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tv   FOX Friends First  FOX News  January 12, 2024 2:00am-3:00am PST

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d your savings in defending yourself. are you defending yourself in a legal proceeding or hhs hippoou violation? what are you defending yourself against? >> at this point, it is only an investigation but we have reason to believe it is politically driven. we have to be ready for whatever they come against us with here that is the great thing about d the situation is because once you decide not to speak out and you have all these peopled willing to comhee to your side d help you out, you have aou different perspective on thee th people around you.r you rely so many people outme there willing to sacrificeh fi something meaningful willing to fight for peer that is why it i. so important. >> laura: we will have you back we are up against the top of the hour but thank you forp telling your story and keep going. maybe i should be waived in the texas bar to help you. jesse is next. >> a fox news alert, the u.s.
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and u.k. firing 100 precision guided missiles into yemen. the strikes coming from ships, planes and even u.s. submarine. >> carley: this is significant escalation in the region and 60 targeted at 60 houthis locations. the defense secretary warns there will be more of this if the iranian-backed fighters do not and attacks on international shipping lanes and the red sea. >> todd: you are watching "fox & friends first" friday morning my am todd piro. >> carley: i am carley shimkus and the u.s. and the u.k. should be prepared to pay a heavy price. >> todd: for overseas reaction here at home and taking to the streets in new york city and washington to condemn the strikes, alexandria hoff in washington with more, alexandria. >> todd and carley 100 position guided houthis in both land and sea with animal production facilities. the iranian-backed rebels launching systems and houthis
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air defense radar systems according to the u.s. air force command. president biden state of the strikes carried out in partnership with the u.k. and other countries since a clear message the u.s. will not tolerate hostile actors compromising personnel, safety and ending free navigation in the red sea. since october 19th, 130 attacks carried out against u.s. forces by iranian and syria. and there have been 27 ships attacked by houthis rebels a progression that is escalated since the israeli hamas war. the hostilities include antiship ballistic missiles. defense secretary lloyd austin ordered retaliatory strikes from the hospital, according to a reporting by cnn. alston stated this, "thursday's coalition since a clear message to the houthis they will fare further cost if they do not end illegal attacks. the united states maintains right to self-defense and if necessary will take followed up
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actions to protect u.s. forces." that comes from wall street last night. >> until tonight the navy captain ships did not have authority to shoot at the missiles being launched at them, to shoot at the actual houthis shooting at them from shore, even when they detected them. so look, better late than never. >> president biden has received some blowback from select members of his party. progressive congresswoman to leave said article 1 of the constitution by carrying out air strikes in yemen without approvr that was backed up by democratic congresswoman ro khanna who also said the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against the houthis in yemen and involving the u.s. ani will stand up for that regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. republicans largely in lockstep with the armed services committee senator roger wicker said the strike is two months
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overdue but a good step towards deterrence. today president biden will make his first public appearance in days, carley and todd. >> todd: alexandria hoff live in d.c. let's bring in chief editor of middle foreign and served in the u.s. army special forces. jim, great to have you here this morning. where was the strike weeks ago? this increases the chances of the united states being dragged into a larger conflict. >> both of those things are true, but this was a vital and necessary step. i'm glad we actually involved our allies from the u.k. and others in this spirit of freedom of navigation and protection of global trade is one of the main functions of the u.s. navy. so i think we needed to do it. i don't think we should lose sight of the fact the houthis are basically a franchised terrorist operation from the iranian regime and 100% owned and operated by them as are the militia in iraq and syria and
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hezbollah and hamas. at some point we have to deal with the spider at the center of this web peer that is the real danger. >> carley: so senior white house administration officials says while we fully expect this action to diminish, the houthis hip abilities, we would not be surprised to see some sort of response. so what do you think about that? what can we expect realistically to happen next? >> i don't think there is any chance the houthis and the other iranian proxies will lower their operations just because we took this first attack. i think it is necessary. i think it is good and we timber some of their abilities to do it. they will be back again and we need to be ready. we need to be prepared for escalation from iran and other areas. they may tell hezbollah and other actors to turn up the heat either on israel or potentially u.s. targets around the world. >> todd: jim, this launch presumably was orchestrated from
