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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 11, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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>> sweet tooth. you've got to change this one. okay. >> say good bye to a fan favorite food drive girl ferrara candy company has announced that they will be discontinuing this iconic gum featuring the ice zebra, even though a taste for the taste only lasts about 30 seconds. >> its memory will stick around forever. and it is lining my gut because i always swallow the gum out of an era. >> 24 seasons with the new england patriots coach belichick is leaving when the great partnerships in sports, one of the great protagonists in when the great dynasties in all of sports. congrats to bill belichick and congrats and this the kraft jesse watters what's happening tonight on prime time. >> all right. so tonight we have kevin nealon at 8:00 eastern. >> there he is, everybody. >> kevin nealon i going to do my show, will funny guy. all right. wellto help , all of us have a . night. news a >> fox news alert.d the u.s. and the britishis
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have just launched a joint attack against iranian backed houthi rebelainss in yemen. has >> trey inkster is in tel avivas with the latest track. avi >> yeah. hey, jesse, good evening. thisv.>> is breaking news. the united states and the united kingdom have launchee unites and ud aron strikes against houthi rebels in yemen. lows this follows a series of attacks against commercial shipping vessels a since mid-october. around 27, according to ou r sources. and also amid red lines that were drawn by the. united states and ultimately crossed by those iran backed houthi crosss, launching new ats not just against the red sea, but againsst t israel.israel >> back on october 17th, the houthis starte. d their participation in the israel-hamas war. y arted thremember both hamas wr and hezbollah on israel's northern borde.r and, of course, the houthis in yemen, all backed by iran. thise is all linkedected an and connected, and it comes amid concern across the regiondt that things are escalating to a much broader regional conflictnr
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. we understand tonight israeli officials are on high alert, fearingconfli retaliatioa the houthis. and we are also learning, accordinn accordg to one u.s. de official, that in these strikes that took place tonight, jesse,t the united states and the united kingdom targeted radar systemesnited kis, storage facilities and also launch sites for cruise and ballistic missiles. >> jesse, thanks so much. >> now, as everyone's well aware by the secretary of defense is in the hospital and president biden hasn't beeen seen for three days. >> let's go to white house correspondent peter doocy . peter and jesse, it's like trey las just talking about thesepet. attacks in the red sea launched by the iran backed houthis peop been goinung on for weeks and people around here have been asking what's taken so long whg to respond. but we have learned over the last three plus years president bided over tt n is a y deliberative leader and he doesn't want to get u.s. troops too involved in foreign conflict ts. hav
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we've seen that with the way he's dealt with iran, rather, with ukraine. >> and we have seen that with the way that he withdrew from hen. ista he says that this was his order. and in a written statement, he says the following today's defensive action follows this extensive diplomatic campaign. and houthi rebel extensis escalg attacks against commercial vessels. these targeted strikess ag are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not toleratted nd oure atts on our personnel or allow tole to imperil freedom of navigation. in one of the world's most critical commercial routes. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce l commeras necessary. hou >> and. a few hours ago here at the white house, john kirby issuedsb what turned out to be the final warning against the houthis. we're going to do what we have to do to to to counter and defeat these threats that the houthis keep throwing up on commercial shippin huggey nee in the red sea. the houthis need to stop these attacks and that they will beadr
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the consequences for any failure to do so. >> and that's what we're seeing tonighurt. the administration did spend some time getting international partners involved tonight. they worked alongside british military aircraft, but they also had help from australia, the netherlands, bahrain and canada. >> and remember, this administrationd removed the official terrorist tag from the houthis because they wereas worried a couple of years ago it was preventing humanitarian aid from getting prevent into y. >> so these strikes are against an adversarial group. a there isn't any eyes of there state department officiallyy a terrorist group. and again, we have noa ou indication that president biden plans to speak on camera about this tonight. we last saw him on camera late monday, but we did get that written statement and there's a lot of info in there. t antherjesse. p all right, peter, thank you soet much and may bring you back if we have vide bo released by the doj. but political campaigns are traditionall videoy staged at rallies, town halls, even small town diner s, local politicking where the candidate shakes hands, kisses babiers.s
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and persuades voters. not thisear. year. biden's campaign's called a lid because why campaign lbecaus why you're arresting your rival, donald trump. in court todayou facingy a financial assassination attempt, the forme r president asked the judge duty to delay closing arguments so he could mourn the passing of melania's mother. >> judge judy said no and barred him from making a closing argument. mothseems totally fair. trump's tormentor, new york attorney general letitia james, was all smiles. she brought a case that's neverh been tried in new york's 40000 year history. no jury, no victim, and the defendant wasn't allowedallo to speak. >> i wonder where a case like came from. >> it's a witch hunt in the >> i. sense of the word it's election interference. and it just came out. i justd was just write down letitia james visit to joe biden injame the white house numerous times during the trume p witch hunt.
