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tv   America Reports  FOX News  January 12, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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>> i'm really impressed so many people came out given the weather. >> thank you for coming out and braving the snowstorm. >> i think there will be a good showing caucus night because they know the responsibility that goes with it. >> john: we are just days away from the iowa caucuses and the
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weather is what's stealing the show right now. forcing candidates to cancel last-minute blitzes across the state, caucus-goers in for some brutally cold temperatures with the wind chill reaching negative 25°, if not lower on monday. some iowans say they are determined to brave the cold. >> just have to put on a -- warm the car up, put another coat on. >> i'm a lifelong resident, used to it. >> john: as a guy who grew up in canada, i know how to be cold, but why i moved to miami. >> sandra: and a girl from chicago. the stakes are high that is for sure as voters take the first step in the race to the white house and brand-new polling shows one candidates gaining momentum in the final few days.
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>> john: a poll puts nikki haley ahead of ron desantis, putting her in second place, desantis now third. the former president maintains a dominant lead, nikki haley is hitting double digits at 20% in the suffolk university poll, desantis around 13%. >> sandra: and right to it. grady trimble live in west des moines, iowa. certainly dressed for the weather there, grady, great to see you. so, what exactly is happening, what are you hearing, what are you seeing? >> unfortunately, sandra, not the kind of weather the candidates want as they try to make the final push to reach as many caucus-goers as possible before monday. but this is the weather iowa dealt, we are under a blizzard warning and forced former south carolina governor nikki haley to turn her in-person town halls into tele-town halls. ron desantis has had a couple of events, had to postpone a couple events. vivek ramaswamy, he's still out
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there campaigning and says he will do so as long as it is safe to do so. but the roads are not equipped right now for busses to be driving around, so they left the campaign bus behind. you mentioned those brutally cold temperatures we are expecting on caucus day and that is something that we are wondering, will that impact turnout and if so, which candidate does that benefit. florida governor ron desantis says it helps him. listen. >> i think it may affect turnout from some more casual voters, like if you are polling for trump now, he's saying that he's got all the votes he needs. he doesn't need your vote. >> but there are other pollsters who are saying that's actually not the case, that former president trump's most loyal supporters will turn up and propel him to victory on monday. we shall see. we thought it would be good to hear from the caucus-goers themselves about whether they
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plan to weather the storm. listen. >> this is iowa, you get used to it. >> out in full force. >> there might be a few people, but i don't think it will stop us. >> we are iowans. >> my mother is 92 years old and told me if it's snowing or ice you are going to come pick me up in the 4-wheel drive pick-up. >> it would take a lot for us not to go, i think we'll go. >> sounds like a lot of people there are committed to caucus. the iowa gop chair, by the way, says there are no con in t -- contingencies in place. he compared the caucuses to a football game, sandra, it's going to happen no matter the weather that day. >> sandra: you need your full carhartt jump suit like when you go to a bears game. 15° is going to feel baumy compared to monday. >> it will, it will be even
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lower than the feels like temperature. feels like 0 right now, it's going to be negative high as the 4 on monday and that's the actual temperature. >> sandra: stay safe there, grady. thank you for braving the temper temperatures for us. >> john: they are iowans, they don't need no stinkin' contingencies. and nikki haley is gaining support in the granite state , and governor, great to see you. >> i need to go on the record, on the record right away. the governor does control the weather and i guarantee beautiful weather for the first of the nation -- can't speak for kim, kim is a great friend, but we are going to get the weather right here. >> john: last time i was in new hampshire for the primary, it was 75° and sunny. so, rcp average in new hampshire shows donald trump with a
