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tv   Jesse Watters Primetime  FOX News  January 12, 2024 10:00pm-11:00pm PST

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winner will join 49 other beauty queens for a chance to be crowned miss america. madison says she hopes to make a difference for others that you don't have to limit yourself based upon your profession. >> you've got girls. herald mother captured a very sweet moment involving a firefighter, and her son is a firefighter. they were getting a hat in this alabama town, fire hats. and this firefighter recognized that this young man's hair, that he couldn't put the hat on, so he cut it out. so a son, her son could be the lap and wear the hat and be able along with his friends. i love problem solvers. and that guy has a problem solver. >> god bless you. all right. that's it for us.u the everybody. have a great night. lawe'll see you one monday at 5:00. >> welcome to jesse watters. prime time>> tonight. >> it it was really just the grind of can you do this the wayy you want to do it? >> nick sabayon gets it.
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is biden next? nd if >> vegetables would rot in the ground if they weren't being pickedth b by many illegal immigrants. the fact is that the birthrate in this country is way below replacement level. cheap labor and more babies.d mo >> the democrats finallyre confess newsome banning peewee football, but lets kids cut off their peeps. plus, we did all this stuff. >> what separates good from is a great? >> everyone's talented, but what are the greatlented.s? all have in common grit. they wan t it more and they work for it and they love the grind . >> if your job is to try to be the best basketball playeru have
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you can be, to do that, you have to practice. you have to traio n, right? you you want to train as much as you can, as often as you can. ofteasif i start earlier, i can more hours and i know the other guys aren't doini g it because i know what their training schedule is, right? so i know ifr i do this consistently over time, the gapsme, the is going to win and wider one way in the wild and they won't be able to get that baghat back. the mentality is a really simple one in the sens ae that the confidence comes from preparation, you know? soaration. when the game's on t, i'm not asking myself to do something that i haven't done thousands of times before. i >> everyone's motivated, but the greast, they take it to a whole new level. >> whenever you get an opportunity, you take advantage of, you treat it like it's the super bowl. you treat it like it's gam you treat ite and day. go out there, treat practice like no one else does. e and i did that every single daye and . was a lot it was taxing on me. there was a lot of stress for me even in high school. and i look me, even i back at those times.wasnt it wasn't probably like a typical college experience
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because i was really motivated to play, but i had to take ienc to a new level that the other guys wouldn't. nick sabanne , head coach ofch of university of alabama football, has wounfn six championships with the crimson tide. he's won seven college total championships total, making him the greatest college footbal, l coach of all time. >> saban developed an attitude among his player s that all athletes and all professionals in any industry ca professn app. >> listen, you know, whenndustr i worked for bill belichicy k, e had one sign in the building. it was do your job, you know? you know, you go in all thesepls places a and, you know, you see all these things. one side, do your job.o yo urhe defined the expectation for everybody in the organization, whether it was the secretary, the personnel people, the coaches, the players, the kindhes, of players that wee wanted, the kind of size they needed to be, the kinodtedh of personal characteristics we wanted to have, the critical factors to plaemy the position.
