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tv   Hannity  FOX News  January 11, 2024 11:00pm-12:00am PST

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>> pat from illinois, boeing gives bonuses for diversites fy? >> how about just keeping the doors from flying off? yes maybe the bonuses if the doors stay on? >> sam from bloomington, illinois, old school snl sounds like current day. snl sou house. >> at least one hunters, they're not they had cameras were hunter goes out and snl it's the same thingoes og. get n >> mike from oakland where can i get an application to join chicago' an chicags union sound. joining you can steal the money and you get a free laptop. charlie from dearborn, michigan judging by giuliani's interviews, new york is turnin w red. >> yeah, i hope the president saw that interview was rough. that's all for us tonight. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters and this is matters ay world.
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and welcome to hannity. we begin tonight with the fox news alert tonight, the united states and the united kingdom conducted precision against the houthi rebels, the terrorists in yemen. now, after months of serious terror attacks, two critical shipping channels in the red sea and iranian missiles fired into israel. the biden administration has finally responded. but will it be enough to deter future attacks? and by the way, what about iran? iran they're basically the backbone of the houthis. they are armed. they train, they offer supplies. they direct the houthi rebels. they're the ones fighting every proxy war that they're involved in. any consequences at all for them. one important reminder tonight, in one of his first acts as president, joe biden removed houthis from the designated terror list. and this very naive and foolish attempt to appease iran is now yet another major blunder for the administration. why joe biden, this obsession of up to the mullahs in iran.
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only god knows. my monologue coming up. but first, here with the very latest from the white house tonight, our very own peter doocy. >> peter, what's the latest? john, the latest is we were just on a call with the white house national security council and they say that the white house does hold iran responsible for their role in funding these attacks. and they say despite everything that happened over the last couple of hours, they have not seen any signs yet of the houthis retaliating. we're also learning now that the red line for president wound up being when the houthis used anti-ship ballistic missiles for the first time in history. and these hoped the attacks in the red sea on shipping channels have been going for several weeks. but president biden wound up kind of sticking to his foreign policy m.o., right. he took time to deliberate. he took time to get allies on board. and he picked the option from pentagon planners that do
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require putting american troops on the ground in yemen to carry out these attacks. there was a statement that the white house gave us from the and part of it says this today's defensive action follows this extensive diplomatic campaign and houthi rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels. these targeted strikes are a clear message that the united states and our partners will not tolerate attacks on our personnel or allow hostile actors to imperil freedom of navigation in one of the world's most critical commercial routes. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people and the free flow of international commerce as necessary. and a few hours ago here at the white house, we saw john kirby from the podium issue what wound up being the final warning to the houthis. >> we're going to do what we have to do to to to counter and defeat these threats that the houthis keep growing up on commercial shipping in the red sea. the houthis need to stop these attacks and that they will bear the consequences for any failure to do so. >> over the last several
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administrations, administrations, it has been commonplace when there is an order like this given to see presidents talk about it on camera. there is no plan for president biden to address us on camera this evening. and that might be because he needs to smooth things over with members of his own party first, because just in the last hour or so, progressive members of congress, including ro khanna, pramila jayapal and mark pocan, are putting out the word publicly. they think these strikes were illegal. they think they violated the constitution because president biden acted on his own. he did not get permission from congress first short. we've heard past, you know, pinprick response, like in the case of our troops being attacked and in iraq and syria. you know, just a few days earlier. think about this, peter. i was watching your questioning the in the white house briefing room. >> we might not have had a secretary in defense of this happen just a few days earlier, but at least we out the mystery
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that what was going on there. peter doocy at the white house tonight you so much. we'll have more on these airstrikes. that's coming up later. also, a sore loser, chris christie finally dropping out of the race immediately caught on a hot mic while pretty much bashing everyone in the republican party except himself. he's the only one in the republican party that has any courage. he's the only one and just people don't want to hear him. plus, more allegations of very serious misconduct and collusion leveled against new york's attorney general. and fulton county d.a. fani willis as they attempt to persecute donald trump further. we'll bring you the former president's closing statement out of new york. that's happening tonight. but first. well, today, hunter biden pleaded guilty in federal court to felony charges of tax evasion. now the president's 53-year-old son is accused of stiffing the government of more than $1,000,000 in taxes. but apparently, hunter feels no guilt, no remorse for not paying his fair share. he also has no regrets about the fine that congressional subpoena to
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former trump advisers. they are now facing prison time for the exact same act that. steve bannon. that's peter navarro. but hunter biden doesn't appear worried at all, after all, is that his doj will more than likely go to great lengths to protect him. so yesterday, while hunter flouted his impunity during that surprise appearance on capitol hill to attend his very own contempt hearing, he sat in the back of the room, glaring at lawmakers. his camera crew in tow. it was either a sad attempt to intimidate members of congress or probably likely a stunt for his upcoming documentary. either way, hunter didn't stick around for very long, fleeing the room after getting publicly humiliated by congresswoman nancy, south carolina. >> take a look at this. you are the epitome of white privilege coming in to the oversight committee, spitting in our face, ignoring a congressional subpoena to be deposed.
