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tv   FOX and Friends Saturday  FOX News  January 13, 2024 4:00am-5:00am PST

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will: a blue city in maine has a plan to house their influx of illegal immigrants: put them in rent-free luxury apartments. pete: sweet. rachel: meet the air force pilot that has miss america crown on her radar and gets ready to be first active duty military officer to compete in the pageant. second hour of "fox & friends" starts now. pete: thought there was going to be a swooshy graphic.
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will: we're working through the changes. pete: oye. will: exactly. pete: i have my cranberry mocktail. feeling good about that . rachel: i was going to go down and get mine and then it's solid and really good. pete: trying to find cranberry and it's hard.
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will: one of my n new year's resolutions was to -- it doesn't. it doesn't. i sent several that day. the -- it was to reach out and to connect, to maintain relationships and after the show last week, i was sitting around at the lounge at the airport, i might have had a -- rachel: cranberry cocktail. will: cranberry cocktail, i thought this show is awesome and we hang out and have great relationships and hi a lot of fun with rick. i'm going to send rick a text. i sent him a text, hey, man, love when you're around on the show. appreciate our relationship. rachel: i didn't know guys did that. will: not often and i'm trying to do it more. i said all i'm doing on that front and if i have a thought, i don't want it to be a passing thought and i want to share. i want to remain here and let it out. pete: let's go to rick on how it was received. will: don't be defensive and tell us what happened.
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rick: first thing that happened and part of what he said off camera is, hey, it's people i don't see that much and maybe don't think about them for a year and a lot of times think i'm going to send them a message. i knew this piece of information and an hour later i get a first recipient and then i'm the first person he reaches out to that he doesn't care for much. will: that's exactly right. pete: people you don't think about much and you're going to send them messages in the new year. will: that's not what happened. rick: my second thought to that was well, this is really nice. this text requires some thought to put into it to reply i better sit and think about this and then i got busy and then the next day i better think about it
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and then haven't replied. will: which is fine. pete: it's not about you. rick: right, did you do tafanely so you would receive the reciprocal appreciation? will: no, i done want to be in the thank you owe. will: that was a lawyerly move, rick. you not writing him back and now flip it had and said, oh, you were doing this because you wanted to get something back and he didn't. but it was nice. rick: i'm going to do this in person. will, that was really great. i'm really grate 68 for you. rick: i thought i'm gone no wait for a week to do this in person on the tv show. will: producers, if you try to overproduce us and script us, this is what happens.
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water bottles falling. rick: love you, will. okay, you need a coat before you get to iowa. not only is it just really cold and people think it's cold. this is dangerously cold and it's not just light, can't take it light and have to be prepared. we have about 10% of the flights are being canceled and delayed and be watching that and watch what happens throughout the day and des moines feeling like minus 42 and that's incredibly cold air. there's not storm coming in behind this one and i want to show you this. it's starting throughout the day tomorrow and snow coming across parts of oklahoma and texas. once we get into tomorrow night, a bit of ice storm potentially breaks out in northeast dallas
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and parts of louisiana and monday through the north of this and we will be seeing snow in places like memphis and nashville and parts of mid-atlantic and new york city and philadelphia and that one inch of snow probably not going to happen with the cold air that's coming in across parts of northeast as well. thanks, guys. rachel: we appreciate you, rick. pete: re-really do. text me any time. will, not so much. we head down to iowa and some campaign events and that campaign events with some of the events are outside and that's all off. if they're group of people that
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throw down, now is the time and some are doing so including senator mike lee republican out of utah and on the ingram angle and who is his pick and who does he endorse. >> american people have a choice to make. in this circumstance, they have a rarities whoically unusual chance to choose between two presidents. there's a chance to choose between order lawlessness. they have a opportunity to choose between putting america first and america last. i choose first and always and whether you like donald trump or not, whether you agree with everything he says or not. choose chaos over order and putting america first. rachel: so many people say donald trump chooses chaos and
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truly if you think about not just there was order under donald trump and this is so typical of what -- i think it's great he address it had and liberals trying to use chaos and nikki haley trying to use the idea that donald trump is chaos. when in fact his policies krugere brought order put america first and made the lives of americans better, demonstratively better when he was in office. will: senator rand paul not ready to make an endorsement and ready to say who he's not going to endorse. >> i've had a long relationship with donald trump and there's a lot to like there.
