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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 13, 2024 9:00am-10:00am PST

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>> one way or the other i'm getting there. you have the worst weather i guess in recorded history, but maybe that's good because our people are more committed
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anybody else. neil: former president trump canceling three out of four events in iowa moving them virtual as the first in the nation caucus state gets slammed with frigid weather with the campaign's final days. welcome to fox news live, hey, jacqui, i'm kind of glad we're indoors. jacqui: good to be with you and not in iowa. i'm jacqui heinrich. u.s. military struck another houthi area overnight. after they fired ballistic missiles into shipping lanes on friday. lucas tomlinson is live at the white house with what they're saying there, hey, lucas. >> this is a mop-up duty by the u.s. navy. apparently one houthi area was not there, and this is the third country where president biden has authorized in the proxies and the president spoke
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about it yesterday in pennsylvania. >> i've delivered the message to iran. they already know not to do anything. >> (inaudible) >> we'll make sure we respond to the houthis if they continue with the outrageous behavior, along with our allies. >> and while some blasted others defending. >> i would say it's about time. they only understand one thing in that part of the world and force and power and question our resolve in the region and we did show them that we're serious, that we're not going to back down to their threats and we're going to hit them back. >> as you mentioned, jacqui, u.s. forces carrying out another strike this morning in yemen, the guided missile destroyer, fired tomahawk missiles at a houthi radar site to affect their ability to strike in the red sea.
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and a general says the next strikes should be inside iran. >> the center of gravity in the middle east that we're experiencing is iran. we've said this time and time and time again and to deter the proxies themselves by hitting them will not be sufficient. we have got to go after iran. >> president biden departed for camp david this morning from the white house and i asked the president if he thought there was a crisis on the southern border. the president said no, but acknowledged major changes needed and of course, blamed the republicans. jacqui: pretty interesting, lucas, i believe it was you who asked senator fetterman at biden's campaign event if there was a crisis. he said yes and didn't understand why anyone wouldn't admit that. lucas tomlinson, thank you very much. neil: for more on the air strikes on the houthi targets in yemen, joining us now former states department spoke person,
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morgan. and you heard that jack keane saying that unless the administration goes after iran, no deterrence is going to stop these iran-backed proxies like the houthis. your reaction? >> i think that general keane is right. let's fast forward-- i should say reverse to three years ago what we hand the trump administration to the biden administration. iran was essentially in a box. we will taken out sulemani, they weren't operating as they are now, didn't have the billions of dollars because of sanctions that the bide administration hasn't pursued. we were doing a maximum economic campaign against the
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iran. what you've seen is probably the biggest failure of middle east policy in 20 years has been biden's policy towards the iranian regime because they were in a box, they had maximum pressure, they had max leverage and they have been squandered the past three years and another point on the houthis. we see the attacks of the u.s. in yemen, that's another failure of biden and u.s. policy. what happened three years ago in february of '21, right after biden took over, he stopped the saudis and said basically you cannot continue with the war on your own peninsula, right, we told them no more weapons from the united states for that war, we told them that the war had to end. neil: right. >> what happened? the houthis spent three years, instead of the saudis continuing to go after them and do the work for us and go after the terrorists for us, we, the biden administration spent the last three years letting the houthis build up their capabilities and now you have a nightmare scenario, griff. this is the scenario that we talked extensively about in the
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days and months after 9/11. we said that we were worried that sophisticated weaponry would get in the hands of a terrorist group and that's exactly what happened. neil: right. >> we have a terrorist group shooting ballistic missiles at our troops. neil: morgan, i want to go back, people forget that you guys toward the end of the trump administration listed the houthis as a terrorist organization when biden came in february 4th of 2021, one of the first thing he did was delist the houthis from the terror list. yesterday biden was asked about whether or not the houthis are terrorists or not. here is what he said. listen to this. >> no -- (inaudible). >>. neil: i think they are. griff: so he thinks that the houthis are terrorists yet, his administration didn't list them. does this matter? >> it does matter, first of all, it took us about a year to
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build that designation package and it matters because when they lifted the terrorism designation from the houthis, guess what the houthis did? within two days they were attacking again, and so, it's this, i think it's, griff, like this liberal, you know, high-minded sort of view of the world they didn't like how many civilians casualties were happening when the saudis were going after the houthis, i get that, i respect that. we should have worked with the saudis to refine their capability and refine the attacks on the houthis, instead, we just said, no, no, no, stop the war, too many civilians attacks, does that sound similar, sounds like variations on a theme and when you make people stop going after the terrorists it means that we get dragged into it and do it ourselves. we're now three years later doing something that we stopped the saudis from doing and using our own tomahawk missiles and resources which should be in
