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tv   Outnumbered  FOX News  January 12, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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♪ unnecessary action hero! ♪ -missing punches? -unnecessary! -check reversals? -unnecessary! -time sheet corrections? -unnecessary! -unentered sick time? -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -go! -unnecessary! -when you can take this phone, you'll be ready. -make the unnecessary, unnecessary. let your employees do their own payroll. ♪ ♪
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's face for hello, everyone this is the ninth i am here with michael hooks emily compagno ann cohosts of the bottom line, dagen mcdowell, founder of polaris national security and form a pennsylvania congressman there he is, 32nd undersecretary of the army, patrick murphy. it is friday everyone. we are just 72 hours away from the first presidential contest in the country, of course i mean the iowa caucuses. thousands of voters are going to go into the cold temperature for their favorite presidential hopefuls. monday, it could be the coldest day on record for the caucus. subzero temperatures. another major storm is expected to hit iowa today. and it may have a major impact on turnout. it's already causing the
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candidates to cancel and it's at a crucial time where they are hoping to pick up the wind that could propel them to the g.o.p. nomination. for the first time, nikki haley has put ahead of ron desantis in this brand-new iowa poll. but right now, both remain far behind donald trump. emily this was conducted on january 6th through tenth. chris christie dropped out on january 10th, so this does not captured that his movement, billy had 3% and iowa where he had 3% to make a difference. they spoke today and they said that donald trump and nikki had shifted their camps. end a sentence is working on organizing the competition with regard to the temperatures that could be life-threatening and they te going to
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go? so it's be here >> four years ago today i was traveling to the iowa caucuses and you get the speech of the heavier candidate it's a long
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arduous process you have to find child care and if you're a parent you are thinking about that. it's a lot to think about as you consider going out to cast your vote. it's unpredictable, and i want to put this up, and iowa, average on the polls, donald trump is at 61.1%. the media is saying that they're hoping to see him get above the 50% mark. donna trump campaign has a different barometer, let's pull up the third 1998 caucus results -- excuse me 1988. this is the most anyone has ever gotten in american history about 13 percentage points ahead and iowa has a notorious history and he says win is a win. but no one has ever won with more than 12.8% that's the barometer that donald trump's team is working on.
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>> that is his campaign, an achievable goal. it is also ramping up this nomination by the middle of march. so i will refer to the nikki haley and ron desantis as the speed bump and the pothole, because they are dead to slow him down. and this is a campaign that we've never seen before from donald trump incredibly small dollar and a small operation. great ground campaign in 1215 delegates it is what's needed for the republican nomination. they think they can get it by march 19th but they've gone as far as to say -- one of the super tuesdays, the primaries out of california. they have changed it, or work to change it to be a winner-take-all. that gives them more than half the delegates needed that will be handed out on super tuesday, but if we look at
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south carolina. everyone is focused on nikki haley, she is in second place and trump is only have 14 points at the latest especially new hampshire. but looking at south carolina the last poll that came out, donald trump was overheard 29-point and her own state. do you think even second-place showing that is decent and iowa is going to close that gap? i say no. >> if you went to new hampshire, a big "if." places also like florida or -- or other states -- so let's switch to the democrats. i see you because you read this. one of the smartest democrats was interviewed out there other than patrick murphy, and he said this. he had some tough words for biden, and this was on age. he said i thought he looked very strong in delivering his speech at valley forge, there were other times where it was less so and things are hard such as his
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gait and all of that stuff is her things where people have said why are you talking about that? do you think this is a secret? if it was a secret they wouldn't have the problem that they had on his approval rating. he's never going to win a referendum or even a report card contest. he is someone who likes a affirmation he's not going to get the credit that he deserves. i find a credit on messaging is that i am moved by the soul of america argument but i am mindful of the fact that america has challenges on their day-to-day lives. >> i was smiling because i was actually in iowa 16 years ago. and i had my daughter and it was needed to yet, and she was a junior in high school. but no doubt. she is right. in that piece that they're talking about they had a five hour meeting with president obama and joe biden back of the day. and it was a come-to-jesus
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moment. president obama, you need to get your game face on. and it's not about your legacy, it's about the middle class of america and moving our country forward and i think president biden has done a lot of good things. but he has to talk to the american people. even the attack last night, he needs to go in front of the american people and let them know what we did. >> in your reference, it is interesting, president obama was being beaten by romney, and of course he course corrected and won the election. it was a unique circumstance here, because we have the far left criticizing biting today. and then you have this interest in the democratic party. he looks like he's trying to appease both the far left and people like joe. >> he has been pushed to the far left, and i don't know if
