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tv   FOX and Friends  FOX News  January 12, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PST

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serious side effects may include pancreatitis. gallbladder problems may occur. tell your provider about vision problems or changes. taking ozempic® with a sulfonylurea or insulin may increase low blood sugar risk. side effects like nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may lead to dehydration, which may worsen kidney problems. living with type 2 diabetes? ask about the power of 3 with ozempic®. ♪ ♪ >> it is the 8:00 a.m. hour of "fox & friends," on the east on this friday morning, generated 12. >> we start with a fox news alert. joins us trucks with the nine states and united kingdom have hit dozens of targets in the country of yemen after several attacks on ships in the red sea. but the iranian backed group
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says keep it coming. we are not backing down. all this unraveling as our defense secretary, lloyd austin, is still in the hospital, directing the admission from his room. >> and something that will touch all of us this weekend, chicago ground stops in chicago at the airport there as is no is having the city. hundreds of flights have been canceled. >> plus, nikki haley pulls ah ahead. ron desantis in the latest poll with donald trump securing a lead. the caucuses are on monday. >> for us, it has always been slow and steady wins the race. everyone else wants to discount as. we keep moving. we are moving for a reason. >> the final hour of "fox & friends." it begins right now and your mornings are better with friends especially when you are dressed. ♪ ♪
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>> vosfox news alert. warships and submarines to start at least 60 targets and 16 different military sites overnight. the air defense system, weapon facilities and launch sites. >> ainsley: it comes in response to the iranian backed groups repeated attacks on the red sea. they have launched 27 attacks as they tried to stage a blockade of israel. >> it has not been very effective yet. the u.s. and uk "committed foolishness with the treacherous aggression. and they were wrong if they thought that they would deter yemen from supporting palestine and gaza. all this comes as secretary of defense lloyd austin is still in the hospital. he is still at walter reed.
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spokesperson for the pentagon confirming that they had spoken just twice over the last two days. >> let's show you what took place while we were sleeping last night. these are some that major attack sites. there have been 60 overall. reports from the region that we have actually more attacks. were looking for weapons depots. we're looking for missile sites and we're looking for military bases. there are five fatalities on the there thesis out. look at the bigger region and the bigger picture. the problem really is iran. they are providing weapons and energy as well as money to hezbollah. and hamas. all taking on israel. while who is he's law rockets time and time again into israel and then are trying to take over the red sea. this, a ladies and gentlemen, is the problem. sooner or later, were going to have to confront it. general jack keane joined us 20 minutes ago and talked about the attack.
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>> the center of gravity for the aggression in the middle east that we are experiencing is iran. we have said this time and time and time again. and to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be sufficient. we have got to go after iran. we got to reset the strategy in dealing with iran and the region and admit the fact that this thing has failed. i don't think the biden administration has to announce they are resetting the field of strategy. let's just start moving in the right direction with the error of nations and israel to confront iran. >> lawrence: as he said about the biden administration to he who he is spokesperson said this, yemen continues its religious and remain on-site gaza with everything it can and will not increase it. this aggression is nothing but hardness. so it doesn't look like they're going to stop.
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>> steve: here is the problem with the strategy of going directly at iran and that is the commander-in-chief has no appetite for it. he has been very risk-averse. the whole reason -- even though there these have been having us like whac-a-mole for the last couple of months is because the administration has not responded. and it was not until there was a hit on a ship that was flagged to denmark on the first day of january, 23 for the president apparently had enough and he said, told officials let's build a military coalition because the mistakes can go in alone and so instead, got something like 13 nations, put out a statement the next day, through out a letter that did not scare him. last night, though, the houthis found out that the united states man business. it sounds like somebody in the uk's power structure leaked the
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information that there was going to be a hit to the press and so anybody with twitter -- knew ahead of time that we are going to do it. from these ships, that is a cruising -- crucial shipping route. were present, i think you said up to 20% of the world trade passes through that body of water. and after the attack on israel on october 2nd, apparently the houthis declared support for hamas and they said they're going to travel any ships. >> to or from israel. and they are led by a person named abdulmalik al who the, iranian backed had there been fighting in yemen, the government there for two decades and now they control, brian shaw you on the map, the northwest part of yemen and its capital and their ideology is opposition to israel and the u.s. and eu read their statement, torrance, earlier. >> lawrence: , they said in their is looking, this is the slogan, that is great, death to
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u.s. death to israel, and victory for islam. >> brian: tuesday, the scent 18 attack drones at us. how did not -- how did they not think we were going to respond? you just wonder in the big picture as well, iran yesterday, back one of their oil tankers that we took because they violated sanctions so they took it in amman and are bringing it back. they are getting bolder by the day. they are almost during is to take action against them but all in the backdrop of all of this is they're getting closer and closer to a nuclear weapon and i don't know how much more time we have. we know what netanyahu is never going to let them get it. we saw this over and over again. we saw them infiltrate. we saw site is getting murdered to do this. we then -- can you imagine how different this would be if they had north korea's nuclear program and now we know that they are coordinating? >> ainsley: lloyd austin is still in the hospital. he set up a statement.
