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tv   Fox News Live  FOX News  January 13, 2024 1:00pm-2:00pm PST

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we have a choice to make. this is go time. all eyes are on iowa and you get it.
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you know the responsibility that comes with being first. >> donald trump is running for his issues. haley is running for the donor's issues. i am running for you were issues and your family issues and for this country's future. >> one thing about us we come rain or shine snow or sleet. george washington did not complain about the weatherman across the delaware. arthel: right now supreme colt and i was threatened to blow the presidential campaign off course. today candidates are breathing sub fsubfreezing temperatures as the hawkeye state after canceling some events yesterday. nikki haley, ron desantis and vivek ramaswamy are out on the trail talking to voters ahead of the first of the nation contest on monday. front runner donald trump is not campaigning today. the bitter chill forcing him to cancel three events today. we'll have much more from iowa just a minute. but we begin this hour with the legal battle at the border between texas and the federal
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government. governor greg abbott ordering the state's national guard to put up new fencing around a park packed with migrants. now the feds are calling on the supreme court to make texas stand down for it welcome to a brand-new hour of "fox news live" i am arthur neville by eric. eric: hello everyone i am eric shawn for another park in eagle pass that's right next to the rio grande river. it is an area often overwhelmed by migrants who are illegally entering our country. governor abbott defended the takeover of that public property as he tries to address the unprecedented flow at the border. the mayor of eagle pass and the feds do not see it that way. they want the fencing to come down. immigration at the top of mind for many voters across the country especially as we approach the iowa caucus on monday. here's former acting dhs secretary chad wolf speaking with me on "fox news live" earlier today. >> i think what we have seen over the last three years is that the bite administration refuses to enforce border
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security specifically along the texas border, south texas, eagle pass and elsewhere. as of the governor of texas has got a decision to make he can let it occur continue to let these numbers creep up month by month or he can take some action to protect american communities and texans in texas communities and that's what he's doing right now. eric: matt finn is live right along the rio grande in eagle pass. matt, you say there are no emigimmigrants or migrants crosg exactly where you are so it seems to be working for now. what's the latest on the ground? >> we have no see state of texas has heavily fortified this area around me this exact spot where i'm standing typically had a lot of brush around it so there was not a lot of high visibility for the state have texas has removed all about brush it up two or three layers of the razor wire behind the national guard is all around me right now can clearly see into the river and into mexico on the opposite side the past couple of days we have not
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seen a large number of migrants cross into this park. however our crews have seen groups crossing upriver and down river. i spoke a short while ago to the texas military department. the texas national guard they say all of the port fortification does help to corral the migrants it may not stop them entirely but this does allow the texas national guard to keep their eye on the river and prevent migrants from crossing in this particular location. this park has been a hotspot for illegal immigration for the past two -- three years. our viewers may recognize that, recognize the bridge of pillars in the rio grande river i have stood here personally since 2021 and watch a countless number hundreds of thousands of migrants cross into this very park so this past week the state of texas said no more, kicked out the federal agents were kicked out the national guard and said we will take it from here. a short while ago our lucas tomlinson caught up with the president and asked with the ongoing crisis here.
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[inaudible] [inaudible] [inaudible] >> the president once again claiming there is not a crisis here along the southern border. but anyone you has the ability to come to this spot could witness the ongoing crisis here. the department of justice filed an emergency filing this past week arguing that federal agents need to regain access to this property. this is going to play out in the supreme court we could get a decision at any moment and perhaps federal agents could be allowed back on this property. but for right now they are not free. >> will soothe the supreme court says in the meantime you don't mess with texas. mmatt in eagle pass, thank you.
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meanwhile in new york city officials are considering a curfew for the migrants. those estate and shelters as a city has been trying to get a handle on it's a growing migrant crisis for the big apple not the only city struggling to find a solution as those migrants have overwhelmed some the shelters. bryan llenas now with more on that. >> look, how homeless people sin new york city shelters have a 10:00 p.m. curfew so new york city mayor eric adams has reportedly looking into implementing a similar curfew for the 69000 migrants currently under the city's care at more than 200 shelters but new yorkers living by these shelters have been complaining about crime and migrants knocking on doors begging for food, cash, and closed three texas governor greg abbott announced yesterday texas has sent over 100,000 migrants to six so-called sanctuary cities since april 2022. the most, 37000 transported to new york city followed by more than 30,000 to chicago.