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a hospital room. lloyd austin is not sitting there in the middle of the pentagon. obviously, we reported extensively on his health conditions. can you think of a time in our history where something like that has happened where somebody has been in sort of a incapacitated capacity and authorized a strike like this and come all the harris and what are the ramifications going for? >> i assume lloyd alston is cognizant of his duties except that he forgot them when he failed to inform his chain of command that he was in intensive care unit peer that is dereliction of duty. it is a lie of omission. he needs to be fired. if he is not fired, the republicans and the house ought to start impeachment hearings against him. he let the entire country down and put us all at risk by refusing to tell even his deputy that he was incapable of doing his job for a number of days
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earlier this year. >> carley: t the strike target at the houthis but other iranian-backed group hezbollah out of yemen. a concerning report out of political the u.s. official says there is a rising risk that lebanese hezbollah militants will strike americans and the middle east and potentially hit inside the united states. the official said the chance for assault on u.s. soil is growing. these officials declined to give specifics about the kind of attacks hezbollah might be considering, but they did say this particular terrorist group has capabilities and other terrorist groups and all of this, jim, concerning when considering open borders. what do you think about this? >> anyone of military age wanting to walk across the southern border has been able to do so. the biden administration instead of dealing with that as a threat
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has welcomed them, given them resources and move them throughout the country. so essentially, we have been bringing everyone and with no idea who they are. now, i'm certain that terrorist groups including hezbollah have used that to play some of their operatives in the united states. they have been running crime type operations previously in the united states. we have caught them doing that. there is no chance they didn't take advantage of this. it is a massive failure by the biden administration. the united states inside the border is one collection of giant soft targets. we can't protect all of it. if they decide to take advantage of it, they can and american citizens will die. >> todd: let me be clear, last night strike was important but with that said, last night strike against the houthis increased the chance of the houthis or hezbollah as carley mentioned increasing that chance of an attack on her homeland, do you think? >> 100%, it has increase that
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possibility and we need to act accordingly. that doesn't mean we we failed to do what we do as the only global superpower. it is up to us to make sure global trade continues. but we also need to make sure we are not simply allowing the united states to be infiltrated with anyone with a pair of tennis shoes and a bad attitude. >> todd: it is called walking and chewing come at the same time and has life and death consequences. hopefully the administration can follow through with it. thank you for your time. general jack keane and senator live on "fox & friends first" and stay with fox news channel 4 with the latest. talking about the border, texas seize control of public park in eagle pass, texas, has governor abbott takes border security into his own hands. the eagle pass mayor is fighting back. a live report on the later show down. >> carley: and did you hear this? >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel. and i'm really proud of how
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hunter has rebuilt his life. >> carley: first lady joe biden thinks republicans are being too hard on hunter. we will bring you the rest of the interview when "fox & friends first" returns on this friday morning. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> carley: texas taking matters into its own hands when it comes to the border crisis peer at the national guard seizing control of a park in eagle pass overrun by illegal immigrants in recent weeks. >> todd: brooke singman has all the details. >> texas officials using emergency declaration to block federal agents from entering the park. they have been using it as a holding facility for migrants the past few weeks. governor abbott's office, "texas is holding the line at southern border with razor wire and anti-climb barriers to deter and repel the record high levels of illegal immigration invited by president biden's reckless open border policies." instead of forcing federal immigration laws, the biden administration allows unfettered access from mexican cartels to smuggle people into our country.
