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tv   The Five  FOX News  January 12, 2024 2:00pm-3:00pm PST

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label's bid bid, former new jersey governor chris christie or former maryland governor larry hogan. last month hogan left the group on very good terms, it appears. they have yet to decide on how best to move forward. they are going to announce their decision by mid-march or essentially after super tuesday. we heard from the top political strategist that they are still trying to get everything worked out. there was a survey showing an increasing number of americans that identify as independent as opposed to a democrat or republican, so no labels may have some room to work with if they decide to put a ticket forward. >> neil: and they only put forward if we end up with the trump-biden rematch. if it doesn't happen, do they stop real quick? >> that's a good question. if they feel there is a lane, they could change. >> neil: thank you, mark meredith. "the five" right now. ♪ ♪
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>> judge jeanine: hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr., jesse watters, dana perino, and greg gutfeld. it's 5:00 in new york city and this is "the five." ♪ ♪ from hibernation to high energy, team biden is once again trying to reassure americans that are sleepy dumb academic are sleepy commander in chief has the stamina to be the most powerful person on the planet. president biden finally emerging in allentown, pennsylvania, today after taking it easy with no public appearances since monday. according to a new report by nbc, it is all part of the white house's plan to make joe look more youthful and ramp up "more informal remarks, unannounced stops at diners, and appearances in social media posts and podcasts." but, boy, did that backfire today. the president looking totally
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lost as he shuffled around various businesses. >> how you doing, man? >> this is morgan sure when and sam. they are our team members here. >> the white house is also rolling out a doctor. jill biden, that is. she's trying to convince americans that joe is the energizer bunny. >> i think what people don't see is how hard joe works every single day. that he gets up thinking what he can do for the american people, and he does that -- his job doesn't end when we just have dinner together at 7:00. i see that strength and that resilience and that steadiness every single day. i say his age is an asset.
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>> he's wise. >> yes, he's wise. he has wisdom, he has experience. he knows every leader on the world stage. he has lived history, he knows history. >> judge jeanine: and nancy pelosi is also trying to puff up the 81-year-old president. >> the president has the weight of the world on his shoulders. he's the president of the united states, a very challenging job. so many hours in the day. you can tell him everything you've done, but nobody gets elected because they deserve it. they get elected because of what they're going to do next. and what he's going to do is continue the work he's done for america's working families. and many people are appreciating and enjoying it. they are just not giving him credit for it. >> all right, nancy pelosi says that many people are appreciating and enjoying the work of the presidency, but they are just not giving him the
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credit. do you agree? >> the polls disagree. he's in the dumpster, and many presidents have governed and campaigned during wars, pandemics, depressions. jill biden is like any other president. we expect them to walk and chew gum at the same time. if i were the white house, i would just maybe have him go play a round of golf. if he can't golf, have him play corn hole. he didn't even flip the coin at the army-navy game this fall. he had lloyd austin do it for him. these are simple things. dana said yesterday, hold a cabinet meeting. spray the room so it looks like you're in charge and managing something. take a picture of him watching sunday night football at 8:30 on a sunday. it's not that hard. but they keep giving us images of him struggling with a beach chair, nodding off at a meeting. those things don't inspire the american people, and then they tell us no one can keep up with him. now we feel like we are being lied to.
