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tv   Americas Newsroom  FOX News  January 12, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PST

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vaccinated you won't get cofield. that's not true. >> people lots jobs and careers over there. all kinds of pressure if you didn't the shot. you couldn't take care of your family. he is throwing out pitches at yankee stadium. he was a rock star, brad pitt. now whoops. rand paul was scrutinized. how many doctors lost -- dr. drew. how many doctors lost their credibility? if you think about the hurt he has caused and to go on there and just say well, and the money he made. let's not -- he was a rock star. he was on every talk show. it is shameful. it is a sad day in america. america trusted this man with our families and this is what we got. >> ainsley: great to have you on. everyone have a great weekend. that's it for "fox & friends." bye.
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>> from iphone camera half aworld away. the assault in yemen stoking fears of a wider middle east war pending the response that we await still at this hour. a big morning, big day. see what happens throughout the day. let's start here at 9:00 in new york. i'm bill hemmer. good morning at home and. >> dana: i'm dana perino and this is "america's newsroom." some people wondered if the biden administration would ever be willing to do. the u.s. carried out strikes in coordination with the united kingdom scorching more than 60 houthi targets. >> bill: part of tehran's response to the israeli war on hamas. according to general jack keane earlier today he says it is time to go after iran directly. >> the center of gravity for the aggression in the middle east that we're experiencing is iran.
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we have said this time and time and time again. and to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be sufficient. we have got to go after iran. >> dana: all this unfolding while the head of our military defense, secretary lloyd austin, is hospitalized. abc news reporting president biden and austin first met to discuss these strikes on january 1st. that was the same day austin was admitted to the icu. congressman mike gallagher is here with reaction. let's begin with an update from the white house. jacque heinrich is there. >> good morning. president biden signed off on this action on tuesday after the houthis left the final warning that the u.s. issued last week launching a complex attack on commercial vessels including american ships to date. it was one of 27 such attacks which the president says, quote, endangered u.s. personnel,
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civilians and jeopardized trade and affected more than 50 nations with crews from more than 20 countries being threatened or taken hostage in acts of piracy. biden promised the u.s. would take more action if necessary. they have received applause from top republicans and mitch mcconnell and mike johnson. progressive democrats have blasted the president. khanna tweeted it's clear poet us may only introduce u.s. into hostilities after congressional authorization or national emergency when the u.s. is under imminent attack. retaliatory offensive strike. jayapal called it a violation of the constitution. we just found out that the white house did actually give top congressional leaders, including the gang of eight, a heads-up before it happened. u.s. gave the final warning last week and moreover the houthi's
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had a leak. they claimed five people died, six injured. critics say the aggression won't stop until the u.s. goes after targets inside iran. moreover biden's decision to remove the houthis from the foreign terrorist list have hurt the u.s. ability to respond. >> does the president have any regrets over delisting the houthis as a terror organization? >> i've already said we're going to review that decision. we are. i've said it a couple of weeks ago that we were going to take a look at that decision and we still are. >> the houthis are still holding captive the crew of a commercial vessel galaxy leader since november 19th. it is being used as a tourist attract shuchblt people can take selfies and stomp on american
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and israeli flags put on deck. >> dana: thank you. >> bill: this is a quickly developing story. we'll see what happens next and get reaction from the pentagon coming up. wait to hear what happens more from the white house and try to figure out what's going on overseas. to jack keen's point going after iran. here is where it gets sticky. here is iran, right? they control militia's like hezbollah in northern lebanon, the militias in iraq and syria hitting u.s. forces throughout the area. they've got influence on hamas here in gaza. and they've been helping out the houthis shia -- shia fighting a civil war against the government in yemen. also fighting saudi arabia sunni. iran has influence all throughout this area. strait of hormuz. the area on the red sea we're concerned about going back to mid november. since the 19th of november, we
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have had to date 27 attacks against commercial shipping along the red sea and let me just advance it one time here. so everything you see in orange is controlled by the houthi rebels which gives them a lot of say right now as to what goes on here in the red sea. this is the strait about 18 miles wide, a choke point right there where you have roughly 12% of the world's trade that passes through there. just be patient with me a moment. i want to go back to this. this is the strait of hormuz that we've talked about for decades. as thin as it can be only at its thinnest point is 35 miles wide. down here is a choke point that is twice as restrictive as what we saw there in the strait of hormuz, which is bordered by iran to the north and east there. show you one more thing here. this is what the u.s. and u.k. and coalition partners did
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overnight. hitting the capital city and a few other targets along the red sea. as i mention that mike gallagher is here with us. the question about hitting iran directly, if you do that, you take the chance of igniting hezbollah in lebanon and creating that wider war. how do you see it today based on what we think we know, sir? >> well, you have to find a way to restore deterrents. the administration is claiming the long overdue strikes will do just that. at the same time admitting that the houthis are likely to retaliate, which by definition means that deterrence is not restored . i hope this marks the beginning of a shift in the administration's posture towards iran and its proxies. we have to get more aggressive but i'm not holding my breath. i fear we will just engage in this incremental tit-for-tat in an effort to avoid further escalation.
