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tv   The Ingraham Angle  FOX News  January 13, 2024 1:00am-2:00am PST

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for its own sovereignty and the rule of law by blockth, the bidn welcome wagon from fast tracking migrants into united states. and in chicago, they were forced to move thousandsnt of migrants into what they're calling warming buse rs due to the record cold temperatures massing that region and moving east to massachusetts. >> a group in melrose called i the immigrant support allianceer is reportedly encouraging residents to open their homes to the migrants and session. they're called exploring the host home expresation ses tr place on monday. and the notice reads, are you curiouio ed is about what's involved beg in hosting an immigrant for short term shelter? >> they begin their journey toward independencindee today. >> housing immigrants in your b house is volunteerinutg, e when but tomorrow will see. and at a time when the countrytb is struggling to cope with and pay for the millions that biden's alread already wai,
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most of them from third world countries. drafslation beint legislation being supported by chuck schumer and mitch mcconnelln lih will make it even easier for biden to greenlight almost 2 million more over the next year alone. >> nowng m, i, the ranking membr of the senate homeland security committee, about it earlier this orde week. border deal that the republicans are cooking that chuck schumer and apparently mitch mcconnell and others agr are going to agrl to. >> to that you say it's loal imi itllougrt. it's going to continue to allow illegal immigration, particularly migrants. oh, we wilit's saying, oh, we'lo people come illegally a day com and after that, we might trypl to stop the next 5000 that day. it's completel becy a sellout,about but it's because people like senator mcconnell careat thi about ukraine than anything else. >> i wouldshe mos say that thise most important piece of legislation that will be considereivyears.d this year, perhaps in the last five years, and yet it's tangled up with anotherher $60 $60 billios spending request for ukraine. >> now, this is the signon t
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it's bad. and oklahoma senator jim lankfordhesubcommi, the border subcommittee, is spearheading this bill anbyd it's supportedru by the most notorious big spending open borders. republicanblic>> this this shout be something that we don't addresheres here. how can we address this in a bipartisan way? unfortunately, the house didn' t any democrats on board in theay last two and a half months. we've met in a bipartisa t outnv to hammer out how do we solve this? >> senator lankforn extrd done n extraordinary job supp thi what i think is going to be a successful compromise that's going to get support from republicans and democrats. >> now, says thom tillis, oe the man who voted to give biden $1,000,000,000,000 for infrastructureillionor, which ee being a gateway to an even worse so-calleflation d inflatin reduction act. >> well, details in this borderp bill already leaking out. and they usually remember like doing thes e of things, ur
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releasing the text of a bill in the middle of the night. >> they bury the damag ande, hundreds or thousands of pages of text. that is almostbut, tonig alwaysn by lobbyists. but tonight, we seem to know this , that anything schumeriff in and durbin will agree to will be a shi tv, the back of americn workers and a gift to big business. and biden' s campaign. >> why do it? the legislation will reportedlye increase the number of foreign workers allowed in the country, give immediate. permits to thos released from custody and still alloalw thousand more migrants every day to enter. >> more on this in a moment with mike lee. now it's, worth notingn fo that when he was up for reelection in 2022,to senator lankford sounded pretty tough on the bidenhe biden fias. >> he was hittin sg biden'so decision to simply process people into the country more quickly, and at the time, he noted that the national security crisis they've created for the country and the chaosr d they've created at the border. that lankford was right. someone should go try to find