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i think he might actually write off arizona because it's too far of a flight out there. he voices the same line, "don'te morning and they say, its executive time. joe doesn't even show up for three days straight. and they don't say a thing. what they're going to do is try to bring him across the finish line and probably the first or second year he's going to hand that he still white house to kamala and then there stuck with her. >> judge jeanine: he claims joe is an asset, but in a recent monmouth poll, 76% of americans think he is too old to serve another term as president. who is out of touch? >> harold: good to be with you. i think it's not a surprise that joe biden and nancy pelosi are out campaigning for joe biden. i see members of the senate on the republican side, members of congress, former cabinet members are president trump out campaigning for him as they are for other candidates. i think the larger point is, are
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they responding to something in the polling data? are they trying to rebut or counter a notion that the president doesn't have the energy to be president for another four years? that is probably something showing up in the polling data. if i were him, i would be doing exactly what he's doing. i don't think those pictures -- i think they were unfair to him. there have been pictures and video before where he has not -- >> judge jeanine: aren't they real? >> harold: they are, but the characterization i disagree w with. it's a challenge. but i saw a president trying to engage with voters and engage with people and ultimately this race will come down to it it's come down to. as the economy in a better spot today six months from now, seven months from now, eight months from now? are able to respond like he was able to respond the daily administration responded to the houthis with a blistering attack? it was long overdue and i'm glad they did it. it will be challenging in the coming months and we'll see how
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the president responds. and there's no doubt presidential contests are contrasts, and of president trump, who i believe will knock lock us up because of the early nature of some of these primaries and caucuses, we will be in store for the longest general election, and they are well known by the voters. you will be interesting to see how they try to differentiate themselves and demonstrate to the country that one of them is the best for the next four ye years. >> he's giving the president kudos for responding to the houthi attacks. the truth is i think they hit 120 times or some crazy number and he wasn't even in touch with general lloyd austin, the four-star general. >> dana: that's been a tongue twister for you all week. they didn't speak last week but
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they spoke last night, apparently. and he's working from his hospital bed. instead of work from home he can work in the hospital. the strikes were strategic and targeted and smart. i have the spokesperson on today and she said it was a proactive strike. do you want to revise that? because this was reactive after we had been hit so many times. i do think the best asset joe biden has in pennsylvania is not jill biden, the first lady. every expect her to say nice things about her husband and shall be out there trying to do that. but it is governor josh shapiro. this is a guy who is a bright star for the democratic party. he's not trying to run for president yet. he is able to do something this week that helped biden and he might not have even realized it. biden was going to change
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william penn park to what was it? going back to the native american? in one day josh shapiro said, actually, no. the name of our state is pennsylvania and we are not going to change it. and biden back down. if you look at the polls recently, just yesterday, biden is up. it'll be there. i also wanted to say one thing about nancy pelosi. she said the weight of the world is on joe biden's shoulders. that's true for any president, but for joe biden, when you think about that you feel sorry for him because the weight of the world is on his shoulders rather than, "thank god the weight of the world is on his shoulders." there's just a difference, and i don't think trotting her out to say things like joe biden is so energetic is going to work. >> judge jeanine: all right, greg. the president is in allentown, pennsylvania, today.
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is any of this making sense to the american people? >> greg: when i see dr. jill, i don't see it first lady, i see a visiting angel. i was thinking about this topic and it reminded me of why the trump town hall on fox a few days ago was so helpful because it's a reminder, at least he's present. that's not a lot to ask for but in this day he is. he's in his suit, ready to go, like dana said. he goes interviews, town halls, and court all in the same day. he shows up, he's the last to leave, not the first to go. compare this to be invalid in chief, trump completes a work day and we are just happy when joe complete the sentence. you don't have to like him to vote for him.
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this is not "the golden bachelor." he's a typical hard-charging executive. you rely on them for what he does, or even how he is. some of the best people i work for, they weren't congenial, they weren't polite, they weren't impatient, they were arrogant buses, but i knew at the end of the day the stuff got done. i had a lot of nice bosses who drove companies into the ground. i won't get into it, but you can look it up. and if i want a lawyer or an agent to represent me, i don't want a guy who makes the other side feel good. i want the other side to be uncomfortable, even worried, perhaps scared. the problem with joe is we are scared. with trump, they are scared. the grafton globalist, the corrupt career politicians, the tin-pot fascist countries nipping at our heels.