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the indo-pacific and focused on china and taiwan. griff: right now, our produces will show al-houthi and for years has been building this very strongly armed arsenal of these fighters. there he is he's in his 40's, he's been at this for years in 2022 went after saudi arabia and the uae and looks like he's coming for us. is it time for the u.s. to target it guy? >> yeah, i mean, we should be targeting all of houthi senior leadership. absolutely, that's a given. we're waiting for the battle damage assessment, but as senator reisch said put out in his statement, the series of strikes supportive over the past few days, but it can't be a one and done thing. it can't be a narrow response. this administration has to restore deterrents and i'm incredibly concerned about how dangerous the world is under joe biden. i mean, if you think about it, griff, every single year of the
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biden presidency there has been a new war or a new catastrophe and in 2021, you saw kabul fall to the taliban you now have isis with a foothold in every province in afghanistan. and russia and ukraine, the worst on european soil and war broken out in the middle east and hamas killing more jews than since the holocaust, what will 2024 bring. griff: will we see others in the south china sea. the reaction to the news. taiwan's elections are in, the independent candidate, xi jinping and the chinese communist party didn't want to win. and lai ching-te. >> they need more time, but thank god the dpp won again and
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the chinese -- people are resisting china's attempt in their election. and china made it clear at that reunification china wants. if that happens major, major problems in shipping lanes there, a week ago and everything that happened, but you'll have china basically eating another democracy. we can't allow that to happen and i think senator graham's idea to start getting sanctions, to put pre-invasion sanctions on china, if they even consider invading taiwan and a number of diplomatic options we should look at including military options to deter xi jinping from a military invasion of taiwan. griff: it's interesting to follow this. morgan ortagus, thank you, always insightful. >> thank you, griff. jacqui: all right. top g.o.p. candidates making their final pitches to iowans
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ahead of monday's caucuses as freezing temperatures could affect turnout in the hawk eye state. we have bill melugin following the desantis campaign. aishah hasnie covering the nikki haley campaign, but we begin with grady trimbell who is covering the trump campaign moving to virtual. >> all the polling suggestions that former president trump is in the driver's seat of this race, but just like the other candidates, the weather is throwing a wrench in his campaign's plan as he makes a final push to reach as many iowans as possible this weekend before the caucuses and the campaign had to cancel three of the four events scheduled for this weekend or as you pointed out move them to virtual. all of the events were in rural parts of the state where trump is counting on his most loyal supporters and first time caucus goers to show up for him on monday. even before concerns over the
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brutally cold temperatures on caucus day could impact turnout. before those concerns started growing, president trump was in iowa telling his supporters not to be complacent. >> the polls are showing we're going to win by a lot and worst thing you can do, oh, let's just stay home, alice, let's watch-- let's watch it on television, we don't want to do that. >> president trump was in court twice last week in d.c. and in new york. between those court appearances, he spoke with iowa caucus goers at a fox news town hall where he said this about his vp pick, if he is the g.o.p. nominee. >> who would be in the running for vice-president? >> well, i can't tell you that, really. i mean, i know who it's going to be-- >> give us a hint. we'll do another show sometime. >> south dakota governor kristi noem, trump's sons and his former hud secretary ben carson
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have been in iowa the last weeks trying to rally as many supporters as they can before the caucuses on monday and now send things over to my intrepid colleague aishah hasnie covering all things nikki haley. aishah: thank you, grady. i'm indoors so very warm. get yourself indoors as quickly as possible. we are covering the nikki haley campaign and we're also just waiting for this big des moines register poll that's going to come out this evening and see where everyone is standing. i can tell you though, according to a recent suffolk poll, nikki haley is surging in iowa and second place surpassing ron desantis and really the question, can that translate into delegates on monday night? now, haley just wrapped up a big event in cedar falls, she's headed to iowa city next and she has to replace all of her in-person events yesterday to telephone town halls because of the weather. and the pac iowa has up to 200
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people out across nine counties canvassing in the freezing temperatures. we got out with them yesterday and they said, look, it's worth it because people respond better in person than over the phone and they were out in the thick of it. nikki haley has spent the most now in iowa when it comes to ads. here are the totals here and this of course includes super pac money as well. and again, she's surging in new hampshire, hoping to close the gap with former president trump and that's why she has the largest target on her back from her opponents. and even from senator rand paul, guys, who hasn't quite endorsed anybody yet, but he has sort of anti-endorsed nikki haley, launching this website called never nikki. claiming she's pro forever wars. haley was on hannity last night saying she's about preventing wars and this is an important issue for americans out there. >> it's a constant topic of conversation that comes up with voters here in iowa and we've also seen it in new hampshire. people are worried.