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it's hey, you owe me because i've got you elected but i'd like to see president biden move back to where he came from overly thought he was. that's what i would love to see. that's what the country wants. i truly believe that. >> that is a tall order for joe biden. >> the presidency when he starts talking about what is needed right now, so it's rumored that that may be what is being considered. ultimately here's what i'm fascinated with with the new hampshire primary and also in iowa and all the early states, when you see nikki haley rise, donald trump has hit her a little but not nearly what he did to desantis. even before desantis announced his run as governor. when donald trump narrows a not so when he destroys dynasties. he destroyed bush, clinton, so when he wants to destroy their career, he has a lot of
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careers that he hasn't done that to governor he "america's repor" a6, but she still far above any other competitor, so will that come? or will he feel comfortable or will he put her in the cabinet or something? >> is made it clear she's running for president and nice vice president but she's a very strong contender for the vice presidential position. tune in monday night for special coverage right here in fox news. call anchor by our fox correspondents, lives in iowa. the iowa caucuses begins at 10:00 p.m. eastern. we are learning new details about the air strike launched, but why isn't president biden taking on this information directly? coming up next
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>> yemen's rebels are now doing a fish a fierce retaliation for the overnight american and british strikes, raising the prospect of a wider conflict. they launched dozens of strikes against these people in yemen. they had ambushed more than two dozen shipping vessels as part of the response to israel's war on hamas and gaza. they were attacked by precision strikes by warships and also submarines. only a handful of rebel fighters were killed. and the spokesman says that the attacks will not go unanswered on punished. secretary please break this down for us. what does all of this mean? >> so, i ran and the rebels who
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are fighting yemen who is assuming that government they're fighting the war in yemen. and they trying to get it here. this is what i would say to their sufi rebels. rebels. if you play stupid games is that it went stupid prizes. we have told you for so long to knock it off. but they kept going. over two dozen attacks in the last 30 days. they attack almost every other day. last night, it was massive, it was the united states, u.k., australia, so many people got involved. in different locations. this is sending a message saying yes we are not going to get bogged down in the middle east, but you are not going to stop the shipping lanes, we are 15% of what the world trade goes through, and it has cost the american taxpayers to make sure that we can still have free
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trading centers. because when you look at energy policies, there are three energy superpowers in the world. the united states, saudi arabia, and russia. and a lot of energy throughout the world that goes through that area, and we need to make sure that these innocent civilians and innocent people -- we need to make sure we can't look the other way. we need to let them know. >> what about iran, and the biden administration has maintained that iran is the primary enabler and yet we've been able to report that they have been enriched by billions over oil and biden administration. and they have ramped up their new programs and so much benefited for iran, when will those consequences occur? >> i agree with what patrick just said. however nothing happens in a
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vacuum and is actually policy decisions that got us to where we are today. those policy decisions that are in the early day of the biden administration. january 11th of 2021, exactly three years ago, after about a year of putting together a package, president biden and biden administration designated them as terrorist organization. three years later, the biden administration how to pursue the strikes yesterday what happened in those three years? in the first few weeks they removed the designations from them. i talk about this a lot. that matters because literally two days after they removed that they started their tax yet again, huthi, so they removed it without gene getting anything f. they clearly continued it. and divide and give a speech saying that they no longer going
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to send these defensive weapons and they were trying to stop thr in yemen. and we know war is without controversy but they were going after huthi and they were trying to decrease the capabilities to commit terrorist attacks that are happening against civilians. biden said three years ago no more. so they stop saudi arabia and took away their terrorism organization and then huthi had three years to equip themselves and they have done that through iran who gave them about $90 billion that they have read or learned revenue, so they have $90 billion to give to these people, but we have the nightmae scenario after 9/11. we always worried about sophisticated weaponry getting into the hands of terrorist groups. we now have ballistic missiles
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going after our u.s. ships. going after our navy sailors, going after civilian infrastructure, you're talking about sophisticated drones you're not talking about things we saw in the early days, we're talking about ballistic missiles that the terrorist group had and they have it because they have the enable to give these weapons to the who sees. so three years of this disastrous policy would let to hamas and these attacks. which is stopping shipping, and going directly after our american sailors and american ships. so thank you for the attack last night it's a day late and a dollar short. before i agree with that. i think it's been more than three years. the four because iraq when we saw -- that was the