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also big fan of a holt of fiscal conservatism of ron desantis. vivek ramaswamy has been a important voice and i've listened to and met with the independent bobby kennedy. i'm not yet ready to make a decision but ready to make a decision on someone i cannot support. i'm announcing this morning that i'm never nikki. pete: the never movement is back and this time it's never nikki from senator rand paul.
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rachel: whether vivek comes out of this and the surprise of the numbers and this legislator said the polls don't reflect him and not asking about vivek in some of the polls according to him. it's the top three candidates but that aside, it is undeniable and when i read or see him on the trail, i'm thoroughly impressed with his grasp of the issues and the way he frames them and way he takes on everything from spiritual crisis to energy crisis. he is just he blows me away. doesn't look like he's going to win this but heist going to have a future in the republican party and he's on a great path.
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will: as an aside, i think vivek is incredit card and will not just his -- incredible and not just his rhetoric but the ability to do so on his feet and i was talking about that on the will cain show that he is one of the best i've ever seen and a friend of mine who's an attorney and specializes in trials and studied persuasion and he studied and can connect ideas and one thing you come back to is interestingly, when you see vivek at a speech or with a heck herrera or protester -- heckler or protester, he's not trying to win. when you're not trying to win, you have your ability to put your arm around somebody. not politics, talking about win a debate. rachel: i know exactly what you mean. will: you have the ability to put your arm around somebody and walk with them instead of shove
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someone in their chest and win a zero sum game. i think it explains why you and i had disagreements on how good he did in a debate. i didn't think he was as good in a debate because he was striking out more at nikki. i'm saying what i think is most effective by vivek and i'm blown away by him at his events and ability and even with a confrontational interview with the media. pete: he's really good at it. rachel: go ahead. pete: the impression a will the of voters have of him though will come from the debates. will: yes. pete: right? that's a lot of perception some have unless you're watching it very closely. but he is a one of a kind communicator and there's no doubt about it. rachel: what he did, nikki aside, took on rhonda mcdaniel and the whole system out of the gate, there's a lot -- it was
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disruptive in the way that i think a lot of republicans respond to the kind of system disruption of donald trump, and i think he is, i just think he has a bright future. will: pete will be live from iowa monday night on fox nation at 8:00 p.m. eastern. p we're inside a caucus site at 8:00 p.m.. pete: we're with charlie hurt and couple of iowa insiders talking about the caucuses. we'll be there in herbert hoover high school in iowa city in the republican caucus reacting to it while you're seeing it on fox nation. will: great. rachel: that's right. all right, our next topic here is about the boarder and letter from the illinois governor jd pritzker to texas governor greg abbott and seems to have no interest in working on bipartisan solutions to the border crisis and that would put an end to your cruel political
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game and writing and appealing with the humanity and families and children here and pleading with you to at least pause for the transports to save and this is offensive for the sanctuary cities and now for the weather and this extraordinary bitter cold and abbotts manufacturing crisis and illinois versus texas. this is a rich person saying how did you bring this area to my neighborhood. the problem existing going through your neighborhood and this is a problem and affects texas, yes. deeply but it's affecting
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everyone and not just december or abbott or shipping them everywhere and it's your problem. it's making it your problem and show down on the border and going with border patrol and texas effectively trying to say we should have the right to deport. too little too late in some instances of my mind there and garner abbott is trying to do something on the border the federal government is actively fighting them and then he's saying pritzker has the gal to say it's somehow a cruel political game. rachel: texas has way more of the brunt than chicago who's been feeling it of late and texas dealing for awhile and similar to this and incarceratedder and to the biden administration. rachel: biden administration and exactly. this just shows what we all wondered on this couch when some
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of these governors desantis and abbott came up with this plan spending the time in the blue cities and sanctuary cities and i said this was so effective to bring the problems to the cities who are encouraging it. will: this problem is a product of the policies that jb pritzker created and choke on your problem. pete: maine is building rent-free luxury apartments in maine for illegals without balconies. rachel: taking children out of schools and putting illegal immigrants in. pete: i'm sure vets in maine would love a wonderful new apartment. if you're illegal, go to maine and catch a bus, they'd love to have you.