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they see those wars and they're worried about what this means. we should always be focused on national security and prevention of war. >> well, that's the latest from team haley. we'll send it out to my friend bill melugin who is braving the weather for more on team desantis. >> hey, aishah, eighths it's a couple of degrees, but when he wind hits you it feels like negative 19. desantis had to cancel an event and then counsel bluffs, and we heard as soon as desantis is done with the caucus in iowa he's flying straight to south carolina to take on nikki haley and campaign there. take a listen. >> i thought that was a very interesting decision to do, but i suppose that he's doing it in order to really tell the people of south carolina that he is the best candidate for the position of president and that he really wanted them to see
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that and then go to new hampshire after that. >> so if you haven't had the-- if you haven't heard the news, excuse me, the desantis campaign confirmed to fox news that tuesday immediately after the caucus he's heading to south carolina, and then to greenville, that he's serious about beating nikki haley in her own state and then he's flying to new hampshire and hoping to participate in a town hall there and campaigning in new hampshire. and the governor pointing out he has 74 endorsements of current and former south carolina elected officials, versus just 14 for nikki haley. here is more on what he says he's doing with that move. take a listen. >> but i think the message is simple that, you look at south carolina. nikki haley was governor there and i've got like five times more endorsements from state
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legislators, current and former, than she does. so, she's really out of step, i think, with south carolina. we're going to show that. >> as you take a look at the weather conditions around the des moines area here, we've been beating the drum on this. this is expected to be the coldest caucus in iowa history. it's already feeling like this and it's only expected to get worse. temperatures forecasted to hit the negative 30's when you factor in the wind chill in the next coming days or so, but all the iowans we've been talking to say they're not going to let the weather stop them. and back out here live, conditions are expected to deteriorate the next 24 to 48 hours. and so bad they say if iowans are going out to caucus, if you're exposed too long, you could have frostbite or hypothermia. we'll send it back to you.
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jacqui: thank you, guys, great job there. and for more on that we want to get to the political panel, joining us today, fox news contributors jason and we want to respond to one another and first up, jason, we've been talking about iowa, but there's a new poll, interesting in pennsylvania, you've got biden leading trump for the first time in the 2024 race there. 49 to 46% in that quinnipiac poll. why is that? >> look, it's still so far out from november, pennsylvania is a huge massive state. there's going to be gyrations back and forth, but he see them basically neck and neck. the whole idea of these two people, i think a lot of people have already made up their mind and they already know who donald trump is and who joe biden is. it's that last 5% that's going to make up their mind and probably not going to do it until october.