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him. who >> now, look no further than his bedfellows in the house areg parroting their tired old arguments. >> we needra in this country. forget the fact that the farm that are our vegetables will rot in the ground if it weren't if they weren't being picked by many immigrants ,many illegal immigrants. >> a do you ever remember rememt having vegetables growing upup? >> neither do i. now no republican should touch this or be involved with this sham in any way, shape or form . >> let the voters sort this out in november. we don't need a fig leafa fig le of enforcement. >> we need a new president. now, mcconnell admitte admitted closed doors that they're afraid that trumanp will cavent. and give them the foreign workers they want. read betweenheines the there. now, it might make sense that democrats would wantof
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to more workers into the united states, right, because they're the partreet andy of w e wall street and the plutocracy. but it make sense that republicans who are winning right now because of the votes of working people and who, by the way, are despised big business. it makes no sense for them to help the left at every turn. >> joining me now is utah senator mike lee. senator, thank you forhere being here tonight. here's what's in the bordeby'sir deal. more specifically, according to the immigration accountability project ay projey they increase green cards by 50 k a year. they would provide wor pdek for adult children of h-1b visa. they would provide immediate work permits to every illegavery released from custody taxpayer funded lawyers to certaierrtain unaccompanied children and mentally incompetent aliens. d 5,000 and 5000 per day minimu. the number of asylees allowed into the united states. you do the math on that, senator. 365 days a year times 5000.0 tht 'sthat's 1.8 to 5 million asyles
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waived into the united states under this so-calle >> deal. >> your reaction? my reaction is that wey reacs wf business negotiating this deal and proceeding as if the border crisis unfolding in then the united states or anything having to do with a lack of enforcement authority by the president. >> look, existing laaww gives president joe biden more than enough authorityn enou to enfore the border, to stop this crisis, to preventrevent 3 thata people who crossed illegally into our bordestthr just last mh alone and the 300 or sohe has terrorists who have come across our borders, just the ones we know about. >> t he's got authority to do t that. itmember, our asylum provisionhs are all written in my language, not shell, which means m discretionary. >> there is no right to it. at any moment when we're bogged down. the solution is to stop processing asylum applicantsto,. not to just say, okay, you can come on in. >> we'll buy you a plane ticketr
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in the united states. >> my number one concernhi with thiprs, with this entire ci negotiation is that it falsely suggestssiists that the border s exists and persists for want adequate legislative authority. >> that is not true. w >> and so, meanwhile,ha what president biden and mitch mcconnell and a few others wannt to do is use the promise of border security provisionsrel as bait to extort and extracict republican for ukraine if they want to pas06 billis a $10d billion package, most of which goes to ukraine. they don'tone s, s the votes. >> so they're promising border security if they were willing ue to bring us border security, they'd have brought us border security a long time ago and co, aw and they could have done so under existing law. >> now, senator, here's what senator>> laura ienator isg about the deal. watch. we're inching closere incloser a chance to restore common sense enforcement mechanisms and the rule of law.
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none of the challenges we face from our southern to the red sea and easier the longer >> wait to address them. >> why is he wrong, senator well, he's wrong because he's suggesting cos congress's fault.we do >> remember, congress makes the laws. congress doesn'thaaws on the the we do have laws on the books. but short in need of retooling t from time to time. we can use that. hel flbut not why we have the fl fledged crisis with 10 million people coming across illegally since the day joe biden took office. >> that's not the reason. the reason is he refuses th to use the authority that he's got. so i couldn't disagreee with more with mitch mcconnell on that point. >> he's suggesting that we mus t act forward to do it. >> you no. mr. mitch mcconnell and jot doee biden must act. >> he has the power. he just doesn't want to do it. his this means senator ron john. hawley ramps you advance.
