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tv   Gutfeld  FOX News  January 11, 2024 7:00pm-8:00pm PST

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take a look. >> every aspect of that ending the covid outbreak in 30 days has some aspect of it of physical separation. whether that's avoiding crowds, whether that staying 6 feet away from people, whether it's doing teleworking. all of that does that. all of the most important tools, avoid crowded places. 6-foot distance. maintain that. i believe and i think there is good enough data to say that aerosol transmission does occur. by aerosol, make sure you know what we are talking about. generally if you have droplets that come out of a person, they generally go down within 6 feet. so if you are fixed feet distance and wearing a mask you don't worry about that. >> unbelievable. that's all the time we have left this evening. set your dvr and never miss an episode. greg gutfeld will put a smile on your face.
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yes! yes! i know! all right, all right. stop it, stop it. happy thursday everyone. you know it seems silly now but once upon a time america trusted anthony fauci. during the pandemic we were all scared and confused. dr. fauci was a comforting voice of calm and reason. some believed a man of his stature might even lead them to a pot of gold. but according to his testimony this week before the official select subcommittee on the covid pendant pandemic the dwarf known as dock copped to the following admissions. the 6-foot social distancing rule had no basis in science. the lab leak isn't just a conspiracy theory. vaccine mandate and travel bands were a mistake.
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and that's after previously saying the lockdowns weren't his fault. so what exactly did he get right? that the media will believe anything if it comes from a toadstool in a lab coat? kudos to chairman brad for holding the tiny hooves to the fire and refraining from throwing him out a window. let's start with the social distancing and six-foot rules. it was so specific. it had to be the perfectly calibrated space to keep the virus from spreading, didn't it? why 6 feet? why not 5 or 7? nobody seemed to know. about she said we had to do it so everybody did it. it was like an adult version of simon says that ends up killing everyone but simon. it wasn't a suggestion, either. or even this very show had to do it. other talkshows followed suit. to this day jimmy kimmel's show maintains a healthy distance from comedy.
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but we followed the rules for a time until we had enough. if you dared speak up you were tasked to gated by the comfortably isolated. howard stern dramatically said as he camped out in his multimillion dollar hamptons compound for years. he went from the king of all media to a muppet of misinformation. it's sad. remember when arnold schwarzenegger told you to screw your freedom? in his defense may be his assumed freedom is the name of your made. but this week vouching finally admitted social distancing was not based on any data. according to found she the six-foot rule, and this is a direct quote, just sort of appeared. just sort of appeared. how do something just sort of a. did it come to him in a dream? was he playing with his ouija board? did he drunk order a bunch of
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keep away signs on amazon? sounds like vouching was less of a scientist and more of a magician making our rights and freedoms disappear all pulling the social distancing [ bleep ] out of his ass. then came the lockdowns. everybody lives were upended. the nba, nascar, kentucky derby and even the wnba canceled games. not that anyone noticed. broadway shut down. museums were closed. disney world even closed. i didn't mind. i wouldn't be able to ride the attractions anyway. and of course hollywood halted production. that might have been the only good thing to come from the lockdown. fewer movie starring alec baldwin actually saved the lives. on the other hand, we had to suffer through like this.