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i guess that was from the hospital. he said the u.s. maintains its right to self-defense. the u.s. maintains its right to self-defense. the global economy and free flow of legitimate commerce in one of the world's vital waterways. >> brian: let's see if they back it up. in the meantime, we know you are interested in what happens in our and we have a fox news alert. there is a full ground stop in chicago's o'hare airport because as you can see, there's a blizzard in the central plains out of north central plains. heavy snow, a lot of when. and ice created a gigantic storm. >> ainsley: more than 600 flights were canceled there and at much -- jacob's midway airport. a full stop is expected to last at least another 15 minutes. >> lawrence: let's get straight to our meteorologist. >> if i may bedding woman, admit that they are going to continue that ground stop. let's take a look at it because
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with that is going to be widespread. there is chicago right now. ground stop for midway and chicago's o'hare, 32 degrees and that which is what is causing the problems here. the snow is coming down but we are exporting wind gusts in excess of 40 miles per hour. not only for chicago but through the plains states including iowa. so blizzard running for much of the state of our work. towards nebraska, east rather south of green bay and the northern michigan region. here's the snow still to come but there's just no. when you factor in the winds upwards of 50 miles per hour. it is going to because of some big issues on the roads and in the air. so just be prepared because this is going to class this weekend. the blizzard moves out this weekend but then the coldest air of the season, the cold air they have experience in musical diving across the plain states that you're going to feel windchills in the negative 40 to 30-degree, i mean, that is insane. and that is going to be you know, potentially deadly if people are outside for a long period of time.
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i'll also quickly want to make mention we have several tornado warnings across the mississippi river valley. this is a warm side of the snow expert tornado watch until 11:00 a.m. for all of these big cities from louisiana to memphis, tennessee. big deal. is something we're going to cover today and through the weekend and then a big winter storm monday and tuesday. pays for martin luther king jr. day. that is going to cause problems all along the east coast. fox for all of your latest features and of course, the carcass and i will probably be there this on re record. >> steve: which is probably going to impact turnout. thank you. all eyes are on the hawkeye state of our where weather will also be one of the issues with the iowa caucuses. how many people are not going to show up because of the weather. new poll shows nikki haley and ron desantis swap places.