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i mean, there's a core group, ty of senators who are still standing up for the american workers. -got to togethethey all got tor and everyone can call their senator and respect decid fully, let their voice be heard. now, senator, i understand that you've decideedu are tod w you're going to endorse in the republican primary. are you going to shareyoth withs tonight? >> yeah, i have made that decision. and there't thto bs a get into . i want to be clear. thise americ is a choice. >> american people have a choice to make in this circumstance, they hrare. they have a rare, historically unusual chance to choose t between two presidents. they have a chance to choose between order and lawlessness. . >> they have an opportunity to choose betweethn puttingt or america first and america last. i choose first and always to put america first. >> whether you like donald trump or not, whether you agree with everything says or not, he's our one opportunityg am
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to choose order over chaoseric and putting america first over america last. >> it's time to get behind him v and look in presidential campaigns that are always a lot of promises mades . >> my favorite kinds of political promises are promises kept. a >> donald trump has kept promises that he's made as he'so campaigned in the past. >> we know what kind of president he willth him be. >> and so whether you agree with him on every point or not, ifwith you are not content withe status quo, the status quonald of lawlessness, of putting america last. >> it's time to geump ant behind donald trump. and i wholeheartedly endorse donald j. bid fotrump his bid forr, w the presidency in 2024. >> well,ally senator we reallyn appreciate your joining us tonight. seeing what rested in seeing what president trump says about this border deal. and i know you'll be talkingn tn him about it. >> thank you.i sa now, texas national guard, as i hately t taken overyid a park in eagle pass that's right up against the borde werrd we were there back in now they put up razor wire preve and fencinntg to prevent illegad
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from getting through and they're blockinger fro now , patrol from that area as well. now, the biden administratio tn i think, should be thrilled that texas is enforcing border laws. right. if they actuallyac to ted about the country, but instead they're actually goinglaimin the supreme court claiming in an overnight filing that texas'on since has new act since the government's filing demonstrate an escalatioof stanl of the state's measures to block border patrol's abilit surveily to patrol or evn surveil the border and be in a position to respon whd emergencies. >> what is the real emergency here? we're joined nowpresidenof ame e miller, president of america, first legal former senior adviseenr to president trump. oh stephen, now we have a statee te trying to do the of the federalr government, the federal government suing the state forrg caring about law and order>>. ee >> well, this is one of the most astonishing situations to a seen.'ve ever and there seems to always be a never ending series ofshe bac new events on our border. >> but here's the back storyk sa
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>> the border patrol was using this park, shelby parkgior,rom l as staging ground for mass releases. >> they were collecting illegal aliens from all throughout the area and even using water taxi s to collect illegal aliens in the river, bringing them into shelby parkry, remove whern necessary, barriers created by texas, and then send them on to their final destinations all throughout america. >> so the texas dpsguar usd national guard and governor abbott said, we are not going to allow you to this park to stage mass releases. assert so they used their own disaster declaration and use the national guard hat pa to assertoffice control over that park and then to have their dps officersrser h arrested for trespassingarea. and illegal aliens they encounter in the area. >> well, steven, when you thinks about this playing, you goting r the migrants in chicago freezing in the coldou, buses a being brought in to try to warm people. boston is trying to figure out
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a way through melrose, a city in massachusetts, to house migrantsmi in homes. you have the disaster of the school in new york to be evacuated for the migrants. >> and yet and capital, well,hrh it's like deja vu all over again. >> they're trying to ram byists m a border deal that, you know, was written by lobbyists ago. >> what is the most important thing in my position on this n thresn't changed in three years. it gets back to the power of the purse. joe faln using federaliens taxpayer dollars to take illegal aliens and resettle them in all 50 states, using. your money. >> my money and the money and everyone watching tonight. the department the de curity f of homeland security funding expires in february. the house has the checkbook.ot all right. that bill that makes clear thate not one federal penny canon be used to release or resettle one illegal alien inside the united states. b and the taxi service provided by american taxpayers forbeen illegal aliens.