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it's all a conspiracy to try and get biden. you can't puo get two sentences together trying to get him into office. that just broke. the white house has now confirmed the prime time house. >> letitia james visited the white house not once, not twicese, three times before shee aned the presidente while she was suing the president and then wants to see kamala. t but it's not just letitia james in new york with the conspiracy issue with biden. >> we're learning that district attorney fani willis in georgia also visited the white house, partied with kamala and othersyh . and the week after they gigli, awakened, you know, the grandd jury's working for a woman recommended charges against donald trump.t >> you know, fannie, the d.a. who appointed the man she wasoy diddling, the prosecute trump lover boy had never triede a felony. >> so fannie handed him almost $1,000,000 in taxpayer cash and said, go get himn . t >> and loverboy took the cash and then took fannie on steamyeh
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caribbean cruises. >> fanny's lover boy also conspiringy with the white conp house, holding long meetings with the white house counselirgi even billing them. >> and when fannie wasn't getting kickbacks and colluding with biden's white house, shee wa had adamm schiff on speed dial. fannie was working with adam6th schiff in the january 6th caseca to build the georgia prosecutiod thn. you remember the january six committee that banned republican ats from joining and then destroyed all the evidence they collected. >>ng and it's almost as if biden's c running the trump prosecutions from the white house. >> but legal issues, every one of them. everyone's civil and the criminal ones are all set upp by joe biden, crooked joe biden. every time somebody sees me in court, remember joe biden and his thugs that surround him? >> did i thugs tht all cases against agan trump brought after he announcedst all cases brought by democrat prosecutors. but biden insists his political rival is being prosecuted independentliny. r
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>> i have never once, onceond te who can suggest that? you just wonder what they should d whao or not do to brin. the charge? another outrage charge. i'm honest now, when you have to insist you're honest, you're lying t. i have kids. trust me, every single one oflee trump's prosecutions leads directly back to biden. it's political lawfare, and biden is the general. itbut the media says biden is clean and trump wants to be nailed to the cross. >> listen. there is ns o campaign withoutt the court. a he has made this these legal issues, all the charges, the indictments, aign b the centerpiece of his campaign, because he doesn't want to be talkingect b about policy. >> it's got to be part of the campaign. e pa he is portraying himself as the victim, the victim of a witch huntvictnt, a victim of politic persecution by joe biden. >> all lieoes. s na
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it's part of this this this narrative. he builds around himself where he's like a christlike figure es a martyr. >> what politician doesn't love being mug shotse: what at and fs of felonies? i'm surprised all candidates haven't tried to get arrested so they don't have to fly to iowa. >> it's called. t but in between kangaroo court hearings, trump's flying to iow trua at last night's fox town hall. >> i expected the president to be fuming. >> biden judges are accusing hi m of having an assassination fetish. >> i'd expect he'd want retributioofn. >> he doesn't. i'm not going to have time for retribution. we're going to make this country so successful again. i'm not going to have time for >> i wretribution. member and remember this, our ultimatei retribution is success. >> it's a great answer. bus success.but maybe we can fir a little retribution, maybe make time for me. for us in the media said trumpit likes trial by courtroom so he doesn't have to talk policy
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ic . >> but last night he talked policy for the whole hour. y r thbiden drove up the cost of energy. >> that's what caused inflation. but it's als o and thao what can to become rich enough to go and prosecute a war. >> by the way, iran was broke. iran was broke. >> i said to china, if you buy l oil from iran, you're not dealing in here. energyom is so's s >> it's so it's such a bigu ma deal that when energy goes out, if you make donuts, if you make or, if you anything you do, you have trucks that deliver your product. >> you have to heatt your stoves, your ovens, anythingur you do, it's ally. energy. >> they should vote for me because i'm going to cut their energy price in half.erene >> that's the difference theg hi the trump and th biden campaign. trump's making his campaign about yo u and biden's making his campaign about trump. becaus he has to because he can't run recois record. >> i took in $400 billion in tariffs and taxes from china
