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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 13, 2024 11:00am-12:00pm PST

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quick sourcing a late surge i think of a shock to the system on monday night. i've been more adventure than all of the others combined. i was report reward people who work hard to show up and are honest and transparent. >> i am a florida boy. born and bred. and yet here i am and negative temperatures. people are willing to come out in here for me, i am going to show up all the way till the end of this. see further they are some of the republican presidential candidates who are braving the bitter cold to the finish line. it's on for the final weekend before the iowa caucuses on monday. they're trying to cover as much ground as they can before voting starts in those rooms in the hawkeye state. despite a brutal winter storm that is putting in that state into a real deep freeze. hello everyone this is "fox news live" a welcome i am eric shawn. hi arthel. arthel: hello eric, hello
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everyone i am arthel neville. this wicked winter storm that hit iowa and many parts of central and northern u.s. is messing with the campaign calendar. candidates forced to scale back in person appearances up and down the state including former president trump. he canceled three items for weekend rallies but it may not matter since he holds a commanding lead in the polls. live a fox team coverage. with a nikki haley and ron desantis and john bussey from the wall street journal with analysis of. but first we're going to great trouble from foxbusiness. he is live in des moines where it is 2 degrees. [laughter] right now grady stands for foul. that is just wrong. [laughter] >> it is balmy here, this is nothing for the islands we have been talked talking to this we, arthel. all of the polling suggests former president trump is in the driver seat in this race. he has got a commanding lead in
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the polls. but not command of the weather. his campaign just like all of the others having to change plans because of this brutal cold and the blizzard that hit iowa yesterday. former president trump is trying to reach as many voters and islands as he possibly can in the run up to the caucuses on monday. but you'd noted he had to cancel a few of those events that he had planned her this weekend. one of them though is still on. all of the canceled events are in rural parts of the state work trump is counting on his loyal supporters a and a first-time caucus goers to show up. right now, yes temperature is around 2 degrees may be 0 degrees at this point here in des moines they are expected to plunge even further. in a message to islands untruths suntruthsocial trump urges suppo show up no matter the weather monday. >> one way or the other i'm getting that this is the worst
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weather and recorded history but maybe that is good because our people are more committed than anybody else so maybe it's a good thing for us. >> former president was in court twice last week. once in d.c. and once in new york. between those appearances in court he attended a fox news town hall where martha mccallum asked him about some voters worried that if he worries that if he is elected his next term will be about retribution. >> i'm not going to have time for retribution we are going to make this country so successful again i'm not going to have time for retribution. it is success because it's worth pointing out the former president did not win the iowa caucuses back in 2016 when he first ran for president. instead senator ted cruz a dead but this time around it seems different. his support has certainly grown since then and he is now calling on all of his supporters to show
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up on monday. arthel: alright from foxbusiness grady trimble in des moines, iowa what where it is freezing. thank you. [laughter] sue for it is freezing and turnouts going to be keion monday considering the brutal weather but forecast says that likely will be iowa's coldest caucus history night ever. john bussey joins us now. i'm going to have to be a forecast or forecasting the level of enthusiasm because of this weather. some people sitting on the fence may not want to come out others really will. who do you think the enthusiasm factual benefit the most considering people need to brave and they're they are used too bl brave these bitter record colds? >> right. there is a lot of reason not to pay a huge amount of attention to the iowa caucuses. why is that? trump is way ahead of nikki haley and ron desantis there is a huge lead that he has in
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polls. also, it is a small state it's a beautiful state, fascinating agricultural economy, really nice people but it is a small state only six electoral votes, is that really matter in the election at the end of the day? hugely. and it is not diverse. it's not going to give us an indication of how african-americans might vote, how hispanics might vote. so why pay attention? i would say it is still a fascinating place to spend your monday night observing. how well does trump do? is he going to do as well as the polls say? or is he going to come in a weaker customer who's going to beat number two it looks like haley for the moment the polls said that who knows the polls could be wrong. but is it haley or desantis? who comes out of iowa with momentum and the number two spot? and, even though it's not a
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diverse state we are going to get a feel for how evangelical christians are likely to vote they are not just in iowa they are a political block around the country. and so we will be able to dissect that vote a little bit and get a sense of where it might go in other states. eric: if it's a battle of expectations nikki haley you see on the street if she narrows former president trump's lead does that start a narrative going into new hampshire for her? >> well, i think so i think that narrative is already started because she has narrowed the lead rather notably in new hampshire. trump is still ahead but it is a narrower lead there. it depends on how strong she is and whether the weather works against trump. whether it keeps older voters from coming out. because who wants to go out and subzero temperatures with snow on the ground? so, is that going to also mess up our read of what happened in