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if we have issues with trump, imagine how they must feel. >> judge jeanine: well said, greg. >> greg: thank you. it's friday! >> judge jeanine: and dana is with us on friday! ahead, one of the biggest car rental companies hitting on his dopey obsession. so her doctor prescribed austedo xr— a once-daily td treatment for adults. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ austedo xr significantly reduced kate's td movements. some people saw a response as early as 2 weeks. with austedo xr, kate can stay on her mental health meds— (kate) oh, hi buddy! (avo) austedo xr can cause depression, suicidal thoughts, or actions in patients with huntington's disease. pay close attention to and call your doctor if you become depressed, have sudden changes in mood, or have suicidal thoughts. don't take if you have liver problems, are taking reserpine,
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tetrabenazine, or valbenazine. austedo xr may cause irregular or fast heartbeat, or abnormal movements. seek help for fever, stiff muscles, problems thinking, or sweating. common side effects include inflammation of the nose and throat, insomnia and sleepiness. ♪ as you go with austedo ♪ ask your doctor for austedo xr. ♪ austedo xr ♪
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♪ ♪ >> jesse: joe biden's easy obsession getting slapped across the face with a higher dose of reality. one of america's biggest rental car companies, hertz, trying to sell 20,000 electric cars from its fleet and pump that money
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back into the good old-fashioned gas guzzlers, making this green energy fail all the more hilarious, just months ago they were bragging how hertz was accelerating the transition. but is not surprising why hertz is doing it. you're more likely to see greg playing center for the lakers and these charges. he built zero. mayor pete, however, isn't ready to give up on the ev dream. >> i take very personally the importance that america led the world in the automotive revolution. now that we are in the midst of the second automotive revo revolution, it is critical that america do so once more. >> jesse: he just bored me to death. >> greg: now you know how we feel. >> greg: i guess the truth "hertz!" good night, everybody. can i leave early?
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you pay insurance for it, you do whatever you want to. it's not the reverse! we don't take on special responsibilities with a rental car. it is supposed to make our lives easier. you don't put commerce before technology. it's great to innovate, this has been driven by activism and wishful thinking and profit and it far exceeded the infrastructure of the industry itself. and you have the media that bought into the climate science which wasn't real. so what you're seeing in germany, they are now forced to use less electricity now than they did in the 1970s because they phased out a basic need on the false presumption that something would take its place. they were wrong. it's stupid. i say this applauding electric vehicles, because some are impeccably designed, but they are a supplement to the existing
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gas vehicles because it is impossible right now for them to handle the load. watching politicians try to ban gas-powered cars knowing it's impossible, and what it's going to do to the americans, hardworking citizens, is cruel. they are putting the cart before the horse power. but they are willing to punish you because they are impervious to the hardships. >> jesse: dana, i guess hertz -- it's a little embarrassing. you think the white house is conscious that this is even happening? >> dana: remember when we did th dealerships had the extra inventory and they couldn't sell them? in the white house had the audacity to say the car dealers are wrong. as if they don't want to make money. of course they want to make money and sell these cars. desantis said something the other night about this whole thing. he said, we do have market-based solar, and as a compliment, but we can't walk away from reliable energy. why wouldn't the left say that mix a lot of sense? the administration needs to
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build so many charging stations to meet their goals. i got this from the automakers today. they would need to do 414 chargers installed every day for the next seven years in order for them to keep up with the demand. plus, it was not a good week for the biden administration's climate agenda that got knocked back by the fifth circuit on their whole dishwasher plan to make you basically have no water for your dishwater and washing machines. and consumers don't like it. instead of putting money behind innovation, they are trying to put the cart before the horse power. that was a great line. >> greg: thank you. >> dana: i have to give him that. >> jesse: any great lines, harold ford jr.? >> harold: no. [laughter] the infrastructure for the stuff, i remember when we were making a transition. remember when we used to get in the car and the seat belt automatically came on and no one wanted to wear the seat belt?
