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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 12, 2024 3:00am-4:00am PST

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he is at all times because even the president wasn't informed of his condition. >> carley: this is definitely i'm sure emotional time for him given the diagnosis. you can understand where he would need time to process the information yourself. when you become a cabinet member you give up your privacy. factor that plays into the job. >> joe: at least have a deputy handle his responsibilities for now, carley. if he isn't speaking to the press, something is going on here. >> todd: within the last 12 to 24 hours he authorized a massive strike on yemen, if he can do that, can he get up in front of a camera. >> joe: if he authorized it. >> todd: great favor question authorized. >> carley: thank you so much for joining us. >> of course. >> carley: appreciate having you in the studio. busy week in iowa ahead of the iowa caucuses on monday. it's going to be a busy weekend and busy week ahead. "fox & friends" starts right n
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now. >> ainsley: it is the #:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends" on the east coast. it is friday, january 12th. >> steve: thank you very much for joining us. we have breaking news on this friday. joint strikes by the united states and united kingdom hit dozens of houthi targets in yemen after a number of attacks are in the red sea. the iranian back the group says we are not backing down. brings it on. this able unraveling as defense secretary lloyd austin still in the hospital calling the shots from his bed. >> lawrence: plus, nikki haley pulls ahead in the latest polling in iowa with the caucuses on monday. >> for us it's always been slow and steady wins the race. it's the people that decides. while everybody else wants to discount us, i will tell you we keep moving and we are moving for a reason to believe. >> brian: california police department offering $75,000 bonuses to recruit officers. and guess what?
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still not enough. "fox & friends" starts right now. and, remember, your mornings are better with friends and i'm so glad you are here because we need an update on what is taking place overseas in yemen. >> ainsley: absolutely. it's a big story. a fox news alert. the u.s. and u.k. using jets and ♪ >> ainsley: the u.s. and u.k. are using jets, they are using warships as well as submarines to strike at least 60 targets at 16 different houthi military sites in yemen overnight hitting air defense systems. weapons facilities and launch sites. >> this military action comes in response to the iranian-backed group, houthis, repeated attacks on commercial ships in the red sea, making it very dangerous for them to travel houthis
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launched 27 attacks as they try to launch a blockade of israel. >> lawrence: houthis not backing down the u.s. and u.k. quote committed foolishness with this treacherous aggression and they were wrong if they thought they would deter yemen from supporting palestine and gaza. >> brian: president biden saying we will not can measures to protect our people and free flow of international commerce as necessary. meanwhile all of this comes as secretary of defense lloyd austin still in the hospital says he basically directed it from his lap table on his hospital bed. let's bring in brigadier general rob spalding, u.s. air force. general, your thought about our decision to hit the houthis last night? >> well, you know, every time we drop a bomb or pull a trigger it's a policy failure. in this case what happened was three years ago the administration said they were
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going to stop supporting the saudis war against the huts. i think what we have to realize we are spending blood and treasure probably $100 million for this operation alone. our forces are getting attacked and all because of failed policy decisions. >> lawrence: general read the quote from spokesperson later on in their statement they said yemen is religious and humanitarian stance remain alongside gaza with everything it can and will not increase it. they talk about the religious point of view as well. and their humanitarian point of view, so my question is this administration has said that they can negotiate with these people is it a little naive to
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think you will convert them religiously? >> it's not just their religion, i mean, understand that we have given money to the iranians they are giving money and weapons. they can all the religion they want. if they don't have money and weapons, they can't do anything against us. i think this is a big problem. you know. if we did a lot more thinking we could do a lot less fighting. >> ainsley: we know they support hamas. they are backed by iran as you said. joe biden in 2021 stripped the houthis of their terrorist designation. so who exactly are they and what exactly do they want? >> >> obviously fighting for control of yemen and they are aligned religiously and ideologically with iran as is much of the region, so i think what they want, obviously, is what anybody wants in their region is to control that area
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supporting them in that. if we took a harder stance against iran, and if we cut them off, it would be far harder for them to support these guys. >> steve: yeah. general, we have got some graphics to show kind of the timeline. it was just a couple of days ago that they, you know, they have launched over 20 drone strikes and missiles in the red sea. more than 100 hewitt launched drones have been. 38 attacks red sea area endangering international travel. as you said this strike last night cost us $100 million, probably, spread with the united states and united kingdom and coalition partners. they hit 60 targets, with 100 munitions. given that graphic they kept out