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that signals to our enemies the biden administration is reluctant to provoke iran despite the fact that iranian backed terrorists have already attacked u.s. forces 130 times since october. just consider the fact that the administration has not put the houthis back on the terrorist list yet nor did they even mention the islamic republic of iran in their statement. that leads us to final and important point. as the biden administration looks to spike the football on the strikes, this is a problem of their own creation. biden removed the houthis from the list in 2021. forced our saudi partners into a truce with iran and houthis by withdrawing military support for saudi efforts in yemen and all the while relaxed sanctions of iran. until we put maximum pressure on iran i don't think we'll have a chance of restoring deterrents. >> dana: what would you say to the members of congress who said this is begins the constitution and calling for the biden administration to back off?
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>> well, i think it's consistent with the war powers resolution under which the president has the authority to conduct military action abroad in two situation. one, when congress declares war, which the democrats are referring to in this case. the second case, which they are failing to remember, is in the case of a national emergency created by attacks upon the united states, its territories or possessions or its armed forces. and in this case, the war powers resolution requires merely that the president notify congress within 48 hours of committing armed forces to military action. so i disagree. i think the president in this case has the authority given our armed forces have come under consistent attack. i'm glad he used that authority. we should debate the best approach in congress going forward so we can restore deterrents. >> bill: the houthis were considered a terrorist group when the trump administration was in the white house and that all changed when president biden took control. and they were taken off the list in february of 2021.
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that was one of the first acts as president. i'm not suggesting they'll reverse decision now but they must regret it, don't you think? >> they have to regret it. i hope they reverse it. the thing to reverse is economic pressure with respect to iran. iran is using the money that it is getting because it has less pressure on sanctions and funneling into the houthis, into hamas, and hezbollah. if the goal was stability in the middle east, we have not achieved that. if the goal was to reduce energy prices or overall the inflationary effect of the biden administration's bad domestic policy, we're seeing shipping costs go dramatically up as commercial vessels go around the red sea. up 55% to the east coast and 70% of cargo going to the west coast has an inflationary effect. all of this chaos tends to
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spiral and build upon itself. the biden administration, whether it's going back to afghanistan or some of the mistakes leading up to ukraine, has thus far proving unwilling to admit mistakes and change course or change the team surrounding the president so he can have a better set of expertise in order to make better decisions. >> dana: mike gallagher, congressman from wisconsin. i bet it's cold there today. >> bill: thank you for your time. "wall street journal" is reporting that the houthi towers forces transported weapons and equipment and fortified some positions. local reports there say the militants were evacuating that town that we just showed you on the map. that's out there. what did robert gates say in his book about joe biden? >> dana: he has been wrong on every foreign policy decision his entire career? >> bill: maybe you put the houthi rebel decisions on that. >> dana: back then they thought it would help lessen the war
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with the saudis. that didn't happen, either. regret, they've had a few. >> bill: good line. a big story. there will be developments throughout the day. >> dana: the pentagon spokesperson is coming up as well. listen to ron desantis in iowa. >> monday will be very cold. i'm asking you to go out there and brave the elements. >> it will be negative 15. i'm going to be out there and i want you to go out there. >> bill: have you seen the maps? arctic blast hitting iowa setting the stage for the coldest caucus ever. ron desantis not letting the cold keep him home. he is live north of des moines right now. that's cool, right? 15 degrees right now. it will get colder. who has the best ground game with turnout is an open question for monday? >> dana: boeing's problems are piling up. why the terrifying incident on
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the alaska airlines flight could be triggering a wave of trouble for the company. >> bill: hunter biden pleads not guilty the following day on federal tax charges. what's next for the president's embattled son? >> thank you, mr. chairman. [shouting] all with the world's smallest and thinnest sensor. manage your diabetes with more confidence and lower your a1c. try it for free at ♪ i'm gonna hold you forever... ♪ ♪ i'll be there... ♪ ♪ you don't... ♪ ♪ you don't have to worry... ♪