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iowa? it's kind of a weather affected caucus. so we may not be able to get as clear a sense of what happened there because of the weather. eliza collins one of our reporters have a story on this at right now. but if haley comes out strong and does wellin new hampshire and she continues to be an alternative to trump. remember, trump has a number of indictments that he is wrestling with he is already been convicted of sexual harassment by a jury of six men and three women he has got the overhang. ana retribution he talked about this in the town hall. he may not state it publicly but inside his campaign that is what they are talking about and voters might get turned off by that. suburban voters, educated voters, folks who may have voted for fighting against trump in the last election might cute
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towards nikki haley. eric: your prediction ron desantis has been focusing on some of the rural areas. haley on the suburban areas but at the end let's just say it may not matter it just matters about the degree former president trump could win? >> that is right. the problem for ron desantis is he is kind of a run as a donald trump at 30 years younger and not any indictments against him. he is still kind of on the far rates there is a certain belligerence to him. he might be not the alternative that republican voters are looking for. so we are not going to know until a few more states. iowa again a small state is one indicator. new hampshire will be another great south carolina better one it's eight larger and more diverse states. this might come down to march and super tuesday before we
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really see whether or not the narrative that nikki haley has started to build really puts a dent in the lead that donald trump has been. >> and finally vivek ramaswamy has been all over the state saying he has had more at town halls he has been doing 10 meetings a day at least and more. do you think he could pop in surprise some people? even if he comes in third let's say. >> yes an odd candidate and an odd candidacy trailing far behind in the polls right now again polls can be wrong. but right now it does not look like he is going to amount -- >> all right we will see monday nights. cold but man it could be hot inside some of those rooms we will see. john bussey always good to see you thanks. may 5 eric, thank you for the u.s. today striking a radar site and at yemen that is controlled by houthis rebels for this the
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second straight day of reprisals or dozens of houthis attacks on commercial shipping in the red sea. president biden said he sent a private message to iran about those attacks. meanwhile defense secretary lloyd austin remains hospitalized during this critical time in the middle east. lucas tomlinson's life at the white house with all of the latest. >> arthel, defense secretary lloyd austin has remain hospitalized for nearly two weeks now to date marked a 13. you mentioned the strike last night against the radar set that was to mop up operation by the uss carty striking the raider raiderslike those not completely destroyed the strikes thursday night. we present by numbers in the white house this morning to aboard marine one and the flight to camp david the first question he received from the rest was about the presidential elections in taiwan. you have a reaction to. [inaudible]
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>> it is notable biden's first act was not to note the victory of the next president of china did not support the ones china policy bided referred to goes back to the taiwan relations act of 1979 setting up the one china policy but the fact of diplomatic relation between the u.s. and taiwan. his u.s. battle against iran's proxy forces in yemen that reporters were asked to presentt about yesterday in pennsylvania. click save already delivered the message to iran they know. [inaudible] >> we will make sure we respond to the houthis when they consider their outrageous outrageous behavioralong with h. [inaudible] >> i think they are. >> some democrats and blast of the president's decision to launch the strikes into yemen he received support of many republicans. >> i do commend the administration for finally hitting back and i would say it's about time. they only understand one thing in that part of the world it is
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a force and it is power. and they question our resolve in the region we did not show them we are serious. we are not going to back down to their threats. we are going to hit them back. >> we just mention off the top u.s. forces carrying out another strike early this morning and at ityemen the guided missile destroyer u.s. carney firing tomahawk cruise missiles at the houthis radar site to finish destroying it after it's completely annihilated in the strikes thursday bring something a 500-pound warhead on a tomahawk cruise missile could certainly accomplish. we are also a st receiving wordm u.s. central command there are two u.s. navy sailors missing in the waters off simile the search and rescue operations are underway. >> that is never good news. let's hope the secretary austin gets well. two weeks in the hospital that is concerning preet lucas tomlinson of the white house, thank you. right now we will bring and retired lieutenant general keith kellogg. he was vice president mike pence national security advisor and is