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rachel: turning now to headlines, president joe biden canceling student loan debt for nearly 7 million americans wiping out loans to save planned borrowers and spending $1,000 in repayment for ten years. he said this action will help and income bar rowers are -- borrowers are struggling to repay their loans. to miami where a city hall meeting has to be cut short after two officials nearly started an all out brawl this past week. >> you are a liar. you are a liar. you are a liar. you are a liar. you are a liar. you're a liar. you're a liar. >> you're a small little man --
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rachel: when the commissioners were voting on whether or not to extend the contract for embattled city attorney. fox news digital reached out to both men for a comment and haven't heard back yet. newly sworn in new york city police officer is taking the badge of -- badge number of one of the form earn detectives that saved her life nearly 30 years ago. >> it's something you remember here and there and motivates you and one of the reasons why i wanted to become a police officer was because of these two officers that saved my family's life and myself. rachel: the pair was on duty in harlem when they pulled officer denise gomez, her brother and their mom from a car that burst into flames. that'll change your life. will: awesome. rachel: those are your headlines. that's a great story. pete: very cool. now we move onto a knocks news alert and the u.s. launching another strike on a houthi facility in yemen and made it mf
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honor recipient joining us next. rachel: blizzard warning in iowa and not stopping voters ahead of the first nation caucuses and check in with first time caucus goers about where they stand. pete: from electric car air taxi and latest tech from the consumer electronic show. ♪ ♪(song in french)♪ (♪) (♪) (♪)
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pete: the u.s. launching another retaliatory air strike against the houthi rebels in yemen last night. among the targets friday, this radar site near the yemen capitol satellite images show ago before and after the blast and a little bit more difficult to see on this one and this one is clear and airfield on the country's west coast both located in houthi-controlled territory and you've got the before, after presumably hangers they may have used to release the drones targeting ships in the shipping lanes and all this as iranian-backed groups in the
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area and iranen-backed groups in the region continue to attack forces in the middle east at now more than 131 since october 17. here is staff sergeant david bellavia. this matters in the context of everything, yemen, if you control the red sea, then you control the mediterranean indian and all the traffic going in between and now they're targeting the u.s. and insulations and what should the proper response be here? >> we get the flux kansas city r back and we have commercial transit by 50% over there and, look, this all goes back to the houthis; right, which again the biden administration and the new york ti times op ed board wanteo convince you the houthis were
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the good guys in 2014. when donald trump, president of the united states decided to give the saudis f35s to handle their business, it was the same blinken, sullivan, glee club going on social media reminding you that saudi was committing somehow the atrocities and in 2019, the houthis on the answer of god, these are the houthis and the un for using rape as a weapon of war and grabbing yemen women and forcing them into prostitution and grabbing young boys and forcing them to fight like soldiers. that sounds like hamas, doesn't t pete? sounds like what's going on in gaza and sounds like hezbollah and the reason is it's because it's hamas. it's because it's hezbollah, it's because it's iran. this is the existential crisis we face today and the biden administration and their appeasement of the iranian muay
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las and even -- mu -- mullahs as is even seen by jimmy carter seeing the mullahs for the terrorists they are. pete: these attacks that we hit, these multiple sites in yemen and nobody at these sites by the way. we don't know how effective they were and degrading the houthis operations. so are they going to stop with their harassment of the red sea or does iran think they're useful at this point and america's response is insufficient? >> this is the bigger attack in southern israel and all about bringing america into the conflict. by the way, the conflict that biden is so proud of and the coalition of the offensive and no one saw the president for the last three and a half days and
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canada and australia bringing him and they're going to go with us everywhere and they're our best friends in the western democracies and we need saudi and states for true coalition and this entire houthi operations is to draw america into a long protracted fight in the middle east. pete: trying to drive a wedge between us and saudi arabia and saudi arabia and israel as well because peace was just too close for their liking. thanks for your time, appreciate it. >> you got it. pete: a quarter of million americans stuck without power and brutal winter storms grip the midwest. robert ray is braving the weather in chicago and he'll bring us the latest. two days to go till the iowa caucuses and checking in with panel of first time caucus goers and that is next. ♪