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>> but once it was defined, you had to be responsible for your own self determination. >> he coached hundreds of players into the nfl. some of the biggesundredsof pla but it's over. saban announces retirement this week, and he ended his career on his own termsca. >> here's why.he my age started. to be a little bit of an issue. people wanted assurances that fi would be here for three years, five years, whatever, and that got harder. fiveand harder for me to be hont about. and to be honest, this las about season was grueling. >> it was a real grind. >> saban's acknowledging the responsibility that he has for other years.mself. he's not focused on himself. he's focusedhe's foc on the fute of the program players futures and their families who needed a firm commitment. it takes a certain amount of humilititakestainy, a certaie of self-awareness, and an ability to look outsidnee of yourself, to step down st that thealitme so
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program doesn't sacrifice quality down the liny doe. that's what leadership looks like. and as woks e all know, ego can be costly. biden should listen to nick saban. he should listen to his heart, which we know isn't fully in it. he can't dwho his job anymore. >> he pitched himself as ahe pit bridge to thche next generation, and now he's become a burden. tion, anjoe doesn't love the gre >> he loves the beach, and he's clingingach, to the pageantry of the presidency while the whole country suffers. >> the attention to detail isn't there? >> he didn't even know his defense secretary wa ds m.i.a. for a week. his days are starting later and latehis daysr, briefings tho held at 9 a.m. now hold at 11 lives that were called at 6 p.m. now called it for sometimes days go by whenven the american people don't even catch a glimpse of the commander in chief. and we look around and we w wonder, is he doing all he
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possibly can? >> we didn't hire biden. so we could retire in the white house at white house senior living our residents feel right at home in our vibrant facility offers delightfuls an activities and outings around the clock, professional care professiand exquisite house madr everything is put in front of me. ey put iont of myou know, all i greasy ice cream and ice creamba . chocolate chip. ice cream. hocolateese senior living wher residents feel like presidentsio . so after three days unseen, biden scaled to what: [l he calm a campaign event in pennsylvania, the closest thinpag state to delaware, the state he was in last week, where he anointed himsele n laf george washington. >> so what did the people of pennsylvania think of george washington ? >> biden visited a bike shopt ii
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once he got inside and he see seemed a little lostme. >> yes, sir. i wasn't sure what. this is morgan, sherwin and sam . >> i'm sorry. after the bike shop,e pr president went to a coffee shop, and we're not went tt sure what he's doing here. >> we hope he wasn't sniffing here. but the young ladies wasn' didnn really seem to know he was president. >> it was anow odd thing.l as >> the bill is a campaign stop b because the president never gave a speech. he stopped by a firehouseed b afterwards and readead hi his economic plan from a note cards . >> by the way, all this connected. connec've invested because of the infrastructure act. i want to get the number right. i think it's roughly how many billion dollars, $145 billion so far. for exampl?e. you know, when you have an increased number of jobs, that increases the number of customers. >> wow. rize
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you'd think he'd have the economic plan memorized by now . no. the iowa caucuses monday. trump'now.s been to iowa 13 tims since july. >> biden hasn't been there foreo over a year. and despite biden tryingr to tie t him down in court, trump's done 34 campaign stops since the summerru . >> biden's done just about half of that. and most of those campaignabout stops have been pennsylvania, maryland and delawarste. think biden must think he's got it in the bag. nanc hne does. >> this is a neck and neck race and no one feels very comfortable on the democratic side of things that donald si that doe going to bc the next president. >> well, i don't think that nobody feels. i think many of us know that it's impossible for him to be the president. >> again, not possible. what does that mean? nancy either knows somethingy a she hasn't been watching jesse watters prime time, because here's biden'ssn base from do yo the other night. >> who do you want to win elect