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where they're keeping drones. do have we hit all the stuff or do they have more stuff to go. >> if you go all the way back to the iraq war you remember the hunt for scuds. it's very, very hard to find these things distributed around the territory of yemen. you know, so, yes, we hit some things but, ultimately, going to be very hard to stop these attacks. do you know who is not getting attacked though? the chinese. why are the chinese not getting attacked because they're supporting the iranians, and houthis this is obvious what is going on here. unfortunately we are just not thinking straight. if we had changed our policies with regard to who we supported, saudis in israel instead of iran. we wouldn't have this problem. >> the saudis getting rocketed regularly when they went to take action. they were using our equipment and material. we would supply them and then all of a sudden they said after this administration comes in they say the saudi arabia you are a pariah nation. houthi rebels in an effort to
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get iranians to the table to negotiate another bad nuclear deal, they changed that designation. and the reward is we get rocketed now can you explain to people the best way to hit them hit them hard consistently and not let them come up for air a small attack is worse than no attack you got to the go to the source and that's iran. we haven't shown any propensity to go after iran. the sawdz were paying for it and now we are paying for it. >> when you go back to the root not only iran but china supporting iran. so many policies that we have today in this country. you know, if you go back to what ancient chinese said about a general the acme of a general is
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winning a war without fighting. we are not very good with that right now. that's the big problem that comes out of these strikes. >> lawrence: general, just to build on brian's point. what's the delay and again i hate talking about military strategy on air, but, what's the delay of going after their leadership because i think that's one thing we saw in the trump administration is that, yeah, you went after the weapon depots, that's great. but, when you really hit their leadership, that's when you really get them to change course or at least pause. >> right. and you remember what happened, we went after general soleimani responsible for leading all the attacks in the region at the same time the president came out and made a clear statement to the iranian leadership if you continue you will pay a price unfortunately for whatever re reason and i don't understand it we think cozying up to iran will
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be a better policy outcome for the united states. it's not, it's costing us blood and treasure. we are just not making the right decisions in the region. i just can't explain it. >> ainsley: general, what is your response to lloyd austin? he has been in the hospital. this was a secretive hospital visit. and he is still in the hospital. we're making major decisions going, you know, attacking the houthis. what is your reaction to that? how do you think that this all plays out and do you think he needs to be held accountable for that? >> well, there is no doubt that chain of command is absolutely paramount. you know, i think a lot of people are just very surprised and shocked that the secretary, who is a retired four star, that knows that he has a responsibility to notify and change that authority. that is inexplicable. >> steve: yeah, no kidding. that's why the inspector general at the pentagon is launching an internal investigation. i think we know what they're going to say. somebody dropped the ball.
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general, thank you very much for joining us on this friday. >> ainsley: thank you for your service. >> thank you. >> steve: you know, ainsley, given your point about lloyd austin directing this from his hospital bed, the reporting is that on october -- rather, on january 1st, after an attack by the houthis on a ship from denmark, the president told the pentagon officials to go ahead and accelerator building a military coalition. also draw up a list of targets. and then two days later the two nations signed on with a statement saying hey, houthis, stop it. the president did not know that lloyd austin was in the hospital. he did not know he had cancer. nobody was essentially running the pentagon if you are joe biden. who are you talking about. a chief of staff or something like that. we are going to start bombing over in yemen, can you make sure this doesn't blow up in our
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face? >> lawrence: i think it also goes to the point that the president and the white house press secretary has said that the president constantly briefed. that the president is made aware of what is happening. he is getting the military strategy from the generals as well. >> steve: do you think that's really happening? >> lawrence: i don't understand how they can have that same narrative when he didn't speak to him for days. >> steve: where is lloyd on the phone? >> ainsley: roger whitaker a republican sits on the senate armed services committee. he says we want an explanation. he said why was there a communication lapse and he wants to know by january 19th. and then senator deb fischer from nebraska, also a republican, said imagine if there were an incident in the south china sea, imagine if we suffered a terrorist attack here on our homeland. the secretary of defense's location and his ability to respond cannot be in question. but if any security crisis had occurred last week, no one would have known where to find secretary austin. >> brian: a little bit later we are going to talk to senator lindsey graham about this.