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not everybody understands the reason behind it. trying to transition to no smoking in public places. i said, i can't imagine states like tennessee and north carolina embracing this, and they made this transition. think about this, we produce more oil in america in 2023 than we ever have, and we've continued to the next several years. the transition is not going to think democrats or republicans or activists who believe we, somehow or another, or going to shun and move away from oil and gas altogether over the next 6-12 months. that's ludicrous. but we should be thinking about how we address some of these issues. one of the things happening in the car business, the cars that sell the most are hybrids today. the ev cars are not selling as much largely because the infrastructure is not there. but when i first started doing shows on this network, the person who had me on the most baier in the second most was dana perino. i came on and i would often say the two people in this country who are the richest are investing in electric vehicles
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and space expiration. one theme is elon musk and the other is jeff bezos. we praise musk around this table for his innovation, helping to make things faster, cheaper, make us healthier, help things run more efficiently. he is still a believer that this is the future and i happen to believe he's right. but we are not going to transition off of oil and gas altogether. this is a more balanced calibration that has to be achieved over the next several years. >> right, it can't be done through mandates. >> that your take away? >> it's the consumer who will decide whether or not the electric vehicles are going to be part of the mainstream. the consumers don't want it. when you have hertz is going to sell vehicles at a loss of something like $250 million of these electric vehicles, because people don't even want to rent them, you've got a real problem. and 57% of the people in this country don't want to buy them. that's because they cost over
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$50,000 each, whereas your gas vehicle is $30,000. 79% of the evs had more problems than vehicles with combustible engines. okay? there are problems. the government set aside $7.5 billion for these charging stations and there's not one that's been installed yet, okay? so stop trying to force us to do something we don't want to do. i got to tell you, part of my resistance, part of my anger is because this battery is being made in china. while china has got these coal-fired plants, and they are creating all kinds of problems with the environment. we are giving them business to create these batteries but no insurance company wants to ensure when they die, they are an environment a problem, and the american people don't want the car. the manufacturers don't want to
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make the cars. ford is now cutting back the manufacturing of electric vehicles to half of what they did, and the bottom line is the only people making money are the people who are making the batteries, and that's china. let me just go a little more on china, just because i want to. on monday, this administration decided that chinese nationals coming across the border, instead of answering the 40 questions everybody else has to answer, they only have to answer five questions, following the uptick in chinese nationals. i'm tired of giving china the benefit of the doubt. i don't want to buy a car they are responsible for building, and i think the american people agree. and that's it. >> harold: i'm going to get the judge and ev for christmas present. >> jesse: secret santa! not from china, though. up next, if you are white, middle-aged, able-bodied, or speak english, a local hospital thinks you need to check your
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privilege. ♪ ♪ ♪ goodbye ruby tuesday ♪ ♪ who could hang on i am on you caring for his teeth he's let own maintenance take a back seat. well maybe it's time to shift gears on that. because aspen dental has the latest technology and equipment. with a staff that goes out of their way to provide exceptional care. plus free exams and x-rays for new patients without insurance and 20% off treatment plans. making it easier to get started with quality care. it's one more way aspen dental is in your corner. (♪) some people just know that the best rate for you is a rate based on you, with allstate. not one based on paul. you don't want to ride with paul. or sarah, not today anyway. and you don't want a rate based on ben, he's got some important business to take care of. why would you pay a rate based on anyone else?
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with allstate, you're connected to a rate based on you. [dice dreams game] yes, eva. the famous longoria, made it to the reunion, i see. we wouldn't miss it for the world, tia lupe. but what about your husband? is he here? no. unfortunately, he couldn't make it. she attacked him last night. you attacked your husband? [silence] dice dreams, attack your friends and steal their coins. play now. (tony hawk) skating for over 45 years has taken a toll on my body. i take qunol turmeric because it helps with healthy joints and inflammation support. why qunol? it has superior absorption compared to regular turmeric. qunol. the brand i trust.