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the 2024 election, joe biden or donald trump? donald trump. i want donaliobiden ord trump. chop chop. okay, donald. okay. >> tha that's a nice guy. jump up and down like 6:00. at least i know what i get when it comes to him.ble with >> i was more comfortable with donald trump. and i'm not voting for n. bide >> people voted for biden in 2020 during the pandemic because he laid low, claimed it laid low, wanteas following the science, because he wanted everyone to be okad every and tn was comforting to some people. >> and now that the pandemic is ovew that tisr and he's stilg low, we're wondering ifonderi the president'ngs okay because crime, migrants and high prices are every where. and the man has disappeared. he's detached and has been says isn't doing his job. >> he should do it save and ite can't finagle a win and then leava e us with kamala in 20 25a >> that would be a bridge to nowhere. >> let's bring in caleb mcgheetn white, a washington examiner
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editor. >> i mean, this is now thised is januaryitor.this. >> and that was a campaign stop. what's your assessment. orthe pr what counts as one? listen, the problem with joe biden, the reasoobm wa n he's not going to step aside or step down is because, number one, that would requirenumber o him e who he is, what he's doing and where he's at on a daily basi at ons. and by the looks of things, that's a little bit too much litt. for at this point now, i hope you're not going to ask me too much about nick saban, because the only thinnicg i know about football is that taylor swift has been showing taylshowing s. eab but i do know that thenick big difference between nick saban and joe biden i soe v that nick saban has a very successful career that will last him a lifetimer e. and joe biden as a twice failed presidential candidate, thricecn failed, if you count the timewa that he was passed over for in hillary clinton in 2016, who just so happened to land in the oval office so happ on ht fourth try because democrats abused every single level ryuse everof power that they hag it happen. so, of course, he's not going to step down besidesoi t allegey making millions of dollars off of his crack addict sonssun'
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influence peddling scheme, this is the only political accomplishment he's hapeddlingds tired, long career. >> what is it about thesey lo politicianng cs, though, kelly? i mean, you got nancy's up piden iyou got biden's u there. i mean, you have senators literally dying in the senats e. it's the only place where you can just continuite to do your job even though you're not doing it. >> and no one seems to get the hint and everyone seems to forget that politics was never supposed to be a career. e a civilbecaus to b service that you performed because you loved your country and yoe r countrd you loved youw citizens. and of course, that's too much citi of theparty. democratic party. and you notice that no one from the democratic establishment besides a few big names like david axelrobed, are asking for biden to step aside. ofd i think that's because they don't really need him. of course, they don't have anyone to replace himyone t with, but he's justhead a figurehead. the fact that biden didn't even know. e fact t that his own defenseser secretary was a wolf for a week shows meet that thisminist
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administration is running on autopilot. he has no inpura is running ont. he has no knowledge. they are doing it all without him. so whether ngl without he's the guy or not, it doesn't really matter. >>they're replacing seven. they've already announced they're going to hire the guy from washingtoe alreg ton. and surely the democrats have somebodts havey on the bene they can come in. >> no, no. i it's not kamala harris.>> i >> maybe, maybet'ar karine jean-pierreris.. she has one of the other alphabet soup things going on for her. so maybenher, so that'll be th. >> shirley, thank you so much. you don't know what this is, but roll timhat thise. >> have a nice weekend. years. all loverboy. >> he's got a gun. that >> that's nathan wade. he's the personal injury lawyer who's allegedl's, thinjury ly hh georgia. d.a. fani willis finney thought it'd be wise to hire a boyfriend to prosecute trump, so she handed her lover boy nearly a million bucks in cash for the job, and he used it foa milr another job. romantic vacations with an foryn
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now, the press found out, and now fanny's lovers packingdh ,which is probably why liked him in the first place. >> and the "new york post"phot snapped a photo of him holding a gun. now trump prosecuto ofe her asra are armed and dangerous. >>and dang and it's the first te the media didn't whine about open carryt. >> what's going on here? should lawyers prosecuting the president be flashing handguns to reporters? what's the messageto here? ken s >> itaf ken starr was brandishig a glock on the way to courtinto, to prosecute clinton? are you kidding me a? and when >> and when did wade buy $100,000 audi? nice wheels. where did you embezzle that? from fanny's taxpayer slushdid fundyou . don't spend too much.slus needs theh kickbacks. those caribbean cruise prices just went up by nomics. >> the whole case is about to blow up like whole e the onew york. >> short tax. wevin o'leary went on cnn and said the case is d.o.a. on appeantl.