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substantial lead. 43.5% to nikki haley's 29.3%. chris christie is out of the race. a poll suggested 65% of his support would go to nikki haley if he dropped out. i put together a hypothetical graphic of what it might look like heading into the new hampshire primary. donald trump, 43.5, nikki haley 37%, approximately, that would be almost a horse race, governor. >> oh, it's a horse race. our goal in new hampshire and iowa is always to first narrow the field, which we have done, make it a one-on-one race, it has become between haley and trump, and give the rest of america kind of the binary choice and when you do that, more folks in gage and everything opens up. if nicki were to come back with the shocking win, amazing, the only one gaining steam and
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momentum, no one is going on nikki haley to the other teams, they are all coming to her team. 11 days here, campaign like she has been, fundamentally different than everybody else, specifically donald trump and that in itself will make a big difference. in new hampshire, political time frame, that's a lifetime of numbers moving around. >> john: you mentioned this coming down to a binary race, which would indicate that you believe that ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy are going to drop out as well. there's no indication of that at this point. what makes you think that? >> no, look, even -- whether they stay in or not, i mean -- you know, i think ron has run a good race, a great guy, put all his effort into iowa, has not campaigned in new hampshire the last month or so. numbers will be diminished. >> john: it's not a binary choice if they do. they'll continue to draw
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support. >> well, technically asa hutchinson is in the race. >> if you call .3% stealing votes from others, not sure i do. fox news power rankings, vital signs for candidates. nikki haley, competitive with trump in polling, more than $26 million spent on ads and endorsed by governor sununu. lay out a road map for us, governor, out of iowa, where nikki haley becomes the nominee. >> well, obviously again, a lot of those christie voters have the propensity to go to nikki. she'll get on the ground, answer questions, from the top of the state to the bottom. when she comes to new hampshire, i think donald trump is going to a country club, how typical of trump. she will start in the northern part of the state, do business to business, town to town, grassroots campaigning, 10 to 12
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events a day where she's talking person-to-person all over the state. that builds connection, to the voters, to the communities, to the issues that really come to bear, and as they are making their final decisions, no one will say trump held another rally, didn't answer any questions at the country club i guess i'll vote for him. no, no one will say that. everyone is galvanizing around nikki. so you have the political momentum, where her numbers will crest on election day, timed this out beautifully, frankly, just a ton of opportunity to close that gap. you make it effectively a one-on-one race and you keep trump well under 50%, which he is, at this point looks like numbers are in the low 40s or upper 30s, it's a huge opportunity. you can give 5% to 7% to another candidate and she would beat them. people are excited there's not 15 candidates out there.
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our ballot will have 20 names on it, everyone's name is on the ballot, pence, scott, but she has all the momentum and the ability and the right campaign strategy to galvanize the vote. >> john: we have that on tape and will replay it on the 23rd and see if you are right. thanks for joining us, appreciate it. >> thank you. >> john: sandra. >> sandra: good stuff. thank you, john. this fox news alert, the navy is warning american flagged ships to stay out of waters near yemen for the next 72 hours after the u.s. and u.k. launched retaliatory strikes on houthi targets there. that is a major step and now attention turns to how the houthis will respond. michael allen will join us to talk about what exactly he believes will happen next. but first, let's get straight to the white house where our correspondent jacqui heinrich is live on the north lawn. does the white house expect the
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houthis to retaliate? >> well, sandra, president biden said the u.s. would not hesitate to respond even more if it becomes necessary. these coalition strikes led by the u.s. have received applause from congressional republicans, including mitch mcconnell and house speaker mike johnson. but progressive democrats have blasted president biden, including congressman ro khanna who said section 2c of the war powers act is clear, congressional authorization or in a national emergency when the u.s. is under attack, and jayapal caused it an unacceptable violation of the constitution. but others did get a head's up on this, including the gang of 8, and to direct the use of force with significant national interest at stake and below the threshold of war and the u.s.