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and that will shut this down. that has alwayhetion.s the solu. it's been the solution in 2021, 2022, and now 2023.dest stop fundingru our own destruction. >> stephen, do you expect president trump will come out vo against this sham w borderel deal?is >> well, i don't want to get ahead of any announcement he'll make, and i'le tm everyoneconsis is waiting to see what the final details are. but president trump has beentefh consistent in saying that we must get t o source of the problem which is ending catch and resettle. ttle i for three years, he has beens i the one out in front saying catch and resettle is the end m of this country. if that continues, alienm. s, you must deport them. yeah. this is back. you saw nothing at all? yeah. yeah. so he'll be against us i i f. if. if you're correct in stating his position. stephen, thank now, i was about to get hit by a life threatening blizzardda just days ahead of the iowa caucuses will be there. and what will the turnount be on
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the first major contest of the 2024 primary season. th c cold, chilly iowa caucuses. anger mango will be on the grouningrahamthd in des l on monday to bring you political analysis. you're not going to see ityou ws anywhere. think it's my eighth iowa caucuses and i'm attending atte. looking forward to it. but our show is the only thing, of course, coming to town. the blizzard, you've heard about that. the weather, coldest in caucus histor caucuhistory. monda >> sy'o how will this ors will this change the dynamics for monday's turnout? joining me now is republicantis. presidential candidate floridati governor desantis. governor, i know you're making a final. ttle b what is your pitch given, you know, nikki haleity, n thes a little bit of ground on you in iowa and obviously trump still in the lead. what's the pitch in these final hours? uall >> well, first, laura, you know, us floridians usually don't go north mid in the middl of a blizzard. and, you know, we're here obviously competin fg. doors i've got a lot of folks fromut my staff in the past that are voluntee ir the knock on doors and help out. so it's an interesting experience to see all the floridiaeidians, n.
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my son was throwing snowballs at me today. and that's note had ev somethinu that he had ever even seen a month and a half ago. so, look, our pitch is simple.or >> donald trump's running for his issues. nikk i haley's running for, as her donors issues. i'm running for your issues and your tha family's issues.y m as somebody that's deliveredy cd on 100% of my promisesru as governor of florida and innif the only candidate running that has taken on the left and beaten the lefte beat on ise after issue, we beat the teachers unions. oros owe beat 40.s we beat george soros on crime. we beat the democrat on election integrity and on illegal immigration. and we beat the by banningo china from buying land in the state of florida. so wg results e the ability to e big results. >> and i think you talk weatr wes diwhethe are approach that iowa was that a caucu as is different tha a primary or a typical election. and so you have to reall organiy builds on an organization that's going to be able to turn out your commitmentss nighh ma on ct night, which may not be the we best environmentdid , and that e
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did not expect it to be -22goin when we did it. but i do feel that we're in a situation where our folkto shos to show up. >> we've got every precinct and yf hardevery count organized, and that's going to pay dividends. and it was a lot of hard wor e medik the media was saying that i was wasting my time. >> they were saying, why are you going to all 99 counties? and i think this is why we'v abe been able to build a solid following. and look how anyon tae that says they can take a poll and figure out who's going to turn out on monda bei y is not being honest. and nobody knows what the turnout is going to be like e. i can just tell you that we've put an organization in place where our folks are going to turn out. >> well, governor, the news just right before the showg st tonight that after iowa,na tradi you're going straight to south carolina. traditionally, candidates woul d go new hampshire, the next contest. i know you're goinknow you going back to hampshire shortly after, but what kind of message that sending? >> well, you're right. thanks forg? are it accurately,
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because some media was saying we weren't doing have chance. i'm sure we're going to do an event in greenville on tuesday and g and then we're going stu to fly to new hampshire and do in laterall on cnn that night and do a lot of stuff in new hampshire. but i think the message is simpl atnikke that, you know, you look at south carolina, nikki haley was governor thereik ,and i've got like five times more endorsements from statekabo legislators, current and former, than she does. >> and that woul dlorida be unthinkable for the opposite to happen in a place like florida. >> and sis reallo really out of, i think with south carolina, bu're goinw wig to show that wih with the support we have and people have beene been focusing on iowa, but we've been anilding these organizations in, new hampshire and in south carolina as well. >> didn't get as much fanfare, but that's the case. so, yes, we'll start in south carolina carol , do new hampshire. >> we have a debate scheduled on thursday in new hampshire, wmur debates. >> i'm the only one that's acceptedthate.he d debate. wantt i hope the debate happens. but if not, i'll be there. now,ow they want to do a town h. >> i'm going to debate