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>> forget about trump. every single real estatel estate developer everywhere on earth does this. >> they always talk about their assets being worth a lott bein's and the bank says no. that's just the way it is.y it who lost money? >> nobody. the bank got paid back. the construction, financ. e loan and a new building was built. >> and if you're going to pursue this case and win, evu've got to sue everywherend real estate developer, everywhere. this is all they do. this is all they do all day long, every day. so i don't think this thinday.g will ever survive appeal regardless of what the fine is. >> this doesn' survivet even mae sense. >> case closed. ld us >> ahead, democrats just told us why they're letting in allyoe the illegals. you're not going to believe it u . >> singing is my career and my calling, but i'm also a mother fy
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of new gen x thermo x our newest most powerful pattinson raider ever absolutely free. >> ronald reagan once said asaid nation that cannot a control its borders is not a nation. not too long ago, joe biden agreed. no great nation can be in a position where they can't control their borders. i don' >> i don't go for this idea of having the allowance of a significant increase severalseva hundred thousand people a year to take regulard thousa jol particularly in the construction industry. when you have anothearconstruc r hundredpeople thousand people competing to hang drywall. >> w cting te have plenty amerio take those jobs. >> but 15 years from now, we're going to be sayingm now we whate going to do about the flow of illegals into the countrys oe of the united states of america? >> 20 years later, that talks racist. is but biden's right. people are askin g, what are we this gu going to do? >> so have this guy turn intoy i the bestnt travel agent in theis
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world. why is he drilling holes in the borderilling wall?deportat why did he stop deportations? why is he butting headsbu with texasttin governor greg abbott? abbott puts up a razor wire. a a biden grabs a pair of wire cutters. abbott tried to block the rio grandeirtersbott tri. >> biden sues them. and now the feud is just morphed into a mexicanorphed stf right in the middle of eagle pass, texas. foound zero for the border break ins. the governors decider rder brede matters into his own hands. >> fully armed texass nationalh guardsmen busted in with military vehicles and seized ove control of over two and a halfr riles of borderland right along the rio grande. >> and texas is throwing upo razor wire and is blocking by this border agents from gettinborder ag in. biden's border agents are being denied access to their boat ramp. >> texas has now taken full conr control over this borderol checkpoint. the federal government's been expelled. and what we have here is a good old constitutional crisisdb
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. >> does biden blink or does he use federal musclid blinke th texas off this turf? both sides are armed. hi rethe move? the situation is urgent because jerry nadler needs to eat. >> we need immigrant>> we nes is country. forg farme fact that the men are out of vegetables would rot in the ground if it weren't if they weren't being picked by many immigrants. many >>llegal immigrants. >> jerry nadler hasn't eaten a vegetable since reagan j hasns president, but he can't stand seeing good food. >> go to waste. nadler speaks for the whole party. agriculture. you're i mean, you're going to have vegetables rotting in the fieldsve veget. tion s >> you're going to have construction sites that will lie dormanitt. >> w we have a shortage o of workers in that country. and you see evenur cou and in f some of the farmers in the growers saying, why are shipping these immigrants
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up north? we need them to pick the cropshi down here. >> those folk who are coming ones who are>> tts up helpinhog to put food on our table. >> wait a second. democrats said these were dreamers crossing the border . . they're all going to college, but they're really just here to pick crops. >> the democratic party has not changed a lot in 150 years.. well, besides working the fields, these migrants are baby machines, they say the fact is that the birthrate in this country is way below replacement levecoay l, which meanson is go our population is going to start shrinking. and the ratio of people p on social security and medicare is going to increase relative to the number of people supporting theto e numberm. this is a problem faced by every major country in the world. few countries, however, have the means to solve this thi problem. immigration. people want to immigrate to the
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united states. they do not want to immigratee to china or russia. >> we are very lucky in that respect. i've had four babies nowli learned you've had one. maybe you should dim the lights and open a bottle of wine instead of opening the border. >> something about what nadler said, though. where have i heard that before? >> the great replacement theorya is conservative, reactionary, anti-immigrant, anti urban, anti change. >> >> you have folks on television stations talking about the replacemen havt theory, scaring the living out of people who don'tht have a whole lot of emotional stability. >> we were told this ideas of replacement was a racist right-wing theory. >> i'm confused now u and unrelenting stream of immigration nonstopnr. >> nonstop. folks like m.e who were caucasian of european descent focaucasr the first time in 2017