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will: tracking troubles in the skies and on the ground as midwest gets hit hard by hundreds of powerful storms and hundreds of nights canceled this morning after 2,000 were canceled yesterday and robert ray joining us now from chicago with the latest. robert. reporter: good morning, will. yes, greetings from the windy city of chicago living up to its name here this morning and light snow is falling in those winds will continue to kick up. but take a look at this video from the state of nebraska. the corn husker state with blizzard conditions in the past couple days and great plains was unbelievable and i talked to a friend of mine will frampton in
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omaha, nebraska, saying the driftings are three, four feet high and neighborhoods are under snow and they're expecting the temperatures to plunge to get this negative 20 to 25 degrees for lows without the wind tonight. the state of iowa also going through tremendous hardship as far as this winter system blasting snow all across the farmlands and farmers having to cake care of their animals and agriculture and meanwhile interstates like i-80 a total mess and trucks all over the place and you get to the shy chicago we're on that this morning and yesterday we had a huge blast of snow in the morning and waves coming off lake michigan and rain. can you imagine any worse? snow and rain and freezing temperatures. now, the airports a total mess and flight cancellations just over a thousand in chicago alone. power outages all over the great
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acaches lakes region and the system about to end as far as snow and the next issue is the polar plunge. those temperatures, zero degrees, subzero with the syndergaard chills and negative 40, negative 50 and in the great plains, those temperatures even worse. everyone has to be super careful and safe. these can be very deadly and we have to monitor everyone during this situation. another system on the way to the northeast where you're at in the coming days. will. will: thank you, robert. well, as mentioned, the midwest getting ready for the storm while the iowa caucuses are two days away and former president trump leading the pack and new poll shows nikki haley might have made a bit of ground. what cand candidates are iowans leaning towards and what issues mean the most to them? joining us is first time iowa caucus goers mary weston and
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young republicans chair and kendall and zack raskin mus son. first time -- you participated d and supported a candidate in 2016 and that was donald trump. how does it feel for you now approaching 2024? >> well, will, appreciate you having me on. supported president trump in 2016 and supporting him now i feel stronger than ever with my support for donald trump and the democrats going after him for some bogus charges, i think he's a stronger candidate than he was in 2016. will: as you're speaking, i can see mary nodding along so, mary, i'm assuming that you agree with zack, you know, there's a lot of talk here, nikki haley, vivek ramaswamy, ron desantis. i'm not assuming based upon your
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nodding but it might be donald trump? >> you know, i actually haven't made up my mind. still two days till the iowa caucuses and i've got about three candidates i've narrowed it down to and not letting them off the hook till monday night. will: what are the three you've narrowed down to? >> governor desantis, ambassador haley and former president trump. will: those are the three. kendall, where are you leaning this morning as well? >> i am with my top two, governor desantis and donald trump. i saw governor desantis in action, not as much as i have trump, but i know he's done great things for the state of florida, and i'm also along with mary that i haven't made up my mind yet. will: you three reflect the polling and see that donald trump has over 53% support in most of the polling coming to iowa. for a moment, i'm going to ask
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both of you young lady this is question and you've eluded to it and eliminated someone from your consideration while still leaving open who you may support. kendall, you did not mention nikki haley for you. is that someone you've eliminated from consideration? >> yes, i believe she has a lot of good ideas and stuff but there's some things about here that i wasn't 100% confident in and i believe that governor desantis or donald trump could be a lot stronger candidates, and that's what we need. will: really quickly, kendall, what has she said or done or position she's held that you mentioned that put her out of bounds for you? >> i done want to sound wrong about this but the issue withs the united nations and the money that was somewhere, not exactly sure the entire story on this but i heard a lot of thins that don't make me 100% want to trust her as lead of our country.