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now a fox news military analyst. general kellogg let's start here. if iran and the u.s. do not want a direct full on war but iran can't or won't control the houthis is a wider war eminence? or is there a way to avoid that? fail, first, thanks for having me today. you cannot prevent or exclude a potential war from happening because those mistakes can happen i will tell you when you look with the houthis you sit back and your rocking chair because this thing has got legs it's going to go on a lot longer. i think what happened the other date with a rather large strike was good. i think what they are doing the first indications are we need to have persistent strikes day after day after day after day after day sort of white like what houthis was doing with the shipping going the red sea into the suez canal that is what you're going to have to do with the houthis they are not going to understand anything but
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force. you do not have diplomatic abilities or talk to them even though we have pulled back on saying their terrorist organization, they are but we do not have an ability economically to hit them we do not have diplomatically hit them. this is where we have to work with a run we can do it with the military might. we have an enormous amount of the military might and capacity and capability. i was president i wo was okay yu don't want to go full up with them you clearly do not want to go full up with iran you have to be very persistent about it it's day after day after day and they've got the ability to do if they want to but this is not going to end tomorrow or the day after tomorrow it's going to end probably in a few weeks when the houthis get tired of shooting or do not have an ability to shoot. arthel: first of all you did hyour president biden say this week that the houthis are infected terrorists. my question right now, why is iran, by way of proxy
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threatening to retaliate for something the houthis started? >> because the houthis much like hezbollah and hamas they are all iranian proxy forces. but what the iranians did, they put a ship into the red sea era. it's an intelligence gathering ship they are providing terminal guidance for houthis attacks. this is one of the ways we can send a message to iran if these attacks continue that ship is sunk we need to say that very clearly to them. the iranians are just picking at it we need to note this administration will not go hard on the iranians they should but they won't. so what you have to do is fall back and say okay if you're not going to do that then what should you do? part is that is take out their proxies, the houthis there's military strength to do it you don't have any other option in that ship which is in fact an intelligence gathering ship there was one before that the
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israelis sunk it and this is one of our ways of signaling to the iranians knock it off. arthel: will keep an eye on that ship then, general. meanwhile if the ironic hamas war is the linchpin to this broader escalation what is israel to do? >> you know i think what has happened as i'm starting to see the israelis kind of contain this in g closet which is really good. you will notice, to me they tell is hezbollah to the north of. hezbollah is not wanted to get involved if they had wanted to get involved is risk would be fighting a two front war. and a southern lebanon and in gaza parade they have pulled back from that i think this suit leads that has blessed you come to this months before we did not like what happened in 2006 so they are backing off from it you are going to constantly see pinpricks that constantly see attacks on u.s. forces and facilities in the middle east. again the real culprit in all of
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the sea nationstate is iran but we do not want to go hard against them so we are going to have to go a different route and basically try to contain at the best we can. the direct influence they have gotten with the houthis is it we had to ch attack in the near te. primarily this administration would not have done anything until the major fleets of the world sink the mediterranean shipping they started pulling the ships out of the red sea and send them around the cape of good hope around southern africa that is increase the time of commercial shipping by almost two weeks it increases shipping number times of containers to double the price. this is one of the things they had to do. i will say just looking at the dna of this administration they have to take precipitous action against iran we have to do with that in the short term, the near term in these persistent strikes i think are going to continue
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it's probably the best way they could handle it. arthel: finally general, what does affect does this precarious state of affairs you just laid out have on freeing the remaining hostages in gaza, let's not forget them. >> you know i've said this before it's a very hard thing to say. he almost always have to write the hostages off they've been over the 60 days we do not know their conditions we know there are american hostages. member hamas killed 31 americans on that attack in early october. the longer it goes the harder it is to get them out i do not have a positive feel for it. they, the israelis are hostages but look at the bigger picture. i know that's a harsh thing to say, it's not easy to say to family members of hostages but it is a fact. it's a national security fact.
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a military fact is something they're going to have to deal with. it is not good but the real culprit in this is hamas not the israelis. arthel: lieutenant colonel keith kellogg i'll have to leave it there thank you for joining us today. >> thanks arthel. eric: nikki haley, ron desantis, vivek ramaswamy stumping and purpose in person. government desantis had to deal with this, yesterday for a protester getting on stage before security took him down and got him out. what happened again today? will have th headlights on his,, and vivek ramaswamy's campaign here on fox news♪ live. czema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema.