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eagle pass mayor said city officials were not notified before the takeover. listen. >> this is not something that the city wanted, requested, asked for it. he made it clear that this is the state and they have the legal authority to do that. of course, our legal team is looking into the actions taken by the state. >> fiscal year 2023, the del rio sector for the park is located reported nearly 400,000 migrant encounters. so far, this year 80,000 encounters. texas congressman troy nehls said biden is to blame. >> how did president trump secure the border because he wanted to put america first? he did it through 21 executive orders and 21 presidential memorandums. what did biden do? look at congress as a whole. congress disagree with the southern border? the house item of the republicans passed hr 2. they do nothing with it. joe biden is responsible for this impatient and he could stop
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it tomorrow but he won't do it. >> texas national guard is deployed to the park since 2021 but limiting access to federal officials who "perpetuate illegal immigrant crossings, guys." >> todd: do not want to solve the border crisis and every time greg abbott tries to solve it, he gets sued, shocker. of course, the migrant crisis does not stop at the border. mayor adams is reportedly considering a curfew for migrant shelters as neighbors complain about panhandling and increasing crime. this days after city officials for students of citizens that are here permanently took over a mart to use a brooklyn high school as a migrant shelter. that sparked outrage from those parents. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez and asked if she supports the decision. are you okay with the school being used as a shelter? >> you know, again it is not my
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district. but it is very clear here that what is most important is that we identify a facility that is appropriate for these folks. i don't anticipate this being a long-term solution. it shouldn't be a long-term solution. adams has proposed people opening up their homes and rent out spare rooms for migrants. do you think that is a good idea? >> i think he as a mayor is looking for what's facilities work. >> todd: where do you start? mayor adams that the city will reverse a plant to cut funding from the nypd and pushback from pollution. that money will be diverted to cover migrant costs. where do you start? great job, mayor adams, we will restore the status quo thanks to pushback from people like -- wait, you will remove my safety in order to help these migrants secondarily? did you hear what aoc said? it is probably okay to put random migrants in random
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people's homes. did i hear that correctly? >> carley: it is observed suggestion by the mayor with extreme backlash for putting the 2,000 migrants in a school which, you know the students at the school them were hurt by this plan. some people are saying he is choosing the migrants over the kids and clearly in this instance he was. if you don't think the school plan is good, let's put them in your homes. do you think that is the solution everybody is looking for? i don't think so. >> todd: the first part of the story that i read, these migrants are panhandling and causing chaos in the neighborhoods. again, what did you think would happen when you brought people that aren't part of a neighborhood en masse to a neighborhood and you don't give them resources and they do not come here with resources? >> carley: big problems burrowing in new york city. a big problem growing across the country and colleges across the country. a harvard university slept with
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a lawsuit with students who said aloud and promoted anti-semitism for too long. one is here to tell us about that case. >> todd: carley come another football opening for you to fill as head coach. bill belichick's legendary run with the patriots is over officially and some of the greatest players of all time have a message for their former leader. ♪ ♪ i told myself i was ok with my moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. with my psoriatic arthritis symptoms. but just ok isn't ok. and i was done settling. if you still have symptoms after a tnf blocker like humira or enbrel, rinvoq is different and may help. rinvoq is a once-daily pill that can rapidly relieve joint pain, stiffness, and swelling in ra and psa. relieve fatigue for some... and stop joint damage. and in psa, can leave skin clear or almost clear.