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,and one of the reasons china is not doing so well today is because of those tariffthey n >> and biden wants to cut them. you don't get paid off by china. have to also ve hhe wants to help the people. >> they gave him a lot of money, but he is a manchurian candidate in the truest sense. >> he got money from china. he got money from russia. candwhat's really going on here is this. biden is trying to kee p trump in court so he can't talk about policy because trump's policies are popular. >> they brought us peace and prosperity. ru >> he wants to keep trump in court so he can't talk e biden bribery scandal. he wants to keep trump in court so that trump talks about trump. so as longrt s as trump talks elout biden policy and you, this election is a lock. crime time. >> allen is the host of dear america podcast and a turning whatt usa contributou.s.a.r. he joins me now. what do you think about last night's town hall? tho >> i thought president trump killed it. president trump is, in fact,
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the people's president. i truly believe that he's got this presidential candidacy in lock. >> it's a it's a shame what'sa goinshaming on between everybody trying to run againstou president trump in the first place. >> and to your point earlier, president trump is having presaving to e in the courtroom unfairly. it is the most mock nefarious, i evil things that are happening a to the president, but it's makin making the president even more popular and eve nan peo more unstoppable because american people, people with an actualpld pulse, not mouthhersc breathers, can actually see what is going on heran in we see the evil in the cou corruption in our country. we seentry and the the america e being torn apart by these evilui swamp creatures in dc that are affecting and militarizing and politicizing the justice department where there needs to take out their biggest political foe. >> donal d trump is doinging. the right thing. he is making the focus about us. we bout the people. because somewhere along the way we forgot that we, the peopl e
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actually have all the power. >> you're right. but he has to stay : you disciplined. >> graham and sometimes he gets into the un being persecuted because he is i'm being prosecuted because he is. want >> and that's what biden wants. biden wants him to talk heout himself. >> he wants donald trump to talk about the past. donalhe doesn't want donald trt talk about the voters, doesn't want him to talkrump about theeu bribery or any of the great policies that he put in place that made thismade country so successful. >> it's going to take a lot ony on message. >> do you think he'll be able i to pull it off? i thin think he'llk he'll be abl it off. i mean, trump's going to be trump. i mean, any human y human beinga miracle that he's able to keep the composure that he's keepinen right now. >> i think he'll have his moments where trump is going to b where te trump. but that's also what people love about trump. i think last night showeimdknow that at the end of the day, he knows what it takes to be the president. he knows what it takes to be, in my opinion, one of the greatest president
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s that we've ever had. >> and i think he's ready to be 47. all right. 4he seemed very relaxed last night. >> it was probably because of brad baer's charming persona, but who knows? >> graham, thank's you. y >> thank you. ahead, johnn.y goes to brooklyn. who do you wano yot to win the 4 election? joe biden or donald trump? trump. right. that citp ory. mp that's right. i said come to my seminar. you'll be saying, wow, don't you really want to know? hey there. i'm dennis miller. glad to see my new three part series, the informer that sold us to you and nostalgic for the time when informed commercials ruled the airwaves. you'll also get interviews with all of these stars. the first you've got sign up for fox nation operators. they aren't standing by. what is this? 1995 dark misty infomercials that sold us? >> subscribe to fox nation today.