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jacqui: want to respond to that, richard? >> i agree with jason, but where i disagree with him, i think what the biden campaign has to do in this moment when you talk about pennsylvania specifically they've to have a conversation with those who voted for him in 2020. drop-off voters or the last time they voted in the 2012 election who came out to vote for joe biden, stood in in long lines in pennsylvania, i mean, long lines in philly and pittsburgh and he is to connect with those in the same way and the changes in the past three years and impact of policy and acknowledge that everything's not going perfect. we have high inflation and other issues to deal with. jacqui: to your point and jason's response to this. the president has been bringing donors to the white house to try to reassure them of vitality 81 years old and back into the fold and using those sessions to elicit feedback from folks, also. and seen in recent days, the shift in strategy, where friday
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was the first time i've witnessed the president go to another state for a campaign event not deliver a big speech and suit and tie and reading from a prompter, but talking to voters and supporters within controlled environments to try to build confidence in his ability to, you know, carry out his duties, carry out another term. show he's still got it at 81 years old. jason, does at that make it tougher for republicans when you're not going to have the speeches that they often draw from to try to make their point that the president's too old. >> more joe biden, more speaking engagements with joe biden and kamala harris, this is their weak point. they're unable to draw much of a crowd, but the ability to articulate a vision over, say, an hour long speech, i don't think that joe biden can even do that. i don't think he can do the one-on-one interviews. i don't think he can do the town hall type of meetings, and over the course of the time during an election, which is a vigorous time, you can only do so many 12-person meetings and
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get through it. and debates, again, i think if donald trump is the nominee, it looks like he probably will be, donald trump will run circles around him because this is donald trump's strength and joe biden's weakness. jacqui: we've got 30 seconds left. trying to get a last question in. manchin hosted politics and eggs, and talking bipartisan. is he the only one appealing to independents or do each of you view him and no labels effort as a spoiler? real quick, jason, you first, yes or no. >> a spoiler, but robert f. kennedy, jr., i think is also in that mix. jacqui: okay and last word for you. >> i think we have to wait and see, there's so many unknowns at the beginning of the interview jason said best, we have a lot of time between now and the november election as nikki haley surges in iowa and new hampshire, i'm not even willing to sort of call it on the republican nomination yet. the republicans have to have a nam knee and i think you're going to have to see the joe
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biden campaign and democratic campaign formulate around that. jacqui: that was a speed round, with jason and richard. thank you for your time. >> appreciate it. >> thank you. griff: great round, jacqui. new discoveries on the door that blew out of an alaska airlines plane last week as the list of flight cancellations extends into next week. more details after the break. stick with us. wedding woul? nahhhh... [inner monologue] another destination wedding? why can't they use my backyard?! with empower, we get all of our financial questions answered. so we don't have to worry. empower what's next. okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. yay - woo hoo! ensure, with 27 vitamins and minerals, nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) hi, i'm chris and i lost 57 pounds on golo. golo isn't complicated. i don't have to follow a restrictive diet, and i don't have to spend a lot of time making meals.
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>> welcome back. united airlines now extending its cancellations of boeing 737 max flights through tuesday after an alaska airlines plane's panel, excuse me, blew out mid flight last week and christina coleman is live with the latest developments on this story that just seems to be getting worse and worse, christina. >> hi, jacqui, yeah, the f.a.a. is keeping the boeing 737 max grounded until they provide the agency with more data regarding its inspection and maintenance process determining each plane can be returned back to service. now, this comes after a door plug detached and shot off a boeing 737 max 9 about 10 minutes after the plane departed from portland international airport last friday. the plane made an emergency landing within 20 minutes after the door plug blew out at
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16,000 feet leaving the plane flying in that air with a gaping hole, boeing's ceo addressed the terrifying incident. >> i didn't know what happened to whoever was supposed to be in the seat next to that hole. i've got kids, grandkids and so do you and that matters. everything matters. every detail matters. >> six of the passengers and one of their family members are suing boeing, the ceo led to the defect as boeing's mistake. investigators are investigating what caused the door panel to blow out. in the proposed class action lawsuit the plaintiffs' attorneys wrote. the effect injured some passengers and traumatized most if not all on board. they said the violence of the event bruised the bodies of
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some. the cockpit door blew open and a flight attendant rushed to close it and the change in pressure made ears bleed and heads ache severely. passenger were shocked and confused and into a waking nightmare hoping they could walk the earth again. and also, washington senator cantwell has asked the f.a.a. to provide the senate science and transportation committee safety audits of boeing and spirit aero systems. and the members want to make sure the manufacturers are complying with the f.a.a.'s quality control regulations, jacqui. jacqui: all right, christina coleman for us, thanks so much. griff: jacqui, as the house moves forward with a vote whether to hold hunter biden in contempt of congress we'll look at the impact of the first son's legal issues on his father's 2024 campaign.