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bucks florida governor desantis crisscrossing iowa today. two days before the crucial state caucuses. the governor leaving no stone unturned visiting all 99 counties in iowa. he is holding several events today. bill melugin is on the ground in west des moines where the
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mercury has hit yep, a bone chilling cold temperatures i do not know how cold it is. it's a zero does it feel like that? most and important how the vots responding to it they're used to it will they were's show up to p monday or what? >> it does feel like that just outside as a couple of degrees. early this morning with the wind was blowing that feels like was minus 19. we are here in west des moines governor desantis expected to be or within the hour he where he will be speaking but had an event earlier today spoke out over in council bluffs so we got we were there we got reaction from his supporters are reacted to the fact desantis was going straight to south carolina after the carcass on monday in an effort to start campaigning against nikki haley. here's what they had to say. >> but that was a very interesting decision to do. but i suppose he's doing it to tell the people of south carolina that he is the best candidate for the position of
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president. aon that haley wrote he really wanted them to see that and then go to new hampshire after that. >> for anybody who missed your comment desantis campaign confirmed to fox news that as soon the iowa caucus is over on monday, tuesday governor desantis will fly to south carolina where he's going to have a campaign event in greenville. then he will fly to new hampshire and start campaigning in new hampshire. why is he going to south carolina first? his campaign said he wants to send a message to nikki haley he intends to beat her in her own state hear from desantis himself. sending the message is simple, you look at south carolina nikki haley was governor there and i have got like five times more endorsements from state legislatures, current and former then she doesn't. she is really out of step i think with south carolina. we are going to show that. >> as b we wait here in west des moines for over desantis to show
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a public speaking at this event put on by the super pack never back down they just gave us some brand-new numbers before we came to you live. never back down says on behalf of governor desantis they have knocked out 900 30,000 doors just here in the state of iowa for they say they currently have pledges of over 1700 precinct captains just for some perspective the trump campaign told us last week they had over 2000 of those precinct captains. will send it back to you. >> are right we will take it back. bill melugin thank you. eric: former president trump promises to make it to iowa perhaps later on tonight. the weather forcing him to cancel three of us for rallies. former ambassador nikki haley to cancel her in person event yesterday pres on the back on the campaign trail so she's trying to build on the momentum that has got her inching closer to her former boss. with the very latest in there.
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>> hey eric, you are exactly right. nikki haley is back on the campaign trail physically she is headed to iowa city next to her. she just wrapped up an event a couple hours ago in cedar falls. like you said she really lost a lot of the critical campaign time yesterday when she had to convert the town halls, the empress ainperson campaign evene telephone town halls instead, just not the same. haley is surging here in iowa. she is second in a suffolk university poll about eight points ahead of governor desantis all eyes on her. if those polling numbers alex karp to second place in the iowa caucuses. >> think of the fact that you might be making history in this moment. and i'm not talking history of a female president. i am talking about history saying we are going to finally write the ship in america. >> both the campaign and the
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pro- haley super pacs are really trying to get out the vote. they are flooding the airwaves here in iowa spending the most now it at impact right back out here live i am live at smitty's diner this is kind of a hotspot for people who like to grab some lunch and also talk politics. normally it will be very busy it's a little quieter here today. you can look around we've had a few people in and out it really is a testament to how much the weather h is turning things upse down here in des moines it's kind of difficult to get on the roads and get out to your favorite restaurant. we really have to see if that's what it's going to look like on monday night as well. eric: i will say at smitty's, thank you. arthel: eight march on washington for gaza today thousands in d.c. calling for a cease-fire in the israel hamas war that is now in its 100th day. we will take you to the rally coming up next.