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did give a final warning to the houthis, along with 14 allied countries last week, the houthis laughed off on tuesday, responding with their most complex attacks to date, targeting u.s. ships in the region. >> we are not interested in a war with yemen, not interested in a conflict of any kind here. everything the president has been doing is trying to prevent escalation of conflict, including the strikes last night. >> the houthis got a two-hour head's up on the strikes themselves after reporters leaked the plans on twitter, from the u.k. houthis have claimed five died and six were injured. critics say it will not stop until they go after targets inside iran and they say biden's decision to remove the houthis from the terrorist list has hurt the ability for the u.s. to
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respond. no decision has been made just yet. don't expect to hear president biden talk more about this today, no major speech planned in pennsylvania where he's going to meet with small business owners to talk about bidenomics, dichting the planned remarks in front of a crowd in favor of smaller engagements to show viewers that the president at 81 years old has still got it and get him out there more often, less in a suit and tie and more in some casual clothing. sandra. >> sandra: jacqui heinrich live at the white house. thank you. >> john: breaking today, hunter biden's attorney tells fox news that the president's son will now comply with a congressional subpoena. but there may be some strings attached. >> sandra: blizzard conditions, watching them closely. 17° in des moines. a lot of that snow already slamming iowa. what is this going to do for
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turnout. it's a huge question as we head into monday. and undecided voters, how many are there out there? shannon bream is in a warm studio for the time being. she's coming up on both of those stories next. i would like to take a moment to address my fellow veterans, because i know there are so many of you who have served your country honorably, whether it's two years, four years, or thirty-two years, like myself. one of the benefits that we as a country give you as a veteran is your eligibility for a va loan. not 80 percent but 100 percent the value of your home and that's what you can get at newday usa. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes.
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>> sandra: hunter biden's lawyers now say he will comply for a deposition if house committees issue a new subpoena. it comes after a pair of house panels voted to hold the president's son in contempt. shannon bream, chief legal correspondent, fox news anchor, good to have you on the program. people are wondering where all this goes next. obviously this is breaking news this afternoon. what will happen? >> well, so sandra, as you know,
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i'm very happy to be inside here in des moines, it's a blizzard outside right now, but as you know, we are heading towards next week in the house would be a contempt vote, holding hunter biden, the president's son in contempt for not complying with the subpoena. the lengthy letter from his legal team seems to be the argument against that saying here is how you got it wrong with the last subpoena, we don't consider it valid, now you have authorized an impeachment inquiry so now we'll take the subpoena. seems to head off the issue that if the house votes him in contempt next week and flips it to the doj then they have to make a difficult decision about whether they press charges against the first son, essentially, his legal team seems to be making the argument here, we are offering you other option, doj, you don't need to go there. >> sandra: it is fascinating to watch.
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>> sandra: abbe lowell writes -- we will put i on the screen. accept the subpoena on mr. biden's behalf. here is josh boswell, last hour, shannon, on the gop reaction that we have seen so far to that new letter. listen. >> republicans response to this is likely to be fury, right, congress has issued a valid subpoena, hunter did not comply with that, he did not show up and he's facing the consequences now. yet to see how it will play out eventually but seems like abbe lowell and hunter biden are on the back foot here. >> sandra: really interesting analysis by mr. boswell there, shannon. >> shannon: and everybody is calling everybody's bluff. what happens if the house gop rather than saying listen, wep stand by the subpoena we think it's good and you are in contempt and need to show up. ok, we will give you the new subpoena and now we are going to
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do this thing and get the information we wanted all along, and your client is going to have to give us answers either under oath or in a hearing, whether they do behind the scenes first, normally what you do with the witness, a deposition kind of thing. and who calls whose bluff. one thing i don't think it's going to do is head off the contempt. likely to happen next wednesday. >> sandra: i'm curious, shannon, we'll pop up real clear politics average in iowa, trump polling 53%, haley at 17.8. desantis 15.5, and ramaswamy at 6.5%. what are you hearing on the ground since you've gotten there, shannon? >> shannon: listen, the conditions are really bad but people are like we are iowa, this is what we do, we are tough. so vowing, probably not going to get out of negative digits on monday on caucus day and we are seeing a couple interesting things with the campaign.