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a harvard to come america's university has become rampant anti-jewish hatred and harassment." harvard president of divinity school jewish association brought the lawsuit and joins us once again. what are you hoping to accomplish with this suit? >> sure, i think most importantly, it is really critical to realize we are not asking for special treatment by harvard. we are asking for equal treatment by harvard. what that means is harvard has a pattern of engaging and even promoting anti-semitism on campus. what that looks like it's allowing students to say in front of a thousand students, faculty and harvard affiliates just a week after october 7th that resistance is justified and they don't see hamas as terrorists and swastikas drawn all over campus and not having any type of condemnation or follow-up or protections for jewish students. what that means is having
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professors cancel classes and telling students to go protest and engage in protest that code for the globalization of palestine to the sea. what this hopes to do is to fold, number one race attentionw systemic the problem is of anti-semitism at harvard and number to coforce harvard to engage in this sort of dialogue and protections for jewish students as they would with any other minority group. that is what we are asking, equal treatment from hartford. >> todd: and always go after the money. you are bringing this under the civil rights act, under the act, if the university or institution discriminates, they do not get federal funding. with that in mind come if you win and harvard stands to lose the federal funding, do you ultimately think they will change their ways? >> absolutely. i think people need to understand filing the lawsuit is the last thing you want to do. we tried for months to engage
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with teens, administrators, faculty. but we simply didn't get anywhere. this lawsuit was really our last course of action. so i think, unfortunately, you have two hit harvard whether federal tax dollars are outside activists, but also it is critical this is a lawsuit by students themselves. this is not something that was endorsed by outside actors, but enough is enough. anti-semitism is out of control. it is not just a jewish is you do mike issue. it has ramifications across the electric pier this is an outrage for all american citizens that you have i minority group being treated demonstrably different than any other minority group. this last point, we ask her for protect us the same way they protect gender pronouns at the same way all students take title ix training when they come to harvard university, received training on certain sensitive issues like gender pronouns and fat phobia. how can semitism of jewish not
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at the top of the list either? >> todd: there is federal funding and in addition tax-exempt status. now congressman jason smith is threatening to take away the tax-exempt status of harvard, mit, upn, cornell. that could hit them where it hurts and the wallet. your last answer was intriguing to me because beyond helping jewish students, won't your suit strike at the heart of what you just mentioned, dei, wokeness, gender inclusivity that has taken over higher education, i.e., shabbos, discrimination of all kinds? >> sure. i think this lawsuit is an important victory for anyone who's been on the receiving end of bigotry and discrimination. as i said, yes, it is a lawsuit filed by jewish students, but it is not a lawsuit just forced jewish students but anyone that feels harvard has not taken
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concerns of discrimination, hatred, bigotry of gnomic to get tree. whether you are just an american citizen, read the lawsuit. it is online and you will be outraged by allegation after allegation. instance after instance of harvard either covering up anti-semitism, promoting anti-semitism are not protecting jewish students. as i said, this is not something i wanted to do. i wanted to be a regular student. when i got accepted four years ago it was not to sue the university. but unfortunately, it simply has gotten to a point where he did not see any other way. that is an unfortunate indictment where harvard is that right now. >> todd: this is important not just for harvard or jewish students by the american people. thank you for your time, shabbos. check back in with us and we were curious to see how it plays out. the title of the story was written by -- it literally says belichick is gone! we are talking about you, a plan in place to replace head coach
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bill belichick. that guy, former pats linebacker who played eight seasons under belichick reportedly next in line to take over the reins. the team has had it in place for years. the super bowl winner leading the team after 24 years. traber it's pouring in from former players. tight end with a heartfelt thank you after writing in part from taking a chance in the very beginning and teaching and showing me the way on the field. i wouldn't change a thing. of course, tom brady, the goat posted to instagram mime incredibly grateful to play for the best coach in the history of the nfl. he said the organization to never falter in the face -- >> carley: i'm sure he appreciated the comments from the great players. okay, they iowa caucuses this monday. 2024 election season. coming up an election of what the caucuses actually are, how
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>> todd: a fox weather alert now. look at that des moines, iowa, already coated in snow with massive winter storm makes its way over the plains to the midwest. >> carley: we will hear a lot about this because blizzard warnings in effect for iowa days before the caucuses. senior meteorologist janice dean with the forecast. janice, give us the latest. speak with the coldest caucuses on record for iowa. wind chills and the negative 30 range. it is crazy. let's take a look at it. you see the first arctic air plunged across the northern plains. ahead of that warmer air and that is the severe side of the storm we could see the potential for hail, winds, tornadoes for