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what are you afraid of? you have no to come up here. >> i think that then hunter biden should be arrested right here, right now. >> and go straight to jail. time to expire. recognize miss greene from georgia for that. >> thank you, mr. chairman. excuse me. hunter, apparently you're afraid of my word. >> why? oh, well, entertaining, if you want to call it that, to committees ultimately did vote to hold hunter biden in contempt, sending the measure to the full house for an upcoming vote. if passed, will be up to biden's doj to prosecute hunter. needless to say i have very little faith that justice will be served, we'll get a good look at the still justice system that we often talk about unequal justice out of our laws. we don't have equal application of our laws. and by the way, after fleeing from marjorie taylor greene, a very wide eyed hunter, biden then strolled through the halls of congress where he faced. well, this question from our very own hilary.
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>> let's take a look. mr. biden, why did you put your dad speakerphone with your business partners if he had no involvement in your business? do you have a dad? does he call you? yes, sir. the phone? yes. okay. but why did you need to talk to him during business meetings if he had nothing to do with your business? >> business meetings with foreign business leaders getting paid millions with no experience. what a deal. anyway. do you have a father? is that hunter's best answer? is he really that stupid? maybe. now, the president's middle aged son is an accused tax cheat. facing allegations of corruption, bribery, fair violations, gun crimes, drug crimes, sex crimes. and by the way, he expects to walk right into capitol hill after defying that congressional subpoena and face what, no scrutiny at all. but that wasn't the only question hunter faced yesterday. take a look. >> despite this, republicans are you on to you? could you please answer your question and let me make a statement. kind of crack normally smoking
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. mr. biden, let me start again. hunter biden was and is a private citizen, but decided against a shot to use him as, a spy and to attack his father. and despite their improper partisan moments on six different before hunter, his lawyer abbe, is so-called sugar brother kevin morris. then they quickly departed the capitol complex. keep in mind kevin morris, hunter's new and mysterious beef. he spent millions of dollars on the president's son. he helped hunter pay a huge tax debt. and now we're learning that morris bought most of hunter's high dollar amateur art portraits of a crack addict. in other words, hunter's newfound career, an artist was just another way for morris and other democratic donors send hunter money. according to testimony from the new york art dealer. hunter knew about the sugar brother was buying up his art. despite those promises from
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the white house that the patrons will, quote, be kept confidential, even from even hunter himself in an attempt to avoid ethical that could arise as a presidential family member tries to sell a product with a highly subjective value. well, according the art dealer, he never even worked at the white house on any such ethics pact. the white house just straight up, flat out lied once again. and biden and the family, they got rich. hmm. sounds a little familiar. but according to the first lady, jill biden. well, hunter is just a poor, helpless victim. take a look. >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel. and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life after addiction. you know, i'm i love my son and. it's hard. it's hurt my grandchildren. and that's what i'm so concerned about, that it's affecting their lives as well.
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well, no, no offense, first lady jill biden, if you want this to go away, maybe you can explain how your stepson, with no experience at all in energy, by his own admission, made all those millions of dollars from burisma holdings out of ukraine. why were chinese national giving hunter biden millions of dollars? the big conglomerate in china, the cfc? >> and what about the first lady of moscow? former first lady of moscow? why was your husband, joe, who is now president, pictured with many of these international business partners when he said he never one time, ever, ever spoke to his son, his brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. she didn't answer that question. and she'll never be asked that question on misty. and. and here's another important question. why is the first lady sitting down for an interview while the president is doing no interviews and has been noting he's been noticeably
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his schedule noticeably light for several weeks? but according to jill, her husband, he has an amazing work ethic and lots of vigor and everything, really. you decide your husband is 81. at the end of a second term, he'd be 86 as his life partner of 46 years. is there a part of you that is worried about his age and health? can he do it? he can it. and i see joe every day. i see him out, you know, traveling around this country. i see his vigor. i see his energy. i see his passion every single day. and so to those who say i can't vote for, joe biden is too old. what do you say? i say his age is an asset. >> ha is wise. yes, he's. >> who is it? circle back, jen psaki. i have a hard time keeping up with him. joe biden, his vigor. do you not see what's going on with husband? he can barely walk.