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will: okay. often it comes down to trust and how you feel about someone and, mary, you eliminated vivek ramaswamy. >> yeah and you know what, early on i thought i would caucus for him just being able to speak to him being two young members of the party but after comments were made in the debates about chairwoman mcdaniels and just some comments made at nikki haley about her heels, you know, i just can't get behind him anymore, and i wish him the best. i think he'll do great things in the future maybe within the republican party, but i just don't think he's fit for president right now. will: all right. and, zack, we've been talking about preferences here and almost a ranking for each of the three of you but let's not ignore the issues behind the candidates and what it is kendall eluded to trust and offering what there is on the positions they hold and what issue is most important for you and leaning back towards donald
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trump. >> my biggest issue is the economy and my fiance and i work full-time but we're living paycheck to paycheck under the biden administration. under trump's administration, our paychecks went a lot further than they do now. one bing thing that stands out for president trump for me is the fact that he made promises and kept them especially when it came to the economy. will: okay, i have to leave it here. before i go, i'm going to ask the three of you were one word answer on whether or not you expect a surprise in iowa? zack, will there be a surprise in iowa? >> no. will: kendall? >> no. will: mary? >> no. will: all right, they're on the ground in iowa and they're going to the caucuses and reflecting polling of peers in support. no surprise, donald trump. okay, thank you all for being with us this morning.
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sticker shock at grocery store and biden insists that inflation is slowing down and americans being hit with high prices at check out counter. food ceo bob unon waxer i joins us on that next. mary, janet, hey!! (thinking: eddie, no frasier, frank... frank?) fred! how are you?! fred... fuel up to 7 brain health indicators, including your memory. join the neuriva brain health challenge.
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rachel: inflation rising more than expected last month and partly thanks to unexpected rise in food costs. consumer prices are up 3.4% from this time last year. while the price of food has risen more than 33% since president biden took office, ceo of goya bob unanue is here and joined by maria trussa for another very important topic we're going to talk about after. first, bob, i want to get your reaction on the economy. the president saying, you know, prices are going down and people aren't feeling it at all. what are you seeing from your perch as the head of giant food company? >> well, thanks for having us. we bring in food from all over the world from the united states but also all over the world. what happened during covid, transportation went through the roof going from oil independent
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to oil dependent raised everything and we were kind of leveling off but now with all the noise in the gulf and suez canal ship haves to go around the horn of africa. rachel: that's affecting your business? >> yeah, the transportation and oil and instability in that region and around the world really. our weakness in the administration caused tremendous weakness and put us in really precarious situation. rachel: you once said that donald trump's leadership was a blessing and people associate him with chaos, but what you describe going on internationally and how it's affecting food prices looks like chaos to me. >> the holy spirit put that word on my lips and i think he'll lead this country not only to prosperity but closer to god. you know, where he wouldn't have
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all those things right now if president trump was in the office. we have a disas r on the border, but -- disaster on the border so don't even get me going. rachel: i hear you. maria, your story is gate and you have goya cares and it's the issue of child sex trafficking. maria, you were trafficked as a child at the age of 9 by your own father. tell us a little bit about your experience. >> my experience unfortunately, you know, no child should be having an experience like that when your innocence gets stolen, the light goes off in your eyes and this is something i want to make sure we're protecting. that's why i've -- i'm blessed to be able to be here with bob and the work he's doing with me is extremely valuable. rachel: what exactly does bob's organization do for survivors like you? >> well, for survivors, it's basically giving us a voice. i mean right now i have a