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parts of the gulf coast to the southeast. mid-atlantic region. that is today. then the blizzard we are talking about for the midwest including iowa peer that is happening today. blizzard warnings in effect until saturday afternoon. the area of low pressure into the great lakes and also blizzard warnings around the great lakes as this moves towards canada late saturday into sunday. there are your blizzard conditions. snow on the ground and winds in excess of 50-70 miles an hour. the snow tapers off today but then you have the blizzard conditions for the next 24-36 hours. some of the heavy snow will be in and around upper midwest 8-12, 12-18 in areas of isolated amounts of 2 feet of snow here than the windchill comes in. some of the coldest air in years. windchill as low as 65 below zero. taking a look at the forecast as we go through friday, saturday,
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sunday, the worst of the cold air really sinking in on the weekend. then into monday, especially for iowa, we will not be concerned about the blizzard but it will be the windchill's of negative 38. >> todd: my gosh. >> carley: oh, by the way, i don't know if we can get to the map, des moines, the forecast looking at iowa but the northeast and the south monday night into tuesday a huge winter storm that could impact i-95 corridor but brings snow and ice to the south. >> todd: we do not handle the snow well. >> you were saying during the break. [overlapping voices] i will be here all weekend. >> carley: thank you so much. michael is an iowa state senator who joins us now. thank you for joining us. we know that iowans are tough and used to the cold appeared but if you can't get to the caucus location because of the blizzard where the windchill of
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negative 30 as janice was sagging, it will affect the ele. how do you see this playing out? >> thankfully, the caucuses are not today. we are facing a blizzard and hunkered down with windy, snowy, nasty weather right now. but monday, typical cold iowans can deal with. i think we will have, you know, great turnout at the iowa caucuses. it will be interesting. if the turnout is down, who does that help? ultimately come i think it will make for interesting, more fun monday night at the caucuses. >> todd: let's explain how ultimately a caucus works, shall we? republicans gather 1600 caucuses across 90 counties. they can be in schools, churches, or your neighbors living room. how point. each can make their pitches and it is time to avoid ohmic vote. they write their pick on a blank
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piece of paper and collected and counted to public view. the buy final tally gets reported to the state party. 40 delegates at stake in iowa will go to the candidates based on the results. so, michael, in terms of the results, what is your prediction? first, second, third and how close is it? >> holy cow, that is a tough question. it is too early in the morning for those kind of predictions. i think it is pretty clear right now that president trump is leading. but turnout is everything, right? and governor desantis has worked very hard on this date. all 99 counties come he has visited them. precinct captains in all 60 precincts. he is a captain for every precinct. ultimately, the iowa caucuses is a grassroots ever and coming together and that church and school with your neighbors and hearing, hey, this is what i am supporting xyz.
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so, i believe you will see strong performances from president trump who has done the work and really enlarging the republican party in iowa. you have governor desantis who has the grassroots and increased throughout the state. governor healey has momentum on her side. and even lately, vivek ramaswamy, who has really engaged the based on issues and has people excited and passionate about supporting mr. vivek ramaswamy. >> carley: senior campaign advisor said his goal is to win back by 12 percentage points. that is the number to look out for come monday. michael, thank you for joining us. we appreciated. >> todd: stay warm. >> carley: big day on monday. you stay safe and you stay warm. thank you so much. alaska airline passenger suing boeing after part of their plane flew off mid flight. now the feds are involved. we will tell you where this goes
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from here. this is a big one. >> todd: listen to this the department of veterans affairs, the va, real busy firing claims for illegal migrants. not veterans from illegal migrants. two people who serve the country and actually supposed to benefit from the va are here to react. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
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♪ ♪ >> carley: okay, alaska airlines passengers are taking action filing a class action lawsuit against boeing after a door plug blue off of the plane at 16,000 feet in the arab. >> todd: sort of expected this to happen. fox business with more. >> here we go, guys, good morning. six airplane passengers from portland to oregon headed to california before the door plug blue suing for airport for compensation for injuries during the incident. boeing not commenting, but the statement, this nightmare experience has caused economic, physical and ongoing physical consequences. we understand it affected our clients in one mark on the troubled max series aircraft peer that boeing 737 max 9 had taken off from portland
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20 minutes into the flight, 16,000 feet in the door plug blows and creates chaos in the cabin appear to boeing is in the crosshairs of regulators. the faa investigating whether the company complied with safety rules related to the design that was submitted and approved by the agencies. but alaska had discovered loose hardware on other max 9s after preliminary investigation. >> todd: small business owners listen up, the house can put a hole to controversial biden labor policy. >> write from a job killing policy so basically house republicans are attempting to roll back "overly broad joint employer rule." it is national relations labor board that makes it easier for employees to unionize by stating the employer is a joint employer due to relationships with franchisees and independent contractors. the board rule says, "an entity