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why are force factor vitamins so popular at walmart? force factor uses the highest quality ingredients to deliver powerful, healthy results from delicious and convenient supplements. that's why friends and family recommend force factor. rush to walmart and unleash your potential with force factor. >> bill: hunter biden pleading not guilty. he was in the courtroom in los angeles yesterday. first court appearance on tax related charges out of california accused of a scheme to skip out on millions. his trial set to begin in june, which is right in what would be the beginning of the heat of his father's re-election campaign. from l.a. jonathan hunt has the
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view of that today. jonathan, hello, good morning. >> good morning. it with as a relatively short first appearance for hunter biden in this case. he was in the courtroom for about 40 minutes. unlike the circus we saw surrounding the president's son on capitol hill earlier this week, this time the younger biden stayed away from the many cameras that were present outside the court, driven by his secret service escort into an underground parking lot and whisked up to the 7th floor courtroom of the federal courthouse in downtown l.a. where from my position in court, which was just a few feet from him, he appeared serious and at the same time about as relaxed as anyone could be as he said firmly not guilty when asked about the nine tax-related charges he faces that could result in a 17 year prison sentence. in a preview of what's likely to be a central argument as this case moves forward, biden's attorney abby lowell told the
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judge there would be defense motions filed surrounding the plea agreement hunter biden previously had with the government which was, of course, rejected last summer by a judge in delaware. lowell said we had a resolution in delaware and then things happened. it is an unusual situation when the government says you don't have a contract and we say we do. prosecutor leahwise replied to that there is a threshold question whether any of that matters. pleas fall apart all the time. now the judge set a trial date of june 20th which, depending on the length of the trial, could potentially mean, bill, that president biden will be heading to his party's august presidential nominating convention around the same time his son heads to prison if, of course, he is found guilty. >> bill: that would be a split screen. thank you, jonathan hunt in l.a. appreciate the report, thank you.
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>> now with this weather i think the organization will matter even more because going out in negative 20 degrees, unless you are really committed to voting. it's an easy reason why you wouldn't want to go. we have that in place and continuing to gather more folks. >> dana: ron desantis talking up his ground game as record breaking cold temperatures threat en to throw a wrench into the iowa caucuses. he have is campaigning in the suburbs of des moines this morning. janice dean joins us live. iowa is used to winter but in is different, significant? >> absolutely. the coldest caucus on record in modern history. we've got the snow right now. so blizzard conditions, blizzard warnings in effects for much of the state of iowa. we had a ground stop for chicago. we now have a ground delay and take a look at the snow still to come. even though the snow will stop,
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it is still going to be very blustery. winds in excess of 50 miles-per-hour, windchills on order of negative 34 for monday. this is concerning. it is dangerous if people are out there for a long period of time. windchills as low as 70 below 0 for the northern rockies. i'm concerned this will be dangerous. the snow will stop. blizzards will die down but when we have windchills of negative 20 to negative 34 on monday as people are heading out, that is dangerous. people need to take alert and know what the forecast will be. windchills for saturday, negative 25 and negative 34 sunday. negative 28 monday. yeah, it gets dangerous. you have the possibility of injuries if you are out there for a long period of time and hypo thermia. obviously we want people to be safe but also want everyone to be on alert. this is going to be one of the
