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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 12, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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>> steve: good morning this is "fox & friends" for friday, january 12th, 2024. >> ainsley: we have breaking news. joint strikes by the u.s. and u.k. hitting dozen of houthi targets in yemen in an effort to stop their attacks on the ships in the red sea iran backed group says they are not backing down. jack keane joining us on the military action taking place as our defense secretary still remains in the hospital. >> lawrence: texas national guard seizing control of a park stop the surge of illegal migrants crossing the border i jurent returned and got a firsthand look at what is happening on the ground. >> plus, country music star jelly roll giving emotional testimony on capitol hill on the deadly fentanyl epidemic.
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>> i have attended more funerals than i care to share with you all. this committee i could sit here and cry for days about the caskets i have carried of people i loved. i was a part of the problem. i'm here now standing as a man that wants to be part of the solution. >> brian: is he not political. just wants to fix it. the second hour of "fox & friends" starts right now and, remember, your mornings are better because you are with friends. ♪ >> fox news alert. the u.s. and u.k. combining to use jets, warships and submarines strike at least 16 different targets in yemen this happened overnight. air defense systems, weapon facilities and launch sites. >> steve: jacqui mine rick live at the white house with the very latest. we still haven't seen or heard the president talk about this but they have put out some paper statements. >> that's right. we got a statement from the
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president last night, guys. he said that this was a direct response to at least 27 houthi attacks on commercial shipping that have affected 50 nations withdrews from more than 20 countries having been taken hostage on or about threatened in acts of piracy. last straw earlier this week the ninth when the houthis launched their most attack directed the u.s. ships to date laughing off the final warning that the u.s. and allies issued just prior earlier this month biden said in a statement last night, quote: today's defensive action follows extensive diplomatic campaign and houthi rebels escalating attacks against commercial vessels. i will not hesitate to direct further measures to protect our people in the free flow of international commerce as necessary. now u.s. and u.k. coalition forces did strike more than 16 targets 60 targets at 16 houthi
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locations. missile storage and launch sites. australia, canada, the netherlands and bahrain also lent support and houthis have claimed five died and six were injured. republicans have welcomed this response, including speaker mike johnson who tweeted this action by u.s. and british forces is long overdue. and we most hope these foreign relations true shift biden administration's to iran and proxies. but democrats, like congressman ro khanna said the president needs to come to congress before launching a strike against the houthis in yemen and involving us in another middle east conflict that is article 1 of the constitution. i will stand up for that, regardless of whether a democrat or republican is in the white house. but, remember, this is the same iranian-backed militant group that the biden administration removed from the list of foreign terrorist organizations soon after he took office. that was part of an effort to maintain a truce at the time. there was a civil war happening in yemen. lloyd austin did direct or
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oversee this operation, we're told from the hospital, warm he is still a patient at walter reed. the president asked for options on tuesday after the houthis launched their biggest response to date, was given some options by his national security team. from what we can tell from the statements we received so far, lloyd austin monitored this as it was happening. centcom appears to have been holding the reins there and the president signed off on it on tuesday. there were tweets ahead of time coming out of the authentic seemed to report this before it happened. that's very unusual. we don't ever see the u.s. sort of announcing what it's going to do. you hear a lot about not wanting to telegraph punches but news of it slipped out from u.k. reporting. >> brian: just to be clear, jacqui, you say news slipped out before the attack or that we did attack. >> before the attacks. there were some reporters in london saying strikes to happen soon. we're hearing about it. and it's going to be happening
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shortly. and still waiting to hear from the u.s. in terms of impact and casualties. that's unusual. >> steve: no kidding. >> you don't hear the u.s. either. that is not what happened this time either. this came from u.k. reporters. that was a little bit out of the ordinary. >> steve: it was coalition partners leakage like that slogan world war ii loose lips sink ships. unfortunately we knew about it early. going back to something we were just talking about how a number of progressive members of congress are upset because the president also a handful of republicans as well. something like this where they are going to engage the military. doesn't the white house or the pentagon call at least the very tippy top leaders in congress?