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she is now a solid number two. >> ainsley: marushin is live in the morning with the latest. bill? >> reporter: as you guys just mentioned, the caucuses are up three days away now and the front runner, to trend, was not able to be here yesterday on the ground an hour to hit the campaign trail because he has been stuck in new york city dealing with the civil fraud trial but it is not hurting him in the polls. this is the latest polling here for the state of our country courtesy of the university. trump newborn at 54%. he really moving into number two behind him at 20%. desantis at 13. ramaswamy 6%. and as you take a look at this video yesterday, she is moving up to number two in the polls. she is number two in the fox news power rankings. she is also number two in the new hampshire polling rankings. and with chris christie out of the race now, there's a lot of speculation that most of his supporters will likely be going
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to her. she says her momentum is starting to peak and the right time in this race. take a listen. >> so get excited for -- four days until caucus. now, i know what does why i'm excited because it is 11 months of going all over this state multiple times to really get to answer all your questions and to take pictures and be the last one to leave. >> reporter: as for florida governor ron desantis, he has been trailing but he says he expects his ground game to make up for it. he has visited all 99 carries here in the state of iowa. he has got the endorsement of the very popular republican partner out here, kim reynolds and his campaign says they have not on 3 million euros so far in the early states. he is coming off a strong debate performance against nikki haley and he says he likes it when media expectations are low. >> i would rather be the
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underdog. understand that there's a lot of folks that wanted to create that negatively from the beginning of the election. i would rather be in that position. i think if you're somebody that they are expecting you know, to run away with it, 10, you know, i know that i would one as well there. >> reporter: and we just heard janice dean talk about the weather which is going to be a, edin dzeko. we are under a blizzard warning right now. aqib talib with tell you with the way in the wind is, your cheeks go numb with just a few minutes being outside. forecasts during the night of the carcass we could be upwards of negative 40 degrees because of the windchill factor but still most of the voters we have been talking to in our essay they are not going to let the weather stop them from getting out and caucusing. we will send it back to you. >> steve: i think we need to see the inside of that hotel for your next live for to get a sense of what it would be like with, in there inside our. and when can be outdoors. >> brian: usually credenza. >> steve: i'm looking to get him
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out of the elements. >> reporter: i like where your head is at, brian. it is a little bit different than eagle pass. >> brian: absolutely, the good old days. thank you very much. >> steve: i was reading the des moines register, taking care unit, into consideration what is going on with the weather. they say that if the weather impacts 5% to 5%, don't turn out, that will probably impact all of the candidates equally. however, if it is above 5% where the turnout has turned down, that would probably impact alter our words and in particular, iowans who live on a rural gravel road. i know my relatives for the most part in northern our live on gravel roads. and you got to figure, do i want to drive 10 miles in the dark on a gravel road with a foot of snow to stand in a high school
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gym to carcass for somebody? a lot of 40-year-old people say absolutely, i'm going to do it. but a lot of 75 euro people say, that is kind of dangerous. >> ainsley: i get it. they were saying if the weather is bad and people don't show up, it is going to help trump because trump is winning by it so more. >> brian: if you look at what happened with the ratings wednesday night, 2.6 million people watch that one out the one-on-one debate between haley and desantis on cnn. for people to watch the town hall, donald trump a guard 4.3 million. that is a mini poll in itself, on south, the poll came out and as at the trumped up by 34 points with the bigger story is haley has seven points lead on governor ron desantis. he feels, though, it is just one poll. he feels, there he is going to come in second. he does not predict he is going to wind. he thinks he's going to be strong in our. the question, it is this is the result, because ron desantis go on to new hampshire?
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trouble there that graphic right there. they are all great candidates. i mean, the republican party is really strong candidates this year. >> lawrence: i think it is going to come down to many. who has the money to continue the course and when you are on when you are on desantis, you put all of your money into our work. nikki haley has a lot of establishment voting now. she is probably going to do -- she is also making a new hampshire. so i'm sure she will continue in the race. but if your program, you are excited. you have a great closing argument on fox with the town hall. it seems like he has the when in his sails right now. 53% in the rcp average high. >> steve: this is not one of these things. people got to show up. and given the x factor, it is now the wet weather. you know, it could be all bets are off to what actually happens. >> brian: they promise a result in one night and they want to stay first. eight want to say want to say, the weather is too bad, they can have the first caucus. >> ainsley: i know everyone goes in the room and everyone gets on
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this site and it is very public. everyone can see who is voting for who. they have podiuming -- polling sites. >> steve: there are 1500 precinct. people go into the big room. representatives, all, all of the candidates make speeches and then they say, okay, who is for all of these people? any candidate who gets less than 15% is deemed not viable. and so they say, okay, you people who are just supporting the candidate x, -- >> ainsley: to the another candidate? >> steve: they are going to have some other people come in and speak. by the end of the night -- >> ainsley: how long does that take? >> brian: right, okay. you guys are going to be there, right? >> lawrence: i know there i know there was was one presidential candidate who suggested, few people in the diner before our coverage in our work on saturday, i would be having breakfast with friends at the verizon family restaurant.