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the nikki haley chair now,er mih governor senate republican leader mitch onnell aimcconnell. forts as i started the show with his escalating his personal efforts to push this so-called bipartisan border reformform de, tying it up with ukraineg and israel for some reason , we find out that they're going to be able to greenlight 500ttl0 migrants a day into the united states more efficiently, settle them. 1.8 to 5 million migrants waived int countryo the countrys all these other foreign workers waived. in your reaction as republicans are beginning, i think, to peel away from this? >> well, when i'm president, that'll be on arrival.u kn you know, some of these republicans are so out of touch with the voters. laura, i've gotteno all 99 counties in iowa. it's not a border state. and yet eververyy townhall i don i get multiple questions about illegal and about the border. republicans want people that are herewhich to be deported, e we need to do. >> they wantborder end these ine
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border policies that biden's doing. yes,they want to see they a walg they want to see that done. and they also want to see actionat you the drug cartels. and i think what you're likely to see out of this deal ise the typical loosey with the football promising wit going to deal with the border. and then of course, the s pu awaygets pulled and it's the same old song and dance. >> the end of the day, there rew are some republicans, and i would say nikki haley is one of them. e openyou know, they want the te open borders because the donors want. for the cheap labor. we've got to start putting the american people first and stop worrying about, gut do that don'tuys care about our sovereignty. we're going to lose this country ifng s of you keep allowing millions and millions of people to come in. at this rate, it hasernor, to s >> so, governor, you tell these republicans, no deal. correct? >> of course the only deal would be housell, bill, house resolution to that chip roy, who' s a of mine, has put put forward. it solves all the problemsf that
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and it would actually cause the surge to sto p. any and anything short of that is just not going to do the job. so i would say republican in congress, no half measures, no failure, theater. >> if you can get somethine prgh that solves the problem, fine. but i don't think there's any sm way and that biden would agree to something that actually solves the problem. >> thift's s is part of the left's agenda to have open borders. and he's not going to gohis baso against his base on this, given >> ld political.r that >> well, governor, i thought that would be the answer. and i'm delighte in ded to hear that we're going to be in des moines on monday. >> will you join us set? know - >> i don't. i got to know wher- e i'm going. i don't know where i'm going to be able to speak at a couple of caucus locations. >> so let us get back to you. being in the demo area, i would love to do it. wek you all governor, thank you soe is much. >> we appreciate it. now, joe, so incapable doing ang his job that he's sending his wife out to do it for him. >> my angle explains it next.
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>> when you can watch. listen, get the latest news business and news headlines on sirius xm any time. fox news audio on sirius xm america is listening to the rescue. >> that's the focus of tonight's angle the scenesesn today were not reassuring after the president bombed the houthies and called to literally last nigh h wt. >> he bumbled his way through a school in allentown today. this is morgan sherwin and sam . i'm sorry. many of our allies here. i do. i'm sorry with a lot of fear.go >>ex i hope that poor girl got extra credit for having to sit there now, jus thet we see migrt the deterioration of our cities beset by crime w, by. eac >> we also see biden's own deterioration with each day simply getting from marine one to his car is a herculean task, and he has the darndest
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time saying sentences with numbers on my watchinfras instead of in such a week, america's having infrastructurte decade over 1,300,000,000 trillion trillion dollars billio,000,300n billion 300,0000 trillion. yeah nikko used to say things like that when he was three now let's go back a decade so it's friday. >> we'll have fun with this. well, joe, at that point that pd at least be edited to look peppy got to bring it up.
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all right i run with joe in thei show. >> yes. i'm michelle now. i did thiss 201.ougho right sos break through time next week. >> obamand getting through that that better than vodka. >> but that was 2014. and now the biden campaign is scrambling to finjoe d to mae joe appear vigorous. >> but is it working? >> i love how he doesthey that little trot and then realizes pm ou better not keep running, but they push him oute for his first campaign speech rs at valley forge. >> but then drh . jill has to rush in for the big save at the end. >> so sky can at this point,
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the first lady almost deserves the title doctor sincee bidens she's rescuing him on almost a daily basis. but the bidenssuch have such li regard for the intelligence of the american peopleth , . they think that they can message this problem awa f thy. >> one of the things that drew me to him was his strength. i see that strength and that resilience and that steadiness every single day. eader he has wisdom. he has experience. he knows everyon the leader on the world stage. >> he's lived history in what hv we now have a new synonym for ancient. >> it's calledd li lived historg >> well, she may be his ame visiting angel, but she's america's eyes and ears. >> he can do it.e hi >> and i see joe every day.