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counterbalance to iran. said they have been getting stronger year after year. i'm not saying that they were bad people -- but there was this natural counterbalance. and people are waking up in the region and that is why saudi arabia is a -- >> i iran has the desire to remove the united states out of the middle east. we unveiled in the final days of the trump administration that they were being given safe haven in iran. so it is this in many places but they don't care if the funding t organization. ultimately they are trying to kick the united states out. >> so he said to paraphrase, that they want to take a look. we gonna take a look at reconsidering look at what
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happens. >> okay, so january 15th, 2021, this organization comes to fourth -- this is pathetic, sad, and quite gross. when a democrat on the hill has to pay in a bipartisan letter to the state department to reenlist them. when democrat and congressmen are telling them to step it up, i laughed out loud when i said this. in terms of consequences on the 17, we have a long-standing and deep pressure campaign. so let's talk about that deep pressure campaign. it entailed unfreezing $6 billion to iran. in any oil increasing by 650%. it included delisting the huthi. that is a long-standing campaign. if you want to get tough and get serious, call for the
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palestinian leader to be extradited. that is what we call a pressure campaign. that is what donald trump did. >> they are demanding such a high price from china, oil exports to china hit a record in october. in nine months ending in december, iran made at least 26 and a half billion dollars because the united states is doing nothing to stop those exports. saudi arabia in addition, they just joined the block of bricks countries, brazil, russia, india, china, and south africa, while we are negotiating a defense treaty with saudi arabia? iran also joined the bricks nations, it was supposed to have economic influence, but they
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have the greatest geopolitical influences as well. why is saudi arabia teaming up with these other countries? because a camp. >> i was there and i met with the crown prince. there is a way out for this, and i hope that they are pressuring them and they're not fully committed but you are correct. >> they are in it. >> so much more to come. no wonder they keep coming to the united states illegally. you do not want to miss this, two years of free rent in one state, all paid by you the taxpayer stay with us. d's plaqu. [camera shutter sfx] he thinks his flaky, red patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis.
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>> it pays to be an illegal immigrant right now. they are more incentives for people coming to this country
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illegally. minnesota and california are offering free inks for college and still tuition. and then the offering free health care to all migrants regardless of their status. taxpayers are footing the bill for new apartment built specifically for these newly arrived people who come over the border. they had at least two years worth of rent paid for them. so i pay an arm and a leg to sleep on a couch or in the city. and my tax dollars are absorbed a tent for the tax rate i pay here. it kills me that the message sank so clearly is that i am prioritized last. >> they are facing astronomical interest rates, but then you look and you say hey renounce your citizenship and then here you go, it is crazy. and it's not just that, you
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think about new york in january 2023, free hotel rooms, $300 a month, you get a treadmill for your recreation come up march 2023 there was a pilot program to get free food -- as in california they always top everything with this headline, california state health insurance to cover sex changes. >> americans are so clearly prioritizing and so far below the illegal immigrants, but the homeless population in maine has doubled. 74% of those homeless are in transitional housing emergency shelters. over a good 5% of them are unsheltered. so why is it the homeless population of main constituents are now outside, they are outside in these people enjoy
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new apartment buildings. it is such a slap in the face. >> it's a slap in the face to anyone who is suffering, that those who are undocumented take precedent. i am looking at california, and california is offering state-funded medicaid to any eligible undocumented immigrant, and it's going to be almost a billion dollars a year, no it's going to be a lot more than that it always is. they always underestimate the cost of it. some states are providing subsidies to immigrants regardless if they are undocumented or not. with california, they had a hundred billion dollar budget surplus. mark my words, money is fungible. technically undocumented migrants are not eligible for
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medicaid or friendship or for medicare from the federal government. but gavin newsom is gonna come crying, to the federal government. and get money some other way to offset the ballooning costs of making sure these undocumented immigrants are insured. illinois had to cut off enrollment in a similar program because of all of the other the financial problems the next day. >> americans are strapped right now in the housing market people could not afford to buy homes or people are living with their parents, it is real, the housing situation right now thanks to the ineffective use of our tax dollars and loaded spending of this administration. so to hammer out these incentives that are giving to the millions flooding across our border, it is difficult to digest egg stomach. is there any defensive that this administration can have?