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coldest days in years for parts of the upper midwest, including iowa and then we have the severe part of the storm. we had tornado watches earlier today for parts of the mississippi river valley. now severe thunderstorm warnings in effect, heavy rainfall and potential for tornadoes. tornado watch until 11:00 a.m. central time and as people are trying to head home, we will have the potential of a nor'easter, coastal storm on monday and tuesday. so we've thrown everything out there. fox will be on this. i will be working this weekend and monday as well. it's a holiday but the weather will be a big concern for millions of folks across the country. i think every state has an advisory up. every state across the country. there is the storm, by the way, for monday and tuesday and new york you could actually get the first measurable snow in close to 700 days. >> dana: that would be good and then go to new hampshire. >> watching a potential storm
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for new hampshire as well. >> dana: i knew it, okay. thank you, janice. a new poll shows donald trump holding onto his commanding lead. >> the media loves to set expectations. my expectation for myself is to come out strong in iowa, to come out strong in new hampshire and south carolina. i think we will make a big showing. >> dana: jim garrity and mark penn. we thought we might have lost him. here he is. great to have you both. jim garrity has been in iowa. let's start with the weather. jim, you are on the ground. i'm wondering if the rest are sounding like a bunch of pansies. can't you get out and deal with it? is it more significant than that? these are dangerous temperatures. >> dana, don't let this happy, sunny back drop behind me fool you. it is not quite white outsituation out there but really cold.
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janice laid it out. roads were treacherous getting over here. this will affect turnout. it may not be dramatic. the last time republicans had a competitive iowa caucus in 2016, 26% of the turnout was age 65 and older. i would want senior citizens going out in that cold. it wouldn't be surprising if you had lower turnout. desantis said his organization will help. local republicans he will probably out perform his final poll numbers. as you just saw in that poll, donald trump is still way ahead. you want to be as close to second place as you can to keep your campaign viable. >> dana: yesterday ron desantis wants to be the underdog and glad to be in that position. i understand why he would say that. he certainly is. >> yeah, no question there that
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he is the underdog. look, you know, this weather thing is one of the big reasons that really caucuses are not an ideal process. you can't mail in your vote. you can't deal with the weather. my last recollection of being at a caucus was freezing cold. these voters in iowa know how to deal with the cold and older people most affected by the cold are also those who are most determined to show up at the polls. a lot of young people, you know, are a lot easier to dissuade to showing up than older entrenched voters. >> dana: jim, since you've been on the ground there what do you think about trump's lead? it has been commanding and enduring. if he were to get over 50% he would be the first republican ever to do that. >> yeah. look, nikki haley can at least say hey, this is a nice state for me but not a must-win. i put most of my eggs in the new hampshire basket.
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still behind trump but closer lately. in iowa if you are ron desantis, if you don't do well here, i don't think anybody thinks he will win, but second place. the question a close or distant second. if he finishes third he is really in trouble. where do you go? new hampshire is not his state. both haley and desantis are trailing in south carolina. even in his home state of florida trump is well ahead. if you are desantis you are in the spot of if you don't win or at least perform well here, where will you? and that's a tough question for him and his campaign. >> dana: mark, maybe on the demographics as you see a political realignment happening. there is also the age factor and evangelicals. you have the fact that you have very strong republicans or you have maybe like the chamber of commerce type republicans and everybody scrambling at the last minute to try to get those votes. >> look, iowa is not a typical republican state. it is more conservative than
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most republican states. far more conservative than new hampshire. it generally does not predict who is the republican nominee if you go back over the winners over the last two decades. you are really going to see how big will the lead be for trump, will he be able to -- and will nikki haley come in second or not? if she does it puts her in a better position going into new hampshire. >> dana: we'll pay attention to the weather and the other forecasts to come especially on the voting. mark and jim, thank you. >> bill: well done. stay warm, jim. still on monday night here is the deal. iowa republicans get their chance to caucus. contests are different from a primary. they're in person, they are run by the state party. here is a look at how they will work throughout the 99 counties. registered republicans only now will gather at more than 1600 caucus sites across the 99 counties, a school, church or your neighbor's living room.