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now chicago is struggling to contain the crisis to emit a admit awinter storm hundreds of migrants were forced to sleep inside warming buses this week with limited food and no access to showers. in the letter to abbott illinois governor illinois governor and said your callousness is sending buses and planes full of migrants in this weather is not life-threatening to every one of the arrivals. chicago's mayor is also blaming abbott. >> you know, it's certainly not acceptable for the governor to continue to send people to the chicago. this is what i said i believed back in august i think i said it may as well. without the federal government stepping in this is not sustainable. >> meanwhile the state of the main budgeted $3.5 million to provide 60 migrant families ripped free shelter for two years and luxury apartments. residents in maine and chicago are outraged.
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exit maine families are already struggling with finances and the economy. this is pouring salt in the wound. >> is this is a disaster. but we blame this on that mayor for allowing the sanctuary city in the migrants to come into chicago. so you welcomed them. >> governor abbott said this is the biden administration's bite, not his. sephora right, thank you, arthel. >> we are all great candidates. of course we have a lot of respect for donald trump and the job that he did as president. he carried i would twice. i think they all have passionate supporters for donald trump has a lot of them. so you have jo pay for former president donald trump seems to be headed towards a win and iowa as he maintains an unwavering lead in the polls.
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but brutally cold temperatures are forcing him to cancel three campaign events just two days out from the caucuses. now trump is urging his supporters to brave the frigid cold and show up to vote on monday. foxbusiness is live into line with the very latest, grady? >> hey arthel. obviously not ideal weather for any of the candidates trying to make a final push and reach as many caucus goers as possible before monday. the weather has forced all of the campaigns to change their plans over the last couple of days that includes former president trump who had forte rallies or events planned for this weekend and now that has been reduced to just one tomorrow. we should point out all of us canceled events were in rural parts of the state where the former president is counting on his most loyal supporters and first-time caucus goers to show up for him on monday.
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even before the concerns were growing about the brutally cold temps on caucus day and how that could impact turnout, a former president is urging his supporters not to get comp complacent. just last night on "truth social" he posted a video telling caucus goers who support him to show up on monday no matter the weather. >> one way or the other i'm getting there. that it had the worst weather i guess in recorded history. but maybe that's good because our people are more committed than anyone else would may be such a good thing for us. >> former president was in court twice in the last week. once in d.c. and once in new york. between those court appearances he was able to make it also between snowstorms as should point out he was able to make it here to des moines for the fox news town hall where he said this about his vp pick if he is the gop nominee. >> if you are the nominate which i know you expect to be a, who
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would be in the running for vice president? >> i can't say that really. i mean i know who's going to be requested give a hint? >> will do another show sometime. >> are right we will seabird sit florida governor desantis by the way is bashing former president trump for not being here and campaigning right now like all the other top gop candidates are but the former president in that andthat video we reference on "truth social" says he's going to do everything he can to get here sometime today for that event he has planned for tomorrow. arthel: are a arik grady trimblk you very much. eric: from of the deep freeze gripping the hawkeye state we wouldjust stop the threat that's posed by the extreme cold for the caucuses let's go to chief meteorologist rick who has the forecast and what is going to be like man, tell us about. >> i am impressed how well he was speaking project temperatures like that you're out there trying to talk the mouth starts to not work as well he is handling it really well.