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go to hotel collection .com and start your scenting journey today. >> oh it's been a busy week for president biden. monday he got heckled at a got black church in south carolina on tuesday. >> he didn't do anything. then on wednesday, he had lunch with kamalmonday an tua, calledt for today. he didamal nothing and called at at six. >> so for the last three days,
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the only thing the president had on his schedule was a lunci> tuesday, wednesday, thursday. >> none of his constituents have seen him doing anything. he decided that thee american are best served by seeing less of the presidentc is active. the president is doingtive whath needs to do to deliver for the american people and will continue to dpl o that. binder talks about the president like he's in a nursing home. he lives>> hlk an active lifest. do you think the whiten acti house would put kamala when biden's in bed all day? >> but she's been mia, too, although she wrote an op ed this week, quote, everyone'sa mad at lloyd austin, but i died three weeks ago and not one care is. kidding. of course, the biden-harris campaign isn't campaigning. they're making their husbands and wives campaignbu for them separately. >> of course, we know themmeappens when the doctor and the second gentleman are left to their own devices. >> they say they'l l give fresh.they >> did four separate biden for president events today? n even
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we couldn't find any evidence of it because apparently it wats all on zoom. >> dr. jill went on msnb cs la to say her husband's notzy as lazy as he looks. what do you think when you hear that people say, well, i just i can' for joe biden thiss it election? what is it that they may not know about him? i think what people don't see is how hard joe works every single day that he gets upn do thinking what he can do for ame the americanrica people. and he does that, you know, his job doesn't end when we just have dinner together at 7:00. rs >> the first lady insists the president doesn't fall asleep after dinne r. he right. he doesn't have to work hard because reporters, judges and prosecutors are working for him. keeping trump in cordoned off the ballot. dr. jill doesn't see anythin ofh wrong with arresting your political opponent four times. >> it's the name arres calling that gets to her. >> what do you think when you hear trump republicatoher.n
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is calling biden the crime family o pr add one congresswoman? the biden crime family sol.d out america. marjorie taylor greene. he's a liar. he's mentall out ame.y incompet >> we would never see things like that, say, ten years ago. >> this is going to be sago different than any races that you and your husband have run. yeah, that's a little scary. >> it is a little scary. maybe dr. jill hasn't trump's been called a serial killer? >> i think mika called him that twice just yesterday. >> also apparently asking, r an hunter, to show up for a deposition is cruel and unusual punishment. how have you been coping personally with the onslaughtu e of accusations against your husband and your familyen, including and especially hunter mika? i think what theily any are doig to hunter is cruel and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life after
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addiction. you know, i'm i love my son and it's had it's hurt my grandchildren. hunter called dr. jill the c-word and he's destroyingf her husband's presidency, but she's proud of him. >> i don't understand this. family. >> what's cruel is jill forcin g joe to run for reelection. what's cruel is joe forcing hunter to fly around the world for bribes when he should be in rehab. >> what's crue bl is hunterb. raiding his kids college funds for crack money. you can tell the bidens are falling apart because hunterraidinkid' is making a doy about his downfall. biden hasn't bee in seen in thre days. and the white house is playinge the first lady's sympathy card on the base. >> msnbc . >> and there's still a lot of doubters out there watching msnbc to mika, to those who say, i can't vote for joe biden. >> he's too old. for what do you say? i say his age is an asset. >> ha is wise. yes, he's wise. he has wisdogem.
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he has experience. he knows every leader on the world stage. >> he's lived history. he knows history. the word history wisdom has nev associated with joe biden. >> pleas e, dr. jill, share wit with us the wisdom behinddo opening the border to 5 million illegals or the wisdom behind ndslapping solar panels all ove. seattle. >> the sun doesn't shine there or the wisdom behind picking kamala harris as your vice president. >> joining me now, host of the nick depaula show, nick, jo. apollo >> that was a scintillating interview. what did you learn, nick? first of all, it takes a lot of guts for jill to go to msnbc, huh? behind t lines. it takes a lot of , as they saya in brooklyn. i like how she goes. he's he knows ay is everybody. s he knows history. he knows personally. mosends and his age is an asseth his age is an asset for her because she doesn't have to have sex with him anymore.