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♪ ♪ space bar house republicans say they will go forward with the holding hunter biden in contempt of congress pretty comes after the person's attorneys reverse course and he said he would comply with the deposition if a new subpoena is issued for one. alexandria hoff explains from washington. >> it first sounds attorney call the previous subpoena yet
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legally invalid because they're issued before the house voted to formally authorize an impeachment inquiry. it is not clear if or when new ones would be issued by the chairs of the house oversight and judiciary committees congressman james gomer and jim jordan the two stated this quote but we are heartened that hunter biden now says he will comply with the subpoena, make no mistake hunter biden h is alreay defied to valid lawful subpoenas. last month hunter biden agreed on testifying publicly on offer republicans declined ascent nott sitting for a closed-door deposition would amount to special treatments. hunter's attorney said the reason why, was fair too. >> the issued a subpoena for a behind closed-door deposition a tactic the republicans have repeatedly misused. and their political crusade to selectively leak and mischaracterize what witnesses have said. >> attorney lowell said this wednesday after the president's son showed up in a surprise move
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to a hearing on a resolution to hold him in contempt of congress for two days later he penned a letter saying hunter biden would be willing to testify behind closed doors. still the house plans to hold the contempt vote next week house majority whip steve scalise posted in part enough of his stunts he does not get to play by a different set of rules he is not above the law. ranking member in the oversight committee fired back stating it's time for calmer and jordan to call off this truly absurd wasteful proceeding taking us for an answer hunter biden's of businbusiness during have finany benefited his father, the white house and hunter had denied this. eric: are right alexandria thank you. arthel? >> big crowds in d.c. today. thousands taking part in a march on washington for gaza pro- palestinian demonstrators calling for an immediate cease-fire and for the u.s. to
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stop giving aid to israel. mike emanuel is live at freedom plaza in d.c. mike, what is it looking like? >> arthel, good afternoon for a brisk general day in our nation's capitol tens of thousands of people turned out in support of the palestinian people we heard some passionate speeches including from one woman who talked about the impact the military campaign in gaza is having on the palestinian people. >> israel has bloodlines in a span of a few short hours. those who are lucky enough to survive are facing on imaginable realities. displaced, dismembered, paralyzed or dispossessed up everything, everything they knew and loved. rex speeches continue at this hour as people are calling for a cease-fire in gaza a chance of free, free palestine and the like but it's worth noting president biden is not in town.
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we've been speaking to the various protesters about why they are here. we talked to one person from boston who gave us this explanation. >> so, several of us are here at the boston teachers union or other educational related groups. and so for me, i see this is partially a childhood issue and i do not think it is acceptable in a way, shape, form that our tax dollars should be going to bombing other people's children when our children here are in such need. >> outsider for similar rally on november 4 on a milder day it is chillier today but still a very large crowd. very passionate and wanting to make a statement to the people here in washington who are in power. arthel: senior correspondent mike emanuel, thank you. eric: at navy officer who was convicted in japan for killing two people in a car crash, he is back home with his family.
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return to the u.s. last month after serving 18 months in a japanese prison. pled guilty after that crash that occurred in may of 2021. he said he lost consciousness while he was driving his family down mount fuji had been going on a hiking trip. arthel: the war between texas governor greg abbott and the federal government heating up. abbott has ordered the texas national guard to seize control of a park along the border that has been at the center of the migrant crisis. we are live in eagle pass, texas coming up next. one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now. there's something going around the gordon home. good thing gertrude found delsym.
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immigrants crossing into the u.s. the mayors at latest said that's keeping the federal agents from processing migrant and now the justice department is asking the supreme court to intervene. matt finn joins us from inside the fenced off area inside the rio grande, maps? >> arthel, this park has become a battleground between texas governor greg abbott and the biden administration. this week texas national guard seized this a property and kicked out the feds. this particular park has been a hotspot for illegal immigration for the past couple of years. you may even recall the massive crush of migrants who cross the rio grande river into this park just a few weeks ago. governor greg abbott argues president biden has allowed cartels, unfettered access to smuggle migrants into this park and his state so texas is going to control the property from here on out it's for this week the state installed razor wire and more fencing and kicked out all federal border patrol agents
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for that resulted in the department of justice filing an emergency court document this week as a part of a broader lawsuit against texas arguing in part the federal government needs to regain access to this park. a short while ago our lucas tomlinson as president biden about the ongoing crisis here. [inaudible] [inaudible] >> right there prison biden once again saying there's no crisis here at the southern border texas guard is put up a water razor wire and fencing around here we have noticed over the past couple of days there have not been large groups crossing into this area this low-lying
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area. there are other groups crossing upriver and down river but it seems like a lot of the deterrents woul which you see bd including all this wire is potentially working. >> it seems to say a lot governor abbott needed to take that drastic move. so what does that mean question chad wolf joined his former acting dhs secretary executive director of america first policy institute. though chad does the governor have a right to defend his own territory? >> i think he does. along specifically among the texas border, south to texas, eagle pass and elsewhere. the governor of texas' got a decision to make a good let it occur but continue to let the numbers creep up month by month or he could take some action to protect american communities and texans and texan communities and i think that's what it's doing right now. >> we just heard and maps report
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something that was fascinating. he said were all the wire is in governor abbott has put that they are no one's crossing they are doing it elsewhere. so some would say why doesn't the federal government or maybe the state do the same thing along the whole part of the border? >> well i think that is right. the biden administration should be working with the state of texas. texas dps and others to deter illegal immigration pay but what they have done time and time again is state sued them on that maritime booties the razor wire, the arresting individuals and now they are suing them over this free time and time again every time texas and the governor abbott take action they get sued and yet month after month after month and more and e illegal immigration specifically there in texas continues to occur. the biden administration is really serious and they want to be partners and they want may be texas to stop taking some of this action and defer to them then they need to get serious and show some results they are not showing any results.