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once underway representatives from each campaign make a pitch and time to vote. caucus goers write their pick on a blank piece of paper. the ballots are collected in public view and final tally is report evidence to the state party. at stake in iowa is 40 delegates, which will go to the candidates based on the results called proportional. whoever gets the highest percentage will get a bigger stake in the 40 delegates and down the line. got it? >> dana: there aren't many caucuses left. a lot of states decided to go to a primary focus, mark penn makes a good point. one of the reasons why. the weather can be a factor. i have a feeling the iowans will get out there and they know how to dress warm for the cold. >> bill: 25 below windchill is a stunner, okay? so we're going to pack our mittens, okay? and what else? >> dana: i don't know, i haven't packed but i'm working on it. >> bill: see you there on sunday
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and monday and tuesday and hope the best for the weather forecast. stay tuned for that. >> it was strongest and most significant to date but won't change the problem. it won't change the equation. iranians could care less how many houthis die, how many people from hamas die. you will never get iran, through their proxies, to back off until you hit iran. >> dana: lawmakers reacting to the late breaking news out of the middle east. u.s. launching the first known strike against the houthis in yemen. what happens next? we'll ask sabrina singh from the pentagon. border crisis prompting the texas national guard to make an unprecedented move in eagle pass. we'll tell you.
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[silence] let's go. dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. >> i think it's important to highlight no one wants to see any type of escalation or increase in conflict in this region, but also important that when you have the international community being regularly
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attacked indiscriminately by these houthi rebels, that we need to take action. last night we did that. >> dana: pentagon defending the decision to strike the iranian backed houthis in yemen. overnight assault hitting more than 60 targets. deputy pentagon press secretary sabrina singh. this is a houthi official saying this is a brutal aggression. they will undoubtedly pay a price and we won't waiver in our stance to support the palestinian people regardless of the cost and the other thing is that the leader of the houthis said the response will be greater than the attack that was carried out. i have a feeling that the pentagon will disagree with that. let's hear from you. what's the posture of the pentagon today about how far it is willing to go to protect these seas? >> it's a bit ironic coming from a houthi spokesperson given they're using the words brutal aggression when we've seen over 20 attacks from houthis against international commercial ships, u.s. vessels and others in an
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area like the red sea that sees 15% of the world's commerce go through it. as the president said and secretary said we'll always reserve the right to take action if we need to. last night what you saw was the united states in coalition take action against the houthis that have launched repeated strikes against the international flow of commerce we see on a daily basis. that's what why we responded the way we did last night. >> a series of questions. thank you for your time. lloyd austin still in the hospital at walter reed. did his condition this past week delay this operation? either this week or the week prior? >> it did not. thanks, bill, for the question. the secretary is doing well, recovering as you mentioned in the hospital. he is focused on his health and at the same time he has been directly engaged not only in the action that was taken last night, but earlier this week you saw the biggest barrage of houthi attacks on commercial and international vessels.
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transiting that red sea and the secretary was monitoring in realtime with the national security council and the central commander as well. last night again he was monitoring in realtime getting updates from central command, in touch with the white house, spoke with the president over two times during the night. and so you are seeing the secretary very engaged as he would be on any other day. >> dana: except for the days he was unavailable. i want to ask you about this. congressman mike gallagher was on with us earlier today wonders if a lot of what we're dealing with now is a result of the biden administration's own policy making. listen here. >> we should remember that this is a problem of their own creation. biden removed the houthis from the list in 2021. they forced our saudi partners into a truce with iran in the houthis by withdrawing intelligence and military support for saudi efforts in yemen and all the while relaxed
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sanctions on iran. until we put maximum pressure on iran i don't think we'll have a chance to restore deterrence. >> dana: with the ships being delayed there is a 600% increase in the cost of some of this cargo. already the world is dealing with inflation. that will only hurt. does the administration regret taking the houthis off that terrorist watch list and waiting so long to respond until now as we now look at the situation where the costs are going to go up even on our troops or on american citizens? >> look, just to take apart a few of those questions. i think this administration is very concerned and very aware of the real world impact should shipping companies have to reroute and not be able to transit through the red sea. that's why the secretary in december announced the formation of operation prosperity guardian, a defensive in nature and is there to help if needed escort and shoot down any missiles that are fired from houthi-controlled areas in yemen
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to commercial ships transiting the red sea. you have heard the white house speak to this. something they are reviewing. when it comes to the houthi designation. but i think what you saw last night is certainly a pro-active action by the united states, u.k. and other coalition partners in taking action against the houthis. >> dana: you wouldn't say that is reactive? >> i would say that we always reserve the right at the time and place of our choosing to take the appropriate response. we waited until we could feel we could with intention effectively disrupt and degrade these capabilities and as you mentioned i think at the top of the story here, we hit almost over 16 locations, dozens of targets and we felt that we take that action when the time is right. and that's what you saw last night. >> bill: will the houthis be relisted then based on your answer previously as a terrorist organization? >> i believe that's something the white house is looking into. i have refer to you them.