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i se youe out, you know, travel around this country. e vigor. i see his energy, i seeever his passion every single so to those who say i can't vote for joe biden, he's too old. what do you say? ages ani say his age is an assa >>: and as that report, the bidens have been't on vacation, more than a third of the presidency. >> what people don't i is how hard joe works every single that he gets up thinking what he can door the a for the w people. and he does that, you know, his job doesn't end when we just have dinner>> togethers on at 7:00. if he's on the phone and he's on the phone with leaders of foreign countries and he's on the phone wit with his cabine caen wheel of fortune is over h he's hard at work. but when he is on the phonbie with his cabinet at night
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as medicine cabinet, because we, know he wasn't on the phone with his most important cabinet secretary, least you shoul lloyd be lloyd austin for at least four days. >> the vigorou, tis tireless biden didn't even notice his pentagon chief was missing . but you're supposed to ignore that, that ignort thate the facn that your president's decomposing in front of you and insteat you insd you're sud to worry about the guy who brought you peace and prosperity , this has got to be so different than any races that you and your husband have run. >> a, that's a little scary. it is a little scary. we have to win. o we must win. we cannot let go of our democracy. >> and if you don't? i don't know. i can't even think about it now. k abi can't think about >> well, of course, donaldld doesn't jog. he doesn't need to pretend to jog h. >> neither does he need melania
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to act as his nursemaid or one as co-president. >> now, no one doubts that he' o the one making the tough calls and that his tough talk wen't an actan it's not sustainable for our country. i we have millions and millions of people here. it is nos not sustainable. y> did you see in new york cit plth it getting the regular students out and they're putting migrants in their placoe ? >> we are going to have n efforteverybodrtatio in the history of our country. we're bringing everybody choice. back to where they came from. >> we have no choice. we he of course, he's right. and he understands that america can noower be a superpower if we drain our own resources by allowing riders to take advantage of us. >> would you be committe dends to nato, for example, in a treat second trump term? >> depends. if they trad ue us properly.r look, nato is taking advantage of our country. they took advantagtheyk ade us e and then they took advantage of us in our military protectionry .
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of the 28 countries at the time, only eight countries were paid uep were paying thear difference. and i went to him. i said, if you don't paye no, we not going to protect you. >> well, weakness, incompetence and self-loathing is what the biden administration. has shown us and shown the world from day one. >> even trump's most fervent detractors, though, like w writ' bret stephens, they're beginning to see, even if they don't agree with him, wht agre e isy he's winning. p is t >> the working class is getting shafted, and trump'shey the only one speaking for them. >> america needs a leaderdwinds who can navigate the headwinds that we're facing. there's strong headwindse whow someone who knows how to do the job and who believes in and works for the american people. and until we get one, america is going to growk an we. and is frail. as our currentand that presiden. >> and that's the angle coming up. what's more importandei ort, dor your life? i'm going to explainecomin how the country's obsession with diversity is becoming life . >> that's $41
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saturday. biden undermining america. victor davis hanson sounds o, m.
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if words were enough enough, the left slavish obsession with forcing this so-called diversity inclusion standards on america is shredding the standards of excellence in everything fro business to academia, even to the military. now,.