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i couldn't tell with you any certainty because i'm obviously not one of the people in the room. whenever the president takes any action, he always notifies congress afterward in a statement citing whatever authority it happened under. there may be in this scenario some authority that he is citing fryer notification. also, i haven't heard any criticism of this from top leaders in office. mike johnson and johnson would be on that list. they issued statements yesterday saying this is welcome. i also saw some armed services republicans who i believe would also be part of that notification issuing statements of approval as well. so, without knowing the full detail on what communications came from where, that i assume will come today a lot of this happened overnight. we'll get more detail on exactly who was told and when. >> steve: thank you very much.
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>> ainsley: thank you, jacqui. >> steve: quite a detail about the will. >> brian: they promised unimaginable revenge for the attacks. and on some level, according to some experts they love. this this is their great moment. they now engage with the great world power, their arch enemy. they are not popular in the region. iran is not popular in the region. the houthi rebels really not popular in the region. when you attack u.s. and attack israel, you gain popularity. the question is how good was our surveillance and intelligence? i will ask general keane that in 12 minutes. how good was our intelligence and surveillance. how clear were our shots? and did we give them warning to clear out personnel like we did in syria? just to send a message? >> ainsley: if you look at that, sorry, lawrence, if you look at that map right there that's yemen. houthi rebels you think yemen and can you see to the left the red sea which is where these ships are. the orange or the reddish area that's occupied by the houthis. they control the country's northwest and the capital, which
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is sana' a. opposition to israel and the u.s. do you have that statement that you red earlier? while you find that, lawrence. why are a tacking the ships in the red sea? they said after the attack on october 7th in israel the houthis declared support for hamas and said they would target any ship traveling to or from israel because they are standing in solidarity with the palestinian people. >> lawrence: you were talking about the slogan they adopted in 2003. this is what the slogan is god is great. death to the u.s. death to israel. curse the jews and victory for islam. so that just tells you where they stand on this. to brian's point earlier did we give them notice, you have 16 locations but only have five people that were killed there. so it would beg the question, with all that effort there, and you were only able to kill five people in it, did you give them some sort of notice? and to one of my special op.
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friends texts me and goes l.j. you can poke the warp nest and you will get stung. you have to destroy the entire nest if you want to be effective. that is the real question. does the biden administration really just want to poke it or do they want to destroy this cell of terrorism? >> steve: i understand from somebody higher up a lot of the harassing events taking place on the red sea with the houthis involved drones. a number of the primary targets where they keep the drones. where they launch the drones. >> ainsley: why did biden strip them of terrorist organization status. >> tried to kiss up with iran in order to reengage the talks. he wanted saudi arabia to be the enemy of his administration. that blew up in his face with humiliation. on tuesday, the u.s. knocked out 18 one-way attack drones. two cruise missiles, and one ballistic missile. we don't have the missiles on
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these ships to be able to keep up that pace. we have no choice but to attack. they must have realized that. >> lawrence: just got back from the state of texas. actually, i was in shelby park where this dispute is going down. so, that area texas dps. >> steve: eagle pass. >> lawrence: department of eagle pass texas. where our operation is? is that where you were live with that guy was coming. >> lawrence: that's correct. right in that area right there. texas dps has put wire there. they have marine boats there they have a helicopter operation to search the brush area. but they have had this ongoing relationship with the border patrol. now that has ended, according to the governor now saying he is done with them because cutting the wire and allowing the illegals to come in. remember the texas national guard as well as the texas department of public safety has been pushing the migrants back.