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that's not something that the department of defense would handle. >> bill: you are saying it's possible? >> i think the white house has spoken to that before and i will leave it at that. >> bill: has any money with iran been frozen since yesterday? >> i know that the department of treasury has continued to inject sanctions. i'm not aware of anything yesterday. that is something they would be able to speak to. >> bill: or today. >> or today again that's something that the department of treasury would be able to speak to in terms of actual sanctions. i can only speak to the coalition kinetic action you saw last night take place and again we're still assessing some of the disruption of capabilities that we were able to inflict on the houthis. we feel very confident in our initial assessment that we were able to hit our targets not only accurately but that they did inflict the exact cost we wanted them to. >> bill: any response from the houthi rebels? >> not that we've seen. >> bill: thank you for your time. >> dana: great to have you.
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>> bill: hope you come back soon. a lot of questions to answer from the pentagon. thank you. the first lady now jill biden slamming republicans over the quote cruel treatment of the president's son, hunter biden, after the week we just saw. does anybody buy that and if so, we'll find out. watch. >> i think what they are doing to hunter is cruel. and i'm really proud of how hunter has rebuilt his life. which penetrates deep to target the source of pain with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicine directly at the source. voltaren, the joy of movement. ♪ with fastsigns, create factory grade visual solutions to perfect your process. ♪ fastsigns. make your statement™. introducing ned's plaque psoriasis.
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>> bill: got major developments from the state of texas. going on offense. texas national guard seizing control of a park that has been at the center of this migrant crisis called shelby park sits along the rio grande river served as a landing point for illegals crossing into the u.s. for more than two years. this means not even the feds can
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patrol there. matt finn live in eagle pass to tell us how it's going. i guess is this day one or day two, matt? good morning. >> essentially day two. this all started developing yesterday, bill. it is a rather remarkable situation. be mind me right now is shelby park that you were referring to. viewers may recognize it. our cameras have been here for two years now showing you the mass illegal immigration that happens right here in this park. you might recall even just a few weeks ago there was a huge surge of migrants who crossed right here. now under governor abbott's emergency declaration the texas national guard has seized control of this park and some surrounding land along the river, put up fencing and razor wire, and kicked out federal border patrol agents arguing it is the biden administration that has perpetuated illegal crossings so texas is going to control this land from here on out. our crews have seen what hops to
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be texas national guard blocking border patrol agents from key areas of the operation here and senior border patrol agents confirm to fox news that bp has pulled resources to avoid a confrontation. it's not quite clear if this unprecedented move by texas is going to help or harm illegal migration here because it appears that ultimately when migrants arrive to the park texas national guard will still have to turn them over for processing to border patrol essentially adding an extra step. another added layer the mayor of eagle pass says he was completely caught off guard by the move and doesn't agree with the park being taken over and looking into his legal options. >> this is not something that the city wanted, requested, asked for. he made it clear that this is the state and that they have the legal authority to do that. of course our legal team is looking into the actions taken by the state.