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in some settings when djithis comes first and merit second. nl this may meaesn needless american deaths and a lote of them. boeing recently bragged not about being the best abo in the wit business, but how about surpassing its diversityiv quotas? with 92% of interviewees, they sayiewees they bein being oh, goody. but then not good. >> a door flying off one of boeing's 737 super maxes. >> now, when something neartasto catastrophicph happens, it's tie for everyone to ask the hard questions. you heahave you heard of sometl fundamental like bolt tightening ever going wrong like this? gettan, i haven't. >> so what is going on? well, maybe just focus on getting the best employees so there's never any doubt. >> hold thems, no ma the highesr standards, no matter what their background, their skin color, their y orhang
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their gender, just merit. and non w an exchange between v a texas air traffic controller tht is goingn piloir viral. the air traffic controller was lan thw landwell, on ho and when the pilot questioned it, he was tolled. >> well, i googled it, actually. i googled short.ion wow. now there' gs a petitionet. >> get that woman removed from her job after multiple people reported incidents like this. >> and don't forged don't forgts choice to head up the u.s. department of transportation himself was a diversity pick. >> his only experience in transportation was, i don't know. >> we saw him occasionally commuting on a ten speed. our cabinet doesn't just have one first or just two of these first. >> but eight precedentt busting appointments. and today, a nine, the firstly ever openly gay nominee to leave the cabinet department. thank you, mr. president elect. than,t.
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k you for honoring your commitment to diversity with this administration that you're assembling. e >> of course, pete has no answers as to why aviation, ninr max or near midair collisions have skyrocketed. >> biden by 63%. i guess s he's the firstut that maybe that's the first first. he's not join bragging about. joining me now, charlie hurt, fox news contributor, washington times opinion editor . >> charlie, i don't think it goes too far to say that peopl e could not saying this happened in this case or that that wasest the reason for the bolt not being tightened or procedures not being properly followed. >> but this could happen could. people could die as a result of dea. >> well, to be g sure, mean, it gives you a glimpse into what their priorities are. and if their priore dei ratings are high and not tightening the bolts on the doo neer, then that's pretty much all you need to know. >> but this is what unseriout hn
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when you put unserious people in charge of serious thingsd . and you could sort of argue that the vitamin castration situation, you knostrationw, if you hire a press secretary based on whatever du oi that you want to, you know, pick outth of the thin air, it's not that big she of a deal because r just sits up there and makes stupid word salads in in front of the press. >> but when you when you put people in seriouhe s positionsem like, say, the vice presidency and put them in charge of the border charg, you put them in ce of the department of transportation based all of these all of these idioticcolo rules in order to sort of colory by numbers, suddenly it getsand very serious. >> and it's a reminder why you just simply cannott pu unserious people in serious situations. >>: a hohost on msnbc says any t voiced such as ours are just racist. >> we have fox news heavily implying planes can crash and kill people because companies hire too many black people
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and. we have the richest man in the world openly and embracingem and promoting paranoid racist theories. >> well, they flashed a picture of elofn himself because both of us were raising this question. the but it better to raise the question now than to try to figure it out aftera loseecil a couple hundred people. and,. preciselyy. >> precisely. and, you know, the other thing more is it's not nots li only it going to cost people's lives, not only will this insanit, y ifople, but it also doesn't even achieve the goa wl they're going for if what they're going foryo is equality. this is not how you reach equality. the only way you reach equalityh is, as you said earlier. >> you judge people on the content of their character and,ureir capabilities, and yo put and of course, you educate people, which of course thesaine people also against that as well. >> and this is what you wind usp with. now, they don't want equality. they want retribution, charlie. reatgreat to see you.