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>> steve: you might have a few people. >> ainsley: and so when we watch sunday morning, it will be here? >> lawrence: if you want to thank the crowd besides, it can be in cedar rapids at 540 a.m. local time. and then tuesday, i'm coming back to double it and we're going to have breakfast with friends in iowa as well. the breakfast club. >> steve: a lot of breakfast for you. >> brian: and i'm going to heading out for our work. i will be there monday and tuesday and a bunch of my cousins and aunts and uncles will show up. >> ainsley: brian and i and i will be some are. >> brian: we will not be in the 0 degrees weather. we know that for sure. >> ainsley: and then we all go to new hampshire. >> brian: a massive protest in eierman after strikes against the houthi rebels. >> steve: and antiwar protests also happened last night outside the white house over our u.s. response. and in times square. senator lindsey graham of life
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to react coming up. >> ainsley: plus, drug dealer turned country star, jelly roll giving a powerful first-hand account of the fentanyl crisis. >> i can sit here and cry for days of the caskets of people i love to. i was a part of the problem. i am here now standing as a man that wants to be a problem of the -- a part of the solution. what can i do to make a better cotton crop? we believe that the best products are made in america and come fresh from the family farm. and produced under the most sustainable farming techniques. from our sheets to our blankets and quilts this is a product that can be passed on. it could be a family heirloom. go to red land cotton dot com and receive 20% off your order with code fox 20. nice to meet ya. my name is david. i've been a pharmacist for 44 years mainly because i just love helping people. as i got older, it was just a natural part of aging, i felt that my memory was beginning to decline and that's when i started looking for something
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♪ ♪ ♪ i only talk to god when i need a favor ♪ ♪ and i only pray when i ain't, a prayer ♪ >> steve: the call you have jelly roll, who appeared in our program in august. a little flashbacks there, flashback friday in that yesterday, we saw him right there, in the hot seat. he and two others testifying before congress about the dangers of fentanyl and he knows first hand because he says, unit, he was part of the problem. he was a drug dealer for a while. he has got quite a past. >> ainsley: he said he grew up in a neighborhood where no one had a job because everyone sold drugs. that is how they made their money. now he goes back to the prisons to talk to men and women and says you can change your life. you can have a good job.
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you don't have to lean on drugs. >> brian: it is 50 times stronger than heroin. at 75 stronger drug overdoses. in 2020 to. that never exceeded in 2023. he talked about not being a democrat or republican. he just wants to help. >> i have attended more funerals than i could care to share with you all. caskets i have carried, people i love, deeply, good people, not just drug addicts. uncles, friends, cousins, normal people, some people that just got in a car wreck and started taking a pain pill to manage it and one thing led to another, how fast it spirals out of control. i don't think people truly, truly understand. so many people, equally, i think it is important for me to tell you all to vote i'm not here to defend the use of illegal drugs and i also understand the
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paradox of my history as a drug dealer standing in front of this committee. but equally i think that is what makes me perfect to talk about this. i was a part of the problem. i am here now standing as a man that wants to be a part of the solution. >> lawrence: there's something about his transparency that made his testimony so effective. in there there's a group of peers that got together that had children that lost their battle with addiction and they said, listen, these are not drug overdoses of these adversities are poisoning. our kids thought they were getting something and the end up getting something else and it cost them their lives. >> brian: he also goes to my daughter's mother is a drug addict. so he says, i can relate to what is going on right now. >> ainsley: if you watch the documentary of him, he and his work at they said, we got to get clean because my daughter's mom is a drug addict so we have to take custody of our daughter and
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i can't have her in our house watching as do drugs. so they have become clean together and i can't remember if the wife did drug. but i know that he did. and you know what i love about him? he is so genuine and so where's your new watch his concerts, if you look at the faces of the people in the? , some of them are crying. some of them are all tatted up, too. some of them have been to jail. and they are crying because they can relate to his story. >> brian: absolutely, and that is why he was perfect. here's the thing. congress has got to do something about retinal. the friend of fentanyl act was actually passed by the senate committee in june. but then it was blocked from being included in the national defense authorization act which always passes. i work with some other financial legislation by congressman patrick mchenry, a republican from north carolina in december because he wanted to include some of the legislation.