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>> imagine all the people living for today. >> forced imprisonment is a great time for the rich and famous to shore poor people your mansion. ivan cringe that hard since my mom made me shave her mustache. perhaps the worst of all, social distancing gave power to all sorts of people who shouldn't have power. suddenly every little tinpot fascist in every neighborhood who is dictating where you could stand and where you couldn't. it created little hitler's everywhere. the most annoying person you knew could order you around like a fussy coworker or a stupid neighbor. maybe you've got in an elevator and of lady wearing three mask immediately got up because she needed it to herself. maybe you are in line at the bank and were standing on the stupid social distancing sticker
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and you get yelled at by the teller behind the plexiglass. maybe you sneezed on an airplane and the guy across the iron looked at you like you are al qaeda making your way to the cockpit. the unnecessary six-foot rule indulged the worst in humanity. and then there were the kids that couldn't go to school. of course they couldn't go out and play. the california authorities actually filled out skate parks with tons of sand. too bad they didn't put the politicians in their first. now we've got an entire generation that is so intellectually stunted they can only get into harvard as its president. yeah! they show up for interviews late. they have no social skills and make less eye contact than stevie wonder. but it was all worth it because of the science, right? no. more like science fiction. which brings us to the biggest
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lie of all. vouching finally admitted the lab leak isn't a conspiracy theory. that revelation had me look up what vouching means in italian. it means lying two-faced son of a. the little [ bleep ] called the lab leak molecularly impossible. >> it was not only sars covid 2, it would be molecularly impossible for them to turn it into sars covid 2. >> what did he say? for years about she sat in front of any camera with a red light on and said whatever he thought he had to say even if it wasn't true. he wasn't the only one who needs to be held accountable. it starts with his pointy little head but it was every covid extreme it who had the hots for violating our rights. i would name them but we would preempt "fox & friends" and kill
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me would kill himself. maybe we should. >> i like him. >> we should put all of them in front of a committee so i can ask one question. where is the apology for treating fellow citizens like murderers, outcasts and criminals because they dared ask questions? those same people say they were just following orders. we know the truth. remember when vouching said we couldn't question him because he is the science? that was a lie. he was never the science. but he should be history. >> instead of fan mail, he gets cards. actor and comedian jamie litzau. she knows bulls and bears like i know ingrown hairs. financial analyst heather. she looks like a pinup but can't do a chinup. new york times best-selling
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author kat timpf. and he serves his knuckle sandwiches with a side of punch. new york times best-selling author, comedian and former nwa champion, tyrus. jamie, it's weird. even after covid your family preferred to social distance from you. >> that's true. that's why i like that one clip. >> somebody clapped extra hard. us it might be your ex-wife. spin ekpe for that reason i did like social distancing. finally i know why people are staying 6 feet away. he lied to us and we took it seriously. we changed our lives because of what he said. when i was married we would social distance and do it during sex which was when i was out of town.
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do you know how you mentioned schwarzenegger briefly asked do you know how they figured out he slept with the made? she came over and brought her kid. she was vacuuming and the kid picked up the couch and she vacuumed under it. did you read that? i'm sorry. did you read that they said in this interview vouching said he did not recall over 100 times pertinent facts about covid. there is only 99 pertinent facts about covid. maybe he's not the man for the job. i wouldn't have been the arby's superstar i was if i didn't know 100 things about roast beef. i also hate that even with all this, this is not the first time we heard he was wrong. these things have infiltrated our lives and are not going anywhere. we go to hotels and they are not cleaning the rooms because of covid. this is in our lives now. not like a pre-madonna, but sometimes i walk around the room and say i don't want to make the
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bed. i have to flush the toilet? it's true. >> we have no water in the room. you should reuse your towels. what did it do to businesses? what did it due to customer service? it created unnecessary animosity and anxiety. you are the business expert. tell me, for god sake, tell me. >> we had massive shutdowns across the country. some of that was partially imposed from the federal government standpoint. that's why you saw the mass exodus across the board from states like new york and california to states like florida. i didn't go there because of covid but i was happy to be there during covid. we were the only state, one of the only states open. i think texas fared well also. some businesses will never come back because of that. what's really interesting is that it was a big conspiracy
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theory in march 2020 that it leaked from a lab in wuhan. but in private doors he is now saying it is not a conspiracy theory. really? it's not a conspiracy theory? where were you the past three years? >> a lot of people were calling people crazy and that it was dangerous and also racist. it wasn't racist to blame it on wet market in china which is a cultural thing. it's not racist to blame their culture. but if you blame a lab, that is racist. kat, how many times did you run into these people, the people that would give you the look if you weren't wearing a mask? this happened at fox. i would get into an elevator and somebody would get out. i was used to that, but you? it started in the late 90s.
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>> it literally happened yesterday. >> it is so wild. the social distancing thing was treated so seriously. it was literally treated like life or death. >> and outside too. >> if you didn't listen to it you were a murderer, right? for him to say that it just kind of came from nowhere, it just kind of appeared to. you need to have more evidence of something if you are going to bring it up when you are gossiping at brunch. because if you say bob and lise are having an affair. what is everyone going to say? how do you know? how is there a more rigorous screening process for information among any random group of drunken house wives than there is at the highest levels of our government? >> are they really having an affair? >> we will talk about it. >> tyrus, did you notice there are no covid movies?