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he just got back from the region. general jack keane nobody better to talk. to say do you know who is outraged? democrats. wait a second, you should have told us you were going to do this. ro khanna the president needs to tell congress. pramila jayapal unacceptable. the congressman from wink. the united states can't get entangled in another war. the republicans supported him saying of course you have got to hit them back. democrats are saying wait a second. hard to defense some of these actions, notice, i'm not talking politics. these are politicians' reactions to reactions from a democratic administration. >> well, brian, actually, i got something from senator mike lee, he is out. and he is not crazy about this. he said the constitution matters. regardless of party affiliation. is he angry that congress was not notified that there was going to be military action. thomas is i agrees. chip roy is open to hitting yemen what it is they kept
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attacking our people. we had to act immediately. i actually support the president finally having the guts. any ships go through the red sea they attacked us 27 times with drones and missiles on vessels in the red sea and also in the golf of aden. it is time. they can't attack us 27 times and we sit by and watch. >> brian: 20% of the global shipping goes through that region. >> ainsley: that's right. >> >> brian: and we still tolerated. >> lawrence: congressman michael waltz former green beret said better late than ever. >> ainsley: they're led by shiite group.
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fighting government two decades. of the country controls -- not the country, the houthis do. the northwest part of the country and its capital. their ideology is to oppose israel and the united states. they said after that attack on israel on october 7th. the houthis declared support for hamas and said they would target any trip traveling to or from israel. they will stand in solidarity with the israel. >> they are essentially the detaco government of yemen just to be clear with slogan this is slogan, god is great. death to the u.s., death to israel. curse the jews. and victory for islam. that's who we are fighting. >> brian: that's a bumper sticker for you. >> steve: quite a slogan. a lot on this all day long. in the meantime we have got to talk about what the people in the central plain states are feeling right now. a blizzard warning for parts of iowa as we head into the caucuses on monday. this as nikki haley pulls ahead
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of ron desantis in a brand new poll. she is solidly number two. >> ainsley: plus, drug dealer turned country star jelly roll giving a very powerful firsthand account of the fentanyl drivers. >> i could sit here and cry for days about the caskets i have carried of people i loved. i was a part of the problem. i am here now standing as a man who wants to be a part of the solution. >> brian: yeah. you will like what else he said to griff jenkins and chicago has already spent over $155 million on migrants. and critics say officials are still prioritizing sheltering them over the city's homeless. the outrage from residents coming your way. ♪ this is how a heart breaks ♪ you're feeling breakdown ♪ make you stay wide away ♪ this is how a heart breaks. ♪sis i couldn't get my hair done. my psoriasis was all over.
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what can i put down as your profession? thief! actress. she means actress. thief! [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now.