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may be considered joint employer of a group of employees at each entity has an employee relationship of the employees and share codetermine one or more of the employees essential terms and conditions of employment." congressman john james telling the "washington examiner," beatles by resolution to support americans to achieve the american dream. america should be eight oh joe biden. what he is referring to is the path forward or there really isn't one with the democrat-controlled senator. biden said he will veto any legislation to reverse this rule. the house, by the way, scheduled for a vote today on this, guys, back to you. >> carley: something to watch, cheryl, have a great day. we are learning the department of veterans affairs is a processing 160,000 claims for illegal immigrants in fiscal year 2022 alone. those claims are worth a total of about 94 million taxpayer
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dollars. they were processed while u.s. veterans still waiting for their own care. a marine corps veteran who served on the gaza security team and founder of shadow warriors project. shelby and her son, the united states marine corporal who was medically and honorably discharged in 2014. they join me now. what do you think about this? we knew taxpayer dollars were going to illegal immigrant health care, that is one thing that now we learn a group of va employees are processing some of the claims. what are your thoughts? >> it outrages me that we are putting veterans behind illegal aliens, people who are breaking the law. i think it is outrageous that we do that. i think the biden administration has failed our veterans. fortunately, there are organizations like shadow warriors project that will rise to the occasion to fill these gaps created by the biden
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administration. >> carley: tell us how, tell us about shadow warriors project. >> after benghazi when i got injured, me and my wife started shadow warriors project to help contractors who get killed or injured overseas along with veterans with service canines and ptsd therapy course with dogs. we also, my wife started caregivers project for those usually left behind were left to the side and spouses to take care of us so well. >> carley: thank god for you because veterans desperately need the help. shelby, tell us your story. you were honorably discharged in 2014 following an instinct camp pendleton. what happened to? >> so well i was serving in the marine corps i had 3,000 pounds ball on my leg and i suffered terrible injuries to my ankle and to my heel. it resulted when i was 19 years
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old, they told me i might never walk again, which was absolutely terrifying. i was medically separated from the marine corps. i underwent a process with the va and now i'm medically separated and pursuing careers that i wish were in the marine corps. >> carley: i'm sure you do. we are so sorry that happened to you. how are you doing? >> i'm doing as best as i can. i am in pain every day which is incredibly unfortunate. thanks be to god that i can still walk stilled here they said i would never walk again and that was terrifying especially at 19 years old. i'm 31 years old, and thank god i'm able to walk. i am severely limited as to what i can do at the marine corps. i thought that was going to be my life. i love the marine corps. up at my job opportunities were severely limited after that. >> carley: i'm sure you have a lot of medical bills to file through the va appeared and want to get your reaction to a va spokesman said about using
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employees to file these claims for illegal immigrants. his name is terrence hayes and he told the they do not provide health care to detainees and for symbols no more than ten employees and fully funded by i.c.e. and any time health care professionals or va funds used for the purpose. i would like to get a quick response from both of you because the va is sating it's a group of ten employees filing the claims and all the money coming through ice and not us so no big deal. what are your thoughts on that i want to get your reactions as well. >> i think it is an absolute slap to the face for veterans. i mean, our tax money is going to the veteran's affairs, veterans administration and it's not going to the actual veterans. that is a slap in the face. it is a vulnerable thing to go ask for help and be denied or and the fact that money is going
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to people who are not americans. it seems like we are not putting americans first. veterans, as you know, we put america first. it is incredibly heartbreaking. i don't know if it makes me more angry or sad. >> carley: mark. >> first off my want to tell shelby come a thank you for your service. another marine on here. but veterans paid the price one week overseas. we sacrifice our families and we come home injured, broken and when we do, we get a slap in the face again that our administration and those that we protect are not taking care of veterans. there are 40 veterans a day committing suicide appear there are more than 150,000 veterans t are homeless and housing illegal aliens in schools and kicking kids out here this administration is a complete failure come in my opinion. >> carley: it feels like everything is backwards. we thank you for your service we
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are still a great country because of people like you. mark and shelby, thank you so much. >> thank you. >> carley: a fox news alert to come if you are waking up with us the u.s. and u.k. launched o0 precision guided missiles into yemen overnight taking out more than 60 houthi targets there. >> todd: our defense secretary ordered the defense and when are we finally being able to hear directly from him? >> can you commit when he's released from the hospital he will answer questions about the situation? >> what i will commit to do is to pass that request along. >> todd: you will hear directly from joe concha live in the studio next. and here. not so much here. farxiga reduces the risk of kidney failure which can lead to dialysis.