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stronger voice because bob is -- we're here and you have toe break the silence and what happened to me at the age of 9 when my father made the decision to take me in the middle of the night and give me to his friend, i'm not sure what kind of deal they made. the man was a witchcraft person, and he took me and left me with him in this room and did witchcraft and forced me to drink a bottle of wees whiskey d then proceeded that entire night to rape me, and he broke my little body. my body has repaired but i can tell you that the wounds from that nigh, i'm still feeling it. rachel: i'm sure. >> they say the body keeps the score and here talking to you about this and i've been saying my story over 500 times and it doesn't get easier. but it's important to say it
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because the innocence of the children, if we don't make this our business, we're destroying the present and the future generation. rachel: i don't even -- beautifully and perfectfully said. bob, last word on that? >> maria, part, what we do is put people together. we have this incredible people that are with maria's organization. no more and we're going to schools and raising education awareness and the only way to correct this because it's so much money mind it, hundreds of billions of dollars is to love and care for each other. that's the only way to eliminate evil and hate is with love and care and drop the selfies and think more about the next person next to us. we can save lives that way. rachel: yeah, you're raising awareness and you were a big investor in the sound of freedom, that's been a big tool to bring awareness to this issue. you've given me a lot of hope
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for raising awareness but also that people can survive even the most evil act withs their spirit in tact. i know it was difficult for you to tell that story, but i want to thank you so much for being here, maria. >> thank you. rachel: thank you. >> she's a super star. rachel: she truly is. all right, more "fox & friends" coming up next. nexium 24hr prevents heartburn acid for twice as long as pepcid. get all-day and all-night heartburn acid prevention with just one pill a day. choose acid prevention. choose nexium. ♪ ♪ ♪
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pete: brand new tech and ai getting a big debut at this week's consumer electronics show. kurt the cyber guy was there and has some highlights. cool stuff, kurt. what do you got? >> good morning, pete. wild stuff and about 130,000 attendees this year in las vegas. all the future tech coming in year and look at 77-inch lg tv that's transparent. you can see right through it. it's an incredible tv and there's a laptop, but the tv itself is unbelievable because when it's not powered up, it become as transparent piece of glass. pete: see through a tv? >> yeah, this is also -- that's a displace tv. a little different. that's a 27-inch and a 55-inch completely wireless tv you stick to the wall and the battery operates with no wires to it. the guy behind it -- pete: that's the see through tv. >> yeah, that's coming out and
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that's revolutionizes how you watch tv. you can see through it and make it a fish tank when not using the tv or it's making it look look there's fish in it or if you think about doing your house in the future, you may think of i can put the tv in the middle of the living room because it's not going to really be blocking much. pete: it's cool but i'm confused. >> really cool in person. jump to the laptop that we just showed and it's an acer swiftco15. this is ai-powered laptop and inside there's now a key that's going to be on all laptops coming out that have this intel ai boost inside. you tap the key and that's going to be the ai key that brings up ways to for example tell me everything about pete hegseth and it started to really going to pop late and be affordable and super powerful. ai take as lot of energy.
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this will really do it for you. pete: choose when you're doing it and not. >> super light and that's for the happen top you want for this year going for it. make sure it as ai capables. jumped top this card that's on the top. honda zero coming out in 2026, these are concept vehicles that we're going to see called the saloon. that is not what you think of honda when it's got a complete new re-branding and zero means from the ground up. beautiful stuff and the super now is a flying car and hyundai got behind it and electric car. pete: and there's a newsletter to sign up as well. >> you get my newsletter? pete: absolutely. great to see you, kurt. see you in a second.
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5:00 am
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