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he can barely talk. he tells the same stupid stories over and over again. a lot of them full of lies. it's not even clear that he remembers the truth. and you have to lead him off the stage like a lost puppy. half the time, his terrible policies as all the leadership failures, they have caused, one crisis after another. the chaos has been nonstop. well, here's how former president trump it last night right here on this channel. >> we have chaos now. look at today with hunter biden going into the going into congress and just sitting down and the bedlam that's been caused today, you have chaos. >> have, i think more with joe biden. he can't put two sentences together and he's representing us on nuclear weapons, putin and xi. and we're going to make this country so successful again. i'm not going to have time for retribution. and i remember this. >> our ultimate retribution is success. if joe and jill biden, any decency, honor, you know,
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they'd step aside or make way for more competent candidate in 2024 for the democrats. here with reaction, chairman of the house judiciary committee jim jordan, house oversight committee chairman. that's james coleman, chairman of the house ways and means committee. jason smith, good to see you all. jim jordan, let me start with you. let's start with the letter to christopher wray and then we'll talk about the contempt. >> yeah, there's an underlying 1023 form, sean that was that was earlier back in 2017 that became the basis for scott brady, u.s. attorney asking to talk to the confidential human source that produced the 1023 form we have. so we've asked chris wray to give us that form. but i think when you step back and look at this week's on the real big takeaway, it wasn't chaos. and jamie, commerce committee yesterday wasn't the fact that kevin morrison was sitting there purchase 875 thousand dollars of 100 bidens art and wasn't even what happened in l.a. today with hunter biden pleading not guilty, these tax charges. i think the big takeaway is what david weiss didn't charge hunter biden with. he didn't charge him with those
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tax years, 2014, 2050, when he got the income from burisma. >> in fact, he let the statute of limitations expire because it's one thing to have a gun charge in delaware that doesn't get you to the white house. another thing to have tax charges in l.a. that doesn't get to the white house. but the burisma tax years do. and that's what's in that 1023 form? that's why they want the earlier one as well. >> and we've asked the fbi to produce when this became an issue, why wouldn't they automatically have handed i handed you the other 1023 for in other words, were they hiding it from you? >> don't they seem like the very cooperative? >> great question. i don't know. they were hiding it from us, but we learned it when we talked to scott brady, the u.s. attorney who bill barr charged ,filtering all this stuff and getting it out to the appropriate u.s. attorneys for investigate. >> and he started he filed it out finally, after six months when they should have turned it over to him. he's the one that asked for it. so once we've talked to him, we felt we should go pursue and get this. so we're hoping that chris will turn it over. >> all right. let's turn to you, james colmer. let's talk about yesterday,
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the antics of hunter biden showing up. and let's also explain to people what normal procedure is. if you get a subpoena to appear before congress, you are deposed, that is behind closed doors, and then if there's a public hearing that would occur after what it is, that not standard procedure. and when steve bannon and peter navarro did not show up, were they not charged with contempt of congress after a recommendation by the committees? >> yes, that's exactly. standard procedure. you get a subpoena, you come for a deposition. you have to also, according to the rules, get three days notice for a deposition to make sure that everyone's there and everyone prepared to ask questions and to answer questions. we've done everything by the book in this investigation to ensure that everything that we accumulate in the form of evidence is, accessible and admissible in a court of law because the bidens are going to be held accountable in a court of law. hopefully have this attorney general do their job. but regardless future
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attorney general will be able to use the information that we have obtained in our investigation to hold these people accountable for the crimes that they committed. >> so we did we did everything by the book. hunter biden showed up, ironically, sean, right when he sat down. moskowitz from florida, the democrat, started saying that hunter biden is here. >> he's here to ensure your questions. >> he's here to answer your questions. and his time expired. i recognize marjorie taylor greene. she was going to ask him questions when i recognize marjorie taylor greene. >> hunter biden's eyeballs about popped out and he jumped up, along with abbe lowell. >> they read out about knocked over three or four people on the way out the door. let's talk jason smith. let me ask you and we'll get an update on what the ways and means committee. i want to get your on the contempt of congress and whether or not you think that the same laws that were applied to steve bannon and peter navarro will be applied to hunter biden.