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>> now, what's i mean, didl yo binder tell you that? >> because she usually doesn't share those typeause shes detais about the family . that's true.hi but yeah, thiss is is just simp look, i mean, as far as him being old and tired, i get a lot. full disclosure, jesse, when you sent me the topicse , i was looking at them at 4:00 on 62 and i went out lik 4:00 p.e a lr an hour and a half. i mean, you could have done a colonoscop half.y on me, man. i wouldn't have woke up. i had a string of drawing offe my mouth to the remote when. i woke up. >> and, you know, i thini think you're underestimating how much energy it takes for any 82-year-old to steal two elections in a row. >> let's82 two listen. now, apparently he's very active after 7:00. y veri mean, after 7:00, remem trump used to say up until 2 two in the morning. >> biden's up until four in the morning. you justn th don't hear about i' nick. >> how about asking your wift e and kamala asking the husband, you know, we're going to lay low for the whole week. you guyse husbano la just kind n
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fof r us.d yeah, that kind of scared me. you got jill out there? yol ouwith her fake degree and n michelle obama. that scared me even more. f she should be at football practice, you know, and she's terrified of what's going to come if trump gets elected again. and i can see why he the greatest economy ever, lowest ce unemployment. crime was down and now on the verge of world war three. joe is in a onesie right now i in a fetal position with his nightie hat on. lloyd austin is laying in a bedi somewhere with a mini mini the hubble telescope hanging out at the back of his hospital gown. who's who's working this? >> who was it? thi s?is it karine jean-pierre we have calling the shots today. >> we have a civilian controle over the military. and if you ask us to prove icil. >> sorry, we can't prove that. got to go. better watch out, houthis. >> you guys are in big trouble. hootk you much. ving
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get to bed. thanks for having me, jesse. hey,e. jesse. >> quick red back, new jersey, may 11. beautiful. all rightyth. >> i'll see you backstage. i'll see you then. bye. well, biden just gave halfion dl a million dollars to an illegal trans. why? >> the first to document covid's origin exposing human trafficking on the border. and venable from its source for daring to tell the truth. we've been censored. demonetized and attacked. we've been jailed in china. in hong kong, you've been tortured. atlanta. we were tied to a chair and bloodied in print and online. we have the courage to deliver the truth at all costs. yep. our country is your source for truth. >> discovered truth at the about times .com. now you should enjoy that and see what and you that connecting with skilled professionals to get all your
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back. welcome back, jerry nadler needs his vegetables picked. >> we need immigrants in this country. forget the fact that they need d that are vegetables would rot wd in the ground if it weren't if they weren't being picked by many immigrants, many illegal immigrants. the fact is that the birthrate in thiirthrates country is way w replacement level, did never even eat vegetables. e grea and did nadler just advocate for the great replacement theoryreplacemt theory?
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because i was told that was a racist right-wing conspiracyus . but he just said the quiet part out loud, didn'tt sa he? her we need migrants to come hereve and have more babies because we aren't mor enough. i, for one, have had four babies do my part. >> last week, america's most famous race hustler, al sharpton, declared a new national holiday. the e-i thursday. >> every thursday, al and his crew hit the streets ford pro di protests. >> and here in primeei time, we believe diversity is our strength. we're allies is . >> so we want to join sharpton in highlighting what he has done for our country. >> every thursday, the cdcn doll is giving a half a million dollars to ceciliaar blue cecilia. >> cecilia is transgender, a former and an illegal immigrant. >> cecilia was probably undocumented for a decade until she got asylum. so what's cecilia doing
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with the half a mil trans outreach barbecues, poetry slams. >> here's a taste. in the center of the frame.. >> since my new south. >>. ew they crossed between my , e, unshaven. ibl money well spent. >> and the army's missed its recruiting goal by 10,000 how soldiers. >> how'd that happen? well, white recruits are down about half. >> why don't us white guys want to enlist? >> could it be because of ads like this? it beginenlist?s in california with the little girl raised by two moms. >> i also marched for equalityo . >> i like to think that in defending freedom from an earlya age, i found a way to prove my inner strength and maybe shatters in stereotypes along the way. >> let's finisway.h. s fini the thursday's off strong, shall we? remember how that door blew ofsf
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the alaska airlines flight in midair? that was a boeing plane and boeing loves the air. >> i mean, loves. couple of years back, boeing changed their company policy. >> boeing used to give executives bonuses based on three things product safety, employee safety and qualitony. but now you get bonuses for diy and climatw e and the airlinesle are guilty, too. united says they're going to train and hire five thousand new pilots by 2030. >> half of those pilots have to be women or people of color. and here's what alaska airlines who lost their door 16,000ne feet, has been up to the last couple of years. >> watch been up , said , if you canesse get hope, you fly safelyho.