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as long as they don't jump the fence, they tell them go back around. if they get caught up in the wire then it becomes something different. >> steve: this shelby park is gigantic. it's 50 acres. the overnight headline is the fact that the state of texas has seized it, essentially from the city of eagle pass. and the city of eagle pass is going what are you doing? but that wire right there, that fence explains what is going on. and you were alluding to this, lawrence, they have been -- the border patrol has been using that area as a staging area for once steve. >> lawrence: to process the migrants. >> steve: once they are apprehended, they are processed. essentially what the governor of texas is doing is he is taking away the staging area from the federal government. federal government we haven't heard if they like it. the answer is no. but, also. the people of -- the mayor of eagle pass said we don't agree with this. not something we ask for. he is looking for every legal avenue to night that wire being
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put up around there. and that screen left is lawrence, your live video when that migrant came over through the razor wire and got all cut up. >> ainsley: governor shuts down this park. they take over the park. they put up humvees so that people couldn't drive through the entrance area, they put up fences to keep the people out. and the mayor, rolanda salinas says that the governor did this without any warning. and he says this is not something we wanted because there are a lot of festivals and events planned for the spring in this park. no telling how long it will happen. but, the mayor is -- the governor is saying, look, if you all are aren't going to do your job we will do it for you. >> brian: end up ultimately in the court. the texas governor made that clear about three weeks ago. he said we are taking this over. there is ultimately going to be a clash. brandon judd said this border patrol union president. governor abbott is not harming border patrol operations he is enhancing them. cease and control of shelby park trouble spots high number of got-aways.
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governor abbott's actions should be seen as a force multiplier. anybody portraying it as border patrol against texas is misportraying it according to the union president. >> lawrence: just to be clear and to brian's point right here, the border patrol doesn't -- they support this action because the federal government has been instructing them to cut the wire. they don't want to the cut the wire. the federal government says they have to. >> ainsley: not the patrolmen and women on the ground. >> lawrence: texas is working with the border patrol on this. when they started cutting the wire. then it destroyed the entire purpose of taking over the park. so what they are saying is look, if you guys want to play ball and have the same mission as us and secure the border, then you guys are welcome back. if you are not, then you can't be in the park. >> steve: border patrol son board with it. the state of texas obviously. >> the city not crazy about it, but, ultimately. is he the guy in charge of the town. >> brian: party first. >> steve: as we have seen a million times. the federal government is going
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to come out with a statement today saying what you where doing? once again we are in charge of border security and we are doing a crap job. >> ainsley: reason for that park so many illegals coming through that area. >> steve: they were processing them there. >> brian: nothing more despicable than the person who puts the party ahead of the people who hut him there. city. so worried about having retribution from the biden administration. >> ainsley: we have a fox weather alert to tell you about. a second avalanche hits a lake tahoe ski resort. the steps the resort is now taking to keep all the guests safe. >> brian: yes. and, remember, follow the science? turns out dr. fauci wasn't following his own advice. now saying social distancing wasn't based on data. dr. marc siegel reacts with a stunning admission next. >> steve: he is making house calls ♪ sometimes, the lows of bipolar depression
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>> steve: fox weather alert. whiteout conditions in des moines, iowa at this hour as a massive winter storm is sweeping through the region just before the caucuses on monday. let's check in with senior meteorologist janice dean who has been telling me when to leave for des moines over the last 24 hours.
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>> janice: i know. it's going to be tough. they have canceled a lot of flights, steve. let's take a look at the maps. tornado warn storms. warm part of the system moving across the mississippi river valley where we have several tornado warnings for arkansas over towards mississippi and then we have severe thunderstorm warnings in effect. that's going to be potentially an issue throughout the afternoon as well as we go through louisiana and arkansas and mississippi over the tennessee river valley and then up towards the southeast. that's the tornado risk. then the cold side of this storm is bringing a blizzard for our friends in iowa right now. and nebraska up towards green bay where you see the orange blizzard warnings and winter storm warnings for millions of folks upwards of 12 to 18 inches of snow then cold air behind it is going to break some records. forecast lows for saturday, sunday. watch how far the cold moves southward so parts of texas in towards arkansas. mississippi river valley. we actually might see some snow in the south on monday.