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so instead, they killed his stuff and all the other stuff as well. unfortunately, they killed the fentanyl act, which really should be -- >> ainsley: i think about all of our military men and women who have been in a lot of pain and some of them have to take, they want to take a pain pill and then to get addicted and it leads to so, do you know new year's resolutions. one of the things i thought that was really cool, jelly roll gave me his number. he is like, keep in touch, right? so i'm watching his news. someone [indistinct] red carpet and says, what is your resolution? i'm going to stop texting. so isn't that a trick? did he actually give you the number knowing i'll never give up -- i'm going to just stop texting for months. no response. >> ainsley: i guess you were texting him too much. >> brian: now i'm only going to talk to luke bryan.
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>> ainsley: brian, that only happened to you. but there's just a reason why jelly roll is famous. there's just -- god gives some people that intangible thing and he has got it. he was so funny and so sweet and kind of hang on every word he says, too. sorry that you will be able to text him. he can come on the show anytime he wants. more news coming in texas where sources now confirming that the texas national guard is blocking border patrol agents from two areas of operation in eagle pass. this footage shows military trucks in the area while fences were installed near shall be parked yesterday. shall be parked is a hotspot for illegal crossings. the mayor said that action was taken without warning. johns hopkins university faces backlash after the head of diversity equity and inclusion conference an e-mail to staff labeling white people christians
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commitment and english speakers as privileged. it happen in through the golden, the latest monthly diversity digest. she chose privilege as the diversity word of the month. it also lists able-bodied people, to middle age and heterosexuals as a privilege. this morning, that d.e.i. official approaches to staff members saying the letter included a definition of privilege that she regrets. now up to a real-life scene straight out of caddyshack. check out this covid pushing a golf ball out of a hole in the grass. the footage out of san diego going viral on social media reminding people of the classic 1980s comedy starring bill murray. >> you are a disgrace. you are one of the lowest members of the food chain and you will be replaced by a rat. i think it is about this time
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that someone teach these varmints a little lesson about what it is like to be a decent outstanding member of a society. >> it is a classic, unlike the movie, this offer was not destroying a gulf coast. isn't it funny? yeah. good news all around. >> thank you. >> eventually he blows of every hole with dynamite. but we need to watch this weekend. >> brian: a ground stop at chicago's o'hare because of a blizzard. we are tracking. it is impacting the entire north and central plains. that he was has launched strikes against the houthi rebels after their attacks in the red sea over the course of weeks. >> ainsley: lindsey graham joins us. he is he is in our studio. there he is. ♪ ♪
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♪ ♪ >> brian: overnight, the u.s. and uk launching a massive coalition attack against the houthis in yemen as the country erupts into protests to iran rebel groups as they are not going to. on. they're going to attack us, they claim to. this comes as a secretary of defense lloyd austin is still in the hospital. the pentagon confirming austin and biden have spoken just twice over the last two days. let's bring in the senate armed services committee and air force veteran himself, senator lindsey graham. welcome. from what you can tell, can you tell people at home the significance of this attack? was it a strong one? >> it was strongest and most significant today. but it won't change the problem. it will change the equation. the rations, care less. how many people from hamas to. you will never get iran through their parties to back off until you hit iran.