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the trump team is saying hey, yes, we have been gloating about how we are up 30 or 40 points but don't let that keep you home on monday. they want to make sure people don't think it's in the bag. and the desantis campaign has laid a lot of ground work, they feel good about the organization, they think people will show up. this morning he had an event, the weather is already terrible, people showed up in such numbers they had to bring more chairs in, a bigger crowd than they expected. and polling, will you show up for the caucus, ron desantis had the biggest number so he needs it to be true on monday for him to stay alive. >> sandra: all very exciting. days away. shannon, braving the temperatures, 17°, feels colder, i'm sure. >> it does, but we are happy to be here. >> sandra: great stuff, we'll see you this weekend. >> john: chicago is scrambling to set up warm places for migrants to sleep as the city runs out of room and a blizzard
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tracks across the midwest. we are live from the windy and cold city as the temperatures plunge. >> sandra: plus the u.s. sending a strong message to iran-backed rebels with a massive attacks on their positions in yemen. will the houthis back off in the red sea or ramp up attacks in response. we'll ask former nscc director michael allen. >> to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be sufficient. we have got to go after iran. (avo) kate made progress with her mental health... ...but her medication caused unintentional movements in her face, hands, and feet called tardive dyskinesia, or td. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy!
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centcom chief speaking to us last hour after a u.s.-led coalition carried out a wave of attacks on more than a dozen houthi locations in yemen. they are vowing retaliation and the u.s. navy is warning american flagships to stay out of the area. michael allen, former senior director with the national security council under george w. bush and managing director of beacon strategies and here at the touch screen. in total, more than 60 targets hit in the capital city and other areas along the red sea. what was hit was runways, radar installations, weapons storage facilities, drone manufacturing facilities. how much could that, do you think, degrade the houthi's capability to attack commercial shipping in the red sea? >> it sounds like it was more than symbolic, substantial attack on the houthi here, we have to wait for the bomb damage assessment and i hope the biden administration took this very
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seriously. it seemed a little telegraphed, seemed almost as if they were letting them know that we were coming, but nonetheless, as long as we took out a lot of the equipment to sort of preempt them from hitting our ships in the red sea it could turn out to at least have been a great start to what will likely need to be successive strikes. >> john: it did seem the attack was leaked and maybe to let people get away from the facilities. five were killed, a number of others injured, but you would think the casualty count would have been much higher. president biden said this after the attacks, at my direction, u.s. military forces together with the united kingdom with support from australia, bahrain, canada, netherlands successfully conducted strikes against a number of targets in yemen used by houthi rebels. the question is, they did it yesterday, why didn't they do it two weeks ago, sabrina singh was on america's newsroom saying we wanted to make sure we could accurately degrade the houthis.
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they could have accurately degraded the houthis five years ago. didn't need to wait. >> we have enormous intelligence assets in the region. i think we knew where the missiles and the drones and everything were coming for. i think president biden had to get pressured into it. his first instinct is not to escalate, to be in my view overly cautious but i think he finally realized the houthis were not going to go away and it was beginning to impede the world's commerce. 15% goes through the strait and time to get something done. >> john: you mentioned the shipping that goes through here, and the strait about 18 miles wide, about half the width of the straits of hormuz up until now was the choke point. 27 attacks on commercial shipping since november 19th and then there's this, more than 130 attacks against u.s. interests in the middle east, and of course, we all know when we go
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back to this screen here, if it works, there we go. we missed a screen. as we all know, of course, you know, on the phone here is a fella who lives in tehran, and he's telling the houthis here go ahead and attack commercial shipping. so the big question is, why aren't we going after iran? >> iran's the head of the snake and they have sort of an orchestra. they're dialing up hezbollah, hamas and of course now the houthi. look, i think it's a good first step but if over time we want to protect american interest in the middle east, we can't pull out from that region because of oil and economic reasons and the rest, we are going to have to take on iran. the administration is completely ignored this since october 7th, i think they privately want to revive this idea of iran nuclear deal and some sort of thing, but they have to get serious over time. >> john: real quick the last
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point, nuclear deal, 24/7, the centrifuges are spinning to get the material for the nuclear bomb. once they get the bomb, hitting iran is shrinking. >> it gets easier as you get closer to weapons grade so we are underneath the gun here. iran needs to be dealt with muscularly and i hope president biden has a plan. >> john: we'll see if he does. at the moment he doesn't seem to. >> sandra: a powerful winter storm blasting the midwest and prompting blizzard warnings across several states. in chicago, the city is trying to figure out how to house the thousands of migrants that have arrived in the city with nowhere to sleep. one solution they have come up with is busses. kelly is live in chicago with us. what are the conditions like on these warming busses for the migrants?