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>> nobody wants a covid movie. we all lived that movie. >> that's true. but we have 100 water. >> you didn't live watergate. >> it feels take me moving from my bed to the couch to the bed. >> has anyone ever been surprise attacked with lysol spray because they looked out the window? taking out the trash was an outfit change. i'm going to take out the trash. based on a lie, i had to work from home. how many notes on the screen. help me, greg? she is trying to kill me. one time when we were filming our show trying to get emmys before we knew we weren't getting enemies. she made me open pickles on national tv. here, openness. i am working. this is what i went through. now he is willing to say that covid-19 leaked from a lab? no kidding.
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>> we must move on. a town hall with vivek to keep you awake. when moderate to severe ulcerative colitis takes you off course. put it in check with rinvoq, a once-daily pill. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief... lasting steroid-free remission... ...and the chance to visibly repair the colon lining. check, check, and check. rinvoq can lower your ability to fight infections, including tb. serious infections and blood clots, some fatal; cancers, including lymphoma and skin cancer; death, heart attack, stroke, and tears in the stomach or intestines occurred.
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welcome to the inaugural gutfeld town how. tonight we are joined by an audience from the eastern state correctional facility. >> greg, greg, greg, greg!
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>> greg. as well as the youth group from around the world. i will be home soon. of course, my old roommate steve , the creepy magician. take that, special report. tonight's guests has notable moments on the campaign trail and specifically how he dealt with the media. >> do condone white supremacy looks. >> who are you with? look at me. of course i condemn any form of vicious racial discrimination in this country. >> you didn't say you condemn white supremacy? >> i will night recite some catechism for you.
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i'm not pledging allegiance to your new religion of modern woke -ism which fits the test. i will not bend to your religion. i'm sorry. do i condemn vicious discrimination? yes, i do. will iplayer silly game? i will not. >> well played. please welcome back to the show gop presidential candidate vivek so we've got some questions for you from viewers all over the world. the first is from tony. what's the most important problem that you fix and how will you do it? >> shut down the deep state. the people who we elect to run the government should wants again be the ones who actually run the government. i don't think that's too much to ask it is not the way things work in the united states of america today. as soon as i get in there and i have been a ceo.
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i know somebody works for you and you can't fire them that means they don't work for them. i will fire 75% of the bureaucrats. i will shut down government agencies that shouldn't exist. eight year term limits for all the democrats. zero-based budgeting. that's how you actually drain the swamp. that's how you've got the deep state. if there is one more that a wage it's not going to be some pointless born more. it will be the war on our own shadow of a government and i will win. that's how i will leave the country. >> can you actually fire all those people? is that a thing a president can do? i didn't look it up. can you actually do that? >> yeah, you actually can. they told donald trump are all kinds of reasons that he couldn't. they duped him as i see it. they said there were civil service protections that stop you from firing bureaucrats. do this thing called reading the law. those civil service protections only protect against individual
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employee firings. they do not apply to mass layoffs and mass firings are absolutely what i am bringing to the d.c. bureaucracy. i do not believe in incremental reform. it doesn't work. i believe in actually shutting it down. that's how we will get the country back. >> i could actually fire my whole staff? but if i just want to fire one person i would have to fire them all. okay. >> it actually makes sense. >> it does. this guy chicken lizard. i can't believe i am saying that. if elected, what would your first executive order be wants in office? would it be on day one? >> i do have a lot of executive orders lined up for day one which are mostly resending past unconstitutional executive orders. i will give you an example of one of them. executive order 11246. lyndon johnson adopted it. it basically says if you are
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getting federal money or doing business with the federal government you have to adopt toxic racial and gender quota systems. i would eliminate that. i think we should get jobs based on merit in this country. that's part of how we get this toxic knew form of reverse racism in america. end it. the best way to stop discrimination based on race is stop discriminating on the basis of race. it's not that complicated. i push prior republican presidents and administrations on why they didn't do it. they say it's a political hill we didn't want to die on. i'm not afraid of dying on political hills park that's how we win at the top of the political hills. by standing for principal. that's an example of one of many past executive orders we will resend one by one. it will take a president who knows what he is doing to actually navigate that. >> that's the one i thought he would pick, the one from lyndon johnson. it's in my notes. dane peterson asks a pretty good