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>> we will be here outside of the park over the next couple of days and keep you updated how the situation unfolds, bill. >> bill: they are trying again. governor abbott, there he goes. matt finn live in eagle pass. thanks. >> dana reads sports. >> dana: tyrus, i hope you are watching. i have news for you, the new england patriots have found a replacement for bill belichick. multiple reports say jared mayo will be named head coach working under belichick since 2019 and played for new england. tom brady is honoring belichick. he said i'm incredibly grateful to have played for the best coach in the nfl. do you agree that he is the best coach in the nfl? >> bill: based on the championship run, one of the best coaches. >> dana: good luck, mr. mayo. we'll be watching. >> bill: president biden heads for pennsylvania. going to talk about bidenomics
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today. we're monitoring to see what we get dpr the white house and what's happening in yemen after the strikes from last night. the trial is now underway, get this. in the murder of a connecticut mother, screen right that woman is dead. that's the mother. in the middle that's her former husband. he committed suicide in jail. the woman on his left is his ex-girlfriend. she is on trial accused of covering up the crime. >> have you seen your face plastered? you are one of the most hated women in america right now. aily. when i wanted to see results fast, rinvoq delivered rapid symptom relief and helped leave bathroom urgency behind. check. when uc tried to slow me down... i got lasting, steroid-free remission with rinvoq. check. and when uc caused damage rinvoq came through by visibly repairing my colon lining. check. rapid symptom relief...
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with a partner that always puts you first. start for free at >> bill: the trial of michelle traconis is underway charged in the connection with the death of a connecticut mom. this case captured the nation's attention four years ago. jennifer dulos reported missing on may 24th. days later details emerge about a bitter divorce battle as
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police search trash cans in nearby hartford, connecticut for evidence. only days after that both traconis and her boyfriend were arrested and eventually released only to be rearrested again in september. by january of 2020, mr. dulos was charged with murder and home confinement before he died after a suicide attempt behind bars, wow, you got all that? jonna spilbor, criminal defense attorney. good morning to you. you were with us four years ago as we went through this. here are the charges against the ex-girlfriend. conspiracy to commit murder. tampering with evidence and hindering prosecution. on the prosecution, you say this will be a tough one for them. why? >> yeah. because, bill, in order to prove the top charge here which is the conspiracy to commit murder, they first have to prove that there was a murder. prosecution does not have that yet. so in essence they will have to
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have a trial within a trial. why is that the a problem? two reasons, number one, in all of this time, jennifer dulos's body has never been found. number two, the main suspect, the one that i expect they think actually did whatever it was that caused jennifer's death, is pushing up daisies himself after killed himself three weeks after getting charged. those two are critical pieces of evidence, somewhat of a hurdle to prove it was murder. they might be able to prove that jennifer dulos was killed but proving it was an actual murder is an extra step going to be difficult. then you bring in this particular defendant to try to prove her involvement in all of that. >> bill: here is the interrogation interview with detectives and police of the defendant. watch and listen for our folks at home. >> did you ever leave and go hide and not tell your 12-year-old daughter where you
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were? >> no. >> why not? i'm a healthy person. i would do that. it didn't cross my mind. >> jennifer has five children and other family members. why would she hide and not tell them where she is? >> the only answer i can give from my understanding she had a borderline personality disorder. >> bill: tell you much there, personality disorder? >> this whole -- the fact there was even an interview with this particular defendant is an embarrassment to her then attorney. this is what happens when you hire your real estate lawyer to represent you in a murder case. you never give a statement without having some sort of deal on the table. why this was offered is ridiculous. this does hurt this defendant's credibility but it is still a long ways away from involving her in the commission of a murder. she mitt -- look, she might have
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some involvement after the fact. she was his girlfriend. they live together. he is making stops in the truck to drop off bloody evidence. is her excuse i had nothing to do with it until after it was done or is her excuse going to be you think he was a bully to jennifer dulos, he was a bully to me, too. i had no choice but to go along for the ride. that's an interesting distinction. one in which she will have to testify if she plans to bring that forward that she was under his thumb. we are a long ways away from that. >> bill: a little mystery on our hands. you say it's tough for the prosecution. she didn't have the best legal advice. we'll see where the rubber meets the road on that. more to come. thank you for your time today. back to our big story. >> dana: pay back time. the u.s. and u.k. carrying out strikes against more than 60 houthi targets in yemen following a string of attacks in the red sea against our troops and our ships. welcome to a new hour of


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