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>> sandra, these busses aren't unique, it's like any other bus that you and i may have seen or been on at this point. the inside is just a bus. they have not removed any seats to make it possible for people to lay down and get a good night sleep. these people don't have a change of clothes, they don't have somewhere to shower, they don't know where their next meal is coming from. as of the last count that we got from the city of chicago wednesday night we know that 324 people are spread out among these eight busses behind me. another 15,000 migrants in brick and mortar shelters, as well as another 600 folks waiting placement. 250 of those people are inside o'hare international airport. i spoke to democrat and alderman raymond lopez about what his constituents are thinking about this, and he says they have been welcoming but only so much they can do to help without the white house stepping in.
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>> they understand there's a human component to this and we need to do our part while we hope that the federal government, the president and congress get their act together. but there's a limit to our generosity. >> this is ongoing as there is a homeless encampment about 800 feet from where i'm standing, and those people are not getting the resources that the migrants are getting, and it's leaving some residents confused. >> some of the migrants are being put up in hotels to prepare for the gold that we are going to have this weekend. no one is going through the neighborhoods where our homeless people are living and picking them up and taking them to hotels. >> and this of course all comes as we are expecting the feels like temperatures to be in the negatives tomorrow. sandra. >> sandra: that is something to watch there. so many of the residents in chicago without power right now, without heat. it's a big problem.
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thank you very much for joining us on that. we'll keep following it. john. >> john: speaking of the feels like temperatures, the dangerous winter storm also threatening to make monday's iowa caucuses the coldest ever on record. rick is live from the weather center. and rick, how cold is it going to be? >> it's going to be really cold and i've been thinking about this. one thing is cold temperatures, 15, 20, 25°, that's cold and you can handle it, but actual air temperatures -15, -20, that's a whole other category of dangerous. so people going out to caucus, make sure you have supplies in your car if there were an accident and you get stuck out in that, it goes from very uncomfortable to deadly really quickly and so that's why there are concerns this is a life-threatening cold snap that's going to be coming here. this is the snow we have right here, we have blizzard conditions in effect across some areas of iowa, blizzard warnings in effect. the snow is still here, the snow
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is going to wrap up. behind it, the colder, windier air comes in, and this is our second storm that we have had that's moved almost the exact same area over the last five days. behind the storm is where the colder air comes in. blizzard warnings or blizzard conditions confirmed where you see the red dots, near blizzard where you have the blue, that's the amount of sustained wind over a longer period of time that gets those categories to be qualifying for it as blizzard. this is where we have the blizzard warnings by the way, also across some places in wisconsin and michigan dealing with the conditions as well. watch what happens as the center area of low pressure pulls away, the wind comes out of the northwest, that's where all the cold air is and it's gonna be windy and so expecting not just the snow that's not going to go anywhere, but john, look at the wind chill alerts. anywhere you see this purple, maybe -50 to -60°. it's going to be dangerous and a lot of people who are not used
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to this are descending on iowa. maybe the iowans can handle it, but a lot of people from new york may be headed to the area. a different story. >> john: i remember being at the caucuses one year it was so cold it literally hurt. felt like the air was hard. it hurt. wear snow pants. great to see you. >> sandra: the climate czar john kerry, taking a lot of heat. how much his office is costing you, the taxpayer, and how much his staffers are getting paid in the meantime. >> john: just don't ask who the staffers are. plus, president biden is in pennsylvania touting the economy. and $6 trillion are at stake. larry kudlow is here on that coming up next. plus why he says this was a key moment for trump's re-election