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i think he's having a midlife crisis i'm not. you got us t-mobile home internet lite. after a week of streaming they knocked us down... dial up speeds. like from the 90s. great times. all i can do say is that my life is pre-- i like watching the puddles gather rain. -hey, your mom and i procreated to that song. oh, ew! i think you've said enough. why don't we just switch to xfinity like everyone else? then you would know what year it was. i know what year it is. cause of the crash still under investigation. hunter biden due back in court in march after pleading not guilty to nine federal tax
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charges in los angeles yesterday. the president's son doesn't appear to be worried smirking while leaving the courthouse. and we are now learning that hunter's art dealer told the house oversight committee that hunter knew most of the people who purchased his artwork. outrage on capitol hill after dr. anthony fauci admitted that six feet of social distancing was not based on science and quote sort of just appeared. his testimony this week in front of a house committee followed years of fauci saying americans needed to stay apart to avoid spreading cov covid-19 every ast of that ending the covid outbreak in 30 days has some aspect of physical separation. whether that's avoiding crowds, whether that's staying 6 feet away from people whether that's doing teleworking that does that. that's our most important tool. >> fauci admitting the idea that the coronavirus leaked from a lab in china interest are
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headlines over to you, lawrence. >> lawrence: what a legend is he. unbelieve it or not as a major winter storm barrels toward chicago, the city is scrambling to shelter migrants windy city spent $156 million caring for migrants. nearly 17% of chicagoans are in poverty. 25% of students are functionally illiterate. 6,000 residents are homeless. here to react are two chicago residents sam sanchez and cada truss. cat that, trus. thank you for joining the program there are a lot of residents in poverty there. i see them when i report from the city. are they getting any services while these illegal migrants
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are? >> not to the extent that the migrants are receiving services. and, you know, this weekend, we are going to be hitting a stretch of very artic cold weather. and it's going to be colder than it has been in a couple of years here in the city of chicago. >> . now, there are warming buss that are in place for the migrants i am and going to have to wonder are they going to provide the warming buses on canal street where the tents are located for the homeless or down on roosevelt where tents are located for the homeless or over on division street where tents are located for the homeless. not only are the chicago residents, who are homeless not getting the same annuities that the migrants are getting. they are not getting help at all. they are not receiving the same services. some of the migrants are being put up in hotels.
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to prepare for the cold that we're going to have this weekend. no one is going through the neighborhoods where our homeless people are living picks them up and taking them to hotels. something that has never happened. i was sitting in a meeting yesterday with the chicago board of education where they were talking about a $391,000,000.000000 deficit we are going to be facing. when you are looking at things like that happening. you are looking at the money being spent on migrants. you look at the fact that pouring in by bus and train and by plane. you look at the fact that the democratic party our democratic president has yet to deal with the crisis at the border. our mayor. our mayor is screaming and yelling to the government to the united states government that we need more funds. no, more funds is not what is needed who is needed for us to
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stop the bleed. cut the transportation to the borders off. what is needed is for our mayor to say we have exhausted our resources we have no money, space, or resources for migrants. and we have to stop at some point and say right now we have enough at what point do we close the border and help the people that have those countries fleeing here in the first place. those are things that need to happen we can't continue to pour out and pour into people when we don't have the resources to do it. >> lawrence: it's such a good point. i have got to ask you, sam. you said in your notes, you love your city. you have been here almost your entire life. you just got to ask the question does the city love you back when
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ms. truss just laid out for us what they are doing. >> i mean, will she hit all the key points. the city something depleted of resources. resources denied to communities long forgotten for over 50 years. schooling, education, job training program. the homeless. i mean for years we have been there for trade schools in these communities. and the funds are not there even long-term migrants that have been here for 30, 40, 50, 60 years waiting for work visas are still being ignored people are coming in and within a month a work visa. what the elected officials should realize is some of these old migrants been here for a long time have children and grandchildren voting age. this is going to reflect in the next election. i hope it does.
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they have been out there for years in the harsh winter. why can't we put them in holts? i don't get it. we are asking why can't you take the residents of chicago and put them in a four or five star hotel with meals, room service, laundry service medical services. we have been neglects the residents of the city of chicago. the border has to be shut down. so important for people to know. no country south of the border is going to help us stop it that. the money that is sent back, mexico gets $67 billion a year. venezuela $4 billion a year. and so on. i mean, some of these countries are in a race to send people over because this is how they grow the economy. without that, their country goes down. >> lawrence: just got back from the border, you see it as plain as day, ms. truss.
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do you think the biden administration has failed the people, the president himself have failed the people of chicago? we are sitting here talking about the issues. and we are still not receiving any kind of resolution from the biden administration. we are not receiving resolution from our governor. certainly not receiving it from the mayor. at what point did you stop and say wait a minute? our people are crying out. the people here, the residents in the city of chicago, the state of illinois, and arabic communities in the united states, where these migrants are being sent, all of these cities, the people are crying out and no one is listening you said you went to the border. nothing has changed there.