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in fact the situation continues to get worse progress why did the federal government to that in the first place? isn't it the federal responsibility to do this? what's of course it is and you just saw to take action along the border. that is telling, why is it taking three years to take action? why is he preparing to take action? he should take action now we should do in a long time it uppercuts a democrat argument is the republicans have not moved on the 14 billion-dollar bill they plan the republicans. there are other things that the administration can do to try to stop the influx. >> of course they can pray congress did not cause this crisis. they have all of the authority to change the crisis to help solve some of this. there's a number of things they could be doing today undersecretary mayorkas they are
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not doing. this is a fallacy that continues the biden administration is continuing to blame congress saying they're not giving us resources, money or at law changes to solve this. that's actually not the case there aorthings they could do, t there's a whole host there's over a dozen different things a biden administration can do today they simply are choosing not to do it. >> about a minute left out would you do? one of the some the things administration could do right now? to end this and stop this that the president in your view is not doing. very effectively solve the numbers. with three central american countries proved very positive we would allow ice repatriating whole they are refusing to do it's not that congress is telling them not to do it they are simply not taking their own initiative.
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there's a number of things if you could send that signal to the cartel it's not business as usually have to stop the catch and release policy they have instituted over the last three years but that is the holy grail grailthat is why people are comg there being released. as soon as that stops a be a measurable change along the border for. >> progress meanwhile the lone star state putting up the fence along that area chad wolf former acting department acting secretary, thank you. thank you for what you just laid out. and we will be right back. to duckduckgo on all your devie
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arthel: brutal winter weather is messing with more than just the iowa caucuses.
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tomorrow afternoon bills, steelers nfl wildlife game now moved to monday at 4:30 p.m. eastern near governor kathy hochul said blizzard conditions are expected to be too dangerous to drive tomorrow. chief meteorologist rick is live with the rest of the forecast directly. >> hey nice to see you. it is going to be cold snowy one across -- around the great lakes which i'm a big problem for pittsburgh's buffaloes they move it to monday but take a look at the miami kansas game minus three for an air temperature. it's going to be really uncomfortable if you're going to go sit in the stands you better have so many layers on every piece of your skin covered somehow. because you can get frostbite really, really quickly. i want to show you this lake effect snow that's going to fall over the next couple of days just on the sides of lake erie in lake ontario watertown and buffalo both of them under the gun for a really big storm it'ss going to come out of this. we want to transition to iowa. obviously of the caucasus on
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monday and we have the story about the cold air but look at how much snow is on the ground in iowa. this is from two storms that happened this week. much of eastern iowa a foot to t is also really windy the snow is going to blow around the temperatures are plummeting throughout the day today. we've got colder settling and it's all the cold air that you see here leapt toward the north is going to dive down to the south and be behind the storm but get ready because tonight were going to be watching temperatures that are going to be feeling like a minus 40 by the time you wake up in des moines. we have this cold air we have seen across much of north dakota and montana. that is on its way down parts of nebraska and iowa. so already sheldon, iowa feels like minus 43. you got the idea. it's going to be a dangerous one for the people going to gladden caucus also the tons of media that have diss descended upon te great state of iowa. arthel: a lot of people not used to those types of conditions. rick, good to see you thank you.
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eric: that's a really good point how cold it is in those temperatures are just beyond. arthel: they really are but so pleasant we are back at t 4:00 p.m. eastero n please joins than the journal editorial report is uprgy. next. nutrients for immune health. and ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. (♪) ..
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