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question. to me i feel this as he does. you have lauded donald trump's presidency but said you are the better choice because moving the country forward requires fresh legs. what do you mean by that and how does it differ from what trump is offering? it's a good question because what can you do that trump can't? >> sure. i will give you an answer to that. there is a deeper thing going on that we need to talk about. i have a deeper understanding of the constitution. i'm not going to be duped when i shut down agencies and fire large numbers of bureaucrats. when i use our military on our southern border and not just build a wall. when i actually end birthright citizenship for the kids of illegals to whom it doesn't apply. the swamp gave trump all kinds of reasons why you couldn't do these things. i understand the current supreme court agrees with me 6-3. i will do it anyway. if they sue me, i'm okay going
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to the supreme court because we will win. that's part of where i am different from drum. i can reach the next generation and reunite this country. and dare i say inspire the next generation. partly because i am from the next generation. that's what i mean by fresh legs. there something deeper going on right now. this is important. we are about to fall for a trick. the system wants to effectively narrow the field down to a two horse race between donald trump and the puppet who they can control and to eliminate donald trump from contention and trot in the puppet to the white house. that's the game. hiding in plain sight and staring us in the face. i think we cannot fall into that trap. if you think the system is going to even let donald trump get anywhere near the white house, i want the people of this country to open their eyes. once you see it you cannot un- see it. i like the man because he got this fight started. but i few it as our job and my responsibility now to actually
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finish it. i'm not going to fall into the trap that they laid for us. >> do you think what they are trying to do is create a desantis haley or haley and desantis ticket? is that is what is being worked behind the scenes? >> it's not unlikely. the reality is chris christie dropping out was a footnote. they are narrowing the field. i think that nikki haley is a candidate that the mainstream media combined with the republican establishment and donor class has chosen to prop up. i thought it might be gavin newsom or joe biden. but this does a good favor for the permanent state to do it within the republican party itself so they can claim nonpartisanship but still somebody who is a reliable vessel for getting the agenda. eliminate trump, trot and the puppet who they can control. i am in this to make sure it doesn't happen. our america first agenda cannot and with donald trump. it didn't start in 2016. it started in 1776. i am in this to take this
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another 250 years forward. >> we've got to move on. we will see you tomorrow. we will have part 2 of our town hall. control yourselves, people. see you tomorrow. up next, lefties hit a new level calling from the devil. moving forward with node- positive breast cancer is overwhelming. but i never just found my way; i made it. and did all i could to prevent recurrence. verzenio reduces the risk of recurrence of hr-positive,
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the lefties flap their lips about a trump apocalypse. donald trump is sending democrats into an existential panic about the possible reality he could win the white house again. that's not saying much. they are always in a panic. will whoopi goldberg is here to say it is ours to lose. >> i'm hear to say it is ours to lose. it is this country. either you want it to work
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forward thinking or you don't. or you want somebody who says i am going to be on day one a dictator. who says that to you and tells you i'm going to put you people away and take all the journalists and all the gay folks and move you all around and disappear you. if that's the country you want, you know who to vote for. >> if trump wins he is getting rid of all the journalist and the gaze. there goes half my staff. we don't have any journalist. meantime, radio host charlamagne tha god thanks for lack of better word a [ bleep ] elected official. donald trump would be the end of democracy as we know it. cement i think president biden historically has been for lack of a better word the [ bleep ]
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elected official. but donald trump is the end of democracy as we know it. every time there is a republican candidate people say it's the end of democracy. they go on to say he's the antichrist. this is one of those times where it actually positively is true. >> but if he's the god he has no reason to fear the antichrist. i don't get it. to call trump the antichrist is excessive at least while dave matthews still walks the earth. >> why? >> former msnbc hack crews matthews warns this election will be close. it will be very close. >> this election will be close. very close in a place like pennsylvania. you will have rural people voting the craziness about the cult. you better be there to match them and be there to vote against it. i am telling you this is really
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important that you vote for your rights. >> the craziness about the cults. okay, grandpa. they are not even hiding their hatred for you anymore. it's out in the open for all to see just like hunter's wang. and obama possibly closest confidence say the president bears a close race. on the bright side is nice to see obama afraid of something besides michelle. we are still 10 months away from election day and the dams have pivoted from calling trump hitler to the antichrist. if this keeps up they will have to call trump a name that is even worse, like president. tyrus, how will trump get rid of the gays? >> he had for years to do it. now we have more. >> they keep popping up. they are clever.