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u.s. and u.k. firing missiles into yemen. plane, ships and u.s. sub. >> carley: 16 targets were hematocrit at houthi locations. defense secretary warns there will be more of this if the iran
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backed fighters do not end their attack on international shipping lanes in the r red sea. say the u.s. and u.k. should pay a heavy price. >> todd: sparking outrage here at home with protesters taking to the streets in new york and washington to condemn the strikes. several democrat lawmakers bashing the biden administration for signerring off on these strikes without consulting congress. >> carley: while all of this is happening president biden plans to head to pennsylvania to talk about bidenomics. first public appearance since monday. >> todd: 31 days since the president last took questions from reporters alongside another world leader. 58 days since his last solo news conference. >> carley: joe concha joins us now. joe, good morning to you. the president has had quite a week behind the scenes, the lloyd austin controversy, the strike he just ordered in yemen and surprise hunter biden shows up on capitol hill. he is going to pennsylvania. there is gonna be reporters
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there though are going to have a lot of questions. how do you see this playing out. >> he hasn't had a public appearance south carolina on monday. pennsylvania last friday. >> it's adjacent to delaware. it only makes sense he does campaign trips on friday. he hasn't taken any questions in about a month from anybody. and we keep hearing from the press secretary that he is the most transparent, most successful president in history. but, clearly, his handlers do not want him out there because it's not only cleanup on aisle 5, it's 18, it's 22. they don't trust him outside of a teleprompter. >> carley: all the aisles need mopping. >> todd: to your point he has been to pennsylvania 30 times as president. that's a lot. the pentagon won't commit to defense secretary lloyd austin holding a news conference. listen to this. >> can you commit to when he is released from the hospital he will come answer questions here about the situation? it's great to have you here, i think he needs to come here as well. >> what i will whit to do is certainly passing that request
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along. the secretary has, you know, publicly acknowledged when it comes to transparency, he has taken full responsibility and committed to doing better. >> todd: either the condition is way worse than letting on or they think he is above talking to the american people. >> to >> joe: i think is he incapacitated at this point. why else wouldn't he contact the president, the congress, let the people know he is in the icu for eight days. if he couldn't do that himself, we have all been in the hospital, as far as prostate cancer is concerned. you are right, i talked to my wife about this. she is a doctor. clearly there is something else going on here he has the ability to get to his phone and at least write an email saying i'm going to be out for a while. that never happened. so we should be very concerned because, obviously, the world is on fire right now. the defense secretary apparently we need a low jack to know where
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he is at all times because even the president wasn't informed of his condition. >> carley: this is definitely i'm sure emotional time for him given the diagnosis. you can understand where he would need time to process the information yourself. when you become a cabinet member you give up your privacy. factor that plays into the job. >> joe: at least have a deputy handle his responsibilities for now, carley. if he isn't speaking to the press, something is going on here. >> todd: within the last 12 to 24 hours he authorized a massive strike on yemen, if he can do that, can he get up in front of a camera. >> joe: if he authorized it. >> todd: great favor question authorized. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. >> of course. >> carley: appreciate having you in the studio. busy week in iowa ahead of the iowa caucuses on monday. it's going to be a busy weekend and busy week ahead. "fox & friends" starts right now


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