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i that showing up yesterday during the middle of this proceeding. but they just they just they have to have a feeling of confidence that they're not going to be held to the same standard. i don't have any confidence that they're going to be held to the same standard. but as we look at that, that to the two tiered system of justice, my question to you is, why shouldn't hunter be that be treated the same way as bannon and navarro? >> shawn hunter should be treated exactly the same. >> whenever steve bannon was held in contempt within 22 days, that justice department brought charges against steve bannon. >> when hunter biden is held in contempt, let's if the next 22 days his father's justice department holds him and content. >> it is absolutely a great day for the two irs whistleblowers. sean because today they were vindicated because everything that they told the house ways and means committee and the charges they thought hunter
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biden should be charged with, in fact, that is why he was in court, all nine of them. >> unfortunately, as jim said, he should have also been charged with 20 1415 tax crimes. >> but as the whistleblower said, the justice department, the statute of limitations to run out. >> let's go. but -- but let me ask it, congressman smith. this is important here because the very early years, remember, it was david weiss in charge, was it not? and david weiss allowed the statute of limitations to expire. is that not true? those were the very small holding money years. okay. if if that happened and david weiss, correct me if i'm wrong, was it his original plan not to charge hunter? and then the whistleblowers came forward and that led to the sweetheart deal to blow up in court because the judge actually read the agreement and said, you've never seen anything like this in her life and even even got the defense to admit they'd never seen anything like it in their lives. and that only led to david weiss finally having the power that he had at one point said he had then said he didn't have to go after tax charges in washington and california.
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that's exactly right. sean. what's interesting is is that this sweetheart plea agreement, the original one, came out two days before the ways and means committee released irs whistle testimony. that whistleblower testimony is what blew up that sweetheart deal. >> if that sweetheart deal wouldn't have blown up, the charges would have came in california and this would have all been swept underneath the rug. >> and the two tiered justice system would have not been seen . >> they came awfully close. jim jordan now, the big question is to me this is not about hunter biden. to me, this is about joe biden. biden that said he never once spoke to his father. i'm his son or brother or anybody for that matter, about their foreign business dealings. joe biden, that had extensive contact with foreign business partners and extensive contact with partners of his own son regarding financial matters. then it comes to the
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implication of his own son on his own laptop in communication about moneys going to his father at that point. are we talking about, you know, what are we talking about here ? if a vice president leverage is $1,000,000,000 to get a prosecutor fired after five days having a phone call of briefs executives and his son, a son gets paid millions for doing nothing with no experience at a time he's a drug addict. what do you call that? >> you call it bribery. and what you just described, sean, is that the facts and circumstance that took place when joe biden went to ukraine and conditioned the release of american tax dollars aid to ukraine on the firing of the prosecutor who was applying the pressure to burisma. >> all that is corroborated by the confidential human source, he said. the confidential human source told the fbi that the head of burisma said we hired hunter biden to protect us through his dad. >> that is the prosecutor who they got fired. conditioned the release of the
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money on firing this prosecutor. his name is viktor shokin. he's mentioned eight times in that 1023 form. we're asking now for the earlier 1023 form so we can put that information together with this as well. that to me is the really the heart of this matter. and then you have all this other evidence that jamie and jason have brought forward from their committees that support that. >> but the most corroborating evidence we have is that 1023 form from this highly credible, confidential human source. >> according to u.s. attorney scott brady. james comer, you have talked a lot about these shell corporations, some 20 of them or however many you might be up to now. you talked about ten biden family members you've identified as getting paid. we've talked about joe's contacts with these foreign business partners, that official acts that he took from the fda, 1023 for which gave us the first indication which led to the whistleblowers. >> now, we know that there was no ethics deal at all in terms of hunter having no knowledge of who is buying his art. but according to the art dealer, he knew who 70% of the
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buyers were. were they all democratic donors ? >> at least 70% were democrat donors. we're trying to identify the the remaining few. >> but at the end of the day, you'll remember jen psaki told everyone after members of the house oversight committee demanded that we know who was actually buying the. she stood up and said that they had ethics rules in place. they had talked to the art dealer. the art dealer testified under oath in our interview. he's never spoken to anyone at the white house and he didn't know anything about an ethics deal. another lie from the biden white house. >> all right. we appreciate it. james cormier, jim jordan, jason sweat. thank you all. when we come back, our countdown to iowa continues last night. governor ron desantis battling nikki haley. they sparred on a debate stage. we'll show you the highlights as. governor desantis will check in with us next. straight ahead. re minis straight ahead. re minis >> my health was good until it wasn't when we hadthey t