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we've got the snow there i went to show you what air their area parts of the great lakes we have been really dry this winter so far as far as snow goes and the football game here, buffalo pittsburgh game postponed until monday because of the stoves wil be falling there. also another game in kansas, kansas city temps they are below zero. it's really dangerous conditions. now get towards iowa what we have the storm moved through its bringing out lake effect snow. windy conditions behind this and we have had so much snowfall. not just from this storm we had another storm earlier this week. take a look at the snow that's on the ground and iowa. we have a lot of the state well over a foot of snow for that the snow not going anywhere it's going to continue to blow around with the really strong winds. those wins right now making it feel like minus 42 in sheldon, iowa. spencer at minus 37 to get the idea it is really cold. tonight is probably going to be the coldest of the air mass that moves in your pre-watch the forecast wind chill's come in by the time you get into the
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overnight hours f for like minus 42, and sioux falls minus 45 go tomorrow into tomorrow night we are going to be warming up a little bit where it feels like minus 30 may be or so. go to the day on monday. we've got temperatures zero or below and these are the high temperatures for overnight low temperatures into the teens. will be feeling like minus 20 or so, so if you are going to get her to caucus, do it but do it safely. make sure to pack extra blankets in her car in case something happens your car and cover up every inch of skin that's exposed make sure you're not exposed you don't have problemsf frostbite. eric: that's important have some extra water if you knew that be extra careful if you're caucusing on monday. arthel: guys, as iowa braces for record cold caucus day former president trump said he is sure his supporters will turn out. ron desantis is just as confident as he fights for second place with nikki haley.
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vivek ramaswamy also braving the elements for the state gop chair is confident islands are not afraid of the freezing cold. next i think i'll winds, they are concerned for what is going on in d.c. i think for some of their excitement for individual candidates i think quite frankly the hunger to hear from those candidates will more time is the difference between a caucus of the primary, they get to hear the pitch will more time i think that's going to bring them out. we have a right dr. lauren wright is an associate research scholar and lecturer on politics and public affairs at princeton university. she joins me, does team trump have a reason to worry of voter turnout is low? and do islands care he has limited his appearance this weekend and says he's going to try to get there. we will see but conversely is there another candidate who could surgeon iowa? >> well, trump has a big lead and so he has got a little more
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cushion than everyone else. he can come to the state a little bit later. he does not have to depend as much on a ground game, volunteers, transportation because he is just so popular and is so far ahead. however there is a possibility the weather could depress turnout over all. i do not see it benefiting a one candidate over the other necessarily. they are all sorted through the same thing they're all encouraging their supporters to get out there and braved the cold there all canceling events. it might uniformly depress turnout but i cannot see one candidate benefiting from it whether it's trump or someone else. arthel: so if the weather prevents trump from living up to expectations there and iowa, that have any bearing on expectations of the new hampshire primary? >> it could mix it up a little bit. but the margins here are so
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extraordinary and that is really why the polling is informative in this case because it is very consistent. trump has been a 50% and above for a long time and iowa. but with haley and desantis i don't really know who's going to come out on top. in 2016 trump was about five points ahead of ted cruz heading into iowa and marco rubio was about 17%. sort of work haley and desantis have been battling it out and then of course we know cruz pulled ahead, then it was trump, then it was rubio all within three points of each other so yes, there may be a tightening but they were close before in 2016 when t on trump assembly sr ahead. he h is customer and they don't have. >> alright so meanwhile in new hampshire independence are allowed to vote in the republican or democratic pri primary, not both but those are
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the legitimate rules so could independence in new hampshire change the direction of the gop challenge? >> i think they could have a big impact for the second and third place candidate. but there really are not many independence. they are not as passionate and committed as gop registered voters who have done this for years and want to turn out. it's possible on the margins there could be in effect. my guess is probably not something extraordinary. probably not something that has not already been baked in to some of the predictions there but it's a really good point it could affect the second and third and fourth place people. arthel: meanwhile the republican national convention is still six months away from now. is it a foregone conclusion trump will be the nominate or do
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you anticipate any prices? >> that is my best guess, arthel. of course we don't know what's going to happen one 100%. the variables that are relevant are these legal cases. maybe some other scandal or unanticipated research comes out the shakes up things a bit in the iowa new hampshire primaries are important because the candidates to comment second, third we use that to their advantage particulate ron desantis if he manages to pull off a second because it nikki haley has been getting all of the oxygen and all the attention lately wedn and today it looks e been here the whole time i can spend that positively as a bill clinton cell comeback kid. but iowa is make or break for his team. which is pretty extensive and the ground game is ted cruz's ground game he visited all 99 counties. he might be one to watch.