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wind chill alerts for millions of folks here where we are going to get wind chills on the order of negative 20 to negative 30. this is des moines, iowa. the blizzard calms down this weekend. but then the coldest air of the season moves. in and then this is our next big system that brings the potential for ice and snow for the south and then maybe some snow for the northeast. i want to say i had to my friend real quick what is your name. >> sally cheng. >> janice: seeing your son perform at carnegie hall. >> yes. i want to say hello to all the memphis ladies. >> janice: thank you so much for coming. do you want to say hi to carley. >> hi, carley we love you. >> carley: hello. and congratulations to your son. that sounds like an amazing experience. got to get to some more headlines and janice, snow is also affecting california. there was a second avalanche being reported near lake that show on thursday. close to the tahoe resort. that he was the mountain where after avalanche killed one man and hurt three others on wednesday. the slopes were reopened after
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that tragedy. once extra precautions were put in place. six harvard students are suing the university alleging it is enabling anti-semitism on campus. the lawsuit says, quote: based on its track record, it is unconceivable that harvard would allow any group, other than jews to be targeted for similar abuse or that it would permit, without response, students and professors to call for the annihilation of any country other than israel. harvard, america's leading university, has become a bastion of rampant anti-jewish hated tread and harassment. that's their statement. those your headlines, ainsley, over to you. >> ainsley: thank you so much, carley. >> carley: you are welcome. >> carley: dr. anthony fauci now admitting social distancing wasn't based on science. fauci telling a house committee this week the idea standing 6 feet apart, quote just sort of appeared. the shocking admission comes nearly four years after statements like this. >> every aspect of that ending
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the covid outbreak in 30 days has some aspect of it of physical separation. whether that's avoiding crowds. whether that's staying six feet away from people. whether that's doing teleworking, all of that does that. that's our most important tool. >> ainsley: here with reaction fox news medical contributor dr. marc siegel. i want to get your reaction. do you remember the great lengths that schools went to to separate desks, put up plexiglass and the lengths we went through standing in the grossry store standing 6 feet apart. people would yell at you if you got too close to them. all of that for nothing. no scientific proof that worked. >> it came from somewhere. i will tell you where it came from in a minute. the biggest damage was by expanding it past the first couple of weeks to slow down the hospitalizations in new york. that we didn't know what to do. but the problem is the science that started to emerge after that is contrary to what this came from. it didn't come from nowhere the
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way dr. fauci said. it came from 1918 science that's what it was 1918 a flu virus which actually didn't go as far as covid. didn't spread all over the place. it rode along the flu on large droplets. in st. louis, dr. max starkoff the city health commissioner and in washington state thomas tuttle epidemiologist they shut things down and they had an impact. it's a different virus. and here as early as february 20, ainsley, we found out and i was out there interviewing the researchers, covid is all over the room. covid is spreading through communities. the idea of social distancing didn't come out of nowhere but it came out of 1918 and we already knew better. you made the most important point of all. it was one thing to stay 6 feet apart but a lot of poor schoolings couldn't do that so they closed and they missed the main thing they should have done
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opening windows. stuck w 1918 and stayed with it. >> ainsley: every time we learned something new from dr. fauci it was made up no. direction. no science there. >> i have to point out i and many others warned in early 2020 that it was going to have extreme collateral damage on our children. they were going to have learning problems as a result. >> ainsley: now he is saying there is no proof of that. >> total proof of that it took the "new york times" three years to talk about that. >> ainsley: talk about jelly roll. he has been here with "fox & friends." he connects with his audience. is he rapper, singer, and very famous throughout the country now. he has been in prisoner. he sold drugs. says he can't even vote anymore because of his rap sheet, a long rap sheet. he has gotten clean now. now he is going to capitol hill. he talked to the senate about this fend off fentanyl act.