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always outsmarting us. >> yes, there. evil, sneaky gays. they are everywhere. >> helping me dress appropriately. always there when i am sad. the will be thing drives me crazy. she is so protective of these liberals. this is the same group that you had to change your name to get a job. yet he is the bad guy? he proves he is not god. that's what happens when you speak your mind when you are over on the other side and they control the rights to your tv show. you have to go to the principal's office. he was talking like my son when he is in trouble. the lady said, so were you saying that biden was bad? he said i said he was bad but
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trump is way worse. he is way worse. he's a [ bleep ] elected official and he's ruining the country. but trump is, i'm going to say it, trump is bad. he's the antichrist. he was on his radio show and now he's got a tv show. they will take all that away. he had to back down because he likes his shows. he had to say that biden is bad but trump is worse. he wasn't comfortable saying that. look at his body language. that's uncomfortable. he made a choice to where he folded because he has seen the results of being canceled. he went on cnn and z biden is a bad president. it would be charmaine the ghost because we would never see him again. >> how can people not see that they are victims of a hysteria? they can step out and say i am being completely idiotic right now. he's not the antichrist. he's not hitler. what is it about that?
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>> what is so interesting that charlemagne child called trump the antichrist. but he's also been willing several times to criticize biden. what is literally everybody else's excuse? you play that clip and he is one of the more levelheaded people out there. if you watch of the view as a great example. have they ever said anything critical about biden? maybe i missed it. usually it's this over-the-top, unhinged criticisms of trump. people view any criticism of biden as somehow helping trump. charlemagne was right. you can say that over and over again and it really does lose some of its luster. i feel like someone calling someone the antichrist would have been a bigger deal in the past. people are saying they are doing it again. a lot of people have tuned it out. actually more than that. people don't want to hear any criticism of trump because
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people have already lost their credibility. a huge letdown to the american people. there was a usa poll that had people aren't enthusiastic about voting for biden the second time around if you voted for him in 2020. you are not as enthusiastic. no kidding. the only thing he's excited about is maybe going to sleep, going to the bathroom. a huge letdown. open orders and numerous wars across the world. still, the economy. we have inflation data this morning. i know you love it when i talk about the economy. the inflation data confirmed food costs are still up. your rent is still sky high. and gas prices are still off the charts right now. the american people know that. the democrats biggest bet is not in favor of biden. it's against trump. >> joe biden is excited to go to sleep but even more surprised when he wakes up.
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>> so is dr. jill. >> jamie, you must sympathize with trump often being called names unfairly. >> i do sympathize with that. i don't think we should attack biden for being excited to go to sleep or to the bathroom. i can't wait to do those things. can i just be the one to say that whoopee looks like she is getting a haircut when the power went out? what i don't get is they say if trump is president is the end of democracy as we know it. what he was president and it's not. it hasn't been. that's not true. he was president and everything was fine. he could be president again. i didn't like the terminology will be used. she said that trump was going to disappear.
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who teaches her grammar? tony soprano? did you know that disappear gays was the original siegfried and roy vega show? >> on that note, we shall take a break. coming up local news that is not a snooze. so much more hydrated. it's olay! with olay hyaluronic body wash 95% of women had visibly-better skin. and my skin is so much more moisturized. see the difference with olay.