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or haley in new hampshire if she wins like she think she's going too. i always appreciate your analysis will talk to them very soon. dr. lauren wright thank you take care. >> sounds good. eric: will have much more from i would live reports from the campaign trail for you on the latest. meantime tension rising in the middle east as today marks 100 years since the hamas terrorist attack against israel. this as a writing back houthis are going to respond to the o strikes in yemen will have no reaction from the white house and analysis here on "fox news live." (♪) book in the app to find your perfect somewhere.
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>> from the river to the sea. palestine will be free. see if our lord turn on capitol for march on washington for gaza protest. dozens of speakers calling for an end to what they gaza pushing the biden administration to call for a cease-fire. some others are asking why don't they demand the same from the terrorist of hamas? senior correspondent mike emanuel live with the demonstrates on the streets of d.c. >> eric, good afternoon.
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protesters cal convert into the military action in gaza. a cease-fire demanding the united states sto stop supportig the military action for the crowded been huge and passionate all afternoon long. people bused in from as far away as minnesota, wisconsin, florida and texas. the timing of this event is nearly 100 days of war in gaza. some speakers have made reference to doctor martin luther king holiday as what one highlighting doctor king's famous line injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere. protesters are here for a variety of reasons some are clearly pro- palestinian. others are from antiwar organizations. we have been asking them why many have traveled to be here today. >> i feel that it is our duty as people, as human beings to come and support palestinians. there are other human beings and they deserve to live they do not deserve to live in occupation ainfear every single day.
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the things you see in the news, the stories you hear his heart breaking into not coming not do anything is unacceptable. >> we expected this rally and march to end up near the white house it is important to note president biden is not here this weekend he is at camp david but clearly a lot of folks want policymakers here in washington to hear their perspective bricks alright mike, thanks so much. arthel: this morning around 3:0n the u.s. carried out another strike. this time on a radar site used by i run back houthis rebels to attack commercial ships in the red sea. the latest strike coming about a day after u.s. and british forces with the help of other allied nations carried out a sophisticated assault on trent eight targets across yemen britt lucas tomlinson live at the white house with the latest. >> arthel, officials say that
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strike this morning was a mop up the radar installation was not completely destroyed the called the uss carney got at missile destroyer on station in the red sea and fire the tomahawk's the 500-pound warheads on each of those missiles to completely annihilate the target. many people are wondering in washington perhaps her view is run the country in the world, why it is a running back proxy group were not designated terrorist group by the state department question ricky recalled joe biden not long after taking office as president remove them on the foreign terrorist organization list. >> eveready delivered theeverlye to iran and they know. >> there bombing the houthis. [inaudible] >> we will make sure we respond they continue this outrageous behavior along with our allies. [inaudible] >> i think they are. >> of the just mentioned u.s. forces carried out another strike early this morning and yemen guided missile destroyer uss carney firing tom hara
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cruise missiles to complete destroyed the radar site and yemen. not everyone was on board for democratic congressman tweeting quote section 2c of the war powers act is clear. potus may only introduce the u.s. into hostilities after congressional authorization are in a national emergency when the u.s. is under imminent attack. this is a retaliatory offensive strike and here is the reaction early from congressman from both sides of the aisle earlier on fox. rex i do not agree with all respect to him, article two also allows for the president to exercise these kinds of attacks based on the fact we are in defense mode. we have been attacked as have many of our allies been attacked. our civilian economy is being threatened and i think it's fully appropriate for the present no matter who the president is to act in this way