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we listen to this story and we will talk about it on the back end. >> i have attended more funerals than i care to share with you all. this committee, i could sit here and cry for days about the caskets i carried and people i loved deeply in my soul good people. i was a part of the problem. i am here now standing as a man that wants to be a part of the solution. >> ainsley: wow, what's your reaction? >> i love the power of that the personal appeal that has been through it. he says cooking these things together in his own kitchen the way the drug dealers are putting it together in these 10-foot labs. very, very powerful. his song save me, i need a favor. please save me god before i die from this is going to have an impact. i like this bill a lot. fend off fentanyl. the problem is and it's bipartisan. the problem is drugs sanctions like this aren't the answer, are they they are a step in the right direction. the answer is closing the border. no matter what happens, fentanyl will zoom across the border, no
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matter how many financial sanctions you put on it and by the way now there is something called benzo dope which combines fentanyl with something like xanax, a strong xanax. so even if i use narcan to reverse it won't work. we will be more and more overdose deaths from people stopping breathing. the only solution is to close the border. >> ainsley: all right, thank you. >> not just the money. >> ainsley: thank you, dr. siegel. >> good to see you. >> ainsley: good to see you too. the u.s. launches strikes against houthi rebels in yemen after numerous attacks in the red sea all while secretary of defense in the hospital. nikki haley is now beating ron desantis in iowa. we are going to dig into those numbers and this wild video as a security guard tackles a protester at a desantis event. plus, raymond arroyo hitting the hula bowl talking to nfl greats about super bowl predictions. bill belichick, and even taylor swift. >> that's disenchanting people
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with sports now. taking away from what really happens on the field. >> my granddaughter is a big swiftie. i mean, it's really good. it's brought a lot more viewership into football. >> yep. ♪n-c ( ♪ ) ( ♪ ) emergen-c crystals. ♪ ♪ every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt.
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israel is under attack. the war against israel began with the murder of hundreds of precious children. in this orphanage bomb shelter, we're praying for god's help, praying to avino malkino, our father, our king. countless israelis are enduring the devastating anguish of lost loved ones. thousands of rockets have forced over a hundred thousand israelis to become refugees in their own homeland. israeli families are in crisis. the international fellowship of christians and jews is on the ground, reaching jewish people of all ages. children, mothers, the elderly, even holocaust survivors. but we can't do it without you.
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as jak inhibitors. find what plaque psoriasis has been hiding. there's only one sotyktu, so ask for it by name. so clearly you. sotyktu. >> brian: back with a fox news alert. a u.s. led collision overnight striking 60 targets at 16 military sites in yemen. a retaliatory 100 attacks on u.s. forces by the iran backed group. all of this comes as our own defense secretary, still in the hospital, providing this statement on the strike saying. this the coalition action sends a clear message to the houthis that they will bear further costs if they do not end their illegal attacks. here to react fox news senior strategic annual list, retired four star general jack keane. general, can you describe the
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quality or the magnitude of this attack? >> well, this is the most comprehensive attack that we have conducted, you know, since the war on gaza began. it really quite significant in terms of what they went after. 60 targets as you mentioned. 16 locations. over 100 precision guided munitions delivered by air, surface and subsurface capabilities. and they went after things that we were talking about. not that they're listening to us. but, it was comprehensive. command and control knows, radar systems, the launch systems themselves, the storage sites for the rockets, missiles, and the drones and the munitions depos. they are going through bomb damage assessment now to determine how effective this was. they were likely tracking the houthis were trying to hide some of this capability for the last few days. but we have got excellent surveillance there. and likely we will -- we are able to determine whether they were moving a lot of this.