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>> house republicans moving forward with a floor vote next week to hold hunter biden in con at the point in time of congress as hunter biden's attorney indicates he will comply with the republicans issue a new subpoena. alex hoff has the latest. >> the attorneys say the subpoenas were legally invalid before the house authorized impeachment inquiry. it's not clear when they will be issued from the house oversight committee and two stated this, we're heartened that hunter biden says he'll now comply with the subpoena. make no mistake, he's already had two valid subpoenas. and he volunteered to testify
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publicly, but the closed door hearing would amount to special treatment. the attorney says why the reason it was fair. >> they issued a subpoena for a behind closed doors deposition, attack a tactic that the republicans have used in their political crusade to selectively leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said. >> and after the president's son showed up in a surprise move to had an erring hearing on a resolution to hold him in contempt of congress. and penned a letter saying that hunter biden would be willing to testify behind closed doors still, the house still plans to hold the contempt note and steve scalise said enough of his stunts, he doesn't get to play by a different set of rules, he's not above the law. ranking member on the committee, democrat jamie raskin, it's time for chairs
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comer and jordan to call off this absurd ap wasteful contempt proceeding and finally take yes for an answer. house republicans believe that hunter biden's business dealings financially benefitted his father. the white house and hunter denied it. griff: for more on hunter biden's legal woes. joining us today is former acting attorney general matt whitaker from des moines, i should point out by the way, braving the weather to get inside. and let's pick up where alex left off in her reporting. and that's the question of whether or not hunter biden will appear for this deposition. the letter, which was put out, it's crafty and a lot of footnotes suggesting he wants to talk about a hybrid option. regardless of it, as you heard from alex's report, it looks like republicans are going to move forward with the contempt charge. my question to you is, do you believe if they do issue that,
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that merrick garland will charge him and should they? >> yeah, a great question, and greetings from des moines, iowa. you know, griff, i think that, first of all, abby lowell is putting on a master class of how to play a losing hand. you know, his client's facing six felony charges, six misdemeanors, a contempt of congress, if merrick garland's doj decided to take it on would be just one more misdemeanor and most likely not change the legal calculation, but i don't think at the end of the day merrick garland is going to do this, and you know, even though that they prosecuted steve ban nonand peter navarro for contempt of congress. others like mark meadows they decided not to. they'll try to explain it as just a categorical, not going to go there, but at the same time, i just think that hunter biden faces so many other significant charges there's probably-- he doesn't worry about this one too much. griff: you may be right and it
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may be the least of his problems and it was quite a week in hunter biden land, and out in california, of course, he's now facing a handful of felonies and misdemeanors for the tax charge which if we go back to the summer, was a simple plea deal that fell terribly apart in pennsylvania and now out in california. what do you make of it? >> yeah, well, the spotlight on that plea deal just became too intense for the judge and for the prosecution team, to with a straight face saying it was in the interest of justice. you remember he was going to plead to a deferred judgment on the gun charges and a misdemeanor on the tax charges. with the two-- remember, the two most serious years where he made the most serious money from barisma were allowed to expire. as a former attorney general, we never let that expire. he's in a serious mess with
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felonies tax and gun charges and the most serious ones were allowed to fall off the table and never be prosecuted no matter what maps. griff: walk it out a little bit. what is the path forward. is this all becoming a pr sort of thing with hunter biden and do you think that ultimately between now and the election or shortly thereafter you'll see hunter biden face a significant legal reckoning? >> yeah, i don't know how the doj is going to handle this and get him a situation where he doesn't face some amount of jail time. obviously, the plea agreement that was taken off the table ultimately last summer did have him not going to jail, but this, i think, in this case, you know, these are serious charges and i think if i'm hunter biden i'm hoping that after november, that my dad gives me a, you know, some sort of an executive clemency and i don't know what that looks like, but you know, if the team is doing their jobs, they're