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cheer with ultimate confidence fresh clean threads. all right. so with the iowa caucuses just four days away, the republican primary is now taking shape. it's game time. last night, governor ron desantis and nikki haley, they squared oflast nf i. debate before monday and the two sparred over a number of topics. >> let's take a look. >> you know, i debated the governor of california, gavin newsom. you know, i thought he lied a lot, man. nikki haley gives him a run foir his money and she may even be more liberal than gavin newsom is. >> i will tell you that, when i was governor of south carolina, we passed the toughest illegal immigratio na we pa n law in the country. obama sued us over it and we won. >> under her administration, you would have seniors getting less cost of living adjustments while your tax dollars are going to pay the pensionoins of ukrainian bureaucrats. >> not to talk about putting americans. y that is you've supported all that money going over there. so let's putygoing some peoplep
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>> now, last night's headlinesdr didn't end there. anti-trump crusader, the one and only chris christie who left office of a 14%approv approval rating, announced the suspension of his campaign, but nonounced t before this sho. nikki haley caught on a hot mic . >> take a listen. punching above their weight and who's getting a returnho isg on their investment, you know, and she's going to get smoke.d and you and i both know that she's not up to this. >> it was reaction with 24 republican presidential candidate and now ,governor, i know you stuck with me. this is really that's i'm sure gove is painful. you, governor ron desantis the thing about it is us floridians usually don't i go north in january. here i am in iowa. it's now the single digits. >> and there's going to be a big snowstorm coming through. tonight and tomorrow by caucus night. they think it could be negativee 20 degrees with windchill, even less than that. >>es and yeah, i was down in florida at the beginning
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of the week for the state of the state addresse when i flew up to iowa, i actually i do on a winter coat gettlorida. i haven't worn it a while, but i left it there. so we're getting my stuff. i wille ready i'm to be ready t. >> but we got my supporters that are i gave away my winter clothes. >> they're gone. thi get their i gave it away. i wasn't planning on 20 belowll weather and i'll be there with you on monday. >> all right, let'ths about froe your perspective, the state of the race. how importan from yot is iowa t? i always find iowa a caucus system can be a little funky. new hampshire allowing in toparr decide, you know, what party primary they want to vote for. that makes that kind of puts a twist into things. your reaction to botthings.h the and then heading into souththenh carolinaea? >> well, last night was a great night for us. i thinght for k that nikki hales clearly flustered and rattled because she's uncomfortable. confronted with a record. i'm proud of my record in florida beatin of myg the lapng of delivering on my promises. and i'm proud of the visiomymise
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have for this country. so when that debate ended, we had people going to ron desantiat hads .com signp to help. more people have been going to the websitepl to donate. goo that's that's a great sign ford us. but here's the thing, but yot.y right.tlsi >> a caucus is just different than a typical election because it's organization. it's about turning your people out. it's aboutt that incrediblebu organization. i've gotten all 99 counties. i' answered questions fromions f iowans all across the state. >> that is not necessarilyro what coastal media likes to see. >> they thin seek you're spendin too much time listening to people. >> i disagree with that. but it does paing y off on caucs night. >> now with this weather, i think the organization's going to mattewithether thr morn going out in -20 degrees, unless you're really committed to voting, that's an easyn why reason why you wouldn't want to go. so we've got that in placeu. we're continuing to gather more folks. i've done a number of events today on peoplr e are coming out in big numbers, even in the weather. we're going to do an event right afte.r this. >> i've got a big crowds right now here in the
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des moines area. so people are definitelyd getting excited about this race. we see an energyace. on the gron ,but monday, the storyd. is organization, organization, organization. i think we've done it right. ori think dkeng forwar, to being able to take that through. >> i'm looking forward to it, .m lookinbut i'm not looking fod to the 20 degrees below zerol be weather that i'm going to be flying into, assuming i can fle with all the weather. you know, it's very interesting. it's vinteresti a little surprin governor i've by had confided in you and you and many other people. i said it publicly for years that i was going to ge i t out of new york. i swear i'll play both. kathy hochul want and andrew cuomo basically saying they don't want conservatives in new york.r but i want you to answer under t the prism of you have a larger population than new york. you have half the budget.. t new york, your infrastructure is twice as good as new york. and your schools are numberha one, and your crime is half of what new york's crimelf oe is with half the money. >> but just listen to what these two governors had said tos
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conservatives in the state to sa and we're here to say that the era of trump and zeldin and molinaro just jump on a bus and head down to florida where you belong. okay, get ou where yout of town. get out of town, because you don't you don't represen t our values. you are not new yorkers. >> their problem is not me and the democrats. their problem themselves.they who are they? are they these extreme conservatives who are right to life pro assault weapon, anti-gay? >> is that who thegavey are?t >> because if that's who they are, and if they are the extreme conservatives, they have no place in the state of newconserva york. >> so this was that's not who new yorkers are. and it's a tax the rich tax the rich, tax the rich. we d what god forbid the rich leave.