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they will finish the assessment. believe me, i think if there is capability there, that is still significant, we should reattack. and then we got to remind ourselves what's really happening here. the center of gravity for the aggression in the middle east that we're experiencing is iran. we have said this time and time and time again. and to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be sufficient. we have got to go after iran. they are, as i mentioned, the center of gravity, centcom has a table of targets that they have provided to the administration in how to go about doing that comprehensively to shut down their support for these proxies. that has got to be high on our list. and what that really means, brian. we have got to re-set the strategy in dealing with iran in the region. and admit the fact that this thing has failed. when they came in, they removed the trump sanctions. iran's flush with oil money now
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as a result of it. they went after the nuclear deal. that failed. they were unwilling to confront iran. they believe that the previous administration use of the military was too muscular. we had to make a major diplomatic effort. well, the diplomatic effort with iran has gotten us nowhere. it has shown us weakness. they see it as vulnerability and opportunity. and they have taken advantage of it. i don't think the biden administration has to announce they are resetting the failed strategy. but let's just start moving in the right direction with the arab nations and israel to confront iran. >> brian: saudi arabia, has been dealing with for years. and not only did they not get any support. the houthis got removed from the terror list and saudis were told they were a pariah nation. things were backwards. they are not happy because they they finally got a cease-fire it seems with the houthis. now i'm getting this report that the houthis got a two hour heads up that -- in the u.k. u.k. reporters put out there.
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two hours before the attack that it was going to take place. how does that effect the effectiveness of an operation? >> i think the houthis knew for days that an attack was likely. they could see the change in the tenor of the united states public statements and disclosures and they were likely taking those actions. but, this is one of the reasons why we try to conduct these operations in secret and don't have the disclosure. after all, we are not conducting an attack against an unprovoked capability here. the houthis have been attacking us for weeks. so we have every right to attack them and we don't have to go all around the congress and everybody else giving them notice of this beforehand because there is a likelihood that something could slip out. and i think the senior members of the congress certainly understand that. if we were -- if we were starting a war, that's another matter. that's not what we are doing. we are conducting attack against a force that's been attacking
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us. >> brian: general, would he know this, too. that wasn't the only place iran was busy. there was 11 attacks from hezbollah on iran and northern israel and the islamic resistance in iraq claimed a rocket attack targeting u.s. forces over in syria. >> yeah. this is still going on. obviously. listen, hezbollah is attacking into northern israel. 80,000 israelis have been displaced. i know for a fact that the israeli government is pondering should they take offer action against hezbollah in lebanon. not defensive action. but should they take aggressive action and expand the war over the 80,000 displaced israelis. my personal view is i think that would be a mistake. i don't think we should expand that war. asra tnazareth nasrallah, has te capability to attack every town and every city in israel with
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over 130,000 rockets and missiles. is he choosing not to do that. i understand the frustrations the israelis feel about displaced citizens. if we end this war in hamas the way the idf and prime minister want to do that, that will be a huge step in the right direction. we have got to return to deterrence in the middle east. that's a fact. and we can do that with the idf and hamas and we can do it by certainly going, as i mentioned to the center of gravity, which is iran. not just with a kinetic attack which i think is prudent but also -- let's double down on the sanctions. let's get the arabs and israelis together with us. and really working out a plan on how to deal with the iranians long term. >> brian: all right, general. thank you so much for scrambling for us and getting us the latest information on the attack that took place hours ago. general jack keane, thank you. >> yeah. great talking to you guys have. a wonderful weekend.