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you said no one is really paying attention wait a minute, we are supporting these people and voting on these people and they don't give a damn about us. >> lawrence: you know, ms. truss, i think there is a lot of people all across the country, not just chicago that agree with you you have made it very clear, you and sam, what the hearts of americans are right now. while we suffer the migrants get all the benefits as well. thank you all so much for getting up this morning from the windy city. we appreciate it. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> lawrence: so we reached out to the mayor brandon johnson for a statement. unfortunately we did not hear back. fox news alert. the u.s. launching airstrikes against iran by houthi rebels in yemen after a series of attacks in the red sea. and look at this. antiwar protest outside the white house last night over our u.s. response.
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>> brian: fox news alert now the u.s. and u.k. carrying out retaliatory strikes overnight in yemen, hitting at least sixth houthi targets on 16 different sites. at least five casualties. they did knock out air defense systems. destroying facilities and launch sites. comes to 27 attacks launched by iranian backed rebels shipping in the red sea. the goal is to stop any ships from reaching israel. just take a quick look. this is where the ships have been coming through. this is where they have been deterred. then they have been escorted on tuesday. there was 26 separate one way drone attack drones sent at our forces in the region, we knocked them all down. roughly to knock one of those
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drones down it cost about $2 million. we are going to run out of rockets. we had to do something. these are some of the major targets. meanwhile this comes as our deference secretary still in the hospital following complications we hear from treatment for prostate cancer. alexandria hoff joins us now from washington. alex? >> hi, brian, a senior military official indicated that the last straw so to speak was tuesday when the houthis launched their largest attack so far. that's when president biden called his national security team and directed lloyd austin to carry out a response, meaning in a secretary austin signed off military hospital stay had been kept secret from the president, top defense officials and congress. austin does remain hospitalized and provides this about yesterday's strikes by the u.s., u.k. and partners saying, quote
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the coalition action sends a clear message to the houthis that they will bear further costs if they do not end their illegal attacks. the united states maintains its right to self-defense and if necessary, we will take follow-on action to protect u.s. forces. now, last night a small protest did take place outside of the white house. demonstrators convinced strikes in yemen will only exacerbate the situation in gaza. several dozen expressing the same protested in new york's times square as well yesterday. and president biden, is he also facing blow back from a few members of his own party. democratic congressman ro khanna stated, quote, the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike in yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict. i will stand up for that regardless whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. so there are few republicans who agree with that but, in large part the president has earned rare praise from g.o.p. lawmakers who see the strikes as a good but also overdue step
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towards deterrence. brian? >> brian: alex, they don't ask him for permission. they just want to be briefed; is that correct? >> that's what it sounds like, they wanted notification that this was going to happen something died on thursday. there has been question for many years about the president's authority on signing off on these kind of strikes. we see year after year questions like that remain. >> brian: put a lid on it instead of bringing reporters on it to brief them what is going on. thank you so much. >> sure. >> brian: carley shimkus, following the other breaking news that matters a lot. especially when it comes to immigration. >> carley: the texas national guard seizing control of a public park in eagle pass. a hot spot for illegal border crossings. this footage shows military trucks in the area while fences are installed. the mayor there says it was done without warning blocking border patrol from doing their jobs. but, the border patrol union president says agents are not upset by the governor's decision saying, quote: governor abbott
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is not harming border patrol operations. he is enhancing them. seizing control of shelby park allows our agents to deploy to troubled spots that experience high numbers of got-aways. alaska airlines passengers taking action following a class action lawsuit against boeing after door plug blew off their plane at 16,000 feet in the air. six different passengers experienced various conditions injuries, bleeding, difficulty breathing and seizure. the faa is now investigating whether or not the company complied with safety rules related to the design that was submitted and approved by the agency. and country music star jelly roll bringing americans to tears as he testified on the fentanyl crisis, his former life as a drug dealer. >> i have attended more funerals than i care to share with you all. this committee, i could sit here and cry for days about the cass detectives i have carried of people i love dearly.