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going to delay this as much as possible, get past the election and then you know, obviously hope that the president does something with his son that doesn't-- so he doesn't have to face serious jail time. griff: i want to get to former president trump and his legal woes. one last quick one obviously with chairman comer lobbing these charges that they've got the evidence, ultimately that will show that president joe biden benefitted, not just hunter biden, where do you see -- how closely do you see this coming to the president himself? >> i think they've developed some extraordinary evidence, you know, you have these llc's that appear to just shift money around ultimately lining the pockets of many people with the last name biden and i think that that is, you know, it doesn't just have to be the president or the vice-president that gets that benefit, it is members of his family and i think they're pretty close to proving that case, but obviously, without the testimony of hunter, of, you
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know, the president's brother james biden and others, you're not going to be able to paint that full picture so there's a time for these folks to talk underoath and say what they knew. griff: we'll see what happens. meanwhile, shift gears and paint the picture of the trump trial timeline and the dates coming up. you've got quite a lot happening here. we did see trump's civil fraud case wrap up, essentially this week. here is a little bit of what former president trump said at that conclusion of that. listen. >> we've proven this case so conclusively, we've asked for directed verdict many times. they don't have any facts, they don't have any evidence against us. millions and millions of pages, years of litigation, and all politically motivated. griff: i'll give you the last word. reacting to trump's situation. >> yeah, he's absolutely right. these are politically motivated
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constitutions and each one uses a novel legal theory never before used by a prosecutor. at that tells me everything i want to know. if it weren't election interference all of these cases should be delayed until november you're seeing very aggressive prosecutors trying to get trump and i think it's a misuse of our legal system. griff: do you think the d.c. says starting before the election? >> well, currently, it's delayed because of the appeal on the immunity question, which is, you know, determinative on the case and i think that's going all the way to the supreme court. the president was at that hearing this week. he then flew to iowa and did a town hall for this network and then flew back to sit in court and give a closing arguments. the man is tireless and he's, you know, working hard, but he's going to have to not only win here in iowa, but win the nomination and win the general election in spite of all of these attempts to interfere with his campaign. griff: he has a busy schedule.
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this is for sure. matt whitaker, as always, thank you for your time and your insight. >> thanks, griff, good to be with you. jacqui: griff, israel is rejecting genocide charges at the international court of justice on friday, claiming the war in gaza is a defense of its people. and these were brought by south africa. manipulation, the description of the hostilities by which the court is trying to stop israel from defending its civilians. the court is expected to rule on emergency measures, but not yet rule at that time on the genocide allegations. griff: thousands of protesters gathering in d.c. this afternoon for a march on washington, demanding a cease-fire in gaza. mike emanuel is live at freedom plaza in the middle of the action. hey, mike. >> hey, griff, good afternoon. yeah, thousands of protesters
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have filed in to washington's freedom plaza calling for a cease-fire in gaza, and an end to u.s. support for israel and the conflict. we caught up with a protester just moments ago. >> i think we have that innate sense of fighting spirit and freedom within us and it's important for me to be there for my brothers and sisters in palestine. >> speeches are underway here in freedom plaza, the timing marks about 100 days of conflict in the middle east and organizers say that dr. martin luther king holiday is a factor. they're citing dr. king's famous phrase that injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. palestinian flags are all over freedom plaza and people bused in by various groups as far away as texas, florida, minnesota and wisconsin. there are plenty of signs constructed to criticize israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu, president biden and overall israel action in t
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palestinian territory and this was the location of a similar protest march op november 4th, tens of thousands of people came across the midwest calling for an israeli cease-fire and washington stop supporting the military action. that protest ended at the gates of the white house as hand prints in red paint. and the president is not here, he's at camp david you can hear them calling for cease-fire. griff: mike keeping an eye on it for us. mike, thank you. jacqui: thousands of people attending a pro-palestinian march in london as part of a global day of action. a worldwide protest stretching throughout 30 countries. this is the united states and britain launched strikes against houthi targets in yemen this week. griff: as new york's mayor adams defends temporary housing
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migrants in a high school, many are complaining of increased migrant panhandling. we've got more on that coming up. >> woman: what's my safelite story? i'm a photographer. and when i'm driving, i see inspiration right through my glass. so when my windshield cracked, it had to be fixed right. i scheduled with safelite autoglass. their experts replaced my windshield and recalibrated my car's advanced safety system. ♪ acoustic rock music ♪ >> woman: safelite is the one i trust.