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>> brian: coming up on one nation in just 8 days i know iowa is 90 hours away in 8 days sunday in the afternoon 3:00 eastern time, 2:00 local time we're going to have -- we're going to have a live stage show with fox nation going to stream it live. so it's joliet, illinois. some tickets still available. hope to see you there live and teddy and booker t. will be the way we close but we will have a fun patriotic, motivational, inspirational day. go to brian also v.i.p. opportunities. i can talk before just about an hour outside of chicago and hope to see you there in person. meanwhile, let me just tell you also what is coming up on one nation. we are going to be live on saturday night and ride the breaking news. no doubt about it. jim trusty on a myriad of court cases facing not only hunter but the former president of the united states. then sid rosenberg going to join us and tell us what is going on in new york city with migrant crisis and taking over schools as well as the protesters on times square and morgan ortagus on the breaking news and what it
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means for peace in the middle east which is basically in flames with the secretary of defense in the hospital. all that coming up 9:00 on saturday night. so be there. meanwhile straight ahead. the u.s. strikes in yemen and president biden's handling of the situation becoming a really hot topic on the campaign trail just three days away from the iowa caucuses. alexandria hoff joins us now with the details. alex? >> hi, brian. good to be with you. we know that among democrats, foreign policy sparked in emerging split something that the president has to contend with. we are seeing it among republicans and between g.o.p. presidential contenders, ron desantis and nikki haley. on the retaliatory strikes in yemen, governor desantis indicated yesterday that he believes the president does have the authority to take action when troops safety and international commerce is disrupted. that's pretty much unanimous among most mainstream republicans. but, like other republicans, he feels that deterrence efforts that they should have come sooner. here he is weighing in this week. >> biden will lob some ordnance
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at like empty warehouses. you have houthi rebels disrupting commerce at sea and we don't do anything about it. that just invites more of that i would never just have our troops sitting there as sitting ducks without a robust response. >> former u.n. ambassador nikki haley has traditionally been a bit more pointed on her remarks on iran-backed attacks. she said this during the debate on webs. >> there would be no hamas without iran. there would not be houthis without iran. there wouldn't be hezbollah without iran. when you look at what is happening in iraq and syria that is because of iran. they are pulling the puppet strings. what we need to do is we have had over 130 strikes on our men and women in iraq and syria is unconscionable. we are supposed to have their backs. >> she has really been touting her foreign policy experience here. that is a top issue right now. according to a new poll out of suffolk university. forminger u.n. ambassador nikki haley has now pulled ahead of governor desantis as iowa's second preferred g.o.p. nominee
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that's 20% to desantis' 13. still below president trump's standing. listen to this. at campaign stop in ames, iowa yesterday. ron desantis was interrupted multiple times. got kind of dramatic by climate protesters. they had approached the stage. one actually got on the stage at one point calling him a criminal that person was quickly pushed off to the side. you saw that happen there desantis responded saying that the protesters represent what is wrong with universities today, brian. we'll send it back to you. >> brian: unbelievable. that's the problem. ron desantis in oil and gas. appreciate it. alex, appreciate it. thank you. still ahead. alaska airlines passengers file a class action lawsuit against boeing after the horrifying mid flight blowout. and, getter done. raymond arroyo catches up with the cable guy on the state of comedy. at the hula bowl. that is next. >> i'm a free american. i live in the united states. i do whatever jokes i want to do. >> we are still getten her done.
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hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ >> carley: a fox news alert. there is now a full ground stop at chicago's o'hare airport because of snow and ice in the city. over 600 flights have been canceled there as well as chicago's midway airport. the full stop is expected to last until at least 7:15 a.m.
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central time. we will be monitoring for other cancellations and delays. >> carley: new york city mayor eric adams says the city will be reverse ago plan to cut nypd funding. the initial budget cuts were meant to cover migrant costs. this just days after city officials forced students in brooklyn to go remote so they could use their high school as a migrant shelter. congresswoman alexandria ocasio-cortez shared her thoughts on the situation. >> are you okay with the school being used as a shelter? >> you know, i think it's -- again, this is not -- it's not in my district. i think it's very clear here that what's most important is that we identify a facility that's appropriate for these folks. i don't anticipate this being a long-term solution. it shouldn't be a long-term solution. >> new york city has seen more than 160,000 migrant arrivals since 2022. alaska airlines passengers file
