. it's language to keep one person from disagreeing with another persons position. >> harold: what are your thoughts on this, toxic masculinity. do you think they're onto something here? >> greg: i have two points, one, we are in a society where all our basic needs are met and we've got a lot of people with a lot of time on their hands, they are narcissistic, and the length, so they are turning on the things that helped us get to the place where our basic needs are met. things like hard work and being on time, competitiveness, grace, discipline. those are somehow toxic values and saw the people thinking the starbucks coffee and iphone just magically conjures up out of nowhere made by phantoms. everything's a product of toxic masculinity and toxic femininity, but what i like about this story emma it shows
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you the major difference between legacy media and podcasts beside the time commitment. the design of tv, it favors people who are shallow as kiddie pools. there is with experience. you only get one minute to talk and in this case the design of the podcast favors thoughtful and experienced people who have achieved things so they can talk about this. you find a log of wisdom on joe rogan's show or lex friedman, tim dylan's, bret weinstein. this is why podcasts are becoming so popular because you're hearing from real people who've done real things, they are not talking heads or activists or people with an agenda, but if you talk about toxic masculinity on tv, you will be fine because you've got to field 2 minutes. but if you go on a show like that and post that stuff, you're not going to last because podcasts two hours long, three hours long, you're dealing with the real world.
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a >> harold: that's because i don't go on podcasts because it exposes an indian in 2 minutes. >> greg: and to your case i'd never sent you on a podcast. >> dana: i think the market has decided, it's a huge success. a budweiser, you think they'd been a part of dylan mullaney's group or product placement on yellowstone. that's a much better investment if they decided to do that. president trump had a great line saying you won't have time for retribution, but success in the second term would be retribution. i would say it's the same for people dealing with toxic masculinity and taylor sheridan who is told he didn't like the roles he was being given and then you have to write your own and he did and beat holly went at own game. >> harold: what do you think i'm a judge? >> judge jeanine: i think taylor sheridan is phenomenal. i watched when he's done recently. at the guy hit a chord. i think americans like
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masculinity, they like femininity. but the left all of a sudden there's no alpha. if you have to be one or the other and if we don't like your this we hate you. if you're this you're a bigot. if people don't respond the way they are with all the craziness. it's all about language, semantics. they change the words and they forget there's certain things in our dna, men are wired to be providers, defenders, that doesn't mean i can't defend somebody. and it doesn't mean that -- l look, i raised a son. i'm so proud of him. he's handsome, he's masculine, but he's kind, he's respectful of women. stop with this year or one or the other. if we are humans. >> harold: y you are raising young kids, how do you feel about this? >> jesse: we bring in foreign workers to do high tech jobs and the foreign workers to do low
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tech stuff. a young american workers got squeezed and their stiff competition and some of them chose not to compete. some of them chose to say, you know what? i'm going to compete by using my identity then work ethic. a lot of managers said sure, we will hire you because of your identity and they started promoting them because of the identity because they're afraid of litigation. all the people started moving up in the world and they started to think, i'm going to identify but what i'm not. i'm not christian, i'm not white, i'm not a hard worker, and they started demonizing all those things. they blew up all the corporations and now the corporations are getting rid of the gei and we are going back to what makes america great which is white privilege. >> harold: i'll trade you are black privilege your white privilege. >> greg: is this guy dating a tight end for the kansas city chiefs? >> harold: eating mocked for
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>> greg: trying not to get burned by a candle controversy, holding a staged photo op with the senate success are acting like she's nothing but the blood of a joke. it's important that she ruthlessly tried to snuff out the guys candle dreams. kamala created her own jazzman sent with her official seal. everybody one of their own version, but kamala refused anybody to use the aroma. this is interesting and, jesse, impeachable. >> jesse: this is what she's doing! she's selling mary kay cosmetick cadillac. at this is the vp making cosmetics? when >> jesse: when you visit the president or vice president, they give you a momentum, that'l this is. i don't want to share my sent either. a >> greg: what's your sent? >> jesse: didn't i give you a scented candle? it should be in your office
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right now. i'm into scented soaps. someone sent me scented soaps. if you put them in the bathroom the whole bathroom smells nice. i just found that out. >> greg: harold, you said in the break that i wonder if her candle smells like failure. [laughter] wow, harold. what did she do to you? >> harold: i don't recall saying that. it must be some candle. >> judge jeanine: you've never smelled that candle. a >> harold: it must be some candle. a >> greg: day now, it must be good she's lighting something behind a joint. >> dana: she's got a side hustle, it shows how on important the presidency is. it's not like -- you could have a candle called impeach mint. >> greg: meant. give me your two scents.
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>> judge jeanine: at least she's doing something, i can figure out what she's doing for two or three years. >> greg: she's burning the candle at no ends. >> jesse: your very prepared. a >> greg: i came up with that now, i did! all right, thank you. "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card.
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i love your dress. oh thanks! i splurged a little because liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds. that's great. i know, right? i've been telling everyone. baby: liberty. did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”?
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baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ >> dana: time now for "one more" check out pigs and goat. they escaped from the house and wandered around the suburban neighborhood until the cops said you got to go back home. they don't like home apparently. the very next day they can it again. nobody know what is is going to happen except in the future we could find out. also, d.c. based correspondent mark meredith and greg, you are
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next. >> greg: tonight, we have got the vivek town hall not a normal town hall because it's not a hall. anyway, we have heather zumarraga, jamie his saw, vivek ramaswamy, kat timpf tyrus. a part two of vivek tomorrow and let's do this. greg's animal facts you probably didn't need to know moving around small bladder i got to pee much like this otter. do you know they do a funny little dance before they urinate. that's how you know an otter has to pee. this is in tang nic can a wildlife park in kansas two-step dance river otters do otters are adorable. >> judge jeanine: peeing before?
3:00 pm
>> judge jeanine: time for judge's sweet tooth. got to change this one. okay. say goodbye to a fan favorite. fruit striped gum. candy company has announced they will be discontinuing this iconic gum featuring the zebra. even though the tastes only lasts about 30 seconds. its memory will stick around forever. and it is lining my gut because i always swallow the gum. >> harold: 24 seasons with the new england patriots coach belichick great partnerships in sports. one of the great protagonists and dynasties in sports. congrats to mr. belichick and mr. kraft. >> jesse: kevin knee land at 8:00 eastern, there he is, everybody. kevin kneeland. >> ask him to do my show. >> dana: that's it for us. have great night, everybody. hey, bret kevin,


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