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here's my quote. bumeanre's my , what first of a, i'm not anti-gay, but i am pro-second amendment. and i am proudly pro-life. and i just listen, let get ona a bus, get out of town. i mean, you're you're you're earning, what, 400,000 new floridians now me a year.. >> i got to imagine you're pretty happy about that. >> and you know obviously, the upper income people save a lot of money because they chaset of mon them out. but it's not just that, sean. i mean, the number of people that retire numbere a fdny, nypt authority, where they go i mean, some of them obviously stay in the tri state area, but a lot of them moveri-statea. >> i mean, we've got a massive numbers of folks retired here o who were active on 911 a and responded to the twin towers. sondnded t, you know, they're ge new york pension payments and they're spending it in floridansio and srida.. lf te >> and you're right, we budge have half the budget with much better results. muchsults.our state government a is the smallest of employeesentc capita in the entire country.
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>> it just shows you the people in new york are getting taxed for your state government to waste. that tax dollars because we're doing better with half the footpring bet. but i also think what youu show showed with hopewell and cuomoh there's this movement amongst the left to try to demanamond ae party state and to try to weaponize government againstt . it's not surprising that you've seen that with that line seenline og. ngerouo >> i think it's really dangerous. new , wells., i'm i thought california was bad. new york is just as bad, if not worse. and i'm still getting asked questions about your debatine. gavin newsom. governor, thank you for being with us. we'll see you on monda wey. thank you. all right. coming up next, the endless trump witch hunt continuesex. what happened during closing arguments in the state of new york in that civil fraud trialii ? while trump's legal spokes spokesperson, alina habbs nexta is next. we'll break it all down. straight ahead, spells, splashes, boil overs and burn.
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get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm anytime. fox news radio six in america is listening. >> all right. the left obsessively continueswh to push forward with a never ending trump witch hunts. now, earlier today , while lef trump defied the judge overseeing far left new york attorney civil fraud case against him and gave a closing statement of a whopping 5 minutes. meanwhile, fulton county d.a. fani willihopping s, she continm to come under fire over her alleged romantic relationshipes u with the leador prosecutor and that trump case and outside counsel paid over 650 grand. his name is nathan wade. overone of those court documen. she has been subpoenaed to appear as a witness in his divorce proceedings. and a new bombshell reporte proo politico revealing that the january 6 committee helped guidmme the early days of thep e trump georgia probe as committee staff quietlya met with attorneys and agents working for fani willis in april attorneworkin of 22.