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>> right. all right. up next, hall of fame footballs' coach hall's on what nick saban's retirement means for the future of collegeat l football. and what lessons can politicians learn fromes can it? >> that's next. >> good morning, little galaxy . good, good. good morning. yeah. frankel collects chewy fruit bites for, fast and gentleelp constipation relief in as sasuf your good morning. >> even better with vocal acts. this is our lastff to help save thousands of holocausts survivors who are suffering in the former soviet union. >> today. they to the needs that these forgotten jewshis morn have aree something beyond anything something beyond anything you can imagin h have you eaten this morning yet? i aid to cure a desire to forget. yesterday. and i had it today for breakfast. and this is she ate in twofellow
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>> hi, i'm jimmy fallon, inviting you to join me on the all new fox news saturday night with jimmy. >> believe me, i'm just as shocked they gave me a show as you are fox saturday night with jimmy fallon. >> saturday. >> its place is so much nicer than my set. why did you decide that thist te was the right time to retire? my age started to becomee a little bit of an issue. i just have a high standard for how i do thinggh standrs. e i' and if i can't, if i don't feelo like i'm living up to that standard t, really disappointed. to be honest, this lastis season was grueling tooksual. a little a little more out of me than usual. when you get a little older, that gets a little tougher. >> and i'm sure a lot of people can relate to that. >> well, that's part of the reason why so many love nick saban as, alabama's head coach. he demanded and he expected excellence expecte not just of s team, but of himself. >> i've been in a funk all weel' because of this. >> now, when he saw that he wasn't going to be able to dt o that anymore, he stepped aside learve that of our political
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leaders could perhaps learn from. joining now is legendary football coach hall of fame coach los llu, our coach, it's great to see you tonight. >> your reaction to the saban retirement and what made him so effectiv e. >> i t >> i think that nick is hia gret coach, but he's also a great g individual and a great person. but the mostreat pbut the impos that coach or any other leaders that high standard as he neverih lowered the standards and high standards. >> and he not only tell them to bs.e good football players, he taught them also at this level to, be good people. now, one thing that nick saban taught me waaught mes he didn'to anything for to make you a better athlete. >> he said, i'm only goingry to to try to make you a better football player. and he didma that very, veryt ft well. great football coach, great person. he wilball, greal missed. but i don't believe that agethe was the only reason it causeonld him to retire. >> i've been in a situation noti his completely, but you reach a situation that when you win,
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it's a relief, you can't celebrate it. when you lose, it's a catastrophe. the last attack detector's the big game that barely beaten south floridhe a in the second game. everybody's and moaning so that something to do with it. >> and then let's go again to to the transfer portal. let's go to the paying the athlete. let's go to fact that texas and oklahoma enter into the conference instead of and let's go with the staff. you have, you know, the headad l coach and he had a lot of great coaches come and go. kirby smaroteat coact steve 30. and the list goes on and on. but you hiont point where you say, maybe i don't want to have to change the staff, so i can't give you all the reasons. >> but i want to tel l you, itan was more than just age. >> now, on the transfer portal ,it's just changing. i mean, just changing college football. i mean, i understands changi i underst it's n the arguments for it, but it's not the same game and things change all the time, but maybe not for the better. >>better i would say transfer pl
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is one of the words tainted. never happened. you don't changeu do. or iyof you change the address of your problems, not your problem. hoand how do you haverbacks four different quarterback start fo sr four different teamf in four different years? what would you pick a school?, s you pick this a 40 year decision, not a four that year decision. you wanted to have your namescn on your diploma. you want to have the contact, you're going to have a set, a variety of different things along that line. and they'd be said and about perseverance, wasting your time. we had a quarterback named eric meyer for three years behind him, kevin mcdougalyearse second team didn't play a whole lot his senior year. he played became one of the best quarterback in the entire countryle, led us to a level one season. 11-1e. ent, waste your tim >> and as i say, that's all part of learning it going to college. and why do we have athletic college is because i learned more on a football field and here we learfootballn colles proven you learn patient well these days.>> jes
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>> hello. i'm glad i got to goselad to scn championship against georgia. i wasn't going to gost. because of stuff going on at home, but i'm glad i went to seead i n that that game and himac and coach that game that lash tt time i had the chance to meet nick saban over the year oves gt and as a great privilege and just like it's a great privilege to have gotten to knolegegotten tw you over ths because our former athletes, former college athletes coach, we all always go back to theo team experiencthe tee and wee appreciate you and you appreciate your commentary. yos we need we need politician and know how to retire at the right time as well. >> coach, come back soon. great to see you. ton >> all right. that's it for us tonight. the next time you see me, i'll be shivering se in the wine with all the rest of the fox host. we can bring you the latest details on the grounnge.d and sp by the angle monday night. hello, everyone. i'm judge jeanine pirro along with harold ford jr. jesse watters, dana perino and greg


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