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i'm here as man who wants to be part of the solution. >> >> carley: telling the senate committee during the time of his speech, there was a 72% chance that someone died of a fentanyl overdose in just that period of time. and fiscal year 2023. u.s. customs and border agents seized the equivalent of 6 billion lethal doses of fentanyl. those are your headlines, steve, over to you. >> steve: each one could kill somebody. 6 billion dead people. that's crazy. all right. thank you very much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> steve: meanwhile $75,000 almeda county has the largest sign up and $113,000. it's more than new officers earn in nearby san francisco which boasts offering the highest salary of the big u.s. cities even with all those zeros good
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morning to you. >> steve, great to be here again. >> steve: we talked in the past how people aren't crazy signing up to be police officers because the officers don't have their back. all the police protest. the defunding the police, but now they are desperately looking to hire people out there. but even at $75,000 signing bonus and $113,000 starting pay doesn't account for the fact that the area you live in is really expensive. >> multi-factorial. like you said all this anti-police rhetoric, radical das, all this stuff, this has been building up for over 10 years. i mean, can i remember back in occupy wall street. that's almost like 15 years ago. where, you know, this anti-police vitriolic narrative being pushed on and on and on and so forth.
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you have you have got that for sure bosses not carrying for you. cost of living. i was making $200,000 as a san francisco police officer for the last 8 years with overtime. i told my wife we will never be able to afford a home here because i can't catch up. the average home in san francisco is 1.2 million. that's a fixer-upper. so, yeah, people don't want to -- and if you look at the stats right now. we hear it all the time. gavin newsom wanting to raise taxes. the pandemic really opened people's eyes that they can move to states like texas, have a better quality of life and make pretty much similar money. >> steve: so let's just account for the people who are watching right now, what is going on in california. particularly in that region. that is they cannot find people to become recruits. no one wants to be a cop anymore. what they have done is lowered the physical requirement so that, you know, you can be out of shape to join. plus, i understand, you can hire
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a non-citizen, which will open the flood gates, and they there even was a hire from the fbi's most wanted list they are that desperate to get cops? >> steve, they are desperate. i mean, and recruiting. i remember five years ago. that the higher ups were saying we have got a problem. we have got to get ahold of this. you are seeing nationwide that recruitment is down. what i'm saying again daniel pink wrote this book called a drive. there is three reasons that drive people to do things it. comes down to having -- i will go over three. mastery, autonomy and purpose. officers within five years on average, they have mastered most of the basic skills in police work. they are done with that autonomy they have none. they are being told instead of go out and catch the bad guy. they are told go move the homeless. there is so everywhere oversight at all the departments right now from complaints d.a. they feel
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very restricted and purpose. purpose being diminished daily kind of to my highlight go out and be a crime fighter. actually we want you to go move that homeless guy from the other block. that doesn't fulfill people. they are not motivated to do this job. and they can go out and do what my brother does, is he a plumber and he makes way more money than me and he doesn't have to worry about putting a bullet proof vest on and maybe losing his life. i think there is a lot of benefits to not being a police officer and that's why these guys aren't -- they are not chomping at the bits. >> steve: no kidding. joel, thank you for joining us from the west coast. can you go back to bed now. >> thanks, steve. >> steve: meanwhile, in the central plain states, fox weather alert. a blizzard warning for parts of the central plain states, including as you can see right there, iowa also wisconsin and other places. could impact the caucuses. meanwhile a new poll shows nikki haley beating ron desantis for second place. >> our goal is to be strong in iowa. you know, we are going to move it to a two-person race when we get to new hampshire. we will get stronger when it is
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in south carolina. we will finish it. this is very much an open race. >> steve: no kidding. plus, we got some wild video as a dis security guard tackles a protester at a desantis event yesterday. we will tell you what we know coming up. ♪ ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. right now get a free footlong at subway.
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>> ainsley: fox weather alert. a massive storm sweeps through the region. hawkeye state under a blizzard warning just before the caucuses on monday. our senior meteorologist janice dean is here with our fox weather forecast. janice? >> janice: yeah. people who are traveling, it's going to be really tough. i heard that united airlines has canceled a lot of the flights in and around chicago the iowa area. this is going to be a trying time. as we head into the weekend. take a look at it. not only the snow but blizzard conditions but also have the severe side of this storm where we tornado quarntion right now east of little rock down across towards the mississippi river valley. that's going to be a concern. tornado watches in effect until 11:00 a.m. central time and tornado warn storms next couple of minutes on the ground. we have got some rotation. the blizzard side of this storm bringing heavy snow and very strong winds to the midwest and the great lakes. so we have those blizzard warnings fors much of iowa. even towards the green bay area.