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♪ ♪ >> dana: corporate america is giving up on dei initiatives but the local ideology is alive and well at hospitals. johns hopkins hospital coming under fire for good reason. there was a newsletter that got sent out by the group's chief diversity officer, and it says this. "in the u.s., privileges granted to people have membership in one or more of the social identity groups." she then listed the group that includes people who are white, able-bodied, heterosexual, cisgender male, christians, middle or owning class, middle-aged, and speak english. as you can imagine, how trajan sued and now she's apologizing calling it overly simplistic and poorly worded. greg, there's a reason why this
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group do no harm exists. they're trying to keep politics out of the exam room. where nobody wants it. you can call them up and say this is happening in the hospital, the file a lawsuit for you. why would it even still be necessary? you can imagine how much time she spent writing this email. >> greg: the worst part about it is, after listing all those guilty of privilege, they claim that, by definition, such privilege is invisible to you. if you believe your achievements came through hard work and talent, it is wrong. you can't see it, but i can as an oppression overlord. so if your privilege is invisible to you, then so is your defense against accusations of having it. what does that sound like? the witch trials, except they were placed drowning of racial justice. you died by dei either way. and thank god -- i think it was the lives of tiktok and x, now owned by musk. the only reason this was retracted was because it was
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exposed. and you can bet no journalists would have covered this. because generally they are cowards where they agree with this racist stuff. so hopkins turned tail because they got outed, and it teaches you a lesson, all you have to do is out them and they can't fight back because they know it's bad, because the response was, whoops, you got us. holy crap, we got caught. why did they back down so fast? to words, dill acumen. hopkins saw that an informed public can do to your endowment what they did to your endowment if they can discover your institutional racism. when money talks, dei walks, or in this case it ran. >> this is not the first time johns hopkins has been found out to be doing things like this, judge. it is endemic. >> judge jeanine: it really is ridiculous. dei is a rebranded version of
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hating white people, hating people who are part of this country, part of the west. the truth is, for this person, if you are, as you said, white, able-bodied, heterosexual, all of that, your privilege. the people part of the dei officers, they make over $400,000 a year, many of them. they are the ones who are privileged. they are saying that a white kid from the inner city is more privileged than, say, a black child part of the middle class black family. all it is is about this continuing division in this country and creating the white guilt that a lot of people dive back into. they'll vulnerable to this and i don't know why. i can't help but laugh, english speaking people, therefore you are privileged? i was looking at my producer today and i think my producer, roman, is privilege. he's a white male, he's
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able-bodied, he's heterosexual, he's middle class, he speaks english, and he's also middle-aged. he's a textbook definition. >> dana: he's middle-aged? >> judge jeanine: almost middle-aged. >> dana: wow! well, they look younger every day. harold, what do you think of this? >> harold: if i'm ever in the hospital and i have people providing care to me, the race and the create and the sexual orientation, gender, really doesn't matter. i just hope for great health care. i'll push back a little bit, i don't think the dei platform is solely about hating white people. i think it's gone overboard some of the examples and some of the exercises of this. i think some of the things we see are universities, one of the points that greg made about how the market forces are going to impact greatly how these universities and other places think about how they implement dei policies, but i think we always need to be mindful of the diversity of our country.