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for. >> a day late a dollar short but it's better late than never there are at least taking some aggressive action because we have two project strengths in the world. >> there are reports to john kerry the presidents climate envoy is leaving the administration taking his talents to the campaign. for those reports about former president barack obama's telling the president and his staff they need a little more heft on the campaign trail so this is it unconfirmed report seeing john kerry on the campaign trail might be next to the biden administration is part of the lee election reelection campaign in 2024. >> we can hear the march on washington for gaza just a few blocks away from where you are. >> it's right over there right in front of lafayette square. >> alrighall right lucas tomlin, thank you. eric: massive protests and yemen in support of the iranian back houthis rebels after two days of that us-led airstrikes latest round of attacks from the u.s., the uk and our allies have
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boosted houthis popularity and yemen and throughout the middle east. look at that crowd. critics are questioning whether the strikes will actually stop attacks on those commercial ships in the red sea or it will embolden them to continue question whispering a national security military analyst doctor rebecca grant also a fox news contributor. dr. grant, always good to see it. these strikes too little too late? or is it the start of what should have been done already? >> it should have been done weeks ago. but i like what i saw. these are fairly hefty strikes. the pentagon is talking very confidently they say they know exactly what the houthis have been doing to target the red sea shipping and clearly that is what the strikes went after including the follow-up. the big question is will this be enough to make the houthis cool it on the drones and missile strikes? if not i think central command
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has plenty left on the target list. >> 's before we say plenty left what potentially could be next and what could stop the houthis from these attacks? >> really that is the question. did the strikes get enough of their targeting capability, their drone launch facilities, their surveillance of the red sea? didn't break the communication links? and frankly didn't scare off the drone operators who were launching this stuff that so they don't want to do it again? was it enough? it's just going to be time will tell if the international shippers are ready to go back up into the red sea. eric: we saw the video of the massive protestant yemen for the houthis. the houthis chief chanted during that protest americas the devil but america is your enemy. america is terrorism.
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i mean look at that crowd in yemen that showed up for the houthis what does this do for houthis? how does this embolden them? and how does that affect or bolster ironic? exactly. i am not surprised all of this squawking by the houthis leadership they took over the 2015 over and yemen that is straight out of iran's playbook. a lot of it is to score political points on their own free do not forget they are in a back channel peace negotiation with saudi arabia so they are always looking to score propaganda points against the saudi's to impress iran. on the houthis want to be seen as a legitimate state that runs yemen. so of course there out in the streets like this. but again the real issue in the pentagon will be watching, what about the houthis military anti- ritchie red sea shipping capabilities have been gone they gonearound the surgery qt?
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>> up their back drinking tea or worse. doctor rebecca grant always good to see you thank you for your analysis. arthel: eric, thank you. another state court weighs in on whether the former president can appear on the 2024 ballots. white one state said it is not ready to ban him just yet. plus nikki haley making a final push in iowa i had of the caucuses. wwe are live with the haley campaign up next. i brought in ensure max protein with 30 grams of protein! those who tried me felt more energy in just two weeks. -ugh. -here, i'll take that. woo hoo! ensure max protein, 30 grams protein, 1 gram sugar, 25 vitamins and minerals. and a new fiber blend with a prebiotic. (♪) dude? dog food in the fridge? it's not dog food. it's freshpet. real meat. real veggies. real weird.
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into telephone town halls over zoom but she is back in person on the campaign trail today. live in des moines with the very latest on her campaign. >> that is right. nikki haley is physically back on the campaign trail she is on her way to davenport right now. she was in cedar falls this morning and then joined by congresswoman ashley hinson and iowa city. now hinson has not endorsed her or anyone else really for that matter shall be if governor desantis actually tomorrow she is just out here trying get islands to come out and caucus turn out the vote. now haley had to replace oliver in person events yesterday to telephone town halls because of the bad weather. i'm told by the campaign they are still able to reach 1000 caucus goers to the tele- town halls they call a big success and they don't feel like they lost any time reaching voters. today she getting face-to-face interaction again.