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>> john: $4.3 million, how much the biden administration special climate team reportedly spends each year on staff salaries. it's taxpayer money, supposed to be public record but climate czar john kerry refuses to name the staffers who are earning six-figure pay days. gillian turner is live at the state department with more on this. i can hear the folks at home saying what the -- >> gillian: it's a lot of money, john. we are getting this pretty rare inside look into the climate
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czar's office, thanks to a freedom of information act request that was filed by the boston herald. take a look at the top line items we are now learning thanks to the release of these documents. turns out the climate czar's office pays staff $4.3 million a year in salaries in a year, the highest salary listed in the state department released 186,680 per year for one staffer. median salary overall, about $170,000 per year. pretty high. notably missing, the names of any of kerry's staffers, his top aides or his own salary. they say in declining to release the rest of the information here, take a look at this, they determine the privacy interests clearly outweigh any public interest in the disclosure of the information. consequently release would result in reasonably foreseeable
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harm. kerry when prodded last year, back in july, was very hesitant to disclose any details about the inner workings of his office, when he was probed by congressional regulators. take a listen. >> i would love to know the names of the individuals that actually answer to you. >> mr. chairman, i'm not going to fill them in here and this way because that would be a violation of our process within the state department. >> you are not going to tell us who is working in your office. >> i'm not going to go through them by name. that is not the required process of the state department. >> gillian: while his office is, as he says, part of the state department, he said in that same hearing he himself reports directly to president biden, not to the secretary of state seen there, antony blinken. kerry's office tells the boston herald they will share the rest of the information in october, john.
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nine months from now, also one month before the presidential election. >> john: wasn't biden promising transparency in government at some point? i seem to recall that. >> gillian: he was indeed. >> john: see if they ever make good on that pledge. gillian, thank you. sandra. >> sandra: and also said the buck stops with him. right now president biden, speaking of which, is in allentown, pennsylvania, a live shot of a coffee house there. the president is dipping in and out of businesses there, small businesses, talking to owners and touting his policies. bidenomics. and just out today, the "wall street journal" is sounding the alarm on what tax plans may be coming down the pike. the paper argues 6 trillion in taxes are at stake in this year's elections. bring in larry kudlow, chomping at the bit to get in here. >> larry: can i go back to john kerry for a moment, one of my favorite people. i don't know what the
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individuals are in the state department, he's probably right about that. what i want to know is the "washington post," you guys have been -- you spent basically two hours talking about how cold it is in iowa. >> sandra: it's cold in iowa. >> larry: and no denying it. and also very cold throughout the midwest. a story in the "washington post," 60° below normal, parts of montana, where we were married, -40°. this is the "washington post". so i just want to know of mr. kerry, whatever happened to global warming. every time you get a little heat wave or every time you get a bad rain rainstorm everyone runs with the crazy stories of global warming, global warming, climate change, we'll get to e.v.s in a minute, no one wants an e.v. but how about global freezing. not just iowa but the midwest of the country and maybe more.