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will be the absolute minorityun in the united states of america. absolute minoritof ameri y. fewer than 50% of the people in america from then and ireland will be white. europe in stock. that's not a bad thing. that's. that's a source of our>> strength. >> so just so we understand j democratesse so wes are saying d to open the borders so migrants comets come in here and they cn have babies, and that's a good thin g. mocrat what else are democrats saying about this theory of theirs s? >> in a couple of presidential cycles, you'll be on electionre night, you'll be announcing that we're calling the 38 electoral votes of texas for the democratic nominee for president. the demit's changing.goin it's going to become a purple state and then a blue stat a pue because of demographics, because of the population growth of folks fromdemogr outse of texas. >> starting to make sense now, right. sense r, replace t the babies americans are having with foreign babies. and in a generatiohebabiesn. a
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>> red states become blue states. that's genera not what i said.ts jus that's what democrats just said. cheap labor and babiest , crops and votes. don't you see the open border is not a crisis. >> it's the goalder is n. nd ocb >> last september and october, there were more border crosser s than american babies born. >> the truth is that uncheckedrr borders discourage americans from having bigger families. >>s discou drives up home price. it stagnates. wages. it crowds schools, raises taxes. >> here's an idea, gerri. >> americans will start getting and we'll manage our immigratioamern system. and you can still have all the veggies you want. okayl have ahe. >> todd benjamin is a senior national security fellow at the center for immigration studies. y> have you ever heard them sa this explicitly? t well, my job is to listen to them say thosthem saye kind of things. so, yeah, i have been listening to that.
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but, you know, listen, in in texas, we hear in austin and all along the border has been ground zero for the greatest mass migration and crisis in u.s. history. in u that ishe state taking the biggest hit,t hit, the largest torrents of humanity crossing that souther tn border. and the governor of texas is doing what he can, which which is limited and in an illegal way to just block them at the river's edge, especially right there at groun d zero is ground zero, which is eaglesd pass, right across from pedro. it's a superhighway expressway for the mass migration we justae saw a couple of weeks ago. you know, 5000 come across right there and they just overwhelmed the texas forces there to get at the green uniformed border patrolert
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agents who are stationed right therroe with a processing center, a field processing centerter, where everybody knoww it's penned. >> all the immigrants have it penned on their cell phone maps all around the worl on theo right there. so i don't blame governor abbott for removing the processing center from the very easiest, accessible spot on that river in that area. t rihow does this shake out the, if the texans are now dominating this choke point? >> are biden's federal agents going to have to physically move them out? >> that could get uglyhi. >> well, no. they're already moving out. my understanding is that the texans are letting the federales in there just to get their equipment and leave. they will not leequipment and te to do any more processing in this in this particularss area. now, the texas officials that i've talked to tell mey une
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that they understand that the immigrantsrs and the feds that let them in are just going to move downstreame just a few l or five or ten miles or however long they they have to walonk. >> but it's just not going to be as easy.they they say that it's just we don't want to make it that eas y . >> i mean, they make it harder if nadler has to wait foler a sliced tomato and avocado, he might just have to waitthan a little bit longer. >> thank you so much for all your great reporting down ksourporting there at the borde. you're one of the only ones that's really doing it. we appreciate that. have a great weekend, tom.>> tha >> thank younk. you too. welcome to california, where kids can get a sex chang e toe the but they can't play football. >> well, these guys are the this whole job to get me to my
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they even mocked up the u.s. open. remember? now fossil fuel loons are staging campaign crashes. >> it happened to ron desantiss in iowa last night. watcin last nih. how much money do you got? here we goro.m -- the second thing is the second thing we're going to do. yeah. second t >> second thing we're going to do is because people realizee that i'm a threat to the way d . does that. all right. all right. you're getting out now. >> i'm always, always. i mean, security escorted those guys out, but the next one, not so lucky man. >> sign up for my land in, say, ron desantis. oh oh company wrong with thes ws college system right there.