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the four matthew 25 says what have you done for my brothers? >> but we just can't look the other way. it's not just the states and the federal government you look at the cities like new york. new york is taking care of 68,000 immigrants. they spent $4.6 million to file them in one way to get somewhere else in america. we as a country have to do better. and when you have senators and in the immigration bill, "the wall street journal" is right. stop with the politics and get a policy so we can come together and solve this crisis that is hurting everyone in america. we need to do the right thing. >> respectfully compassion it's outside of this issue. it is not for lack of compassion, the whole point is resources and dedicating it smartly and efficiently. so that americans are not being
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prioritized. >> the vice president told us three years ago that she was going to be working on this, but what happens unfortunately is that children of color and minority children are affected when they are displaced by these undocumented immigrants, so that's what's troubling them, these are the same children they were out of school and now they are being sent home because undocumented immigrants have to be housed. and when you see the stories it is affecting american children, and a lot of children of color, so where is the compassion for those children? >> up next, john hopkins hospital is now apologizing after its diversity chief labeled white people, men, and questions, as privileged. ♪ ♪ it isn't.
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♪ ♪ >> outrage over diversity, equity, and inclusion. now it has reached the john hopkins hospital. it is facing backlash for a newsletter sent out by the facility chief diversity off officer. she revealed that the diversity word of the month is, privilege. and she says in the united states privilege is granted to the people who have membership of one or more of the social identity groups. which groups? why people, if a buddy group, heterosexuals, s cisgender, middle-age people, english-speaking people, she emphasizes that privilege is a
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characteristically invisible to people who have it and people and dominant groups. they have earned the privilege is that they enjoy, and that everyone can have access to these privileges if the work ton them. now, they are backtracking apologizing saying that there was a definition shove the word privilege which after reflecting i regret. it was simplistic and poorly worded and had the opposite effect of the exclusionary and hurtful for people within our community. i retract my statement and i am sorry. so what are your thoughts? >> i hit every single one of those points, this makes me
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upset because i grew up in north philadelphia, with two parents, i went to community college and i joined the army in 19. our country is about opportunity and we are a nation of immigrants and we are hardworking people, so when you have people like this -- there is a reason why after world war ii, 92% of children in america were better off than their parents, today it is 50%. because people do not believe in the american dream. they think people are dividing us and people are dividing us. and it's on both sides so we need to stop and remember what is great about our country. because two years from now we need to get back to our roots and appreciate what we are all about. >> well said. your skin color does not determine your privilege there people who grow up destitute and
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poverty who do not have father figures and they get to where they are through hard work and achievement. >> this is not just about this one woman. the iconic t they get -- these offices of diversity, equity, and inclusion destroy eradicate and infi infiltrate. every university, they are in every major corporation. and they are -- after the harvard president resigned and still has a job, there's a lot of angst the position about the pyramid of adversity i was going to be dismantled and the infrastructure supporting this this -- is going to be taken down. but, harvard alone got sued by
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asian student and went all the way to the supreme court and we saw that this hate cult bread anti-semitism and then people over and over found out that their lives were destroyed because they didn't or they did sit into one of these categories. but they want to preserve that. the fact that they sent that out and it never occurred to them that saying hey this might be a bad idea never even dawned on them. >> and it's one of the finest institution on the world, the john hopkins hospital should be focused on saving lives. >> it's interesting to me when i heard her definition. i want to think about what ronald reagan talked about when he talked about conservatism. i want a better life for everybody in this country but i do not have to think did not do it by tearing others down.
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by saying -- instead of tearing you down and saying you are privilege and you have all of these things, let's lift each other up and say that's actually provide more opportunities for people to work hard and earn their way. you don't have to tear down christians, oilmen, but people who are privilege or at people who are not in -- people who were not lift up -- >> says the doctor who enjoyed the highest education and the opportunities this country. broadly sweeps into a million categories in every single people for herself. save it. who wrote this for her and i don't care it sounds like every other corporate apology out there. poorly worded, the whole thing was overbroad over they passing dispersion to essentially everyone who was in a different group than she was and she has
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no idea in these individual stories. and i thought her apology was -- her first -- >> well said. canadian police have a new wording about pirates but not how deep your package is safe but the privacy of the thieves. one that next.