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you didn't say otherwise, but i do think i will push back a little bit on hating whites. i believe in the premise of quality, diversity, equity, and inclusion programs and believe they've been responsible for a lot of people being able to gain higher education and foot way into the private sector. but when it goes overboard and when it is excessive, we begin to teach hate, and the kind of language used by this diversity chief at johns hopkins is simply an excusable and i disagree. >> jesse: i want to take issue with something harold said. if i'm under the knife, i want the doctor to be gay. because i want him to want to impress me by the great job he's doing on my body. >> greg: [laughs] >> jesse: i'm sorry, i couldn't get it out. in the interest of full disclosure, my sister works for hopkins, so i maybe -- >> dana: but not the hospital. >> jesse: fine, then i'm gonna
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lay 'em out! dei breeds complacency, and can play since he kills. if you're born a certain way and you think you're a victim and you expect things to be given to you without having to work for them, you have a negative attitude. and what does roger ailes say? negative people make positive people sick. no one wants to be around you. the greeks have a famous saying, the best things in life are the most difficult. life is a struggle. steel sharpens steel. did you know that beethoven was deaf? did you know that darwin was an invalid? did you know that abe lincoln was destitute? if michael jordan -- i'll ask you this, harold. >> harold: and stevie wonder was blind. >> greg: [laughs] >> jesse: if michael jordan was born a rich white aristocrat, would he have worked as hard as he did at the gym? probably not. you have to have a positive attitude and you have to have work ethic to succeed in this country. >> greg: i think you've been
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possessed by michael scott. [laughter] >> jesse: i had so much more! sign. >> dana: up next. ♪ ♪ known for following your dreams. known for keeping with tradition. known for discovering new places. no one wants to be known for cancer, but a treatment can be. keytruda is known to treat cancer. fda-approved for 16 types of cancer, including certain early-stage and advanced cancers. one of those cancers is early-stage non—small cell lung cancer. keytruda may be used with certain chemotherapies before surgery when you have early-stage lung cancer, which can be removed by surgery, and then continued alone after surgery to help prevent your lung cancer from coming back. keytruda can cause your immune system to attack healthy parts of your body during or after treatment. this may be severe and lead to death. see your doctor right away
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did you hear that? ty just said her first word. can you say “mama”? baby: liberty. can you say “auntie”? baby: liberty. how many people did you tell? only pay for what you need. jingle: ♪ liberty. liberty. liberty. ♪ baby: ♪ liberty. ♪ hello, i'm franklin graham. this time of year, we make decisions or resolutions. you know, we're going to eat less, exercise more, quit smoking. whatever the case may be. that's all good. but the greatest decision you'll ever make is the decision as it relates to almighty god and his son, jesus christ. did you know that god loves you? the bible says that “god so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but should have everlasting life.” jesus christ can make a difference in your life right now, starting today, for eternity. if you've never done this, pray this prayer with me right now. just say, “god, i'm a sinner. i'm sorry. forgive me. i believe that jesus christ is your son and i'd like
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to trust him as my savior starting today, right now. and i pray this in jesus' name. amen.” if you prayed that prayer, call that number right now that's on the screen. do it right now, call that number, and god bless you.
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♪ ♪ >> harold: welcome back. the first step, espn has apologized after getting busted for operating a 13-year scheme where their hosts got fake awards. the network admitted submitting fake names so they would receive extra trophies, then they reengraved the new names to give to their on-air talent. there's no evidence that any on-air winners knew what happened. would you like something like this to happen to you? >> greg: how did they not know
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when it shows up in their light, wow, how did i get this? should not have read this somewhere that i won? i don't know. this takes a lot of work. clearly espn needs to focus on sports and not the egos. it just tells you, people in television, their egos are greater than their talent. aside from me, of course. >> harold: your honor, you gave me that a word two christmases ago and i still have it. do you think they did it as well as you did it for me? >> judge jeanine: [laughs] first of all, this organization, don't they fact-check? they are giving an award for someone who doesn't exist. they don't fact-check. but here's the thing that's really outrageous. you've got espn, they are woke, and what they do is they are cheating, and they are the ones who actually do these explosive stories like steroids in baseball, and the nba refs who
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are betting on the games, and the houston astros stealing signs. these are the same execs who want to criticize everyone else, but are cheating themselves and they've been doing it for years. >> harold: i hear you. dp, how do you feel about this? >> dana: i think it shows another institution you can't trust. emmys, espn, it's all imploding. the country is going to hell inn a handbasket. >> harold: [laughs] >> dana: it went on for years. so there's people that were actually cheering for years and i thought it was okay and they kept getting away with it. how do you live with yourself? that's what i want to know. >> jesse: asked the democrats. score! on my speaking agent website, in my rider, it says "jesse appreciates but does not require the host to present him with an award after his speech. he likes to have some physical