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happy thursday. >> well, since covid. c chicaghio public schools raked almost $3 billion in federal f funding. three years ago, the teachers union refused to gederal fo back to work even thoughk they got $100 million to reopen the schools. and at the time, i predicted that the money would be pocketed t atd. ed >> watch. not surprisingly, the numbers don't add up. . there's millions of dollars missing. >> i honestly think they're stealing be and i don't know how many times i have to say this. no, i should've said it more because you guessed it, 23 million bucks just went missint g. >> 70 7000 laptops, ipads and have disappeared. they found a couple. but where did the reste go? >> well, the city spent two and a half million bucks on tracking software, but it m can't track them down. also, one assistant principal was arrested for stealing a quarter million dollar ds anda school clerk was arrested for embezzling 100 and 50 grand.
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the test scores went down embe poof. andent >> what's the president t of chicago's teachernts union going to say? well, it's been reported that stacy davis gatese refuses to conduct an audit, and she won't even send her kids to publi senc. >> her son's in private. the illinois policy institute's austin berg joins us now. >> i have a feeling we're going to find a lot more missing money and laptops, aren't we? >> well, you wouldn't be surprised after we saw moren fromeactio the chicago school board was today, which was a deafening silence. and your viewers might be wondering why that is. welllenc, who appoints the schol board in chicago? that is the mayor of chicago, mayor brandoe man johnson. who does chicago mayor brandon johnson report to? well, that wouldreport be presid of the chicago teachers union, ofd his formerneen employer and indeed his largest financial backer for his campaign. and the interesting thing about the chicago teachers union is than th t they do not really care about advancing the interests of parentsn they,t
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of students, of taxpayers. they car taxe or really even teachers. they care about advancing they cr. wer soical powe so it is not surprising when those people are put in a surpn that thingso like this happen. >> so $23 million went missing and they don't want to do any more audits. they haven't >> jes done any for four years. >> the chicago teachers union, . by its own bylaws, says that it must produce an audit for itsdue members every year. and this is why i say that this union does not represent d the interests of teachers, because teachers have submitted more than a dozen formal requests to see the books of the chicago teachers uniosubs and they have been failed again and again. they have not produced an audit in four years. thtion tago teachers union is an organization that takes $35 million a year from teachershat tas , just $0.17 ofy to tar, according to illinois policy institute. research actually goes to representing teachersentativ. >> so the rest of it either gets embezzled or gets plowed back into the pockets
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of politicians. that's the game, right? administrators bezzled or p andp priorities and, yes, politics, millions and millions of dollars in politics. and we exposed all of this in our documentary locals in on, which you can actually find at chicago teachers uniou n icoy because they did not not actually purchase their name as a url with that $35 million. >> all right, savvy moveion . >> go check out the doc. thanks so much. thank you. >> comedy legend kevin nealon is next. >> it's nothing. sounds like something when yo you have nothing happened and you just realize some guy pepto-bismol coats and soothes for fast relief when you need it most. >> now it's time for news about sling tv has the same news programming you love. starting at $40 a month. it's the same news programming
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have fewer cameras, shots of taylor swift. i swear there's just more to go to. f >> sorry about that. taylor swift can't laugh for at herself. >> and then the swifties forced herecomedian to apologize. here is what hurts the most is me just supportin g taylor. her >> i support her. i love her work. there's no ill intenworkt. >> that joke, the last award show the emcee got for a wisecrack. >> remember? g >> oh. oh, wow. t sm well, skip the smack. this necklace made out to high society become so easily offended because we're so deeply insecure. self-deprecationecom is the key to comedy. >> i'm not a part of this cast. overrate d. of >> i don't even know these hav
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people. >> i really don't be honest with you. i have no connection whatsoever with this show. any more lawsuits. in fact, i have not seen lorne michaels in like four years restraining order and quite frankly, it takes everything. i have to stay up this late right now. so once again, recapnow, s. i am no longer on this show. i'm off doing bigger and better things now. >> hollywood squares, i guess you could say that.d >> i guess you could say i moved on trailer park >>d that's fair r. >> comedian and actor kevin nealon joins me noinw. n so, kevin, you really purposely accentuated the self-deprecation.. >> was that kind of the key to your success in those yearsin ? >> i think so.k m i think iland i'm still using it right now because it's what i do. >> very good. i mean, it's changed. you don't hear people do that anymore at i. abou everyone's so gentle, not only about themselves, but about othe but ar people. >> what's happening?