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(van door closing) - time to meet your families! (puppies barking) (puppies sniffing) - hi there! - what should we name him? - buster!
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>> three days until the iowa caucuses with the major winter storm raging, how all of this potentially affect the voting on monday. we will talk to voters and the fox decision team coming up. governor chris will join us also, hunter biden tells the house committees he is willing to sit for a disposition if they issued a new subpoena. president biden not letting go of bidenomics. it's broken down for us, and not that this u.s. has gone after huthi what were they target the puppet master iran. how much time do they have before they mount a nuclear response. join us at the top of the hour for the friday edition of "america's reports." ♪ ♪
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>> canadian police are giving citizens an unusual warning about people who are stealing from porches. they are telling people to protect the privacy of the alleged thieves. they are saying that you cannot post the images because you have to remember, we have a presumption of innocence and canada, and posting the picture could be a violation of the private life. so, if people steal from me i will put that stuff on a billboard before i respect their privacy. >> am i violating his privacy when i beat him with a hockey stick, if he's going to sue me when he shows himself after staring down the barrel of my gun, get off my porch.
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just asking. canada? >> god bless the united united states. >> emily you're from california you talked about it? >> i said in the commercial break when you are in canada and you live on the security of america's umbrella. you get to be weird like this. it is just so preposterous. >> the best thing that ever happened to me with a ring campus because i get to beyond his feet where it makes noise and a man who wandered into my yard on dresses and showers with my hose at 2:00 a.m. and of course this was kind of hilarious but also scary. and that person you can't posted you are wondering into my yard and you get on my camera and we posted -- and you are the criminal for posting it? this is insane.
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>[laughter] i am thi >> i'm thinking about a "game of thrones" the shame scene, but if you commit a crime you gonna do the time. and if you shame someone for doing something wrong absolutely. that's why i know that they will come to my house. >> and that's why people in florida shower with hoses. >> it says it does not get cold in florida. >> a baseball bat is more effective than a hockey stick. >> okay, stay with this more on "outnumbered" stay with us
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♪♪ >> emily: last but not least, it looks like mob wife fashion is back in style. "new york post" reports fur coats, big jewelry, mini skirts and designer handbags are in again for a look like carmela soprano, they say it oozes sexiness, opulence and confidence.
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dagen, what say you. >> dagen: this is how women in dallas have always dressed in the middle of july. [laughter] yeah, or miami, big hair, a lot of make-up, fur, when it's 90° outside the a.c. is always pumping. i don't know. >> emily: what i love, kayleigh, it's for everyone, and the article says you don't have to be italian or care about the mob, these women hold down the household with make-up, beautiful fits and big hair. i say stylish, i manage two businesses, run a family and make dinner every night. >> kayleigh: i'm not a fan. like i don't watch real housewives but i imagine it's like the "real housewives" type fashion, i don't like the leopard print or the fur, i like classy jackie-o, but you be you. >> emily: mute the stealth
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welcome back how you sport wealth a couple years ago. all of this was new to me, like the gwyneth paltrow look and now the bold, big pattern, textures. >> i think the gwyneth paltrow look is boring, screams like white bread. kayleigh and i agree on everything, but not today. the bigger the hair, the closer to god, i live in nashville, it's cold enough for fur, i still wear fur, it's great. hopefully i don't get hate on me. >> kayleigh: no hate, the beauty of creativity. >> i love it. i don't think i gave that up. >> and patrick, you are the father of a daughter, i love the idea of people feeling free and loud and bold and energy and not having to feel muted. >> yeah, and my mom, she was a catholic, so she turned it down dress-wise but i went to high school, it was a big deal in the 90s, the 4 or 5 inches of hairspray and hair sticking up,
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it was pretty loud. i'm more of a jackie-o kind of guy myself. >> dagen: do you look like the wife or like the guma? sharon stone, best mob wife ever in "casino," and i wanted one of the like butter brown leather matching pant suit and she had a mullet, it was all -- >> kayleigh: a mullet? >> dagen: yeah, it was awful but it was delicious. that's my goal. >> delicious i love that. >> emily: make sure to tune in to the debut of "fox night saturday night," kicks off tomorrow at 10:00 p.m. eastern. i'll be on it, a couple more minutes of me, too, and we are so thrilled and proud of jimi -- jimmy failla. here is "america reports


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