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>> all eyes are on iowa. and you get it. you know the responsibility that comes with being first. you know you're setting the tone to where the country's going to be. >> we are waiting for the big "des moines register" poll to come out. that comes out later tonight but haley is already surging in iowa according to a recent suffolk university poll she is in second now she is cool 22% that is nine points ahead of governor desantis. back out here it live i met smitty's. it's a really popular diner here in des moines for talking politics. a lot of folks come out before the caucus it has been very slow here today because of the weather. i am here at ana who works here. i been talking with her all day. ana, tell me compared to previous caucuses, you have had very few people come in. >> i would say business is a little down today due to the blizzard that we just had. but i worried about monday
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night? x no i think it will be great. people want to caucus and get their voice or to they'll go out for perchlorate sounds good thank you very much will send it back to you. seaport smitty's is famous for their tenderloin since 1952. have some forest requests i will bring you one. great thanks. arthel: i will take 12. organ is the latest date to weigh in on efforts to boot donald trump from the 2024 ballot. the oregon supreme court declining an opportunity to hear a case cited lack of authority to hear the issue in the primary stage. richard st. paul is a civil rights attorney and member of the republican trial lawyers association. so oregon state supreme court decided to keep the former president on the ballot to the court get it right? >> i think the court did get it right. colorado swung over to the supreme court. it's basically former president
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trump could be removed from the ballot. that is going over to the u.s. supreme court. the timeline on this is very tight. february 8 u.s. supreme court to sponsor the colorado case progress give me one second period richard let me set up what you are talking about. but they are going to expand on organ but let me set this up so evans on the same page that we have read section iii of the 14th amendment prohibits those engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the constitution from holding office the last month colorado you just mentioned ruled tru trumps rolen the generate sixth attack on the capitol dcapitol disqualifies hm the presidency. in the u.s. supreme court has never ruled on section iii. however the colorado cases set for oral argument as you were just mentioning a february 8. so do you think the supreme court will or should rule on the colorado case?
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>> i think the supreme court should rule for the only reason i think the supreme court should rule is to stop the shenanigans that are going on in these courts trying to accuse the former president of rebellion in insurrection without having to process. due process. due process is absently key for the presidents to have in order to determine whether he engaged in insurrection and rebellion. without that you cannot move this case forward for that is where the arguments has made in colorado. i think the u.s. supreme court should rule on this simply to stop this from happening in other courts in the u.s. arthel: you expect them to rule everything the former president should remain on all ballots at this juncture in the race? >> absolutely, absolutely. and let's face it. these legal processes against a fthe former president have had o impact on his bullying.
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let the american people decide whether or not former president trump should become the president. not try to take these unprecedented actions in court accusing him without due process of insurrection or rebellion that is just ridiculous. we are a country of laws in these pushers to make absurd arguments are ridiculous. let the people decide this is a democracy. arthel: it is unprecedented because we are and unprecedented times for to want to show a map of 27 states that supports trump in the ballot battle he's got the ag's of th the states they support him. they predicted chaos if he is removed from the ballot. you have already said at this juncture the ballot box out the courtroom, is the place to settle the score what do you make of the prediction of chaos what is that mean to you? x absolutely. wyou have 27 state attorney general's who sent the court at
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amicus brief basically said this is the position we seek and this is why we seek it. it is saying that if you think about it this is the tight timeline for colorado for a february 8 the supreme court is supposed to hear the case be febrile 11th belts go out. can we imagine getting these decisions throughout different states and the ballots are already out and they said we should pull the president off these particular ballots. it is chaos, it is confusion. at the democratic process, let the people decide too. there is a time and place for things to come to the court, this is not the time and place for things to come especially given the former president due process. we felt all right richard st. paul we believe they are. thank you very much. >> thank you always good to see you. stay for and the moment will go back to iowa or former florida governor desantis is embracing the underdog label as he starts
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for a strong finish in the caucuses will have the latest live from his campaign straight ahead here aing t live on "fox e live."? christian health care ministries could save you up to 40% today. as a member, you can choose your provider without network restrictions. sign up at your convenience with our anytime enrollment. join a christian community that supports each other's medical expenses, offering peace of mind as you prioritize what's most important. enroll now at your chm dot org