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>> brian: husso you are seeing even though we had six he strikes at locations that were pretty significance, you don't think we have change anything? >> no i don't. unless you hit iran. what did trump do? he held the head of the revolution guard with a lot of -- when he killed that guy in iraq, iran went back in a box. he put sanctions on iran. he made houthis a state-sponsored terrorism watch list. bright and reversed all these policies at the border in the mid east and will never get stability back in the mid east until you tell iran we're going to hit you if you keep using these people are against us. >> brian: and we need to use the red sea? have we done anything to diminish their capabilities to hit airships? >> we do have ships that military ships in the red sea. put people in the shipping business are very afraid to go back to the red sea because we
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have not destroyed the houthis capability to terrorize the red sea but this was a significant strength to those who participated in it. they are brave people, thank you very much. but to biden administration, when will he realize that nothing is going to change until you tell the ayatollah, if you keep hitting us, keep going after israel, where to come after you. i'm not talking about the rating iran. they are a oil-rich nation. i got some of the refined respect. >> brian: and you pull it up and you send that message. third year we watch the secretary of defense, austin, versus the bizarre situation ever. he has had health problems. there was no deputy that was a little rude. there was no chief of staff that took over. how do you explain this? >> system in filly. i'm glad he is doing better. i want him to recover. but, you know, mayorkas and austin have failed this nation. our reporter is complete chaos, withdrawing from afghanistan set in motion what you see today. being weak in the ice of the
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dutch eyes of the. the attack against israel was designed to stop the peace process between saudi arabia and israel and we are weak in the eyes of the enemies. but this idea of being down for two or three days and not telling the person you are diagnosed with prostate cancer is a breach of the chain of command. >> brian: how do you run a country with no control at the pentagon? you have 15 minutes of a nuclear strike about to come. >> i hope he recovers. we are having an election here this year. i hope people wake up. what the hell is this all about? they have one thing in common. they are on a religious mission from god to destroy the state of israel and come after us. to those who say, i'm tired of and this was, told them to give up their religious quest to dominate the world. so al qaeda, hamas, the
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ayatollah, religious fanatics, you're not going to get them to stop. you better hit them over them before they hit you here. i'm tired of being told by people we got to get out of endless wars. they're going to keep coming after us until we stop them. >> brian: the one thing different from the war on terror is i'm watching protest for yemen and at times square for the hamas and the palestinians. at every major artery in new york city. i can't get my head around it. what happened? expect the world is upside down. role is the bad guy. >> brian: but they are not. >> but then they are becoming the bad guy. do you think any of this would have happened if presenter for president? no. russia will not go into ukraine. i'm confident iran would have stayed in a box. the houthis would not have done this. they would not be attacking our shipping. so the one thing i hope people will think about, we have good candidates in the republican primary. there is one man who has a record equal to ronald reagan and that is donald trump. he did secure the border.
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we were energy we were energy independent. the bad guys were on the one everyone says, i want trump policy without the drama. there i know. trump policies without the man, donald trump. >> brian: we have two track records, two candidates. senator lindsey graham, we're better off that you came in. thanks for stopping in. >> god bless. >> brian: still had, we got a massive winter storm in chicago forcing the city to house migrants in buses for days. a lab report next. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym. now what's going around is 12-hour cough relief. and the giggles. the family that takes delsym together, feels better together.
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give your business a head start in 2024 with this great offer. plus, ask how to get up to $1000 prepaid card with qualifying internet. >> brian: let's talk about this big storm. there's a big ground stop because of snow and ice from a powerful storm. over 600 flights are being canceled there as well as chicago's midway airport. a full stop is expected to last until 8:00 a.m. central time. about 20 minutes from now. all inbound flights being held at the points of origin until 8:00 central. the storm is sweeping through the midwest. it comes just three days from the iowa caucuses. let's kick straight to senior meteorologist janice dean for the forecast. janice, i was looking at it looks like the airport in milwaukee is also close. >> janice: yeah, i believe it. this is a serious situation, a blizzard unfolding for some of these big cities across the upper midwest stretching to the
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plains. look look at he is active weather alerts right now. every single state on this map has some sort of weather alert, including hell's, by the way, across the mississippi river valley. is the wizard that is affecting chicago and milwaukee. we have gotten 33 as the temperature right now. put cancellations upwards of 800. and hardly any visibility and the winds are gusting to 30, 40 miles per hour. that is problem, is you got the heavy snow but then you have the blowing snow which makes travel difficult if not impossible. ended when she com. was coming. man, were going to feel when she was of negative 30, negative 40, look at that. as low as in parts of the northern rockies. and there's demined. so monday is the big carcass they. a blizzard will be over but we will have when shows of negative 34 on sunday into monday. so that is going to be a big story we're going to follow and then the tornadoes across the mississippi river valley. we have had several tomato