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>> football's the best sport>> j for younesseg boys. con it's a contact sport that teaches you resilience. teamwork t. umility. >> well, humility. you get dirty, you get in goodty shape, and your career usually ends when you're a teenager. but in california they're trying to ban football. popular youto bah football leage like this one draw players, parents and coachee draws to the excitement and competition of tackle football. >> you can comtion love football and love our kids, but this wednesday, the scrimmage wasn't on a football field. but in sacramentotballo, state e lawmakers debated whether to ban tackle football forlawma those 12 years old and younger, a 12 year old can't play football, but they can get a ini sex change. >> in california, peewee football'sfornia too dangerous, but you can cut off your puppy . i feel like getting tackled hurts a little less than getting castrate less thd. >> california is such a great place for kids, isn't it? you step over needles and dodge bullets on the way to school, but don't play football. >> you might get hur the t.
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a middle schooler can have an can'tion in california, but they can't hit a guy over the middle for a first out,nk nw i'm beginning to think newsom's not really running forso president because banning football might not go over too well in the general. clay travis is the founderhe of outkick. ar clay, i knew when we had this story you were the perfect guest. yet. s. n look, i am the perfect guest, not only because of my dashingcf good looks. and by the way, to start off, when i bought this jacket, is jacker to you, jesse, i bougt this jacket and the woman checking me, checking me out. maybd the woout --e, but definig me out for purchasing the jacket. she said, i want you tbecome, bl jesse watters you're going to look better in this jacket than he looks in any jacket a he wears. >> he is 1%. ny jackei look, let's go to thig topic here. i've been waiting to share that for a little bit, but i have a kid, 11 years old, play tackle football. last year i played tackle football again at 12 years old. i thought about it a lot. as a parent, wt it ae played fle
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football with him in his early age so he could learn how to run catch. he could learn formations, he could learn how to run. but i ha. d that right along with his mom to make the choice as every paren right, t in amera should make, to determine whether it's the right decision fohould matermine r our kid to . and we made the decision that it was. other parents can disagree madea and that's part of what parenting is. it's part of having basic humapn rights. and the idea you had on it that you could cutd th the off of a kid and it could be considered a human right in california, and they won't allow you to play tackle football. >> it boggles my mind. d this when i watche story and i saw those san francisco wounds celebratini wag the fact that ty said that israel couldn't defend itself. , i know a lot of people watching right now. righyl like i live in a totall different country than many of these people play. california is a fabulous place. these pe they destroyed >> has anybody played football that regretted playinging football? i've never met them. i have a feeling
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it's a great if you remove your . >> there's a few people that might have had some regrets. >> yeah, no kidding. >> and also, look, football, as you said, is so important because you know this youngnow h boys are absiso one knucklehead, right? they need structure, they need somethin they ng form of leadership.yo you know, kids, i know tonu kns of kids who wouldn'tigh scho have graduated from high school if they weren't playing football basketball, soccer,socr baseball, whatever it was. they passed algebra two in chemistry so that they could continue to playy ca sports. and when i see stories like this, i question whether anyone ever thinks at all about all the kids. >> we loseal when we don't allow them to get enrolled in sports. >> like you said, mostlike you s end when you're a teenager, but hopefully that light bulb moment happensenager, hopefull e recognize, hey, i can be good at something. i've learned discipline, i'vehard a learned how to work hard and get knocked down and getnd back. >> and now i'm ready for
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the real. and if you don't like football and all that young play contact sports are just going to get into fightact spors and there'ss and someone's going to get their teeth knocked out and they don'ttheirh want thatn school either. clay we got to run and i justthr go.ay, we'vt to tell the womanu who checked you out, not physically, but rang-- you up. >> well w anything would have been an improvemenouldt. >> tha thanks for watching. all right. thanks for watching. all right. have a nice weekennk esse: alad. nd >> a brutal beatdown caughtme on camera, this time in a missouri high school where students ouri hig facing criminalfor charges for pummeling her own teacher. >> watchpumm