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coast to coast with stories that matter most. you are watching local news with kelly crystal kelly replacing van janssen who died. and now, here's kelly. hi i am kelly crystal kelly. it's local news where every guest will share where they are from. jamie what is going on in alaska? >> in alaska they have approved using $50 million to put some
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public restrooms in alaska because we don't have a lot of them. we have the bad ones. it's basically like a hole. you know what i mean? they are not good. i'm excited they are improving these ford taurus. it's because the old ones in and emergency i had to use win. as i was leaving my said don't leave me. it's so dark in here. i'm excited they are doing it. normally port-a-potties you have been in one and it's better to go to the bathroom behind the port-a-potty. i'm actually happy they are doing it. >> i am happy for you. heather? >> yes. my pitch to me wasn't my idea. off loads more than 32 million in illegal narcotics. the crew of coast guard cutter
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offloaded 250 pounds of cocaine off the coast of miami. they seize the illegal drugs in international watters in the caribbean sea. six smugglers were apprehended and face prosecution from the doj. if you see a picture of the amount of cocaine that they seized, how it was wrapped and packaged. if i had $32 million worth of drugs we are trying to hide, conceal and transport i think you can come up with a better way. it looks like a pile of trash, a mountain of trash. no wonder they got caught. >> i am confused why you had to say it was pitched to you. you are allowed to read a story about cocaine. you are not illegal. >> was there an address of where the cocaine was being held? >> they are waiting for the coast guard. a big win for south beach. spent just to be clear i am the one journalist on greg's staff. >> and not gay.
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>> i want to do investigative reporting. mind is awesome. the question in fenway park. someone was playing a videogame on the big titan screen. the question was, why would someone do that? why would they not? back to you. >> greg, this panda. >> wait, i don't get this. >> fenway park, someone hooked up their xbox and people had the nerve to ask why. that is my dream. to slay in center field and play on the xbox. that's the greatest ever. the question was why. i refuse to participate because the next question after that is due i support white supremacy? >> greg doesn't understand sports or video games. >> even greg would want the play on the big tron. >> that's a great story.
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the panda? san francisco may get a panda from china after 40 years of not having a panda. the mayor wrote a letter to china and asked for a panda. why would you do this to a panda? why do you hate pandas so much? doesn't san francisco have enough bears? >> i don't get the panda thing. you have to make them have sex. you do have to make them have sex. >> they don't like doing it in front of creepy zookeepers. >> imagine you have to get up and get them to bang. >> the pandas say no means no. we will leave it there. up next, did of baby get dislodged by a whole in the fuselage? who is on
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>> faa don't hold your babies. jamie federal officials warning parents not to put infants in their laps while the door plug flew out midair and the fear is
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that a baby could get sucked out of a baby mom's arms. all these planes are being ground and they changed emergency exit briefing and now they go good afternoon thrill seekers. in case of emergency you may get sucked out. they do say there's more leg room in those rows. that's true. my flight to gutfield got cancelled and i switched my flight to frontier which was scary but i did it and i don't know if you ever flew it but it's a cheap flight and everything is extra. they are like the flight is $100 and that's cheap and then they go, do you want to sit down?
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>> you support babies getting sucked out of planes. i thought that was an interesting perspective. >> only if they are really loud. that guy too. no it's crazy. you know to be like, you can't expect the doors won't fall off. you know how expensive a plane ticket. they should at least guarantee you can stay on the whole ride. >> exactly. heather? why isn't there an airlines just devoted to baby? >> i wouldn't want to be on it. somebody has to over see the babies. babysitter. >> people would be paid to do that. i thought you were a business expert. >> not with babies. i took a baby once on an airplane and never again. i said i'm sorry we're not flying again. >> was that when you were a kidnapper? >> no she's my baby.
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they say you should strap a baby in a car seat and buy an extra ticket. between your purses and the rolling duffel bag and a baby i'm not also carrying a car seat on a plane. >> this is a great reason not to travel with your kids. >> or is it? anything else at this point is not worth it. >> don't go away. we'lril be right nice. >>cl how's that for quick. it's one more step towards taking charge of your health. so every day, you can say, ♪ youuu did it! ♪ with centrum silver.
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8:00 pm
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