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storms. -- pernao storms. it is all connected and that tornado watch is good until 11:00 a.m. and it just does it just gets busier as we get into the weekend, steve. the severe threat and then a new storm moving up the east coast on monday into tuesday. and that could mean significant snow for the northeast. so if i'm looking at my crystal ball the next several weeks are going to be cannot be the same purchase be prepared. is your best friend. steve doocy, over to you. >> steve: so i'm going to be in des moines monday. i was thinking of one set of symbols. i'm taking two sets. >> janice: you have to dress in layers of my friends. i was in mount washington and i was toasty warm. be careful. >> steve: speaking of cold, let's talk about shigeko work with the go-to ground stop. the city is moving migrants right there to warming buses. not buildings, they're putting. foxbusiness correspondent barry
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is live in chicago right there. and i guess those are for the buses. they ran out of places to put them in there to put them on four wheels? >> reporter: at this point, they are still trying to figure out what to do and that is a problem for many of these local lawmakers who tell me they think it should have been figured out by now. let's talk about these buses. they are not specifically made for having people live in them. these are places that you and i know just normal buses that have normal chairs. so these people have been sleeping upright. maybe they are laying down if there's enough room but as you can imagine between just eight buses and hundreds of people, this can be quite difficult situation. we also got a weather report. so you can tell it is going to be even more difficult if you don't have a place to stay. there's 324 people spread out amongst these buses. that is from the latest data that the city of chicago has given us on wednesday night in
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total to 15,000 migrants are in brick-and-mortar shelters. another 600 people are awaiting placement with about 250 of them at chicago's o'hare international airport. and all in all about 34,000 migrants have arrived in the city since they started the data collection. spoke to alderman raymond lopez who tells me that at this point to his party needs to as the white house for more help on this as they -- the democratic party and he wants to see more being done with the amount of money the city spent. take a listen. parts. these buses were not designed and warming buses were never efficient to be a 24-hour shelter operation. they were temporary for emergency purposes only. so they are being used beyond the scope of whatever was imagine because the mayor and his allies have run out of ideas of what to do. >> reporter: so as you can see, it is very difficult to not know
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where your next shower is coming from, where your next meal is coming from. the other men need once the money to be used more wisely. >> steve: if i was on on one of those buses, i would want them to turn them on and drive me to someplace warm. thank you for thank you for that a live report from chicago. it is windy and snowy. coming up on this friday, dr. fauci now taking lawmakers that social distancing is not based on science. harrison jones is on that admission. get ready, next. next up, so, dana perino. >> stay warm. i will see you there. has iran gone too far? america and iran take action against the houthis. and will a cold snap snap the voting energy in our work? polls are tight. analysis from mark penn. plus, a murder trial takes a twist and turn in connecticut
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while espn, they are handing out fake enemies. we will tell you everything you need to know. so, she can have those one on ones again. hey jim! can we talk about casual fridays? oh sure. what's up? get fast, powerful cough relief with robitussin, and find your voice. ♪robitussin♪
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>> if you're looking for a nutritional supplement that really makes a difference, look at immuno 150. now this exceptional product contains 70 minerals and 80 additional nutrients. it's precisely formulated with the purest of ingredients, and it's inexpensive in relation to the results it produces. there is nothing like it. now look at the supplement facts and two videos on our website and place your order online or call 888-497-4535 >> ainsley: dr. anthony fauci now saying social distancing was not based on science. he told the house committee the idea of standing six feet apart
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sort of appeared. here to react is tyrus. you are shaking your head. >> you just winged it with the american people. on gutfeld we made jokes about this. when i got to my hotel i got really upset because our education changed, our political landscape changed, our home life changed? outfit changes, kids were fixed on tiktok instead of being outside in schools? shame on him. now we're all finding out he was just winging it. we think about the stuff that happened with the old folks homes here in new york, isn't fauci more liable, and the lab leak? doctors were discredited. people lost job. it is horrible. to just say i don't know where it came from. >> ainsley: he said if you get
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vaccinated you won't get cofield. that's not true. >> people lots jobs and careers over there. all kinds of pressure if you didn't the shot. you couldn't take care of your family. he is throwing out pitches at yankee stadium. he was a rock star, brad pitt. now whoops. rand paul was scrutinized. how many doctors lost -- dr. drew. how many doctors lost their credibility? if you think about the hurt he has caused and to go on there and just say well, and the money he made. let's not -- he was a rock star. he was on every talk show. it is shameful. it is a sad day in america. america trusted this man with our families and this is what we got. >> ainsley: great to have you on. everyone have a great weekend. that's it for "fox & friends." bye.


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