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>> in an effort to stop panhandling and loitering, new york city is considering a curfew for migrants in shelters, this comes as the immigration crisis continues to explode in the big apple. bryan llenas looks at the last 18 months. >> it's the second most important issue in polling behind the economy. and greg abbott's busing of migrants has not played a significant role in elevating this nationwide. governor abbott announcing sending migrants the most, 37,000 transported to new york city, followed by more than
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30,000 to chicago. now, new york city mayor eric adams is now considering instituting a curfew on more than 69,000 currently in the city's care living in some 200 shelters and neighbors claimed about crime and migrants knocking on doors, begging for food, cash, and even clothes. now, two weeks ago, adams issued an order banning migrant buses from arriving in the city outside of designated times in an attempt to control the flow, but the buses of migrants are exploiting a loophole. migrants arriving in nearby new jersey and they're taking trains into the city. now, chicago is struggling to contain the crisis, too. amid a winter storm, hundreds of migrants were forced to sleep inside warming buses earlier this week, with limited food and no access to showers. maine, budgeted 3.5 million dollars to provide 60 migrant families rent-free shelter in
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luxury apartments. residents in the state of maine and city of chicago are outraged. >> maine families are already struggling with finances and the economy, this is just pouring salt in the wound. this is a disaster. so we blame this on the mayor for allowing the sanctuary city and the migrants to come into chicago. so you welcome them. >> now, illinois governor j.b. pritzker is pleading to governor abbott to quote, show mercy by pausing migrant buses, jacqui, during this life threatening winter weather. jacqui: bryan llenas for us. thank you so much. griff: jacqui, coming up. tom homan retired ice director will join us to weigh in on the migrants both in the interior and the ones still coming in record numbers across our southern border. jacqui: and we'll also have more on the record winter weather that might complicate monday's iowa caucuses.
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>> welcome back. blizzard conditions in iowa this weekend leading to frigid subzero temperatures in parts of the state and now the steelers-bills playoff game in buffalo is being postponed due to that impending snow.
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meteorologist rick reichmuth is live with the forecast. >> so much going on. talk about iowa. we'll start here and everything we talked about i want to put, start from here. this is how much snow is on the ground in the state of iowa right now. we've had two storms, went through this week and because of that, look at the spots across eastern iowa. some spots one and a half to two feet of snow. a lot of areas, one-to-one and a half feet of snow. everybody some snow and because of the cold air behind it the snow is not going anywhere and the wind is in effect and that's why we have blizzard warnings and the snow on ground is going to continue to blow. look at the temperatures. minus 21 in billings. minus 6 in fargo. 22 in chicago, that doesn't sound bad, but the cold air is on the way. most of the precipitation is gone. we have moisture across iowa. get ready the temperatures are really going to plummet. right now wind chills in dixonson, north dakota, minus
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66. jacqui: yikes, hard to imagine. all right. thank you, rick. griff: jacqui, much more ahead with the massive protests gathering in washington and plus we'll take you back out to iowa. another hour of fox news live tips next. continues next. every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, delicious fage total yogurt. ♪ parodontax ♪ blood when brushing could be the start of a domino effect of gum disease. all of these signs could lead to worse. parodontax is clinically proven to reverse the signs of early gum disease. parodontax, the gum experts. (vo) if you have graves' disease, your eye symptoms could mean something more. that gritty feeling can't be brushed away. even a little blurry vision can distort things. and something serious may be behind those itchy eyes. up to 50% of people with graves' could develop a different condition
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sara federico: at st. jude, we don't care who cures cancer. we just need to advance the cure. it's a bold initiative to try and bump cure rates all around the world, but we should. it is our commitment. we need to do this. griff: gop presidential hopefuls, excuse me there, are out in force on the ground in the hawkeye state ahead of monday's first test of the 2024 election, the iowacu


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