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>> sandra: montana, baby, whoa. >> larry: it evens out. you cannot apply long-term cycles of warming to what amounts to bad weather for a week or two. this is what kerry and these others in the administration -- the whole thing is -- it is a hoax. global warming is a hoax. the idea that it's some kind of emergency is a complete and utter hoax. and -- it's a hoax also. >> sandra: real world economic consequences and policies and that is the thing. the president is touting his bidenomics economic policies on the ground there in allentown. i would love to know what those businesses are saying. >> larry: and hertz just got rid of all their electric vehicles, big rental car, rid of them. they were praised earlier by biden for buying them. turns out nobody wants them and the other story is, oh, yeah, wait, they did a poll, one of
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the accounting firms did a poll, here it is, 67% of consumers said they prefer an internal combustion engine, sandra, that's a gasoline-powered car. >> sandra: we know, it's an issue. >> larry: just 6% prefer pure e.v.s, 21% hybrid and it's freezing. -40 in the midwest. what are we doing, is this -- this is insanity. utter insanity. >> sandra: this was la laily braynard at the white house press briefing room yesterday. i thought what would larry kudlow say. >> why do you think the phrasing bidenomics has not caught on. >> so i think again the president's economic policies are showing great results. >> what's your message to americans who are feeling this every day when they buy and use things. >> if you look at overall purchasing power people can buy
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as much as they could pre-pandemic and they've got $1,700 extra to spend. >> sandra: whoa. >> larry: that is just not true, just not true. but the point is, under biden for the three years he's been president, real wages have gone down, depending on how you measure it, between 3 and 4.5%. average weekly earnings for middle class family, right, adjusted for inflation, this is from the bureau of labor statistics, started out at $399 down to $380, that's over three years. >> sandra: ten seconds. >> larry: lost 19 bucks and 5% of the purchasing power. she's a great lady, nsc director, just saying the number doesn't make any sense and we have looked at the numbers and it's so cold, sandra, i don't
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understand the green new deal, and i don't understand global warming. i myself am just freezing on this set. >> sandra: larry, great to have you. i don't keep it so cold here, do i? oh, gosh. >> larry: it's so cold, this country is cold. >> sandra: larry, see you at 4:00 on fbn. >> john: if he's cold in the studio, tell him not to go to iowa. the pentagon is doing an off camera but on the record briefing about the houthis. u.s. thinks they will attempt a retaliation. they did fire anti-ship missiles on friday but didn't hit anything. they say the u.s. and britain struck just under 30 different locations in yemen in total. so, more on this in the hours ahead as we get more details about the strikes that happened yesterday and whether any more are in the offing. we'll be right back.
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signatures demanding no guys in girls sports, no men on women's teams, but the ncaa did not change their policy that it considers fair and inclusive, allowing each sport to set allowable testosterone levels for transgender women. yesterday's campaign argues they are wrong. here's why. men have a competitive advantage. a transgender or not. they rob women of opportunities. a spot on the team from a seat on the bus, a shot to win. and finally, the humiliating experience of sharing a locker room with athletes like will thomas, who swam as a man before transitioning to lia thomas. >> my teammates and i were forced to undress in the presence of lia, a 6'4" tall biological male, fully intact with male genitalia, this did not happen once or twice, but 18 times every week. >> tried to change into a skintight racing swimsuit in fr. as a swimmer come all racing
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suits take up to 30 minutes to get on and i covered myself in a towel and parka while i changed in the locker room several times a day. >> john: so the ncaa currently allows transgender women to compete if they suppress their testosterone levels for at least one year. john come about 30 for transgender women compete in college, swimming, track, tennis, volleyball. these campaigns are about pressuring and bringing out the change of public opinion. >> john: yeah. i don't think we're anywhere near the end of the story, either. william la jeunesse for us. william, thank you. sandra? >> sandra: john, live images moments ago from the president touring small businesses in allentown, pennsylvania. he was just heckled on the sidewalk and we are going to have that for you when we re return. (mom) that's a bit dramatic. (dad) we must tighten our belts! (mom) a better plan to save is verizon! (vo) that's right! plans start at $25 per line guaranteed for 3 years. only on verizon. liberty mutual customized my car insurance and i saved hundreds.
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12:00 pm
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