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>> well, i think at award shows, first of all, hosting the golden globes is a really difficult job, especially when you haveifficult ten days to pr. >> and i think that a reallyare. good jokes. i love i love the taylor swiftloved joke, but apparently she didn't love it so muce tah. didn' and i get it because, you know, she's not doing well these days. and, you know, to take anothert o ta hit like that, i get it.hi >> but, you know, i don't maybte i know she's at the game, the nfl games, but i didn't know shes didn't played football at all. so, you know, it's one of those things where i think people have to lighten up a little bit and, you knowa , even will smith, he he had a little courtesy laugh before >> jan on stage hee. right. he saw that. i mean, it's even shocking watching i: t for the 17 million time you have the history of the world in six glasses.ble it's now available on foxon f nation. here >> what's going on here? oh>> i, it's a great show. >> i hosted it with dan aykroyd and jim belushi and george wendoyd ant and jon lovitz. >> and we basically we talk about the the libations that have kind of had an effectc
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on world history. everything from coffeet and tea to wine and beer, soda and spirits. e an and each episode we talk about, we take one and we talk about it. it's -- it's interesting. and so it's a really a fun i. show. and it was fun hanging out with aykroyd to an exchanging little quips. >> were there any libations involved in snl and snl? >> yeah, there were. there were libations neary the of my run. my friends would come to the show. thisould c is how i knew it wase for me to leave. i would go out on stage, you know, oui t in the set to do a sketch, and i would still have food in my mouth from the craft servicute and i'dkingi be picking it out of my teeth. and then my friends would be ite my dressineth g room and i could almost hear the blender as they were making margaritas. yes, that's when it's time. that waser the alcohol. that's. there you go. well, kevin, we're going to be watching. any advice for me dealing with greg gutfeld? i mean, watchitalk about pain in
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. i would quit. him. >> that's what he told me to do to. yeah, that's exactlyexactl the advice he gave me. all right, kevin, we're going to check it out. fox nationk itut.. >> aykroyd, i said hi. dan i'll do that. a thank you.esse >> thank you. well, biden's sending a lot of money to the projects. are they happy? sorry. he's spending it all on chargers for electrichargec sco. he's been no chargers. many new chargers bring relie the majorityve of my patients with sensitivity. >> i see irritated gums and weak enamel sensodynework. sensitivity. gum and enamel relief gum and enamel relief sensitivity helps restore gu health and re hardens enamel. i'm a big advocate of recommending things that i know work. >> the first to document coatings origin, exposing human trafficking on the border and central from its source for
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brownsville, brooklyn, to se.e if people are stoked. >> joe biden's given this neighborhood $25 million. oh, $25 million. what the are you seven? >> usa, usa? what do you think it should be spent on the schools, the parks, the illegal immigration problem, fresh >> sch, vegetables. >> this is life. brat elevator over broken these houses dirty recreation for the kids to geation fot off the. >> well, sorry, he's spending it all so you could charge your electric scooter. >> it's got to be a joke. >> i don't like that. that's ghetto. what's he spending on charges? many new charges bring. ea >> you had to take the top of my head off a couple times. see if i had a brainle times t t you want an electric scooter?