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object to remember and to commemorate the event. suggested things could be an engraved silver bowl or some sort of plaque." and what do you know, in every speech i've given since i have inserted this into my rider, i've been receiving things like that. and i put it up on my mantle, my library, here at my office, and it does, it makes me appreciate the event that much more. >> harold: i'll get you a plaque for easter. not keeping your doordash driver could lead to an awkward moment. the woman said she had a nasty surprise after she didn't tip on the app. >> you keep that. >> why? >> because i didn't see a tip on the app and i put a little card in there. please keep that. i'm sorry. >> it's okay. it's okay. thank you. >> what did the nessie card say? >> "lucky for you i didn't bother the food but next time consider tipping your driver." you talked about tipping and how
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important it is in our society. what is your thought on this? >> jesse: i had a major tip gaffe before christmas. a driver drives me in and out of the city every day, i've been using them for about six months, and the day before christmas vacation he drops me off at the house and i reached into my pocket, i thought i had the right cash, i handed him the money, and i got back inside the house and i realized i only gave him $6. >> dana: [laughs] >> jesse: merry christmas! and then i had johnny call the guy and say, "jesse was supposed to give you $100 but only gave you $6." >> judge jeanine: did he ever come back again? >> dana: did you call him yourself? >> jesse: i forgot his number. >> dana: i like the way uber does it weaken tip after. that's what the customer said. "i like to tip after i get the service." now you are asked to pretip, you're asked to be part of their hourly wage.
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some of these companies should make a decision. do you think people should be paid more or do you think the product is worth that? if so, just put it in the actual cost of that burger or whatever your ordering and then make me make a decision if i still want to buy from you, not leave it up to these individuals to deal with the price. >> harold: greg, you look like you have a strong opinion. >> greg: that's an awful person. "i'm not taking the tip, that makes me a good person because i could have spit in your food." that's what she's basically saying, i could have spit in or done something worse in your food. she basically made sure she'll never be hired again by anybody. she just basically said it's kind of a black male. >> jesse: it's what the mafia does. pay this and will protect your food. >> harold: so you don't think it was a teachable moment to both sides? >> greg: i would never use the phrase "teachable" in my life, harold. >> harold: both sides are supposed to learn from it. you only think once i learn from
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it? >> greg: i would say nobody learn from it except that this is an awesome jacket. >> judge jeanine: i'm surprised doordash doesn't have something like tip in person, where you can do that. you would think they would do that. the whole concept, "you're lucky i didn't touch her food because i didn't get a tip in advance," most people tip after the service, you know? the whole thing kind of scares me. that's why i tip heavy up front. >> dana: me, too! >> greg: ask for extra spit. >> harold: the judge tips in cash, too. fan mail friday is next. ♪ ♪ but i'm also a mother of four.
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♪ ♪ >> greg: isn't that amazing? the medieval version. first question, this is pretty interesting, from rene. what are you craving right now? >> dana: steak. i'm actually really hungry. >> greg: there you go. how about you, jesse? >> jesse: sex. >> judge jeanine: oh! >> greg: you are the worst human being on the planet. harold? >> dana: i should have said
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sex. >> harold: i'm going with stake. [laughter] >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: i'm craving taking all this makeup off my face. i hate it. >> greg: i'm craving the bathroom. drinking a lot of water. tiny-bladder greg. and world peace. sandy asks, what current trend is going to look ridiculous in ten years? let's go this way. judge? >> judge jeanine: we have been wearing -- women have been wearing these electric colors, like pink and orange and neon colors. in ten years, it'll be so old-fashioned. >> dana: i can't wait for you to see my sweater on sunday. >> greg: harold? >> harold: my kids play pokemon, and i don't know if you call it play or engage in or do something for it i've spent more money on pokemon cards, which i think will be completely irrelevant in the next ten days let alone ten years. >> judge jeanine: my son's pokemon cards were worth a lot of money. >> harold: maybe we should combine, merger and acquisition here. thank you. >> jesse: high school girls
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and boys are wearing plaid pajama pants out in public. >> greg: terrible. that's awful. we will pray together. dana? >> dana: drinking 100 ounces of water a day. >> greg: you are absolutely right. we are going to find out water is poison. that'll be on my podcast. current trend that's going to look ridiculous, women with penises. >> jesse: [laughs] agreed. >> greg: "one more thing" is up next. ♪ ♪ directv sports central brings your games stats and scores together and now you can get it without a satellite. one more reason to finally get rid of cable. but getting rid of the cable guy... ...might not be as easy. oh yeah, touchback! visit for up to $200 reward card.