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a class ax lawsuit against boeing after a door plug blew off their plane at 16,000 feet in the air. six different passengers experienced various conditions, including injuries, difficulty breathing even seizure. the faa is now investigating whether or not the company complied with safety rules related to the design that was submitted and approved by the agency. and those are your headlines, guys, over to you. >> steve: we knew that was coming. >> carley: taking action. >> steve: thanks, carley. >> lawrence: tomorrow is the 7 # hula ball showcase 100 top senior athletes in orlando, florida. >> ainsley: our very own fox news contributor raymond arroyo was at last night's hall of fame banquet where he got to talk to some of the football's greatest and larry the cable guy. >> brian: in that order. >> it's amazing. these athletes are right behind me reviewing tape with their coaches preparing for this game
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tomorrow what i love about this is camaraderie which we will talk about in a moment it. gave me an opportunity to talk to some of the legends of the game tony dunningy. vince, and as well as our pal larry the cable guy. watch this. ♪ major coaches the winningness colleges, belichick and nick saban. >> i think he had have had such historic career at coaching and records that probably will never be broken again. >> it's surprising to me. i think coach belichick will be back. i have talked to coach saban in the last couple years. he has thought about this over and over. >> your reaction to belichick getting out of this game after 24 years. >> the rumor mill was there kind of throughout mid season, so i'm not surprised. but, you know, the legacy that he built in new england i mean,
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it's six super bowls? >> new poll came out a survey only 23% of gen zers consider themselves avid sports fan. >> because of fantasy football and betting and all of that, fans are more individually, right? they like to pick and choose. they like to dabble all over the place. so they like it they enjoy it. >> no devotion to a team. >> to a team. >> i think we will always have sports in some form or fashion. some people are disenchanted with it. >> what do you make of the taylor swift effect here? >> that's the thing that's disenchanting people with sports now. there is so much on the outside that is coming in. entertainment value different things taking away from what really happens on the field. >> my granddaughter is a big swiftie, i mean, it's really good and with travis kelce, it's created a lot of excitement. it's brought a lot more viewership into football. >> she is so popular now everybody just watches to see her. >> her reaction. >> in the stands and her
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reaction to the game. >> is it a good thing to focus so heavily on a spectator rather than the people in the arena who are playing the game? >> look, i have got to walk softly here because we actually dated. there is a lot of stuff in the world to worry about than taylor swift is dating somebody or showing her too much on the tv. you know, i'm sure, i don't agree with some of her politics that doesn't get in the way for entertainment choices for the most part. >> what has happened in comedy over the last few years? there was this cancel freeze that went on for a while. >> here's the deal. i'm a free american. i live in the united states. i do whatever jokes i want to do. i have a great fan base. they want to come out and watch comedy. you know, it used to be if you don't like an entertainer, you don't go see the entertainer. >> who goes to the super bowl this year? >> it's going to be interesting. baltimore looks really, really strong. san francisco looks strong in the nfc but i think they are going to have challenges. >> i think it's going to be purple team. >> baltimore?
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>> and red team. >> 49ers? >> i think those are the two top teams in the league. they have got -- i think their best ooffenses. >> gettin'er done. >> we are doing it. >> raymond: what a great bunch of guys. watching this athletes mingle with and be mentored by these legends of the game. that is something that is unique to football, i think. of course, brian is more attuned to this and has seen it more close up than i have. i only go to saints games. that's the only team i follow. it is amazing to watch these young athletes be inspired by the older generation and take those lessons. that mentorship, that unity that they create here as they watch tape and prepare to hit the field, that spills over to the fan base. it seems to me it's something we need more than ever in american life. that unity. >> brian: raymond, you might not know the answer to this larry
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the cable guy, will he be larry the streaming guy soon because cable seems to be so many people are cutting the cord? >> raymond: i asked him that very same thing. we talked about george carlin he has been dead since 2008. carlin just dropped a comedy special the other day and his family is up in arms. it's all a.i. i told larry are you ready to go a.i. after you are deceased he? wasn't too keen on that idea. i don't blame him. >> brian: we are work on that. >> steve: raymond arroyo joins us from the hula bowl in orlando. no longer in hawaii. >> brian: doing from orlando now. >> steve: two years ago. >> brian: bring your grass skirt. still ahead, senator lindsey graham join us live on the breaking news on the houthi rebels and so much more. >> steve: plus nikki haley pulling ahead of ron desantis in iowa as a blizzard warning issued just days before the first in the nation caucuses. a live report from iowa coming up. ♪ it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch.
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