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and northern michigan. so, heavy snow in the forecast. 12 to 18 inches. and those blowing snow conditions are going to cause very difficult, if not impossible travel. then, the other part of this is the wind chill. so the blizzard dies down over the weekend. but then you have got wind chills in the negative 38-degree range. it is going to be the coldest iowa caucus on record for monday. so those are some of the wind chills for des moines, and then we have a very stormy weather pattern for the next week or. so this storm moves through. >> we watch another one that could bring snow and ice to the south. and a pretty good nor'easter for the east coast monday into tuesday. so, a lot going on. i'm trying to get people, anchors to iowa. it's going to be tough. it's going to be tough over the next 36 hours. we will keep you up to date. fox steve, ainsley, brian, and l.j., over to you. >> ainsley: thank you, janice. >> brian: iowa is going to happen. whether or not. >> ainsley: in four days. >> brian: i can't believe it. we will be there. lawrence and steve will be there
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covering it. but this early poll has to feel good for trump and disturbing for desantis. >> ainsley: that's right. so trump is -- he has this dominant lead there in iowa, 54%, according to the suffolk university survey. look at nikki haley. she is beating ron desantis by 7 points now. she is at 20%. desantis at 13. and ramaswamy at 6. if chris christie was still in the race he was getting 2% when this poll was conducted. >> steve: here's the thing. you know, given the fact that suddenly there is this x factor of the blizzard, so, for the most part the candidates have canceled all of their bus tours today and they can't fly around, and bit early cold temperatures. i was talking to my cousin marty yesterday in spencer, iowa. he said you know we are going to get a foot of snow. going to be a possibility that people won't venture out on monday night because it's dangerous. speaking of ron desantis. we have the crazy video. yesterday he was in ames and he
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was interrupted three times during his stump speech by anti-fossil fuel protesters when he was at jethro's barbecue. look at that one guy got up on the stage next to him before being tackled by his security team. they are screaming ron desantis is a climate criminal. desantis continued on. afterwards. >> this is what is wrong with the college system right there. >> steve: is he talking about the college students iowa state university. >> ashley: watch that tackle again. >> brian: i think that's brian griffin. great hit. hit the candidates back. you can't see what comes up on stage. >> that is so dangerous, brian. absolutely right. desantis continued and he said we take questions from folks all the time. yeah, i'm not going to let these numb nuts rush the stage or signature anything like that. people ask, you know, normal respectful questions we are happy to do it. >> who said that, desantis. >> ainsley: he called him numb nuts?
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>> steve: i would do. >> lawrence: look at the average donald trump 53% and all the combination of all the polls. nikki haley at 17%. and then you got ron desantis at 15%. now, it looks like the former president definitely has the lead, has the support of the people but ron desantis' factor is his ground game knocking on doors. nikki haley having some surge. >> brian: in new hampshire, not iowa. >> lawrence: not iowa. the question is who is going to get turnout there? and, you know, the former president has kind of tampered down expectations because he doesn't want people to get discouraged and think that he already has it in the bag. >> brian: iowans zipping the liner. get out there and vote if you can caucus. quick thing, those same climate people protested biden at that church at this point in time not just desantis they interrupted
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the town hall. >> brian: he is not green enough for them joe biden. >> steve: pro-fossil fuel. >> brian: probably took that car or a plane to get there. >> lawrence: no decorum. who protests outside of the church. >> ainsley: inside the church. they were inside. >> brian: go right to confession. meanwhile. >> ainsley: especially that church they have been through so much. >> brian: u.s. launches strikes against houthi rebels in yemen attacks on the red sea. all while secretary of defense lloyd austin is still in the hospital. general jack keane will try to make sense of it. ♪ ♪ ♪nothing is everything♪ i'm celebrating my clearer skin... my way. with skyrizi, 3 out of 4 people achieved 90% clearer skin at 4 months. in another study, most people had 90% clearer skin, even at 5 years.
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