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♪ >> judge jeanine: okay. time now for "one more thing." greg? >> greg: we have great show tonight. todd piro, morgan ortagus and vivek ramaswamy. kat timpf and tyrus. vivek had a town haggle an emergency town hall tonight on our show in a gas station convenience store.
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hit it. >> i wanted to address the elephant in the room here. [laughter] >> work in the gas station. >> greg: vivek. can you get me a it liter bottle of bacca. >> thank you. >> dr. pepper man storage he pulled over and we did the town hall. >> greg: let's do this. >> greg: let's get -- camera how to do this. play the sound and then you guys '. >> judge jeanine: we guess. >> greg: play the sound. >> judge jeanine: they did. >> greg: no they didn't. [crying] >> jesse: that's my daughter. [laughter] >> greg: judge? >> judge jeanine: it sounds like a child. >> greg: but it's an animal.
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>> harold: some sort of chimpanzee or monkey. >> dana: elephant. >> greg: let's play the actual tape. >> jesse: bird? >> greg: a bird mimicking a baby. mimic animals, humans and other sounds in australia where all the freaks live. >> dana: it is mimics. >> judge jeanine: is that bird upset? do why know. >> greg: it's been around babies all its life. >> judge jeanine: dana? >> dana: great news came before the show. navy lt. was in u.s. custody after being imprisoned in japan for a 2021 car crash that was based on a medical issue. that car crash did kill two people but he was held in japan for so many days. 537 total days since he surrendered the united states was able to bring him back and held him in u.s. custody for 28 days and missed christmas and new year's with his family.
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however, there is great news. is he back with his family and we are thrilled for him. look forward to having him on the show when everything is settled back down. welcome back haired harold you should take some credit. >> dana: jake tapper did a lot of credit. >> greg: if only he played for the wmba. >> judge jeanine: jesse? >> jesse: i bet he was craving sex. jimmy failla show debuts at 10:00. fox news saturday night. jimmy failla. own words everyone that realizes our country doesn't need more republicans or democrats it needs for comedy. saturday, january 13th. 10:00 eastern. i believe dana might make a surprise appearance. tonight on "jesse watters primetime," what joe biden can learn from nick saban 8:00 eastern. >> mark? >> madison march from colorado will make history this weekend as the first active duty air force officer to via for the misamerica title. tonight the miss colorado winner will join 49 other beauty queens
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for a chance to be crowned miss america. madison hopes to make a difference for others that you don't have to limit yourself based upon your profession. you go, girl. [laughter] >> harold? >> harold: my mother captured a very sweet moment involving a firefighter and her son. firefighter were giving out hats in this alabama town. fire hats and firefighter recognized that this young man's hair that he couldn't put the hat on so he -- he cut it out so her son could be able to wear the hat and be with his friends. i love problem solvers and that guy a problem solver. government bless you. >> judge jeanine: all right. that's it for us. everybody. have great night. we will see you on monday at 5:00. >> bret: hey, judge, is everything okay with jesse? does he need quiet time with his wife? >> judge jeanine: when he started talking about the doctor and his hands i said there is a problem at this table. >> bret: all right. all right. you guys have a good weekend. thank you. good


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