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no. and i want school is notn' keeping me warm. scooter is barely taking you places. scootet want it.r i need the mo. that's the moment joe biden says once he consoles these charges for electric scooters, there will be less racis the ch thw does that equal less racism ? are you kidding me? there's no racism here. there's actually more raceis nos that he's doing this because it's really not helping the community. i don't see the correlation, but i also don't see the correlation between joe bide cn being president. [ bln't know who put that mother in office, but it wasn't me. >> so you don't like him? yeah. what would you rather cheaperche gas or electric scooter chargers? cheaper gar eles. why wouldn't we want cheap gas? like what would this guy with the scooters benefit? >> we don't deliver. we can't really have cheaper gas because they're trying to getthey areget mo more moneyo >> they build electric cars, cheaper gas, definitely, becaus e man drives.
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how does joe biden do? >> it is too old. i'm sorry, but everybody him sot that your book, he's sitting there lying to it soine lying people sees the worst president that we ever had. >>that w joe biden please go bak to delaware because new york city, you have no idea . >> we need he's a slimy mother. you know, he'd take you ou t of yo to lunch and stick the fork right ouurt. who do you want to win the 2024 election, joe biden or donald trump? donald trump. i want donald trump. chop, choponald tr. >> that happens to be me. in case you forget when he wasyo in iu fon he wast was no crime. crime was down. oh, go, donald. okaydo>> unc, that's a nice guy. trump is straight up and down like 6:00 at least i know what i get when it comes whenor to him. >> i was more comfortable with donald trump in office. i'm not voting for joe bidene ci and you ain't black.e bi >> trump. that's right. i said, that'sden. right. i said, what do you likee about donald trump? he don'tdon't like you know, ik
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that trump was giving back people money. jone he was almost started a war with kim jong un, too, before he died. kim jong un is alive, by the way. he's alive also. in fact. >> oh, i don't know, denial. you're going to be on jesse walters primetimbee. ? what do you want to tell jesse? tune in to jesse. problem. good job. you goyou't guysve g t in the hg me famous. >> let's get rid of jog mee bid. congratulations theresa o'learyt on your retirement. >> she's a hairstylist here at fox news. and on here, jesse watters, prime time. news to miss her dearly. >> enjoy retirement and i'll see you at the beach. kathy from florida. i'm with youom, jesse, give usja some retribution. just a little archie from south
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carolina. >> joe doesn't fall asleep after dinnernaesn'. he falls asleep in his dinner. hope he doesn't have soup. dana from chicago. maybe fani willis should a more qualified lawyer. how about hunter? he did go to yale. craig from n. chiga >> why does everybody talke about hunter like he's a 17-year-old kid? he ahe's three. >> i know mark from texas. >> did i just hear jerry nadler call illegal immigrants illegal? >> yeah. he says he wants the m to have babies because apparently i'm not pulling my weigh am notd lucinda from florida. but esse irida believe. you assisted, but you didn't have the baby's truedn't hav, bi assisted very well. >> ken from wayne, new jersey, will you be celebrating dea thus thursday? da every thursday? yes, we will. every thursday on jesse watterse from time will be dea thursday
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. you're welcome. we're just allies. ng giv >> pat from illinois, boeing gives bonuses for diversites fy? >> how about just keeping the doors from flying off? yes maybe the bonuses if the doors stay on? >> sam from bloomington, illinois, old school snl sounds like current day. snl sou house. >> at least one hunters, they're not they had cameras were hunter goes out and snl it's the same thingoes og. get n >> mike from oakland where can i get an application to join chicago' an chicags union sound. joining you can steal the money and you get a free laptop. charlie from dearborn, michigan judging by giuliani's interviews, new york is turnin w red. >> yeah, i hope the president saw that interview was rough. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is matters a


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