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now, besides their steadfast'2 pursuit of more trump witch hunts, what else did the attorney general of new york and the d.a. in fulton county, fani willi of news have common? according to the visitor logs, both visitedto the logs, the bie house in the last two years. it was reaction trump legal hobi spokesperson alina habba is back with us. alina, great to have you. i let me see if i have this straight here. new ou havf i e the attorney general in new york meeting with the biden white house and white house counsel. >> i assume or i don't kno.w h who do we know who? how many occasions have you identified she was in the biden white house? and what was the timeframe of tha t? >> sure. we saw there was a meeting in august, the month or two, right before they filed their complaint. and there was another meetind te later in the midst of our litigation on the attorney general' s claim. so that is twice confirmed. i believconfirmee are also repos
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that she had been at miss kamala harris' home. this is not normal. sh he is a new york attorneyne general, voted by thraethe on new york constituents. and the only thing they all have in common is the soross bak backing. i cannot understand why shing.e would have cause in the middle of a trial to go seeof the house and the biden administration, leon lett alone the top one ofy the record, said that they met on the front lawn. i can't believe what i'm seeing. >> i really can't. and seeian'ti am with you, sean,g wh reporting with you every day. i am in the weeds and i stillckt am shocked. they cease to amazhee me. this is unbelievable. i thought georgia was bad. and thenough today i have to sit in court and get notice that this person has now weaponized her, which wee alreadhey knew. but now that she's coordinating as well with the biden administration. what was she there for? coffee. we don't believe it anymore. >> and the joker, this is this i
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whole case is pending on the idea of whether or notulo valuations that by the way, you have a disclaimer, the trump organization had a disclaimerisclaime, use their valuations. >> any company lending moneythe any company giving insurance. they have a fiduciary responsibility insur to do thei. valuation. so it's a moot point. there's not a single personag that's been agreed in this case. you have no complaint from anyse anybody, no lender, no insurance company. i mean, it's absurd on facetheyw that want to seem seemingly fulfill the campaign promise to go after one man, donald trump, one family, the trump family one organization, the trump organization, and completely cancel them. oneand then you've got fani wis meeting with the january 6 committe e and then an outside counsel. she's hiring and taking extravagant with.t with went, she met with the j six committee and both of them went to the biden white house. and by the way, he chargedhe fulton county for the hours that he was there with fani willisre at the
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biden white house. >> is that correct? can you a world where you're trying to be corrupt and then you bill your time to the corruption? i mean, what planet are we living in?e >> honestly, the stupidity is amazing. if it proves to be tru e, pop i really you got to get popcorn at this point. but it's nott this a joke, sean. these are real people. the trump organization peo paid over $300 million in taxes overw the past few years y to employees. this is about people that work this is abt work. this is about the kids who won't be able to get a mortgage and won't be able to take out a car loan becausee miss james and people like her hale like d a political age it's not a question of fact. it is a fact. therof a fae is video footage of it. ot and like i said today in court ,not one after three years of investigation, noe years t os after 11 weeks shows that any of them committed frau td. raud. all that it shows is one thing. desperation and interference. it is it is obvious.hetic.
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and american people get it.t me >> listen, you're not being honest about doj. th you're meeting with the bidens. you're meeting with kamala herself in her homhe e. what is going on and when is our country going to stop talking about it and start doing something about it because they have no problem doing something about it when it's trump? ifn it's the case is mostly basd on valuations and they ask, they're implyingp president trump put in valuations that were not accurate vs that. but yet you have a judge in the case that's clinging to the idiotic, completely view that. mar-a-lago is worth a mere $18 million. i mean, he would be more guilty of anything that's evenof being alleged against the trump organization. am i wrong? i wro. he should get damages for how much he's been prosecutedy and, how many years he's had to pay for lawyers, and defending the realr garbage claims he should get damages. okay. a i can tell you, i knowou a little bit about florida real estate now. y
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that property is worth closer to a billion than 18 million. you can't even make this up at a lotcan't mas up. is but it's sad. that's justice in america and it's not working. alina habba, thank you. when we come back, we'll bring you the latest out of yemen, where president biden responded to the nonstop attacks from the houthi rebelondes. we'll check in with morgan ortega's congressman, mike walsh, straight ahead . >> and our family farm, we go rice, corn and soybeans. and digital tools are as important to us as tractors and combines. >> in the 30 years i've been farming, technology has transformed agriculture. but some in washington want to stifle these technologies and empower our foreign adversaries to ahead of us in the tech race. protecting our competitive edge will strengthen our economic, national and food security. leaders need to support american agriculture by strengthening our technology . >> we've planned well for retirement, but i wish we ha hadsell t more casheh. n't th