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arthel: mother nature interfering with the nfl playoffs tomorrow's wildcard playoff game in buffalo is postponed as a major blizzard approaches. the pittsburgh steelers were set to play the buffalo bills tomorrow. the game it will now be played monday at the earliest. that region is bracing for high wind gusts it up to 2 feet of snow for it officials warn that visibility could be near zero they are urging people to stay off the roads after sundown tonight. so where that's at the only place is being reported this are the extreme weather hitting the midwest where the deep-freeze could threaten a number of people who turn out for the caucus in iowa on monday. florida governor desantis is confident his supporters will show up. today the governors making a
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final sprint across the state to rally. bill melugin and i will with the very latest. correct eric, good afternoon florida governor desantis just finished speaking at event here in west des moines moments ago is waiting to have a press gaggle about 10 yards behind our camera right now in a campaign event earlier today in council bluffs as well we can put video from that event. take a look at a decent crowd there as well still having the event despite the cold temperatures in the blizzard warnings. his supporters have been canvassing this state his mom flew out from florida was actually knocking on doors out here in iowa and 2 degrees weather earlier today selling his supporters he feels donald trump has been gaslight in the public when he said the other night that desantis was a fan of dr. fauci for desantis responding to trump again today, take a listen. >> it's one thing to try to change a record it's another thing to try to gaslight people. when he is saying that to you he thanks you're stupid.
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he does not think you can realize that what he is saying is totally totally false. >> in the polls right now showed desantis behind trump and nikki haley the governor says don't listen to those polls he said they cannot be trusted it's in the caucus system. its neighbors getting out and meeting with each other but the weather also might throw a wrench into what's going on. he is leading on his ground game desantis has visited all 99 counties here and i always got the endorsement of the popular republican governor out here in iowa, kim reynolds read his campaign or the super pacs as it knocked out 900 30,000 doors and the state of iowa. supporters we talked to say he is the right man at the right time, take a listen. country is divided may need less division in the country. somehow he did that in florida hopefully can do the same thing nationally. >> there are still plenty of undecided voters out there for just before the desantis event began we had a man named brian
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came up to us tells he's undecided trying to cite him as a caucus for former president trump or governor desantis we told him check in with us after the event and let us know your head is that he came up to me five minutes ago told me governor desantis has earned his vote he plans to caucus for desantis come monday night. >> bill, before i let you go most of our viewers are familiar with you at the southern border. it's 68 degrees in eagle pass right now it is 4 degrees where you are, we have never seen it in a park with a coat and hat what's it like for you? >> it is by far the coldest weather i've experienced in my life appeared unused to 110 degrees out the southern border this is been a big difference and is only supposed to get worse. they are talking wind chills in the negative 30s next week but sorry bill will check in with you, be right back. here's to... one year bolder. ♪ ♪boost♪ nutrition for now.
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towards more gas powered cars to meet up with customer demands. if you look at the hertz website right now where they are selling some of these cars, some tesla's aren't listed for as low as $20000. >> hurts in their filing seems to indicate it comes down to money. to cost. ev's cost a lot more to repair those battery packs are extremely offensive. >> back in 2020 when hurts committed to buying 100,000 teslas to build up its ev fleets. but in 2022 in the beginning of 2023 the cost of tesla started to drop and now it is impacting cost for the rental car company. the hertz ceo said in an interview last week that earlier this week the demand for ev's is not happening as quickly as they expected and at a level that justifies keeping a fleet that large. hertz says the sale of these cars will bring in route
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$245 million and arthel, this is all happening as a byte administration is granting $623 million for electric vehicle charging station nationwide. suit. arthel: madison thank you for watching us. but about two years ago, i realized she was overweight. she was always out of breath. that's when i decided to introduce the farmer's dog to her diet. it's just so fresh that she literally gets bubbles in her mouth. now she's a lot more active, she's able to join us on our adventures. and we're all able to do things as a family. ♪ get started at i have moderate to severe crohn's disease. now, there's skyrizi. ♪ things are looking up, i've got symptom relief. ♪ ♪ control of my crohn's means everything to me. ♪ ♪ control is everything to me. ♪ feel significant symptom relief at 4 weeks with skyrizi,
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