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what now? >> now, students who watched the brawl sa ques all started when the teacher questioned the girl about pills. >> she was girl ab getting from her locker, which apparently turned out to be medication to treatou her seizures.when and when the teacher tried to confiscate the medication the student wrestled her to the ground and started just raining haymakers. s say witnesses says, you know, itit was unprovoked. up, but after they were broken up, the teen reportedly had thteen rep situation for everyone involved. >> and the teacher's now involve trecovering in the host and the school district says they're addressing the fight and fullricty with cops who arei pursuing criminal charges forna the teenth. . >> up next, a book that has h changed my life. how elro d is next. the first to document covid's origin, exposing human
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of your lifeges. happened to me a couple of years ago. i cracked open the morning.mornn every morning is now a miracle. thisg. book will instruct you or how to develop a morning routine that will set your dayoi in motion and then set your whole life in motion so that you become unstoppable like me. >> let's bring in how elrod, the author of the miracle morning. >> all right, now this is my miracle morning. th morning545 wake up. first setting guzzle water. second thing, go get sunlight on my face, maybe stretch,h, walk, run, cold, shower, write, read. >> and then it's 8:00.8:00 a and i've already beaten everybody to the punch. >> talrey beatenright. that's it. jesse, you are a living miracle, buddy. iracle, >> why is waking up so early: wi in the morning and getting everything done? the key to success. i'll saye ke this waking up soot early is actually not the important part. >> it's justmportant how you str day. and the reason it's so important is how you start
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your day set so imports the tons the direction, and it sets your mindset forts your the ret of the day. so if you win the morning the way that you do, you set yourself up to win the day. >> and if you wake up like at 545, you just wake up those 30 minutes earlier. it's those first few minutes of the day that sefew minu t the rest. of the day in motion. >> what are the keys in these mornin: whatg when everybody els g, are te out there hustlin what are the things we should be doing before everybody else is uhebe doingp? hink >> i think the most important thing is to optimizehe mos t your mental and emotional state. if i had to pick one, that would be itpick one . >> and to me, the miracle morning enables you to start every day in a peak. mental, emotionales you dayl al physical and even spiritual state so that you can show uand, at your best for the people that you love and the people that you lead. and that beginople thas with ho you shop for yourself. >> and does this even count on saturdays and sundays? >> that's a great question. i get that a lot. mostthat of the morning practitioners, there's millions around the world. practhey start with five dayscas a week.
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that was me because we've been conditioned by society to take you takee ty to saturday and sunday off. but then they realize, wait, th. o u can attest to this when you do the miracle morning, you're better and you feel better and you have a better daye mo. on so let's say we wake up latewaim on saturday, you go, wait a minute, what if i did a miraclt if iide morning on say and then you do and you go, oh, my weekend is better. weeken so most people start with five days a week and then they gort to six and some go to seven.e go >> even when you drink upe night before, you can still wake up early and get your things done right? >> yeah, yeah, yeah. that's that sounds likeissue. a personal issue. all right. e. l, i love the book miraclse:u i suggested for everybody. i mean, you know, i'm going to putr evgoing to that down. . go buy my book, preorder it, get it together. >> that'll change your life, too. hal, thank you so much. >> thanks, jesse. appreciate you. co tide is busting laundry. tide is busting laundry. biggess? can't clean cold water on those
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>> sink or swim. let's do it. tonight we have sean duffyhe's and julie banderas who claim she's undefeated. >> eve n though she's lost once. >> well, just like a cheater. i told you that. that's right. the democrats always cheat. all right, here' 5s the categorr 9 to 5. >> joe biden is barely campaigning because he's workingg hard and there's only so many hours in a day. in thewho said this? was it jill biden or nancy o pelosi? oh, the wife sticking up foringp her poor husband. poor husband. china has paid him >> let's say: let' he's the president of the united states. a very challenging job. there are soenging hours in theg that she cares because jill said somethin g almost the same. yes, i believe she has. she's defensive all the time. all right. >> so you're both over. doesn't matter. not so dry. t so djanuary. while everybody else is cutting back on the . which reasonze? admitte >> we fired anchor admitted on the podcast that they were recentlyast they downing 30 dris a week. don lemon or robach.