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nope, not today. >> oh, start for free and get your guaranteed maximum refund . this is the fox law. tonight, the united states andto the u.k. have launched strikesse against several hootie rebel targets in yemen using aircraftn ,ships and submarines, and some of the left apparently are not happd some oe lefty stat in front of joe's whites house today to protestwhite i what they call illegal and immoral attacks. >> remember, the houthis have been disrupting commercial shipping traffic in the red seaw
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. but biden withdrew their terror group designation right after taking offic t tere was a dumb . of course, the houthis are acting on behalfth of iran, which continues its reign of state terror around the entire region. >> they have been funding their war against the saudise r the houthis are just one of many iranian proxy groups causing nothinhouthig but chaos and others hezbollah. and they've even been helping hamaiss. and according to a report, u.s. officials are now apparently warning that hezbollahre now may to strike right here at our own and with joe biden'sen's w wide open southern border. sout, that shouldn't be so hard. but it's not just iranian proxie s. havoc. today, iran's own navy seized control of a marshall islandser flagged oil tanker. here with reaction, founder of belarus security, former state department spokesperson fo floridaagus congressman michael waltz. morgan, start with you. i'm sorry, but the proxy war that the houthi rebels have been fighting against
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the saudis and the missiles they're firing intfighting saud, that's all coming from iran. so where's joe's couragehe snake to strike at the head of the snake at some poinpoint?t i see nothing but joe capitulating, trying to billions of dollarsbil into iranian coffers. >> yeah, the president biden's iran policy has spectacularlyd failed and it's cost so manyk at lives around the middle east. because when you look at what happened over the pastye three years when the biden administration did not enforceah the sanctions that are on the book, it means billions of dollars, maybe even as much $90 mi ,$90 billion to the iranians.ll and they were able to turn. around and in turn fund hamas, fund hezbollah fund the houthis, all of these terror groups which are now seeking their ultimateall of goa sean, is to chase the united states out of the middle east. they don't want us in the region. that's why you see, you know, re y have beenailors sitting ducks from houthi attacks. you see over 30 americans, 33 americans that were killed
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by hamas terrorist attacksameri and let's not forget hezbollah. so hezbollah is in lebanon. it's in the north of israel. this is a very sophisticated terror organization, sean. it's been reported that there are sleeper cell agents from hezbollareported h in the united states. they have proxies around latinie america, will remember their attacks arous in argentina and other places for many years. d many otherte, we can't forge the beirut attacks. so hezbollah has it's a terror group that has long roots route and long capability to attack and kills d long americans. and, congressman, you know, welt know that the last time we've had hundreds of attacks on american soldiers in iraq and syria and, you know, what was biden's response to hit to empty warehouses? so, you know, as of tonight i'm going to be skeptical in terms of what they did being militarily effectivecal it , guess but i guess maybe i should be happy at something. ma bbut they're not getting to e heart of the issue. >> are. >> no, they're not, sean.are no and until tonight, our navt.y nt
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ship captains did not have theto authority to shoot at thenched missiles being launched, at them to shoot at the actuala, houthis, shooting at them from shore, even when they detectedof them. so look better late than never. i i'm thrilled to see actually some of the ships, one of them, the uss florida, taking this action. the white house is finally letting themite hous do so.t's e but let's rewind the clock for a second. second under the trumpump administration and now told us the houthis were terrorists. inesident trump designee nated then terrorists and in his first month in office, what did biden do, you know, right after he was done stupidly, itt after stupidly lig right after he was done canceling the keystone pipeline, he lifted the terrorist designatioing thes on the houthis. and look at his statemen.t tonight. iranir is not mentioned anywher. so, look, i'm glad to see thise action.
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better late than neverthis . n but as long as iran is, morgan said, is flush with cash to rearm and refitorist, the terrorists, this is only coe. >> thintinu t this hardly gives me anys confidence that an y of these terror groups that are fully supported by the number one state sponsor of terror, iran, are going to beat the intimidated or stop what they've been doing. i have no confidencey'ing. of. thank you both. now, coming up next, i'll vo>>w who shall not be questioned. dr. fauci caught in yet anotheir . we'll explain straight ahead. a must in your medicine cabinet call coming up. zakim, the number one, quote, shortening brand highly recommended people love scams,la unique zinc formula. save ts colds zakim shortenrvivr that cold thiss is our lastiona chance to help save thousands of holocaust survivors who are suffering in the former union
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12:00 am
>> every aspect of that endingrk the covid outbreak in 30 days i0 has some aspect of it, of physical separation, whether that's avoiding crowdsphys, wher that's staying six feet away from people, whether that's doing teleworkin g, all of it does that. >> that's our most important tool tha . avoid crowded places, six foot distance, maintain that i believe and thinko sa there's good enough data to say that aerosol transmission doesrr occur. so by aerosol make sure you know, we're talkin g about generally if you have droplets that come out of a person you hav they generally gn within six feet. so ithin 6 ff you have six feetu distance wearing a mask. >> you don't worry about that w. >> unbelievable. that's all the time we have left this the tim. evening. thank you for being with us. please dvr. never miss an episode. let not your heart troubled dvr greg gutfeld put a smile on you will a smile