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she's a runner. i'm going to go with don.s yeah. di >> don to both going with don. yeah. he's a positive because of what he did on new year's eve. i live in the hamptons. he's a party. lookew yeaeve. a party has insi. >> i do. let's see the answer. i'm. 30i'm over 30 drinks a week. that is appalling to me. .. t is embarrassing to me >> that is not what i wish it were. okay, but you still seen him a down 30 drinks a week, is what you're saying. >> yeah, but she's noteek. even tha bloated. >> how does she drink that much alcohol? that must have been those skinny margaritas. >> okay. those will make you bloated. you guys m are still tiedpugh w with zero. >> if the shoe fits, whichit of the view walked off set when the rest of the ladies startedhy talking about foot fetishes? was it joy or was itbout foo wiv i have no idea. you guys don't watch the view. . >> it was joy.>> joy. joy. no, noto. >> it doesn't make it interesting. okay. she used to get foot rubt foots i think matthew mcconaughey
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on the show. you're right. >> again, with the insight. let's see if it paid off thisu'r time. you have to entertaiight.n your partner's within reason. like when you marry somebody, if they ifpartne they're interested in that. is that better? is that better for a psychological psychological. o >> oh, i had no idea. oh, joy baker has had foot rubs on the set. so that's physical evidence right there. i'm surprised everyone didn'tnce. walk off the set at once. >> you need this one, banderash. . >> oh, my god. here's the category. born to run. people often float thi is megastars name for higher office, but last week they came out and announced to johnny at the golden globes red carpete that they are, in fact, running. was it oprah or was it the rock? yes, pretty quick. wi'm going to go with the rock, going with oprah and the rock. bring it hom>> aree. >> if he wins, are you running n ? i hiked up stone canyoyodan tody
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all the way to the top 2 hours, straight u thep and i joggedessu all the way back down. >> all the way uwin.p before the worry. i thought she was referring to nothing. >> jes. aloney >> thought she meant running for office. this is my way. jesse, thank you. thanhe mk you very much. >> change it up in 2024, but maybe 20. okay. we neeught wred new hats for th2 hat. >> i'm waiting for the new02 man. note >> big programming note. watch jesse watters primetime monday night. has to be monday night because the result"s from the iowae mond caucuses. they're going to be rolling in here liveay. es wil live results here on prime timle . >> >> susan from california. e s >> jesse, i'm surprised you didn't mention that joe was using a strang aaww. >> i heard a rumor about a straw. he's obviously not he to me about straws or about anything. ho jim from wisconsin love the white house retirement home skit. oh, came how n i get a room.
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>> sorry. that room is only one man. >> jeff from illinois. saban's office son says, do your job. >> i don't think he'll i doe houseto the whit house soon, but he's invited on. jesse watters, primetime soon.. >> bob from pennsylvania, how many crops are they pickingg in chicago? exactl y. mark from indiana, iiff i willes replace 40% of our jobs, why does nadler think we need bab more babies? >> i don't think nadler hasn' thought that thing through. all he knows is he's hungry. elmer from wisconsin tackle football's good practice for future climate activistsever at campaign rallies. yeah, how about that? tackle i whoever is workinge seu the desantis security team. >> well doneri wel, carol from california. the california politicia califnt to ban tackle football because they never made the team. sour grapes, i'd say. or they were women. m ne
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>> derek from new york. fairness lover boyw york should use some of that 600 thousand dollars from fanning and buy himsele somef a concealment hol. >> i mean, there was something a little uncomfortable about flashing the pistol while you're prosecuting trump. >> james from rhode island. my morning routine includes light stretching as i reach to hit the snooze books. not for you.ou they from new york? do you sign your new book or make johnny do it? my wife woul it.d to know. >> oh, i sign. i signed so many of my handsnd johnen off. >> plus johnny chicken scratch. i mean, dots, his eyes with a heart. all for tonight. dvr the show and always remember i'm waters. and this is my world. welcome to "hannity". and breaking tonight, more chaos out of yemen. the houthis, they are now
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